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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stacionarinių slaugos paslaugų poreikio vertinimas Kauno mieste / Investigation of the demand for in-patient nursing care service in Kaunas city

Petrauskienė, Renata 08 June 2005 (has links)
Aim of the study was to investigate the present demand for in-patient nursing care service in Kaunas city. Methods: Analysis of the medical documents (patient’s file) and waiting lists at 4 Kaunas city nursing and supportive care hospitals was done: patients were studied according to their age, location, social and medical indications for hospitalization and their repeated registration on the waiting list. Microsoft Excel program and SPSS statistical package was used to analyze the results. The results: 95 per of patients in nursing and supportive care institution and 94,7 per those on the waiting lists are Kaunas citizenry. Examination of medical diagnoses of hospitalized patients revealed the neurological disease as a common: encephalophathy - 34,4 per and stroke – 18,4 per. 23,6 per of patients with post-stroke diagnosis and 19,5 per of oncology patients are on the waiting list. 36,1 per of patients at hospital were at the age of 81 - 90 y. Children take care of 57,5 per of the hospital patients, the strangers – of 12,7 per. The long waiting list for entering nursing and supportive care institution revealed the great demand for in-patient nursing care service in Kaunas city: 1845 names were put on it at the period of 1st of June, 2003 to 31st of May, 2004. However, double, treble or even fourfold registration of the same patient makes this statistic doubtful. After the additional selection of names the more realistic waiting lists consisted of 1441. 154 patients from... [to full text]

Socialinių paslaugų organizavimo slaugos ligoninėje ypatumai / The peculiarities of organization of social services at the hospice

Alubeckienė, Virginija 24 September 2008 (has links)
Lietuvoje ligonių slaugos ir globos politiką formuoja Socialinės apsaugos ir darbo ministerija, bei Sveikatos apsaugos ministerija. Pagrindinė funkcija - socialinės politikos įgyvendinimo, paslaugas ligoniams teikia įstaigos, tiesiogiai pavaldžios miestų savivaldybėms. Slaugos ligoninė yra viena iš stacionarių globos įstaigų, kurios tikslas organizuoti ir teikti palaikomąjį gydymą senyvo amžiaus asmenims su negalia, sunkiai ar nepagydomomis progresuojančiomis ligomis sergantiems asmenims, saugoti ir ginti jų teises bei interesus, užtikrinti kvalifikuotą slaugą, fizinę ir psichologinę reabilitaciją, socialinę integraciją dėl sveikatos būklės laikinai ar visam gyvenimui praradusiems savarankiškumą. Pagrindiniai socialinių paslaugų teikėjai ilgalaikėje stacionarioje globos ir slaugos įstaigoje socialiniai darbuotojai, kurie ne tik teikia paslaugas, bet patys yra šių paslaugų organizatoriai bei koordinatoriai. Dirbant socialinį darbą yra aktualu žinoti ar šios paslaugos yra kokybiškos, ar pilnai jos tenkina pacientų poreikius. Darbo tiriamasis objektas – socialinių paslaugų organizavimo slaugos ligoninėje ypatumai. Darbo tikslas – išanalizuoti socialinių paslaugų organizavimo slaugos ligoninėje ypatumus. Uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti palaikomojo gydymo ir slaugos įstaigų paskirtį šiuolaikinėje sveikatos ir socialinių paslaugų sistemose. 2. Aptarti palaikomojo gydymo ir slaugos ligoninėje teikiamų socialinių paslaugų... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The policy of patients’ care and protection in Lithuania are formed by The Ministry of Social security and labor and The Ministry of health of the Republic of Lithuania. The main function – the implementation of social policy, the services for patients are given at the institutions that are under control of municipalities. The hospice is one of the stationary care institutions that purpose is to organize and give the supportive treatment for elderly disabled people, persons having heavy or incurable progressive diseases, to protect and defend their rights and interests, to assure the qualified care, physical and psychological rehabilitation, social integration for persons who temporary or for life have lost self-sufficiency because of state of health. The main givers of social services in the long-time stationary institution of protection and care are the social workers, who not only give the services, but themselves are the organizers and coordinators of these services. In the social work it is relevant to know are these services given qualitatively and do they completely meet the needs of patients. The investigative object of work – the peculiarities of organization of social services at the hospice. The purpose of work – to analyze the peculiarities of organization of social services at the hospice. Goals: 1. To display the destination of supportive treatment and care institutions in the modern systems of health and social services. ... [to full text]

Hospitalinių infekcijų ir jų rizikos veiksnių paplitimas Lietuvos slaugos ligoninėse / Prevalence of hospital infections and risk factors in lithuanian long-term care hospitals

