Spelling suggestions: "subject:"cocial inclusion"" "subject:"bsocial inclusion""
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Postoj státu k dobrovolníkům / State Approach to VolunteersŠtěpánková, Jitka January 2008 (has links)
The diploma thesis "State Approach to Volunteers" deals with the evolution of the state's relationship to voluntary activities in Czech society, with an emphasis on the period since 1989. The starting point is the setting of volunteerism into the context of postindutrial society, which urges us to revise our values orientation, the possibilities of the labour market, our access to life-long education and our level of social cohesion. The essay pays attention to the analysis of the state's approach to the phenomena of volunteerism (in the role of a supporter) and to the resulting position of volunteers in Czech society, stressing the steps that were made to support volunteerism by the state. It analyses the statistical data that deals with the characteristics of organisation, and the projects that have been supported in connection with the Act on Voluntary Service 198/2002. Further, it presents a comparison of the problematic fields of Czech legislation on volunteering with the Polish and Hungarian legislation on volunteering. Finally, it suggests steps and arrangements that could be used in the further support of voluntary activities in the Czech environment.
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Kompetence a předpoklady obecní územní samosprávy k efektivní politice sociálního začleňování / Competencies and requierements of municiapalities fot the social inclusion policyŠvec, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
Diploma thesis deals with competencies of local municipalities in social inclusion policy. Social exclusion is a key phenomenon of contemporary policy, and municipalities play an important role in such policy. Though, municipalities often tend to fail in their role. The thesis describes and analyse the competencies of local governments and tries to set up and ideal local inclusion policy: a complete set of possible measures that a municipality can use in dealing with social inclusion. This ideal is further on used in two case studies: formative evaluation of local policies in two small towns in South Bohemia. The result is interpreted in perspective of social construction of target groups theory, explaining why do or do not municipalities use concrete inclusive measures. Powered by TCPDF (www.tcpdf.org)
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Sociální podnikání jako způsob sociálního začlenění znevýhodněných osob / Social entrepreneurship: a way to social inclusion of disadvantaged peopleNávratová, Anna January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on the intersection of social entrepreneurship and community gardening. In the middle of both of these initiative is man, his wellbeing and the wellbeing of the whole planet. Both of these social and civil initiatives can potentially become places of social integration of handicapped people. Therefore, this work is paying attention to concepts of social exclusion and inclusion, social entrepreneurship and community gardening. Moreover, it deals with the notions of employment and work of disabled people. This theses also contains a program evaluation of a community garden and a social enterprise, Kokoza,o.p.s, which employs people with a mental disease. Looking at the case of this enterprise we can see that the conjunction of a community garden and a social enterprise can be a fitting solution for all the stakeholders: for the establishing organization, for the employees as well as for the community using the garden. KEY WORDS Social entrepreneurship, Social Economy, Community garden, Urban gardening Social exclusion, Social inclusion, People with mental disorder, Evaluation, Evaluation research
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Sociální aspekty stárnutí u osob bez domova v souvislosti se systémovými opatřeními v Praze / Social aspects of ageing regarding homeless people in connection with systemic measures taken in the city of PraguePěnkava, Pavel January 2019 (has links)
Homelessness is a socio-pathological phenomenon, caused by the inability of an individual to deal with crisis situations and leading to the lost of relationships but also the material environment. As a result of the above, the social exclusion of the individuals gradually becomes unchangeable. Here, Pěnkava (2013) describes the vertical decline within the social stratification, which brings a deep frustration and in a number of cases leads to resignation on the efforts to deal efficiently with the unfavorable situation. The causes of such collapse are multifactorial and hence, in order to solve them there is cooperation on the level of multidisciplinary teams needed. However, numerous issues are currently being solved by social workers only, who in many cases are forced to replace experts in fields such as law, psychology, pedagogy of leisure time, geriatry or medicine. The central theme of the dissertation is dealing with the possibilities and limitations of people without home in old age living in the Capital City of Prague. Considering the factors of age, the diversity in satisfying their needs and the associated risks involved, is this a specific group of people that is, moreover, at immediate risk to their lives and health. As a consequence, the dignity of these people is being hurt not only...
