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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Die subklinische Staphylococcus aureus-Mastitis - Sanierung eines hessischen Milcherzeugerbetriebes und epidemiologische Untersuchungen mittels Staphylokokken-Protein A (spa)-Typisierung

Sauerwald, Claudia 08 October 2013 (has links)
In der vorliegenden Studie wurde die Sanierung einer durch S. aureus verursachten Eutergesundheitsstörung in einem hessischen Milchviehbestand mittels klassischer Sanierungsmaßnahmen über einen Zeitraum von 18 Monaten begleitet. Durch konsequente Einhaltung der Sanierungsmaßnahmen nach dem Fünf-Punkte-Plan und die räumliche Trennung der Herde in eine S. aureus-positive und -negative Gruppe sank die S. aureus-Prävalenz im Betrieb innerhalb von 15 Monaten von 30% auf <1%. Nach 18 Monaten waren erstmalig keine Neuinfektionen mehr mit S. aureus zu verzeichnen. Zusätzlich zu den im Abstand von drei Monaten durchgeführten Viertelanfangsgemelk (VAG)- Gesamtbestandsuntersuchungen wurden Umweltproben bakteriologisch auf das Vorhandensein von S. aureus untersucht. Diese Untersuchungen verliefen ausschließlich mit negativem Ergebnis. Die im Untersuchungszeitraum asservierten 218 S. aureus-Isolate aus diesem Betrieb wurden genotypisch mittels PCR untersucht. Thermonuklease-Gen, Protein A-Gen (IgG-bindende Region) und Polymorphismen bei Protein A-Gen (Xr-Region) sowie Koagulase-Gen ermöglichten die Unterscheidung in sechs Typen. Zusätzlich wurden 80 dieser Isolate mittels Pulsfeldgelelektrophorese (Pfge, Gold Standard) typisiert. Es konnten zwei Pfge-Typen gefunden werden: Pfge-Typ I mit insgesamt 10 Subtypen (bei 78 Isolaten) und Pfge-Typ II (bei zwei Isolaten). Der Pfge-Typ II wurde ausschließlich bei einem Zukaufstier nachgewiesen, das vor der Einstallung in diesen Betrieb nicht zytobakteriologisch untersucht worden war. Die 12 unterschiedlichen Pfge-Typen bzw. -Subtypen wurden zusätzlich mittels Staphylokokken-Protein A- (spa)-Typisierung untersucht. Dabei zeigte sich, dass alle Subtypen des Pfge-Typs I dem spa-Typ t2067 zugeordnet werden konnten und der Pfge-Typ II dem spa-Typ t2112 entsprach. 92 weitere bovine S. aureus-Mastitisisolate wurden möglichst randomisiert über das Landesgebiet Hessens entnommen und mittels dieser Typisierungsmethode untersucht. Die Isolate stammten ebenfalls aus S. aureus-Problembetrieben und wurden aus VAG von (sub-) klinischen Mastitiden in Reinkultur isoliert. Insgesamt konnten 28 spa-Typen unterschieden werden. Durch den Algorithmus BURP wurden 57 dieser Isolate dem Clonal Complex CC543 zugeordnet und waren demnach genetisch eng miteinander verwandt. Der in dem Sanierungsbetrieb vorherrschende spa-Typ t2067 war dem CC543 nicht zuzuordnen. Die Anwendung der spa-Typisierung in der Routinediagnostik und damit die Möglichkeit der laborübergreifenden, möglichst zentralisierten Datendokumentation der Ergebnisse könnten zukünftig die Identifizierung besonders häufig vorkommender und damit hochkontagiöser S. aureus-Stämme ermöglichen.

