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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Transformation from racism to appreciation of racial diversity : an autoethnographic research project

Van Schalkwyk, Theunis 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The author is an Afrikaans-speaking, white male person, who was previously an extreme, selfdeclared racist. The author was also a member of an elite unit in one of the right-wing political organisations, which resulted in being author arrested during the 1994 National South African elections. The author transformed from being an extreme self-declared racist to become a person who respects and appreciate racial diversity. The author conducted a reflective autoethnographic study from his personal life experiences, which is complemented with critical feedback from people whom the author holds in high esteem. Feedback was gathered in order to identify the transformation process, which the author experienced in the quest of becoming an authentic leader. The aspects identified in the transformation process enabled the author to understand what is required in the future to become a truly authentic, value-based leader. This research study could assist white Afrikaans-speaking people and the broader community of South African people to transform towards acceptance and appreciation of racial diversity.

Support for small enterprises in the construction sector : Coega development corporation contractor development programme

Maholwana, Unathi 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MBA)--Stellenbosch University, 2015. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: South Africa’s construction industry plays a key role in the development of the economy, not least through creating jobs and wealth. However, currently the distribution of economic benefits being enjoyed by construction companies is highly skewed, with a very small number of large firms being awarded a big stake of public-sector tender awards. It is against this background that government departments and institutions, including the Coega Development Corporation, have developed and implemented SMME-development programmes. They recognise the development of emerging contractors as an engine to alleviate unemployment and poverty in our country, especially among the youth. It can also be seen as a tool to spread the wealth of the construction industry more widely. These efforts resulted in a sharp influx of emerging contractors on the entry-level grades of the Construction Industry Development Board’s database. The study analyses the current situation of SMMEs in the construction industry and the challenges hindering their growth and development. Although the study focuses on the Coega Development Corporation’s SMME-Development Programme as implemented by the CDC’s Small Business Unit, the lessons from the sample survey and programme analysis are meant to have broader relevance. This relates in particular to the need to encourage and help dynamic and well-managed SMMEs to advance faster on the road towards highergrade contracts. It also stresses the need to get closer co-operation between the different players in efforts to support small-construction entrepreneurs.

