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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Interpretação de deformação e recalque na fase de montagem de estrutura de concreto com fundação em estaca cravada / Strain and settlement interpretation in the assembly of a concrete structure supported by driven piles

Russo Neto, Luiz 22 March 2005 (has links)
Relatos da observação do comportamento de obras de engenharia em escala natural, especialmente no caso de edifícios apoiados em fundações profundas, são pouco freqüentes em nossa literatura, embora estimulados por vários autores e pela Norma Brasileira de Projeto e Execução de Fundações. Este trabalho apresenta resultados de medidas de carga e recalque em 20 pilares contíguos de uma estrutura em concreto armado pré-moldada, apoiada em fundações do tipo estaca cravada. Os recalques foram medidos por meio de nivelamento ótico de precisão, tendo sido determinado valores máximos variáveis entre 1,1 e 4,3 mm. Foram observados deslocamentos sob carga constante, fluência da fundação, com taxa variável entre 0,8 e 3,2 mm/log t. As solicitações normais nos pilares foram avaliadas indiretamente por meio da variação de seu comprimento, utilizando-se um extensômetro mecânico removível. Apresenta-se a metodologia para interpretação das medidas efetuadas pelo extensômetro mecânico, levando em conta as variações dos fatores ambientais e a reologia do concreto, a qual conduz a uma boa concordância entre os valores medidos e os fornecidos pelo cálculo estrutural. Os dados coletados são retroanalisados sob o enfoque da interação solo estrutura pela modelagem da superestrutura por meio de pórtico espacial apoiado em molas representativas das fundações por estacas. No cálculo das molas foi utilizada a integração numérica da solução de Mindlin para a modelagem do efeito de grupo do sistema formado pelas estacas e o maciço de solo. Verificou-se que a elevada variabilidade dos solos da formação geológica do local foi refletida no comportamento da obra, como mostra o resultado da retroanálise efetuada. Conclui-se que as variabilidades da formação geotécnica devem ser consideradas para que previsões de comportamento sejam mais realistas / Although encouraged by several authors and by the Brazilian Foundation Code, reports of actual column loads measurement in natural scale are not frequent in our technical literature, especially in the case of buildings supported by deep foundations. Results of load and settlement measurements at 20 contiguous columns of a structure built in pre-cast reinforced concrete and supported by driven piles are presented. Settlements were measured by means of optical level and a range of values between 1.1 to 4.3 mm were observed. Settlement under constant load were observed under variable creep rates from 0.8 to 3.2 mm/log t. Loads over columns were indirectly evaluated through column length variation, using a demountable mechanical extensometer. The methodology for interpretation of measurements made with the mechanical extensometer is described, considering corrections due to the variation of environmental conditions and to the concrete’s rheology; this methodology leads to a good agreement between measured values and those supplied by conventional structural design. The collected data is back analysed taking into account the soil structure interaction. The superstructure was modelled as a spatial frame supported by springs with the same rigidity of the pile foundation element. The equivalent spring parameter for each column support has considered the settlement group effect for all piles embedded in soil, using the numerical integration of Mindlin's equations. Results of this back analysis show a high variability, reflecting the high degree of variability of local subsoil conditions. Therefore, one can conclude that predictions, in order to be reliable, must consider these soil variations

Approche probabiliste dans la détermination des courbes de vulnérabilité des structures en génie civil / Probabilistic approach in determining the vulnerability curves of civil engineering structures