Genotypic characterization of Staphylococcus aureus isolates causing bacteraemia in patients admitted to Tygerberg Hospital, Western Cape Province, South Africa

Salaam-Dreyer, Zubeida 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScMedSc (Pathology. Medical Microbiology))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: S. aureus causes serious infections in the hospital and community settings. The rate of MRSA infections are rapidly increasing worldwide. Currently, at Tygerberg hospital, approximately a third of S. aureus isolates are MRSA. This was the first epidemiological study of S. aureus conducted at Tygerberg Hospital that included prospective clinical data on patients with S. aureus bacteraemia together with spa typing of strains and the detection of the mecA and pvl genes in a multiplex PCR. Clonal cluster groups of S. aureus isolates were obtained by BURP analysis and compared to international important clones. The molecular epidemiology of hospital acquired (HA), health-care associated (HCA) and community acquired (CA) S. aureus bacteraemic strains at this hospital was examined. Lastly, repeat isolates of patients were collected to analyse any possible organism-related factors associated with persistent and recurrent bacteraemia. We investigated a total number of 113 S. aureus strains from 104 patients (70% MSSA, 30% MRSA). Repeat strains consisted of nine isolates (from 5 patients). All isolates were obtained from blood cultures collected during the period March 2008 to May 2009. Phenotypic and genotypic detection of methicillin resistance correlated well. According to the literature, most CA-MRSA strains are distinguishable from HA-MRSA strains based upon the presence of the PVL toxin. However, no CA-MRSA was detected in our study, therefore the association between HA-MRSA versus CA-MRSA strains could not be analysed. In this study, CA-MSSA was identified in 22% of all MSSA isolates versus 0% CA-MRSA. PVL positive strains were found in 22.7% of all MSSA isolates with no detection in MRSA isolates. It was noted that MRSA strains clustered in spa CC-701 and CC-012, whereas CC-002 only contained MSSA strains. Likewise HA-strains representing the majority of MRSA strains also clustered in spa CC-701 and CC-012. Forty nine spa types were identified in 89.3% of all isolates, whereas 9.7% of these strains were non-typeable. Five novel spa types were revealed. We detected a diverse number of spa-types that correlated to international clones. The most predominant spa type found in our setting was t037 (only in MRSA), followed by t891. According to the literature, t037 is associated to the Brazilian/Hungarian clone (SCCmec type III; ST 239). Our findings, as well as other South African studies, indicate that t037 has been identified in clinical strains from numerous provinces in South Africa. Interestingly, all isolates from spa type t891 were PVL positive MSSA. Bacteraemia cases were predominantly related to catheter sepsis, followed by skin and soft tissue infections (SSTI). Only one persistent bacteraemia case was identified related to a HA-SSTI. Recurrent bacteraemia cases were found in patients on dialysis for chronic renal failure and in burns patients related to intravascular catheter infections. The local epidemiology of S. aureus and the prevalence rate of different strains are important to investigate. The information provided contributes to the epidemiology of staphylococcal strains causing bacteraemia in our setting. These insights are useful for optimal diagnostic and therapeutic measures. The techniques developed can be used to identify outbreaks and recurrent infections. