Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spalling"" "subject:"palling""
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Hochtemperaturverhalten von Stahlbetonplatten mit TextilbetonverstärkungHothan, Sascha, Ehlig, Daniel January 2011 (has links)
Die Verwendung von Endlosfilamenten aus Carbon als Bewehrungsmaterial für Beton, sogenannter Textilbeton, bietet die Möglichkeit der Sanierung und der Verstärkung bestehender Stahlbetonkonstruktionen. Dabei muss die Frage nach dem Feuerwiderstand von derart verstärkten Tragwerken beantwortet werden. Aufschluss darüber liefern Brandversuche. Mit Textilbeton verstärkte Stahlbetonplatten haben in Brandversuchen nach der Einheits- Temperaturzeitkurve bei 33 % der Traglast mehr als 60 Minuten standgehalten. Bei 50 % der Traglast kam es nach einer Branddauer von 55 Minuten, bei 65 % nach 30 Minuten, zu einem Zugversagen der textilen Verstärkungsschicht. Bei während des Brandes unbelasteten bzw. gering belasteten Platten lagen die im Anschluss ermittelten Resttragfähigkeiten bei 65 % der Bruchlast nach 30 Minuten Branddauer bzw. bei 50 % der Bruchlast nach 60 Minuten Branddauer. Während und nach der Beflammung waren zunehmende Durchbiegungen und Rissbreiten erkennbar. Es traten aber keine Abplatzungen auf, weshalb die Verstärkungsschicht aus Textilbeton als zusätzliche Betondeckung für die Stahlbewehrung angerechnet werden kann. Diese außerordentlich positiven Ergebnisse zeigen, dass für verstärkte Konstruktionen Feuerwiderstandsklassen von F60 bzw. R60 ohne zusätzliche Maßnahmen erreicht werden können. Dies ist von hoher Relevanz für die wirtschaftliche Anwendung dieser Verstärkungsmethode. Für ein umfassendes Verständnis der Interaktion zwischen den Bewehrungen Textil und Stahl sowie der Versagensmechanismen während des Brandes, sind weitere Erkenntnisse über die mechanischen Eigenschaften von Textilbeton im Hochtemperaturbereich nötig. Auch der Einfluss der Oxidation des Carbons konnte nicht abschließend beurteilt werden. / Using endless carbon filaments for concrete reinforcement, so called textile reinforced concrete, the possibility of reconstruction and strengthening of existing concrete structures arises. The question concerning fire resistance of structures strengthened like this has to be answered. Fire tests provide answers. Steel reinforced concrete slabs strengthened with textile reinforced concrete loaded with 33 % of ultimate load survived an ISO-fire for 60 minutes. Loaded with 50 % and 65 % of ultimate load the slabs failed after 55 minutes and 30 minutes of fire exposure due to tension failure of the textile reinforcement layer. Slabs not loaded or with a low load level during fire exposure showed remaining bearing resistances of 65 % of ultimate load after 30 minutes and 50 % of ultimate load after 60 minutes of fire exposure. During and after fire exposure rising deflections and growing crack widths were observed. However no spalling occurred. Therefore the textile reinforced concrete layer can be taken into account as concrete covering for the steel reinforcement. Those extraordinary positive results document, that reinforced concrete structures with additional fibre reinforced concrete can achieve fire resistance classes of R60 without additional provisions. To achieve comprehensive understanding of interaction between steel and fibre reinforcement and failure mechanisms in case of fire more knowledge concerning the mechanic properties of fibre reinforced concrete at high temperatures is essential. The influence of oxidation of the carbon fibres could not fully be answered.
