Spelling suggestions: "subject:"soft clay"" "subject:"oft clay""
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[pt] O presente trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a argila mole
da rodovia BR 101 em Santa Catarina, no qual são
pesquisadas suas características geotécnicas a partir de
ensaios de campo e laboratório. Os ensaios de campo
realizados foram os de palheta, dilatométricos e de
piezocone. O programa experimental de laboratório envolveu
ensaios de caracterização, de adensamento e triaxiais
consolidados não drenados (CIU). O solo foi caracterizado
como argila mole flúvio-marinha, altamente plástica e de
coloração cinza clara a escura, com sensibilidade entre
baixa e média. Trata-se de um material de alta
compressibilidade e baixa resistência. Os ensaios de
laboratório complementaram os de campo, havendo
concordância de resultados em alguns casos estudados.
O ensaio dilatométrico apresentou valores de módulo de
deformabilidade unidimensional próximos aos obtidos nos
ensaios oedométricos, revelando-se, assim, uma ferramenta
adequada à estimativa de recalques. A estimativa do fator
de cone (NKT) deve ser tratada de forma cuidadosa, pois tal
fator tem grande influência na determinação da resistência
não drenada (Su). Esta apresentou valores entre 10 e 25kPa,
nos ensaios de campo e triaxiais de laboratório (CIU)
realizados nos depósitos de argila mole investigados nesse
estudo. Finalmente, ressalta-se a importância dos ensaios
de campo para a determinação dos parâmetros geotécnicos das
argilas moles, devido à rapidez e maior facilidade para a
realização. / [en] The objective of this study is to characterize the soft
clay of the BR 101 Highway in Santa Catarina, based on
field and laboratory tests. Field tests consisted of vane
test (VST), flat dilatometer test (DMT) and piezocone
(CPTU). The experimental laboratory program included
characterization, consolidation and consolidated undrained
triaxial tests (CIU). The soil has been characterized as
fluviomarine soft clay, highly plastic, presenting
light to dark grey color, and low to medium sensibility.
The material has shown high compression rate and low
resistance. The laboratory tests have complemented the
field investigation. Similar constrained modulus (M) values
were obtained both from the dilatometer test and from the
conventional consolidation test. Therefore, DMT showed to
be a suitable test for settlement estimation. Cone factor
(NKT) shall be carefully estimated due to its influence in
the determination of the undrained shear strength (Su).
Field and CIU tests performed in the soft clay deposits
presented values between 10 and 25kPa. Emphasis is given in
the importance of the field tests to determine the
geothecnical parameters of the soft clay, due to their
quick and easy performance. / [es] EL presente trabajo presenta un estudio sobre la arcilla blanda de la carretera BR 101 en Santa
Catarina. En éste, se investigan las características geotécnicas a partir de ensayos de campo y
laboratorio. Los ensayos de campo realizados fueron los de paleta, dilatométricos y de piezocone. El
programa experimental de laboratorio considera ensayos de caracterización, de adensamiento y
triaxiales consolidados no drenados (CIU). El suelo fue caracterizado como arcilla blanda
fluvio-marina, altamente plástica y de coloración gris claro a oscuro, con sensibilidad entre baja y
media. Se trata de un material de alta compresibilidad y baja resistencia. Los ensayos de laboratorio
complementaron los de campo, y los resultados coinciden en algunos casos estudiados. El ensayo
dilatométrico presentó valores de módulo de deformabilidad unidimensional próximos a los obtenidos
en los ensayos oedométricos, revelando así la herramienta adecuada en la estimativa de recalcos. La
estimativa del factor de cono (NKT) debe ser tratada de forma cuidadosa, porque este factor tiene una
gran influencia en la determinación de la resistencia no drenada (Su). La resistencia no drenado tuvo
valores entre 10 y 25kPa, en los ensayos de campo y triaxiales de laboratorio (CIU) realizados en los
depósitos de arcilla blanda investigados en este estudio. Finalmente, se resalta la importancia de los
ensayos de campo para la determinación de los parámetros geotécnicos de las arcillas blandas,
debido a la rapidez y facilidad en su realización.
