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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Skolidrott, varför inte? : Intervjustudie om orsaker till att inte vilja delta på skolidrotten

Hagman, Mathilda, Tenglin, Sofia January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study was to examine and compare the perspectives of students and physical education teachers about why students do not want to participate in physical education. We have chosen a qualitative approach including eight interviews, six with students and two with physical education teachers. The results indicated that it is beneficial for students participation if they already have some experiences of sports and health. The kind of quality and performance students experience as desirable in physical education could be understood as symbolic capital. Being around friends appeared to be an important factor to increas the amount of confidence in the students and this could be explained by the fact that a student gets judged and judge other students at the same time. Some students could feel exposed because this happens in an arena where they do not get to choose who is watching them, and judging them, when they participate.

Motortekniker och småbarnsförälder : En kvalitativ intervjustudie om att kombinera arbete och familjeliv

Berg, Martin January 2018 (has links)
No description available.

Att vara en god son : En kvalitativ studie av två skönlitterära verk om pojkar inom hedersrelaterade kontexter

Kahraman-Özvan, Dîcle, Hassanyni, Mina January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Risk Factors for Disability Pension in Former Child Welfare Clients: Same or Different as for Peers?

Henrik, Karlsson January 2017 (has links)
Background: Childhood related risk factors associated with receipt of disability pension are well documented in longitudinal studies. But it is not known if the patterns and strengths of those risk factors differ between former child welfare clients and their majority population peers. Methods: Twelve Swedish national registries were used to longitudinally follow the entire Swedish population born between 1973 and 1978 to age 30-35 (N=530500), including more than 18.000 former child welfare clients. Linear probability models were used to calculate risk differences between five groups of child welfare clients and their majority population peers, complemented with sex stratified analysis. In addition, the hypothetical reductions, that is, population attributable fractions (PAF), were estimated, taking the prevalence of the risk factors into account. Results: The pattern were the same for both the majority population and the former child welfare clients: the most potent risk factors for having been awarded disability pension at age 30-35 were poor school performance (measured at age 15-16) and low educational attainment in adulthood. In terms of strength, however, were these associations even stronger for former child welfare clients than for their majority population peers. Likewise, the hypothetical reductions in the prevalence of disability pension attributed to these risk factors were larger among the child welfare clients. Other risk factors, such as household poverty and parental psychopathology, were not as potent. The pattern was similar for both sexes, but boys yielded a bit higher PAFs. Conclusion: The pattern of risk factors for receiving disability pension later in life is the same for former child welfare clients and their majority population peers, but the strength of these links are stronger for former child welfare clients regardless of sex. Henceforth, reductions in the prevalence of disability pension among child welfare clients may be influenced by prevention strategies targeting poor school performance in this very vulnerable population.

Från det maniska till det depressiva - och tillbaka igen En systematisk forskningsöversikt om hur föräldraförmågor och barns anknytning påverkas av bipolär sjukdom

Flood, Katherine, Nademi, Leila January 2017 (has links)
Sammanfattning Bakgrund: Bipolär sjukdom yttrar sig genom ett pendlande mellan maniska och depressiva tillstånd, och kan även innebära svårigheter i tillgodoseendet av barns behov av grundläggande omsorg. Pendlandet mellan olika tillstånd kan påverka föräldraförmågor, barns anknytning till föräldern samt barns beteenden. Syfte: Föreliggande studies syfte är att sammanfatta forskning kring bipolär sjukdoms inverkan på föräldraförmågor och barns anknytning. Metod: En integrativ forskningsöversikt av 12 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: Bipolär sjukdom kan medföra brister i att föräldrar inte har förmåga till förutsägbarhet, tillgänglighet och att finnas som en tryggbas till barn, vilket kan försvåra deras förmåga att tillgodose barns behov av emotionell omsorg. Barn till föräldrar med bipolär sjukdom tenderar att visa en otrygg anknytning samt en desorganiserad anknytning. Föräldraförmågor var kopplade till barns beteenden på så vis att barnen hade svårt att hantera känslor, beteenden och att reglera lägre kognitiva processer, såsom prioritering i vardagen. Det finns även forskning som presenterar att bipolär sjukdoms inverkan på föräldraförmågor och barns anknytning inte behöver vara negativt, samt att en trygg anknytning är den vanligaste anknytningsstilen hos barn till föräldrar som vårdats på sjukhus för bipolär sjukdom. Slutsats: Bipolär sjukdom kan ha både positiv och negativ inverkan på föräldraförmågor och barns anknytning. Att få vård för sin sjukdom är en förutsättning som kan ha en positiv inverkan på föräldraförmågor. Den här kunskapen är användbar inom socialt arbete för att hjälpa praktiker förstå föräldraförmågor hos föräldrar med bipolär sjukdom.

