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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação dos procedimentos de operação em aterros sanitários no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. / Evaluation of operating procedures in landfills in the state of Rio de Janeiro.

Fernanda Biancardini Rocha Marques 29 March 2010 (has links)
A operação de um aterro sanitário é um item fundamental para a gestão adequada dos resíduos por se tratar de um dos diferenciais entre aterros sanitários e lixões. Apesar da existência na literatura de manuais e referências para as rotinas de operação, esta é dependente da experiência dos operadores. Com o intuito de absorver esta experiência, o desenvolvimento do projeto se deu por um levantamento bibliográfico na literatura existente, elaboração de um questionário a ser aplicado nos aterros estudados, visitas aos aterros sanitários selecionados e estudo comparativo dos procedimentos encontrados no levantamento de campo e na literatura. O trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre a operação de aterros sanitários no Estado do Rio de Janeiro e para sua realização foram selecionados cinco aterros sanitários: Aterro Sanitário de Piraí, Central de Tratamento de Resíduos de Rio das Ostras, Central de Tratamento de Resíduos de Macaé, Aterro Sanitário de São Pedro da Aldeia e Central de Tratamento de Resíduos de Nova Iguaçu. / The operation of a landfill is a key item for the proper management of waste as it is one of the differences between landfills and dumps. Despite the existence of manuals and literature references to the routine operation, this is dependent on the experience of operators. In order to absorb this experience, the development of the project grew from the search of references in the existing literature, developing a questionnaire to be applied in landfills studied visits to landfills and comparative study of the procedures found in visits to selected sites and in the literature.The paper presents a study on the operation of landfills in the state of Rio de Janeiro and was conducted in five landfills: Landfill of Piraí, Central Waste Treatment of Rio das Ostras, Central Waste Treatment of Macaé, Landfill of São Pedro da Aldeia and Central Waste Treatment of Nova Iguaçu.

Convergence and divergence between the local and regional state around solid waste management. An unresolved problem in the Sacred Valley / Encuentros y desencuentros del estado local y regional en la gestión integrada de los residuos sólidos. Una tarea pendiente en el Valle Sagrado

Tupayachi Mar, Teresa 25 September 2017 (has links)
El presente artículo, y el siguiente «Políticas de la materia y residuos sólidos: descentralización y sistemas integrados» de Penelope Harvey, son trabajos complementarios sobre la gestión de residuos sólidos en el valle del Vilcanota en Cusco. Penelope Harvey and Teresa Tupayachi trabajaron juntas el tema. En este artículo, Tupayachi aborda el marco legal de las políticas de gestión de residuos sólidos en la región. Además, presenta dos de los estudios que se hicieron con la finalidad de dar solución al problema. El primero fue realizado en 2003 con financiamiento de la cooperación Finlandesa en coordinación con expertos técnicos de varias universidades, ONG y agencias del estado, entre ellos la municipalidad de Urubamba. El segundo, un componente del Proyecto Vilcanota, fue entregado en 2011. Los estudios comparten algunas características. Ambos involucran al gobierno regional y gobiernos locales como agentes importantes, ambos centran sus esfuerzos por resolver la problemática de los residuos sólidos en los niveles estrictamente técnicos, y ambos cuentan con recursos financieros y humanos importantes. Sin embargo no logran atender los diversos intereses y percepciones de las municipalidades y de la propia población. Frente a esta situación los gobiernos locales y la población en general desarrollan iniciativas propias, y encuentran soluciónes de manera descentralizada y a veces informal, y aprovechan las oportunidades que ofrece el mercado. / This article and the following «The Material Politics of Waste Disposal - decentralization and integrated systems» from Penelope Harvey are published as complementary accounts on the management of solid waste in the Vilcanota Valley in Cusco. Penelope Harvey and Teresa Tupayachi worked together on this theme. In this paper, Tupayachi introduces the legal framing for the politics of waste disposal in the region. She also presents two studies that were commissioned in order to find solutions to the problem of waste disposal. The first was carried out in 2003, with finance from Finnish development cooperation funds, in co-ordination with technical experts from various universities, NGOs and state agencies, including the municipality of Urubamba. The second, a component of the Vilcanota project, was completed in 2011. The studies have things in common. Both involve regional and local government as central agents in the process, both focus their efforts to resolve the problem of solid waste management on possible technical solutions, and both are well resourced in both financial and human terms. However neither succeed in finding a way to accommodate the diverse interests and perceptions of the municipalities and of the general public. Faced with this situation local government officials, and people in general act on their own initiative, finding decentralized, and at times informal solutions to the problem, taking advantage of market opportunities.