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[pt] Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a qualidade de amostras intactas da Argila do Sarapuí II extraídas com amostradores tubulares de pistão estacionário Geonor/NGI 76 mm. Este amostrador possui comprimento útil de 800 mm e diâmetro interno de 76,2 mm sem folga interna, dispondo de um pistão estacionário com ponta cônica, não sendo necessária a execução de pré-furo para a sua cravação. Duas amostras foram extraídas entre as profundidades de 3,50 e 4,30 m, sendo que um dos tubos de amostragem teve a sua superfície interna revestida com um polímero de baixo coeficiente de atrito, com o intuito de reduzir a tensão cisalhante entre a amostra e o amostrador durante a manobra de cravação do tubo no solo e, assim, avaliar a influência dessa redução na qualidade das amostras. As qualidades das amostras foram avaliadas com base nos resultados de ensaios de adensamento edométrico de carga incremental realizados em corpos de prova moldados com diâmetros de cerca de 50 mm e de 70 mm e altura de 20 mm, o que possibilitou também a avaliação da influência do diâmetro do corpo de prova na qualidade. Todos os corpos de prova foram classificados como de qualidade excelente a muito boa segundo o critério de Lunne et al. (1997), não tendo sido observada influência do diâmetro do corpo de prova nos resultados. Da mesma forma, a aplicação do polímero na superfície interna do tubo de amostragem parece não ter exercido influência nas qualidades dos corpos de prova. / [en] The aim of this work is to evaluate the quality of intact Sarapuí II clay samples taken with stationary piston tube samplers Geonor/NGI 76 mm. This sampler has a net tube length of 800 mm and an inner diameter of 76,2 mm with no inside clearance. It has a cone ended stationary piston, and pre-drilled boreholes are not required when driving the sampler. Two samples were taken from a depth l of 3.50 m to 4.30 m. One of the sampler tubes was coated on the inside with a low friction polymer in order to try to reduce the shearing stress between the sample and the sampler tube when pushing the tube during sampling, as to evaluate the influence of such reduction on the quality of the samples. The sample s quality was evaluated based on the results of incremental-loading one-dimensional consolidation tests carried out on specimens trimmed with diameters of about 50 mm and 70 mm, and a height of 20 mm. This also allowed the evaluation of the influence of the specimen s diameter on quality. All specimens were classified as excellent to very good according to Lunne et al s (1997) criterion. Moreover, no influence of the specimen diameter on the results was observed. Furthermore, the use of the polymer on the inner surface of the sampler tube seems to have had no influence on the quality of the specimens.
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[pt] Esta dissertação apresenta análises dos ensaios de caracterização e de
adensamento edométrico realizados em amostras indeformadas extraídas em diferentes
profundidades de um depósito de argila mole localizado em Santa Cruz, região oeste da
cidade do Rio de Janeiro, nos anos de 2005 e 2008. As amostras foram extraídas de
uma região onde o depósito foi submetido ao carregamento de um aterro com cerca de
2,5 m de espessura, construído na década de 1970 para a implantação de uma
subestação de energia. Para a interpretação dos resultados dos ensaios edométricos
realizados em amostras extraídas cerca de 30 anos após o lançamento do aterro, foi
necessária a interpretação detalhada dos dados dos ensaios de laboratório em conjunto
com dados de investigações geotécnicas de campo, com a finalidade de estimar o perfil
de tensões verticais efetivas in situ no momento da extração das amostras. São
apresentados e discutidos dados de compressibilidade e adensamento obtidos dos
ensaios edométricos, além de aspectos relativos à qualidade das amostras e à
reconstituição das curvas de compressibilidade edométrica das amostras de baixa
qualidade. De forma complementar, é realizado um exercício de estimativa do
adensamento do depósito sob a carga do aterro na área de extração das amostras,
levando em conta o efeito de submersão do aterro e a ocorrência simultânea dos
chamados adensamentos primário e secundário. / [en] This dissertation presents analyses of the characterization and one-dimensional
consolidation tests carried out on undisturbed samples taken at different depths from a
soft clay deposit located in Santa Cruz, western region of Rio de Janeiro city, in 2005
and 2008. The samples were taken from a region subjected to the loading of a 2.5 m
thick embankment, built in the 1970s for the implementation of a power substation. To
interpret the results of the one-dimensional consolidation tests performed on samples
taken about 30 years after the landfill construction, a detailed analysis of the laboratory
test data along with field geotechnical investigation data was necessary to allow
estimating the in situ vertical effective stress profile when the samples were taken.
