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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Estimation of aboveground terrestrial net primary productivity and analysis of its spatial and temporal trends in the conterminous United States from 1997 to 2007 using NASA-CASA model

Khanal, Sami 01 May 2010 (has links)
This study estimated monthly and annual Net Primary Productivity (NPP), an important indicator of carbon sequestration, in the Conterminous US from 1997 to 2007 using Carnegie-Ames-Stanford Approach. Vegetation condition, temperature, precipitation, photosynthetically active radiation and soil water holding capacity were used as model’s inputs. NPP values were lower than mean annual values during the year 2000 to 2003 which was probably due to extreme drought conditions during these years. Higher NPP per square meter was generally found in Savannah and Subtropical eco-divisions whereas Tropical/Subtropical deserts had the lowest NPP. Southeastern states had the highest NPP per square meter thus, made the highest contribution to the terrestrial carbon sequestration in US. Since the vegetation is one of the main factors in NPP and thus carbon sequestration, the results of this study could help in various environmental policy decisions on forest and cropland management at the state, EPA and federal levels.

Effects of Reservoir Releases on Slope Stability and Bank Erosion

Nam, Soonkie 30 June 2011 (has links)
Reservoir release patterns are determined by a number of purposes, the most fundamental of which is to manage water resources for human use. Managing our water resources means not only controlling the water in reservoirs but also determining the optimum release rate taking into account factors such as reservoir stability, power generation, water supply for domestic, industrial, and agricultural uses, and the river ecosystem. However, riverbank stability has generally not been considered as a factor, even though release rates may have a significant effect on downstream riverbank stability. Riverbank retreat not only impacts land properties but also damages structures along the river such as roads, bridges and even buildings. Thus, reservoir releases need to also take into account the downstream riverbank stability and erosion issues. The study presented here investigates the riverbank stability and erosion at five study sites representing straight as well as inside and outside channel meander bends located on the lower Roanoke River near Scotland Neck, North Carolina. Extensive laboratory and field experiments were performed to define the hydraulic and geotechnical properties of the riverbank soils at each site. Specifically, soil water characteristic curves were determined using six different techniques and the results compared to existing mathematical models. Hydraulic conductivity was estimated using both laboratory and in situ tests. Due to the wide range of experimentally obtained values, the values determined by each of the methods was used for transient seepage modeling and the modeling results compared to the actual ground water table measured in the field. The results indicate that although the hydraulic conductivities determined by in situ tests were much larger than those typically reported for the soils by lab tests, numerical predictions of the ground water table using the in situ values provided a good fit for the measured ground water table elevation. Shear strengths of unsaturated soils were determined using multistage suction controlled direct shear tests. The test method was validated, and saturated and unsaturated shear strength parameters determined. These parameters, which were determined on the basis of results from both laboratory and field measurements, and the associated boundary conditions, which took into account representative flow rates and patterns including peaking, drawdown and step-down scenarios, were then utilized for transient seepage analyses and slope stability analyses performed using SLIDE, a software package developed by Rocscience. The analyses confirmed that the riverbanks are stable for all flow conditions, although the presence of lower permeability soils in some areas may create excess pore water pressures, especially during drawdown and step-down events, that result in the slope becoming unstable in those locations. These findings indicate that overall, the current reservoir release patterns do not cause adverse impacts on the downstream riverbanks, although a gradual drawdown after a prolonged high flow event during the wet season would reduce unfavorable conditions that threaten riverbank stability. / Ph. D.

Effect of continued and regulated deficit irrigation on the productivity of four vegetable crops in open-field conditions in the Mediterranean area

