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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Fundamental investigation of slag/carbon interactions in electric arc furnace steelmaking process

Rahman, Muhammad Mahfuzur, Materials Science & Engineering, Faculty of Science, UNSW January 2010 (has links)
This work investigates the interactions of carbonaceous materials (metallurgical coke, natural graphite and HDPE/coke blends) with three EAF slags [FeO: 24% to 32%]. Experiments were conducted using the sessile drop technique (1500??C-1600??C) with off-gases (CO, CO2) measured using an IR analyzer; the wetting behaviour was determined from contact angle measurements. Estimation of slag foaming behaviour was determined from the droplet volume changes calculated using specialized software. At 1550??C, all slags were non-wetting with coke due to increased surface tension due to sulphur. At 1550??C, slag 1 was initially non-wetting on natural graphite due to gas entrapment in the slag droplet; the wetting improved after that. Other slags showed comparatively better wetting. At 1600??C, all slags were non-wetting with coke. Slags showed a shift from non-wetting to wetting behaviour with natural graphite. Slag/coke reactions produced high off-gases levels causing extensive FeO reduction; gas entrapment in the slag was poor (small volume droplets). Slag/natural graphite interactions revealed both slow gas generation rates and FeO reduction, and excellent gas entrapment (higher droplet volumes) with minor changes in slag properties due to low ash levels. The iron oxide reduction rates were determined to be 1.54x10-5 and 4.2x10-6 mol.cm-2/sec (Slag 1, 1550??C) for metallurgical coke and natural graphite respectively. Slag interactions with coke/HDPE blends showed increasing off-gas levels with increasing HDPE levels. Blend#3 produced the highest off-gas levels, extensive FeO reduction and displayed significantly higher slag foaming and better wetting compared to coke. Our line on trends compared well for slag/carbon interactions and resulted in deceased specific energy consumption and carbon usage and increased productivity. These findings have enhanced the possibility of utilizing polymeric wastes in blends with coke in EAF steelmaking for slag/carbon interactions.

Adsorption of Zn, Cd, V, Ba, Cu, Mo, Ni, Cr, Li and Pb to silicon and aluminium reduced AOD-slag

Elmroth, Edvin January 2018 (has links)
During production of steel, slag is formed as a by-product. The process of steelmaking involves usage of additives such as chromium or vanadium as reactants to optimize and produce high quality steel. Vast amounts of slag are formed and there is a continuous search for applications that can make good use of the slag. Currently the use of slag in cleaning of metal polluted waters is researched and promising results has been found for many different types of slags. In this work two different AOD-slags has been used as sorbents for some selected elements (Zn, V, Cr, Mo, Pb, Li, Cd, Ba, Cu, Ni). The main difference between the two slags is the reducing agent that has been used, aluminium and silicon. This results in slags with different adsorption properties. The aluminium reduced slag show tendency for better adsorption capacities in general for the tested elements (Zn, V, Cr, Mo, Pb, Li, Cd, Ba, Cu, Ni), with a few exceptions. The buffering capacity of the materials were high, shown by the fact that final pH reached nearly 11.5 independent of the start pH (varied between 2 and 8). The adsorption process was rather quick and 24 minutes contact time was in most cases sufficient to reach equilibrium. For several of the elements e.g. Lithium, the maximum capacity of the slags was not reached even though a load of 3,07 mg Lithium was added per gram of slag.

Estudo da retração em argamassa com cimento de escória ativada. / Shrinkage of alkali-activated slag.