Diagnóstico e sistematização de estratégias para a gestão dos resíduos domiciliares aplicáveis a políticas de planejamento urbano. / Diagnosis and systematization of strategies for the management of household waste applicable to urban planning policies.

Ricardo Tierno 04 April 2017 (has links)
No início deste século são inúmeros os desafios que tangem à gestão dos resíduos sólidos urbanos nos municípios brasileiros. Os índices de geração aumentam a cada ano, os serviços de coleta e transporte não são universalizados, os índices de tratamento e valorização ainda são incipientes e muitos municípios utilizam formas ambientalmente inadequadas para a disposição final dos resíduos sólidos, mesmo depois do Decreto Federal nº 7.404/2010, que regulamentou a Política Nacional dos Resíduos Sólidos. As cidades, como principais polos atratores do consumo de insumos e geradores de resíduos sólidos urbanos, constituem, por sua vez, o ambiente principal onde se realiza grande parte das atividades inerentes ao gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos. Portanto, as condições de desenvolvimento urbano, estabelecidas pelas políticas urbanas e seus instrumentos, influenciam diretamente na qualidade, desempenho e eficiência do gerenciamento de resíduos sólidos, principalmente daqueles de origem domiciliar. O objetivo principal deste estudo foi desenvolver uma abordagem integrada entre o planejamento urbano e os serviços de gerenciamento de resíduos domiciliares, investigando e analisando elementos e aspectos comuns, para propor estratégias sistematizadas no âmbito dos instrumentos urbanísticos, com vistas à eficientização e qualificação desses serviços e dos espaços urbanos utilizados. Após realizar a caracterização das etapas do gerenciamento dos resíduos sólidos urbanos, identificou-se oito estratégias que poderiam ser introduzidas no âmbito do planejamento urbano. Em seguida, procedeu-se a um estudo de caso, uma área urbana sujeita à adensamento populacional e verticalização, localizada no bairro do Belenzinho, zona leste do município de São Paulo, onde, por meio da construção de cenários, simulou-se a aplicação das estratégias de planejamento urbano. Por fim, pode-se concluir que, em função das estratégias propostas, seria possível alcançar benefícios em relação à gestão dos resíduos domiciliares, justificando, portanto, a aplicabilidade dessas diretrizes em políticas de planejamento urbano aplicáveis a situações urbanas similares. / There are, today, numerous challenges regarding the management of solid waste in Brazilian cities. Regarding household waste, which is the subject of this study, generation rates increase each year, collection and transportation services are not universalized, treatment and valuation rates are still incipient, and many cities use environmentally inappropriate forms for final disposal of the waste, even after Federal Decree No. 7,404 / 2010, which regulated the National Policy on Solid Waste, established by Federal Law No. 12,305 of August 2, 2010. Cities, as the main poles attracting consumption of inputs and generators of solid waste of household origin, constitute the main environment where great parts of the solid waste management activities are carried out. Therefore, urban development conditions, established by urban policies and their instruments, directly influence the quality, performance and efficiency of waste management. The main objective of this study was to develop an integrated approach between urban planning and solid waste management services, investigating and analyzing common elements and aspects, proposing systematized strategies within urban planning instruments, with a view to the efficiency and qualification of these services and urban spaces used. After characterizing the stages of urban solid waste management, eight (8) strategies were identified that could be introduced in urban planning. The next step refers to a case study that took place in an urban area with population densification and verticalization, located in the neighborhood of \"Belenzinho\", in the eastern zone of the city of São Paulo, where urban planning strategies were simulated through the construction of specific scenarios. Finally, we can conclude that, according to the proposed strategies, it would be possible to achieve benefits regarding the management of household waste to justify the applicability of these strategies in urban planning policies applicable to similar urban situations.