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Experimental and Numerical Analysis of Spalling Effect in TRC SpecimensJerabek, Jakub, Keil, Allessandra, Schoene, Jens, Chudoba, Rostislav, Hegger, Josef, Raupach, Michael 03 June 2009 (has links)
The paper presents the study of spalling effect occurring under tensile loading in thin-walled TRC specimens. The experimentally observed failure patterns are first classified and the performed experiment design is explained and discussed. A parameter study of spalling effect with varied thickness of concrete cover and reinforcement configurations including both the textile fabrics and the yarns provided the basis for numerical analysis of the effect. The applied numerical model was designed in order to capture the initiation and propagation of longitudinal cracks leading to the separation of concrete blocks from the textile fabrics. A meso-scopic material resolution in a single crack bridge is used for the simulation exploiting the periodic structure of the crack bridges both in the lateral and in the longitudinal direction of the TRC specimens. The matrix was modeled using an anisotropic damage model falling in the microplane-category of material models. The bond between yarn and matrix follows a non-linear bond-law calibrated using pull-out tests. The epoxy-impregnated reinforcement is considered as a homogeneous bar.
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Estudio del comportamiento en servicio y rotura de los apoyos a media maderaMata Falcón, Jaime 20 July 2015 (has links)
[EN] Dapped-end beams (DEB), also known as Gerber joints or half joints, are frequently used at supports in reinforced and prestressed concrete structures, particularly in precast concrete manufacturing. DEB is a popular detail for expansion joints. Their shape facilitates the connection of precast structural elements and allows for reducing the structure's height.
DEBs are considered as discontinuity regions (D). Strut-and-tie models and stress field models are widely used for the design of D-regions. However, these approaches are limited to the ultimate limit state design and serviceability requirements for D-regions usually remain unexplored. This lack of knowledge is especially important for DEBs since a crack in the re-entrant corner of DEBs appears for low loads. Such cracks become a potential issue of corrosion in reinforcing bars. Existing experimental information of cracking under serviceability conditions is scarce. Hence, it is difficult to verify crack width calculation methodologies.
This thesis describes a set of 60 tests on dapped-ends, corresponding to 30 different configurations. Digital image correlation was used for continuous measurement of crack widths. The main parameters studied in this research were: the amount and layout of reinforcement, and some constructive variations (the disposition of a bevel in the re-entrant corner, the use of unbonded post-tensioned rebars for the horizontal tie, the use of steel fibre reinforced concrete and the disposition of secondary reinforcement over the support).
A simplified procedure is proposed for defining the geometry of strut-and-tie models for DEBs. The strengths of these strut-and-tie models are compared with the experimental results of the tests carried out in this study and other 29 tests found in the literature. For the main tested configurations adapted strut-and-tie models based on the experimental results are also presented.
The applicability of elasto-plastic stress field models for the analysis of DEBs is also investigated. Existing concrete constitutive laws have been adjusted to consider spalling failures and steel fibre reinforced concrete behaviour. This approach is used to analyse the tests of this study, 44 DEBs tests from the literature and 9 steel fibre reinforced concrete beams from the literature without transversal reinforcement failing in shear.
Two different models for the calculation of crack widths in the re-entrant corner under service loads are proposed: a rational and an empirical model. The rational model uses the integration of reinforcement strains near the crack to calculate the crack width. In this study reinforcement strains have been obtained by using elasto-plastic stress fields and a proposed simplified procedure based on strut-and-tie models. In the empirical model the crack width depends on the ratio between the applied load and the ultimate load of the DEB. Predictions of the empirical model, the rational model and two other models of the literature are compared. This comparison is carried out for the experimental data of this and other 4 studies from the literature. / [ES] Los apoyos a media madera (AMM), también conocidos como dapped-end beams, Gerber joints o half joints, son un tipo de apoyos muy comunes en la práctica constructiva actual del hormigón armado y pretensado, sobre todo en el ámbito de la prefabricación. Se emplean por su facilidad de ensamblaje y porque permiten mantener constante el canto del forjado o tablero en el que se ejecute.
