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Reprezentace všednosti v poezii Skupiny 42 / Representation of Everydayness in the Works of Group 42LENCOVÁ, Pavla January 2017 (has links)
The subject matter of this dissertation is the ways of representing the everydayness of life in poetic texts authored by members of Group 42. Of special interest is the category of time, as the transformation of understanding of this category is one of the cornerstone aspects of modern literature in the first half of the 20th century. Time as a category is reflected in Group 42 poetry through three principles used by the Group 42 authors to grasp and work with the time-space continuum and the place of humans in it. The fundamental principle of Group 42 poetry, which will be discussed in this thesis, is the fragmentarization principle. Using a fragment, the poet grasps the present, multi-layered moment and represents temporal discontinuity. Another principle of representation of everydayness the thesis will concentrate on is the principle of variations, which represents heading towards a unifying grasp of discontinuous everydayness. As opposed to the previous ways, notation in the form of diary entries then allows for the ability to better formulate the dynamics of successive temporal flow of everyday reality. The possibility of formulating the temporal mode on the field of a lyrical work is yet another topic discussed here. The temporal mode is then reflected in relation to the "myth of the modern humus", the proclamation of which was on the agenda of Group 42 in its time.
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Jindřich Chalupecký a avantgarda. Mytologizující rysy Chalupeckého koncepce moderního umění ve vztahu k hnutím avantgardy / Jindřich Chalupecký a avantgarda. Mythologizing features od Chaloupecky modern art conception in relation to avant-garde movementsČervinka, Jonáš January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the diploma thesis is to introduce the conception of art produced by major Czech art-critic Jindřich Chalupecký in relation to the movement of historical avant-garde and later manifestations of the neo-avant-garde. The thesis discusses Chalupecký within a broader contemporary context, and uses comparative method to illustrate the complexity of Chalupecký's thought together with the concept of new mythology he shared with some of his contemporaries. The thesis consists of three parts which freely correspond to the sequential progression of Chalupecký's thought and his conception of the avant-garde. The thesis stresses the originality of Chalupecký's approach to modern art, and considers its colorful manifestations.
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Nádraží - průnik tématu městské krajiny utvářené průmyslovou revolucí do české malby 30. a 40. let 20. století / The Railway Station - Czech Post-war Painting Focused on Urban LandscapePALUŠOVÁ, Mária January 2019 (has links)
This diploma thesis called The Railway Station - The Introduction of the Theme of Urban Landscape Shaped by the Industrial Revolution in Czech Painting of 1930s and 1940s is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with the czech painting of the thirties and fourties mainly. The painting of this period reacts on the development of the cities after the industrial revolution and the change of the stands. The new situation was reflected by the artists originally. The theoretical part is focused on Group 42 and its members mainly. The artists and their pieces of work show the issues of the progress. Both parts, practical part mainly, put the emphasis on the phenomenon of the railway station. The railway station is connected with the development of the cities and it serves for the transport of people and goods. There is the outlining of the problem of artistically captured everyday reality of man living in the city in this thesis, there is the differentation of abstract and concrete imaging and its interconnection. The practical part contains photos, sketches and final painting. The railway station is depicted in the painting. The problem of reality and abstract and concrete imaging are expressed in the painting.
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Diskurs lyriky a modely reprezentace subjektu v poezii Skupiny 42 / Lyrical Discourse and Representations of Subject in the Works of Group 42LENCOVÁ, Pavla January 2011 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on exploring the forms of representing the lyric subject in the poetry of authors in Group 42 with a special focus on the forms of depicting the existential status in the text. Prior to the analysis of forms of representation of the lyric subject in the poetry of Group 42, attention will firstly be drawn to the changes of lyrical discourse in the 40's and 50's of the 20th century. Further on the ways of representation of the subject will be examined as well as the ways of depicting reality in the works of the authors of Group 42. At the end of this thesis, based on previous analysis, attention will be drawn to in what ways are principles of existential imagination depicted in the space of a lyrical piece of work.
