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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Rekonstruksie van lewe na egskeiding

De Klerk, Willem Christian 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Despite the fact that many people in South Africa are affected by divorce, not much research is done on divorce recovery. This study on divorce recovery is shaped by a feminist theological perspective and a postmodem social constructionist discourse. As qualitative research, narrative group work was embarked on over a period of a year with five women who went through divorce. Through therapeutic letters different themes emerged. These themes formed the focus for each chapter and are enriched by relevant literature reflections. In the first chapter the stark reality of divorce in South Africa, the discursive positioning, epistemology and research methodology are discussed, and the stories of the participants are told. Divorce is deconstructed by the participants as resistance to patriarchy and not only an interpersonal crisis. The majority of claimants in divorce cases in South Africa are women. The dominant oppressive biblical discourse that divorce is always sin is reconstructed. An alternative religious discourse is co-constructed amongst the participants: that divorce under certain circumstances is God's will for women who are caught in humiliating and oppressive marriages. The various spheres of life that women reconstruct after divorce are discussed. These include: • practical matters such as the legal proceedings, housing and finances • emotional reconstruction where emotions such as fear. senses of guilt, and rage from a feminist perspective view are discussed. • reconstruction of social relations which includes aspects such as the relation with the former husband, family, new male friends and children • spiritual reconstruction which includes a feminist perspective on the Bible, sin, the will of God, and also a divorce ritual • the reconstruction of identity. Finally the five participants' reconsructed stories are told. / Ten spyte daarvan dat baie mense in Suid-Afrika deur egskeiding geraak word, word daar nie veel navorsing oor egskeidingsherstel gedoen nie. Hierdie studie oor egkeidingsherstel word gedoen vanuit 'n feministies teologiese perspektief en 'n sosiale konstruksieteorie diskoers. Oor 'n tydperk van 'n jaar is deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing saam met vyf vroue wat deur egskeiding geraak is, groepswerk gedoen. Uit die terapeutiese briewe wat geskryf is het verskillende temas uitgekristalliseer. Hierdie temas het die grondslag gevorm vir elke hoofstuk wat deur 'n relevante literatuurstudie aangevul is. In die eerste hoofstukke word die harde werklikhede van egskeiding, die diskoersposionering, epistemologie en navorsingsmetodiek bespreek. Die verhale van die deelnemers word vertel. Egskeiding word deur die deelnemers dekonstrueer as weerstand teen patriargie en nie net 'n interpersoonlike krisis nie. Die meerderheid eisers in egskeidingsgedinge in Suid-Afrika is vroue. Die onderdrukkend dominante Bybelse diskoers dat egskeiding altyd sonde is word rekonstrueer. 'n Alternatiewe godsdienstige diskoers, dat egskeiding vir vroue wat in vernederende en onderdrukkend huwelik vasgevang is, onder sekere omstandighede die wil van God kan wees, word saam met die deelnemers rekonstrueer. Die verskillende lewensterreine wat vroue na egskeiding rekonstrueer, word bespreek. Dit sluit in: • praktiese aangeleenthede soos die regsproses, behuising en finansies • emosionele rekonstruksie wat emosies soos angs, skuldgevoelens en woede word vanuit 'n feministiese perspektiefbespreek • spirituele rekonstruksie wat 'n feministiese perspektief op die Bybel, sonde, die wil van God en 'n egskeidingsritueel insluit • die rekonstruksie van identiteit Ten slotte word die vyf deelnemers se nuwe verhale vertel. / Practical Theology / D.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Rekonstruksie van lewe na egskeiding