Los AMM se consideran regiones de discontinuidad (D). Los métodos de cálculo más extendidos en las regiones D son el método de bielas y tirantes y el método de los campos de tensiones. Ambos procedimientos están limitados al diseño de regiones D en rotura. El comportamiento en condiciones de servicio en estos elementos no está suficientemente explorado. Este aspecto resulta de especial relevancia en los AMM, ya que en condiciones de servicio se genera una fisura en la esquina para solicitaciones relativamente bajas. Estas fisuras pueden ser una posible fuente de corrosión de las armaduras comprometiendo la durabilidad del apoyo. La información relativa a la fisuración en servicio de AMM en estudios experimentales previos es reducida, lo cual dificulta el contraste de metodologías para el cálculo de la abertura en AMM.
Esta tesis describe un programa experimental con registro continuo de la abertura de fisura mediante técnica fotogramétrica que comprende un total de 60 ensayos de AMM correspondientes a un total de 30 configuraciones. Se estudia la influencia en el comportamiento de los AMM de las siguientes variables: cuantía de armadura, disposición de armado y variantes constructivas como son el biselado de la esquina, el pretensado de la armadura horizontal, el empleo de hormigón reforzado con fibras de acero y la disposición de armaduras secundarias sobre el apoyo.
Se presenta un procedimiento simplificado para determinar la geometría de modelos de bielas y tirantes para AMM. Se comparan los resultados de carga máxima de estos modelos con los resultados de los ensayos propios y de otros 29 ensayos de otros autores. Se muestran además modelos de bielas y tirantes ajustados a los resultados experimentales para las principales configuraciones ensayadas.
Se aplican además modelos de campos de tensiones elasto-plásticos a los ensayos de AMM de la campaña experimental, a otros 44 ensayos de AMM de otros autores, así como a 9 ensayos de vigas sin armadura transversal ejecutadas con hormigón reforzado con fibras de acero. Se han desarrollado en el modelo nuevas hipótesis constitutivas para captar fenómenos de spalling y el comportamiento del hormigón reforzado con fibras de acero.
Se desarrollan dos modelos para el cálculo de la abertura de fisura en servicio: un modelo racional en el cual la abertura se calcula mediante la integración de las deformaciones de las armaduras en el entorno de la fisura, y un modelo empírico en el que se hace intervenir la carga actuante en relación a la carga última del AMM. El modelo racional se aplica a partir de resultados de deformaciones de campos de tensiones elasto-plásticos y a partir de un procedimiento desarrollado para el cálculo simplificado de las deformaciones a partir de modelos de bielas y tirantes. El modelo racional y el empírico se comparan entre sí y con otras dos metodologías previas mediante los resultados de la campaña experimental realizada y los ensayos de otros 4 autores. / [CA] Els suports a mitja fusta (AMM), també coneguts en anglès com a dapped-end beams, Gerber joints o half joints, són un tipus de suports molt habituals en la pràctica constructiva actual del formigó armat i pretensat, especialment a l'àmbit de la prefabricació. Aquests suports es fan servir per la seua facilitat d'assemblatge , i perquè permeten mantindre constant el cantell de la estructura.
Els AMM son considerats zones de discontinuïtat (D). Els mètodes de càlcul més estesos en les zones D son el mètode de bieles i tirants i el mètode dels camps de tensions. Les dues metodologies estan limitades al disseny de zones D en ruptura. El comportament en condicions de servei en aquests elements no esta suficientment explorat. Aquest aspecte és d'especial importància als AMM, ja que en condicions de servei es produeix una fissura al cantó per a sol·licitacions relativament baixes. Aquestes fissures poden ser una possible font de corrosió de les armadures, comprometent la durabilitat del suport. La informació relativa a la fissuració en servei de AMM en estudis experimentals previs es reduïda, dificultant el contrast de metodologies per a el càlcul de l'obertura en AMM.
