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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Model for Touchdown Dynamics of a Lander on the Solar Power Sail Mission

Gutierrez Ramon, Roger January 2016 (has links)
The ISAS/JAXA Solar Power Sail mission, bound to explore the Jupiter trojans, will face many challenges during its journey. The landing manoeuvre is one of the most critical parts of any space mission that plans to investigate the surface of celestial bodies. Asteroids are mostly unknown bodies and in order to plan a successful landing on their surface, a great number of landing scenarios need to be taken into account. For the future mission to the Jupiter trojans, a study of the landing dynamics and their effects on the lander has to be done. A simple model of a lander has been created based on a design for the ISAS/JAXA Solar Power Sail mission, and the possible landing scenarios have been simulated. For this case, only the last part of the landing, which will be a free-fall has been taken into account. The lander is modelled as a rigid structure with a landing gear composed of four legs. The surface has been modelled as a flat plane with different inclinations and the possibility of including small obstacles or terrain roughness has been implemented. In the model, the lander is allowed 6 degrees of freedom. Several landing possibilities are tested with residual velocities and deviations in the starting point, and the stability of the lander is evaluated respect its geometry. Damping strategies have been considered to protect the instruments and reduce the impact, allowing for a safer landing. The effect of including crushable honeycomb dampers in the legs is also implemented, simulated and evaluated, by using a model of crushable honeycombs with different characteristics. In addition, the model includes also the position, direction and characteristics of the thrusters. Thus, it could be used to study other phases of the landing sequence where active control of the lander is needed, and evaluate the behaviour and response of different control-loop algorithms for attitude and position control of the lander.

Low-Impact and Damped State Feedback Control of a Solar Sail on an Optimal Non-Keplerian Planet-Centered Orbit

Gero, Ryan Micah 26 August 2009 (has links)
No description available.

Space environmental effects on solar sails / Rymdstrålningens effekt på solsegel

Lindblad Nyman, Erik January 2021 (has links)
As the average temperature on Earth keeps rising and becoming a greater threat to life on Earth, several methods has been proposed to mitigate the effects of elevated temperatures or to lower the Earth's average temperature drastically. One suggestion is a solar sail shade that blocks a portion of the incoming sunlight. There are several difficulties to overcome for such a mission and a demonstrator has been proposed to show the feasibility of solar sail shading.This paper is a study of the space radiations interaction with solar sail membrane, in literature and with calculations of the radiation environment with the aim to investigate the feasibility of the demonstrator.The findings of this paper is that there is not enough to show that the mission will be successful, however it is feasible. The major difficulties are the temperature dependence and the still unknown reaction that thin material, the solar sail membrane, has with the space environment. The core interaction for a solar sail membrane is of an energy level range that has not been relevant in other fields, protons with energy less than 10 keV specifically, thus there is a lack of knowledge in the desired energy range. / Med Jordens ökande medeltemperatur har flera nationer på Jorden presenterat metoder för att reducera medeltemperaturen.Ett förslag är att skicka flera solsegel mellan Jorden och Solen för att blockera en del av det inkommande ljuset. Det finns flera utmaningar med detta förslag. För att undersöka om solsegel är en möjlig lösning så har en så kallad ”demonstrator” skapats. Syftet med ”demonstratorn” är att undersöka om lösningen är genomförbar.För att undersöka huruvida det är möjligt att fullgöra ”demonstratorns” uppdrag har rymdstrålningens interaktion med solseglets membran undersökts med hjälp av litteratur samt beräkningar.Slutsatsen är att det behövs mer information för att visa huruvida "demonstratorn" kommer klara det tänkta uppdraget. Den samlade informationen tyder än så länge på att uppdraget går att genomföra. Bland de större svårigheterna finns dels temperaturberoendet på väte-reaktionerna dels att reaktionen mellan solsegel och rymdstrålningen fortfarande är relativt okänd. Den aktuella interaktionen på solseglet ligger inom ett intervall av energinivåer som tidigare inte varit relevanta att undersöka. Detta gäller exempelvis protoner med energinivåer som understiger 10 keV. Därför saknas idag kunskap effekterna på solseglet inom de aktuella energinivåerna.

Sunshade Demonstrator Spacecraft Earth Sphere of Influence Escape Using a Propellant-free AOCS / Sunshade Demonstrator Rymdfarkost Earth Influenssfär flyr med hjälp av en drivgasfri AOCS

