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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estilos de Liderazgo del Comando Técnico y su influencia en el desarrollo deportivo de los paradeportistas de la Federación Peruana de Personas con Discapacidad Física en el 2019

Quispe Manosalva, Shirley Yohara, Segura Oliva, Rodrigo Alejandro 19 October 2021 (has links)
La presente investigación es de alcance correlacional, es decir tiene como propósito conocer la influencia de la variable independiente estilos de liderazgo en la variable dependiente desarrollo deportivo de los paradeportistas. El diseño no experimental de corte transversal es decir no se manipularán las variables de investigación, el recojo de información se dará en un solo momento. El paradeportista del cual se va a obtener su percepción sobre el estilo de liderazgo del comando técnico. Para cumplir con el objetivo y medir las variables de investigación se utilizó el método cuantitativo a través de la herramienta encuesta tipo Likert a 199 paradeportistas. El análisis de fiabilidad de nuestras variables, se obtuvo un 0,905 demostrando que el instrumento de medición es estadísticamente fiable y veraz ya que supera el 0,7. Distribución no es normal por lo tanto se ha obtenido el r de Pearson y la regresión lineal. Existe asociación entre las variables y la significancia aprueba las hipótesis alternas. Las conclusiones, en las hipótesis la relación es directa porque a mayor liderazgo del Comando Técnico habrá mayor desarrollo deportivo de los paradeportistas y en el baloncesto sobre silla de ruedas no existe asociación entre las variables y tampoco se puede generalizar, solo en este caso se aprueba la hipótesis nula. / This research is correlational in scope, that is, its purpose is to know the influence of the independent variable leadership styles on the dependent variable sports development of paraathletes. The non-experimental cross-sectional design means that the research variables will not be manipulated, the information will be collected in a single moment. The para-athletes whose perception of the leadership style of the technical command will be obtained. To meet the objective and measure the research variables, the quantitative method was adapted through the Likert-type survey tool to 199 paraathletes. The reliability analysis of our variables, a 0.905 was obtained, demonstrating that the measurement instrument is statistically reliable and truthful since it exceeds 0.7. Distribution is not normal; therefore, Pearson's r and linear regression have been obtained. There is an association between the variables and the significance approves the alternative hypotheses. The conclusions, in the hypotheses, the relationship is direct because the greater the leadership of the Technical Command there will be greater sports development of the para-athletes and in wheelchair basketball there is no association between the variables and it cannot be generalized either, only in this case it is approved the null hypothesis. / Tesis

Ofrivillig ensamhet och ungdomar : En litteraturstudie om förhållandet mellan ungdomars ensamhet och den psykosociala miljön med fokus på interventioner / Involuntary Loneliness and Youth : A literature study on the connection between youth loneliness and the psychosocial environment with a focus on interventions

Ghairat, Waheed January 2023 (has links)
I denna studie undersöks sambandet mellan ungdomars psykiska ohälsa, ofrivillig ensamhet och social isolering i ljuset av individens psykosociala miljö. Syftet är att utveckla en djupare förståelse för de dynamiska interaktionerna mellan dessa faktorer, och hur de bidrar till psykisk ohälsa och ökad ensamhet bland ungdomar. Vidare undersöker studien befintliga strategier och interventioner som kan hantera och minska ensamhet hos ungdomar, och deras effektivitet. Genom litteraturstudie belyser studien potentiella mekanismer bakom ensamhet hos ungdomar. Resultaten visar att ofrivillig ensamhet och/eller social isolering har en inverkan på psykisk hälsa och kan bidra till olika psykiska problem såsom depression och ångest. Det framkom att ingen enstaka variabel orsakar ensamhet, det är istället en mängd faktorer i individens psykosociala miljö som har inverkan. Ungdomar upplever olika typer av ensamhet, inklusive existentiell ensamhet, och uppfattningen av ensamhet är djupt subjektiv. Resultaten framhäver vikten av social inkludering/exkludering, familjens roll, kamratrelationers kvalitet samt betydelsen av mentorer, stödjande vuxna och professionella. Samtidigt lyfts bristen på specifika interventioner för att bekämpa ungdomars ensamhet. Trots detta påvisar studien att vissa interventioner, inklusive gruppbehandling, mindfulness och internetbaserade program, har positiva resultat. / This thesis aims to investigate the association between youths' mental health, involuntary loneliness, and social isolation, particularly focusing on the individual's psychosocial environment. Furthermore, this study examines existing strategies and interventions that can address and reduce loneliness among youths and the effectiveness of these interventions. Through a literature study of previous research, this study aims to deepen the understanding of the underlying mechanisms behind youths' loneliness. Findings demonstrate that involuntary loneliness and/or social isolation significantly impact mental health and can lead to various mental health disorders such as depression and anxiety. It is evident that there isn't a single variable causing loneliness, instead, several factors within the individual's psychosocial environment play a role. Youths’ experience different types of loneliness, including existential loneliness, and perceptions of loneliness are deeply subjective. The present thesis underscores the importance of social inclusion and exclusion, the role of the family, the quality of peer relations, and the significance of mentors, supportive adults, and professionals. It highlights the lack of specific interventions to combat loneliness among youths. Despite this, the study indicates that certain interventions, including group therapy, mindfulness, and internet-based programs, yield positive results.