Aquesta tesi descriu un programa experimental amb registre continu de l'obertura de fissura mitjançant tècnica fotogramètrica que compren un total de 60 assajos de AMM, corresponent a un total de 30 configuracions. S'estudia l'influencia en el comportament del AMM de les següents variables: quantia d'armadura, disposició de armat i variants constructives com el bisellat del cantó, el pretensat de l'armadura horitzontal, la utilització del formigó reforçat amb fibres d'acer i la disposició de armadures secundaries sobre el suport.
Es presenta un procediment simplificat per a determinar la geometria de models de bieles i tirants adaptats als AMM. Es comparen els resultats de càrrega màxima d'aquests models amb els resultats dels assajos propis y de altres 29 assajos corresponent a altres autors. Es mostres, a més, models de bieles i tirants ajustats als resultats experimentals per a les principals configuracions assajades.
S'apliquen, a més, models de camps de tensions elasto-plàstics als assajos de AMM de la campanya experimental, a altres 44 assajos de AMM d'altres autors, així com a 9 assajos de bigues sense armadura transversal executades amb formigó reforçat amb fibres d'acer. S'han desenvolupat noves hipòtesis constitutives al model per a captar fenòmens de spalling i el comportament del formigó reforçat amb fibres metàl·liques.
Es desenvolupen dos models per al càlcul de l'obertura de fissura en servei: un model racional al qual l'obertura es calcula mitjançant la integració de les deformacions de les armadures al voltant de la fissura, i un model empíric al qual es fa intervenir la càrrega existent en relació a la càrrega última del AMM. El model racional s'aplica a partir de resultats de deformacions de camps de tensions elasto-plàstics i a partir d'un procediment desenvolupat per al càlcul simplificat de les deformacions a partir de models de bieles i tirants. Es comparen entre sí, el model racional i el model empíric, i a més amb altres dos metodologies prèvies mitjançant els resultats de la campanya experimental realitzada i assajos de altres 4 autors. / Mata Falcón, J. (2015). Estudio del comportamiento en servicio y rotura de los apoyos a media madera [Tesis doctoral]. Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/53451
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Stahlbetonplatten verstärkt mit Textilbeton unter BrandbelastungEhlig, Daniel, Jesse, Frank, Curbach, Manfred 03 June 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Im Rahmen experimenteller Untersuchungen wurden Stahlbetonplatten hergestellt, mit verschiedenen textilen Bewehrungen verstärkt, mit 125 % Gebrauchslast vorgeschädigt und anschließend unter Gebrauchslast mit einer Brandbelastung nach der Einheitstemperaturkurve (ISO-834, Cellulosic curve) beaufschlagt. Alle Platten hielten der Brandbelastung bei gleichzeitiger Biegebeanspruchung mehr als 60 Minuten stand und zeigten weder Betonabplatzungen noch andere optische Schädigungen auf. Die für dieses überraschend positive Ergebnis verantwortlichen Mechanismen werden diskutiert, sind aber noch nicht vollständig verstanden. Eine Schlüsselrolle spielt dabei vermutlich das gute Rissverhalten von Textilbeton und interne Umlagerungen zwischen Textil und Stahlbewehrung.
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Studium chování betonu při působení vysokých teplot / Behavior of concrete at high temperaturesDvořáková, Michaela January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this diploma thesis is to focus on the resistance of concrete exposed to high temperatures especially with focus of resistance against explosive spalling as well as clarifying the mode of action of various types of polypropylene fibres. The theoretical part is an introduction to the issues of explosive spalling, its mechanisms and majority influencing factors. Further description of the processes taking place in the structure of concrete under extreme thermal load, distribution and size of pores in concrete, thermal load, temperature-time curves and their applications, methods of elimination of negative behaviour of concrete exposed to thermal loading (passive and active methods), mode of action of polypropylene fibres and more is also included in the theoretical part. The main aim of experimental part is to verify the function of polypropylene fibers of various Melt Flow Indexes (MFI) and dosage. Primarily, the test samples with content of the PP-fibers are compared to the reference sample without fibers. Secondarily, the samples with standard PP-fibers (with MFI 25) with dosage 2.0 kg/m3 are compared to samples with modified PP-fiber (with MFI 2500) of dosage 0.9 kg/m3. Photogrammetric images were used for evaluation and comparison of spalled surfaces and its depth. Determination of the softening temperature and melting point of the modified and standard PP-fibers was made by using a high temperature microscope video. The second part of the experimental work was to define concrete permeability at different temperatures and pressures. Permeability was measured at temperatures of 20°C, 90°C, 150°C, 175°C, 200°C, 225°C and 250°C and at pressure of 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 MPa.