Gestão de resíduos sólidos : estudo de caso da Companhia Vale do Rio Doce (CVRD), Rosário do Catete/ SE

Silva, Isabel Cristina Barreto 08 February 2008 (has links)
With the objective of making a behavioural diagnostic analysis in an ore organization concerning environmental questions, and mainly to understand the way the knowledge on environment is transfered, we researched the Vale do Rio Doce company, with the intention of obtain information about the procedures taken concerning the solid wastes disposal, what measures of environmental impact reduction are adopted and how its staff is trained. In this sense, a bibliographical research was carried out and also a diagnostic of the perception which the managers and their colaborators have about the environment matters. Thus, questions such as environmental education, sustainable development, environmental impacts, reducing measures and solid waste management were raised. The results showed that the company is significantly concerned with the correct solid waste disposal in its main operational nuclei (mine and plant) nor only because of legislation but also because of environmental questions. During the interviews, it was noticed that the employees have a significant critical consciousness that the correct waste disposal will offer security and comfort to them as well as an ethical conduct towards the environment and society. / Com o intuito de fazer uma análise diagnóstico comportamental dentro de uma organização de minério, no que se refere às questões ambientais, e principalmente perceber a forma que a organização transfere o conhecimento a cerca do meio ambiente, é que pesquisamos a mineradora Vale do Rio Doce, com a intenção de obter informações a respeito do procedimento da companhia com relação ao descarte dos resíduos sólidos impactantes a natureza, quais as medidas mitigadoras que a companhia adota e como repassa estes procedimentos para seus colaboradores. Para tanto, buscou-se auxílio em aportes teóricos que pudessem embasar uma fundamentação bibliográfica sobre o tema sugerido, aliando-se também, uma pesquisa diagnóstico da percepção dos gestores e colaboradores com relação às questões ambientais, mais precisamente ao destino dos resíduos sólidos, como também, a forma que a organização repassa estes conhecimentos para seus funcionários. Assim, foram levantadas questões como: educação ambiental, desenvolvimento sustentável, impactos ambientais, medidas mitigadoras e procedimentos de gestão de resíduos sólidos. O resultado apontou uma preocupação acentuada e pontual que a organização tem com o descarte correto dos resíduos sólidos em seus principais núcleos operacionais (mina e usina), não somente por ter a legislação como instrumento de pressão, mas por ter a organização uma preocupação constante no quesito ambiental. Durante as entrevista pôde-se observar que os funcionários têm uma consciência crítica significativa de que o destino correto do material descartado oferecerá não somente segurança e conforto aos funcionários, mas também uma conduta ética com o meio ambiente e a sociedade.

Prevenção da poluição aplicada às embalagens de uso industrial: estudo de caso / Pollution prevention applied to industrial packaging: case study

Marco Aurélio Soares de Castro 14 September 2005 (has links)
O conceito de prevenção da poluição, já abordado em estudos sobre efluentes e outros tipos de resíduos, deve se estender também à questão das embalagens utilizadas em indústrias. Isto porque, com o aumento na complexidade dos processos produtivos, as embalagens passaram a ser empregadas também para abrigar componentes durante a fabricação e o transporte, e não mais apenas para conter o produto final; assim, sua utilização pode acarretar a geração de grandes quantidades de resíduos, caso o princípio da prevenção não seja adotado. É neste quadro que o presente trabalho se insere: inicialmente, apresenta considerações relativas às embalagens e à evolução dos conceitos do gerenciamento de resíduos, destacando a presença da prevenção da poluição em norma ISO 14001 e em dispositivos legais do Brasil e de países da Comunidade Econômica Européia.Através de estudo de caso realizado em uma empresa montadora de motores localizada em São Carlos (SP), foram identificados procedimentos adequados à prevenção da poluição por embalagens de uso industrial, como a utilização de embalagens retornáveis; observou-se, no entanto, a geração de resíduos a partir de acessórios que acompanham as embalagens, como filmes e cintas plásticas. Por fim, a partir da escolha de um modelo de motor produzido na empresa, foram analisadas as embalagens cujos componentes estão envolvidos em sua fabricação; com os dados obtidos, foram propostos e determinados índices de desempenho relativos à ocorrência de descartes de acessórios em termos quantitativos e qualitativos, segundo o tipo de material / The increasing complexity of the production processes ended up leading to an increasing need for packages of several shapes and materials. They are nowadays used not only for finished products, but also during fabrication and transportation phases, in order to protect raw materials, components and semi-finished products. Thus, the use of packages may also result in the generation of waste during production processes. The historically-new trend of priorizing pollution-prevention activities must, of course include all the packaging used in the industry. However, studies of the possibilities of pollution prevention have been concentrated on the waste originated directly from the production processes (effluents, metal scrap). At same time, studies on the pollution prevention applied to packaging have been focused on the packaging of consumer goods. There's a need for researches on packaging-related waste generated indirectly by production processes. More specifically, one must evaluate the possibilities and results of the application of pollution prevention concepts to this kind of waste, so that it can be dealt with in a proper way, and the industrial sector be informed about the new waste management paradigm. Starting with basic packaging-related definitions, and a description of the evolution of solid waste management concepts, from disposal to pollution prevention, this work, through a case study, identifies procedures directed towards waste prevention e proposes some performance indicators, related to the amount of waste generated in the fabrication of one unit of product. It also presents and establishes a comparison between brazilian and european environmental laws

