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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Posouzení softwaru Smap3D při návrhu odpařovací technologie / Evaluation of Smap3D software as a tool for design of evaporation system

Odstrčil, Marek January 2021 (has links)
The main goal of the master thesis is an evaluation of a software package Smap 3D Plant Design in design of evaporation technology, specifically 3D of the pipeline network and its subsequent documentation. The thesis describes evaporation technology in general, then the evaporator testing site in Laboratory of Energy Intensive Processes in NETME Centre is presented, where pipeline network needs to be designed. In the next part a reference 3D model was created as well as a documentation using SolidWorks routing. Subsequently, an equivalent 3D model was created using Smap 3D Plant Design – Piping and a documentation was created using Smap 3D Plant Design – Isometric. Finally, these two methods of creating pipeline were compared to each other, and recommended method was chosen.

Analýza chlazení koncentrátorového fotovoltaického článku / Analysis of the photovoltaic cell cooling

Hřešil, Tomáš January 2013 (has links)
This project solves the problem of cooling the photovoltaic cell. Solar cell was modeled according to a real model in SolidWorks, and subsequently created the model was simulated in SolidWorks Flow Simulation and Ansys Fluent. The use of both systems allow a comparison of their possibilities in the field of heat transfer and their suitability for the case. The conclusion summarizes the first results and outline further developments cooling design to optimize the performance of the solar cell.

Návrh scintilačního detektoru s jednou clonkou pro enviromentální elektronový rastrovací mikroskop / Construction scintillation detector with one aperture for environmental scanning electron microscope

Přichystal, Vít January 2014 (has links)
The thesis is focused on the design of a scintillation detector with one screen for environmental scanning electron microscope. At the beginning of the work is an introduction to microscopy. Further work is focused on the description of ESEM microscope and a scintillation detector. The following chapter is devoted to the dynamics of flow. They list the types of flow and mathematical description of equations. The next chapter is about using the software and the way of solution of flow. In the following chapter describes a proposal of the diaphragm and extraction method of the detector area. They are described some of type aperture. The last chapter is the conclusion, where the work is summarized.

Vliv tvaru sacích kanálů na čerpání u scintilačního detektoru / The effect of the shape of the intake ports for pumping in a Scintillation detector.

Flídr, Karel January 2015 (has links)
The thesis is concerned with the design of the shape of suction canals used for pumping in the scintillation detector. The goal is to perform analysis of the model of the detector according to the current conception and then perform an optimalisation of the suction canals as per demands to their function. In the beginning of the thesis the history of the microscope and electron microscopy is described. The next chapter is focused on a more detailed description of ESEM. The following charter is dedicated to describing the scintillation detector.The thesis recounts the kinds of liquid flow. In conclusion the programs SolidWorks and Ansys Fleunt are described. Next part of this thesis describes in detail parameters‘ settings of simulation calculation. Following chapter introduces designed changes of suction channels shape and its results are shown and described.

Využití programových prostředků GIS a CAD pro tvorbu digitálního modelu terénu / Usage of GIS and CAD software for Digital Terrain Model

Čička, Peter January 2014 (has links)
Master thesis is focused on formation of digital terrain model. The aim of work is to become acquainted with a dilemma in regard to terrain formation theory from the very beginning of data gathering process up to landscape digital model creation of interested area. The result of thesis is to compare advantages and disadvantages of particular programs destined for 3D modelling (ArcGIS, AutoCAD, Atlas DMT, Microstation, Catia, SolidWorks) in relation to geodetics and geoinformatics.

Návrh oběžného kola Francisovy turbiny na zadané parametry / Francis turbine runner design

Žák, Radim January 2008 (has links)
The graduation theses are focused on reconstruction of the small hydro-electric power station Harta. Design of detailed runner blading based on the parameters of the given location is part of the reconstruction. Model of the duplex Francis turbine for cast manufacturing is result of the graduation theses. Numerical description of the model was carried out using SolidWorks software.

Návrh lineárního oscilačního pohonu s vnějším buzením / Design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion

Gärtner, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This thesis deals with design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion. In the first part of the work is shown describe types of linear motors. Further is a part of analysis of concrete linear drives from patents database. In the next part of this work is straight design of linear external excitation drive with oscillative motion. The conception in-clude geometric model created with software Solidworks, calculation of forces with software Ansys and dynamic models of mechanical and electrical part of drive with software Mat-lab/Simulink. And is a mentions possibility of controls of this drive too.

Využití CAD/CAM technologie pro výrobu formy čerpadlového kola / Utilization of CAD/CAM technology for the casting mould manufacturing of an impeller wheel

Kafka, Lukáš January 2010 (has links)
The master thesis deals with design for casting mould of an impeller wheel for investment casting lost wax and machining technology with utilization CAD software SolidWorks 2008 and CAM software PowerMill 9. Subsequent verification of machining on vertical machining center MCV 1210. At the end, techno-economic evaluation is done.

Návrh elektromagnetického laboratorního vibrátoru / Design of electromagnetic laboratory shaker

Vaněček, Michal January 2011 (has links)
My thesis describes the design of a laboratory electromagnetic vibrator, which will be used for testing of the vibrating microgenerators. In the first part of my thesis is the search of selected laboratory electromagnetic vibration generators. There is also formulated its own proposal and subsequent tuning of the required dimensions and characteristics of the laboratory electromagnetic vibration generator. The tuning of necessary properties and dimensions is formed as modeling and simulating in programms Matlab / Simulink and ANSYS. The conduct of laboratory electromagnetic vibration generator is implemented in MATLAB / Simulink. Design and dimensions of the laboratory electromagnetic vibration generator is made in SolidWorks.

Konceptframtagning för nästa generation RoboCoiler : Utveckling av processmaskin inom kartong – och papperstillverkning

van den Berg, Dagmar, Bergman, Emma January 2020 (has links)
Inom kartong- och pappersindustri binds massabalar med ståltrådar för enkel transport. Dessa trådar tas bort med automatiska avtrådningsmaskiner innan balarna förs vidare i processen. Detta arbete har genomförts i uppdrag av Norconsult för deras kund Valmet. Arbetets syfte var att ta fram ett koncept för nästa generations avtrådningsmaskin. Målet var att öka kapaciteten genom att skapa ett nytt rörelsemönster. Arbetet utfördes genom att följa den vedertagna metoden designmetodik som delas in i tre faser: analytisk fas, kreativ fas och presentationsfas. För att analysera problemet vid dagens maskin utfördes en aktivitetsanalys. Aktiviteterna som visades orsaka påverkningsbara tidsfördröjningar var rotation av bal samt krock av robotvagnar. Ytterligare information samlades från en marknadsanalys och från relevanta arbeten för att få en stadigare grund och förståelse i arbetet. Här studerades utvecklingen av en befintlig processmaskin samt en utveckling av arbetsmiljön vid transporten till en processmaskin. En kravspecifikation samt en funktionsanalys kunde framställas med den insamlade kunskapen. Den kreativa fasen började med idégenerering under två workshoppar för att hitta fler olika infallsvinklar till rörelsemönster. För bättre förståelse kring hur maskinen kan röra sig testades och filminspelades olika mönster med en nerskalad modell i hårdskum. Därefter skapades ett antal skisser. Utifrån skisserna skapades 3D-modeller som med hjälp av kunniga på Norconsult simulerades för att visa de tilltänkta rörelsemönstren. Dessa simuleringar utvärderades med Pughs beslutsmatris i flera omgångar. Det slutgiltiga konceptet presenteras som en avtrådningsmaskin med en ökad kapacitet. Detta uppnåddes då konceptet undviker krock och utesluter rotation av massabalar.

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