Abdelkhalik, Abdelsattar Gamal Abdelsattar 27 September 2020 (has links)
Tesis por compendio / [ES] La escasez de agua se está convirtiendo en un problema en zonas áridas y semiáridas del mundo, donde se localiza parte de la producción de los principales cultivos hortícolas, como en el área mediterránea. La sequía es uno de los principales factores limitantes en la agricultura y está afectando gravemente a la producción de cultivos hortícolas. La mejora de la productividad del agua en la agricultura puede lograrse mediante la utilización de determinadas estrategias. El riego deficitario consiste en el aporte de agua por debajo de las necesidades de riego (NR) de los cultivos, de manera que se produce una reducción de la evapotranspiración. Puede realizarse de manera continua o sostenida (RDS) o controlada (RDC). Con el riego deficitario se puede mejorar la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego, manteniendo el rendimiento, e incluso en ocasiones, podría mejorarse la calidad de la cosecha. En este estudio, realizado en el Centro Experimental Cajamar de Paiporta (Valencia) se evalúa el efecto del riego deficitario en cuatro de los principales cultivos hortícolas cultivados al aire libre, en el área mediterránea: coliflor, cebolla, pimiento y sandía. En la evaluación se ha analizado: crecimiento y estado hídrico de las plantas, rendimiento, eficiencia del uso del agua de riego, calidad de la producción y rentabilidad de los cultivos. En la primera campaña se ensayó el RDS, lo que permitió establecer las diferentes etapas de crecimiento de cada cultivo, que se utilizaron en las siguientes campañas en el RDC. En los cuatro cultivos, las plantas control (100% NR) han mostrado un adecuado estado hídrico, tanto en el contenido relativo de agua como en el índice de estabilidad de la membrana, mientras que las sometidas a un RDS severo, han mostrado los menores valores de ambos índices. El efecto negativo del riego deficitario sobre el rendimiento ha resultado menos importante en los cultivos de otoño-invierno que en los cultivos de primavera-verano, especialmente en la coliflor. El RDS del 50% NR ha reducido drásticamente el rendimiento comercial y, consecuentemente, los ingresos brutos, aunque haya supuesto una mejora en la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego para los cultivos de otoño-invierno. Del análisis individual de los cultivos se deduce que el rendimiento en pellas de coliflor obtenidas con RDS al 75% NR o RDC al 50% NR durante la fase juvenil, se ha mantenido en niveles similares al control, mejorando la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego. En cebolla, en caso de restricción hídrica severa, sería aconsejable aplicar RDS con el 75% NR o RDC al 50% NR durante la maduración del bulbo, ya que estas estrategias han disminuido ligeramente el rendimiento, mejorando la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego. En condiciones menos restrictivas, RDC al 75% NR durante la maduración del bulbo ha dado lugar a un rendimiento satisfactorio, con un aumento de la eficiencia del uso del agua de riego. En pimiento dulce italiano, la aplicación de RDC al 75% NR durante la recolección ha dado lugar a una reducción considerable del rendimiento, y por tanto, de los ingresos brutos, aunque con importantes ahorros de agua y con un incremento en el contenido de sólidos solubles y de compuestos fenólicos de los frutos. Acortando el ciclo de cultivo hasta principios de septiembre, cuando ya se ha cosechado la mayor parte del rendimiento comercial, se conseguiría un importante ahorro de agua y permitiría utilizar la parcela en otros cultivos. El RDS al 75% y al 50% NR, o RDC al 50% NR durante la cosecha han dado lugar a una alta incidencia de frutos afectados por blossom-end rot. En sandía puede recomendarse la aplicación de RDC, tanto al 75% como al 50% NR durante la maduración del fruto, ya que ha conducido a rendimientos comerciales aceptables. De manera general se puede afirmar que la aplicación de RDS y de RDC en los cuatro cultivos, no ha afectado de manera importante a la calidad de la producción, / [CA] Resum L'escassesa d'aigua s'està convertint en un problema en zones àrides i semiàrides del món, on es localitza part de la producció dels principals cultius hortícoles, com és el cas de l'àrea mediterrània. La sequera és un dels principals factors limitants en l'agricultura i està afectant greument a la producció de cultius hortícoles. La millora de la productivitat de l'aigua en l'agricultura en general, i en l'horticultura en particular, es pot aconseguir mitjançant la utilització de determinades estratègies. El reg deficitari consisteix en l'aportació d'aigua per sota de les necessitats de reg (NR) dels cultius, de manera que es produeix una reducció de l'evapotranspiració. Es pot fer de manera contínua o sostinguda (RDS) o controlada (RDC). Amb el reg deficitari es pot millorar l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg, mantenint el rendiment, i fins i tot de vegades, podria conduir a una millora de la qualitat de la collita. En aquest estudi, realitzat al Centre Experimental Cajamar de Paiporta (València, Espanya) s'avalua l'efecte del reg deficitari en quatre dels principals cultius hortícoles conreats a l'aire lliure, a l'àrea mediterrània: dos de cultiu de tardor-hivern (coliflor i ceba) i dues de cultiu primaveral-estival (pimentó i meló d'Alger). En l'avaluació s'han analitzat els següents paràmetres: creixement i estat hídric de les plantes, rendiment, eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg, qualitat de la producció i rendibilitat dels cultius. A la primera campanya es va assajar el RDS, el que va permetre establir les diferents etapes de creixement de cada cultiu, que es van utilitzar en les següents campanyes en el RDC. En els quatre cultius, les plantes control (100% NR) han mostrat un adequat estat hídric, tant en el contingut relatiu d'aigua com en l'índex d'estabilitat de la membrana, mentre que les sotmeses a un RDS sever, han mostrat els menors valors d'ambdós índexs. L'efecte negatiu del reg deficitari sobre el rendiment ha resultat menys