「いけばな療法」の信頼性の検証と普及のための実証的研究 / イケバナ リョウホウ ノ シンライセイ ノ ケンショウ ト フキュウ ノ タメ ノ ジッショウテキ ケンキュウ / いけばな療法の信頼性の検証と普及のための実証的研究

浜崎 英子, Eiko Hamasaki 21 March 2021 (has links)
いけばなの制作プロセスや作品を心理学や認知症ケアの学術研究の知見でとらえ直し、非薬物療法として開発した「いけばな療法」は、疫学的にも社会科学的にも信頼され、有効であることを明らかにした。さらに、「いけばな療法」の普及過程は、社会的包摂を実現しようとする伝統的な文化を活用したソーシャル・イノベーションの一例であることを示し、他の生活文化領域の振興にも活用できるモデルとなる可能性を示した。 / "Ikebana therapy" has been developed as a non-pharmacological treatment by reconsidering the making process and works of Ikebana, and based on the knowledge of academic research in psychology and dementia care theoretically. It has been verified and clarified that this therapy should be trusted and effective both in the perspective of epidemiology and social science. Furthermore, as the process of disseminating "ikebana therapy" shows that it is an example of social innovation that takes advantage of the traditional culture to realize social inclusion, it may be a framework model that can be utilized to promote the activity in other traditional culture closely related to daily life. / 博士(ソーシャル・イノベーション) / Doctor of Philosophy in Social Innovation / 同志社大学 / Doshisha University

Social inclusion in Vietnam : - an ethnographic study of the everyday life of people withdisability in Da Nang

Westby, Klara January 2023 (has links)
This essay is subject to explore the everyday life of people with disabilities [PWD] in DaNang, Vietnam. Previous research suggests that PWD are facing difficulties in most aspectsof their life, however, few studies provide the perspective of the PWD of their situation. Bydoing participant observation this essay explores the everyday life of PWD in Da Nang byliving in the same context as the respondents and meeting with key informants. The theory ofsocial model, stigma, and socioecological theory has been used to analyze the results. Theanalysis shows that the situation for PWD in Da Nang has improved, but they are still facing difficulties in everyday life that are, to some extent, created by societal conditions and attitudes. This study hopes to contribute to the perspective of PWD on their own situation, inaddition to a wider understanding of how social inclusion or exclusion in Da Nang can beexplained. With a greater understanding of the current situation, one can understand whetherthere is a need for new social policies or changes in social work practices. / Den här uppsatsen utforskar vardagen för personer med funktionsnedsättning [PWD] i DaNang, Vietnam. Tidigare forskning visar att PWD möter svårigheter i de flesta delarna av sitt liv, men få studier återger PWDs situation ur deras perspektiv. Genom att genomföra endeltagande observation utforskar denna uppsats vardagen för PWD i Da Nang genom att levai samma sammanhang som respondenterna och träffa nyckelinformanter. Teorin om densociala modellen, stigma och den socialekologiska teorin har använts för att analysera resultaten. Analysen visar att situationen för PWD i Da Nang har förbättras, men att de fortfarande möter svårigheter i vardagen som till viss del är skapade av samhälleliga förhållanden och attityder. Denna studie ämnar att bidra med PWDs egna perspektiv på deras situation, samt att skapa en djupare förståelse av hur social inkludering eller exkludering i DaNang kan förklaras. Med en bredare förståelse för den nuvarande situationen kan det förståsom det finns ett behov av nya riktlinjer, policies eller förändringar i det dagliga sociala arbetet.

Adaptive Reuse of Cultural Historical Values to Enhance Public Places : A case study of Artilleristallet in Gothenburg / Användning av adaptive reuse på kulturhistoriska värden för att främja allmänna platser : En fallstudie av Artilleristallet i Göteborg

