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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Decay of Macroalgae and Leaves and Their Relation to Detrital Food Webs

Grandinetti, Megan E 01 April 2016 (has links)
This project addressed if decaying macroalgae and leaf detritus play a major role in the detrital pool of a 7th-order karst riverine system. Decay rates, macroinvertebrates colonization patterns, and change in δ13C values of Cladophora, Platanus occidentalis, and a mix of Acer negundo and A. saccharinum were tracked during summer and autumn months for portions of multiple years. Packs of air-dried Cladophora, Acer, and P. occidentalis were placed in mesh bags and put in groups (n=4) in wire baskets. Seven baskets were submerged in riffle (0.5 m) and deeper run (2 m) habitats. Benthic organic matter was collected with each pack to see if there was a correlation with δ13C signatures of decaying macroproducers to help understand what is entering the detrital food web. Summer 2014 Cladophora and Acer were significantly faster to breakdown than Platanus in both habitats. In autumn‒spring 2014‒2015, Cladophora was significantly faster to breakdown than leaves. Isotopic values of Cladophora were not significantly different than leaves in summer 2014 but were significantly more δ13Cdepleted in the autumn‒spring 2014‒2015. There were no significant differences in macroinvertebrate abundance between the macroproducers for either season. Cladophora had significantly lower macroinvertebrate richness in both seasons, lower shredder abundance, but a significantly higher abundance of clingers. The mean δ13C values of benthic detritus were significantly different than all three macroproducers in the summer and significantly different than Cladophora in the run treatment for autumn‒spring. Seasonality had a strong influence on breakdown rates, leading to greater mass loss of all three species in the warm summer months compared to the cooler autumn‒spring months. The low macroinvertebrate richness and shredder abundance on the decaying macroalga suggests Cladophora may not be consumed by macroinvertebrates but used strictly as habitat. The implication of rapid Cladophora decay during warm seasons, plus few colonizing macroinvertebrate taxa, is that the decaying macroalgae may not pass through a decomposer food web before being remineralized as CO2.

Decomposition of leaf litter in headwater streams. : Effects of changes in the environment and contribution of microbial and shredder activity on litter decomposition.

Lidman, Johan January 2015 (has links)
Headwaters, which are the most common stream order in the landscape, are mostly dependent on energy produced in the terrestrial system, largely consisting of leaf litter from riparian vegetation. The aim of this study was to investigate the decomposition in headwaters of leaf litter from three native (alder, birch, spruce) and one non-native (lodgepole pine) species and how decomposition responds to changes in the environment. Further, microbial and shredder influences on leaf-litter decomposition and aquatic decomposer ability to adapt to non-native species was investigated. By using field-data from this study, calculations were made to assess if microbes and shredders are resource limited. Litterbags were placed in 20 headwater streams in northern Sweden that varied in water chemistry, stream physical characteristics and riparian vegetation. The results revealed that species litter decomposition of different plant species was affected differently by changes in environmental variables. Alder and birch decomposition were positively associated, whereas lodgepole pine deviated from the other species in decomposition and its relationship with important environmental variables, indicating that the ability of the boreal aquatic systems to decompose litter differs between introduced and native species. When including macroinvertebrates, shredder fragmentation generally increased decomposition, but was not significant for all sites. Resource availability for microbes and shredders was controlled by litter input, and no risk of resource limitations was evident during the study period. These findings highlight a complexity of the decomposition process that needs to be considered when predicting changes due to human activities.