Habitat utilization of Cape clawless otters Aonyx capensis

Somers, Michael John 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (PhD)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study tested several hypotheses regarding various aspects of habitat use by Cape clawless otters Aonyx capensis, in various habitats. The hypotheses, namely that A. capensis do not select any prey types, prey sizes or habitat type were tested. Habitat type was investigated at a scale that enabled separating the effects of types of riparian vegetation, geomorphology and anthropogenic influences. Aspects of the resource dispersion hypothesis (RDH) and optimal foraging theory were tested. This was done in both the marine and freshwater environments. The annual and seasonal diets of A. capensis in the Olifants and Eerste Rivers, Western Cape Province, are described. Crabs were found to be the main prey and fish the second most important prey of A. capensis in both the rivers during all seasons. The percentage occurrence of prey of A. capensis in both rivers, showed an increase in the amount of crab in summer and a corresponding decrease in the number of fish eaten. The seasonal fluctuation in crabs and fish found in the spraints (faeces), corresponded with the expected frequencies as determined from trapping. Seven A. capensis were caught in the two rivers and radiotracked between 1993 and 1995. Total home range length varied from 4.9 to 54.1 km and core home range length from 0.2 to 9.8 km. Total area of water used ranged from 4.9 to 1062.5 ha and core area used from 1.1 to 138.9 ha. As predicted using the RDH total home range length was correlated to mean reed bed nearest neighbour distance. The otters were typically active from dawn for 2.6 h and moved a mean of 0.9 km. They were also typically active from sunset for a mean of 2.3 h moving a mean of 1.3 km. They were found to select for areas with boulders and/or reed beds. Aonyx capensis were found to be mainly solitary in all the habitats. The pattern of female home ranges was suggestive of territoriality. The males, however, had overlapping home ranges, both with other males and females. From spraint analysis and direct observations, the seasonal diet and foraging behaviour of A. capensis feeding in the surf zone in False Bay, Western Cape Province, were determined. The most common prey species during all seasons was Cape rock crab Plagusia chabrus. Diversity of prey was lowest in winter, increasing through the seasons from spring to autumn. Foraging behaviour data support the optimal breathing hypothesis, which predicts that both surface and dive times should increase for dives of greater depths. However, diving efficiency did not decrease with increasing depth, nor did percentage time at the surface increase with increasing depth. These results are contrary to the optimal breathing hypothesis. How A. capensis use their habitat in the presence of potential competitors spotted-necked otters Lutra maculicollis and water mongooses Atilax paludinosus was also determined by investigating their trophic overlap during enforced cohabitation in a relatively small range during drought conditions. The analysis of trophic overlap showed that even during enforced cohabitation in a relatively small range during drought conditions, there was separation of diets of A. capensis, L. maculicollis and A. paludinosus. These results and their implications for conservation management are discussed. