Spelling suggestions: "subject:"smart grid."" "subject:"smart arid.""
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Monitoring the energy consumption in buildings in B2B sectorRIFAI, Nabil January 2016 (has links)
This report discusses the ambition of EDF, a French electricity provider, to offer new services to its customers. With the emergence of the smart grid that will be operational in 2020 in France, there are several opportunities that have to be taken. One of them is to be able to offer a suitable monitoring system to its customer. This study tried to emphasize the important aspects and features that are required in such a system. Several solutions that are currently being commercialized in France have been analyzed. A grading has been made according to the technical functionalities and the business models have been analyzed. Recommendations for EDF have also been made in order to help the company to choose the right monitoring system.
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Akzeptanz von E-Autos als Energiespeicher im Smart Grid – eine Stated Choice Befragung zu variablen Vergütungen für Besitzer von E-AutosGranse, Richard 28 March 2022 (has links)
Diese Masterarbeit untersucht die Fragestellung, ob die Einwohner Deutschlands zukünftig E-Autos als Energiespeicher im Smart Grid akzeptieren und inwiefern variable Preise zur Vergütung der Fahrzeugbesitzer geeignet sind. Zu diesem Zweck wurde eine Stated Choice Befragung durchgeführt. Der ermittelte Datensatz wurde anhand drei verschiedener Conjoint-Analysen ausgewertet. Dazu wurde jeweils ein Teilwert-Modell als Nutzenmodell und ein multinomiales Logit-Choice-Modell formuliert. Der Top-Down-Ansatz wurde genutzt, um reduzierte Modelle zu bilden, welche ausschließlich signifikante Schätzer enthalten. Zur Überprüfung der Modelle wurden globale Gütemaße herangezogen. Bei der Auswertung der Modelle ergab sich, dass die Probanden ihre Wahl hauptsächlich von der Alternative selbst – Fixpreis oder variabler Preis – abhängig machen und weniger von der Ausgestaltung der Preise.
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Upravljanje komunikacionom mrežom elektroenergetske pametne mreže sa promenljivim komunikacionim zahtevima / Smart grid communication network management with variable communication requirementsČokić Mita 07 October 2020 (has links)
<p>Pametna elektroenergetska mreža predstavlja mrežu nove generacije koja treba da bude efikasna, proširiva, pouzdana i jednostavna za upravljanje. Pametnu mrežu karakteriše veliki broj uređaja i dvosmerna komunikacija sa njima. Ovi uređaji će generisati ogromne količine podataka koje je potrebno pročitati i transportovati do kontrolnog centra, za šta je neophodna odgovarajuća komunikaciona infrastruktura koja obezbeđuje adekvatan kvalitet usluge. U ovoj disertaciji je prikazano rešenje za obezbeđivanje kvaliteta usluge sabraćaja sa dinamičkim promenama prioriteta i propusnog opsega bazirano na programabilnim računarskim mrežama. Takođe je razvijena platforma za evaluaciju komunikacione infrastrukture pametnih mreža kako bi se omogućilo jednostavnije emuliranje različitih mrežnih topologija za potrebe razvoja novih algoritama upravljanja. Performanse rešenja su potvrđene putem šest testnih scenarija i pokazano je da predstavljeno rešenje daje bolje rezultate za sve scenarije sa aspekta obezbeđivanja propusnog opsega i mrežnog kašnjenja.</p> / <p>Smart grid represents the next generation power network which should be efficient, extensible, reliable and easy to manage. The smart grid will have a great number of devices with two-way communication. These devices will generate large amount of data that needs to be read and transported to utility control center, which further requires adequate communication infrastructure with appropriate quality of service. This dissertation presents a solution for providing quality of service for traffic with dynamic priority and bandwidth requirements, based on software defined networks. The platform for smart grid communication infrastructure evaluation is developed to enable easy emulation of different network topologies for the purpose of developing new control algorithms. Solution performance is verified using six test scenarios and it is shown that the proposed solution gives better results for all scenarios from the aspect of bandwidth provision and network latency.</p>
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Gestion et dimensionnement d'une flotte de véhicules électriques associée à une centrale photovoltaïque : co-optimisation stochastique et distribuée / Management and Sizing of an Electric Vehicle Fleet Associated with a Photovoltaic Plant : Stochastic and Distributed Co-optimizationStationary Valorisation of Electric Vehicle Batteries taking into account their aging and availibilityLe Goff Latimier, Roman 26 September 2016 (has links)