Biasi, Cristiane 08 March 2013 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / In low-order freshwater ecosystems, macroinvertebrates have an important role in nutrient cycling, as they participate in the shredding of detritus, which are the main energy source for the trophic chain in these systems. This study aims to investigate the macroinvertebrate fauna associated to leaves of different plant species with different concentrarions of LigCel:N. Thus, we carried out four treatments. The first included Casearea sylvestris leaves and the second a mixture of C. sylvestris, Rollinia emarginata, Phytolacca dioica and Cabralea canjerana leaves. The third treatment consisted of Ficus luschnathiana leaves, and the fourth of a mixture of Trema micrantha, Inga alata, Cupania vernalis and F. luschnathiana leaves. The litter bags were used for the experiments, each containing 4.0 ± 0.1 g of leaves and after 7, 14, 21 and 28 days of incubation in the streams, four litter bags of each treatment were retrieved and analyzed. The leaves were washed for the removal of invertebrates, dried (30ºC) and destined for ergosterol analyses. All organisms were identified to the lowest possible taxonomic level and then classified in functional groups, according to feeding habits. Density of organisms, biomass and richness (through rarefaction) were determined, analyzed with a two-way ANOVA and then checked for correlations with fungal biomass using a Pearsons s Correlation test. Faunal composition was analyzed through MANOVA, NMDS, Cluster analysis and Indicator Species analysis. Significant differences were found among the treatments for macroinvertebrate density and Chironomidae density. The lower nutritional quality species (F. luschnathiana) presented the highest density and fungal biomass values and, consequently, the highest dry mass loss rate. We verified correlation between the density of organisms and fungal biomass. With this study, we verified that the macroinvertebrate community, as a whole, and also the Chironomidae specifically, are influenced by heterogeneity of the detritus and its chemical composition. However, microbial conditioning seems to be more important for this association, since it can increase the nutritional value of species typically considered of low palatability. / Em ecossistemas aquáticos de pequena ordem os macroinvertebrados têm importante papel na ciclagem de nutrientes, pois participam da fragmentação de detritos, que constituem fonte de energia para a cadeia trófica. Este trabalho visou estudar a fauna de macroinvertebrados associados a diferentes espécies vegetais com diferentes teores de LigCel:N. Assim, trabalhamos com quatro tratamentos. O primeiro tratamento compreendeu a espécie Casearia sylvestris e o segundo uma mistura de C. sylvestris, Rollinia emarginata, Phytolacca dioica e Cabralea canjerana. O terceiro tratamento teve a espécie Ficus luschnathiana e o quarto tratamento uma mistura das espécies Trema micrantha, Inga alata, Cupania vernalis e F. luschnathiana. Para o experimento, foram utilizados litter bags contendo 4,0±0,1 g de folhas e após 7, 14, 21 e 28 de incubação nos riachos, quatro litter bags de cada tratamento foram retirados e analisados. As folhas foram lavadas para a remoção dos invertebrados, secas (30°C) e destinadas à análise de ergosterol. Os organismos foram identificados até menor nível taxonômico possível e classificados em categorias alimentares funcionais. Calculamos a densidade de organismos, biomassa e riqueza rarefeita, que foram comparadas com análise ANOVA two-way e correlacionadas com a biomassa de fungos por meio de Correlação Linear de Pearson. A composição da fauna foi analisada por meio de análise de agrupamento, NMDS, MANOVA e Análise de espécies indicadoras. Encontramos diferença na densidade de macroinvertebrados e Chironomidae entre os tratamentos, sendo que a espécie de baixa qualidade (F. luschnathiana) apresentou maior densidade, maior biomassa de fungos e consequentemente a maior perda de massa seca. Verificamos correlação entre a densidade de organismos e a biomassa de fungos. Com este estudo verificamos que a comunidade de macroinvertebrados e especificamente os Chironomidae são influenciados pela heterogeneidade vegetal e a qualidade química do detrito. Entretanto, o condicionamento microbiano parece ser mais importante para esta associação, pois pode promover qualidade nutricional para as espécies de baixa palatabilidade.

Coarse detritus in oligotrophic lake littoral zones : utilization by intervertebrates and contribution to carbon flow

