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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Dickerman, Benjamin K. 24 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.


COOMBS, CATHERINE CALLIE 17 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.

Novel approaches for characterizing the riboflavin transport and trafficking mechanism and its potential as a target in breast cancer

Phelps, Mitch A. 02 December 2005 (has links)
No description available.


Zhou, Chenguang 20 June 2012 (has links)
No description available.

En jämförande studie av qPCR, western blot och masspektrometri för bestämning av proteinkoncentrationer / A comparative study of qPCR, western blot and mass spectrometry for the estimation of protein concentrations

Edvardsson, Maria January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Potential role of DcpS in colorectal cancer

Johansson, Gustaf January 2023 (has links)
No description available.

Transcriptional gene silencing of kallikrein 5 and kallikrein 7 using siRNA prevents epithelial cell detachment induced by alkaline shock in an in vitro model of eczema.

Britland, Stephen T., Hoyle, Milli 04 1900 (has links)
No / Eczema is widely considered to be an exacerbation of alkaline stress to the skin. Epidermal barrier dysfunction is a feature of eczema pathology, which predisposes affected individuals to distressing morbid symptoms. At least two serine proteases, stratum corneum chymotryptic enzyme (kallikrein 7 [KLK7]) and stratum corneum tryptic enzyme (kallikrien 5 [KLK5]), have increased activity levels in eczematous lesions and both have been implicated in the destruction of corneodesomosomes, which are crucial to epidermal integrity. The present in vitro study investigated whether transcriptional gene silencing after siRNA transfection could influence the activity of these signature enzymes in an in vitro model of eczema induced by alkaline shock. HaCaT epithelial cells were subjected to alkaline stress by the addition of 1,1,3,3-tetramethyl guanidine “superbase” (TMG) to the culture media. The culture media were subsequently tested for chymotryspin, trypsin, plasmin, and urokinase activity using colorimetric peptide assays and for reactive oxygen species using WST1 cell viability reagent. Cells that had been transfected with small interfering ribonucleic acid (siRNA) against KLK5 and KLK7 for 24 h before alkaline shock did not exhibit the increase in serine protease levels observed in untreated controls. Moreover, an endpoint MTT assay (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide) confirmed that detachment of cells from the culture substrate observed in alkaline-stressed cells did not occur in siRNA-treated cells. This in vitro study has established the proof-of-principle that siRNA therapy appears to mitigate the consequences of alkaline shock to the serine protease-associated fragility of epithelial cells that is characteristic of eczema.

RNA interference by single- and double-stranded siRNA with a DNA extension containing a 3' nuclease-resistant mini-hairpin structure

Allison, Simon J., Milner, J. 11 June 2013 (has links)
Yes / Selective gene silencing by RNA interference (RNAi) involves double-stranded small interfering RNA (ds siRNA) composed of single-stranded (ss) guide and passenger RNAs. siRNA is recognized and processed by Ago2 and C3PO, endonucleases of the RNA-induced silencing complex (RISC). RISC cleaves passenger RNA, exposing the guide RNA for base-pairing with its homologous mRNA target. Remarkably, the 3′ end of passenger RNA can accommodate a DNA extension of 19-nucleotides without loss of RNAi function. This construct is termed passenger-3′-DNA/ds siRNA and includes a 3′-nuclease-resistant mini-hairpin structure. To test this novel modification further, we have now compared the following constructs: (I) guide-3′-DNA/ds siRNA, (II) passenger-3′-DNA/ds siRNA, (III) guide-3′-DNA/ss siRNA, and (IV) passenger-3′-DNA/ss siRNA. The RNAi target was SIRT1, a cancer-specific survival factor. Constructs I–III each induced selective knock-down of SIRT1 mRNA and protein in both noncancer and cancer cells, accompanied by apoptotic cell death in the cancer cells. Construct IV, which lacks the SIRT1 guide strand, had no effect. Importantly, the 3′-DNA mini-hairpin conferred nuclease resistance to constructs I and II. Resistance required the double-stranded RNA structure since single-stranded guide-3′-DNA/ss siRNA (construct III) was susceptible to serum nucleases with associated loss of RNAi activity. The potential applications of 3′-DNA/siRNA constructs are discussed.