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Failed Integration, Alienation and the Rise of Homegrown Violent Islamist Extremism in Sweden : An institutional framework for analyzing Sweden’s terrorism prevention policy and practiceEslahchi, Morteza January 2017 (has links)
In this thesis, I try to analyze how Sweden prevents violent Islamist extremism. First, by using alienation and network theories I explain how various socio-economic factors create an alienating environment in which individuals who have inappropriate social network can move towards violent Islamist extremism. Second, by analyzing the policy and practice of preventive work with a focus on activities of the National Coordinator Against Violent Extremism I try to identify achievements and shortcomings in this area, and eventually suggest how preventive work in Sweden can be improved.
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Expectativas laborales y educativas a futuro de las personas sordas en Lima, Perú / Educational and work expectations of deaf people in Lima, PeruDíaz Caballero, Susana Rosalía, Espinoza Prcik, Tamara Marina, Gonzáles Guevara, Mary Christ 23 October 2020 (has links)
El presente estudio de investigación explora las expectativas laborales y educativas a futuro de las personas sordas en Lima, Perú. Se realizó una investigación cualitativa que consistió en entrevistar a dieciséis personas sordas entre 18 y 30 años con la ayuda de una intérprete de lengua de señas. Con el fin de comprender sus experiencias, se contactó a los participantes mediante la Asociación de sordos Región Lima (ASSORELI) y la Asociación de Intérpretes y Guías Intérpretes de Lengua de Señas del Perú (ASISEP). Tras analizar los resultados, se puede concluir que las personas sordas entrevistadas tienen metas y objetivos por cumplir; sin embargo, ellas no se sienten respaldadas por el Estado, ya que sus derechos aún se ven vulnerados. Como resultado de la presente investigación, se encontró que el principal problema, tanto en el ámbito educativo y laboral como en la vida cotidiana, es la falta de intérpretes de lengua de señas en establecimientos públicos y privados, así como en centros educativos, lo que limita a las personas sordas y les impide desarrollarse plenamente en la sociedad. En el ámbito educativo las condiciones no siempre fueron adecuadas para las personas sordas entrevistadas, ya que no existen muchos colegios exclusivamente para ellos y no hay una debida capacitación de los intérpretes y profesores. En lo laboral, se determinó que las personas entrevistadas que han tenido experiencias laborales previas tienen una perspectiva un tanto más positiva que los que todavía no han tenido algún trabajo. / This article explores the future work and educational expectations of deaf people in Lima, Peru, through a qualitative research that consisted of interviewing sixteen Deaf people between 18 and 30 years old with the help of a sign language interpreter. In order to understand their experiences, the researchers contacted the participants through ASSORELI, Asociación de Sordos Región Lima (Deaf Association of Lima) and ASISEP, Asociación de Intérpretes y Guías Intérpretes de Lengua de Señas del Perú (Peruvian Association of Interpreters and Sign Language Guide Interpreters). After analyzing the results, the findings reveal that the deaf people interviewed have goals and objectives in life; however, they do not feel supported by the Peruvian State, since their rights are still being violated. The main problem, in education, work and in their daily life, is the lack of sign language interpreters in public and private establishments, as well as in learning centers, which limits them and does not allow them to fully develop in society. In the educational field, the conditions were not always adequate for the deaf people interviewed, since there are not many schools exclusively for them and there is not adequate training for sign language interpreters and teachers. Regarding the work field, it was determined that the interviewees who have had previous work experiences have a somewhat more positive outlook than those who have not yet had a work experience. / Tesis
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Rozvoj jazykových dovedností žáků z jazykově znevýhodněného prostředí v přírodovědné výuce / Language skills development of pupils from language disadvantaged background realised in primary science educationŠtěpán, Cyril January 2019 (has links)
Diploma thesis - Cyril Štěpán Abstract In the theoretical part of my thesis, I first aim to outline the particular language problems of children brought up in a socially disadvantaged background. I attempt to describe what actually is "social disadvantage" and what are its specifics. Moreover, I deal with the particularity of development of children in such background and with the imapact on communication skills of these children when they enter nursery or elementary school. In the second chapter of my thesis, I write about langugage and communication barriers of children with different mother tongue. I describe and explain the term "different mother tongue". Then I pursue the statistics on pupils foreigners in czech schools and their categorisation to discover the most represented foreign languages in czech schools. I furthermore describe these languages (Slavic language group and Vietnamese) and I point out those linguistic differences of these languages when compared to the czech language that are the most crucial ones in the process of learning czech. In the last chapter of the theoretical part of my thesis, I write about school inclusion of these pupils. I first try to define the term inclusion only to later come up with concrete strategies and possibilities of inclusion of these pupils in czech...