Häger, Maria, Pehrson, Rebecca January 2022 (has links)
The construction business has a negative impact on the environment, where the biggest impact comes from construction of buildings, material production and transportation. It is inevitable for a city not to construct new buildings as it expands and develops new needs. However, it is not always necessary to demolish buildings with an outdated function, to build new ones. To maintain the identity of a city, it is important to preserve its historical character. This can be done by revitalising cultural historical valuable buildings and environments through adaptive reuse. The concept of adaptive reuse refers to the process of reusing a building for a new purpose rather than demolishing it. It gives new life to old buildings, offers them a chance to survive by changing their function and gives a greater understanding for future generations to relate with their history. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate how adaptive reuse of cultural historical values in the built environment can contribute to revitalisation of underutilised areas and create social and thriving places. To gain background knowledge to the subject, a literature review and document analysis was made. To investigate what factors contributes to success of a cultural historical project, a case study was done of the quarter of Artilleristallet in Gothenburg. Further, it is difficult to measure success through people’s perceptions and experiences of a place. Therefore, to help analyse and understand the case, a theoretical framework based on place theory was established. The framework was complemented by interviews and observations which helped lead to the results of the study. Two of the qualities that were found to contribute to the successfulness of Artilleristallet were preservation of its historical traits of character and its sense of place. Additionally, the businesses in the quarter complement and reinforce each other making it attractive and inviting for a wide range of people. Further, the preconditions found to be of importance for the successfulness of Artilleristallet were its cultural value and location. It was shown that having an extensive detailed development plan and good communication with and from the municipality was significant. Also, the close collaboration and communication between all actors involved in the project was shown to be important for the success. The qualities and preconditions found are all valuable but need the reinforcement of each other to create a social and thriving place. / Byggbranschen har en negativ påverkan på miljön, där den största påverkan kommer från uppförandet av byggnader, materialproduktionen och transporten. Det är oundvikligt för en stad att inte bygga nytt när den expanderar och utvecklar nya behov. Dock är det inte nödvändigt att riva byggnader med en utdaterad funktion för att bygga nya. För att bibehålla stadens identitet är det viktigt att bevara dess historiska karaktär. Detta kan göras genom vitalisering av kulturhistoriskt värdefulla byggnader och miljöer med hjälp av adaptive reuse. Begreppet adaptive reuse syftar till processen att återanvända en byggnad för en ny funktion istället för att riva den. Det ger nytt liv till gamla byggnader, erbjuder dem en chans att överleva genom att ändra deras funktion och ger en större förståelse för framtida generationer att relatera till deras historia. Därför är syftet med denna studie att undersöka hur adaptive reuse av kulturhistoriska värden i den byggda miljön kan bidra till vitalisering av outnyttjade områden och skapa sociala och blomstrande platser. För att erhålla bakgrundsinformation om ämnet, utförs en litteraturstudie och en dokumentanalys. För att undersöka vilka faktorer som bidrar till framgång i ett kulturhistoriskt projekt, utfördes en fallstudie i kvarteret Artilleristallet i Göteborg. Då det är svårt att mäta framgång genom människors upplevelser och erfarenheter, har ett ramverk tagits fram baserat på platsteori för att analysera och förstå fallet. Ramverket kompletterades med intervjuer och observationer vilket bidrog till studiens resultat. Två av kvaliteterna som bidrog till framgången av Artilleristallet var bevarandet av dess historiska karaktärsdrag och bevarandet av platskänslan. Dessutom kompletterar och förstärker kvarterets verksamheter varandra, vilket bidrar till att skapa en attraktiv och inbjudande miljö för olika typer av människor. Utöver dessa, identifierades även viktiga förutsättningar som bidrog till Artilleristallets framgång. Dessa var bland annat dess kulturella värde och placering. Att ha en utförlig detaljplan och god kommunikation med kommunen visade sig vara viktigt, samt ett nära samarbete mellan alla involverade aktörer i projektet. De identifierade kvaliteterna och förutsättningarna är alla viktiga men behöver samverka för att skapa en social och blomstrande plats.

En röst inifrån : En kvalitativ studie av hur klienter vid svenska anstalter kan nyttja sin rösträtt vid allmänna val / A voice from within : A qualitative research of how inmates at Swedish prisons can utllize their right to vote during general elections

Granath, Felicia January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine how Swedish inmates can utilize the right to vote during their time in prison. To fulfill the purpose, the study investigates how the Swedish Prison and Probation Service arrange elections in different prisons. Interviews with representatives of the Swedish Prison and Probation Service, as well as with a previous inmate, are conducted to show how the different prisons work with arranging elections and encouraging the prisoners to vote. The results are analyzed with a qualitative method. A theory of social inclusion and the right to vote as a positive right is used to analyze the data. The data shows that prisons work differently with arranging elections and most of the prison representatives thinks that there should be room for different approaches due to security level, clients and other conditions. The representatives of the prisons that participated in the study perceive the directions from the Swedish Prison and Probation Service differently which could imply a need for clearer information. The level of participation from the inmates differs, which could correlate to the efforts being done by the prison to encourage the inmates to vote. The conclusions that can be drawn from the study is that cooperation with other relevant actors is necessary to arrange elections where all inmates can participate, and that encouraging efforts from the prisons are needed to secure the inmates’ right to vote.