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Studium chování betonů při působení vysokých teplot / Studying the behavior of concrete at high temperaturesFiala, Jiří January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with the behavior of cement concrete at high temperature with a focus on the impact behavior of aggregate, cement type and polypropylene fiber reinforcement. The theoretical part describes the issue of cement concrete at high temperatures, especially processes in the cement matrix, aggregates and polypropylene fibers. Furthermore, theoretical part describes the selection of a suitable type of cement and aggregates in concrete exposed to high temperatures. In the experimental part was designed the concrete composition with various kinds different types of aggregates and two types of cements. The temperature stress of test samples was performed according to ISO standard temperature curve 834. Subsequently, was made the verification of the physic-mechanical properties such as changes in bulk density and compressive strength after heat load. Moreover, the surface appearance of samples after heat load was evaluated, especially the occurrence of samples, the crack width and explosive spalling. Mineralogical composition changes of prepared samples before and after heat load were observed via X-ray diffraction analysis. Finally, we made a photogrammetry on a test plates after heat load which defined the size of the area and depth of spalling concrete surface.
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Identification des paramètres matériau gouvernant les performances de céramiques à blindage / Identification of the material parameters governing the performances of armour ceramicsZinszner, Jean-Luc 19 December 2014 (has links)
Les céramiques sont couramment utilisées depuis les années 1960 comme matériaux constitutifs de blindages. En effet, grâce à leurs très bonnes propriétés physiques et mécaniques, elles permettent, pour un même niveau de protection, un gain de masse important par rapport aux blindages métalliques. Cependant, la microstructure d’une céramique peut avoir une forte influence sur sa résistance à l’impact. Le but de cette thèse est, à partir d’essais de caractérisation et en se basant sur l’utilisation de quatre nuances de carbure de silicium présentant des microstructures différentes, d’éclaircir les liens entre microstructure et performance à l’impact. Les campagnes expérimentales de compression dynamique et d’écaillage sont basées sur une utilisation innovante du moyen GEPI installé au CEA Gramat. Pour l’étude du comportement en compression dynamique des céramiques, il a permis d’utiliser la technique d’analyse lagrangienne et ainsi de remonter à l’évolution de la résistance des matériaux au cours du chargement. Pour les essais d’écaillage, il a permis, entre autres, une étude de la sensibilité à la vitesse de déformation de la résistance en traction dynamique. La caractérisation de la fragmentation dynamique est quant à elle basée sur des essais d’impact sur la tranche. Un essai innovant d’impact sur céramique préalablement fragmentée a également été dimensionné et réalisé. Ces différents essais expérimentaux ont permis de mettre en évidence et de comprendre l’influence de la microstructure du matériau sur son comportement face aux différents types de sollicitations. L’ensemble des résultats expérimentaux a été comparé à des simulations numériques permettant de valider les lois de comportement utilisées. Le modèle de fragmentation des matériaux fragiles DFH (Denoual-Forquin-Hild) a ainsi montré de très bonnes capacités à simuler le comportement des céramiques sous chargement de traction dynamique (écaillage et fragmentation) / Since the sixties, ceramics are commonly used as armour materials. Indeed, thanks to their interesting physical and mechanical properties, they allow a significant weight benefit in comparison to monolithic steel plate armours. However, the microstructure of the ceramic may have a strong influence on its penetration resistance. Based on characterisation tests and on the use of four silicon carbide grades, this work aims to highlight the links between the microstructure and the ballistic efficiency. Experimental compressive and spalling tests are based on the use of the GEPI device. For studying the compressive dynamic behaviour, it allows using the lagrangian analysis method and characterising the yield strength of the material. For studying the tensile dynamic behaviour, it allows assessing the strain-rate sensitivity of the spall strength. An analysis of the fragmentation process is performed based on Edge-On Impact tests. Moreover, an innovating impact test on fragmented ceramics has been designed and performed. The different experimental results allow a better understanding of the influence of the ceramic microstructure on its behaviour under the different loadings. All the experimental data have been compared to numerical results allowing validating the constitutive models. The DFH (Denoual-Forquin-Hild) damage model of brittle materials showed very good capacities to simulate the tensile dynamic behaviour of ceramics (spalling and fragmentation)