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Nádraží česká poválečná malba se zaměřením na městskou krajinu / The Railway Station - Czech Post-war Painting Focused on Urban LandscapePALUŠOVÁ, Mária January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis called The Railway Station - Czech Post-war Painting Focused on Urban Landscape is divided into two parts, theoretical and practical. The theoretical part deals with czech post - war painting. Post war painting reacts on the development of the cities after the industrial revolution and the change of the stands. The new situation is reflected by the artists originally. The theoretical part is focused on Group 42 and its members mainly. The artists and their pieces of work show the problems of the progress. Both parts put the emphasis on the phenomenon of the railway station. The railway station is connected with the development of the cities and it serves for the transport of people and goods. There is the problem of the reality, abstract and concrete imaging in this thesis. The practical part contains photos, rough drawings and one painting. The railway station is depicted in the painting. The problem of reality and abstract and concrete imaging are expressed in the painting.
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Výtvarná realizace knihy Ivana Blatného Tento večer / The graphic execution of the book Tento večer written by Ivan BlatnýŠLECHTOVÁ, Mariana January 2010 (has links)
The thesis sloves graphic elaboration of book of poetry Tento večer written by Ivan Blatný. The thesis is divided to teoretical and practical part. In teoretical part are solved resources important for understanding the sense and essence of this poetry production. It`s necessary for create right form of practical realisation, which has to be created in accord of form and subject of poems. The source for this analysis are text of poems and special and technical literature about art literature, aesthetics and theory of art. Practical part resolves more than one art form. All these forms are trying to express essence of literary work. After analysis it seems that banality and commonness of human life are the essence of these poems. And the essence is to express myth of human life and searching sense of life.
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"Motivy příměstské periferie" - grafika (soubor linorytů) / Motifs of city peripheryZEMANOVÁ, Eva January 2011 (has links)
Annotation Topic: Motifs of city periphery Author: Eva Zemanová Department: Department of visual art education The topic of the diploma theses is motifs of a city periphery and its nooks. It documents obscure streets, old forsaken train stations, and stadiums or factories with tall chimneys. It describes moods and ambience of those mysterious areas on the periphery. The practical part contains a set of thirteen graphics on the theme of City periphery. The theme is realised by linocut technique in two sizes, accompanied with preparatory charcoal sketches. The textual part deals with on the group of Czech visual artists of the 1940s who focused on the motifs of city scenery ? the Group 42. The text addresses the ways to incorporate such a topic into the curriculum of an elementary school of art (ZUŠ). It proposes objectives for using the topic in particular disciplines and techniques in visual art education. It also tries to document the metamorphoses of by-gone times and still-lives of discarded objects in the examples of the reproductions of works of Czech and Slovak art. It discusses using colour in graphic arts in letterpress and with colour theory and technique of colour print.