important en els cultius de tardor-hivern que en els cultius de primavera-estiu, especialment en la coliflor. El RDS del 50% NR ha reduït dràsticament el rendiment comercial i, conseqüentment, els ingressos bruts, encara que hagi suposat una millora en l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg per als cultius de tardor-hivern. De l'anàlisi individual dels cultius es dedueix que el rendiment de coliflors obtingudes amb RDS al 75% NR o RDC al 50% NR durant la fase juvenil, s'ha mantingut en nivells similars al control, millorant l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg. En ceba, en cas de restricció hídrica severa, seria aconsellable aplicar RDS amb el 75% NR o RDC al 50% NR durant la maduració del bulb, ja que aquestes estratègies han disminuït lleugerament el rendiment, millorant l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg . En condicions menys restrictives, RDC al 75% NR durant la maduració del bulb ha donat lloc a un rendiment satisfactori, amb un augment de l'eficiència de l'ús de l'aigua de reg. En pimentó dolç italià, l'aplicació de RDC al 75% NR durant la recol·lecció ha donat lloc a una reducció considerable del rendiment, i per tant, dels ingressos bruts, encara que amb importants estalvis d'aigua i amb un increment en el contingut de sòlids solubles i de compostos fenòlics dels fruits. Retallant el cicle de cultiu fins a principis de setembre, quan ja s'ha collit la major part del rendiment comercial, s'aconseguiria un important estalvi d'aigua i permetria utilitzar la parcel·la en altres cultius. El RDS al 75% i al 50% NR, o RDC al 50% NR durant la collita han donat lloc a una alta incidència de fruits afectats per blossom-end rot. En meló d'Alger es pot recomanar l'aplicació de RDC, tant al 75% com al 50% NR durant la maduració del fruit, ja que ha conduït a rendiments comercials acceptables. De manera general es pot afirmar que l'aplicació de RDS i de RDC en els quatre cultius, no ha afectat de maner / [EN] Water scarcity is becoming a critical problem in arid and semi-arid areas of the world, where part of the production of the main horticultural crops is located, as is the case of the Mediterranean area. Drought is one of the main limiting factors in agriculture and it is seriously affecting the production of horticultural crops. The improvement of water productivity in agriculture in general, and in horticulture in particular, can be achieved through the use of certain strategies. Deficit irrigation consists of the supply of water below the irrigation water requirements (IWR), so that there is a reduction in evapotranspiration. It can be done continuously (CDI) or regulated (RDI). With deficit irrigation, the irrigation water use efficiency can be improved, maintaining yield, and it could even lead to an improvement in the quality of the harvest. This study, carried out at the Cajamar in Paiporta Experimental Center (Valencia, Spain), analyzes the effect of deficit irrigation on four of the main cultivated horticultural crops, open field cultivated in the Mediterranean area: two of autumnal-winter crops (cauliflower and onion) and two spring-summer crops (pepper and watermelon). In the evaluation, the following parameters have been analyzed: plant growth and water status, yield, irrigation water use efficiency, quality of production and crop profitability. In the first season the CDI was tested, which allowed to establish the different growth stages for each crop, which were used in the following season for the RDI. In the four crops, the control plants (100% IWR) have shown an adequate water status, in terms of both relative water content and membrane stability index, while those subjected to a severe CDI, have shown the lowest values of both indexes. The negative effect of deficit irrigation on yield has been less important in autumn-winter crops than in spring-summer crops, especially in cauliflower. The CDI at 50% IWR has drastically reduced the marketable yield and, consequently, the gross revenue, although it has supposed an improvement in the irrigation water use efficiency for the autumn-winter crops. From the individual analysis of the crops, it can be stated that cauliflower yield obtained with CDI at 75% IWR or RDI at 50% IWR during the juvenile phase, has remained at levels similar to the control, improving the irrigation water use efficiency. In relation to onion, in case of severe water restriction, it would be advisable to apply CDI with 75% IWR or RDI at 50% IWR during bulb ripening, since these strategies have slightly decreased yield, improving the irrigation water use efficiency. In less restrictive conditions, RDI at 75% IWR during the bulb maturation has led to a satisfactory yield, with an increase in the irrigation water use efficiency. In Italian sweet pepper, the application of RDI to 75% IWR during the harvesting has resulted in a considerable reduction of the yield, and therefore, of the gross income, although with important water savings and increasing the fruit soluble solids and phenolic compounds content. By shortening the cultivation cycle until the beginning of September, when most of the marketable yield has already been harvested, significant water savings would be achieved, and the land could be used in other crops. CDI at 75% IWR and 50% IWR, or RDI at 50% IWR at harvesting have resulted in a high incidence of fruit affected by blossom-end rot. In watermelon the RDI application can be recommended, both 75% and 50% IWR, during the fruit ripening, since it has led to acceptable marketable yields. In general terms, it can be affirmed that the application of CDI and RDI in the four crops has not significantly affected the product quality, in terms of the analyzed parameters. / My grateful thanks to the Cultural Affairs and Mission Sector, Egyptian Ministry of Higher Education for supporting me with a scholarship. / Abdelkhalik, AGA. (2019). Effect of continued and regulated deficit irrigation on the productivity of four vegetable crops in open-field conditions in the Mediterranean area [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/129868 / Compendio

