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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energetická náročnost ve skialpinismu při růstu rychlosti / The energy performance at the growth rate in ski-mountaineering

Hepnar, Jan January 2013 (has links)
Title The energy performance at the growth rate in ski-mountaineering Objectives Measure group skialpinists of different ages and performance of the ski-mountaineering simulator with a gradient 21ř and speed 1,4 km/h to 5,4 km/h with increasing 0,4 km/h in every minute. Determine their energy expenditure in different speeds as the speed increases and with constant slope. Methods Seven ski-mountaineerers of different levels were testing in laboratory of ski-mountaineering simulator. We calculate of maximum oxygen consumption and anaerobic threshold. Results The probands attained average energy expenditure 8,18 kJ per minute at the end of the first minutes and they attained average energy expenditure 29,32 kJ per minute at the end of the 10th minutes. The average energy expenditure of probands increased by 2,35 kJ per minute an average with a standard deviation 0,69 kJ per minute. Keywords ski-mountaineering, heart rate, oxygen consumption, ski-mountaineer trainer.

Traumatologie et systèmes de protection de la tête dans la pratique des sports de glisse alpins / Towards the improvement of head safety devices for alpine skiing users

Bailly, Nicolas 15 December 2016 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche porte sur la compréhension du traumatisme crânien (TC) dans les sports de glisse alpins dans l’objectif d’améliorer et d’encadrer la conception et l’évaluation des casques de ski. Il s’est décomposé en quatre étapes :Etudier les accidents de ski conduisant au TC en identifiant des typologies d’accidents de ski et de snowboard conduisant fréquemment à l’apparition de TC. A partir d’un questionnaire rempli dans 10 cabinets médicaux et 3 hôpitaux, dix scénarios d’accident ont été identifiés ainsi que les zones de la tête les plus impactées. Cette analyse est complétée par des mesures de vitesse des skieurs.Identifier les conditions d’impact de la tête en reproduisant numériquement la cinématique de ces accidents avec un modèle multicorps de skieur. Deux types d’impact ressortent de cette analyse: les impacts sur neige, majoritaires (70%) et plutôt de faibles gravités et les impacts lors de collisions, plus rares, mais souvent plus graves.Évaluer la capacité des casques à réduire le TC en combinant approches expérimentales (impact de tête instrumentée sur neige) et simulations par éléments finis (reproduction d’impacts réalistes avec un modèle d’humain virtuel). Le casque réduit efficacement le risque de TC grave lors d’impact contre un obstacle rigide, mais son efficacité reste limitée lors d’impacts contre de la neige.Explorer des pistes d’amélioration du casque. Trois solutions ont été proposées, évaluées expérimentalement et numériquement et optimisées au regard des deux impacts cibles « neige » et « obstacle ». Le prototype proposé réduit de 30% les niveaux d’accélération de la tête lors de ces impacts par rapport aux casques traditionnels. / The aim of the project was to better understand traumatic brain injury (TBI) in alpine sports in order to improve the design and the evaluation of helmets. The work was divided in four main steps: Study skiing and snowboarding accidents leading to TBI: Ten scenarios were identified with a survey available in 10 medical centers and in 3 hospitals. The frontal and occipital zones were the most impacted parts of the head. Speed measurements were performed on ski slopes to complete the accident conditions analysis.Identify head impact conditions during these accidents: We reproduced the kinematics of these accidents using a numerical model of skier and snowboarder (multibody model). We identified two types of impact: impacts against the snow are the most frequent (70%) and are associated with mild TBI whereas impacts during collision are less frequent but are more likely to induce severe TBI. Evaluate helmet effectiveness in reducing the TBI combining experimental approach (Impacts of an instrumented head against the snow) and finite element simulations (Realistic head impacts reproduced numerically using a human model). Helmets were good at reducing the risk of severe TBI during an impact against a rigid obstacle. However the effectiveness of the helmets at reducing injury risk during an impact against the snow was limited. Improve helmet design: Three solutions were studied. These solutions were proposed, evaluated experimentally and numerically and optimized regarding the two targeted impacts “snow” and “obstacle”. The prototype of the optimized helmet reduces by 30% the acceleration of the head during these impacts compared to traditional helmets.

The Impacts of Supra-Regional Multi-Resort Season Passes: A Hedonic Pricing Model of Single-Day Lift Tickets for US Ski Areas

Lai, Sijia 01 January 2019 (has links)
Numerous media analyses claim that supra-regional multi-resort season passes (mega passes) are negatively impacting skiing, snowboarding, and winter-sport communities. In particular, media claims that ski areas on these season passes are charging higher single-day lift ticket prices to nudge people to buy their season pass products. To test this claim, I use a hedonic pricing model to estimate the impact of season passes on adult single-day lift ticket prices. By applying OLS regressions to a dataset of 302 US ski areas for the winter of 2018-19, I find that the ski areas on the leading season passes (Ikon and Epic Pass) charge price premiums for their adult single-day lift tickets. However, the magnitude of the price premiums is much smaller after controlling for ski area characteristics and regional fixed effects.