La généralisation concomitante de consommateurs d'électricité flexibles et de producteurs imparfaitement contrôlables invite à utiliser les complémentarités de ces acteurs afin d'améliorer leur intégration dans les systèmes d'énergie. Dans le cadre de ces travaux de doctorat, la collaboration entre une flotte de véhicules électriques et une centrale photovoltaïque est étudiée. Un problème générique est tout d'abord défini afin d'augmenter la prévisibilité des échanges entre un réseau électrique et le système collaboratif ainsi créé qui devra respecter un profil d'engagement de puissance échangée. La gestion de ce système est traduite en un problème d'optimisation dans lequel on cherche à compenser les erreurs de prévision de la production photovoltaïque à l'aide de la flexibilité des recharges. Ce problème est multi-temporel du fait de la présence de batteries, stochastique à cause de la disponibilité des véhicules et des erreurs de prévision, et enfin de grande dimension puisqu'à l'échelle d'une flotte entière.Pour le résoudre, la modélisation du comportement et du vieillissement des batteries Li-ion est discutée afin d'établir des compromis entre justesse du modèle, impact sur la décision finale et coût de calcul. Par ailleurs, un modèle de Markov caché original est spécifiquement développé afin de capturer les structures temporelles de l'erreur de prévision de production photovoltaïque. Cette étude est fondée sur des données réelles de production d'une centrale et des données de prévision correspondantes.Le problème de recharge optimale d'une flotte de véhicules agrégée en une batterie équivalente est résolu par la méthode de la programmation dynamique stochastique. La sensibilité des lois de gestion obtenues est discutée vis à vis des modèles utilisés pour décrire l'erreur de prévision ou le comportement des batteries. Le vieillissement des batteries est traduit par plusieurs modèles, dont on examine les conséquences sur le dimensionnement optimal de la flotte de véhicules par rapport à la puissance crête de la centrale photovoltaïque.Enfin la puissance de recharge optimale pour chacun des véhicules de la flotte est déduite à l'aide d'un problème de partage qui est résolu par optimisation distribuée --- Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers --- et programmation dynamique. Une attention particulière est prêtée à la manière dont les préférences individuelles de chaque utilisateur peuvent être prises en compte au sein d'une flotte. Le cas d'une limitation des échanges d'information possibles entre les véhicules est investigué. Le dimensionnement optimal entre une flotte et une centrale photovoltaïque est finalement analysé pour plusieurs modèles économiques envisageables. L'interaction entre dimensionnement et gestion est traitée à l'aide d'une co-optimisation. / Simultaneous development of flexible electricity consumers and of intermittent renewable producers calls for using their complementarities. It could foster their overall integration in power systems. For the purpose of this doctoral thesis, the collaboration between an electric vehicle fleet and a photovoltaic plant is studied. First of all, a generic problem is set up to improve the predictability of the power exchange between the power grid and the so called collaboratif system. It should therefore fulfill a commitment profile constraint. The intraday management of this system consists in an optimisation problem which objective is to mitigate the production forecast errors by charging power flexibility. This is a multitime step problem, because of the battery intertia. The random availibility of vehicles and the forecast errors also make it stochastic. Finally there is a huge number of variables as it is spread other an entiere fleet.Upstream of the problem resolution, the modeling of the dynamic behaviour and of the aging of Lithium Ion batteries is discussed. It results in a range of compromises between precision, impact on the final decision and computational cost. Furthermore, a hidden Markov model is proposed and developped so as to handle temporal structures of the forecast error of the photovoltaic production. This analysis is based on production data of a real plant and on associated forecasts.An electric vehicle fleet is considered as an equivalent agregated battery. Its optimal charging power is sorted out using stochastic dynamic programming. The sensitivity of the resulting management strategies is assessed against the models which describe the production forecast error or battery behaviour. The battery aging is rendered by several models which we discuss the consequences over the optimal sizing of an electric vehicle fleet regarding to the plant power.Then the optimal charing power for each one of the vehicles among a fleet is deduced using a sharing problem. The resolution is carried out using distributed optimisation --- Alternating Direction Method of Multipliers --- and dynamic programming. A specific attention is devoted to the individual mobility priorities of the vehicles users. The vehicle charging power is thus differenticiated according to each one preferences. We also investigate a situation where information exchanges are limited. The optimal sizing of an electric vehicle fleet associated with a photovoltaic plant is finaly considered under several possibilities of economic model. The coupling between sizing and daily management is tackled thanks to a co-optimization.