Conversion of lowland forests to rubber and oil palm plantations changes nutrient leaching and nutrient retention efficiency in highly weathered soils of Sumatra, Indonesia

Kurniawan, Syahrul 07 March 2016 (has links)
In den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten wurden in Sumatra (Indonesien) große Regenwaldflächen für den Anbau von Kautschuk- und Palmölplantagen zerstört. Dies zeigt sich in der Abnahme Waldfläche in dieser Region um 36% zwischen 1990-2010. Eine solch schnelle Landnutzungsänderung hat Auswirkungen auf die Umwelt: Es ist davon auszugehen, dass die Zerstörung von Regenwald und die Etablierung von Kautschuk- und Palmölplantagen aufgrund von Einflüssen auf die Bodenoberfläche, Veränderungen von Streufall, Nährstoffverfügbarkeit und Management in den Plantagen zu erhöhter Nährstoffauswaschung und einer verminderten Nährstoffretentionseffizienz führt. Diese Arbeit stellt zwei Studien vor, die sich mit den Auswirkungen der Regenwaldzerstörung - und der einhergehenden Kultivierung von Kautschuk und Ölpalmenbäumen - auf Nährstoffauswaschung und Nährstoffretentionseffizienz beschäftigt. Außerdem untersucht sie Unterschiede in der Nährstoffauswaschung zwischen gedüngten und mit Palmwedeln bedeckten Bereichen in Palmölplantagen. Beide Studien wurden in zwei Landschaften der Provinz Jambi (Sumatra, Indonesien) mit stark verwitterten Acrisol-Böden durchgeführt, die sich in der Bodenart unterscheiden (lehm- bzw. tonhaltiger Acrisol). Die Nährstoffauswaschung im Boden wurde mit Saugkerzen-Lysimetern gemessen, die in 1,5m Tiefe im Boden installiert wurden. Beprobt wurde von Februar bis Dezember 2013 zweiwöchentlich bis monatlich. Die erste Studie beschäftigt sich mit der Nährstoffauswaschung und Nährstoffretentionseffizienz im Boden vierer verschiedener Landnutzungsarten. Dabei handelt es sich um die zwei Referenznutzungsformen Tieflandregenwald sowie Sekundärwald durchsetzt mit Kautschukbäumen, als auch um die veränderten Landnutzungsformen kleinbäuerlicher Kautschuk- und Ölpalmplantagen. Jede Landnutzung, ausgenommen der Palmölplantagen mit drei Wiederholungen, wurde durch vier Wiederholungsflächen innerhalb jeder Landschaft repräsentiert. Somit wurde die Studie auf insgesamt 30 Flächen durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse zeigen für den lehmigen Acrisol-Boden der Referenzflächen eine höhere Auswaschung und eine niedrigere N-Retentionseffizienz für Stickstoff (N) und basische Kationen, verglichen mit dem tonigen Acrisol-Boden bestanden. In den Palmölplantagen zeigte sich, dass Düngung und Kalkung zu erhöhter Auswaschung von gelöstem N, gelöstem organischen Kohlenstoff (DOC) und basischen Kationen führte, sowie zu einer geringeren Retentionseffizienz von N und basischen Kationen im Boden. In den ungedüngten Kautschukplantagen dagegen waren die Auswaschungsverluste von gelöstem N, DOC und basischen Kationen geringer als in den Palmölplantagen. Zusammenfassend zeigten die Ergebnisse, dass Nährstoffverluste und Nährstoffretentionseffizienz in Kautschuk- und Palmölplantagen auf stark verwitterten Acrisolen primär von Tongehalt und Management abhängen. In der zweiten Studie wurde die Nährstoffauswaschung in den gedüngten und mit Palmwedeln bedeckten Bereichen in Palmölplantagen von Kleinbauern in lehm- bzw. tonhaltigen Acrisolen gemessen. Die Ergebnisse zeigten höhere Auswaschverluste (d.h. N, basische Kationen, Gesamt-Aluminium, Gesamt-Mangan, Gesamt-Schwefel und Chlor) in den gedüngten Bereichen als in den mit Palmwedeln bedeckten Bereichen aufgrund der Frequenz des Mineraldünger- und Kalkeinsatzes. Auf Landschaftsebene wurden die höheren Bodennährstoffvorräte und eine niedrigere Nährstoffauswaschung im Ton-Acrisol im Vergleich zum Lehm-Acrisol sowohl in den gedüngten als auch in den mit Palmwedeln bedeckten Bereichen durch die höhere Nährstoffretention (als Ergebnis höheren Tongehaltes) verursacht. Die Kombination von Nährstoffauswaschung und Nährstoffeintrag (d.h. Gesamtniederschlag und Dünger) mit zusätzlichen Informationen über den Nährstoffaustrag durch die Ernte, geben uns umfassendere Informationen über die Veränderungen im partiellen Nährstoffhaushalt von N, Phosphor (P), und basischen Kationen bei Waldumwandlung zu Palmöl- und Kautschukplantagen. Gedüngte Palmölplantagen hatten aufgrund der hohen jährlichen Nährstoffauswaschung und des Ernteexports das niedrigste jährliche Teilbudget an N, Kalzium (Ca) und Magnesium (Mg). Dennoch verringerten die hohen negativen Teilbudgets von N, Ca und Mg in den Palmölplantagen nicht deren Vorräte in 1m Bodentiefe verglichen mit den anderen Landnutzungsformen - außer für austauschbares Mg im Lehm-Acrisol. Obwohl ungedüngte Kautschukplantagen geringere Auswaschung zeigen als der Wald (z.B. für P), führte der Ernteexport zu einem geringeren jährlichen P-Teilbudget. Insgesamt implizieren die Ergebnisse der beiden Studien folgende verbesserte Managementverfahren für diese hochverwitterten Böden: eine Synchronisation der Düngermenge mit der Pflanzenaufnahme sowie eine Anpassung der Düngungshӓufigkeit.