Überwindung der P-Glykoprotein (MDR1)-abhängigen Multidrugresistenz mittels RNA-Interferenz

Stege, Alexandra Eva 11 January 2007 (has links)
P-Glykoprotein als Produkt des MDR1-Gens stellt einen gut untersuchten Mediator der Multidrugresistenz (MDR) in humanen Malignomen dar. Die Überexpression dieses ABC-Transporters steht in Korrelation zu einer erniedrigten Tumorremission und einer kürzeren Überlebensrate der Patienten. Bisherige Versuche, das Protein über niedermolekulare Substanzen (MDR-Modulatoren) zu inhibieren, vermochten in allen bisherigen klinischen Studien nicht zu überzeugen, so daß diese bis heute keinen Eingang in Standardtherapieschemata gefunden haben. Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, mittels RNA-Interferenz Strategien die Expression von MDR1 zu hemmen und eine Reversion der zellulären Chemoresistenz sowohl im Zellkultur- als auch im Tiermodell zu erreichen. Für die in vitro Untersuchungen an drei humanen multidrug-resistenten Karzinomzellinien wurden verschiedene siRNA (short interfering) Duplexe und shRNA (short hairpin)-exprimierende Vektoren gegen die MDR1 mRNA entwickelt. Die Behandlung der Zellen mit siRNAs führte zu einer bis zu 91 %igen Inhibition der MDR1 mRNA-Expression und zu einer Sensitivierung der Zellen gegenüber dem Anthrazyklin um 89 %. Diese Effekte konnte über einen Zeitraum von drei bis fünf Tagen aufrechterhalten werden. Die stabile Expression von anti-MDR1 shRNAs führte in zwei der untersuchten Zellmodelle zu einer dauerhaften und kompletten Überwindung des MDR1-abhängigen Resistenzphänotyps. Im Mausmodell konnte durch intratumorale Applikation des anti-MDR1 shRNA-kodierenden Vektors mittels low-volume Jet-Injektion eine komplette Reversion der MDR1-Überexpression sowie eine Wiederherstellung der Chemosensitivität gegenüber Doxorubicin in dem resistenten Tumormodell erreicht werden. Die Effizienz der kombinierten Gen- und Chemotherapie wird durch die Verminderung des in vivo Tumorwachstums auf das Volumen des von der sensiblen Zellinien-abgeleiteten Tumors reflektiert. / Multidrug resistance (MDR) is the major cause of failure of effective chemotherapeutic treatment of disseminated neoplasms. The "classical" MDR phenotype of human malignancies is mediated by drug extrusion by the adenosine triphosphate binding cassette (ABC)-transporter P-glycoprotein (MDR1/P-gp). For stable reversal of "classical" MDR in three human cancer cell lines by RNA interference (RNAi) technology, two small interfering RNA (siRNA) constructs and four H1-RNA gene promoter-driven expression vectors encoding anti-MDR1/P-gp short hairpin RNA (shRNA) molecules were constructed. In all cellular systems, siRNAs could specifically inhibit MDR1 expression up to 91% at the mRNA and protein levels. Resistance against daunorubicin was decreased to a maximum of 89%. The introduction of anti-MDR1/P-gp shRNA expression vectors leads in two of the three human cancer cell lines to a complete reversion of the MDR phenotype. The reversal of MDR was accompanied by a complete suppression of MDR1/P-gp expression on mRNA and protein level, and by a considerable increased intracellular anthracyline accumulation in the anti-MDR1/P-gp shRNA-treated cells. In a mouse xenograft model a complete in vivo restoration of MDR1 overexpression and chemosensitivity to doxorubicin could be obtained by intratumorally jet-injected anti-MDR1 shRNA in a multidrug resistant human cancer tumor model.

Plant-virus interactions : role of virus- and host-derived small non-coding RNAs during infection and disease / Interactions plantes-virus : rôle des petits ARN non-codants dérivés du virus et de l’hôte au cours d’une infection et d’une maladie