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Evaluation of Proof of Concept for Purchase Agents in Blockchain-Based Smart GridsYurt, Kerem Robin January 2023 (has links)
Under de senaste åren har blockkedjans popularitet blivit alltmer känd och dess popularitet har ökat. Aspekten av att använda en blockkedja i olika delar av samhället har diskuterats och testats. Smarta elnät är också ett brett ämne som har undersökts djupt, idén fortsätter att utvecklas och dess implementation i ett större samhälle. Slutligen är intelligenta agenter ett mål som används och diskuteras i stor utsträckning idag. Användningen av intelligenta agenter sträcker sig till områden som datautvinning, dataanalys och andra olika tjänster. Denna studie har börjat med ett föreställt scenario, men med avseende på olika områden blev det ett avskalat scenario där det förverkligade scenariot utvecklade ett bevis på koncept. Visionen med avhandlingen var att ta fram ett nytt sätt att köpa mindre mängder elektricitet, vilket framtar en ny metod för att köpa el från andra privatpersoner som har lagrat ström från olika källor där det inte kommer till användning. Undersökning av olika blockkedjealternativ slutade med alternativet Ganache som fungerar med kryptovalutan Ethereum. Scenariot började med att en person A hade en önskan att göra ett köp med beloppsgränsen 100 SEK. Därefter utfördes implementationen för att uppfylla önskemålen hos Person A. När det gäller data och tidmätningar resulterade det i bättre än förväntade resultat. Studien har visat att genomförandet av detta bevis på koncept kan utöka förbättringar vid inköp av mindre mängder el. / In the later years, blockchain's popularity has been more recognized and its popularity has increased. The aspect of using a blockchain in different aspects of society has been discussed and tested. Smart grids are also a topic that has been deeply investigated, the idea is moving forward in the making of tweaks in the system. Lastly, Intelligent Agents are a target widely used and discussed today. The usage of Intelligent Agents is considered in areas such as data mining, data analytics, and different services. This study started with an envisioned scenario but regarding different scopes, it became a realized scenario where the realized scenario developed a proof of concept. The vision of the thesis is to bring forth a new way to purchase smaller amounts of electricity, creating a new way to purchase electricity from other civilians who have stored it from different sources where they do not use it. Investigating different blockchain alternatives led to Ganache which works with the cryptocurrency Ethereum. The scenario started with Person A that requested to purchase with the amount limit of 100 SEK. Thereafter the case was implemented to fulfill the needs of Person A. In terms of data and time measurements, it resulted in good outcomes. The study has proven that an implementation of this proof of concept could lead to improvements when purchasing smaller amounts of electricity.