Mekki, Mohammed 07 April 2015 (has links)
Dans le contexte du calcul sismique basé sur la notion de performance, lesingénieurs se trouvent confrontés à une tâche difficile pour estimer la performance etévaluer les risques des systèmes sol-structure en interaction. Afin d’accomplir cette tâcheavec succès, toutes les sources d'incertitudes aléatoires et épistémiques doivent être prisesen compte au cours du processus de conception. Ainsi, des méthodes appropriées sontnécessaires pour l'étude de la propagation de l'incertitude des paramètres du systèmedécrivant la structure, le sol, et les charges appliquées aux réponses structurelles endéfinissant des états limites de performance. L’objectif de cette thèse est de contribuer àl’étude du comportement sismique des structures en interaction avec le sol et d’offrir denouveaux outils pour le traitement de problèmes pertinents, orientés vers la nouvellephilosophie de conception parasismique des structures : la conception basée sur laperformance (performance-based design). Cet axe de recherche structure ce travail dedoctorat. La problématique s’inscrit dans le cadre de proposition de modèles simplifiés afind’aborder un problème compliqué tel que l’interaction sol-structure (ISS). Lecomportement non linéaire de la structure est déterminé par une approche capacitive baséesur la performance sismique telle que la méthode N2 proposée par P. Fajfar. Dans saversion originale, cette méthode considère que la structure est encastrée à sa base,négligeant ainsi l’ISS. Il s'agit d'une extension de la méthode N2 et que nous appelleronsN2-ISS. A notre connaissance, il n'existe pas d'études qui ont intégré l'ISS dans ce type deformalisme. Pour examiner la validité et la fiabilité du modèle présenté, une analysecomparative a été faite entre l'approche que nous proposons et trois autres méthodes: 1) laméthode introduite dans le code BSSC 1997, 2) la méthode proposée par Avilès & Perez–Rocha (2003) ainsi que 3) la méthode dynamique temporelle non linéaire. Les résultatsobtenus ont montré que la réponse en déplacement de la structure était assez proche dansles quatre méthodes.Les courbes de fragilité sont établies en tenant compte des effets de l’ISS et desincertitudes associées au chargement (mouvement du sol), aux propriétés de la structure,du sol, et de la fondation (impédances, ...). L’incertitude épistémique est égalementconsidérée de manière indirecte suite à la comparaison entre deux procédures d'évaluationdes états d’endommagements (Méthode de Park & Ang et Méthode de RISK-UE). L'étudea abouti aussi à une caractérisation préliminaire du risque sismique dans une partie de laville d'Oran dont les caractéristiques géologiques et géotechniques étaient disponibles.Cette étude a permis la cartographie du dommage et d'étudier la la vulnérabilité sismiquedes bâtiments. / In the context of performance-based earthquake engineering (PBEE), a challengingtask for structural engineers is to provide performance and risk assessment for structures orsoil-structure interaction (SSI) systems. In order to fulfill this task successfully, all relevantsources of aleatory and epistemic uncertainties must be accounted for during the designprocess. Thus, proper methods are required for the study of uncertainty propagation frommodel parameters describing the structure, the soil, and the applied loads to structuralresponses by defining some performance limit states. The objective of this thesis is tocontribute to the study of the seismic behavior of structures interacting with soil andprovide new tools for the treatment of relevant issues facing the new philosophy of seismicdesign of structures: performance-based design. The objective of this thesis is to contributeto the study of the seismic behavior of structures interacting with soil and provide newtools for the treatment of relevant issues facing the new philosophy of seismic design ofstructures: (performance-based design). This research structure this doctoral work. Theissue is part of proposed simplified models to address a complicated problem such as soilstructureinteraction (SSI). The nonlinear behavior of the structure is determined by acapacitive approach based on the seismic performance as N2 method proposed by P.Fajfar. In its original version, this method considers that the structure is fixed at its base,thus neglecting the ISS. The new proposed method called N2-SSI is an extension of the N2method. To our knowledge, there are no studies that have joined the SSI ISS in this type offormalism. The proposed approach is validated and compared with time history analysis,Building Seismic Safety Council (BSSC) method (NEHRP, 2003), and a method proposedby Aviles and Perez-Rocha (2003). The results obtained showed that the responsedisplacement of the structure was fairly close in the four methods.The fragility curves are established taking into account the effects of the ISS anddifferent uncertainty sources: the load (input ground motion), the soil, the structure and theSSI (impedances, ...). Epistemic uncertainty was investigated through comparison betweentwo different approaches in assessing damage states (Park and Ang and Risk-UE). Thestudy also resulted in a preliminary characterization of the seismic risk in a part of the Orancity, where geological and geotechnical characteristics were available. This study allowedthe mapping of the damage and the study of the seismic vulnerability of buildings.