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: S. aureus veroorsaak ernstige infeksies in die hospitaalomgewing en in die gemeenskap. Wêreldwyd, neem metisillien-weerstandige S. aureus (MRSA) infeksies vinnig toe. Huidiglik by Tygerberg hospitaal is ongeveer ‘n derde van S. aureus isolate MRSA. Hierdie is die eerste epidemiologiese studie by Tygerberg hospitaal wat prospektiewe kliniese data van pasiënte met S. aureus bakteremie saam met spa tipering en aantoning van die mecA en pvl gene in ‘n multipleks PKR insluit. Klonale groepe (spa-CC) van MRSA en MSSA isolate is deur BURP analise verkry, en vergelyk met internasionaal belangrike klone. Die molekulêre epidemiologie van hospitaalverworwe (HA), gesondheidsorgverworwe (HCA) en gemeenskapsverworwe (CA) S. aureus bakteremie by hierdie hospitaal is ondersoek. Laastens, oorspronklike en daaropvolgende herhaal isolate is gekollekteer om moontlike organisme- faktore geassosieerd met persisterende en herhalende bakteremiese episodes te analiseer. Ons het in totaal 113 S. aureus isolate van 104 pasiënte ondersoek (70% MSSA, 30% MRSA). Nege isolate (van 5 pasiënte) was herhaal isolate. Alle isolate was afkomstig vanaf bloedkulture wat gedurende die periode Maart 2008 tot Mei 2009 gekollekteer is. Fenotipiese en genotipiese aantoning van metisillien weerstandigheid het goed gekorreleer. Volgens die literatuur kan die meeste CA-MRSA isolate van HA-MRSA isolate onderskei word op grond van die teenwoordigheid van die PVL toksien. Geen CA-MRSA is egter in ons studie gevind nie, dus kon die assosiasie tussen HA-MRSA en CA-MRSA isolate nie ondersoek word nie. CA-MSSA was in 22% van alle MSSA geidentifiseer teenoor 0% CA-MRSA. PVL is in MSSA isolate gevind (22.7% van alle MSSA) maar glad nie in MRSA nie. Dit is opgemerk dat MRSA isolate hoofsaaklik in spa CC 701 en CC-012 kloongroepe voorkom, teenoor kloongroep CC-002 wat slegs MSSA isolate bevat het. Soortgelyk het HA-isolate wat die meerderheid van MRSA isolate verteenwoordig het ook in kloongroepe 1 & 2 gegroepeer. Nege-en-veertig spa tipes is geïdentifiseer in 89.3% of alle isolate en 9.7% was nie-tipeerbaar. Vyf nuwe spa tipes is getoon. Ons het ‘n diverse aantal spa-tipes geïdentifiseer wat met internasionale klone gekorreleer het. Die mees dominante spa tipe in ons omgewing was t037 (slegs in MRSA), gevolg deur t891. Volgens die literatuur word t037 met die Brasiliaanse/Hongaarse kloon geassosieer (SCCmec tipe III; ST 239). Ons bevindings, asook ander Suid Afrikaanse studies, dui aan dat t037 in kliniese isolate vanaf talle provinsies in Suid-Afrika aangetoon is. Van belang is dat al die isolate van spa tipe t891 MSSA en PVL positief was. Bakteremiese gevalle was hoofsaaklik geassosieer met kateter-sepsis, gevolg deur vel en sagteweefsel infeksies (SSTI). Slegs een persisterende bakteremiese geval was geïdentifiseer geassosieer met HA-SSTI. Herhalende bakteremiese episodes is in pasiënte op dialise vir kroniese nierversaking en in brandwonde pasiënte met intra-vaskulêre kateter infeksies aangetoon. Die lokale epidemiologie van S. aureus en die prevalensie koers van verskillende stamme is van belang. Hierdie inligting dra by tot kennis van die epidemiologie van stafilokokkale stamme wat in ons omgewing bakteremie veroorsaak. Hierdie insigte is nuttig vir optimale diagnostiese en terapeutiese riglyne. Die tegnieke wat ontwikkel is, kan gebruik word om uitbrake en herhalende infeksies te identifiseer.