Compressibility and consolidation data obtained from the one-dimensional consolidation
tests are presented and discussed, as well as aspects related to the samples quality and
to the reconstruction of the one-dimensional compression curves obtained from the low
quality samples. In addition, an estimate of the deposit consolidation under the landfill
load at the area where the samples were taken is carried out taking into account the
landfill submergence effect as well as the simultaneous occurrence of the so-called
primary and secondary consolidations.
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Ground Improvement using 3D-Cellular Confinement Systems : Experimental and Numerical StudiesHegde, Amarnath January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The various aspects of the 3D cellular confinement systems (geocells) subjected to static loading are comprehensively studied with the help of experimental and numerical studies. The performances of the geocells were separately studied in both sand and clay beds. Laboratory tests were performed on single as well as multiple cells. The behavior of 3D-cells made of different materials such as Novel polymeric alloy, geogrids and bamboo were compared. Moreover, the performances of the geocells were compared with other forms of geosynthetic reinforcements namely, geogrids and the combination of geocells and geogrids. In addition to comprehensive experimental study, 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional numerical modelling efforts are also presented. A Realistic approach of modelling the geocells in 3D framework has been proposed; which considers the actual curvature of the geocell pockets. An Analytical equation has been proposed to estimate the increase in the bearing capacity of the geocell reinforced soft clay beds. Similarly, a set of equations to estimate the stress and strains on the surface of the geocells subjected to compressive loading were also proposed. A case study highlighting the innovative use of the geocell foundation to support the embankment on soft settled red mud has been documented in the thesis. A new and emerging application of geocell to protect underground utilities and the buried pipelines has been proposed. At the end, behavior of the geocell under cyclic loading has also been discussed.
Firstly, laboratory model tests were performed to understand the behavior of the geocells in sand and clay beds. Test results of unreinforced, geogrid reinforced, geocell reinforced, and geocell reinforced with additional planar geogrid at the base of the geocell cases were compared separately for sand and clay beds. Results revealed that the use of geocells increases the ultimate bearing capacity of the sand bed by 2.9 times and clay bed by 3.6 times. Provision of the basal geogrid increases the ultimate load carrying capacity of the sand and clay bed by about 3.6 times and 4.9 times, respectively. Besides increasing the load carrying capacity, provision of the planar geogrid at the base of the cellular mattress arrests the surface heaving and prevents the rotational failure of the footing. Geocells contribute to the load carrying capacity of the foundation bed, even at very low settlements. In addition, the effect of infill materials on the performance of the geocell was also studied. Three different infill materials, namely aggregate, sand and local red soil were used in the study. Results suggest that the performance of the geocell was not heavily influenced by the infill materials. Out of which aggregate found to be slightly better than other two infill materials.
Further, 2-dimensional numerical studies using FLAC2D (Fast Lagrangian Analysis of Continua in 2D) were carried out to validate the experimental findings. The equivalent composite approach was used to model the geocells in 2-dimensional framework. The results obtained from the FLAC2D were in good agreement with the experimental results. However, in the sand bed, FLAC2D overestimated the bearing pressure by 15% to 20% at higher settlements.
In addition, the joint strength and the wall deformation characteristics of the geocells were studied at the single cell level. The study helps to understand the causes for the failure of the single cell in a cellular confinement system. Experimental studies were conducted on single cells with cell pockets filled up with three different infill materials, namely, silty clay, sand and the aggregates. The results of the experimental study revealed that the deformation of the geocell wall decreases with the increase in the friction angle of the infill material. Measured strain values were found to be in the range of 0.64% to 1.34% for different infill materials corresponding to the maximum applied bearing pressure of 290 kPa. Experimental results were also validated using FLAC3D. Findings from the numerical studies were in accordance with the experimental results. A simple analytical model based on the theory of thin cylinders was also proposed to calculate the accumulated strain of the geocell wall. This model operates under a simple elastic solution framework. The proposed model slightly overestimates the strains as compared to experimental and numerical values.