Effect of climate and soil water status on Cabernet Sauvignon (Vitis vinifera L.) grapevines in the Swartland region with special reference to sugar loading and anthocyanin biosynthesis

Mehmel, Tara Olivia, Van Heerden, Tara Olivia 23 November 2010 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric (Viticulture and Oenology))--University of Stellenbosach, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Cabernet Sauvignon, the most planted red wine cultivar in South Africa, is prone to vigorous growth with low yields. The aim of the study was to describe how Cabernet Sauvignon grapevines react to climate and irrigation within the Swartland region. Such knowledge would assist growers in decisions regarding long term as well as short term cultivation practices. This study was part of a larger project carried out by the Infruitec-Nietvoorbij institute of the Agricultural Research Council at Stellenbosch to determine effects of soil type and climate on yield and wine quality of Cabernet Sauvignon. The larger project was carried out in selected grape growing regions, i.e. Stellenbosch, Swartland, Lower Olifants River and Lower Orange River. Due to the proximity to the Atlantic Ocean, the study area in the Swartland region could be divided into two climatic regions for viticulture. Grapevines near Philadelphia closer to the ocean experienced less water constraints compared to those further inland near Wellington. Variation in stem water potential could also be related to soil water matric potential. Climate tended to have a more pronounced effect on the grapevine response to water constraints further inland than closer to the ocean. Vegetative growth, berry size and yield depended on water constraints experienced by the grapevines. In the warmer climate, severe constraints reduced yield. In the warmer climate, grapes started to ripen earlier than those in the cooler climate. Sugar concentration (mg/mL) was highest where grapevines experienced moderate water constraints. These seemingly balanced grapevines had the highest sugar accumulation, probably due to optimum photosynthesis and carbohydrate utilization. Low water constraints increased vegetative growth which could have been a sink for sugar loading. In addition to sugar loading, degree Balling (°B) increases could also have been due to a concentration effect where water constraints reduced berry volume. Therefore, °B is probably not a representative indicator of grapevine functioning. Anthocyanin biosynthesis, as quantified on a per berry basis, showed that sugar and anthocyanin could be co-regulated, with anthocyanin biosynthesis reaching a plateau when the sugar content per berry reached 200 mg/mL to 220 mg/mL. At véraison, the most intense grape colour occurred where grapevines experienced moderate water constraints, i.e. single drip line at Wellington and no irrigation at Philadelphia. However, at harvest grapes from the cooler climate tended to have more intense colour and higher phenolics, indicating that lower temperatures favoured anthocyanin biosynthesis. These results supported earlier findings that grapevine water status influences berry volume and dynamics of berry ripening. Water constraints tended to increase sensorial wine colour intensity, as well as wine fullness. Moderate water constraints at both localities resulted in the best sensorial wine quality. Yet there were indications that too severe water constraints could be detrimental to wine quality. Irrigation can be used to manipulate grapevine growth in warmer climates, but might be less effective in cooler climates. In warmer climates, moderate water constraints required to achieve balanced grapevine functioning can be obtained with single drip irrigation, but this might not be the case in cooler climates. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Cabernet Sauvignon, die mees aangeplante rooiwynkultivar in Suid-Afrika, is geneig tot kragtige groei met lae opbrengste. Die doelwit van hierdie studie was om te beskryf hoe Cabernet Sauvignon-wingerdstokke reageer op klimaat en besproeiing in die Swartland-streek. Hierdie kennis sal kwekers help wanneer hulle besluite moet neem oor langtermyn sowel as korttermyn verbouingspraktyke. Hierdie studie was deel van ‘n groter projek deur die Infruitec-Nietvoorbij Instituut van die Landbounavorsingsraad op Stellenbosch om die effekte van grondtipe en klimaat op die opbrengs en wynkwaliteit van Cabernet Sauvignon te bepaal. Die groter projek is in geselekteerde wingerdverbouingstreke uitgevoer, nl. Stellenbosch, Swartland, Benede Olifantsrivier en Benede Oranjerivier. As gevolg van die nabyheid daarvan aan die Atlantiese Oseaan kon die studiegebied in die Swartland-streek in twee klimaatstreke vir wingerdbou verdeel word. Wingerdstokke by Philadelphia, wat nader aan die oseaan is, het minder waterstremming ervaar as dié verder binnelands naby Wellington. Veranderinge in stamwaterpotensiaal hou moontlik ook verband met die grondwater- matrikspotensiaal. Klimaat het ‘n groter effek op die reaksie van die wingerdstok op waterstremming verder binnelands as nader aan die oseaan. Vegetatiewe groei, korrelgrootte en opbrengs was afhanklik van die waterstremminge wat deur die wingerdstokke ervaar is. In die warmer klimaat het die ernstige stremminge opbrengs verminder. In die warmer klimaat begin druiwe vroeër ryp word as in die koeler klimaat. Suikerkonsentrasie (mg/ml) was die hoogste waar wingerde matige waterstremming ervaar het. Hierdie skynbaar gebalanseerde wingerdstokke het die hoogste suikerakkumulasie vertoon, moontlik as gevolg van optimum fotosintese en koolhidraatverbruik. Lae waterstremming het vegetatiewe groei verhoog, wat ook ‘n vraagpunt vir suikerlading kon wees. Benewens suikerlading kon verhogings in grade Balling (°B) ook moontlik aan ‘n konsentrasie-effek toegeskryf word in terme waarvan waterstremming die korrelvolume verminder het. °B is dus moontlik nie ‘n verteenwoordigende indikator van wingerdstokfunksionering nie. Antosianienbiosintese, soos gekwantifiseer op ‘n per-korrel basis, het getoon dat suiker en antosianien saam gereguleer kon word, en dat antosianienbiosintese ‘n plato bereik het wanneer die suikerinhoud per korrel 200 mg/mL tot 220 mg/mL was. By deurslaan het die mees intense druifkleur voorgekom waar die wingerdstokke matige waterstremming ervaar het, d.w.s. enkel druplyn op Wellington en geen besproeiing op Philadelphia. Teen oes was die druiwe in die koeler klimate egter geneig om meer intense kleur en meer fenole te bevat, wat aandui dat laer temperature antosianienbiosintese bevoordeel. Hierdie resultate ondersteun vroeër bevindings dat die waterstatus van die wingerdstok ‘n invloed op korrelvolume en die dinamika van korrelrypwording het. Waterstremming neig om die sensoriese wynkleurintensiteit te verhoog, asook die volheid van die wyn. Matige waterstremming op beide liggings het aanleiding gegee tot die beste sensoriese wynkwaliteit. Tog was daar aanduidings dat waterstremming wat te straf was, nadelig kon wees vir wynkwaliteit. Besproeiing kan gebruik word om wingerdgroei in warmer klimate te manipuleer, maar is moontlik minder effektief in koeler klimate. In warmer klimate kan die matige waterstremming wat benodig is vir gebalanseerde wingerdstokfunksionering, verkry word deur enkel drupbesproeiing, maar dit is moontlik nie die geval in koeler klimate nie.

Assessment of the possible interactions between soil and plant water status in a Vitis vinifera cv. Merlot vineyard