Bohman, Irene January 2005 (has links)
Syftet med denna avhandling är att öka förståelsen av hur grovt organiskt material, sk grovdetritus, tex löv och makrofytrester, bryts ner i sjöars strandzoner. Motivet bakom intresset för detta är att små näringsfattiga sjöar i skogsrika områden ofta är beroende av tillförsel av energi utifrån och att nedbrytningen av grovdetritus är relativt lite undersökt i sjöar. Utifrån tillförd detritus, i löst och partikulär form kan utgöra extra energikälla för sjöekosystem, men bara om några organismer kan tillgodogöra sig detta organiska material. I sötvatten kan sådana organismer vara bakterier, svampar och ryggradslösa djur. Under nedbrytningsförloppet produceras en mängd mellanprodukter som kan användas av andra konsumenter tex fisk. På så sätt återcirkuleras energi och näring från detritus utan fullständig nedbrytning. Vidare har det föreslagits att hög biodiversitet kan resultera i hög ekosystemfunktion, t ex effektiv nedbryning. Därför kan studier av både samhällen och enskilda arter av nedbrytare öka förståelsen av förändringar i hela ekosystemets funktion. Inom ramen för avhandlingen har jag studerat vilka arter som deltar i nedbrytningen av grovdetritus och vilka möjliga vägar för det fortsatta nyttjandet av detta material som finns. Jag har särskilt betonat det säsongsmässiga mönstret för omsättningen av grovdetritus och för tillgängligheten av mellanprodukter. Resultaten visar att både mikroorganismer och ryggradslösa djur successivt processar tillgängligt grovt organiskt material under hela året. Viktminskningsmönstret över året hos löv och makrofytrester är nära kopplat till förekomst och tillväxt hos olika arter av nedbrytande ryggradslösa djur, sk fragmenterare. Av de vanligaste förekommande tio arterna fragmenterare, var nio nattsländelarver. Därför drar jag slutsatsen att dessa arter av nattsländelarver spelar en avgörande roll för omsättningen av grovdetritus i sjöstränder i sydöstra Sverige. Samtidigt visar resultaten att sötvattengråsuggan spelar mindre roll för nedbrytningen av grovdetritus än förväntat. Denna art föredrar andra födoämnen åtminstone under våren och undviker de grunda bottnarna där grovdetritus finns under vintern. I laboratorieexperiment har jag visat att nedbrytning av löv i närvaro av fragmenterare huvudsakligen ger upphov till två olika produkter: löst organiskt material och finpartikulära rester. Därmed har jag visat att fragmenterare kan omsätta grovdetritus snabbare än mikroorganismer. Slutsatsen blir att mikroorganismernas kvantitativa bidrag till nedbrytning av grov grovdetritus är beroende av mängden fragmenterare. Jag har också visat att olika kombinationer detritussorter och fragmenterararter kan påverka när olika nedbryningsprodukter blir tillgängliga för andra organismer. Sammanfatningsvis har jag visat att grovdetritus är en attraktiv födoresurs för ryggradslösa djur i näringsfattiga sjöars strandzoner, precis som i små bäckar. Dessutom visar jag att de arter av fragmenterare som är speciella för sjöar, tillsammans omsätter tillgängligt grovdetritus i ett finskaligt tidsmönster över året. Detta mönster har utvecklats genom anpassning till trädens lövfällning och nedvissningen av vattenväxter som sker på hösten i vårt klimat. Jag vill också betona att ökade kunskaper om nedbrytning av grovdetritus krävs för att kunna förutsäga effekter av olika störningar i dessa ekosystem. Slutligen rekommenderar jag att nedbrytningshastigheten för grovdetritus testas som mått på ekosystemfunktion också i sjöar. / The general aim of this thesis was to increase the understanding of the mechanisms behind coarse detritus turnover in oligotrophic lake littoral zones. The reason for this interest is that small lakes located in forested areas often display dependence on detritus based energy sources, both external and internal. Additionally, in lake ecosystems the coarse detritus resource has been comparatively less studied than in streams. Both dissolved and particulate external detritus constitute extra energy contribution to ecosystems, but only if some organisms can assimilate the provided matter. The most common capable organisms to do so in freshwaters are bacteria, fungi and invertebrates, and they return a variety of intermediary products available for other consumers. Further, it has been suggested that a positive relation between species diversity and ecosystem function exists. Therefore the study of both community and individual species of decomposers may provide information significant to understand changes in ecosystem function. Within the outline of the thesis, I studied what species are involved in the processing of coarse detritus carbon and what are the key routes for the further use of this littoral carbon. I specially emphasize the temporal pattern of the detritus turnover and the availability of decomposition products to other organisms in the lake ecosystem. The results showed that microorganisms and invertebrates in the lake littoral zone successively process carbon from coarse detritus during the whole year. The weight loss from coarse detritus displayed a seasonal distinctive pattern temporally connected to shredder appearance and growth. Therefore, I emphasize the key role of certain trichopteran shredder species for litter processing in lakes in this region, southeast Sweden. At the same time, the shredder function of Asellus aquaticus was less important than expected. A. aquaticus was shown to utilize of a quite broad range of food sources and to prefer other habitats during the main decomposition period for leaf litter. In the laboratory I discovered that the decomposition of leaf litter principally results in two products, DOM from passive leakage and FPOM from active leaf litter processing by shredders. The experiment showed that shredders have the potential to consume leaf litter resources before microbial decomposition influence litter weight considerably. Thus, the quantitative importance of microorganisms (fungi and/or bacteria) for leaf litter turnover is suggested to directly depend on density of shredders in lake littoral zones of the kind studied. I have also shown that the combination of detritus types and invertebrate processor species influence the temporal accessibility of intermediate decomposition products. I conclude that coarse detritus is an attractive food resource for invertebrates also in small oligotrophiclakes like it is in smaller streams. I also conclude, that the lake specific set of shredder species recycle this carbon resource yearly in a fine-scaled temporal sequence - adapted to the predictable seasonal variation of detritus quality on these latitudes. Further, I stress the importance of increased knowledge of decomposing processes before predicting the effects of disturbance on this kind of widespread freshwater systems. Finally, I propose that the decomposition rate of coarse detritus should be tested as an assessment tool for integrating disturbances on ecosystem functions in small oligotrophic lakes, respecting the unique lake characteristics.