La música como herramienta inclusiva: el conjunto musical en la Escuela de Laurena di Borrello

Mannis, Francesco 02 September 2022 (has links)
[IT] L’obiettivo principale di questo studio consiste nel verificare se l’insegnamento musicale, e in particolar modo la pratica musicale d’insieme (dalle piccole formazioni a quelle orchestrali), sia in grado di facilitare i processi di inclusione in alcuni contesti sociali e didattici compromessi per differenti cause. Per dare risposta a questa domanda, la ricerca ha rivolto la sua attenzione sull’insegnamento musicale nelle Scuole Secondarie di Primo Grado italiane con studenti di età compresa tra 11 e 14 anni e, in concreto, in una scuola calabrese che, nell’ambito della sua offerta formativa, propone il corso di Strumento Musicale; tale materia offre ad alunne e alunni la possibilità di frequentare lezioni di strumento sia a livello individuale sia d’insieme. Partendo da questo obiettivo di carattere generale, si è ritenuto utile anche verificare se le Scuole Secondarie di Primo Grado ad indirizzo musicale italiane (e in particolar modo la pratica musicale d’insieme ad esse correlata) stiano svolgendo una funzione didattico-sociale che varca non solo i confini di una semplice materia scolastica, ma anche quelli dello stesso istituto, con ricadute positive per tutta la società e il territorio circostante. Nonostante l’indirizzo musicale sia ormai una materia presente in molte delle Scuole Secondarie di Primo Grado italiane, la scelta dello studio in questione è ricaduta su una realtà musicale che negli ultimi dieci anni si è fatta conoscere su tutto il territorio nazionale per il forte impatto sociale che la pratica musicale d’insieme ha avuto per l’intera comunità circostante. La ricerca, infatti, si è svolta nella scuola “G. B. Marzano” di Laureana di Borrello (Calabria-Italia) dove il corso di Strumento Musicale è riuscito, grazie anche a una sinergia di intenzioni e lungimiranza di impegni con l’altra realtà musicale del paese (orchestra “Ragone”), a esercitare una forte influenza di coesione sociale che ha oltrepassato gli stessi limiti dell’istituto scolastico. L’attenzione dello studio si è focalizzata nel seguimento di sei alunni vincolati con il corso di Strumento Musicale per i quali, in fase di selezione del campione, sono emersi elementi o problemi concreti che hanno fatto sospettare rischi di esclusione o possibili vantaggi derivanti dalla partecipazione all’attività musicale. Allo stesso tempo, si è cercato di verificare l’efficacia dell’insegnamento dello Strumento Musicale dal punto di vista prettamente tecnico e il ruolo che lo stesso iii ricopre all’interno del ciclo di studi musicali nei suoi rapporti di propedeuticità con gli altri ordini di scuola. La raccolta dei dati utili per il seguimento dei casi in questione si è basata sulla combinazione della metodologia quantitativa e qualitativa in modo che la duplice prospettiva potesse fornire basi più solide per la conferma delle ipotesi strutturate in partenza. L’analisi dei risultati osservati ha evidenziato il forte impatto che lo Strumento Musicale ha esercitato (e sta esercitando) per l’intera comunità di Laureana, anche grazie al forte legame tra lo stesso e l’orchestra “Ragone” che offre un percorso di continuità e di crescita sia dal punto di vista musicale, che umano e sociale. Le conclusioni lasciano pensare, senza cadere in facili e fallaci generalizzazioni, che lo Strumento Musicale stia esercitando un ruolo sociale che va oltre a quello degli obblighi di una semplice materia scolastica, sia per la capillarità della sua diffusione su tutto il territorio italiano, sia per le possibilità di aggregazione sociale e crescita integrale proprie della stessa disciplina, soprattutto negli aspetti connessi alla pratica musicale d’insieme. / [ES] El objetivo principal de este estudio radica en verificar si la enseñanza musical y en particular medida la práctica musical de conjunto (desde las formaciones más pequeñas hasta las formaciones orquestales), puede facilitar los procesos de inclusión en contextos sociales y didácticos comprometidos por diferentes razones. Con el fin de contestar a esta pregunta, se ha focalizado la atención en la enseñanza de la práctica musical en el nivel de secundaria con estudiantes de edades comprendidas entre 11 y 14 años y, más concretamente, en una escuela secundaria de primer grado de la región de Calabria (Italia) que cuenta, en su oferta formativa, con la asignatura de instrumento musical; dicha asignatura permite al alumnado del centro recibir clases de instrumento musical tanto de forma individual como de conjunto. A partir de este objetivo general, también ha resultado útil verificar si las escuelas italianas con la enseñanza de instrumento musical (y en particular medida la actividad de música de conjunto del mismo curso) están desarrollando un rol didáctico y