A realistic approach of modelling the geocells in 3-dimensional (3D) framework has been proposed. Numerical simulations have been carried out by forming the actual 3D honeycomb shape of the geocells using the finite difference package FLAC3D. Geocells were modeled using the geogrid structural element available in the FLAC 3D with the inclusion of the interface element. Geocells, foundation soil and the infill soil were modeled with the different material model to match the real case scenario. The Mohr Colombo model was used to simulate the behavior of the sand bed while modified Cam clay was used to simulate the behavior of the clay bed. It was found that the geocells distribute the load in lateral direction to a relatively shallow depth as compared to unreinforced case. More than 50% reduction in the stress in the presence of geocells and more than 70% reduction in the stress in the presence geocells with basal geogrid were observed in sand and clay beds. The numerical model was also validated with the experimental studies and the results were found to be in good agreement with each other. The validated numerical model was used to study the influence of various properties of the geocells on the performance of the reinforced foundation beds. The performance of the foundation bed was directly influenced by the modulus and the height of the geocells. Similarly, the pocket size of the geocell inversely affected the performance of the reinforced beds. The geocell with textured surface yielded better performance than the geocell with smooth surface.
A case history of the construction of a 3 m high embankment on the geocell foundation over the soft settled red mud has been documented. Red mud is a waste product from the Bayer process of Aluminium industry. The reported embankment is located in Lanjigharh (Orissa) in India. The geotechnical problems of the site, the design of the geocell foundation based on experimental investigation and the construction sequences of the geocell foundations in the field are discussed. Based on the experimental studies, an analytical model was also developed to estimate the load carrying capacity of the soft clay bed reinforced with geocell and the combination of geocell and geogrid. The solution was established by superimposing the three mechanisms viz. lateral resistance effect, vertical stress dispersion effect and the membrane effect. By knowing the pressure applied on the geocell, tensile strength of the geogrid and the limiting settlement, the increment in the load carrying capacity can be calculated. The analytical model was validated with the experimental results and the results were found to be in good agreement with each other. The results of the experimental and analytical studies revealed that the use of the combination of geocell and the geogrid is always beneficial than using the geocell alone. Hence, the combination of geocell and geogrid was recommended to stabilize the embankment base in Lanjigharh. Over 15,000 mof embankment base was stabilized using geocell foundation. The foundation work was completed within 15 days using locally available labors and the equipment. Construction of the embankment on the geocell foundation has already been completed. The constructed embankment has already sustained two monsoon rains without any cracks and seepage. Like Aluminum tailings (redmud), geocell foundations can also be used in various other mine tailings like zinc, copper etc. Geocell foundation can offer potential solutions to storage problems faced by various mining industries.
The thesis also proposes a potential alternative to the geocells in the form of bamboocells in order to suit the Indian scenario. Indian has the 2nd largest source of bamboo in the world. The areas particularly rich in bamboo are the North Eastern States, the Western Ghats, Chattisgarh and Andaman Nicobar Islands. The tensile strength and surface roughness of the bamboo was found to be 9 times and 3 times higher than geocell materials. In order to use the bamboo effectively, 3D cells (similar to geocells) and 2D grids (similar to geogrids) are formed using bamboo known as bamboocells and bamboogrids respectively. The idea behind forming bamboocells is to extract the additional confining effect on the encapsulated soil by virtue of its 3-dimensional shape. The laboratory investigations were performed on a clay bed reinforced with natural (bamboo) and commercial (geosynthetics) reinforcement materials. The performance of bamboocells and bamboogrids reinforced clay beds were compared with the clay bed reinforced with geocells and geogrids. The ultimate bearing capacity of the bamboocell and bamboogrid reinforced clay bed was found to be 1.3 times that of reinforced with geocell and geogrid. The settlement of the clay bed was reduced by 97% due to the insertion of the combination of the bamboocell and bamboogrid as compared to the unreinforced clay bed. The bamboo was treated chemically to increase the durability. The performance of the bamboo was reduced by 15-20% after the chemical treatment; still the performance was better than its geosynthetic counterparts. Analytical studies revealed that the 3% of the ultimate tensile strength of the bamboogrid was mobilized while resisting the footing load.