Cogo, Gláucia Bolzan 24 February 2012 (has links)
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The objective of this study was to determine the plant alloctonous material input and its processing by shredders in the Caranguejo Creek, a first order Neotropical stream. In order to do so, three experiments were performed. To verify the plant alloctonous material input, five suspended and ten lateral leaf-collectors were installed in the study area. Two samplings were made each season of the year, with a total of approximately 15 sampling days for each season. Input was higher in the suspended collectors than in the lateral ones. There was no difference in input amongst the seasons, and the annual input was of 1.254 g.m-2.year-1. Leaves were the most abundant material, comprising 61,38% of the sample, followed by twigs (29,15%) and others (9,46%). To evaluate the role of decapod crustaceans in shredding, channels containing litter bags of Ficus luschnathiana leaves were placed within the creek. Two types of channels were used, one allowing the decapods to access the leaves, and the other preventing it. Both types had the litter bags accessible to other invertebrates that integrated the stream community. The leave s decomposition rate was faster in the presence of decapods, indicating their potential as shredders. Besides accelerating the decomposition rates, the presence of decapods altered the community composition and density of individuals associated with the litter bags. The density of the macroinvertebrates was higher in the absence of decapods. The most representative functional feeding group were the collectors. The typical shredders were represented by the families Gripopterygidae e Sericostomatidae, comprising 4% of the total. The decapods species found in the study area are the anomuran Aegla longirostri, in higher densities, and the crayfish Parastacus pilimanus. In order to verify the percentage of alloctonous leaves that A. longirostri is capable of processing, an experiment was conducted in the laboratory. Leaves of different species, collected in the creek, were offered to the individuals, and its consume recorded. There was no difference in leaf consumption between adults (males and females), but there was a difference among these and the juveniles. Adults consumed a mean of 0,0175 (± 0,005)g of leaves per day, and the juveniles consumed 0,010 (± 0,002)g/day. With the data concerning leaf input, the daily leaf consumption rates and the information on the density of the aeglids, at the study site, it was possible to estimate that this population of A. longirostri is able to process approximately 6,14% of the leaves that fall in the creek. These results show that Caranguejo Creek is a location that receives many types of vegetal organic matter, through input from the riparian vegetation, that will be consumed by the aquatic community. Besides, the area possesses low abundance of insect shredders, and therefore the decapod crustaceans present a highlighted importance as shredders. / Este estudo tem como objetivo determinar o aporte de material alóctone vegetal e o seu processamento por fragmentadores na Sanga do Caranguejo, um riacho neotropical de primeira ordem. Para tanto foram realizados três experimentos. Para verificar o aporte de material alóctone vegetal foram instalados na área de estudo 5 coletores suspensos e 10 coletores laterais. Foram realizadas duas coletas por estação do ano, totalizando aproximadamente 15 dias por estação. O aporte foi maior nos coletores suspensos do que nos coletores laterais. Não houve diferença no aporte entre as estações do ano e o aporte anual foi de 1,254 g.m-2.ano-1. As folhas foram o material mais abundante com cerca de 61,38%, seguido pelos galhos (29,15%) e outros (9,46%). Para analisar a importância de crustáceos decápodos na fragmentação, foram colocados no riacho canais com sacos de detritos de Ficus luschnathiana. Havia dois tipos de canais, um que permitia o acesso dos decápodos às folhas e outro que restringia o seu acesso, mas ambos permitiam o acesso de outros macroinvertebrados presentes na comunidade aquática do local. A taxa de decomposição das folhas foi mais rápida na presença dos decápodos, indicando o potencial deste grupo como fragmentador. Além de acelerar a taxa de decomposição a presença dos decápodos alterou a comunidade e a densidade de indivíduos associados aos sacos de detritos. A densidade de indivíduos foi maior na ausência dos decápodos. O grupo trófico funcional mais representativo foi o dos coletores, os tipicamente fragmentadores foram representados pelas famílias Gripopterygidae e Sericostomatidae, representando 4% do total. As espécies de decápodos encontrados na área de estudo são o anomuro Aegla longirostri, em maior densidade, e o lagostim Parastacus pilimanus. Para verificar a porcentagem de folhas alóctone que A. longirostri é capaz de processar foi realizado um experimento em laboratório. Folhas de diferentes espécies, coletadas no riacho, foram oferecidas aos indivíduos e o seu consumo foi registrado. Não houve diferença no consumo de folhas entre os adultos (machos e fêmeas), mas houve diferença entre estes e os juvenis. Os adultos consumiram em média 0,0175 (± 0,005) gramas de folhas por dia e os juvenis 0,010 (± 0,002). A partir dos dados de aporte de folhas, o consumo diário de folhas e os dados sobre a densidade de eglídeos no local de estudo, foi possível estimar que a população de A. longirostri pode processar aproximadamente 6,14% das folhas que caem no riacho. Esses resultados indicam que a Sanga do Caranguejo é um local que, através da vegetação ripária, recebe diferentes materiais vegetais que serão utilizados pela comunidade aquática, além disso, possui reduzida abundância de insetos fragmentadores e tem como principais fragmentadores os crustáceos decápodos.