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Écrire le monde en marchant. Une approche de la modernité en Bohême et en France du début du XIXe siècle aux années 1940 / Walking and writing the world. An approach to modernity in Bohemia and France from the beginning of the 19th century to the 1940's / Jít a psát. Zpusob poznávání moderního sveta v Cechách a ve Francii od zacátku 19. století do roku 1948Matysová, Kristýna 19 March 2011 (has links)
Dans les récits allégoriques chrétiens, le pèlerin est une figure symbolique représentant le parcours de l’Homme vers le Paradis. À partir de la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle, les poètes, promeneurs et flâneurs poursuivent la quête d’un au-delà entre les murs des grandes villes. La présente thèse examine les cas de figures des flâneries modernes. En étudiant des textes qui mettent en scène le thème de la marche, ce travail propose une analyse chronologique des approches de la Modernité dans la littérature et dans les arts français et tchèques du début du XIXe siècle aux années 1940. En étudiant les motifs constituants des récits de promenades modernes et le rôle du contexte historique et social de leur création, cette thèse apporte une contribution à la réflexion sur les parallèles culturels entre la France et la Bohême. En outre, elle livre une analyse de divers genres littéraires nés de la nécessité de l’Homme d’écrire le monde en marchant. / In Christian allegoric texts the Pilgrim traditionally symbolizes the journey of mankind to heaven. From the second half of the 19th century on, poets, travelers, and vagabonds pursued the quest of an afterlife from within city walls. This dissertation examines the different representations of modern wandering via an in-depth analysis of the theme as encountered in French and Czech literature and arts from the early 19th century to the 1940's. It reveals, in chronological order, the different artistic approaches to modernity. By bringing out the various patterns that emerge from the texts, while taking into account the historical and social contexts in which they were created, this work adds to existing knowledge on the cultural similarities between France and Bohemia. It also examines the different literary genres which originate from mankind’s need to walk and write the world. / V krestanských alegorických textech je poutník symbolickou postavou na ceste do Ráje.Od druhé poloviny devatenáctého století básníci, chodci a flânéri, se pokoušejí odhalitskrytou tvár reality na ulicích velkomest. Tato disertacní práce analyzuje podobymoderního poutnictví. Chronologicky razené rozbory del, týkajících se tématu chuze,sledují vývoj tvurcích postoju k modernímu svetu ve francouzské a ceské literature avýtvarném umení od zacátku devatenáctého století do konce ctyricátých let stoletídvacátého. Studiem dílcích motivu moderních poutnických textu, zasazenýchdo historického a sociálního kontextu doby jejich vzniku, tato práce prispívá k prohloubenípoznatku o kulturních paralelách mezi Francií a Cechami. Navíc tato disertace zkoumározlicné literární žánry, pro než byla prvotním impulsem potreba autora jít a psát.
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Nový mýtus, poezie a obraz v kontextu českého umění 30. a 40. let / New myth, poetry and image in Czech art of 30s and 40sHavelková, Tereza January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of new myth in art since the end of 1920s to the February coup in 1948. The thesis focuses on the work of Josef Šíma and the artists of Groop 42 and it is based on the premise that there was a new myth emerging in both cases. This premise relies on historical sources and secondary literature and the idea is further developed in the thesis. Its structure responds to chronological order of the topics in question, which correspond to the individual chapters. Connecting link of the thesis is the personage of Josef Šíma, which was also role model for the younger artists of Groop 42. Important are also the approaches to the new myth of Václav Navrátil, Jindřich Chalupecký and Karel Teige. All of them commented on both work of Josef Šíma and the art of newly formed generation, all of them also commented on the political situation. The thesis stresses the difference between the artistic and political myth in that period and more attention to the new myth in political ideology is paid in the last chapter. This version of myth manifested itself in February 1948 by establishment of totalitarian political regime. Key words New myth, crises, revolution, symbol, Josef Šíma, Le Gand Jeu, Group 42, romanticism, Karel Hynek Mácha, Jindřich Chalupecký, Václav Navrátil, Karel...
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Jít a psát. Způsob poznávání moderního světa v Čechách a ve Francii od začátku 19. století do roku 1948 / Walking and writing the world. An approach to modernity in Bohemia and France from the beginnig of the 19 th century to the 1948'sMatysová, Kristýna January 2011 (has links)
Walking and writing the world. An approach to modernity in Bohemia and France from the beginning of the 19th century to the 1940's In Christian allegoric texts the Pilgrim traditionally symbolizes the journey of mankind to heaven. From the second half of the 19th century on, poets, travelers, and vagabonds pursued the quest of an afterlife from within city walls. This dissertation examines the different representations of modern wandering via an in-depth analysis of the theme as encountered in French and Czech literature and arts from the early 19th century to the 1940's. It reveals, in chronological order, the different artistic approaches to modernity. By bringing out the various patterns that emerge from the texts, while taking into account the historical and social contexts in which they were created, this work adds to existing knowledge on the cultural similarities between France and Bohemia. It also examines the different literary genres which originate from mankind's need to walk and write the world.
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