social que va más allá no sólo de los límites de una simple asignatura sino también de los límites de la misma escuela, con efectos positivos para la sociedad y el territorio que rodea la escuela. Aunque la asignatura de instrumento musical esté ya radicada en muchas escuelas italianas, se ha elegido para este estudio una realidad musical que desde hace diez años se ha dado a conocer a nivel nacional por las evidentes influencias sociales que la práctica musical de conjunto ha habido para toda la comunidad. La investigación se ha llevado a cabo en el instituto "G. B. Marzano" de Laureana de Borrello (Calabria-Italia) en el cual el curso de instrumento musical ha logrado, también gracias a una estrecha colaboración con otra realidad musical del pueblo (orquesta "Ragone"), ejercer fuertes influencias de cohesión social que ha ido más allá de los espacios escolares. El estudio se ha centrado en el seguimiento de seis alumnos del curso de instrumento musical de los cuales, en la fase de selección del muestreo, habían salido a la luz algunos elementos que dejaban sospechar tantos probables riesgos de exclusión como ventajas conectadas con la participación a las actividades musicales. Al mismo tiempo se ha intentado averiguar la eficacia de la enseñanza de instrumento desde el punto de vista estrictamente técnico y el rol que dicha asignatura desarrolla en el ciclo de estudios musicales en sus relaciones propedéuticas con los otros grados. La recogida de datos relativos a los casos objeto de estudio se ha llevado a cabo a través de la combinación de la metodología cuantitativa y cualitativa para que la doble perspectiva pudiera otorgar bases más sólidas a la hora de confirmar las hipótesis iniciales. El análisis de los datos observados ha evidenciado la fuerte influencia que la asignatura de instrumento musical supuso (y está suponiendo) para toda la comunidad del pueblo de Laureana, también gracias a la conexión entre el mismo curso de instrumento y la orquesta "Ragone" que ofrece una posibilidad de continuación y de crecimiento tanto desde el punto de vista musical como humano y social. Las conclusiones dejan suponer, sin caer en simples y falsas generalizaciones, que el instrumento musical esté desarrollando una labor social que va más allá de sus obligaciones de asignatura escolar, debido a su difusión capilar en todo el territorio nacional y a las posibilidades de cohesión social y desarrollo integral propias de la misma asignatura, en particular medida por los aspectos relacionados a la práctica musical de conjunto. / [CA] L'objectiu principal d'aquest estudi radica en verificar si l'ensenyament musical i en particular mesura la pràctica musical de conjunt (des de les formacions més xicotetes fins a les formacions orquestrals), pot facilitar els processos d'inclusió en contextos socials i didàctics compromesos per diferents raons. Amb la finalitat de contestar a aquesta pregunta, s'ha focalitzat l'atenció en l'ensenyament de la pràctica musical en el nivell de secundària amb alumnes d'edats compreses entre 11 i 14 anys i, més concretament, en una escola secundària de primer grau de la regió de Calàbria (Itàlia) que compta, en la seva oferta formativa, amb l'assignatura d'instrument musical; aquesta assignatura permet al alumnat del centre rebre classes d'instrument musical tant de manera individual com de conjunt. A partir d'aquest objectiu general, també ha resultat útil verificar si les escoles italianes amb l'ensenyança d'instrument musical (i en particular mesura l'activitat de música de conjunt del mateix curs) estiguen desenrotllant un rol didàctic i social que va més enllà no sols dels límits d'una simple assignatura sinó també dels límits de la mateixa escola, amb efectes positius per a la societat i el territori que rodeja l'escola. Encara que l'assignatura d'instrument musical estiga ja radicada en moltes escoles italianes, s'ha triat per a este estudi una realitat musical que des de fa deu anys s'ha donat a conéixer a nivell nacional per les evidents influències socials que la pràctica musical de conjunt hi ha hagut per a tota la comunitat. La investigació s'ha dut a terme en l'institut "G. B. Marzano" de Laureana de Borrello (Calabria-Italia) en el qual el curs d'instrument musical ha aconseguit, també gràcies a una estreta col·laboració amb una altra realitat musical del poble (orquestra "Ragone"), a exercir fortes influències de cohesió social que ha anat més enllà dels espais escolars. L'estudi s'ha centrat en el seguiment de sis alumnes del curs d'instrument musical dels quals, en la fase de selecció del mostratge, havien eixit a la llum alguns elements que deixaven sospitar tants probable riscos d'exclusió com a avantatges connectades amb la participació a les activitats musicals. Al mateix temps s'ha intentat esbrinar l'eficàcia de l'ensenyança d'instrument des del punt de vista estrictament tècnic