Lietuvos kurortų ir kurortinių teritorijų patrauklumo kriterijų identifikavimas / Lithuanian resorts and spa areas attractiveness criteria for the identification of potential customers

Kvilys, Edvinas 20 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo objektas: kurortų ir kurortinių teritorijų patrauklumo kriterijai. Darbo tikslas: išanalizuoti kokiais kriterijais remiantis klientai renkasi kurortą ar kurortinę teritoriją. Problema: nėra pakankamai informacijos apie kurortų ir kurortinių teritorijų vertinimo kriterijus. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Atskleisti kurorto ir kurortinės teritorijos sampratą. 2. Išsiaiškinti paslaugų patrauklumo kriterijus klientams kurortuose ir kurortinėse teritorijose. 3. Atlikti kurortuose ir kurortinėse teritorijose nustatytų patrauklumo elementų vertinimą. Darbo rezultatai ir išvados: Straipsnyje analizuojama kurortų samprata ir aptariami kurortų statuso reikalavimai. Nustatyta, kad pagal teikiamų paslaugų specifiką dauguma Lietuvos kurortų (Druskininkai, Birštonas ir Palanga) yra priskiriami mišriam kurortų tipui ir tik vienas - Neringa - poilsio tipui. Straipsnyje aptartos 4 Lietuvos kurortinės teritorijos (Anykščiai, Trakai, Zarasai, Ignalinos miesto Strigailiškio ir Palūšės kaimų dalių teritorijos). Išskirti pagrindiniai kurortų ir kurortinių teritorijų patrauklumo kriterijai – infrastruktūra, kainos – kokybės santykis, pramogos, sveikatingumas. Nustatyta, kad labiausiai kurortų patrauklumas susijęs su infrastruktūra, taip pat įrodyta, kad ir kiti minėti vertinimo kriterijai yra svarbūs renkatis kurortą/kurortinę teritoriją. / Object of the study: resorts and spa areas attractiveness criteria. Purpose of the study: analyze what criteria customers choose a resort or spa areas. Problem: there is not enough information about resorts and spa areas in the evaluation criteria. Main goals of this study: 1. Reveal to the resorts and resort areas concept. 2. To find out the criteria for attractiveness to customers resorts and spa areas. 3. Perform resorts and spa areas attractive elements of the evaluation set. Results and conclusions. In this article is analyzed and discussed about the concept of resort and it‘s status requirements. Also, presented resorts classification. It was found that by it‘s specifics resorts in Lithuania are classified as mixed type resort (Palanga, Druskininkai, Birštonas) and rest resort – Neringa. In this article is discussed about 4 Lithuania resort areas (Anykščiai, Trakai, Zarasai, Strigailiškis and Palūšės countryside parts of Ignalina city). In this article is also distinguished the main resorts and resort areas attractiveness criteria - infrastructure, price - quality ratio, entertainment, wellness. It was found that the main criteria of resort attractiveness is it‘s infrastructure, but in this article is also mentioned that price – quality ratio, entertainment and wellness is also important for choosing resort.

Structure-based drug design of 11β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 1 inhibitors

Adie, Jillian E. January 2010 (has links)
The enzyme 11β-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase 1 (11β-HSD1) catalyses the intracellular biosynthesis of the active glucocorticoid cortisol. Tissue specific dysregulation of the enzyme has been implicated in the development of metabolic syndrome and other associated diseases. Experiments with transgenic mice and prototype inhibitors show that inhibition of 11β-HSD1 in visceral adipose tissue and liver leads to a resistance of diet-induced hyperglycemia and a favourable lipid and lipoprotein profile as compared to controls. 11β-HSD1 inhibition has thus been proposed as an effective strategy to decrease intracellular glucocorticoid levels without affecting circulating glucocorticoid levels that are essential for stress responses. The clinical development of selective and potent drugs has therefore become a priority. In this research, a process of virtual screening employing the novel algorithm UFSRAT (Ultra Fast Shape Recognition with Atom Types) was used to discover compounds which had specific physicochemical and spatial atomic parameters deemed essential for inhibition of 11β-HSD1. The top scoring compounds were assayed for inhibitory activity against recombinant human and mouse enzyme, using a fluorescence spectroscopy approach. In addition, HEK-293 cell based assays with either human, mouse or rat enzymes were carried out using a scintillation proximity assay (SPA). The most potent compound competitively inhibited human 11β-HSD1 with a Kiapp value of 51 nM. Recombinant mouse and human enzyme were expressed, purified and characterised and used in a series of ligand binding assays. Further to this, an X-ray crystal structure of mouse 11β-HSD1 in complex with a tight binding inhibitor – carbenoxolone was solved.

Dispersion of Ammonia from Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations

Wardall, Austin D 01 October 2016 (has links)
The purpose of this research is to investigate the dispersion of ammonia (NH3) from three Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs) in western Kentucky, as well as to investigate the Weather Research and Forecasting – Chemistry (WRF-Chem) model’s sensitivity response to initial NH3 concentrations under both wet conditions (significant precipitation) and dry conditions (no precipitation). As expected, pollutant concentrations generally were significantly higher near their points of origin and generally declined away from the sources. Contrary to expectations, ammonia tended to rise through the planetary boundary layer (PBL) regardless of atmospheric conditions. Results showed modeled NH3 pollution levels at the surface generally to be higher under wet conditions. A GIS-based analysis method was developed to investigate model sensitivity to initial NH3 concentrations. Using this method, it was found that WRF-Chem exhibits an exponential relation between initial NH3 concentration and the final amount of NH3 produced by the model.