Van Zyl, Albertus J. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Irrigation scheduling decisions are based either on the direct measurement of soil water status (SWS) or on physiological measurements like plant water status (PWS). Soil based measurements are quick and easily automated, but the plant response for a particular quantity of soil moisture varies as a complex function of evaporative demand. A plant-based approach measures the plant stress response directly, but is an integration of environmental effects as well. In contrary to soil-based methods, plant based measurements can indicate when to irrigate, but not the quantity. Pre-dawn leaf water potential (ΨPD) is determined mostly by the soil moisture level, and can serve as a measure of static water stress in plants and an index of bulk soil water availability or even as an estimate of soil water potential at the root surface. Therefore it should be possible to establish a link between SWS and PWS, but it is largely unknown how stable the link in a heterogeneous vineyard would be, and how the grapevine vegetative and reproductive response relates to this link. Plant water status plays a large role in determining vigour and yield of the plant. The levels of PWS are influenced by irrigation, but it was mostly affected by the season and vine location in the vineyard. More negative plant water potentials reduced vigour, but had a less pronounced effect on yield, while also reducing overall wine quality. Vigour variability in the vineyard was largely attributed to soil heterogeneity, which seemed to have a strong effect on SWS. SWS measurements were calibrated according to the observed variability, increasing the accuracy of measurements significantly. Soil water content values were used to establish a link between SWS and PWS. This link was determined over time using nine plots, consisting of rain-fed and irrigated regimes, in variable vigour areas. A non-linear relationship was found between ΨPD and percentage extraction of plant available water for rain-fed plots. When irrigation was applied, no correlation could be found. In this study, for Merlot in the Stellenbosch region, PWS differences affected vigour, and to a lesser extent yield, as well as wine quality. More negative plant water potentials reduced vigour more in high vigour areas than in lower vigour areas, which in turn led to unbalanced vegetative: reproductive ratios. This disturbed vine balance may have had a bigger impact on wine quality than PWS levels. Therefore a well-managed and balanced vine is able to withstand more stress, with less detrimental effects. This study also highlights the danger of limiting the assessment of soil and plant water status conditions to point measurements in vineyards with high levels of vigour variability. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Besluite rakende die skedulering van besproeiing word gewoonlik gebaseer op die direkte meting van grondwaterstatus (GWS), of op fisiologiese metings soos byvoorbeeld plantwaterstatus (PWS). Grond gebaseerde metings is relatief vinnig en maklik om te outomatiseer, maar die plantrespons vir ʼn spesifieke grondwaterinhoud varieer as ʼn komplekse funksie van dampdruktekorte. ‘n Plantgebaseerde benadering meet die plantstresreaksie direk, maar is ʼn integrasie van omgewingstoestande. In teenstelling met grondgebaseerde metodes, kan plantgebaseerde metodes aandui wanneer om te besproei, maar nie die hoeveelhede wat besproei moet word nie. Voorsonsopkoms blaarwaterpotensiaal (ΨPD) word grootliks deur die grondwaterinhoud bepaal, en kan as ʼn maatstaf van statiese waterspanning in plante en as ʼn indeks van bulk grondwaterbeskikbaarheid dien, of selfs as ʼn benadering van die grondwaterpotensiaal by die worteloppervlak. Dit behoort dus moontlik te wees om ʼn verwantskap te bepaal tussen GWS en PWS, maar dit is grootliks onbekend hoe stabiel hierdie verwantskap sal wees in ʼn heterogene wingerd, asook hoe die wingerdstok se vegetatiewe en reproduktiewe reaksie die verwantskap kan beïnvloed. Plantwaterstatus speel ʼn groot rol in die bepaling van groeikrag en opbrengs in die wingerdstok. Die vlakke van plantwaterstatus word deur besproeiing beïnvloed, maar word skynbaar meesal deur die seisoen en wingerdstok se ligging in die wingerd bepaal. Meer negatiewe plantwaterpotensiaalvlakke het gelei tot laer groeikrag, maar het ʼn minder uitgesproke effek gehad op opbrengs, terwyl dit in die algemeen wynkwaliteit verswak het. Groeikrag variasie in die wingerd kon grootliks aan grond heterogeniteit toegeskryf word, wat skynbaar ʼn sterk invloed op grondwaterstatus gehad het. Grondwaterstatus metings is gekalibreer volgens die variasie wat waargeneem is, wat die akkuraatheid van metings beduidend verhoog het. Grondwaterinhoud waardes is gebruik om ʼn verwantskap aan te dui tussen SWS en PWS. Hierdie verwantskap is oor tyd bepaal vir nege persele, wat bestaan het uit droëland asook besproeide persele, in areas waarvan die groeikrag verskil het. ʼn Nie-liniêre verband is gevind tussen ΨPD en die persentasie onttrekking van plantbeskikbare water vir die droëland persele. Waar besproei was, kon geen verband gevind word nie. In hierdie studie, vir Merlot in die Stellenbosch area, het PWS vlakke groeikrag en tot ʼn mindere mate opbrengs en wynkwaliteit beïnvloed. Meer negatiewe plantwaterpotensiaal vlakke het groeikrag meer beïnvloed in hoër groeikrag areas as in die laer groeikrag areas, wat ook gelei het tot ongebalanseerde vegetatiewe:reproduktiewe verhoudings. Hierdie versteurde balans in die wingerdstokke kon dalk ʼn groter impak op wynkwaliteit gehad het as PWS vlakke. Daar moet dus gepoog word om goed bestuurde en gebalanseerde wingerdstokke te hê, sodat strestoestande beter weerstaan kan word met minder nadelige gevolge. Die studie beklemtoon ook die gevaar verbonde daaraan om die bepaling van grond- en plantwaterstatus te beperk tot puntmetings in wingerde met groot variasie in groeikrag.

The fate and effects of sewage-derived pharmaceuticals in soil

Gielen, Gertruda Jacqueline Hariette Petronella January 2007 (has links)
The behaviour and impact of pharmaceuticals in the environment are still poorly understood. Pharmaceuticals are widely used and continually released into the environment causing increasing concerns about their impact on the environment beyond the intended human or veterinary use. Prescribed pharmaceuticals, typically, enter the environment either through excretion after human use or disposal of surplus medication. Sewage treatment plants do not completely remove pharmaceuticals and their metabolites and these have been detected in sewage treatment plant effluent and receiving waters. Land application of treated sewage effluent is widely practiced in New Zealand as an alternative to surface water discharge. Methods were developed to determine selected pharmaceuticals in environmental matrices such as sewage effluent, sewage solids, soil, and soil water. From these, pharmaceutical removal efficiencies were determined for three common sewage treatment processes; activated sludge, composting and land application of sewage effluent. The impacts of some common pharmaceuticals on soil microbial communities, together with the effect of prolonged exposure to sewage effluent on these communities were examined. Additionally, toxicity of sewage effluent, and toxicity mechanisms of specific pharmaceuticals were investigated using luminescent micro-organisms and lettuce seedlings. Pharmaceuticals were successfully detected in sewage effluent, sewage solids, compost, soil and soil water. The sewage treatment processes investigated, including land application, were able to remove or reduce pharmaceutical concentrations in sewage. In case of land application, volcanic soils were more efficient than sandy soils in pharmaceutical removal while irrigation rate and level of sewage pre-treatment also showed some effect on removal efficiency. Pharmaceuticals were not acutely toxic at environmental levels currently detected. Exposure of microbial communities to unnaturally high levels of pharmaceuticals did demonstrate that most pharmaceuticals were potentially able to induce stress in the microbial community although microbes were able to metabolise some of these pharmaceuticals. Twelve years of effluent irrigation resulted in microbial adaptation to aspirin, acetaminophen and tetracycline, indicating that these pharmaceuticals had an effect on microbial community. Presently, land application of treated sewage waste may be a suitable treatment for additional pharmaceutical removal provided that land application schemes are designed appropriately, and pharmaceutical accumulation in the soil is occasionally monitored. It would be prudent to recognise the potential risk that could be caused by chronic exposure to pharmaceuticals such that continued vigilance may lead to future indications of chronic effects at an early stage.