The shaft friction degradation of piles under cyclic axial loading in wind turbine foundations. / Degradação do atrito lateral de estacas em fundações de torres eólicas submetidas ao carregamento cíclico axial.

Nardelli, Andrei 17 July 2019 (has links)
Onshore wind turbine foundations are mainly subjected to large overturning moments. The wind action imposes cyclic and dynamic loading conditions which occur in extreme and service scenarios. Deep foundations, when used, transfer this large overturning moment through a pile group which combines the axial and lateral resistance of all piles. Several authors noticed that cyclic axially loaded piles could have their resistance reduced due to shaft friction degradation. Considerable efforts have been made to understand this degradation phenomenon. However, the design and performance of cyclic axial loaded piles require greater advances. Therefore, this research sought to assess the shaft friction degradation of axially loaded piles in wind turbine deep foundations, especially for those located in Brazil. Several issues related to the main objective of this study had to be addressed because onshore wind turbine foundations are an area of recent research, especially in Brazil. The first stage of this research explored the key aspects of onshore wind turbine foundations in Brazil and compared them with the worldwide status. The main reason to explore this subject is that several authors consider onshore wind turbine foundations a well-understood topic; however, limited data from actual situations have been published, especially in developing countries where wind energy projects have recently started. Thus, a survey on Brazilian energy companies and foundation designers was conducted, and the first Brazilian database of wind turbine foundations was created. This database contains data from more than three thousand Brazilian wind turbine foundations. The key aspects, types and dimensions of these foundations were summarized. Worldwide, concrete gravity foundations are the most commonly used foundation type for onshore wind turbines. In Brazil, 43.3% of the wind turbines had shallow foundations, essentially concrete gravity, and 56.7% had deep foundations, mostly continuous flight auger piles. The foundation type was chosen according to the local foundation expertise and geotechnical conditions, which included soil type, water table level, soil layer resistance, the extent of porous soil layers and bedrock depth. This first stage of the research identified that Brazilian wind turbine foundations are significantly different from other countries. Approximately 70% of Brazilian wind turbine deep foundations used continuous flight auger piles, most of them embedded in sandy soils. Therefore, experimental investigations of the sand-concrete interface response under monotonic and cyclic loading are essential. The second and third stages of this research sought to investigate the sand-concrete interface response based on this recent insight. The second stage assessed the sand-concrete interface response through monotonic interface direct shear tests under different confinement conditions. The role of surface structural characteristics, confinement condition, sand mean diameter, particle morphology, sand gradation and relative density were evaluated. A nonlinear conceptual model of the interfacial-to-internal friction angle ratio was proposed according to normalized roughness and normalized waviness. Additionally, multiple regression was used to estimate the sand-concrete interface strength by the effect of constant normal stiffness. The results were essential to understand and to predict the sand-concrete interface response of concrete piles under static axial loading. The third stage explored the shaft friction degradation of cyclic axial loaded piles through sand-concrete and sand-steel cyclic interface direct shear tests. In geotechnical engineering practice, field and experimental tests are usually performed to evaluate the number of cycles until failure occurs under constant cyclic amplitude. According to this approach, cyclic failure can either occur quickly or not at all. From a practical viewpoint, the cyclic test times are unpredictable, which makes these tests difficult to plan and to perform. Therefore, a new approach based on increasing cyclic amplitude is proposed to overcome the conventional method. A simple cumulative damage model established a relationship between the cyclic loaded tests under constant and increasing cyclic amplitudes. The new approach provides additional insights into the cyclic interfacial response, such as the effect of previous cycles, the cyclic amplitude at failure and the displacement development throughout cycling. This new approach can be effortlessly extended to other experimental and field investigations. From a practical viewpoint, this new approach can reduce the cost and duration of projects. The author believes that this dissertation brought breakthroughs to the wind