The study also explored the new and innovative applications of the geocells to protect underground utilities and buried pipelines. The laboratory model tests and the numerical studies were performed on small diameter PVC pipes, buried in geocell reinforced sand beds. In addition to geocells, the efficacy of only geogrid and geocell with additional basal geogrid cases were also studied. A PVC (Poly Vinyl Chloride) pipe with external diameter 75 mm and thickness 1.4 mm was used in the experiments. The vehicle tire contact pressure was simulated by applying the pressure on the top of the bed with the help of a steel plate. Results suggest that the use of geocells with additional basal geogrid considerably reduces the deformation of the pipe as compared to other types of reinforcements. Further, the depth of placement of pipe was also varied between 1B to 2B (B is the width of loading plate) below the plate in the presence of geocell with additional basal geogrid. More than 50% reduction in the pressure and more than 40% reduction in the strain values were observed in the presence of reinforcements at different depths as compared to the unreinforced beds. Further, experimental results were validated with 3-dimensional numerical studies using 3D
FLAC. Good agreement in the measured pipe stain values were observed between the experimental and numerical studies. In addition, the results of the 1-g model tests were scaled up to the prototype case of the shallow buried pipeline below the pavement using the appropriate scaling laws.
The efficacy of the geocells was also studied under the action of cyclic loading. The laboratory cyclic plate load tests were performed in soft clay bed by considering the three different cases, namely, unreinforced, geocell reinforced and geocell with additional basal geogrid reinforced. The coefficient of elastic uniform compression (Cu) was evaluated from the cyclic plate load tests for the different cases. The Cu value was found to increase in the presence of geocell reinforcement. The maximum increase in the Cu value was obtained for the case of the clay bed reinforced with the combination of geocell and the geogrid. The results of the laboratory model tests were extrapolated to prototype foundation supporting the low frequency reciprocating machine. The results revealed that, in the presence of the combination of geocell and the geogrid the natural frequency of the foundation-soil system increases by 4 times and the amplitude of the vibration reduces by 92%.
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Análise da transferência de carga em estacas cravadas em argila mole à partir de provas de carga dinâmica de energia crescente / Load transfer analysis in driven piles in soft clay from increasing energy dynamic loading testsBalech, Jean 31 March 2000 (has links)
A utilização de métodos de análise apoiados na Teoria da Equação da Onda, a partir da instrumentação de medidas dinâmicas, como controle do comportamento de estacas, tem evoluído continuamente nos últimos anos. Após importantes considerações sobre a prova de carga dinâmica de energia crescente e o mecanismo de transferência de carga, procedem-se análises CAPWAP em um caso real de obra com o objetivo de analisar o comportamento do sistema estaca-solo perante a aplicação de níveis crescentes de energia. São apresentados nesta dissertação, os resultados do comportamento de vários sistemas isolados estaca-solo em maciço de argila mole, submetidos à prova de carga dinâmica de energia crescente. São feitas análises de: transferência de carga, atrito lateral local, quake da ponta, tensões dinâmicas e correlação entre prova de carga estática e dinâmica. / The use of analysis methods to control pile behavior employing the Stress-Wave Theory from results of dynamic pile driving measurements has evolved in recent years. After important considerations about the increasing energy dynamic loading test and the load transfer mechanism, CAPWAP analyses are proceed in a pilework with objective of analyzing the behavior of the pile-soil system before the application of growing levels of energy. Therefore, they are presented in this dissertation, the results of the behavior of several isolated pile-soil systems in soft clay formation, submitted to the dynamic loading test of growing energy. Among the analyses, load transfer diagrams, local friction, quake, dynamic tensions, and the correlation between static and dynamic loading test are presented.