Etude de facteurs impliqués dans le contrôle-qualité de l'expression des gènes, chez Saccharomyces cerevisiae / Proteins involved in the quality-control of gene expression, in Saccharomyces cerevisiae

Zhang, Elodie 09 November 2017 (has links)
La régulation et le contrôle-qualité de l'expression génique permettent respectivement de maintenir un équilibre entre synthèse et dégradation des ARNm répondant aux besoins cellulaires et d'empêcher l'expression d'ARNm ou protéines aberrants potentiellement toxiques. Pour mieux comprendre ces processus cytoplasmiques, je me suis intéressée à Jlp2, Tac4 et Ska1, trois protéines ayant des liens physiques ou fonctionnels avec des acteurs du contrôle-qualité des ARNm et peptides appartenant aux complexes RQC et SKI. Jlp2 montre des liens de létalité synthétique avec les complexes RQC et SKI mais son absence n'altère pas le " NonStop mRNA Decay ". Elle pourrait donc être impliquée dans une autre voie de contrôle dépendante des complexes RQC et SKI. Tac4 est une ARN hélicase putative associée aux ribosomes, au niveau de l'hélice H16 de l'ARNr 18S comme son homologue putatif mammifère DHX29. Elle interagit également au niveau de régions 3'UTR d'ARNm. Ces observations suggèrent que Tac4 pourrait être impliquée dans la réinitiation de la traduction et le sauvetage de ribosomes non-dissociés récemment identifiés dans la région 3'UTR d'ARNm. Enfin, nous avons identifié Ska1, une protéine appartenant à une nouvelle sous-population de complexes SKI. Nos données suggèrent que ce complexe SKI-Ska1 est impliqué dans la dégradation de transcrits dépourvus de ribosome. Nous proposons un modèle selon lequel ce complexe SKI-Ska1 agirait durant la dégradation de 3'UTR avec l'exosome, puis en arrivant dans la région codante et en rencontrant un ribosome, Ska1 se dissocierait du complexe pour lui permettre d'interagir directement avec le ribosome et poursuivre la dégradation 3'-5' de l'ARN. / Mechanisms responsible for the regulation of gene expression and its quality-control are required, respectively for maintaining an equilibrium between mRNA synthesis and degradation and to prevent synthesis of aberrant mRNAs and proteins potentially toxic for the cells. To better understand these quality-control processes, I studied three factors, Jlp2, Tac4 and Ska1, with physical or functional links described with factors involved in mRNA and protein quality-control, the RQC and SKI complexes. Jlp2 shows synthetic lethality with the RQC and SKI complexes but its deletion has no effect on the NonStop mRNA Decay, suggesting that Jlp2 could be implicated in another control pathway linked to the RQC and SKI complexes. Tac4 is a putative RNA helicase bound to ribosomes, on the 18S rRNA H16 helix, as its mammalian putative homolog DHX29. DHX29 plays a role in translation initiation but surprisingly, Tac4 interacts, in addition to ribosomes, with mRNA 3’UTRs. These observations suggest that Tac4 could be implicated in translation reinitiation and rescue of non-dissociated-ribosomes, recently described within mRNA 3’UTRs. Finally, we identified Ska1, a new factor associated to a SKI complex subpopulation. Our observations suggest that the SKI-Ska1 complex is implicated in the degradation of transcripts devoid of ribosomes. It suggests a model by which the SKI complex would proceed in two steps. First, the SKI-Ska1 complex could assist the exosome to degrade 3’UTR regions of RNAs and then, when its reaches the coding region and encounter a ribosome, Ska1 would leave the complex and allow it to interact directly with ribosomes to proceed further in the 3’-5’ RNA degradation.

Contribution à l'analyse des contraintes métaboliques chez le skieur alpin / Contribution to the analysis of metabolic constraints in the competing alpine skier