Antonio Acácio de Melo Neto 19 November 2002 (has links)
O uso de escória de alto forno como aglomerante alternativo ao cimento portland tem sido objeto de vários estudos no Brasil e no exterior. Além de representar vantagens ao meio ambiente por ser um resíduo, a escória apresenta boas possibilidades de emprego, principalmente pelo baixo custo e por suas vantagens técnicas das quais se destacam a elevada resistência mecânica, a boa durabilidade em meios agressivos, o baixo calor de hidratação. No entanto, o emprego deste material carece de estudos detalhados da retração, muito superior à do cimento portland. Este trabalho teve como objetivo estudar a cinética das retrações autógena e por secagem não restringidas do cimento de escória ativada em função, principalmente, do tipo e teor de ativadores empregados. Para a retração autógena, o corpo-de-prova foi selado com papel alumínio protegido internamente com plástico. As medidas estenderam-se de 6 horas até 112 dias. O fenômeno da retração também foi analisado com base nos resultados dos ensaios de porosimetria, calorimetria, termogravimetria e difração de raios X. Foram empregados como ativadores: silicato de sódio, cal hidratada + gipsita, cal hidratada e hidróxido de sódio. Como referência foi adotado o cimento portland da alta resistência inicial CPV-ARI. De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a ativação da escória com silicato de sódio apresentou retração por secagem e autógena superior à apresentada pelos demais ativadores e pelo cimento portland. A maior parte dessa retração medida ocorre até os 7 dias. A retração por secagem ocorre em dois estágios: o primeiro logo após a desmoldagem e o segundo a partir do início da formação dos produtos hidratados. O início da retração autógena coincide com o segundo estágio da retração por secagem. Com base nos ensaios de microestrutura, são determinantes para a elevada retração do cimento de escória ativada com silicato de sódio: a baixa porosidade, caracterizada pela predominância quase total de mesoporos; o elevado grau de hidratação e natureza dos produtos hidratados, com predominância quase total de silicato cálcio hidratado (C-S-H). Na ativação com cal e com cal mais gipsita, a composição diferente dos produtos hidratados (baixa formação de C-S-H e presença significativa de fases aluminato e sulfoluminato, respectivamente) altera a porosidade e a retração, principalmente a autógena que apresenta valores inferiores à do cimento portland. A ativação com hidróxido sódio é caracterizada pela elevada retração autógena e baixa formação de C-S-H, com presença significativa de fases aluminato. / The use of ground granulated blast furnace slag (BFS) as an alternative binder to portland cement has been the subject of numerous studies in Brazil and other countries. Because BFS is a residue, its use benefits the environment. Furthermore, BFS cement is less costly and shows technical advantages if compared with normal portland cement, namely the higher strength, good durability in aggressive environments, and low heat of hydration. On the other hand, the high shrinkage of BSF cement is often indicated as one of the major limiting aspects for its use. The objective of this research was to study the development of unrestrained autogenous and drying shrinkage of BSF cement as function, mainly, of the chemical activator types and dosages. Autogenous shrinkage was measured in fully aluminum foil and plastic sheet wrapped specimens. Measurements were taken from 6 hours up to 112 days. Shrinkage was also analyzed in conjunction with mercury posorimetry, conduction calorimetry, thermogravimetric analysis and X-ray diffraction tests. Activators used were sodium silicate, hydrated lime + gypsite, hydrated lime and sodium hydroxide. High early strength portland cement was used as reference. The results showed that autogenous and drying shrinkage were larger when BFS was activated with sodium silicate. Most of the shrinkage occurs before 7 days of hydration. Drying shrinkage occurs in two phases: the first phase immediately after demolding, and the second phase concurrently with the formation of the hydrated products. Autogenous shrinkage coincides with the second phase of the drying shrinkage. Based on microstructure analysis, determining factors could be identified that respond for the high shrinkage of sodium silicate activated BFS cement: low porosity, mostly mesopores; high degree of hydration and chemical nature of the hydrated products, essentially calcium silicate hydrate - C-S-H. Activation with hydrated lime and hydrated lime plus dehydrated calcium results low amounts of C-S-H and significant quantities of aluminate and sulphoaluminate phases, respectively. Porosity and shrinkage, mainly autogenous, are lower than that verified for portland cement mixtures. Activation with sodium hydroxide causes high autogenous shrinkage, small amounts of C-S-H and significant quantities of aluminate phases.

The Quantitative Determination of Glass in Slag and Fly Ash by Infrared Spectroscopy

Eberendu, Alexis N. R. 12 1900 (has links)
The present study was aimed at developing a new inexpensive and accurate analytical method for determining the glass content of slag and fly ash. Infrared absorption spectroscopy using an internal standard proved to be the method of choice. Both synthetic and commercial slags and fly ashes were investigated.

