Spelling suggestions: "subject:"soil erosion."" "subject:"oil erosion.""
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Experiential learning as a basis for extension practice with Maltese vegetable growers of western SydneySenn, Ashley, University of Western Sydney, Hawkesbury, Faculty of Agriculture and Horticulture, School of Agriculture and Rural Development January 1996 (has links)
This thesis is primarily concerned with the characteristics and effectiveness of extension and adult learning within a community of Maltese vegetable growers in western Sydney. Extension was practised according to principles of experiential learning theory, action research and andragogy. The recommendation is made that extension agents should concentrate upon experiences that are within the target group's spheres of activity and interest. Kolb's experiential learning theory was found to be applicable to extension in this context. This theory, and similar principles, involve interpretivism, reflection and interaction, all of which were found to be beneficial. It was found to be sufficient for the author to inspire growers with broad concepts, which were then applied by growers to their situations. It is suggested that extension agents concern themselves less with attempts to change clients' attitudes and instead encourage them to trial innovations and draw their own conclusions. Future research should consider characteristics of the internalisation of knowledge and the role of clients' emotional well-being. Guidelines for extension with Maltese vegetable growers of the Sydney region are listed, and many of these are generalisable to other circumstances of extension. / Master of Science (Hons) (Systems Agriculture)
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Using a geographic information system (GIS) and the water erosion prediction project model (WEPP) to obtain soil erodibility parameters for predicting sediment yields from urbanizing sub-basins in Montgomery County, Maryland, U.S.A.Schnick, Lori H. January 2006 (has links)
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Delaware, 2006. / Principal faculty advisor: James E. Pizzuto, Dept. of Geological Sciences. Includes bibliographical references.
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Quantifizierung von Oberflächenabfluss und Erosion auf Böden mit hydrophoben Eigenschaften / Quantification of surface runoff and soil erosion on water repellent soilsKuhnert, Matthias January 2009 (has links)
Die Zielsetzung der vorliegenden Arbeit ist die Beschreibung hydrophober Bodeneigenschaften und deren Auswirkungen auf Oberflächenabfluss und Erosion auf verschiedenen Skalen. Die dazu durchgeführten Untersuchungen fanden auf einer Rekultivierungsfläche im Braunkohlegebiet Welzow Süd (Südostdeutschland) statt. Die Prozesse wurden auf drei Skalen untersucht, die von der Plotskala (1m²) über die Hangskala (300m²) bis zur Betrachtung eines kleinen Einzugsgebietes (4ha) reichen. Der Grad der hydrophoben Bodeneigenschaften wurde sowohl direkt, über die Bestimmung des Kontaktwinkel, als auch indirekt, über die Bestimmung der Persistenz, ermittelt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass der Boden im Winterhalbjahr hydrophil reagierte, während er im Sommerhalbjahr hydrophobe Bodeneigenschaften aufwies. Die Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, dass ansteigende Bodenwassergehalte, die in der Literatur häufig als Ursache für einen Wechsel der Bodeneigenschaften angegeben werden, auf dieser Fläche nicht zu einem Umbruch der Bodenbedingungen führen. Stattdessen kam es als Folge des Auftauens von gefrorenem Boden zu hydrophilen Bodeneigenschaften, die zu einem Anstieg des Bodenwassergehalts führten. Räumliche Unterschiede zeigten sich in den geomorphologischen Einheiten. Rinnen und Rillen wiesen seltener hydrophobe Eigenschaften als die Zwischenrillenbereiche und Kuppen auf. Diese räumlichen und zeitlichen