Bottollier, Valentin 30 September 2019 (has links)
Ce travail de thèse avait pour objectif (i) de quantifier les contraintes métaboliques en slalom (SL), en slalom géant (GS) pour des durées d’efforts courtes et longues, représentatives des temps extrêmes de compétitions contemporaines ; (ii) de comparer les demandes métaboliques entre le ski alpin in situ (SL et GS) et différentes motricités (bonds latéraux sur box, slide, course à pied, cyclisme, bonds latéraux sur trampoline). Quelle que soit la durée de GS en compétition, le métabolisme aérobie est prédominant dans la fourniture d’énergie. En revanche, les contributions respectives des métabolismes aérobie et glycolytique à la fourniture d’énergie ne sont pas significativement différentes en SL. Par ailleurs, la course à pied et le cyclisme sont les motricités investiguées les moins spécifiques de SL et GS. En revanche, la motricité des bonds latéraux sur box et celle des bonds latéraux sur trampoline représentent des similarités physiologiques intéressantes par rapport au SL et GS. A fortiori, la motricité du slide est la plus spécifique de SL et GS au regard de la spécificité de ses paramètres physiologiques (part d’implication des métabolismes aérobie et glycolytique, débits énergétiques total, glycolytique et aérobie, valeurs de [La]pic et de Δ[La]). Subséquemment, l’objectif de l’étude n°3 était de déterminer la reproductibilité d’un test physique de 80s utilisant la motricité du slide. Le 80s-slide-test est un test physique spécifique du ski alpin et reproductible. En effet, le nombre total d’appuis, V̇ O2pic, V̇ O2moy et FCmoy sont reproductibles. Ainsi, le 80s-slide-test constitue une alternative pertinente aux tests physiques non spécifiques du ski alpin menés en laboratoire. Enfin, l’objectif de l’étude de cas n°4 était de décrire la stratégie d’allure du skieur alpin au cours d’une manche longue de GS. Le skieur alpin adopterait une stratégie d’allure au cours d’une manche longue de GS en diminuant l’intensité de ski de manière anticipée dès la section 1 (premières 52s) puis durant la section 2 (dernière 29s) lors d’un GS long (81s). / The objective of this thesis was (i) to assess metabolic constraints in slalom (SL) and giant slalom (GS) during short and long effort according to extrem contemporary races duration ; (ii) to clarify motor skills (box bouncing, sliding, running, cycling, trampoline lateral bouncing) energetically specificity to alpine ski racing. Regardless of GS length the aerobic system was the primary energy system involved. Aerobic and glycolytic energy system contribution were not different in SL. Furthermore running and cycling were most unspecific motor skills investigated regarding SL and GS. On the other hand box bouncing and trampoline lateral bouncing presented interesting physiological specificities. Moreover no significant difference in aerobic and glycolytic energy system contribution, total energy output, glycolytic energy output, aerobic energy output, phosphagen energy output, [La]peak, Δ[La] were observed between sliding and both GS and SL. Subsequently the aim of the third study was to determine the test-retest reliability of a 80s test involving sliding motror skills. The 80s-slide-test is a specific and reliable test. Indeed the 80s-slide-test showed large reliability for total push-offs number, V̇ O2peak, V̇ O2moy, FCpeak and FCmoy. Hence 80s-slide-test is a relevant alternative to lab unspecific test for alpine ski racers. Finally the aim of the fourth study was to analyse pacing strategy in long GS. Alpine ski racer may run pacing strategy skiing decreasing intensity during section 1 (first 52s) and during section 2 (last 29s) in long GS (81s).

Fundamentals of Mountain Resort Base Village Design: A Critical Review of Existing Resort Developments with Recommendations for Future Development Practices

Harding, Bryan P. 01 May 2006 (has links)
The North American ski industry has grown over the past century from a small, family-owned and -operated industry, to a multi-billion dollar industry dominated by corporate management organizations. The rise of corporate resort ownership has led to the trend of the construction base village developments at ski resorts around the country to attract guests, and therefore revenue, to their resorts. Though many base villages have been very successful in attracting skiers, examples of poor landscape architectural design practices abound in the industry. This study examines several design elements considered to be the "fundamental elements of designed space," applies these elements to base village design throughout the country, critically examines their implementation in built examples, and presents suggestions and recommendations for future mountain resort base village design practices.

Ekonomika Zlaté lyže / Golden Ski economy

Vymazalová, Eliška January 2010 (has links)
This diploma thesis is divided into a theoretical part and a practical one. The theoretical part deals with the characteristics of sport events and presents the International Ski Federation FIS, including its structure, and marketing and technical concept of the races in the FIS Tour de Ski. The introduction to the practical part focuses on the history of cross-country skiing, the structure of the most important cross-country races in the world, and presents the town of Nove Mesto na Morave and the race Golden Ski. Then follows the description of the allocation process of the World Cup race and possibilities of its abolition. The main part of the diploma thesis is a detailed analysis of the Golden Ski race in the Tour de Ski. The analysis deals with the topics related to the organizing committee, technical support, scoring, invitations, accreditation, accommodation, marketing, transportation, and accompanying program of Golden Ski. The thesis concludes with financial background and short mention of Slavic Cup.