Skarreling for Scrap: a case study of informal waste recycling at the Coastal Park landfill in Cape Town

Huegel, Christoph Peter January 2013 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / A widespread phenomenon on dumpsites in the developing world, subsistence waste picking is also a common practice at the city-owned Coastal Park Landfill (CPL) in Muizenberg. Poor unemployed people from the townships of Capricorn, Vrygrond and Hillview, situated at the foot of the tip ―skarrel for scrap‖ every day. The word skarreling is an Afrikaans term meaning to rummage or scrabble, scuttle or scurry. Thus, if one talks of ―skarreling for scrap‖, it generally refers to poor people trying to eke out a living by looking for recyclables in the waste that can be put to personal use or turned into money. In the two decades since the transition to democracy, South Africa and the City of Cape Town (CCT) have formulated a number of framework and subordinate policies which express their commitment to sustainable development (SD). SD aims to achieve a balance between its three components, economic, environmental and social sustainability. Thus, SD is not only about increased economic efficiency and stability, while at the same time reducing pollution and handling natural resources more thoughtfully; it is also about promoting social equity by reducing poverty and empowering the poor. This study is guided by the assumption that waste pickers in developing countries play an important part in recycling efforts, and that recycling in turn is an integral component of SD, which is the guiding principle of South African policy-making. In an ideal scenario – as implicitly promised by the policies on SD – the management of solid waste should pursue the economic and environmental goals of SD by promoting recycling and should be aligned with the goal of creating sustainable livelihoods. However, the reality in the CCT is a different one. Landfill skarreling in the CCT, and particularly at CPL, is accompanied by conflict and a criminalisation of the skarrelaars. The CCT decided to phase out landfill salvaging in 2008, and subsequently has put a lot of effort into keeping skarrelaars away from its landfills. The implications of this decision – job losses for poor people and a potential increase in crime – have not been thought through. There is thus a dysfunctional triangular relationship around waste recycling in the CCT, leading to tensions between (1) the City‘s commitment to SD; (2) 5 its approach towards recycling (as part of solid waste management) in policy and practice; and (3) the livelihoods of the poor in adjacent townships. In the CCT the goals of SD are undermined by the City‘s recycling strategies, with adverse effects for the livelihoods of the people who live off skarreling. There are several causes for this disjuncture between policy and reality. The first has to do with ignorance on the side of the policymakers. They seem to be badly informed about the extent and nature of skarreling, perhaps assuming that this activity is performed only by a few people who need quick cash for drugs. The second cause can be attributed to the neoliberal macro-policies pursued in South Africa, as well as to the global competition between cities for investment. This neoliberal urbanism leads cities like Cape Town to re-imagine themselves as ―world (-class) cities‖, in which poor waste pickers are perceived as a disturbing factor. In the CCT, this goes hand in hand with an approach reminiscent of the apartheid mindset, which saw the need to control poor, black (and potentially unruly) people. The dissertation therefore focuses on the core themes of sustainable development, (urban) neoliberalism, and informality in combination with a case study of the informal waste pickers at the chosen landfill site. Writing from a political studies angle, this study is framed as a policy critique: it argues that the policies around SWM ignore South African realities, and that the SD policies and their implementation lack coherence. Moreover, the conflict between the skarrelaars and the CCT at the CPL is rooted in inadequate national and local legislation which does not acknowledge the role of informal waste pickers in SWM and aims at excluding rather than including them. If waste pickers were supported in their recycling efforts in both policy and practice, this would be a win-win situation for the state/city (economic benefits and less crime), the skarrelaars (regular employment and incomes) and the environment (less waste buried on landfills). The case study is primarily designed as a qualitative study, but also includes quantitative elements as it attempts a first quantification of the extent and nature of skarreling at the CPL site, one of only three operating dumpsites in Cape Town. The aim on the one hand is to estimate the contribution of the skarrelaars to waste reduction (and therefore to sustainability) in the City, especially since the waste they collect is not buried on the landfill, thereby prolonging the operational life span of the landfill. The other aim is to assess the role of the skarrelaars as an economic factor in the township, in particular the question of how important the incomes generated from skarreling are for their individual livelihoods and for the community as a whole.