Det är kvinnor som är genus eftersom män är norm : Om olika villkor inom missbruksvården utifrån kön / Women are gender because men are the norm. : About different conditions in drugtreatment based on gender.

Dowidat, Malin, Kenneth, Karlsson January 2017 (has links)
No description available.

Bedömning av hjälpinsatser för personer med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar ur ett genusperspektiv / ASSESSMENT OF RELIEF EFFORTS FOR PEOPLE WITH A NEUROPSYCHIATRIC DISABILITY FROM A GENDER PERSPECTIVE

Floberg, Ulla-Karin, Lindfors, Maria January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Anställdas upplevelser av alkoholscreening

Johansson, Anna-Maria, Andersson, Maria January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

På väg ut : När ungdomar rymmer och kastas ut hemifrån - ur socialtjänstens perspektiv

Sjöblom, Yvonne January 2002 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to discover and understand how caseworkers in the social services view and present the phenomenon of young people who run away from and/or are thrown out of their homes. What images of these young people do they entertain and how do they articulate their work with this group? The data were collected through 20 qualitative group interviews with caseworkers who in 1997 were working with young people between the ages of 12 and 20 at Individual and Family Care sections in all the social districts of Stockholm Municipality. Simultaneously, a quantitative background study of 96 problem cases was also conducted. Following analysis of the initial group interviews, two of these were chosen for detailed case study. To provide a complementary perspective, the thesis also contains two case studies of accounts of running away/being thrown out from a runaway’s and a parents’ respective points of view. Leaving home in this way is seen to be more common among girls than among boys and the most usual cause a problematic family situation with elements of violence, assault, and substance abuse. A particularly vulnerable group is girls in immigrant families who are exposed to authoritarian upbringing and often suffer rough treatment. Dominant among these young people’s own individual problems is difficulty in school. Other problem areas mentioned are substance abuse, truant behaviour, staying out late and sexual promiscuity. A small number of runaways were able to return home after counselling; but the conditions leading to running away/being thrown out were described by the welfare workers as complex, and accounts of the same situation given by parents and runaways often differed widely. The caseworkers’ view of the phenomenon is informed by a relationship and family oriented perspective, where the paramount goal is “working home” the runaways/thrown outs and restoring them to the bosom of their families. When that avenue has failed, as often was the case, the alternative is to place them in family homes or institutions. Running away and being thrown out are seen as deviant attempts at accomplishing the process of separation from parents that is normal at this stage. In the case of girls of immigrant background who run away/get thrown out of their homes, the tendency is to explain the phenomenon as a ‘culture collision’ between incompatible value systems and traditions. When young people and even the parents come to the social services needing practical help with accommodation and economic support so that the children can leave home, the caseworkers described this as presenting a dilemma. The main technique relied upon by the caseworkers is counselling intended to lead to reconciliation between children and their parents. The thesis discusses the importance and consequences for these youth in their development towards adulthood of the lack of a young people’s perspective within the social services and the emphasis on the sanctity of the family. A clear contradiction lies in the fact that while the youth units have been established expressly for the purpose of helping young people, a social services dominated by a family perspective with the aim of reintegrating runaways into their often dysfunctional families takes on a mainly controlling and disciplinary role, where the young people’s individual survival strategies are not paid attention to or taken seriously.

Stämplad till frånvaro? : en kvalitativ studie om orsaker till elevers höga frånvaro / Marked to absence? : a qualitative study about causes to pupils high absence

Bäck, Anna January 2010 (has links)
No description available.

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