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Studium chování vysokopevnostních betonů při působení vysokých teplot / Studying the behavior of high strength concrete at high temperaturesSovová, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This master’s thesis is divided into two parts; practical and theoretical. The theoretical part of this study describes the influence of high temperature on concrete structure and chemical, mechanical and physical changes, which take place during the exposure to high temperatures. The thesis also evaluates spalling of concrete and the methods to prevent it, as well as the function of polypropylene and cellulose fibers in the concrete. The practical part deals with design, production and testing of the cement-based concrete with the use of different fibers (polypropylene fibers and cellulose fibers). The properties and the means of applications in high temperatures are also included. The practical part also assesses the influence of high temperature on strength, porosity, visual changes of specimens, changes of surface and degradation of testing specimens due to heat loads according to normative heat curve (ISO 834) and also according to hydrocarbon curve. For clearer arrangement, the experimental tests are divided into two parts and the measured values are evaluated at the end of each part. The conclusion resumes all data obtained by testing and evaluates what is the most suitable formulation. The approach for further research is also discussed.
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Studium vlivu organických vláken na požární odolnost betonu / Study of the influence organic fibres on the fire resistance of concreteKlobása, Jan January 2022 (has links)
The master thesis is focused on current issues of concrete behaviour under high temperatures. In the theoretical part, a search of knowledge about changes in concrete, which take place when exposed to thermal loads, which simulates the effect of fire, is performed, and summarized. It is also important to summarize the changes in the individual components that are used to produce concrete. This work describes the effect of high temperatures on mechanical and physical properties as well. There is an information about the most used fibres and their function in concrete. Emphasis is placed on describing the possibility of using recycled PET or cellulose fibres due to the positive environmental impact. In the experimental part, recipes with different types and amounts of fibres are proposed. The subject of the research was to determine how individual types and amounts of fibres affect the physical mechanical properties of concrete and their suitability for use at high temperatures. Microscopic scanning and study of changes in the structure of concrete was also performed.
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Concrete has many advantageous properties as regards resistance to fire. It is non-flammable and it has a low thermal conductivity. However, concrete structures, which are not designed for resistance against fire, show significant damage after heating. In particular, the explosive flaking with the consequence of weakening the reinforced concrete cross-section and exposing the steel reinforcement to the temperatures higher than critical temperature of reinforcement. There are only a few possible measures of preventing or mitigating the effects temperature load used. Ways of protection can be divided into two systems: active and passive. Active systems are designed to ensure the greatest possible reduction of temperatures the concrete is exposed to. Passive systems directly resist to high temperatures and fire. Design of composition of concrete with the aim of higher resistance to exposition to high temperatures belongs among the passive systems. A part of the work focuses on summary searches of the problems of concrete and reinforced concrete structures exposed to high temperatures and fire. The goal of the work is defining requirements for cement matrix based composite material and its design ensuring the highest possible resistance to high temperatures or direct fire.
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