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Estudo da consolidação de uma argila mole do Mangue de João Pessoa. / Consolidation study of a soft clay from Mangue of João Pessoa.SANTOS, João de Deus dos. 30 September 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Johnny Rodrigues (johnnyrodrigues@ufcg.edu.br) on 2018-09-30T13:42:44Z
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JOÃO DE DEUS DOS SANTOS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGECA 1977..pdf: 21984806 bytes, checksum: 0525fd994fc74fd425d9748a384f468a (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-09-30T13:42:44Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
JOÃO DE DEUS DOS SANTOS - DISSERTAÇÃO PPGECA 1977..pdf: 21984806 bytes, checksum: 0525fd994fc74fd425d9748a384f468a (MD5)
Previous issue date: 1977-07 / O estudo apresentado nesta dissertação trata da consolidação de uma argila mole da cidade de João Pessoa, Estado da Paraíba, Brasil. Para a determinação das propriedades de consolidação foram realizados ensaios de adensamento no aparelho
edométrico, com amostras indeformadas, representativas de diversas profundidades da camada de argila. Também realizou-se ensaios de caracterização da argila, em termos de plasticidade, granulometria e pesos específicos. Os parâmetros de consolidação e os parametros de consistência da argila obtidos durante o programa de laboratório foram analisados em relação as suas variações com a profundidade. Os resultados desta análise, mostram que o coeficiente de consolidação Cv e o coeficiente de permeabilidade
K, do solo estudado, são praticamente constantes ao longo da camada, enquanto que o coeficiente de compressibilidade av, o índice de compressão Cc e os índices de vazios, decrescem com a . profundidade. Estes resultados permitiram também formular
relações matemáticas, algumas delas com notável validade estatística, permitindo consequentemente a sua utilização em anteprojetos de Engenharia Civil. / The study presented in this dissertation concerns the consolidation of a soft clay from the city of João Pessoa, in the State of Paraíba, Brazil. The consol i dation properties were deter mined by means of consolidation tests in an oedometer, with undisturbed samples representative of various depths within the clay layer. Tests were also performed in order to determine the clay cha rac ter i s t i es , in terms of plasticity, grain size and specific gravity. The parameters of consol i da ti on and coji sistency obtained during the laboratory program were analyzed in relation to their variation as a function of depth. The results of this analysis show that the coefficient of consol idation Cy and the coefficient of permeability K, of the soil which was studied are practically constant throughout the layer, while the coefficient of compressibility av, the compressive index Cc, and void ratio decrease with increase of depth. These results also permit the formulation
of mathematical reiationships, some of them showing notable statistical validity, thus permitting their use in civil engineering designs.
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Análise da transferência de carga em estacas cravadas em argila mole à partir de provas de carga dinâmica de energia crescente / Load transfer analysis in driven piles in soft clay from increasing energy dynamic loading testsJean Balech 31 March 2000 (has links)
A utilização de métodos de análise apoiados na Teoria da Equação da Onda, a partir da instrumentação de medidas dinâmicas, como controle do comportamento de estacas, tem evoluído continuamente nos últimos anos. Após importantes considerações sobre a prova de carga dinâmica de energia crescente e o mecanismo de transferência de carga, procedem-se análises CAPWAP em um caso real de obra com o objetivo de analisar o comportamento do sistema estaca-solo perante a aplicação de níveis crescentes de energia. São apresentados nesta dissertação, os resultados do comportamento de vários sistemas isolados estaca-solo em maciço de argila mole, submetidos à prova de carga dinâmica de energia crescente. São feitas análises de: transferência de carga, atrito lateral local, quake da ponta, tensões dinâmicas e correlação entre prova de carga estática e dinâmica. / The use of analysis methods to control pile behavior employing the Stress-Wave Theory from results of dynamic pile driving measurements has evolved in recent years. After important considerations about the increasing energy dynamic loading test and the load transfer mechanism, CAPWAP analyses are proceed in a pilework with objective of analyzing the behavior of the pile-soil system before the application of growing levels of energy. Therefore, they are presented in this dissertation, the results of the behavior of several isolated pile-soil systems in soft clay formation, submitted to the dynamic loading test of growing energy. Among the analyses, load transfer diagrams, local friction, quake, dynamic tensions, and the correlation between static and dynamic loading test are presented.