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Chráněné bydlení pro osoby s fyzickým postižením / Sheltered housing for people with physical disabilitiesKošťálková, Olga January 2013 (has links)
Diplomová práce "Chráněné bydlení pro osoby s fyzickým postižením" se věnuje aspektům, které zasahují do vzniku a úspěšného poskytování této služby. Jedná se o aktuální otázku, která je v souladu s cíli probíhajícího procesu transformace sociálních služeb, který směřuje k individualizaci sociální péče a přechodu ke komunitnímu typu pobytových služeb s důrazem na sociální začlenění uživatelů, což by služba chráněného bydlení měla pomoci naplnit. Prvotním záměrem práce bylo prozkoumat využití, případně absenci, metodických materiálů ve vztahu k chráněnému bydlení a na základě těchto zjištění navrhnout jejich úpravy či doplnění. Dále nahlédnout do důvodů, které způsobují nedostatek chráněného bydlení pro osoby s fyzickým postižením oproti možnostem pro osoby s postižením mentálním. Data byla sbírána prostřednictvím hloubkových rozhovorů s poskytovateli chráněného bydlení (či jejich zástupci) a analyzována dle principů kvalitativního výzkumu pomocí otevřeného, axiálního a selektivního kódování. V průběhu sběru a analýzy dat vyplynulo, že poskytovatelé metodické materiály příliš nevyužívají a neudávali tedy jejich výrazný dopad na praxi. Naopak poskytovatelé zmiňovali jiné aspekty, které poskytování chráněného bydlení pozitivně ovlivňují. Kromě zodpovězení výzkumných otázek, které se týkají výše...
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Sociální bydlení v České republice, aneb příběh jednoho zákona / Social Housing in the Czech Republic - The Story of one LawŠrédlová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
Diploma thesis "Social Housing in the Czech republic - a story of one law" deals with an issue of attempting to adopt a law of social housing in the Czech Republic. The thesis is based on historical institutionalism approach that identifies institutions as the essential factors on development of an enviroment where the formulations of design of the social housing policy come from. The analytical part follows a pattern of social constructivism and applies the features of discoursive analysis. The conclusions drawn from the analysis indicate that there are two dominant discoursive frames which influence the public policy debates on how to deal with the problem of non-existence of social housing in the Czech Republic. One discoursive frame points out the liberal perspective which is based broadly speaking on economical calculus and importance of individual deservedness. The second - social - frame promotes the principles of social cohesion and solidarity with the most vulnerable groups in society. These perspectives influence the shapes of suggested policy arrangements that are presented as a solution of an inaccesability of housing for specific groups in society and most likely determine possible controversions in the future.
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Centro de Educación básica Especial para personas con discapacidad visual en San Juan de Lurigancho / Special Basic Educational Center for people with visual disabilitiesMoran Saavedra, Manuel Enrique 30 November 2022 (has links)
El presente trabajo consta de una investigación que tiene como fin, obtener conocimiento de la tipología de Centro de Educación Básica Especial para alumnos con discapacidades visuales. En cuanto a la metodología de investigación, se realizará una búsqueda de fuentes de información las cuales serán contrastadas, obteniendo datos concisos que ayudarán al desarrollo del trabajo.
Estas fuentes servirán para desarrollar la justificación de la existencia del proyecto, las características de su tipología y sus aspectos institucionales, además se determinará el lugar donde se emplazará el proyecto y el usuario del mismo. Se desarrollará una investigación del marco teórico de la tipología para contextualizar la investigación en el ámbito histórico y legal. Finalmente se realizará un análisis de referentes que aportaran al estudio de la tipología y del Énfasis de trabajo.
El trabajo de investigación se desarrolla en el distrito de San juan de Lurigancho en la ciudad de lima, con el énfasis en arquitectura sensorial. / The present work consists of an investigation that aims to obtain knowledge of the type of Special Basic Educational Center for students with visual disabilities. Regarding the research methodology, a search will be carried out for information sources which will be contrasted, obtaining concise data that will help the development of the work.
These sources will be used to develop the justification for the existence of the project, the characteristics of its typology and its institutional aspects, in addition, the place where the project will be located and the user of the same will be determined. An investigation of the theoretical framework of the typology will be developed to contextualize the investigation in the historical and legal field. Finally, an analysis of references will be carried out that will contribute to the study of the typology and the Emphasis of work.
The research work is developed in the district of San Juan de Lurigancho in the city of Lima, with an emphasis on sensorial architecture. / Trabajo de investigación
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