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie het 'n aantal hipoteses oor verskeie aspekte van habitat gebruik deur die Groototter Aonyx capensis, in verskillende habitatte, getoets. Die nul hipotese, nl. dat A. capensis nie vir enige prooitipe, prooigrootte of habitat-tipe selekteer nie, is getoets. Habitat tipe is ondersoek teen 'n skaalgrootte wat dit moontlik gemaak het om die effekte van tipes oewer plantegroei, geomorfologie en antropogeniese invloede van mekaar te skei. Aspekte van die hulpbron verspreiding hipotese (HVH) en optimale kossoek gedrag, is in beide die varswater en seewater omgewing getoets. Die jaarlikse en seiseonale diëte van A. capens~s in die Olifants and Eerste Riviere in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie, word beskryf. Daar is gevind dat krappe die hoof prooi en vis die tweede mees belangrike prooi van A. capensis in beide riviere, gedurende al die seisoene, was. Die persentasie A. capensis prooi teenwoordig in beide riviere het 'n toename in krap getalle in die somer en 'n ooreenstemmende afname in die hoeveelheid vis wat geeet word getoon. Die seisoenale verandering van krap en vis wat in die keutels (mis) voorkom, het ooreengestem met die verwagte frekwensies soos bepaal deur fangste in fuike. Sewe A. capensis is in die twee riviere gevang en tussen 1993 en 1995 d.m.v. radiosenders gevolg. Die totale tuisgebied lengte het van 4.9 tot 54.1 km, en die kern tuisgebied lengte van 0.2 tot 9.8 km, gewissel. Die totale area water wat gebruik is het van 4.9 tot 1062.5 ha, en kerngebiede van 1.1 tot 138.9 ha gewissel. Soos voorspel deur gebruik van die HVH, was die totale tuisgebied lengte gekorreleer met die gemiddelde rietbedding naaste-buurman analise afstand. Die otters was tipies aktief vanaf sonsopkoms vir 2.6 ure en het dan 'n gemiddeld van 0.9 km beweeg. Hulle was ook tipies aktief vanaf sonsondergang vir 'n gemiddeld van 2.3 ure en het dan gemiddeld 1.3 km beweeg. Daar is gevind dat hulle selekteer vir areas met rotse en areas met rietbeddings. Dit is ook gevind dat A. capens~s in alle habitatte hoofsaaklik alleenlopend is. Die wyfies se tuisgebied-patroon het op territorialiteit gedui, terwyl die manlike diere se tuisgebiede oorvleuel het met beide dié van wyfies, en met dié van ander mannetjies. Die seisoenale dieet en kossoekgedrag van A. capensis wat in die brander sone van Valsbaai, Wes-Kaap Provinsie, voed, is deur keutel analise en direkte waarneming bepaal. Die mees algemene prooi spesie gedurende al die seisoene was die Kaapse rotskrap Plagusia chabrus. Prooi diversiteit was die laagste in winter en het toegeneem vanaf lente tot herfs. Kossoekgedrag gegewens ondersteun die optimale asemhalings hipotese, wat voorspel dat beide oppervlak- en duik tye toeneem met dieper duike. Duik effektiwiteit het egter nie afgeneem met toenemende diepte nie, en persentasie tyd op die oppervlakte het ook nie toegeneem met toenemende diepte nie. Dit is dus in teenstelling met die optimale asemhalings hipotese. Hoe A. capensis hul habitat in die teenwoordigheid van potesieele kompiteerders nl. Klein otters Lutra maculicollis, en Water muishonde Atilax paludinosus gebruik, is ook bepaal. Dit is gedoen deur hul trofiese oorvleueling gedurende noodgedwonge saamleef, veroorsaak deur droogte kondisies in 'n relatiewe klein tuisgebied, te ondersoek. Die resultate van die trofiese oorvleueling analise het getoon dat selfs gedurende noodgedwonge saamleef gedurende droogte toestande in 'n relatiewe klein gebied, daar 'n verskil was in die diëte van A. capensis, L. maculicollis and A. paludinosus. Hierdie resultate en hul implikasies vir bewaringsbestuur word bespreek.