Macroinvertebrados aquáticos na decomposição de plantas C3 e C4 em riachos da Serra do Mar, SP : comparação entre floresta e pastagem / Aquatic macroinvertebrates in the breakdown of C3 and C4 plants in streams of Serra do Mar, SP: comparison between forest and grassland

Augusto, Fernanda Gaudio 29 September 2015 (has links)
Em riachos de cabeceira florestados, o aporte de material vegetal da zona ripária é de suma importância, pois sua decomposição disponibiliza nutrientes para um sistema de baixa produtividade primária. Mudanças no uso do solo têm forte influência na abundância e composição do material vegetal alóctone disponível para decomposição, alterando fontes e fluxos de nutrientes. Os macroinvertebrados atuam na decomposição como organismos fundamentais na conversão da matéria orgânica grossa em matéria orgânica fina. Neste contexto, este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a colonização e a função dos macroinvertebrados aquáticos na decomposição foliar. Foram selecionados dois riachos na Serra do Mar, SP, sendo um em área de floresta e outro em área de pastagem, onde foram instalados litter bags preenchidos com Mollinedia schottiana, Brachiaria brizantha (gramínea) ou a mistura das espécies. Estes foram dispostos no fundo dos riachos e coletados temporalmente aos 7, 17, 31, 63 e 91 dias após suas instalações. Os invertebrados foram identificados, quantificados e classificados em grupos funcionais e o material vegetal foi seco e determinado seu peso remanescente. Em seguida, foi realizada a análise isotópica dos macroinvertebrados encontrados e das suas possíveis fontes alimentares, sendo calculada também a contribuição dos produtores primários em suas dietas. Os resultados mostram uma decomposição mais rápida da gramínea na área de floresta e da M. schottiana na pastagem. Maiores abundâncias e densidades de macroinvertebrados foram encontradas na pastagem e nas gramíneas, sendo a densidade inversamente proporcional ao peso remanescente. A riqueza foi similar entre os riachos e tratamentos e a diversidade foi superior na área florestal. Chironomidae foram os mais abundantes em ambos os riachos e tratamentos, sendo responsáveis por mais de 50% do total de indivíduos. Trichoptera foram mais abundantes na floresta e nos tratamentos com a M. schottiana. Amphipoda foram encontrados apenas na floresta. Coletores, fragmentadores e predadores, de modo geral, foram os principais grupos tróficos encontrados, sendo os fragmentadores mais representativos nas coletas iniciais, destacando-se principalmente na floresta e nos tratamentos com a M. schottiana. Os valores isotópicos na pastagem se mostraram mais enriquecidos, tanto com relação ao 13C quanto ao 15N. Os valores isotópicos dos macroinvertebrados indicaram baixa contribuição das gramíneas (C4) em sua dieta, podendo destacar a maior influência de M. schottiana (C3) na floresta enquanto que, na pastagem, maior influência de perifiton e M. schottiana (C3). Assim, pode-se reforçar papel da vegetação ripária para os riachos, sendo sua conservação de grande importância na transferência de matéria e energia nesses ecossistemas e outros adjacentes / In forested headwaters, the plant material input from the riparian zone is very important, as its decomposition provides nutrients for a low primary production system. Land use changes have a great influence in the abundance and composition of allochthonous plant material available for decomposition, altering nutrients sources and fluxes. The macroinvertebrates act in the decomposition process as key organisms at the conversion of coarse organic matter into fine organic matter. In this context, this study aimed to investigate the colonization and the role of aquatic macroinvertebrates in leaf breakdown. Two streams of the Serra do Mar, SP, were selected, one at a forest area and the other at a pasture area, where litter bags filled with Mollinedia schottiana, Brachiaria brizantha (grass) or a mixture of species were installed. These were placed at the bottom of streams and collected periodically (7, 17, 31, 63 and 91 days).Invertebrates were identified, quantified and ranked into functional groups while plant material was dried for determination of its remaining dry weight. Then, the isotopic analyzes were performed for the found macroinvertebrates and its possible food sources, and it was also calculated the contribution of the primary producers in their diets. The results show faster breakdown of the grass at the forest area and of Mollinedia schottiana at the pasture. Greater macroinvertebrates abundance and density were found in the pasture and in the grass, being the density inversely proportional to the remaining weight. Richness was similar between streams and treatments and the diversity was higher at the forest. Chironomidae were the most abundant in both streams and treatments, being responsible for more than 50% of all individuals. Trichoptera were more abundant at the forest and in treatments with Mollinedia schottiana, while Amphipoda were found only in the forest. Collectors, shredders and predators, in general, were the main functional trophic group found and shredders were more representative in the first samplings, mainly at the forest and in treatments with Mollinedia schottiana. The pasture was more isotopically enriched, both in relation to 13C as to 15N. The isotopic values of macroinvertebrates indicated low grasses (C4) contribution in their diet, what can highlight the higher influence of Mollinedia schottiana (C3) in the forest and periphyton and Mollinedia schottiana (C3) in the pasture. Thus, it can enhance the role of riparian vegetation to the streams, and the importance of its conservation for the transfer of matter and energy process at these ecosystems and other adjacent systems

Vers une réévaluation des facteurs limitant la production biologique dans les cours d’eau de tête de bassin versant : nutriments, acides gras ou qualité du carbone détritique ? / Towards a reassessment of factors limiting biological production in headwaters streams : nutrients, fatty acids or detrital carbon quality ?