energy companies and to the geotechnical engineering community. However, further studies on onshore wind turbine foundations are still required. / As fundações de torres eólicas onshore são submetidas a grandes momentos de tombamento. A ação do vento impõe carregamentos cíclicos e dinâmicos que ocorrem em condições operacionais e extremas. Fundações profundas, quando usadas, transferem esse momento de tombamento através de um grupo de estacas que, por sua vez, são submetidas a esforços axiais e laterais. Muitos estudos observaram que estacas submetidas ao carregamento cíclico axial estão sujeitas à degradação do atrito lateral. A fim de compreender essa degradação, diversas pesquisas foram realizadas. No entanto, o dimensionamento e desempenho de estacas submetidas ao carregamento cíclico axial requer maiores avanços. Dessa forma, esta pesquisa buscou avaliar a degradação do atrito lateral em estacas de torres eólicas, principalmente aquelas localizadas no Brasil. Da mesma forma, foram abordados assuntos relacionados ao objetivo principal deste estudo uma vez que pesquisas sobre fundações de torres eólicas onshore ainda são incipientes, especialmente no Brasil. A primeira etapa da pesquisa explorou as principais características das fundações de torres eólicas onshore no Brasil e comparou-as com a prática internacional. Investigou-se este assunto uma vez que diversos autores consideram as fundações de torres eólicas onshore um tópico já compreendido; entretanto, a quantidade de informações e dados publicados são ínfimos, especialmente em países em desenvolvimento onde os projetos eólicos iniciaram recentemente. Por essa razão, realizou-se uma pesquisa com as empresas e projetistas do setor a fim de criar o primeiro banco de dados brasileiro sobre fundações de torres eólicas onshore. Esse banco de dados possui mais de três mil fundações cadastradas. Os principais aspectos, tipos e dimensões dessas fundações foram apresentados. Internacionalmente, o tipo de fundação mais empregado para torres eólicas onshore são fundações superficiais de gravidade. No Brasil, 43.3% das torres eólicas apresentam fundações superficiais, essencialmente fundações de gravidade, e 56.7% das torres eólicas apresentam fundações profundas, principalmente por grupo de estacas hélice continua. O tipo da fundação foi determinado com base na expertise local e condições geotécnicas, incluindo o tipo de solo, nível de água, resistência do solo, espessura de camadas porosas e profundidade do topo rochoso. Identificou-se, através da primeira etapa, que as fundações de torres eólicas onshore no Brasil são significantemente diferentes de outros países. Aproximadamente 70% das fundações profundas são por grupo de estacas hélice contínua, sendo na maior parte em contato com solos arenosos. Desta forma, há necessidade de realizar investigações experimentais da interface areia-concreto. A segunda e terceira etapas desta pesquisa concentraram-se no comportamento estático e cíclico da interface areia-concreto. A segunda etapa avaliou o comportamento estático da interface areia-concreto através de ensaios de cisalhamento direto em diferentes condições de confinamento. Foram avaliadas as influências das características da superfície sólida, diâmetro médio dos grãos, morfologia dos grãos, distribuição granulométrica e densidade relativa. Um modelo não linear do ângulo de atrito na interface de acordo com a rugosidade e ondulação normalizadas foi proposto. Além disso, empregou-se uma regressão múltipla para estimar a resistência da interface areia-concreto de acordo com a constante de rigidez. Os resultados foram essenciais na compreensão e previsão do comportamento estático da interface de estacas de concreto. A terceira etapa explorou a degradação do atrito lateral em estacas através de ensaios de cisalhamento direto cíclicos na interface areia-concreto e areia-aço. Usualmente, campanhas experimentais são conduzidas para avaliar o número de ciclos até ruptura com uma amplitude cíclica constante. A ruptura geotécnica pode ocorrer rapidamente ou nunca ocorrer; e, desta maneira, a duração dos ensaios é imprevisível, dificultando planejamento e execução das obras. Por essa razão, uma nova abordagem foi proposta baseada em amplitudes cíclicas crescentes. Um modelo de dano acumulado estabeleceu a relação entre os ensaios com amplitude cíclica constante e cíclica. A nova abordagem fornece informações adicionais do comportamento cíclico da interface, como o efeito de ciclos anteriores, amplitude cíclica na ruptura e o acúmulo de deslocamento permanente. Essa nova abordagem pode ser facilmente aplicada em outras investigações experimentais e provas de cargas cíclicas. Do ponto de vista prática, essa abordagem pode reduzir o custo e tempo de projetos, além de melhorar a previsão do desempenho dessas fundações. Espera-se que essa pesquisa tenha trazido avanços para as empresas do setor e comunidade geotécnica. Contudo, novas pesquisas sobre fundações de torres eólicas onshore ainda são necessárias.