i el rol que la dita assignatura desenrotlla en el cicle d'estudis musicals en les seues relacions propedèutiques amb els altres graus. La recollida de dades relatives als casos objecte d'estudi s'ha dut a terme a través de la combinació de la metodologia quantitativa i qualitativa perquè la doble perspectiva poguera atorgar bases més sòlides a l'hora de confirmar les hipòtesis inicials. L'anàlisi de les dades observats han evidenciat la forta influència que l'assignatura d'instrument musical va suposar (i està suposant) per a tota la comunitat del poble de Laureana, també gràcies a la connexió entre el mateix curs d'instrument i l'orquestra "Ragone" que oferix una possibilitat de continuació i de creixement tant des del punt de vista musical com a humà i social. Les conclusions deixen suposar, sense caure en simples i falses generalitzacions, que l'instrument musical estiga desenrotllant un rol social que va més enllà de les seues obligacions d'assignatura escolar, a causa de la seua difusió capil·lar en tot el territori nacional i a les possibilitats de cohesió social i desenrotllament integral pròpies de la mateixa assignatura, en particular mesura pels aspectes relacionats a la pràctica musical de conjunt. / [EN] The main objective of this study is to verify whether musical teaching and in particular ensemble musical practice (from smaller formations to orchestral formations) can facilitate inclusion processes in social and didactic contexts, which are compromised for different reasons. In order to find answers to this question, the main focus lies on musical practice teaching at the secondary level with students between the ages of 11 and 14 and, more specifically, at a middle school in the region of Calabria (Italy), that includes, in its formative offer, the subject of musical instrument; this subject allows students of the center to receive musical instrument classes both individually and in groups. Based on this general objective, it has also been useful to check whether Italian schools offering musical instruments teaching (and in particular the activity of ensemble music in the same academic course) are developing a didactic and social role, that goes beyond not only the limits of a simple subject but also the limits of the same school, with positive effects on society and the communities surrounding the school. Although the subject of musical instrument is already rooted in many Italian schools, for this study a specific musical reality has been chosen, which in these last ten years has come to be known nationwide because of the obvious social influences that the ensemble musical practice has had for the whole community. The research has been carried out at the High School "G.B. Marzano" in Laureana de Borrello (Calabria-Italy) in which the class of musical instrument has achieved, partly due to a close collaboration with another musical reality of the town (the "Orchestra Ragone"), to exert a strong influence of social cohesion that has gone beyond the school areas. The study focused on the follow-up of six students of the musical instrument class. Regarding a number of these students some elements had come to light during the sampling selection phase that hinted to likely risks of exclusion as well as to advantages to be gained from the participation in musical activities. At the same time an attempt has been made to evaluate and measure the effectiveness of instrument teaching from a strictly technical point of view, and also the role that this school subject plays in the cycle of musical studies in its propedeutic relationships with the other degrees. The collection of data relating to the cases under study has been carried out through the combination of quantitative and qualitative methodology so that the dual perspective could provide stronger foundations when confirming the initial hypotheses. The analysis of the studied data has shown the strong influence and meaning that the entire community of the people of Laureana attaches to the subject of musical instrument, also thanks to the connection between the same instrument class and the "Orchestra Ragone", that offers a possibility of continuation and growth both from a musical and a human and social point of view. The conclusions suggest, without falling into simple and false generalizations, that the musical instrument teaching is developing a social role that goes beyond its obligations as a school subject. This is so, because of its capillary dissemination throughout the whole of the country and the possibilities of social cohesion and integral development it offers, typical of the same subject, in particular of the specifics related to ensemble musical practice. / Mannis, F. (2022). La música como herramienta inclusiva: el conjunto musical en la Escuela de Laurena di Borrello [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/186009