Modelling of slag emulsification and slag reduction in CAS-OB process

Sulasalmi, P. (Petri) 22 November 2016 (has links)
Abstract Composition Adjustment by Sealed argon bubbling – Oxygen Blowing (CAS-OB) process is a ladle treatment process that was developed for chemical heating and alloying of steel. The main stages of the process are heating, (possible) alloying and reduction of slag. The CAS-OB process aims for homogenization and control of the composition and temperature of steel. In this dissertation, a mathematical reaction model was developed for the slag reduction stage of the CAS-OB process. Slag reduction is carried out by applying vigorous bottom stirring from porous plugs at the bottom of the ladle. Due to the bottom stirring a circular steel flow is induced which disrupts top slag layer and due to shear stress at the steel-slag interface small slag droplets are detached. This induces an immense increase in the interfacial area between steel and slag which provides favourable conditions for the reduction reactions. In order to model reduction reactions, a sub-model for describing the interfacial area was needed. For this the slag droplet formation was studied using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and based on these studies, a sub-model for droplet formation was developed. The model for the reduction stage of the CAS-OB process takes into account not only the reaction during the reduction but also the heat transfer between the phases, ladle and surroundings. The reduction stage model was validated using validation data obtained from the CAS-OB station of the SSAB Raahe steel plant in Finland. It was concluded that the model was able to predict steel and slag compositions as well as the steel temperature very well. / Tiivistelmä CAS-OB -prosessi on sulametallurgiassa käytettävä senkkakäsittelyprosessi, joka on kehitetty teräksen kemialliseen lämmittäseen ja seostukseen. CAS-OB-prosessin pääprosessivaiheet ovat lämmitysvaihe, mahdollinen seostusvaihe ja kuonan pelkistysvaihe. CAS-OB -prosessilla tavoitellaan teräksen koostumuksen homogenisointiin ja lämpötilan kontrollointiin. Tässä tutkimuksessa kehitettiin matemaattinen reaktiomalli CAS-OB -prosessin kuonan pelkistysvaiheen kuvaamiseen. Kuonan pelkistys tapahtuu senkan pohjassa olevien huuhtelutiilien avulla suoritettavan voimakkaan kaasuhuuhtelun avulla. Pohjahuuhtelu aiheuttaa kiertävän teräsvirtauksen senkassa. Teräsvirtaus irrottaa teräksen päällä olevasta kuonakerroksesta pisaroita ja kuonan ja teräksen välinen reaktiopinta-ala kasvaa voimakkaasti. Tämä tarjoaa suotuisat olosuhteet pelkistysreaktiolle senkassa. Pelkistysreaktioiden mallintamiseksi tässä työssä kehitettiin CFD-simulaatioiden avulla alimalli, jonka avulla voidaan kuvata teräksen ja kuonan välisen pinta-alan suuruutta. Pelkistysvaiheen mallissa huomioidaan reaktioiden lisäksi myös systeemissä tapahtuva lämmösiirto. Pelkistysmalli validoitiin mittausdatalla, joka hankittiin SSAB Raahen terässulaton CAS-OB -asemalla järjestetyssä validointikampanjassa. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin, että malli kykenee hyvin ennustamaan teräksen ja kuonan koostumuksen sekä teräksen lämpötilan.