Variabilitäten wirkten sich auch auf den Oberflächenabfluss aus, der als Abflussbeiwert (ABW: Quotient aus Abfluss und Niederschlag) untersucht wurde. Der ABW liegt auf Böden mit hydrophoben Bodeneigenschaften (ABW=0,8) deutlich höher als bei jenen mit hydrophilen Eigenschaften(ABW=0,2), wie sie im Winter oder auf anderem Substrat vorzufinden sind (diese Werte beziehen sich auf die Plotskala). Betrachtet man die Auswirkungen auf unterschiedlichen Skalen, nimmt der Abflussbeiwert mit zunehmender Flächengröße ab (ABW = 0,8 auf der Plotskala, ABW = 0,5 auf der Hangskala und ABW = 0,2 im gesamten Gebiet), was in den hydrophil reagierenden Rillen und Rinnen auf der Hangskala und dem hydrophilen Substrat im Einzugsgebiet begründet ist. Zur Messung der Erosion wurden verschiedene, zum Teil neu entwickelte Methoden eingesetzt, um eine hohe zeitliche und räumliche Auflösung zu erreichen. Bei einer neu entwickelten Methode wird der Sedimentaustrag ereignisbezogen über eine Waage bestimmt. In Kombination mit einer Kippwaage ermöglicht sie die gleichzeitige Messung des Oberflächenabflusses. Die Messapparatur wurde für Gebiete entwickelt, die eine überwiegend grobsandige Textur aufweisen und nur geringe Mengen Ton und Schluff enthalten. Zusätzlich wurden zwei Lasersysteme zur Messung der räumlichen Verteilung der Erosion eingesetzt. Für die erste Methode wurde ein punktuell messender Laser in einer fest installierten Apparatur über die Fläche bewegt und punktuell Höhenunterschiede in einem festen Raster bestimmt. Durch Interpolation konnten Bereiche mit Sedimentabtrag von Akkumulationsbereiche unterschieden werden. Mit dieser Methode können auch größere Flächen vermessen werden (hier 16 m²), allerdings weisen die Messungen in den Übergangsbereichen von Rinne zu Zwischenrille große Fehler auf. Bei der zweiten Methode wird mit einer Messung ein Quadratmeter mit einer hohen räumlichen Auflösung komplett erfasst. Um ein dreidimensionales Bild zu erstellen, müssen insgesamt vier Aufnahmen von jeweils unterschiedlichen Seiten aufgenommen werden. So lassen sich Abtrag und Akkumulation sehr genau bestimmen, allerdings ist die Messung relativ aufwendig und erfasst nur eine kleine Fläche. Zusätzlich wurde der Sedimentaustrag noch auf der Plotskala erfasst. Die Messungen zeigen, korrespondierend zu den Bodeneigenschaften, große Sedimentausträge während des Sommerhalbjahrs und kaum Austräge im Winter. Weiterhin belegen die Ergebnisse eine größere Bedeutung der Rillenerosion gegenüber der Zwischenrillenerosion für Niederschlagsereignisse hoher Intensität (>25 mm/h in einem zehnminütigem Intervall). Im Gegensatz dazu dominierte die Zwischenrillenerosion bei Ereignissen geringerer Intensität (<20 mm/h in einem zehnminütigem Intervall), wobei mindestens 9 mm Niederschlag in einer Intensität von mindesten 3,6 mm/h nötig sind, damit es zur Erosion kommt. Basierend auf den gemessenen Abflüssen und Sedimentausträgen wurden Regressiongleichungen abgeleitet, die eine Berechnung dieser beiden Prozesse für die untersuchte Fläche ermöglichen. Während die Menge an Oberflächenabfluss einen starken Zusammenhang zu der Menge an gefallenem Niederschlag zeigt (r² = 0,9), ist die Berechnung des ausgetragenen Sedimentes eher ungenau (r² = 0,7). Zusammenfassend beschreibt die Arbeit Einflüsse hydrophober Bodeneigenschaften auf verschiedenen Skalen und arbeitet die Auswirkungen, die vor allem auf der kleinen Skala von großer Bedeutung sind, heraus. / The objective of the thesis is the investigation of water repellent soil conditions and their consequences on surface runoff and erosion by water on different scales. The test site is a lignite mining area situated in Welzow Süd (south east Germany). The processes are to investigate on three different scales, starting with a plot scale (1 m²), then a hill slope scale (300 m²) and, finally, with a small catchment area (4 ha). The level of water repellency was quantified by both direct (contact