The social inclusion of learners with visual impairment in a mainstream secondary school in Namibia

Human, Lizl 03 1900 (has links)
According to Hatlen (2004), most learners with disabilities in an inclusive educational setting are socially isolated. This statement contributed to the research question of this study, how do learners with visual impairment experience the social aspects of their inclusion in a Namibian mainstream secondary school? The aim of this study was to design a case study to analyse and describe data collected from learners with visual impairment and other participants to determine how they are socially included in a mainstream setting. A qualitative research methodology was used, which included purposive sampling to select participants. The researcher functioned in an interpretive/constructivist paradigm. It was found that the learners with disabilities and the able-bodied learners do not truly mix, however, the learners with disabilities are content in the mainstream school and they prefer it. / Om aan 'n groep te behoort en sosiaal ingesluit te voel is 'n basiese menslike behoefte - dit is net so belangrik soos die basiese behoeftes van kos en veiligheid. Sosiale inklusie kan as een van die kritiese elemente beskou word wat onderskei tussen mense wat ongesteld is en mense wat gesond is. Betekenisvolle verhoudings dra by tot self-aktualisering. Lae sosiale inklusie beteken vir leerders eensaamheid en swak aanvaarding deur portuurgroepe. Sosiale inklusie is van groot belang vir kinders se ontwikkeling. Navorsing het bevind dat inklusiewe hoofstroomskole die effektiefste manier is om diskriminasie te beveg en sosiale insluiting te bevorder. Hatlen (2004) is van mening dat die groter meerderheid van leerders met gestremdhede in 'n hoofstroomskool sosiaal gei soleerd is. Die doel van hierdie kwalitatiewe studie was om leerders met gestremdhede se persepsie van hulle eie sosiale aanvaarding binne 'n inklusiewe hoofstroom sekondere skool te ondersoek. Die navorser het binne 'n interpretatiewe/konstruktivistiese paradigma gewerk. 'n Kwalitatiewe navorsingsmetodologie is gevolg en het die volgende ingesluit: doelbewuste seleksie om te bepaal wie die deelnemers sou wees; onderhoude, observasie, dokumente en refleksies om data te genereer; en inhoudsanalise om die data te analiseer. Navorsingsbevindinge dui aan dat leerders met gestremdhede vir jare afgesonder was van die res van die samelewing deur hierdie leerders in spesiale skole te plaas. Dit het veroorsaak dat mense vervreemd van mekaar is en het 'n skeiding tussen 'ons' en 'hulle' veroorsaak. Die bevindinge van hierdie studie beklemtoon die belangrikheid van bewusmaking tussen leerders met gestremdhede en leerders sonder gestremdhede. Daar kom wel afknouery voor op die skoolgronde en ware vriendskappe tussen leerders met gestremdhede en leerders sonder gestremdhede vind nie in die ware sin van die woord plaas nie. Hierdie leerders is egter tevrede en verkies steeds om in 'n hoofstroomskool te wees. Inklusiewe onderwys is nog 'n nuwe konsep en in die ontwikkelingsfase in Namibie, terwyl die leerders nog onbekend is met inklusie, asook met mekaar. / Educational Studies / M. Ed. (with specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

Pratiques de soins palliatifs gérontologiques à domicile et exclusion sociale

Hébert, Marijo 04 1900 (has links)
Plusieurs travaux de recherche indiquent que des personnes âgées peuvent vivre des situations d’exclusion sociale en raison de leur âge. Celles qui reçoivent des soins palliatifs peuvent de plus être affectées par des situations d’exclusion parce qu’elles sont malades et mourantes. On constate que leur accès à ce type de soins est limité et que certaines pratiques banalisent leur expérience de fin de vie et qu’elles tiennent difficilement compte des particularités du vieillissement. À partir d’une analyse secondaire qualitative de six entrevues, menées auprès de travailleuses sociales, ce mémoire vise à comprendre en quoi leurs pratiques de soins palliatifs gérontologiques engendrent des situations d’exclusion sociale ou encore, comment elles peuvent les éloigner. En plus de contribuer au savoir pratique, ce mémoire rend compte de la diversité des représentations dans ce contexte de pratique et leur influence sur l’intervention. Ainsi, des représentations positives envers les personnes âgées, de même que des pratiques qui considèrent les différenciations individuelles, éloignent des risques d’exclusion. Toutefois, quelques-uns des principes fondamentaux de l’approche des soins palliatifs et des modèles d’accompagnement peuvent contribuer à produire des situations d’exclusion. Ce mémoire identifie, par ailleurs, un ensemble de conditions, relevant ou non de l’exclusion sociale, liées à différents contextes, aux personnes soignées et la leur famille ainsi qu’aux travailleurs sociaux, qui peuvent nuire à l’intervention, ou encore, favoriser des pratiques inclusives. Il termine par quelques pistes d’action susceptibles de promouvoir l’inclusion sociale des personnes âgées en soins palliatifs. / Multiple research studies have indicated that seniors may experience social exclusion as a result of their age. Those seniors who receive palliative care can be even more affected by social exclusion because they are sick and dying. We notice that seniors’ access to palliative healthcare is limited and that certain practices trivialize their end of life experience and barely recognize the challenges of aging. Based on a qualitative secondary analysis of six interviews with social workers, this Master’s degree thesis aims to understand how practices contribute to social exclusion with older people receiving palliative care. As well as contributing to the advancement of knowledge of clinical practice, this thesis highlights the diversity of practice and its influence on intervention within the palliative care context. Positive representations of the elderly, as well as practices that consider individual differences for each unique situation can decrease risks of social exclusion. However, it is noted that a few fundamental principles of the palliative care approach and accompanying models can contribute to produce situations of social exclusion. Moreover, this thesis identifies a set of conditions that relate to different contexts, with seniors in palliative care, their families and their social workers that can be detrimental to intervention or sustain inclusive practices. This work concludes by proposing suggestions that promote the social inclusion of seniors in palliative care.