De Klerk, Willem Christian 30 November 2002 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans with summaries in Afrikaans and English / Despite the fact that many people in South Africa are affected by divorce, not much research is done on divorce recovery. This study on divorce recovery is shaped by a feminist theological perspective and a postmodem social constructionist discourse. As qualitative research, narrative group work was embarked on over a period of a year with five women who went through divorce. Through therapeutic letters different themes emerged. These themes formed the focus for each chapter and are enriched by relevant literature reflections. In the first chapter the stark reality of divorce in South Africa, the discursive positioning, epistemology and research methodology are discussed, and the stories of the participants are told. Divorce is deconstructed by the participants as resistance to patriarchy and not only an interpersonal crisis. The majority of claimants in divorce cases in South Africa are women. The dominant oppressive biblical discourse that divorce is always sin is reconstructed. An alternative religious discourse is co-constructed amongst the participants: that divorce under certain circumstances is God's will for women who are caught in humiliating and oppressive marriages. The various spheres of life that women reconstruct after divorce are discussed. These include: • practical matters such as the legal proceedings, housing and finances • emotional reconstruction where emotions such as fear. senses of guilt, and rage from a feminist perspective view are discussed. • reconstruction of social relations which includes aspects such as the relation with the former husband, family, new male friends and children • spiritual reconstruction which includes a feminist perspective on the Bible, sin, the will of God, and also a divorce ritual • the reconstruction of identity. Finally the five participants' reconsructed stories are told. / Ten spyte daarvan dat baie mense in Suid-Afrika deur egskeiding geraak word, word daar nie veel navorsing oor egskeidingsherstel gedoen nie. Hierdie studie oor egkeidingsherstel word gedoen vanuit 'n feministies teologiese perspektief en 'n sosiale konstruksieteorie diskoers. Oor 'n tydperk van 'n jaar is deur middel van kwalitatiewe navorsing saam met vyf vroue wat deur egskeiding geraak is, groepswerk gedoen. Uit die terapeutiese briewe wat geskryf is het verskillende temas uitgekristalliseer. Hierdie temas het die grondslag gevorm vir elke hoofstuk wat deur 'n relevante literatuurstudie aangevul is. In die eerste hoofstukke word die harde werklikhede van egskeiding, die diskoersposionering, epistemologie en navorsingsmetodiek bespreek. Die verhale van die deelnemers word vertel. Egskeiding word deur die deelnemers dekonstrueer as weerstand teen patriargie en nie net 'n interpersoonlike krisis nie. Die meerderheid eisers in egskeidingsgedinge in Suid-Afrika is vroue. Die onderdrukkend dominante Bybelse diskoers dat egskeiding altyd sonde is word rekonstrueer. 'n Alternatiewe godsdienstige diskoers, dat egskeiding vir vroue wat in vernederende en onderdrukkend huwelik vasgevang is, onder sekere omstandighede die wil van God kan wees, word saam met die deelnemers rekonstrueer. Die verskillende lewensterreine wat vroue na egskeiding rekonstrueer, word bespreek. Dit sluit in: • praktiese aangeleenthede soos die regsproses, behuising en finansies • emosionele rekonstruksie wat emosies soos angs, skuldgevoelens en woede word vanuit 'n feministiese perspektiefbespreek • spirituele rekonstruksie wat 'n feministiese perspektief op die Bybel, sonde, die wil van God en 'n egskeidingsritueel insluit • die rekonstruksie van identiteit Ten slotte word die vyf deelnemers se nuwe verhale vertel. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D.Th. (Pastoral Therapy)

Motiviert statt resigniert: eine empirisch-theologische Untersuchung der Motivation ehrenamlicher Suchtkrankenhelfer im Club29 in Munchen / Motivated instead of resigned: empirical-theological research on the motivation of voluntary addict assistants at Club29 in Munich