angle) and indirect measurement (persistence of the soil). The results show seasonal differences with hydrophilic soil conditions during winter and water repellent reactions during summer. For this change in soil conditions, the soil water content is pronounced in literature to be the most important factor. On the test site, the soil water content changed instead as a consequence of the thawing of the soil which affects the hydrophilic conditions of the soil itself. The spatial differences of the soil water content are related to rill and channel areas (hydrophillic) and to knoll areas (water repellent). Both the spatial as well as the temporal variation of the soil conditions affect surface runoff which is investigated as a runoff coefficient (RC: ratio of amount of surface runoff to amount of precipitation). The RC shows higher values on soil with water repellent conditions (RC=0.8) in comparison with the values on hydrophilic soils (RC=0.2). The hydrophilic conditions predominate in areas with different substrates and during the winter. Observations on different scales show a decreasing RC as the size of the area increases (RC = 0.8 on the plot scale, RC = 0.5 on the hill slope scale and RC = 0.2 for the entire catchment area). The reasons for this are the hydrophilic rill in the hill slope area and the hydrophilic substrate in the entire catchment area. The measurement of erosion, based on different methods, some of them just newly developed, quantifies in a good resolution sediment transport spatially as well as temporally. The central part of one of the newly developed approaches is a balance which quantifies an event based sediment output. This approach is coupled with a tipping bucket to measure surface runoff. The system has been developed for coarse textured areas with little amounts of sand and silt. Additionally, two laser systems are used to detect changes in the soil surface over the spatial distribution. The first method contains a laser which measures only a single point and has to be moved in a fixed apparatus above the soil surface in a well defined raster. The areas of sediment abrasion and the detachment areas are restricted by interpolation of the measurement results. This method enables measurements on large areas (16 m² in this project), but tends to result in a high level of errors in the transition zone between rill and interrill. The second laser system covered an area of 1 m² in high resolution. To construct a three-dimensional picture, four different pictures have to be taken from four different directions. This defines the abrasion and detachment areas in a very detailed manner, but the method is very time-consuming and covers only a small area. In addition, measurements on the plots collected the amount of sediment output on a small scale. These results show, corresponding to the water repellent soil conditions, high rates of sediment output during summer, but low rates during winter season. The results show also the dominance of rill erosion in comparison with interrill erosion during high intensity rainfall events (>25 mm/h during one interval of ten minutes). On the contrary, interrill erosion becomes more important during low intensity rainfall events (<20 mm/h during at one interval of ten minutes). At least a 9 mm amount of precipitation with a minimum intensity of 3.6 mm/h is necessary to provoke erosion on this test site. Based on the measurement results regression empirical equations were developed to quantify surface runoff and sediment output. While, surface runoff correlates well with the amount of precipitation (r² = 0,9), sediment output shows little correlation to the amount and intensity of the precipitation (r² = 0,7). In summary, the thesis described effects of water repellent soil conditions on surface runoff and erosion on different scales. The effects on the smaller scales especially are of high interest to hydrological processes.