LIVIA MARIA AIRES DE CASTRO 10 April 2015 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho tem como objetivo investigar a produção escrita de alunos de ensino médio de uma escola pública da rede estadual do Rio de Janeiro, buscando observar as dificuldades em lidar com a modalidade escrita da língua, considerando que, muitas vezes, isso pode trazer consequências para a vida do indivíduo, dentro e fora do ambiente escolar. Na escola, a dificuldade com a escrita pode acarretar falta de interesse ou motivação, ao passo que, uma vez fora da escola, o indivíduo que tenha dificuldades em se envolver em práticas sociais de leitura e escrita pode ter menos chances de mobilidade social, além de ficar à margem da sociedade de um modo geral (Rojo, 2010, Soares, 1998). Observando a funcionalidade da linguagem e questões sociais e contextuais relativas ao seu uso (Halliday, 1994; Martin, 2001), esta pesquisa propõe as seguintes questões: 1) Que avaliações os alunos concluintes do ensino médio fazem acerca da escola, incluindo os sujeitos que ali agem, reagem e interagem? 2) De que maneira essa escola desempenha o seu papel como agência de letramento escolar? 3) Que relações podem ser levantadas entre escola e inclusão e exclusão social? O conjunto de dados gerados para este estudo consiste em redações escritas em sala de aula (N=30) por alunos do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, de uma escola na zona oeste do Rio de Janeiro e respostas a um questionário online (N=11), enviado aos alunos após sua saída da escola, via rede social. Dados estatísticos acerca do desempenho de alunos brasileiros em avaliações de percurso, tais como PISA, SAEB e, sobretudo, matrizes de avaliação do ENEM, foram utilizados para examinar e classificar os dados. O sistema da avaliatividade e pressupostos sistêmico-funcionais possibilitaram a análise das avaliações que os alunos fazem da escola como comunidade, incluindo eles mesmos, e a investigação do grau de letramento escolar que apresentam em sua produção escrita. As respostas ao questionário forneceram informações acerca das atividades educacionais e/ou profissionais dos alunos depois de concluído o ensino médio, possibilitando a discussão de eventuais relações entre letramento escolar e a inclusão social. Os resultados da análise indicam que os alunos fazem uma avaliação da escola que oscila, muitas vezes, entre o positivo e o negativo, sobretudo quando se trata de Afeto, e que a instituição é personificada e valorizada pelo seu papel social sobre o educacional. Os demais membros da comunidade escolar, como professores e colegas, também são avaliados afetivamente. Quando as marcas linguísticas nos mostram Julgamento ou Apreciação, no entanto, a avaliação aponta para um posicionamento mais negativo do aluno em relação à escola. Os textos escritos dos alunos mostram ainda que estes apresentam um grau bastante incipiente de letramento escolar, mesmo após onze anos, em média, dedicados à conclusão da educação básica. Esses resultados levam à discussão sobre as interferências que as deficiências de letramento podem ter na vida dos indivíduos, que, como os alunos observados, podem enfrentar dificuldades para ingressar em instituições públicas de ensino superior e para obter colocações mais satisfatórias no mercado de trabalho. / [en] The present study aims at investigating the written production of students at a public state school in Rio de Janeiro, in order to observe the difficulties in dealing with the written language modality, considering that these difficulties can frequently bring consequences to their lives, inside and outside the school context. At school, these difficulties can cause lack of interest or motivation, whereas out of school someone who has difficulty at engaging in social practices of reading and writing (Rojo, 2010; Soares, 1998) can have fewer chances of social mobility and be led into living on the edge of society. Considering the functionality of language as well as social and contextual issues related to its use (Halliday, 1994; Martin, 2001), this research proposes the following questions: 1) What evaluation do the graduating secondary school students make upon the school, including the individuals who act, react and interact there? 2) How does this school play its role as agency of school literacy? 3) What connections can be raised between school and social inclusion and exclusion? The set of data analyzed in this study consists of essays written by secondary students in their classroom (N = 30),and answers to an online questionnaire (N=11) sent to students after they have left school, via a social media. Statistical data about the performance of Brazilian students in national and international examinations, such as PISA, SAEB and especially ENEM, were used to examine and classify data. The Appraisal system and systemic-functional perspectives supported both the analysis of the evaluation that students make of the school as a community, including themselves, and the investigation of the degree of literacy that they present in their written production. Answers to the questionnaire provided information about the educational and/or professional activities of the students after their conclusion of secondary school, adding material for the discussion of possible relations between school literacy and social inclusion. Results of the analysis indicate that students make an evaluation of the school that often varies between positive and negative, especially when related to Affection, and that the institution is personalized and valued by its social role over the educational one. Other members of the school community, such as teachers and peers, are also affectively evaluated. However, when linguistic evidences show Judgement or Appreciation, the evaluation points to a more negative positioning of students in relation to school, especially as an agency of literacy. Students texts also show that they present a very incipient degree of literacy, even after having spent nearly eleven years at school. These results lead into a discussion about the interference that literacy deficiencies can have on people s lives, such as the students who participate in this research, who can face difficulties to enter public universities and to have better jobs or careers.

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