Bagdonaitė, Rūta 09 July 2011 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas - nustatyti hospitalinių infekcijų ir jų rizikos veiksnių paplitimo ir struktūros ypatumus Lietuvos slaugos ligoninėse. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Aprašyti hospitalinių infekcijų paplitimą ir struktūrą slaugos ligoninėse. 2. Nustatyti hospitalinių infekcijų rizikos veiksnių paplitimą. 3. Aprašyti skirtų antibakterinių vaistų paplitimą spektrą slaugos ligoninėse. 4. Įvertinti ryšį tarp rizikos veiksnių ir hospitalinės infekcijos. Tyrimo metodai ir apimtis. Atliktas aprašomasis vienmomentinis paplitimo tyrimas. Tyrime dalyvavo dvidešimt viena slaugos ir palaikomojo gydymo ligoninė, ištirti 1380 pacientų. Tyrimas buvo atliktas pagal vienmomentinio paplitimo tyrimo metodiką, infekcijos buvo nustatomos ir diferencijuojamos į hospitalines ir visuomenėje įgytas, pagal hospitalinių infekcijų registravimo kriterijus. Duomenų tvarkymui ir analizei naudoti SPSS bei Winpepi statistiniai paketai. Rezultatai. Nustatytas 6,1% hospitalinių infekcijų paplitimas. Didžiausią dalį visų HI sudarė apatinių kvėpavimo takų (62,5%) bei odos ir minkštųjų audinių infekcijos (21,7%). HI paplitimas ligoninėse esančiose apskričių centruose (7,6%) buvo didesnis nei rajonų ligoninėse (3,3%) (p<0,001). Didžiausias hospitalinių infekcijų paplitimas (20,0%) nustatytas 20-40 metų pacientų amžiaus grupėje. 61 - 80 m. ir 81-100 m. amžiaus grupėse didžiausią dalį HI struktūroje sudarė apatinių kvėpavimo takų infekcijos (atitinkamai 70,0% ir 62,0%). Diagnozuojant hospitalines infekcijas, nebuvo atliktas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Prevalence of hospital infections and risk factors in Lithuanian long-term care hospitals The aim of this study was to set out the prevalence and structure of hospital infections and risk factors in Lithuanian long-term care hospitals. The tasks of the investigation: 1.To describe the prevalence and structure specificity of hospital infections. 2. To define the prevalence of risk factors of hospital infections. 3. To define the prevalence and structure of prescribed antibiotics in long-term care hospitals. 4. To rate the relation between risk factors and hospital infections. Methods of the ivestigation. The point-prevalence study was carried. All (43) Lithuanian long-term care hospitals were invited to take part in this study, the participation was voluntary. The study was carried in 21 hospitals, all patients admitted before the survey day were included, 1380 patients were examined. The following data was recorded: infections, medical condition, chronic disease, the use of antibiotics. Data was processed and analysed using SPSS and Winpepi statistical programmes. Results. The 6,1% prevalence of hospital infections was defined. Lower respiratory tract (62,5%) and skin and soft tissues infections (21,7%) were the most common. The prevalence of hospital infections was higher in the town hospitals (7,6%) than in the district hospitals (3,3%) (p<0,001). The highest prevalence of hospital infections (20,0%) was in group of 20-40 years old patients. In group of 61-80 and 81-100... [to full text]

Kokybės vadybos sistemos diegimas Lietuvos palaikomojo gydymo ir slaugos ligoninėse / Installation of quality management system in lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals

Malčankina, Sonata 13 June 2005 (has links)
Management of Public Health, M. Sc. INSTALLATION OF QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN LITHUANIAN HEALTH KEEPING AND NURSING HOSPITALS Sonata Malčankina Supervisor Ilona Bučiūnienė, Dr.Sc.Assoc.Prof., ISM University of Management and Economics. Department of Social Medicine, Faculty of Public Health, Kaunas University of Medicine.- Kaunas, 2005. – P. 92. Aim of the study: to evaluate the installation of quality management system (QMS) in Lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals. Objectives: 1. Identify the progress of installation of QMS in Lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals. 2. Identify problems arising during installation of QMS in Lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals. 3. Evaluate the satisfaction with a practically functioning quality management system. Methods. Research object: all Lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals. Research methods and extent: After analyzing the latest Lithuanian and foreign scientific literature and legal acts, the form was made and anonymous survey of heads of Lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals was performed. 72 forms were sent to all Lithuanian health keeping and nursing hospitals. 58 answered forms were received back. Statistical analysis methods: MS Excel and statistical data analysis package SPSS 9.0 was used to analyze data. Hypotheses on the independence of two attributes were tested using chi-square (χ2) criterion. The strength of relationship between range variables was tested using... [to full text]

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