Pitzalis, Nicolas 09 November 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, j'ai étudié le rôle des sRNAs dérivés de l'hôte et du virus lors de l'infection du colza (Brassica napus, Canola) par la souche UK1 du virus de la mosaïque du navet (TuMV-UK1). En utilisant un dérivé de TuMV fusionné avec un gène codant pour la protéine fluorescente verte (TuMV-GFP), deux cultivars de colza (‘Drakkar’ et ‘Tanto’) qui diffèrent par leur susceptibilité à ce virus ont été identifiés. Le profil transcriptionnel des foyers d'infection locale, dans les feuilles de Drakkar et de Tanto, par séquençage nouvelle génération (NGS) a révélé de nombreux gènes exprimés de manière différentielle. Les mêmes échantillons d'ARN provenant de feuilles de Drakkar et de Tanto, traitées par des virus ou utilisées en contrôle, ont également servi à établir le profil NGS des sRNAs (sRNAseq) et de leurs cibles potentielles d'ARN (PAREseq). Les analyses bioinformatiques et leur validation in vivo, ont permis d’identifier les événements de clivage de transcrits impliquant des micro ARN (miRNA) connus et encore inconnus. Fait important, les résultats indiquent que TuMV détourne la voie du RNA silencing de l’hôte avec des siRNAs issus de son propre génome (vsiRNA) pour cibler les gènes de l’hôtes. Le virus déclenche également le ciblage à grande échelle des ARN messagers (ARNm) de l’hôte par l’activation de la production de siRNAs secondaires en phase, à partir de locus PHAS. À leur tour, les vsiRNAs et les siRNAs dérivés de l'hôte (hsRNAs) ciblent et clivent l'ARN viral par le complexe RISC. Ces observations éclairent le rôle des siRNAs dérivés de l'hôte et du virus dans la coordination de l'infection virale. Un autre chapitre de cette thèse est consacré à l'analyse des maladies induites par des virus en utilisant comme modèle de plante Arabidopsis, infectée par un tobamovirus, le virus de la mosaïque du colza (ORMV). De plus, ces observations ont permis de proposer un modèle dans lequel cette guérison dépend d’un adressage important de vsiRNAs secondaires antiviraux depuis leur source de production jusqu’à leurs tissus de destination, et l'établissement d'un apport en vsiRNAs capable de bloquer l'activité VSR impliquée dans la formation des feuilles symptomatiques. / In this thesis, I investigated the role of host- and virus-derived sRNAs during infection of Rapeseed (Brassica napus, Canola) by the UK1 strain of Turnip mosaic virus (TuMV-UK1). By using a TuMV derivative tagged with a gene encoding green fluorescent protein (TuMV-GFP), two rapeseed cultivars (‘Drakkar’ and ‘Tanto’) that differ in susceptibility to this virus were identified. Transcriptional profiling of local infection foci in Drakkar and Tanto leaves by next generation sequencing (NGS) revealed numerous differentially expressed genes. The same RNA samples from mock- and virus- treated Drakkar and Tanto leaves were also used for the global NGS profiling of sRNAs (sRNAseq) and their potential RNA targets (PAREseq). The bioinformatic analysis and their in vivo validation led to the identification of transcript cleavage events involving known and yet unknown miRNAs. Importantly, the results indicate that TuMV hijacks the host RNA silencing pathway with siRNAs derived from its own genome (vsiRNAs) to target host genes. The virus also triggers the widespread targeting of host messenger RNAs (mRNAs) through activation of phased, secondary siRNA production from PHAS loci. In turn, both vsiRNAs and host-derived siRNAs (hsRNAs) target and cleave the viral RNA by the RISC-mediated pathway. These observations illuminate the role of host and virus-derived sRNAs in the coordination of virus infection. Another chapter of this thesis is dedicated to the analysis of virus-induced diseases by using Arabidopsis plants infected with the Oilseed rape mosaic tobamovirus (ORMV) as a model. Initially, the infected plants develop leaves with strong disease symptoms. However, at a later stage, disease-free, “recovered” leaves start to appear. Analysis of symptoms recovery led to the identification of a mechanism in which the VSR and virus derived-siRNAs play a central role. I used Arabidopsis mutants impaired in transcriptional and post-transcriptional silencing pathways (TGS and PTGS respectively) and a plant line carrying a promoter-driven GFP transgene silenced by PTGS (Arabidopsis line 8z2). Using various techniques able to monitor virus infection, small and long viral RNA molecules, VSR activity, as well as phloem-mediated transport with in these lines, this study led to the identification of genes required for disease symptoms and disease symptom recovery. Moreover, the observations allowed to propose a model in which symptoms recovery occurs upon robust delivery of antiviral secondary vsiRNAs from source to sink tissues, and establishment of a vsiRNA dosage able to block the VSR activity involved in the formation of disease symptoms.

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