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Comparative study of different methods for superstructure-foundation interactionsSharma, Prakriti 04 January 2022 (has links)
Bridge failures in the past decade due to structural deficiencies demonstrated the clear need for a review of the current bridge analysis approaches. This study focuses on pile-supported bridges under predominantly static loading. A critical review of the current analysis approaches was performed. It was concluded that in the absence of an onerous iteration process, the current approaches often produce inaccurate and, in many cases, unsafe results since the interactions between superstructure and foundation are not fully considered. To address the inherent limitations of the current approaches, a computer program [Soil Spring Module (SSM) 2.0] was developed as a part of the study. SSM 2.0 can be used in conjunction with a frame analysis program to capture nonlinear load transfer from foundation elements to soil in different directions simultaneously. STAAD.Pro was selected for demonstration in this study. Using SSM 2.0 and STAAD.Pro, this study proposes a new analysis approach using the Integrated Analysis Process (IAP). The same methodology can be applied in other frame analysis programs. Kansas Bridge 45 was selected as a case study. Using the IAP approach, a series of integrated analyses including all superstructure elements (e.g., deck, girders and piers) and all foundation elements (e.g., pile caps and piles) were performed on Kansas Bridge 45 for different soil types and properties. Different from the conventional approaches, the full interactions between superstructure and foundation were considered simultaneously in a single analysis using the IAP approach. The analysis results from the IAP approach and the conventional approaches were examined. The advantages of the IAP approach were identified. Comparing to the conventional approaches in current practice, the proposed IAP approach does not involve crude assumptions or intensive iterations. Using the IAP approach, design engineers can complete structural and foundation analysis of pile-supported bridges with good accuracy in a timely manner. The same methodology can potentially be applied to other structure types. / Graduate / 2022-12-15
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Empirical correlation between undrained shear strength and preconsolidation pressure in Swedish soft claysPersson, Erik January 2017 (has links)
The undrained shear strength and preconsolidation pressure are key parameters in describing the characteristics of soft clays. The two parameters both reflect the clay’s structure and state of stress, and hence empirical correlations for undrained shear strength normalized with respect to preconsolidation pressure are widely used to assess soil behavior. The empirical correlations given in the literature are typically dependent on liquid limit, or plasticity index, but some studies have questioned the dependency and proposed correlations constant for consistency limits. Data from geotechnical projects often display a considerable scatter and deviate from established empirical correlations. In this thesis, statistical analyses are performed and evaluated qualitatively on direct simple shear, constant rate of strain and fall cone test data from 146 sampling points with a total of 596 soil samples from Stockholm, Gothenburg and Uppsala. The aim is to investigate the correlation between shear strength and the preconsolidation pressure. The thesis evaluates the normalized shear strength’s dependency on liquid limit, how the data corresponds to Hansbo’s (1957) and Swedish Geotechnical Institute’s (2007) linear empirical correlations, and the correction factor applied to shear strength measured by the fall cone test. The results of the study show that the correction factor typically reduces the shear strength from fall cone tests too much with respect to shear strength from direct simple shear tests. The normalized shear strength’s dependency on liquid limit may be rejected for the fall cone test data. The results for direct simple shear test data however, indicates a correlation with liquid limit. The data scatter is considerable, especially for fall cone test data, and the relevance of describing the normalized shear strength from fall cone test with a linear empirical correlation to liquid limit may conclusively be questioned. / Skjuvhållfasthet och förkonsolideringstryck är två viktiga jordparametrar för lösa leror. Båda parametrar reflekterar lerans struktur och spänningstillstånd, och empiriska korrelationer för odränerad skjuvhållfasthet, normaliserad mot förkonsolideringstrycket, används därför ofta för att bedöma en leras egenskaper. De empiriska korrelationerna är vanligen kopplade till flytgräns eller plasticitetsindex. Dessa korrelationer har däremot ifrågasatts av studier som i vissa fall istället föreslagit ett konstant förhållande mellan normaliserad odränerad skjuvhållfasthet och plasticitetsgränser. Mätvärden från geotekniska projekt i Sverige visar allmänt stor spridning avseende dessa parametrar och data avviker ofta från etablerade empiriska korrelationer. I examensarbetet har data från direkta skjuvförsök, ödometerförsök och fallkonförsök utvärderats statistiskt och kvalitativt. Totalt omfattar studien 596 jordprover från 146 provtagningspunkter från Stockholm, Göteborg och Uppsala. Syftet med studien är att undersöka korrelationen mellan odränerad skjuvhållfasthet och förkonsolideringstryck. Studien behandlar den normaliserade skjuvhållfashetens flytgränsberoende, Hansbos (1957) och Statens Geotekniska Instituts (2007) empiriska korrelationer, samt den korrektionsfaktor som ska tillämpas på skjuvhållfastheter från fallkonförsök. Resultatet visar att korrektionsfaktorn reducerar skjuvhållfastheten för mycket och att korrigerade skjuvhållfastheter är i sämre samstämmighet med skjuvhållfastheter från direkta skjuvförsök än okorrigerade. Data från fallkonförsök uppvisar inget tydligt flytgränsberoende, medan resultaten från direkta skjuvförsök indikerar ett beroende. Spridningen i data är dock påfallande, särskilt för fallkonförsöket. Relevansen i att tillämpa en linjär empirisk korrelation för odränerad normaliserad från fallkonförsök mot förkonsolideringstryck beroende av flytgräns bör ifrågasättas.
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