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Batterier i kraftsystemet : En studie i batteriers potential som energilagring för stöd av intermittenta energikällor i det nationella kraftsystemet / Batteries in the electric power system : A study in the potential of batteries as energy storage for support of intermittent power sources in the national power systemGustafsson, Amelie, Wiklund, Hannes January 2019 (has links)
Utveckling av det moderna samhället och den fortsatt accelererande energiintensiva tillvaro människan lever i sätter stor press på klimatet. För att nå de hållbarhetsmål FN satt upp som bland annat innebär minskade utsläpp och effektivare energianvändning krävs krafttag i det globala energisystemet. För att öka andelen modern och ren energi krävs att sol- och vindkraft prioriteras. Ett stort problem med dessa energikällor är dess intermittenta produktion vilken alstrar oregelbunden elektricitet och ställer nya krav på elnätet. För att underlätta implementering av förnybara energikällor på det nationella elnätet och i mindre energisystem undersöks i den här rapporten de förutsättningar som finns för att integrera batterienergilagringssystem i kombination med intermittenta energikällor. Rådande förutsättningar redogörs för i en omfattande litteraturundersökning där bland annat elnätets funktion, lovande batteriteknologier, ekonomiska incitament för batterienergilagring och framtidspotential undersöks. Ett globalt engagemang för att öka andelen förnybar energi med hjälp av batterienergilagring i det globala energisystemet identifieras. Vidare visas batterienergilagringssystem har stor potential att minimera den belastning intermittenta energikällor har på elnätet. Potentialen begränsas i nuläget av rådande politiska styrmedel och elmarknadens utformning då en småskalig elproducent idag gynnas av att direkt mata ut överskottsel på elnätet istället för att använda energilagring. Med en växande andel intermittent elproduktion förväntas minskade begränsningar och batterienergilagring kopplat till elproduktion bli mer lönsamt. / The development of the modern society and the global continuously accelerating energy intensive way of living is putting stress on the climate. In order to achieve the UNs set of sustainability goals, including reduced emissions and more efficient use of energy, vigorous actions in the global energy system is required. To increase the share of clean and modern energy generation a larger quantity of solar and wind power is required. Due to weather dependency these resources generate intermittent electricity which will put new challenges on the grid. To facilitate the implementation of intermittent energy sources on the national grid and in smaller energy systems this report aims to investigate current prerequisites on integrating battery energy storage systems and intermittent resources to increase the share of clean energy sources in the power system. Current prerequisites are presented as the result of an extensive literature study where the electrical grid, promising battery technologies, financial incentives for battery energy storage and future potential is examined. A global commitment to increase the share of renewable energy sources using battery energy storage system in the global energy system is identified. Furthermore, battery energy storage systems are shown to have great potential in limiting the negative impact of intermittent energy sources on the electrical grid. This potential is currently being limited by existing political control means and the design of the electricity market such that small producers are benefitted by directly supplying the grid with excess electricity instead of using energy storage. With a growing share of intermittent power generation these limitations are expected to ease and battery energy storage systems in connection with power production becoming more profitable.
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Community-Based Optimal Scheduling of Smart Home Appliances Incorporating Occupancy ErrorAnsu-Gyeabour, Ernest 22 August 2013 (has links)
No description available.
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Energy storage in the future smart grid. An investigation of pricing strategies and dynamic load levelling for efficient integration of domestic energy storage within a virtual power plant and its evaluation using a genetic algorithm optimization platformOkpako, Oghenovo January 2019 (has links)
One feature that is hoped for in the smart grid is the participation of energy prosumers in
a power market through demand response program. In this work, we consider a third-party
virtual power plant (VPP) that has “real-time” control over a number of prosumers’
storage units within an envisaged free market. Typically, a VPP with domestic energy
storage will involve a bidirectional flow of energy, where energy can either flow from the
grid to the prosumers’ battery or from the prosumers’ battery to the grid. Such a system
requires prices to be set correctly in order to meet the market objectives of all the VPP
stakeholders (VPP Aggregator, prosumers, and grid).
Previous work has shown how VPPs could operate, and the benefits of using energy
storage, coupled with pricing, in terms of reducing energy cost for stakeholders and
providing the grid with its required load shape. The published work either assumes prices
or costs or then optimises for least cost within the grid parameters i.e. losses, voltage
limits, etc. However, the setting of prices in such a way that energy can be traded among
VPP stakeholders that satisfies all stakeholders’ objectives has not been fully explored in
the literature, particularly with real-time VPP aggregators.
In this thesis, we present novel strategies for evaluating and setting the prices of a
community VPP with domestic storage based on the bidirectional flow of energy through
the VPP aggregator between the grid and the prosumers that mutually meet all VPP
stakeholders’ objectives. This showed that depending on pricing and the VPP objectives,
demand-side management could be attractive. However, the effect on the grid in terms of
the load was not what was desired. A new performance index called the “Cumulative
Performance Index” CPI is proposed to measure the VPP’s performance. Using the CPI,
it was possible to compare and contrast between the VPP technical performance and its
business case for stakeholders. Optimizing with respect to the grid’s requirement for DSM
from the VPP, it was possible to achieve a CPI of 100%. This work was implemented
using a novel approach on a genetic algorithm platform. / Niger Delta Development Commission of Nigeria
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Aggregate Modeling of Large-Scale Cyber-Physical SystemsZhao, Lin January 2017 (has links)
No description available.
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Development of Intelligent Energy Management System Using Natural ComputingYang, Cheng 27 September 2012 (has links)
No description available.
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