3-d Soil Structure Interaction Analyses Of Three Identical Buildings In Sakarya City After 17 August 1999 Kocaeli Earthquake.

Unal, Orhan 01 October 2003 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT 3-D SOIL STRUCTURE INTERACTION ANALYSES OF THREE IDENTICAL BUILDINGS IN SAKARYA CITY AFTER 17 AUGUST 1999 KOCAELI EARTHQUAKE &Uuml / nal,Orhan M.S., Department of Civil Engineering, Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr Kemal &Ouml / nder &Ccedil / etin October 2003, 116 Pages The aim of this study is to analyze the soil structure interaction of three identical buildings on &ordf / ahinler Street of Sakarya city which had no damage to heavy damage after the Kocaeli (1999) earthquake. For the purpose of 3-D dynamic nonlinear analysis of the soil site and the overlying structures, Flac3D software was chosen as the numerical modeling framework. Soil properties were determined by using the results of available site investigation studies. A three dimensional mesh was created to represent the topographic and geometric constraints of the problem. Linearly elastic perfectly plastic constitutive model was implemented to model the soil behavior. The results of 3-D dynamic numerical analyses in the forms of acceleration, displacement, strain, stress and pore pressure were presented. The higher acceleration, strain and stress levels calculated under the collapsed building can be attributed as the major cause of poor performance of the structure.

A Simplified Model for Lateral Response of Caisson Foundations

Varun 20 November 2006 (has links)
Caisson or pier foundations are encountered as part of the foundation system of tall structures such as bridges, transmission towers, heliostats, etc, and correspond to rigid blocks of length-to-diameter (D/B) ratio on the order of D/B = 2-6. As a result of their geometry and stiffness characteristics, the mechanisms of load transfer from the superstructure to the surrounding soil and their kinematic response to seismic wave propagation are governed by a complex stress distribution at the pier-soil interface, which cannot be adequately represented by means of simplified Winkler models for shallow foundations or flexible piles. Continuum model solutions, such as 3D finite elements (FE) cannot be employed frequently in practice for the design of non-critical facilities due to the cost and effort associated with these analyses. The objective of this work is to develop a Winkler-type model for the analysis of transversely-loaded caissons, which approximately accounts for all the main soil resistance mechanisms mobilized, while retaining the advantages of simplified methodologies for design at intermediate levels of target accuracy. Investigation of the governing load-transfer mechanisms and development of complex spring functions is formulated on the basis of 3D FE simulations. Initially, the soil-structure stiffness matrix is computed by subjecting the pier to transverse static and dynamic loading at the top, and numerically estimating the response. Complex frequency-dependent functions are next developed for the spring constants by equating the stiffness matrix terms to the analytical expressions developed for the four-spring model. Sensitivity analyses are conducted for optimization of the truncated numerical domain size, finite element size and far-field dynamic boundary conditions to avoid spurious wave reflections. Simulations are next conducted to evaluate the transient response of the foundation subjected to vertically propagating shear waves, and results are compared to the response predicted by means of the 4-spring model. Finally, the applicability of the method is assessed for soil profiles with depth-varying properties. While the methodology developed is applicable for linear elastic media with no material damping, the expressions of complex spring functions may be extended to include hysteretic damping, nonlinear soil behavior and soil-foundation interface separation, as shown in the conclusions.