Crenier, Clément 11 December 2017 (has links)
Les cours d’eau de tête de bassin versant, malgré leurs tailles réduites, jouent des rôles importants pour le fonctionnement des milieux situés en aval, et rendent de nombreux services écologiques. Depuis l’émergence du River Continuum Concept, le fonctionnement de ces cours d’eau est considéré comme reposant principalement sur les apports allochtones de matière organique détritique par opposition aux écosystèmes aval de plus grande taille dans lesquels la production primaire autochtone est considérée comme prépondérante. Bien que les détritus soient, par définition, des ressources de moindre qualité pour leurs consommateurs que les végétaux vivants, le rôle des facteurs qui limitent la production biologique et les processus fonctionnels dans ces écosystèmes détritiques reste encore peu exploré. Par exemple la carence en éléments minéraux essentiels (notamment en azote et en phosphore) dans les détritus peut limiter le développement des organismes vivants dans les cours d’eau. De ce fait, la disponibilité en éléments minéraux dans la colonne d’eau, en stimulant la croissance, l’activité des décomposeurs et la qualité élémentaire des ressources par le processus d’immobilisation microbienne, pourrait contrôler pour partie les processus écologiques en jeu dans ces écosystèmes. En étudiant in situ la réponse des communautés microbiennes aux nutriments le long d’un gradient d’occupation des sols, nos travaux ont mis en évidence un effet positif des éléments dissous (N et P) sur la décomposition des litières et les activités enzymatiques des décomposeurs, et ce même pour les niveaux en nutriments les plus élevés du gradient, pour lesquels des effets inverses étaient attendus. Indépendamment, dans des cours d’eau anciennement soumis à de forts dépôts acidifiants, nous avons pu observer une récupération du processus de décomposition des litières. Néanmoins, cette restauration s’accompagnant d’un appauvrissement marqué en N, des perturbations du fonctionnement de ces cours d’eau pourrait se manifester à terme. Le rôle de la production primaire dans les cours d’eau de tête de bassin versant a ensuite été questionné. En effet, bien qu’étant mineur quantitativement, l’apport de carbone de forte qualité pourrait jouer un rôle non négligeable sur le fonctionnement des cours d’eau de tête de bassin versant. En particulier, l’importance et le rôle des apports en acides gras polyinsaturés (AGPI) via les biofilms phototrophes ont été questionnés. En se basant sur un suivi de terrain sur 15 cours d’eau des Vosges le long d’un gradient d’acidification, nos recherches ont tout d’abord pu mettre en évidence la présence de biofilms diatomiques riches en AGPI, malgré le caractère très forestier de ces cours d’eau. Dans un second temps, une expérience en conditions contrôlées a permis d’observer le rôle positif des apports, mêmes faibles, de ressources diatomiques sur la croissance et la survie du crustacé amphipode Gammarus fossarum. Sans cet apport, ces organismes se sont avérés incapables de maintenir leurs niveaux internes d’AGPI, suggérant qu’une consommation de producteurs primaires autochtones était indispensable à ces organismes détritivores. Nos résultats ont ainsi pu mettre en évidence les rôles fondamentaux que peuvent jouer la disponibilité en éléments dissous (N et P) et la qualité du carbone dans les ressources sur la production biologique et sur le processus de décomposition des litières dans les cours d’eau de tête de bassin versant. Ces résultats appellent désormais à investiguer plus profondément les interactions entre ces deux facteurs limitants, et à comprendre dans quels contextes l’un des facteurs pourrait suppléer l’autre. En particulier, il sera intéressant de rechercher comment diverses perturbations anthropiques (xénobiotiques, réchauffement climatique etc…) pourraient affecter l’intensité ou la nature de ces limitations / Despite their reduced sizes, headwater streams play important roles in the functioning of downstream ecosystems and provide numerous ecological services. Since the River Continuum Concept, the functioning of these streams has been considered as mainly relying on allochthonous supplies of detrital organic matter for their functioning, in contrast with downstream ecosystems of larger size where primary production is considered to be predominant. Despite that detritus represent, by definition, a resource of lower quality for its consumers than living plants, the nature of the factors limiting the biological production and functional processes in these detrital ecosystems remains sparsely explored. First, the lack of essential elements (in particular nitrogen and phosphorus) in detritus could be a major constraint for the development of living organisms in streams. As a result, the availability of mineral elements in the water column, by stimulating the growth and activity of decomposers, but also by increasing the elemental quality of resources through microbial immobilization, could control ecological processes in a higher extent than previously believed in these ecosystems. By studying in situ, the response of microorganisms to nutrients availability along a land-use gradient, our results have shown a positive effect of the dissolved elements (N and P) on the decomposition of leaf litters and the enzymatic activities of the decomposers, even for the highest nutrient levels of the gradient, for which adverse effects were expected. Independently, in streams formerly subjected to acidification, we observed a recovery of the process of leaf litter decomposition. Nevertheless, this recovery was accompanied by a marked N reduction in the ecosystem, huge changes in stream functioning might be expected in the medium to long term. The role of autochthonous primary production was then questioned. Indeed, while being quantitatively minor, this contribution of high quality carbon may play a significant role in the functioning of headwater streams. In particular, the importance and role of polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) intakes via phototrophic biofilms was questioned. Based on a field survey of 15 rivers in the Vosges Mountains along an acidification gradient, our results first showed the presence of diatomic biofilms rich in PUFA, despite these streams are clearly in a forested context. In a second step, an experimentation carried out under controlled conditions permitted to observe the positive role of diatomic resources, even in low concentrations, on the growth and survival of the crustacean amphipod Gammarus fossarum. Without this input, these organisms were unable to maintain their internal levels of PUFAs, suggesting that the consumption of autochthonous primary producers might be essential for these detritivore organisms. All our results permit to highlight the fundamental roles that can be played by the availability of dissolved elements (N and P) and the carbon quality of the resources on the biological production and on leaf litter decomposition in headwater streams. These results stress the need for more profound investigation of the interactions between these two limiting factors, and for understanding in which contexts one factor could supplement the other. In particular, it will be interesting to investigate to what extent various anthropogenic disturbances (xenobiotics, global warming, etc...) could affect the intensity or the nature of these limitations