Komplexní hodnocení lyžařských výcvikových kurzů na základních školách v ČR. / Complex evaluation of the basic school ski courses in the Czech republic

Hraško, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Name: Complex Evaluation of Primary School Ski Courses in the Czech Republic Objective: The objective of this diploma thesis is a complex evaluation of a representative primary school ski courses in the Czech Republic according to the five following criteria, which are staffing of the course, content and organisation of the course, health and safety of the pupils, methodology of the training and economic side. The crucial aspect of the evaluation is the fact whether the working hypotheses will be proved or disproved. Methodology: Our thesis has the character of a qualitative research. Data that refer to the topic are collected in the form of non anonymous survey of at random chosen primary schools in all regions of the Czech Republic. For this purpose, a non-standardized questionnaire is used. It consists of open-ended, semi close-ended and close-ended questions. The questionnaire is compiled to enable a complex evaluation of ski courses in accordance with the areas of interest, which are staffing of the course, content and organisation of the course, health and safety of the pupils, methodology of the training and economic safeguarding. Collected data are analysed in Survio and Microsoft EXCEL® programmes; they are supplemented with graphs and commentaries. Results: Primary school ski courses were...

Bases moléculaires des diarrhées syndromiques(syndrome tricho-hépato-entérique)

Fabre, Alexandre 19 December 2012 (has links)
Les diarrhées syndromiques ont été décrites pour la première fois en 1994. Il s'agit d'un syndrome associant une diarrhée grave rebelle néonatale nécessitant une nutrition parentérale, une dysmorphie faciale, un retard de croissance intra-utéro, des anomalies immunitaires et une atteinte hépatique. Au cours de la décennie suivante, de nouveaux cas ont été décrits avec des dénominations variées, la plus fréquente étant : « syndrome tricho-hépato-enterique ». Du fait de la variabilité clinique et de l'absence de signe spécifique à l'examen anatomopathologique le diagnostic des Diarrhées syndromiques/Syndrome Tricho-hépato-entérique (DS/THE) est difficile. Grâce à une collaboration multicentrique, nous avons pu constituer une cohorte homogène de 15 enfants atteints et de leurs apparentés. Par analyse de liaison et recherche de régions homozygotes dans ces familles, deux régions situées respectivement en 5q et en 6p ont été caractérisées. Dans la première région, le gène TTC37 a été incriminé par la mise en évidence de 12 mutations pathogènes chez 9 des15 patients. Bien que les connaissances sur TTC37 soient fragmentaires, nous avons remarqué qu'il était parfois décrit comme étant l'orthologue de SKI3 chez la levure. SKI3 constitue, avec SKI2 et SKI8, le complexe SKI qui, en tant que cofacteur de l'exosome, intervient dans un des systèmes de dégradation des ARN. L'exploration de SKIV2L, l'orthologue humain de SKI2, chez les 6 patients négatifs pour TTC37 a permis de mettre en évidence des mutations pathogènes pour tous. Nous avons voulu mieux caractériser l'expression des sous-unités du complexe SKI humain. / The Syndromic Diarrhea has been described for the first time in 1994, as a probable congenital syndrome, associating intractable diarrhea of infancy with facial dysmorphism, intrauterine growth restriction, immunological defects and hepatic disease. Since then, several cases have been described, sometime using alternative names, the most common being the tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome. Because of the lack of pathological specific anomaly and the variation in severity of the clinical signs, the diagnosis of Syndromic diarrhea/tricho-hepato-enteric syndrome (SD/THE) remains difficult. Thanks to a multi-centric collaborative work, we have collected samples from 15 affected children and their families. Using linkage analysis and homozygosity mapping, we have isolated two regions in 5q and 6p, thus suggesting genetic heterogeneity. TTC37, a gene located in 5q, has been identified as responsible for SD/THE by the characterization of 12 non-ambiguous mutations in 9 children (out of the 15). At this time, TTC37 function was unknown but we noticed that it was reported as the putative ortholog of SKI3 (a yeast gene) which together with SKI2 and SKI8, constitutes the SKI complex. This complex is a cofactor of the exosome, a quality control RNA system. The analysis of the human ortholog of SKI2, SKIV2L, in the 6 patients negative for TTC37 mutations revealed deleterious mutations in all cases. In order to better characterize the expression of the human SKI complex sub-units, we have tested the expression of TTC37 transcript in a cDNA panel from normal tissues and found a ubiquitous expression excepted in the liver.

Výuka lyžování dětí předškolního věku zábavnou formou / Teaching pre-school children to ski in an entertaining way

Fenclová, Michaela January 2011 (has links)
This thesis suggests a method of how teaching pre-school children to ski. Project "how to teach children skiing with fun" was developed and based on age group characteristics and needs of the child. It also underlines that it is not important to teach the child skiing in a short period of time but to make a firm foundation for all kinds of physical movements that will be needed later for skiing and to create a positive attitude to skiing which in this age group works the best by playing games and having fun. This hypothesis was confirmed by results I gained during verifying my method in practise. Based on the test we can state that this method works very well in practise and the children engoyed it while having lots of fun. Generally,the purpose of this work was fulfilled and the obtained results should be a big asset in a theory of skiing and also in practise.

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