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Influence of Transplanter Modification and Previous Crop on the Production of No-Till Dark TobaccoPenick, William Frazier 01 May 2013 (has links)
Dark tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) has historically been produced usingconventional tillage practices. Soil is cultivated multiple times throughout a growing season leading to an increased incidence of soil erosion. No-till systems have been growing in popularity with the advent of new technology that has enabled the practice to be performed effectively and efficiently. With the recent expansion of no-till practices throughout the agricultural community, many crops have had success in producing comparable yields while reducing input costs and saving soil resources. For this experiment, a traditional tobacco transplanter was modified for use in a no-till environment. All modifications were fabricated without using specialty tools and made possible to be removed if desired or necessary. Frame extensions were designed and built to accommodate row cleaners and coulters. Tillage shanks were also added to aid in optimal furrow formation. Double-disc opening shoes replaced the original round point shoes and the curved edges of the rear drive wheels were removed, creating a flat surface to increase soil contact. Experimental no-till plots in fescue sod and soybean chaff residues were conducted alongside conventional tillage plots at the Western Kentucky University Agricultural Research and Education Complex in summer 2011. Five treatments, one conventionally tilled (Conv) and four no-till, were replicated three times within a randomized complete block design and used to determine the efficacy of transplanter modifications (consistency of depth, furrow closure, observed plant damage), survival of the transplants, and the amount of residue displacement. The four no-till treatments utilized different combinations including: coulter, row cleaner and shank (CRS), row cleaner and shank (RS), coulter and shank (CS), and shank only (S). These treatments demonstrated the functionality of each combination in comparison to conventional treatments. No treatment performed equally well in both residue locations. Plots in fescue residue utilizing a combination of coulter, row cleaner, shank (CRS), exhibited the lowest amount of root exposure, highest survival rate, and comparable cured weight when compared to conventionally tilled treatments. In soybean residue plots, the treatment operating with row cleaners and shanks (RS) had equivalent amounts of furrow closure to conventionally tilled plots. Pairing specific modification combinations with previous crop residue can provide furrow closure, transplant survival, and cured yield equivalent to conventionally tilled dark tobacco.
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The Exercise of Power through Creation of Knowledge: A Narrative of Environmental Change During Colonization in Kiambu, KenyaFollis, Kristin January 2012 (has links)
Ongoing environmental change is one of the greatest barriers facing programs and policies aiming to achieve sustainable development today. While the concept of sustainable development is relatively new, the threat of environmental change is not. Throughout colonization in Kenya the British colonial government was overly concerned with the quality of soil and increasing possibilities of erosion. Both Victorian ideologies of culture and society as well as the colonial discourse that existed in Kenya lead to a conception of the Africans as environmentally and agriculturally inept. Thus, they were blamed as the greatest threat to soil fertility. These notions together created a colonial environmental narrative based on inaccurate conceptions of the African farmer. International examples of environmental degradation as well as the expertise of Western research were used to support the narrative and further intervention into Kenyan society. The goal of this thesis is to examine exactly what made up the narrative, what purposes it served and who benefited from it. Through analysing the case of the Kikuyu in Kiambu, the district where Africans came in closet contact with the Europeans, this paper examines how a reorganization of power and control occurred. Specifically, archival research was utilized to gain direct insight into colonial perceptions and departmental reporting. The results show that African farmers were wrongly accused as the main culprits of soil degradation; in fact, changes to cultivation methods during much of colonization such as increased output and forced implementation of European techniques had a detrimental effect on soil fertility. While evidence existed to counter the narrative, it was reinforced as truth by Western research and colonial power. The result for the settlers was prioritized agriculture as well as security over land rights; simultaneously, for the colonial administration the narrative served as justification for their humanitarian mandate, while fostering an amount of social control. The results reveal that the creation of a narrative based on environmental change where the African was labelled as the problem, created a situation where colonial and settler interests triumphed over all others.
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Auswirkungen des Klimawandels auf die BodenerosionRoutschek, Anne 12 October 2012 (has links) (PDF)
Auf der Grundlage von Szenarien zu künftigen Starkregenereignissen wurde mit dem Modell Erosion-3D die Entwicklung der Bodenerosion durch Wasser berechnet.
Eine Analyse der projizierten Starkregenereignisse zeigt, dass durch den Klimawandel die Häufigkeit der sommerlichen Starkregenereignisse abnimmt und die Starkregenintensität zunimmt.
Landnutzung und unterschiedliche Bodenbearbeitungsverfahren haben allerdings einen bedeutend größeren Einfluss auf das Ausmaß der Bodenerosion als die künftig zu erwartenden Starkregenereignisse.
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Simplified Method for Estimating Future Scour Depth at Existing BridgesV Govindasamy, Anand 2009 May 1900 (has links)
Bridge scour is the term which describes the erosion of soil surrounding a bridge
foundation due to water. Bridge scour can cause the reduction of the load carrying
capacity of bridge foundations, excessive foundation settlements, and damage to bridge
abutments. Bridges with foundations that are unstable for calculated and/or observed
scour conditions are termed scour critical bridges.