Assessment of Environmental Issues And Biodegradation Aspects of Current MSW Practices of Developing Country Metropolises - A Case Study of Bangalore

Shwetmala, * January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Municipal solid waste (MSW) production has significantly increased in the rapidly urbanizing developing world and also changed composition with increased decomposable organic fraction in MSW (OFMSW) and plastics content. This has stressed the environment in many ways while city managers and citizens have responded with various technological and management solutions leading to a need for scientific, environmental, technological and sustainability assessments of the emerging problems. This sets the research agenda and framework for this study wherein the MSW generation, composition, processing and treatment methods, open dumping practices, environmental liability, natural degradation, sustainability issues etc. have been studied for the city of Bangalore as a model for such an emerging problem. Results show that MSW generation ranged from 0.1-0.4 kg/person/day and the OFMSW content was >80% emerging predominantly from fruit, vegetable and food wastes. About 10-15% of daily MSW generated appeared to be haphazardly dumped around the city in ~700 small to large dumps ranging from 10-6,500 m2 with potential for large GHG emissions. Their spread and characteristics were assessed for 3 consecutive years using a novel rapid survey method developed at IISc involving motorcycle borne student volunteer teams, GPS enabled locating, physical measurements and satellite image interpretations. Results indicated that dump sites were of three types, ephemeral small sized in the core area (303) functioning as transfer stations, medium sized ones in outer areas that were closed rapidly with construction debris and very soon inhabited with dwellings and the larger and longer duration dumps (2-3 years, 393) in the peripheral regions within 10 km from the city administrative boundary. This method was compared with physical measurement and satellite imaging and gave very high level of accuracy and is hence suggested for other cities as well. A smaller fraction of MSW is also dumped in open drains that lead to choking and flooding of 3 locations and this was studied with some detail. The environmental footprint of such dumps were assessed by theoretical and experimental on-site and off-site approaches and experimental results show low GHG (CH4) emissions and emission factors that was largely attributable to the shallow depth of dumps (~0.7 m) and its low pH. The decomposition rates were experimentally determined for open dump sites and drivers for decomposition monitored. By providing differential access to macro-fauna, meso-micro organisms and only soil contact in field scale experiments it was determined that the greatest loss in weight occurred primarily due to the rapid drying process that brings down decomposition within 6 days. During the early stages of decomposition, mostly micro with meso organisms are responsible and after 6 days, the moisture content falls below 60% making microbiological decomposition difficult and enabling other foraging organisms to take over. The weight loss (decay) could be patterned both on exponential decay or a two component fit representing a rapid initial decay followed by a slower long term decay process similar to soil application of organic matter. Monitoring the decentralized MSWM practices in the city suggests that small scale composting and biomethanation is gaining acceptance and is the possible direction for OFMSW in growing cities.