Macroinvertebrados aquáticos na decomposição de plantas C3 e C4 em riachos da Serra do Mar, SP : comparação entre floresta e pastagem / Aquatic macroinvertebrates in the breakdown of C3 and C4 plants in streams of Serra do Mar, SP: comparison between forest and grassland

Fernanda Gaudio Augusto 29 September 2015 (has links)
Em riachos de cabeceira florestados, o aporte de material vegetal da zona ripária é de suma importância, pois sua decomposição disponibiliza nutrientes para um sistema de baixa produtividade primária. Mudanças no uso do solo têm forte influência na abundância e composição do material vegetal alóctone disponível para decomposição, alterando fontes e fluxos de nutrientes. Os macroinvertebrados atuam na decomposição como organismos fundamentais na conversão da matéria orgânica grossa em matéria orgânica fina. Neste contexto, este estudo teve como objetivo investigar a colonização e a função dos macroinvertebrados aquáticos na decomposição foliar. Foram selecionados dois riachos na Serra do Mar, SP, sendo um em área de floresta e outro em área de pastagem, onde foram instalados litter bags preenchidos com Mollinedia schottiana, Brachiaria brizantha (gramínea) ou a mistura das espécies. Estes foram dispostos no fundo dos riachos e coletados temporalmente aos 7, 17, 31, 63 e 91 dias após suas instalações. Os invertebrados foram identificados, quantificados e classificados em grupos funcionais e o material vegetal foi seco e determinado seu peso remanescente. Em seguida, foi realizada a análise isotópica dos macroinvertebrados encontrados e das suas possíveis fontes alimentares, sendo calculada também a contribuição dos produtores primários em suas dietas. Os resultados mostram uma decomposição mais rápida da gramínea na área de floresta e da M. schottiana na pastagem. Maiores abundâncias e densidades de macroinvertebrados foram encontradas na pastagem e nas gramíneas, sendo a densidade inversamente proporcional ao peso remanescente. A riqueza foi similar entre os riachos e tratamentos e a diversidade foi superior na área florestal. Chironomidae foram os mais abundantes em ambos os riachos e tratamentos, sendo responsáveis por mais de 50% do total de indivíduos. Trichoptera foram mais abundantes na floresta e nos tratamentos com a M. schottiana. Amphipoda foram encontrados apenas na floresta. Coletores, fragmentadores e predadores, de modo geral, foram os principais grupos tróficos encontrados, sendo os fragmentadores mais representativos nas coletas iniciais, destacando-se principalmente na floresta e nos tratamentos com a M. schottiana. Os valores isotópicos na pastagem se mostraram mais enriquecidos, tanto com relação ao 13C quanto ao 15N. Os valores isotópicos dos macroinvertebrados indicaram baixa contribuição das gramíneas (C4) em sua dieta, podendo destacar a maior influência de M. schottiana (C3) na floresta enquanto que, na pastagem, maior influência de perifiton e M. schottiana (C3). Assim, pode-se reforçar papel da vegetação ripária para os riachos, sendo sua conservação de grande importância na transferência de matéria e energia nesses ecossistemas e outros adjacentes / In forested headwaters, the plant material input from the riparian zone is very important, as its decomposition provides nutrients for a low primary production system. Land use changes have a great influence in the abundance and composition of allochthonous plant material available for decomposition, altering nutrients sources and fluxes. The macroinvertebrates act in the decomposition process as key organisms at the conversion of coarse organic matter into fine organic matter. In this context, this study aimed to investigate the colonization and the role of aquatic macroinvertebrates in leaf breakdown. Two streams of the Serra do Mar, SP, were selected, one at a forest area and the other at a pasture area, where litter bags filled with Mollinedia schottiana, Brachiaria brizantha (grass) or a mixture of species were installed. These were placed at the bottom of streams and collected periodically (7, 17, 31, 63 and 91 days).Invertebrates were identified, quantified and ranked into functional groups while plant material was dried for determination of its remaining dry weight. Then, the isotopic analyzes were performed for the found macroinvertebrates and its possible food sources, and it was also calculated the contribution of the primary producers in their diets. The results show faster breakdown of the grass at the forest area and of Mollinedia schottiana at the pasture. Greater macroinvertebrates abundance and density were found in the pasture and in the grass, being the density inversely proportional to the remaining weight. Richness was similar between streams and treatments and the diversity was higher at the forest. Chironomidae were the most abundant in both streams and treatments, being responsible for more than 50% of all individuals. Trichoptera were more abundant at the forest and in treatments with Mollinedia schottiana, while Amphipoda were found only in the forest. Collectors, shredders and predators, in general, were the main functional trophic group found and shredders were more representative in the first samplings, mainly at the forest and in treatments with Mollinedia schottiana. The pasture was more isotopically enriched, both in relation to 13C as to 15N. The isotopic values of macroinvertebrates indicated low grasses (C4) contribution in their diet, what can highlight the higher influence of Mollinedia schottiana (C3) in the forest and periphyton and Mollinedia schottiana (C3) in the pasture. Thus, it can enhance the role of riparian vegetation to the streams, and the importance of its conservation for the transfer of matter and energy process at these ecosystems and other adjacent systems