Lippek, Michael 01 1900 (has links)
Text in German / Summaries in German, English, Afrikaans and Zulu / So vielfältig die Aufgaben sind, sich ehrenamtlich und damit freiwillig und unentgeltlich zu engagieren, so vielfältig sind die Motive, die dabei eine Rolle spielen können. In dieser Forschungsarbeit wird untersucht, welche Motive ausschlaggebend dafür sind, dass leitende Frauen und Männer unterschiedlichsten Alters über Jahre hinweg treu ihren Dienst in einer Einrichtung für suchtkranke Menschen tun und dabei nicht resignieren. Anhand von geführten Leitfaden-Interviews lässt sich dabei erkennen, inwieweit auch christliche Motive eine Grundlage für den ehrenamtlichen Einsatz darstellen. Dazu gibt besonders Joachim Bauer mit seinen neurobiologischen Untersuchungen der menschlichen Motivationssysteme viele Anhaltspunkte. Die durchgeführten Interviews werden mithilfe einer thematischen Inhaltsanalyse bearbeitet und anschließend bewertet. Abschließend werden Vorschläge zum Umgang mit ehrenamtlichen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeitern in der Suchtkrankenhilfe formuliert. Diese qualitative Studie leistet einen Beitrag dazu, neue Erkenntnisse über die Motivation ehrenamtlicher Suchtkrankenhelfer zu bekommen, was in dieser Form noch nicht erforscht wurde. / Just as varied as the tasks are for unpaid volunteer work, the potential motives are equally as diverse. This research will examine which motives are critical, for women and men of various ages in positions of leadership, to serve faithfully for years in institutions for addicts and not to resign. From guided interviews, it can be seen to what degree Christian motives form a foundation for this volunteer work. Joachim Bauer’s neurobiological research of “human motivation systems” supplies us with key indicators. The interviews will be performed using a method of thematic content analysis and then rated. In conclusion, proposals for handling volunteers working in the area of assisting addicts will be provided. This qualitative study will contribute new insights about the motivation of volunteers in facilities for addicts in an area that is yet to be explored using this approach. / Net so uiteenlopend as wat die take van onbetaalde vrywilligerwerkers is, is die potensiële beweegredes van hierdie vrywilligers. Hierdie navorsing stel ondersoek in na watter beweegredes krities is en daartoe lei dat mans en vroue van verskillende ouderdomme in posisies van leierskap vir jare getrou dien by instellings vir verslaafdes en nie bedank nie. Uit gestruktureerde onderhoude kan gesien word in watter mate Christelike motiewe of beweegredes die fondasie vir hierdie vrywillerwerk is. Joachim Bauer se neurobiologiese navorsing oor “menslike motiveringstelsels” bied aan ons sleutelaanwysers. Die onderhoude sal gevoer word met behulp van ’n metode van tematiese inhoudsontleding, waarna dit gegradeer sal word. Ten slotte sal voorstelle gegee word vir die hantering van vrywilligers wat met verslaafdes werk. Hierdie kwalitatiewe studie sal bydra tot nuwe insigte oor die motivering van vrywilligers in fasiliteite vir verslaafdes op ’n terrein wat nog nie aan die hand van hierdie benadering ontgin is nie. / Njengoba kunemisebenzi ehlukahlukene njengemisebenzi yamavolontiya angakhokhelwa, izisusa zakhona ezibalulekile zibanzi. Lolu cwaningo luzohlola ukuthi iziphi izisusa ezibalulekile, kubantu besilisa nabesifazane abehluka ngeminyaka ezikhundleni zobuholi, abazinikela emsebenzini ngokwethembeka ngokweminyaka abasuke beyibambile ezikhungweni kulabo asebejwayele noma okusegazini kubo okwenza okuthile kodwa bangawuyeka umsebenzi. Kusukela kuyizinhlolokhono eziqondile, kuyabonakala ukuthi yiziphi izizathu zobuKristu ezakha isisekelo salomsebenzi wokuvolontiya. Ucwaningo luka-Joachim Bauer oluqondene nezinzwa noma imizwa "lwezinhlelo zokugqugquzela abantu" lusinikeza izinkomba ezibalulekile. Inhlolokhono ezokwenziwa kuzosetshenziswa indlela yokuhlaziywa okuqukethwe bese ilinganiswa. Uma ngiphetha, iziphakamiso ngokuphatha amalovontiya asuke esebenza endaweni lapho esiza abasuke sebejwayele noma okusegazini kubi okwenza okuthile luzonikwa. Lolu cwaningo olungqala luzofaka ulwazi olusha olumayelana nokugqugquzelwa kwamavolontiya ezindaweni lapho kuhlala abantu asebejwayele noma okusegazini kubo okwenza okuthile okuyindawo esazohlonzwa kusetshenziswa lendlela. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / M. Th. (Christian Leadership)

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