Rangeland degradation around water-points under different management systems

Smet, Michiel 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScConEcol )--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Over 70% of South Africa is too arid for crop farming and is used for commercial livestock ranching, communal livestock ranching, or game ranching. These management systems differ from each other in a number of aspects, e.g. herbivore species, stocking rate, grazing regime, and management structure. The main question addressed in this study is: to what extent do the three management systems affect rangeland condition? Following the equilibrium paradigm of vegetation dynamics, communal livestock ranches are expected to have a greater detrimental effect on rangeland condition than other management systems because stocking densities and, consequently, herbivore impacts, are usually far higher than under the other two management systems. However, recent nonequilibrium theories argue that vegetation dynamics in arid systems are mainly driven by rare and stochastic rainfall events. Biotic factors, such as grazing and herbivore diversity, are predicted to have little effect on rangeland condition. This leads to the prediction that herbivore impacts on arid ecosystems are not density-dependent and, consequently, the high stocking densities commonly recorded on communal livestock ranches will not cause more rangeland degradation than other management systems. Arid and semi-arid rangelands are characterised by high inherent spatial and temporal variation in vegetation and soil parameters. Hence, differentiating between the effects of grazing management systems and natural variability caused by abiotic factors, such as rainfall, is difficult. This problem can be circumvented by examining gradients of grazing intensity radiating from water-points (= piospheres). I examined changes in vegetation and soil parameters along 500 m-Iong grazing gradients on ranches in the semi-arid Northem Cape province, South Africa, with the three abovementioned management systems. Analysis of the vegetation on these ranches demonstrated the existence of grazing gradients around the water-points. Two characteristic zones described in other studies were identified, namely the sacrifice zone (almost complete denudation of the vegetation close to the water-point) and the dense shrub zone (distal to the sacrifice zone). Communal livestock ranching had a greater negative effect on rangeland vegetation than the two other ranching systems, particularly with regard to annual grass species diversity, percentage of bare soil, and shrub density. Within 100 m of the water-points, soil quality was negatively affected by commercial cattle ranching. Contrastingly, there were no significant effects of the other two management systems on soil quality in the piosphere. The feeding of supplemental forage and nutrients may explain the greater impact of commercial cattle farming on soil quality. The results of this study are consistent with the predictions of the equilibrium theory of vegetation dynamics because grazing impacts were density-dependent in these semi-arid rangelands. However, the results presented here also indicate that forage supplementation alters the spatial and temporal distribution of livestock in a manner that may have greater negative impacts on soil quality than density of livestock per se. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Meer as 70% van Suid-Afrika is te droog vir gewasverbouing en word gebruik vir kommersiële veeboerdery, gemeenskaplike veeboerdery of wildboerdery. Die bestuur van dié verskillende boerderytipes verskil wesentlik van mekaar in verskeie opsigte, ondermeer herbivoorspesies, veeaanskaffingstempo, weidingstipe en bestuurstruktuur. Die belangrikste vraag wat aangespreek word in die studie is die volgende: Tot watter mate affekteer die drie verskillende boerderybestuurstipes die toestand van weivelde? Gesien teen die agtergrond van die ekwilibriumparadigma van plantedinamika, word verwag dat gemeenskaplike veeboerdery 'n groter impak op die toestand van weiveld sal hê as ander boerderytipes, omdat veedigtheid en gevolglik herbivoor-impak gewoonlik veel hoër is as met die ander twee boerderytipes. Onlangse nie-ekwilibria-teorië voer egter aan dat plantedinamika in ariede gebiede gedryf word deur seldsame en buitengewone reënvalgebeure. Biotiese faktore, soos weiding en herbivoor diversiteit sal na verwagting min effek hê op die toestand van weiveld. Hieruit volg die voorspelling dat herbivoorimpak op ariede ekosisteme nie afhanklik is van digtheid nie, en dat hoë veedigtheid algemeen aangeteken vir gemeenskaplike boerderye, nie rede sal wees vir groter ver1iese in weiveld nie. Ariede en semi-ariede weivelde word gekenmerk deur 'n hoë ruimtelike en tydelike veranderinge in plant- en grondparameters. Gevolglik is dit moeilik om te onderskei tussen die effekte van weidingsbestuur en natuur1ike veranderings wat veroorsaak word deur nie-biotiese faktore, soos reënval. Dié probleem kan oorbrug word deur gradiënte van weidingsintensiteit, wat vanaf waterpunte uitstraal, te ondersoek. Vervolgens het ek binne al drie bg. boerderybestuursisteme veranderinge in plant- en grondparameters langs SOOm-lange weidingsgradiënte ondersoek op plase in die semiariede Noord-Kaap provinsie van Suid-Afrika. Plantegroei-analise het getoon dat 'n weidingsgradiënt rondom waterpunte voorkom. Twee kenmerkende sones is in ander studies geïdentifiseer, nl., 'n opofferingsone (waar amper alle plantegroei naby waterpunte uitgetrap is) en die digte, struik-sone (distaal to die opofferingsone). Gemeenskapsveeboerdery het 'n groter negatiewe effek op plaasgewasse as die ander twee boerderytipes, veral waar dit betrekking het op grasspesie-diversiteit, persentasie grond sonder plantbedekking en struikdigtheid. Binne 100m vanaf waterpunte, is grondkwaliteit merkbaar negatief geaffekteer deur kommersiële veeboerdery. Daarteenoor, was daar geen merkbare effek op die grondkwaliteit naby waterpunte van die ander twee boerderytipes nie. Aanvullingsvoer kan moontlik die rede wees vir die waargenome, groter impak van kommersiële veeboerdery op grondkwaliteit. Die resultate van die studie strook met voorspellings van die ekwilibria-teorie van plante-dinamika, daarin dat weidingsimpak digtheidsafhanklik is in hierdie semiariede plaasgebiede. Die resultate toon ook egter, dat voedingsaanvullings die ruimtelike en tydelike verspreiding van vee in so 'n wyse verander, dat dit moontlik 'n veel groter negatiewe uitwerking op grondkwaliteit het as veedighteid per se.