Umbral del dolor a la prueba de presión en sujetos sanos y en pacientes con dolor crónico miofascial de los músculos masetero y temporal.

Castro Olivares, Paulina Constanza, Contreras Vergara, Liliana Karina January 2006 (has links)
El presente estudio; descriptivo, no experimental y transversal, tiene como objetivo aportar conocimientos en relación a la evaluación del dolor miofascial, a través de la determinación del umbral de dolor a la presión de los músculos Masetero y Temporal en este tipo de pacientes, en sujetos sanos y la posible relación entre dichos umbrales y el género de los sujetos.

Prevalencia de patología músculo-esquelética reumatoidea en el CESFAM "Cristo vive", Santiago 2004 Chile.

Fabiani Muñoz, Italo Antonino January 2006 (has links)
El estudio es descriptivo de tipo transversal, no experimental, abarcando una muestra de 1600 fichas clínicas de personas mayores de 15 años obtenidas mediante muestreo aleatorio simple en el CESFAM “Cristo Vive”. Los resultados indicaron que las EMERs más prevalentes, en el centro de salud en referencia, fueron el Lumbago no especificado con una prevalencia global de 10,25%; lesión de hombro no especificada (Hombro doloroso) 4,05% y Gonartrosis (osteoartrosis de rodilla) 2,56%. Las hipótesis planteadas (H1; H2; H3) resultaron rechazadas al no encontrarse una asociación estadística significativa (p>0.05) entre las variables involucradas, aceptando las hipótesis H0 correspondientes a cada una, de no relación entre las variables: EMER más prevalentes y nivel educacional. Los datos de prevalencia hallados en la muestra estudiada, fueron cercanos a la bibliografía revisada, en otros casos, la prevalencia fue menor que la esperada, probablemente a que se consideró solo el año 2004 como criterio de inclusión.

The meaning of the contemporary bathroom

Morales, Ernesto January 2007 (has links)
Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal.

Placení autorských odměn za provozování vysílání na pokojích lázeňských zařízení / Payment of Royalties for Performing the Broadcast in the Bedrooms of Spa Facilities

Gantner, Filip January 2013 (has links)
A b s t r a c t Title: Payment of Royalties for Performing the Broadcast in the Bedrooms of Spa Facilities The purpose of this thesis is to analyse the issue of payment of royalties for performing broadcast in the bedrooms of spa facilities, namely by the form of case study. The introduction shortly presents chosen subject and highlights the inconguity of jurisprudence in legal disputes relating to payment of royalties by spa facilities. Chapter one is dedicated to historical progression of different versions of the exceptions contained in section 23 of the Czech Copyrigt Act, which is also the cause for spa facilities to conclude that they are not liable for paying royalties to appropriate collecting society. Chapter two examines relavant jurisprudence by Regional Courts, High Courts and the Supreme Court of the Czech Republic. The jurisprudence of the Court of Justice of the European Union is also mentioned. Chapter three is composed of the introduction to the case study which illustrates the circumstances of the origin of hypothetic legal dispute which is to be solved by this thesis. Chapter four is the focal point of the thesis and it is presented by the judgement issued by a Regional Court in the legal dispute between the collecting society as a plaintiff and the spa facility as a respondent. The...

Lázeňství v Řecku / Balneology in Greece

Fiačanová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
This thesis describes the importance of spa tourism in Greece reflecting on its history as well as its current status in Greek tourism and the health industry. Its content features basic terminology of the spa industry, specifications and development of the European balneology. This thesis also offers a view on Greek spa market and its performance including legislative and legal framework of the spa sector as well as a SWOT analysis of the Greek spa market. Last but not least it focuses on prospects and possibilities of cooperation between Greece and The Czech Republic in this field. It does so by introducing a new product to the travel industry for Czech clients. This new product takes into consideration current state of demand and health service in the Czech Republic as well as the offerings available from the Greek side.

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