A Parametric Study Investigating The Inertial Soil-structure Interaction Effects On Global And Local Deformation Demands Of Multistory Steel Mrf Structures Resting On Surface Rigid Mat Foundations

Utkutug, Deniz 01 March 2009 (has links) (PDF)
In reality, dynamic response of a structure supported on a compliant soil may vary significantly from the response of same structure when supported on a rigid base. A parametric study is conducted for the analysis of the variation in the global and the local deformation demands caused by the inertial soil-structure interaction effects. For the purposes of the study, nonlinear dynamic analyses are performed on 7 steel moment-resisting frame models, which are prepared by the virtue of fixed-base and flexible-base (interacting) conditions. Foundation is modeled with the Truncated Cone Model (Wolf, 1994) with the frequency independent coefficients. Free-field earthquake acceleration records are selected to conform to NEHRP equivalent Site Classes C and D. The study is limited to the structures founded on surface rigid mat foundations subjected to vertically propagating horizontally polarized coherent shear waves. Statistical analysis based on multiple linear regression procedure is performed to represent the variation in the response. Within the scope of the study, the wave parameter and the aspect ratio are observed to be directly proportional to the variation in the response, as a general trend. Maximum beneficial contribution of the SSI is found to be 6% in both global and local deformation demands. In addition, the contribution of inertial interaction effects is found to be in a decreasing trend for the increasing levels of ductility demands. Finally, upper limits of wave parameter for H/R=0.5, 1, 2 and 3 are calculated where the variation in the demands are capped at 1.0.

Optimum Design Of Rigid And Semi-rigid Steel Sway Frames Including Soil-structure Interaction

Dogan, Erkan 01 August 2010 (has links) (PDF)
In this study, weight optimization of two dimensional steel frames is carried out in which the flexibility of beam-to-column connections and the soil-structure interaction are considered. In the analysis and design of steel frames, beam-tocolumn connections are assumed to be either fully rigid or perfectly pinned. However, the real behavior of beam-to-column connections is actually between these extremes. Namely, even the simple connections used in practice possess some stiffness falling between these two cases mentioned above. Moreover, it is found that there exists a nonlinear relationship between the moment and beam-to-column rotation when a moment is applied to a flexible connection. These partially restrained connections influence the drift (P- effect) of whole structure as well as the moment distribution in beams and columns. Use of a direct nonlinear inelastic analysis is one way to account for all these effects in frame design. To be able to implement such analysis, beam-to-column connections should be assumed and modeled as semi-rigid connections. In the present study, beam-to-column connections are modeled as &ldquo / end plate without column stiffeners&rdquo / and &ldquo / top and seat angle with web angles&rdquo / . Soil-structure interaction is also included in the analysis. Frames are assumed to be resting on nonlinear soil, which is represented by a set of axial elements. Particle swarm optimization method is used to develop the optimum design algorithm. The Particle Swarm method is a numerical optimization technique that simulates the social behavior of birds, fishes and bugs. In nature fish school, birds flock and bugs swarm not only for reproduction but for other reasons such as finding food and escaping predators. Similar to birds seek to find food, the optimum design process seeks to find the optimum solution. In the particle swarm optimization each particle in the swarm represents a candidate solution of the optimum design problem. The design algorithm presented selects sections for the members of steel frame from the complete list of sections given in LRFD- AISC (Load and Resistance Factor Design, American Institute of Steel Construction). Besides, the design constraints are implemented from the specifications of the same code which covers serviceability and strength limitations. The optimum design algorithm developed is used to design number of rigid and semi-rigid steel frames.