Sammansättning av funktionella födosöksgrupper hos akvatiska insekter i vattendrag med och utan korttidsreglering / Functional feeding groups of aquatic invertebrates in rivers with and without hydropeaking

Hindrikes Bergström, Pontus January 2021 (has links)
Hydropeaking is important to meet peak demand of electricity on the Swedish powergrid. The rapid changes in discharge may affect the ecology of streams and rivers negatively downstream of hydropeaking powerplants. In this study, the composition of five functional feeding groups (FFG) was investigated in the families Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera and Trichoptera (EPT) in samples collections by Hester-Dendy-sampler in 27 locations in streams and rivers with and without hydropeaking. The groups shredders, grazers, gatherers, filter feeders and predators were identified for each toxon. I expected that the flow regime downstream of a hydropeaking powerplant would affect the composition of FFG compared to non-hydropeaking streams and rivers, except for the group predators. No significant differenses in FFG between the streams and rivers with and without hydropeaking was found. These results indicate that effects from hydropeaking on FFG is not general and that spatially-explicit investigations may be needed to shed light on the effects of hydropeaking. / För att reglera effektbehovet på det svenska elnätet är korttidsregleringen från vattenkraftverk en viktig faktor. Dessa snabba förändringar i flödesregimen medför dock en påverkan på ekologin i vattendraget. I den här studien undersöktes sammansättningen av fem olika funktionella födosöksgrupper (FFG) hos Ephemeroptera, Plecoptera och Trichoptera (EPT) från insamling av evertebrater med Hester-Dendy-provtagare i 27 lokaler i vattendrag med och utan korttidsreglering. Identifiering av grupperna shredders, grazers, gatherers, filter feeders och predators gjordes för varje taxon. Jag förväntade mig att flödesregimen som förekommer nedströms korttidsreglerade vattenkraftverk skulle påverka sammansättningen av FFG i jämförelse med ett icke korttidsreglerat vattendrag, förutom för gruppen predators. Data visade att det inte fanns någon signifikant skillnad hos FFG mellan vattendragen med vs. utan korttidsreglering. Detta visar att påverkan på FFG av korttidsreglering inte är generell och att platsspecifika undersökningar kan behövas för att belysa regleringens effekter.

Návrh laboratorního drtiče nerostných surovin / Design of laboratory crusher of mineral raw material

Staněk, Ladislav January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is the design of laboratory crusher of mineral raw materials. This work is focused on the research of possible types of machinery for crushing process, list of shredders available at domestic and foreign markets, selection of the principle of diminution of mineral resources, the choice of approach, suggestion of calculation of the chosen design, creating a 3D model and drawings, making the strength analysis for selected parts, risk analysis.

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