Gambling in South Africa, with specific reference to the Western Cape gambling policy

Human, Pieter 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--Stellenbosch University, 2000. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: For the purposes of this study the term "gambling" refers only to casino style gambling and does not necessarily include horse racing and the national lottery. The study is partly based on the theoretical model for policy analysis as described by Dunn in his book "Public Policy Analysis" (1994). The thesis is divided into two sections. The first section deals mainly with the stage of monitoring and is a retrospective analysis of the development of the gambling industry in seventeenth and eighteenth century Venice and more recently in the United States, Australia, Namibia and South Afiica prior to 1994. The last section deals mainly with the stage of policy evaluation and questions the possible discrepancies between the expected and actual gambling policy performance in the Western Cape after 1994 when large scale gambling was legalised throughout the country. It uses the recommendations of the Main Report on Gambling in the Republic of South Afiica (Wiehahn Report) as a basis for the evaluation of the Western Cape gambling policy from both a social and economic perspective. More specifically the study attempts to shed light on the issues of the problems related to the scientific research of gambling, the economic profile of gamblers, the location of casinos, the displacement of capital and the correlation between crime and gambling. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Vir die doeleindes van hierdie studie word die term "gambling" slegs gebruik met verwysing na dobbel in casinos en sluit nie noodwendig perdewedrenne en die nasionale lotery in nie. Die studie word gedeeltelik gebaseer op die teoretiese model vir beleids-analise soos weergegee deur Dunn in sy boek "Public Policy Analysis" (1994). Die studie word verdeel in twee afdelings. Die eerste gedeelte behandel die stadium van monitering en is hoofsaaklik a retrospektiewe analise oor die ontwikkeling van die dobbelbedryf in sewentiende eeuse Venesië en meer onlangs in die Verenigde State van Amerika, Australië, Namibië, asook Suid-Afrikavoor 1994. Die laaste gedeelte behandel hoofsaaklik die stadium van beleids-evaluering. Dit bevraagteken die moontlike verskil tussen die verwagte en werklike vertoning en uitkoms van die dobbelbeleid in die Wes Kaap na 1994. Hoofstuk 3 gebruik die aanbevelings van die Hoofverslag oor Dobbel in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika (Wiehahn verslag) as 'n basis vir die evaluering van die dobbelbeleid van die Wes Kaap van beide 'n sosiale asook 'n ekonomiese perspektief Meer spesifiek beoog die studie om lig te werp op die probleme wat verband hou met die wetenskaplike navorsing van dobbelary, die ekonomiese profiel van dobbelaars, die geografiese plasing van casinos, die verplasing van kapitaal en die korrelasie tussen misdaad en dobbel.

Has educational transformation deepened democracy in public high schools?

Damons, Yolande L. 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MPhil)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The process of educational transformation in South Africa was characterised by the creation of a coherent policy and legislative framework (e.g. Constitution; South African Schools Act, 1996) that would form the basis for systematic changes. My concern is if or to what extend the transformational goals of access, redress, equality, quality, freedom and participation manifest itself in public high schools, particularly those schools from historically disadvantaged communities. Engaging in an interpretive and critical analysis of data (South African Schools Act, 1996 and diverse educator voices), I explore the conceptual and pragmatic links between different nuances of democracy in schools. There seem to be huge gaps between policy and practice. As the transformation of the education system is inseparable from the total transformation of our nation, I contend that the education landscape needs to be reviewed. A rigorous multi-facetted approach by all role players is necessary in order to meet the complexity of challenges to the process of transforming the education system of South Africa, in order to bring about a deep democracy. KEY WORDS: Education, transformation, democracy, participation, equality and quality. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die proses van onderwys-transformasie in Suid-Afrika is gekenmerk deur die daarstelling van 'n koherente beleids-en wetgewende raamwerk (o.a. Konstitusie; Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet, 1996), wat die grondslag van sistematiese veranderinge sou vorm. My besorgdheid is of, en tot watter mate die transformasie-doelwitte van toeganklikheid, regstelling, gelykheid, kwaliteit, vryheid en deelname in publieke hoërskole gemanifesteer word - veral dié skole in histories benadeelde samelewings. Verbind tot 'n interpretatiewe- en kritiese data-analise van die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet en menings van diverse onderwyslui, ondersoek ek die konseptueie en pragmatiese skakeling tussen verskillende nuanses aangaande demokrasie in skole. Daar blyk groot gapings tussen beleid en praktyk te wees. Omdat die transformasie van die onderwysstelselonlosmaaklik deel vorm van die totale transformasie van ons nasie, voer ek aan dat die opvoedkundige landskap dringend in heroënskou geneem moet word. 'n Daadwerklike, multi-fassettige benadering deur alle rolspelers is nodig ten einde die komplekse uitdagings ten opsigte van die transformasie van die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwys die hoof te bied, en sodoende 'n diep demokrasie tot stand te bring. SLEUTELWOORDE: Onderwys, transforrnasie, demokrasie, deelname, gelykheid en kwaliteit.

The social origins of failure : morphogenesis of educational agency in the Cape Colony

Pretorius, Deon January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

Informal settlements in Gauteng : social differentiation and the impact of housing policy

Stevens, Lucy January 2002 (has links)
No description available.

Conscripts to their age : African National Congress operational strategy, 1976-1986

Barrell, Howard January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

The colour of disease : syphilis and racism in South Africa

Jochelson, Karen Jane January 1993 (has links)
No description available.

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