A Novel Computational Approach for the Management of Bioreactor Landfills

Abdallah, Mohamed E. S. M. January 2011 (has links)
The bioreactor landfill is an emerging concept for solid waste management that has gained significant attention in the last decade. This technology employs specific operational practices to enhance the microbial decomposition processes in landfills. However, the unsupervised management and lack of operational guidelines for the bioreactor landfill, specifically leachate manipulation and recirculation processes, usually results in less than optimal system performance. Therefore, these limitations have led to the development of SMART (Sensor-based Monitoring and Remote-control Technology), an expert control system that utilizes real-time monitoring of key system parameters in the management of bioreactor landfills. SMART replaces conventional open-loop control with a feedback control system that aids the human operator in making decisions and managing complex control issues. The target from this control system is to provide optimum conditions for the biodegradation of the refuse, and also, to enhance the performance of the bioreactor in terms of biogas generation. SMART includes multiple cascading logic controllers and mathematical calculations through which the quantity and quality of the recirculated solution are determined. The expert system computes the required quantities of leachate, buffer, supplemental water, and nutritional amendments in order to provide the bioreactor landfill microbial consortia with their optimum growth requirements. Soft computational methods, particularly fuzzy logic, were incorporated in the logic controllers of SMART so as to accommodate the uncertainty, complexity, and nonlinearity of the bioreactor landfill processes. Fuzzy logic was used to solve complex operational issues in the control program of SMART including: (1) identify the current operational phase of the bioreactor landfill based on quantifiable parameters of the leachate generated and biogas produced, (2) evaluate the toxicological status of the leachate based on certain parameters that directly contribute to or indirectly indicates bacterial inhibition, and (3) predict biogas generation rates based on the operational phase, leachate recirculation, and sludge addition. The later fuzzy logic model was upgraded to a hybrid model that employed the learning algorithm of artificial neural networks to optimize the model parameters. SMART was applied to a pilot-scale bioreactor landfill prototype that incorporated the hardware components (sensors, communication devices, and control elements) and the software components (user interface and control program) of the system. During a one-year monitoring period, the feasibility and effectiveness of the SMART system were evaluated in terms of multiple leachate, biogas, and waste parameters. In addition, leachate heating was evaluated as a potential temperature control tool in bioreactor landfills. The pilot-scale implementation of SMART demonstrated the applicability of the system. SMART led to a significant improvement in the overall performance of the BL in terms of methane production and leachate stabilization. Temperature control via recirculation of heated leachate achieved high degradation rates of organic matter and improved the methanogenic activity.

Attitudes and behaviour of low-income households towards the management of domestic solid waste in Tafelsig, Mitchell's Plain

Nshimirimana, Jules January 2004 (has links)
Magister Artium - MA / Solid waste management in South Africa has been focussing on the technical issues of waste disposal with little attention paid to the social and economic aspects of households. It is important to find out the impact of the attitude and perception of households on solid waste management, especially in low-income areas to be able to deal with the deplorabe domestic solid waste management in such areas. The quantity of solid waste generated in low-income areas is often assumed to be less than the solid waste generated in high-income neighbourhoods. In most of the townships of low-income households in Cape Town, the residents live next to mountains of solid waste which is not the case in middle and high income areas. This clearly has a negative effect on the environment and human health. Tafelsig is one of the low-income Cape Flats townships where the open spaces and green areas are dumping areas. The small yard that people own is often unclean. The aim of the study was to examine how households residing in the low-income neighbourhood (Tafelsig, Mitchell's Plain) view domestic solid waste and its management. The study explored the perceptions, attitudes and behaviour of these households towards the production and management of sold waste. Issues relating to the degradation of their environment and to solid waste mismanagement were also examined. / South Africa

Urban Solid Waste Management in Mumbai Current challenges and future solutions for Urban Development : Minor Field Study

Joelsson, Yuri, Lord, Rebecca January 2016 (has links)
This study was conducted as a bachelor thesis at KTH Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm in the spring of 2016. The study was carried out as a Minor Field Study (MFS) funded by the Swedish public authority Sida - Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency. The aim of the study is to provide an overview of the elements of the Municipal Solid Waste Management (MSWM) system in the city of Mumbai and Navi Mumbai, India. The main current challenges were identified and discussed with focus on social and political aspects such as waste management planning, strategies and legislations. The data for this research were gathered from literature studies and in-depth interviews with officer level stakeholders responsible for MSWM in Mumbai. The results show that the MSWM in Mumbai is facing many challenges and that there is a lack of coordination and a system approach on all levels. Further, a deeply rooted negative attitude towards the field of MSW could be observed. The main problems were shown to be related to politics and lack of awareness. The overall conclusion is that it is not enough that a small fraction of the society, with partially contradictory interests, is taking initiatives to improve the MSWM in Mumbai. In order to achieve a sustainable long-term solution, coordination and a more holistic system approach is necessary.

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