Parallel Solution Of Soil-structure Interaction Problems On Pc Clusters

Bahcecioglu, Tunc 01 February 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Numerical assessment of soil structure interaction problems require heavy computational efforts because of the dynamic and iterative (nonlinear) nature of the problems. Furthermore, modeling soil-structure interaction may require

An Experimental Study On The Behavior Of Box-shaped Culverts Buried In Sand Under Dynamic Excitations

Ulgen, Deniz 01 September 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Seismic safety of underground structures (culvert, subway, natural gas and water sewage systems) plays a major role in sustainable public safety and urban development. Very few experimental data are currently available and there is not generally accepted procedure to estimate the dynamic pressures acting on underground structures. This study aims to enhance the state of prevalent information necessary in understanding the dynamic behavior of box culverts and the stresses acting under dynamic excitations through experimental analyses. For this purpose, a series of shaking table tests were conducted on box-type culverts buried in dry sand. To simulate the free-field boundary conditions, a laminar box was designed and manufactured for use in a 1-g shake table. Four culvert models having different rigidities were tested under various harmonic motions in order to examine the effect of flexibility ratio on dynamic lateral soil pressures. Based on the tests results, a simplified dynamic pressure distribution acting on sidewalls of the culvert model was suggested. Then, a dynamic lateral coefficient was defined for the proposed peak pressure value in the distribution. The values of this coefficient were obtained as a function of shear strain and relative stiffness between the soil and underground structure. Finally, a simplified frame analysis approach was suggested for the assessment of the forces on the structure, to help to carry out a preliminary design of box-type culverts. In this approach, it was assumed that the culvert was fixed at bottom and subjected to lateral stresses on sidewalls and shear stresses on the upper face. For the confirmation of the method, centrifuge tests were conducted on a box-type culvert model under the Seventh Framework Programme of European Union with Grant Agreement No.227887. Results show that the proposed simplified procedure can be used in reasonable accuracy as a practical approach for the preliminary assessment of box-type culverts buried in dry sand under seismic action.

Consolidation theories for saturated-unsaturated soils and numerical simulation of residential buildings on expansive soils

Zhang, Xiong 01 November 2005 (has links)
The coupled and uncoupled consolidation theories for saturated-unsaturated soils have been discussed. A new method for constructing the constitutive surfaces for saturated-unsaturated soils has been proposed. The consolidation processes for saturated-unsaturated soils have been explained by thermodynamic analogue. One dimensional consolidation theory for saturated-unsaturated soils is presented and a new method is proposed to calculate the immediate settlement, total settlement and the time history of the consolidation settlement manually in the same way as what we have done for saturated soils with a higher accuracy. It makes the consolidation theory of unsaturated soils as applicable as that of saturated soils. This method can also be used to perform uncoupled two or three dimensional consolidation calculation for both expansive soils and collapsible soils. From the analysis, the equivalent effective stress and excessive pore water pressure can be easily calculated. At the same time, the physical meanings for the parameters in the constitutive laws for saturated-unsaturated are illustrated. A new set of the differential equations for the coupled two or three dimensional consolidation of saturated-unsaturated soils are proposed, together with the corresponding method to solve the differential equations. It is also proved numerically and analytically that during the consolidation process the Mandel-Cryer effect exists for unsaturated expansive soils and there is a ??reverse?? Mandel-Cryer effect for unsaturated collapsible soils. A new method is proposed to estimate the volume change of expansive soils. A complete system is proposed for the numerical simulation of residential buildings on expansive soils. The strength of this method lies in its use of simple and readily available historic weather data such as daily temperature, solar radiation, relative humidity, wind speed and rainfall as input. Accurate three dimensional predictions are obtained by integrating a number of different analytical and numerical techniques: different simulation methods for different boundary conditions such as tree, grass, and bare soils, coupled hydro-mechanical stress analysis to describe deformation of saturated-unsaturated soils, jointed elements simulation of soil-structure interaction, analysis of structure stress moment by general shell elements, and to assess structural damage by the smeared cracking model. The real-time and dynamic simulation results are consistent with filed measurements.

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