Mineral Surface-Mediated Transformation of Insensitive Munition Compounds

Khatiwada, Raju, Khatiwada, Raju January 2016 (has links)
Abiotic transformation of compounds in the natural environment by metal oxides plays a significant a role in contaminant fate and behavior in soil. The ability of birnessite, ferrihydrite and green rust to abiotically transform insensitive munitions compounds (IMCs) parent (2,4 dinitroanisole [DNAN] and 3-nitro-1,2,4-triazol-5-one [NTO]), and daughter products (2-methoxy-5-nitro aniline [MENA], 2,4-diaminoanisole [DAAN]of DNAN; and 5-amino-1, 2, 4-triazol-3-one [ATO] of NTO) was studied in batch reactors under strictly controlled pH and ionic strength. The objectives of the study were to (i) assess the abiotic transformation potential of soluble DNAN, MENA, DAAN, NTO and ATO by birnessite, ferrihydrite and green rust, and (ii) identify inorganic reaction products. The study was carried out at metal oxide solid to IMC solution ratios (SSR) of 0.15, 1.5 and 15 g kg⁻¹ for birnessite and ferrihydrite and 10 g kg⁻¹ for green rust. Aqueous samples were collected at time intervals between 0 to 3 days after the reaction initiation and analyzed using HPLC with UV detection. Results indicated that DNAN was resistant to oxidation by birnessite and ferrihydrite at given solid to solution ratios. MENA was susceptible to rapid oxidation by birnessite (first order rate constant, 𝑘=1.36 h⁻¹ at 15 g kg⁻¹ SSR). The nitro groups from MENA largely mineralized to nitrite (NO₂⁻). In contrast, ferrihydrite did not oxidize MENA. DAAN was susceptible to oxidation by both birnessite and ferrihydrite, but about a six times higher oxidation rate was observed with birnessite (𝑘=1.18 h⁻¹) as compared to ferrihydrite (𝑘=0.22 h⁻¹) at an SSR of 1.5 g kg⁻¹. There was a complete loss of DAAN from solution after 5 min with birnessite at an SSR 15 g kg⁻¹ (𝑘≥90.5 h⁻¹). CO₂ evolution experiments indicate mineralization of 15 and 12 % of carbon associated with MENA and DAAN, respectively; under aerobic conditions with birnessite at an SSR of 15 g kg⁻¹. NTO was resistant to oxidation by birnessite and ferrihydrite at any SSR; however, there was slight initial loss from solution upon reaction with ferrihydrite at 0.15 and 1.5 g kg⁻¹ SSR and complete loss at 15 g kg⁻¹ SSR due to adsorption. ATO was susceptible to oxidation by birnessite and sorption by ferrihydrite. The first order rate constants (𝑘) for ATO with birnessite at 0.15 and 1.5 g kg⁻¹ SSR are 0.04 and 3.03 h⁻¹ respectively. There was complete loss of ATO from solution with birnessite at 15 g kg⁻¹ SSR (𝑘 ≥ 90.2 h⁻¹) within 5 min of reaction. Transformation products analysis revealed urea, CO₂ and N₂ as major reaction products with 44 % urea recovery and recovery of 51.5 % of ATO carbon as CO₂ and 47.8 % of ATO nitrogen as N₂ at 15 g kg⁻¹ SSR. The oxidation of ATO in the presence of birnessite was found to be independent of dissolved O₂. The results indicate that ATO, the major reductive (bio)transformation product of NTO, is readily oxidized by birnessite in soil. NTO was found strongly sorbed to ferrihydrite as compared to that of ATO. The results of the green rust experiment indicate rapid abiotic reduction of parent compounds NTO and DNAN to their reduced aminated daughter products. NTO was generally reductively transformed to 5-amino-1, 2, 4-triazol-3-one (ATO) within 10 min and completely reacted in 20 min. DNAN was rapidly transformed to its reduced daughter products MENA and 4-methoxy-5-nitroaniline (iMENA). The reduction occurred with a distinctive, staggered regioselectivity. Over the first 10 min, the para-nitro group of DNAN was selectively reduced, generating iMENA. Thereafter the ortho-nitro group was preferentially reduced, generating MENA. Both iMENA and MENA were subsequently transformed to the final reduction product DAAN within 1 day. X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy data suggested oxidative transformation of green rust to lepidocrocite-like mineral forms, accounting for 94 % of the mineral products in the case of NTO reaction as compared to 62 % in the case of DNAN. The results taken as whole suggest that complete abiotic transformation of IMCs could be achieved by coupled stepwise green rust and birnessite treatments.

Spatialisation du bilan hydrique des sols pour caractériser la distribution et la croissance des espèces forestières dans un contexte de changement climatique / Soil water balance mapping to characterize forest species growth and distribution in a climate change context