Process development for the production of beneficiated titania slag

Van Dyk, Jacobus Philippus 12 October 2009 (has links)
There is a range of feed materials available for the production of Ti02 pigment. These range from natural materials like ilmenite and rutile to synthetic materials like synthetic rutile. There is a large increase in the price of titaniferous feed materials as the Ti02content of the material increases. To take advantage of the difference in price between chloride grade slag and natural rutile a process was developed to increase the Ti02 content of chloride grade slag from ~85% to more than 95%. This beneficiated titania slag product (BTS) should be ideal as feed material to the chloride pigment process. Initially several processes were evaluated. Particular emphasis was placed on the slag pre-treatment procedure. This was necessary as impurities could only be leached with difficulty from as-cast slag. A suitable pre-treatment procedure would render the impurities easily leachable, while the titanium is retained in an insoluble form. The results indicated that a process consisting of oxidation and reduction roasting would satisfy these requirements. Detailed process development was then undertaken on this process. The first phase of the process development was conducted in a coal fired fluid bed roaster. This allowed a set of semi optimised process parameters to be established, but the highest Ti02 content that could be achieved was 94%. A second stage of process development was under taken under more controlled conditions, using a small fluid bed reactor connected to a gas mixing system. Based on the results in this phase of the process development a new set of optimum process parameters was established. They are oxidation at 850°C for 1.5 h in an atmosphere containing 8% O2; reduction at 850°C for 10 min in a 100% CO atmosphere and leaching in boiling 20% hydrochloric acid for 12 h. Under these conditions it was possible to produce BTS containing > 97% Ti02. During oxidation of titania slag several important morphological changes occur. These are the conversion of the original M305 phase in the slag to a mixture of rutile/anatase, hematite and ferric M305. In the process the iron in the slag migrates to the outside surfaces of the slag particles where it is easily accessible during leaching. The iron containing phases are converted to ilmenite during reduction and during leaching the ilmenite is removed. This yields the BTS product. As the oxidation roast appeared to be a very important of the BTS process it was decided to investigate the mechanism of titania slag oxidation. A mechanism based on the nucleation energy that is required to form the relevant phases during oxidation was proposed. This mechanism was tentatively confirmed through selected experiments. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering / unrestricted

Cooling characteristics of high titania slags

Bessinger, Deon 21 July 2006 (has links)
Please read the abstract in the section 00front of this document Copyright 2000, University of Pretoria. All rights reserved. The copyright in this work vests in the University of Pretoria. No part of this work may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, without the prior written permission of the University of Pretoria. Please cite as follows: Bessinger, D 2000, Cooling characteristics of high titania slags, MSc dissertation, University of Pretoria, Pretoria, viewed yymmdd < http://upetd.up.ac.za/thesis/available/etd-07212006-102324 / > H 95 / Dissertation (MSc (Metallurgy))--University of Pretoria, 2007. / Materials Science and Metallurgical Engineering / unrestricted

Influence of Ladle-slag Additions on BOF-Process Parameters

Dahlin, Anders January 2011 (has links)
The influence of ladle-slag additions on the BOF-process performance were investigated in plant trials. The aim of the study was to recycle ladle slag from secondary steelmaking to the LD-converter to save lime and improve the slag formation. More specifically, two plant trial campaigns covering in total 83 heats, whereof 47 with ladle-slag additions and 36 without ladle-slag additions, were performed.  Slag and steel sampling of the process were performed at tapping as well as during blowing at 15, 35, and 65% of the total blowing time. During the first campaign, ladle slag was added through the chute and lime reductions were made manually to correct for the ladle-slag addition.  In the second campaign, a development of the approach was made to suite a normal production practice. More specifically, the ladle slag was added through the weight-hopper system and implemented in the process-control system. In this way, the lime additions were reduced automatically by approximately 260 kg per heat. Moreover, the heat balance was compensated with a reduction in the iron-ore consumption. Additionally, the lance program was modified and the lance was lowered in the initial stages of the blow.  On the positive side, it was found that no demerits in the metallurgical performance of the process occur when ladle slag is recycled to the BOF-process. Furthermore, only slight affections on the slag composition were found, mainly with respect to the Al2O3 and FeO-content. In addition, the ladle slag was shown to melt during the initial stages of the blow. This contributed to an increased slag weight both during the blow and at tapping. However, a negative effect on the blowing time was experienced during the trials. Although, this effect was more pronounced during the first campaign and could be reduced with a controlled heat balance during the second campaign. / QC 20110503

Evolution of sulfur-bearing gases from blast furnace slags

Agrawal, Balkishan. January 1980 (has links)
Thesis: Sc. D., Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 1980 / Vita. / Includes bibliographical references. / by Balkishan Agrawal. / Sc. D. / Sc. D. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Materials Science and Engineering

Feasibility of Expanding the use of Steel Slag as a Concrete Pavement Aggregate

Fronek, Brad A. 24 August 2012 (has links)
No description available.

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