Approximately 25,000 bridges in the United States are classified as scour critical
and about 600 of them are in Texas. This designation comes in part from the use of
over-conservative methods that predict excessive scour depths in erosion resistant
materials. Other methods have been developed to eliminate this over-conservatism but
are uneconomical because they require site-specific erosion testing.
The major contribution of this dissertation is a new method to assess a bridge for
scour and erosion classification charts which categorizes the erodibility of geomaterials
according to conventional engineering properties. The new method is a three level
Bridge Scour Assessment (BSA) procedure which is relatively simple and economical. It
does not require site-specific erosion testing and eliminates the over-conservatism in current methods. The first level, BSA 1, uses charts that extrapolate the maximum scour
depth recorded during the life of the bridge to obtain the scour depth corresponding to a
specified future flood event. The second level, BSA 2, determines the maximum scour
depth and is carried out if BSA 1 does not conclude with a specific plan of action for the
bridge. The third level, BSA 3, determines the time dependent scour depth and is carried
out if BSA 2 does not conclude with a specific plan of action. The scour vulnerability
depends on the comparison between the predicted and allowable scour depths.
The 11 case histories used to validate the new method showed good agreement
between predicted values and field measurements. BSA 1 was then applied to 16
bridges. In this process, 6 out of 10 bridges classified as scour critical by current
methods were found to be stable. These results show that the new method allows for
more realistic evaluation of bridges for scour while not requiring site-specific erosion
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Etablierung EntscheidungshilfesystemNaumann, Sandra, Kurzer, Hans-Joachim 22 April 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Zur Umsetzung der Ziele der EU-Wasserrahmenrichtlinie sind in Sachsen bis 2015 für Gewässereinzugsgebiete entsprechende Maßnahmen zur Erreichung bzw. Sicherung eines guten Gewässerzustandes durchzuführen. Für die hierzu erforderliche integrierte Planung und Entscheidungsfindung auf Einzugsgebietsebene stellen Entscheidungshilfesysteme den daran beteiligten Akteuren (Flächennutzer, -besitzer, Fachbehörden usw.) die technische Unterstützung bereit.
Am Beispiel des überwiegend landwirtschaftlich genutzten Fließgewässereinzugsgebietes der Jahna (Sächsisches Lösshügelland) wurde ein Entscheidungshilfesystem entwickelt und erprobt. Es umfasst zum einen Werkzeuge zur Analyse der Belastungen der Oberflächengewässer und des Grundwassers durch Nährstoffaustrag (z.B. Modell Stoffbilanz) bzw. durch Wassererosion (Modell EROSION 3D). Zum anderen bietet das Entscheidungshilfesystem verschiedene Modelle und Verfahren an, mit deren Hilfe stoffaustragsmindernde landwirtschaftliche Maßnahmen ausgewählt und hinsichtlich ihrer Wirksamkeit abgeschätzt werden können. Ergänzend dazu wurde ein computergestützter Maßnahmenkatalog zur Unterstützung bei der Auswahl stoffaustragsmindernder Maßnahmen im Bereich Landwirtschaft erstellt. Die Priorisierung der verschiedenen Maßnahmenalternativen unter Berücksichtigung ökologischer und ökonomischer Ziele wurde beispielhaft mit Hilfe der Nutzwertanalyse durchgeführt.
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A methodology for planning road best management practices combining wepp road erosion modeling and simulated annealing optimizationEfta, James Anderson. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (MS)--University of Montana, 2009. / Contents viewed on December 21, 2009. Title from author supplied metadata. Includes bibliographical references.
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Influence of grass hedges on soil hydraulic properties, runoff and soil erosion in a small watershed /Rachman, Achmad, January 2003 (has links)
Thesis (Ph. D.)--University of Missouri-Columbia, 2003. / Typescript. Vita. Includes bibliographical references. Also available on the Internet.
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