Piedallu, Christian 09 January 2012 (has links)
De nombreuses recherches se focalisent sur l'étude des aires de distribution des espèces qui se décalent vers des conditions plus adaptées à leurs besoins physiologiques sous l'effet du changement climatique. Le choix des indices utilisés pour caractériser l'écologie des espèces et définir leur vulnérabilité au réchauffement en cours est souvent conditionné par leur disponibilité, alors qu'il devrait être basé sur les connaissances en écophysiologie qui les concernent. D'autre part, la résolution spatiale parfois grossière utilisée n'est pas toujours pertinente au regard de l'échelle à laquelle les processus biologiques se déroulent. Dans ce cadre, l'objectif de ce travail est de cartographier à fine résolution spatiale les bilans en eau des sols et leurs différentes composantes à l'échelle des forêts de France, et d'évaluer leur intérêt pour modéliser la distribution ou la productivité des espèces au regard des indices traditionnellement utilisés. Dans un premier temps, nous avons modélisé et cartographié les différentes composantes du bilan en eau des sols, et tout particulièrement le rayonnement solaire et la réserve utile maximale en eau (RUM) des sols forestiers à partir des relevés de l'Inventaire Forestier National (IFN). Ces données ont été combinées avec des températures et des précipitations pour spatialiser le bilan en eau des sols forestiers de France. Les principaux résultats montrent l'importance de la nébulosité dans la prise en compte du calcul du rayonnement solaire, et l'inefficacité des indices dérivés de l'exposition pour en simuler les valeurs à l'échelle de la France. Nous avons également déterminé qu'il est possible de réaliser avec des informations simples à collecter une carte des RUM des sols forestiers de France. Elle permet de prédire la croissance des essences avec une efficacité comparable aux valeurs relevées sur des placettes et d'améliorer la modélisation de la distribution de certaines essences. Enfin, nous démontrons que les calculs de bilans en eau qui prennent en compte la réserve en eau des sols sont plus efficaces que les bilans hydriques climatiques ou les pluies, particulièrement pour ce qui concerne les espèces hygrophiles ou xérophiles. Ces résultats laissent penser que l'importance de l'eau a été sous-estimée dans l'analyse de la distribution des espèces et l'étude des conséquences du changement climatique sur les plantes. Les données produites permettent de progresser dans la connaissance de l'écologie des espèces et de mieux caractériser la vulnérabilité des espèces, ouvrant la porte à la création d'outils plus fonctionnels pour aider les gestionnaires à évaluer les impacts du changement de climat et à s'y adapter. / Numerous researches focus on species distribution shifts toward ecological conditions most suited to plants under climate change. Ecological indices used to characterize species ecology and to define their vulnerability over broad areas are often at coarse resolution and are determined by data availability. The aim of this work was to map soil water balance and its different components at a fine spatial resolution, and to evaluate their interest to model plant distribution and growth over the whole French forests. We firstly modeled and mapped the solar radiation and the soil water holding capacity of forest soils. These data were combined with temperatures and precipitation to map the soil water balance. For solar radiation, the main results showed that this parameter is only accurately predicted at the French scale when cloudiness is taken into account. We also showed that soil water holding capacity can be mapped at the French scale using the basic information collected on numerous plots from the French national forest inventory. Values extracted from the soil water holding capacity map allowed predicting tree species growth with efficiency similar to values estimated on plots. We also demonstrated soil water balance is more efficient than climatic water balance or precipitation to model species distribution, mainly for hygrophilous and xerophilous species. These results suggest importance of available water could be underestimated when determining the ecological niche of species. These maps allow to improve species ecology knowledge and to help in the determination of their vulnerability area to climate change.

La vulnérabilité du sapin pectiné (Abies alba Mill.) à la sécheresse en milieu méditerranéen selon les propriétés hydriques du sol / Vulnerability of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) to drought in Mediterranean mountains according to soil properties

Nourtier, Marie 02 December 2011 (has links)
De nombreux cas de mortalité de Sapin pectiné (Abies alba Mill.) sont constatés en limite sud de son aire de répartition en Provence et semblent être liés aux sécheresses successives de la dernière décennie et à la répartition des propriétés hydriques du sol. L’enjeu est alors de mieux évaluer l’impact du stress hydrique sur le fonctionnement écophysiologique de cette espèce et de pouvoir caractériser et cartographier les zones les plus vulnérables à la sécheresse. Sur le Mont Ventoux, une expérimentation a été mise en place pour suivre pendant 3 ans différents paramètres écophysiologiques impliqués dans le comportement hydrique du Sapin pectiné sur des placettes pour lesquelles les propriétés du sol étaient caractérisées. Sur cette montagne de type karstique, les profondeurs de sols sont très variables et, à l'échelle stationnelle, les taux de mortalité et les intensités de stress hydrique étaient plus élevés sur les sols ayant une réserve hydrique plus importante. De plus, un arrière-effet de la sécheresse de 2009 a été observé réduisant durablement la transpiration de l'année suivante. Une approche par modélisation mécaniste a alors été adoptée en intégrant de nouveaux formalismes sur la dynamique racinaire permettant de prendre en compte cet arrière-effet. Elle a été évaluée sur les différents paramètres impliqués dans le cycle de l'eau et du carbone des arbres et le modèle a été validé sur les dynamiques de transpiration et d’accroissement en largeur de cernes des troncs. Des indices basés sur la mesure de température de surface ont été utilisés pour évaluer la possibilité de détecter le stress hydrique en forêt. Il existe une variabilité résiduelle liée aux facteurs climatiques et à la dimension réduite de la surface de mesure dans la relation entre transpiration et température de surface à l'échelle de l'arbre. A l’échelle du versant, la température de surface a permis d'identifier la répartition spatiale de la durée et de l'intensité du stress hydrique en accord avec la typologie de sol réalisées. La télédétection dans l'infrarouge thermique pourrait ainsi être un outil intéressant pour la gestion forestière. / Many reports of deaths of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) are mentioned at the southern limit of its limit of distribution in Provence and appear to be related to the successive droughts of the last decade and to the distribution of soil water properties. The aim of the study is then to better assess the impact of water stress on ecophysiological functioning of this species and to characterize and map the areas more vulnerable to drought. On the Mont Ventoux, an experiment was set up to monitor for 3 years ecophysiological parameters involved in the water behaviour of silver fir on plots where soil properties were characterized. On this type of karstic mountain, soils depth is highly variable and, at forest stand scale, mortality rates and intensities of water stress were higher on soils with greater water reserve. In addition, a post-effect of the drought of 2009 was observed by reducing transpiration of the following year. A mechanistic modelling approach was then adopted by integrating new formalisms of root dynamics to take into account this post-effect. It was evaluated on various parameters involved in the water and carbon cycles of trees and the model was validated on the dynamics of transpiration and on annual rings width increment of tree trunks.Indices based on measured surface temperature were used to assess the possibility of detecting water stress in forests. At tree scale, there is a residual variability due to climatic factors and to the small size of the measurement surface in the relationship between transpiration and surface temperature. At the mountainside scale, surface temperature indices allowed identifying the spatial distribution of the duration and intensity of water stress according to the typology of soil done. Remote sensing in the thermal infrared could then be a useful tool for forest management.

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