Ricci, Leonardo January 2021 (has links)
This thesis provides insights to what is peculiar about a solar sail attitude and orbit control system and provides the assessment, in the form of a feasibility study, of the effectiveness of sail tip vanes as a control hardware to escape the Earth sphere of influence. The demonstrator aims to prove the technology for the Sunshade project, a constellation of solar sails located at the Lagrangian point L1 to obscure part of the solar radiation directed towards earth. Solar sailing poses a few fundamental challenges to spaceflight and it is a yet-to-be-proven branch of space engineering. Other tentative design exist but there is no standard to follow or off-the-shelf component that can be straightforward used. Moreover the scalability to the final project has to be accounted for in every step of the project.</p><p>The project is divided in a preliminary dimensioning, followed by a Simulink® based simulation which tests preliminary decisions. The simulation, performed on an orbit on the ecliptic plane, integrates models of Earth’s eclipse and environmental disturbance torques.  The escape time for a 100 m solar sail is found to be 1215 days, with a nonlinear PD control algorithm and sail tip vanes as the only control hardware. Attention is also posed on the consequence of a simplified sail film deformation in terms of centre of pressure to centre of mass off-set. / I detta examensarbete studeras vad som är speciellt med solsegels system för attityd- och bankontroll och ger en bedömning, i form av en möjlighetsstudie, av effektiviteten hos flöjlar som sätts på seglets hörn som kontrollhårdvara för att lämna jordens inflytelsesfär. Demonstratorn syftar till att bevisa tekniken för Sunshade-projektet, en konstellation av solsegel belägen vid lagrangepunkten L1 för att skugga en del av solstrålningen riktad mot jorden. Solsegling innebär några grundläggande utmaningar för rymdfärden och det är en ännu inte bevisad gren av rymdteknik. Annan preliminär design finns, men det finns ingen standard att följa eller standardkomponenter som enkelt kan användas. Dessutom måste skalbarheten till det slutliga projektet redovisas i varje steg i projektet.Projektet är uppdelat i en preliminär dimensionering, följt av en Simulink-baserad simulering som testar preliminära beslut. Simuleringen, utförd på en omloppsbana påekliptikan, integrerar modeller av jordens skugga och störningar av vridmoment från ett antal källor.Flykttiden för ett 100m solsegel blir 1215 dagar, med en icke-linjär PD kontrollalgoritm och segelhörnsflöjlar som den enda styrhårdvaran. Dessutom studeras förskjutningen av tryckcentrum i förhållande till masscentrum under en förenklad modell av segeldeformation.

MASCOT Follow-on Mission Concept Study with Enhanced GNC and Propulsion Capability of the Nano-lander for Small Solar System Bodies (SSSB) Missions

Chand, Suditi January 2020 (has links)
This thesis describes the design, implementation and analysis for a preliminary study for DLR's MASCOT lander's next mission to Small Solar System Bodies (SSSB). MASCOT (Mobile Asteroid Surface Scout) is a nano-lander that flew aboard Hayabusa2 (JAXA) to an asteroid, Ryugu. It is a passive nano-spacecraft that can only be deployed ballistically from a hovering spacecraft. Current research focusses on optimizing similar close-approach missions for deploying landers or small cubesats into periodic orbits but does not provide solutions with semi-autonomous small landers deployed from farther distances. This study aims to overcome this short-coming by proposing novel yet simple Guidance, Navigation and Control (GNC) and Propulsion systems for MASCOT. Due to its independent functioning and customisable anatomy, MASCOT can be adapted for several mission scenarios. In this thesis, a particular case-study is modelled for the HERA (ESA) mission. The first phase of the study involves the design of a landing trajectory to the moon of the Didymos binary asteroid system. For a preliminary analysis, the system - Didymain (primary body), Didymoon (secondary body) and MASCOT (third body) - are modelled as a Planar Circular Restricted Three Body Problem (PCR3BP). The numerical integration methodology used for the trajectory is the variable-step Dormand–Prince (Runge Kutta) ODE-4,5 (Ordinary Differential Equation) solver. The model is built in MATLAB-Simulink (2019a) and refined iteratively by conducting a Monte Carlo analysis using the Sensitivity Analysis Tool. Two models - a thruster-controlled system and an alternative hybrid propulsion system of solar sails and thrusters - are simulated and proven to be feasible. The results show that the stable manifold near Lagrange 2 points proposed by Tardivel et. al. for ballistic landings can still be exploited for distant deployments if a single impulse retro-burn is done at an altitude of 65 m to 210 m above ground with error margins of 50 m in position, 5 cm/s in velocity and 0.1 rad in attitude. The next phase is the conceptual design of a MASCOT-variant with GNC abilities. Based on the constraints and requirements of the flown spacecraft, novel GNC and Propulsion systems are chosen. To identify the overriding factors in using commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) for MASCOT, a market survey is conducted and the manufacturers of short-listed products are consulted. The final phase of the study is to analyse the proposed equipment in terms of parameter scope and capability-oriented trade-offs. Two traceability matrices, one for devised solutions and system and another for solutions versus capabilities, are constructed. The final proposed system is coherent with the given mass, volume and power constraints. A distant deployment of MASCOT-like landers for in-situ observation is suggested as an advantageous and risk-reducing addition to large spacecraft missions to unknown micro-gravity target bodies. Lastly, the implications of this study and the unique advantages of an enhanced MASCOT lander are explored for currently planned SSSB missions ranging from multiple rendezvous, fly-by or sample-return missions. Concluding, this study lays the foundation for future work on advanced GNC concepts for unconventional spacecraft topology for the highly integrated small landers. / <p>This thesis is submitted as per the requirements for the Spacemaster (Round 13) dual master's degree under the Erasmus Mundus Joint Master's Degree Programme. </p> / MASCOT team, DLR

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