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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Novel Architectures Applied to Compressive Imaging Systems

Turner, Matthew 06 September 2012 (has links)
A recent breakthrough in information theory known as compressive sensing is one component of an ongoing revolution in data acquisition and processing that guides one to acquire less data yet still recover the same amount of information as traditional techniques, meaning less resources such as time, detector cost, or power are required. Starting from these basic principles, this thesis explores the application of these techniques to imaging. The first laboratory example we introduce is a simple infrared camera. Then we discuss the application of compressive sensing techniques to hyperspectral microscopy, specifically Raman microscopy, which should prove to be a powerful technique to bring the acquisition time for such microscopies down from hours to minutes. Next we explore a novel sensing architecture that uses partial circulant matrices as sensing matrices, which results in a simplified, more robust imaging system. The results of these imaging experiments lead to questions about the performance and fundamental nature of sparse signal recovery with partial circulant compressive sensing matrices. Thus, we present the results of a suite of numerical experiments that show some surprising and suggestive results that could stimulate further theoretical and applied research of partial circulant compressive sensing matrices. We conclude with a look ahead to adaptive sensing procedures that allow real-time, interactive optical signal processing to further reduce the resource demands of an imaging system.

Stable and Efficient Sparse Recovery for Machine Learning and Wireless Communication

Lin, Tsung-Han 06 June 2014 (has links)
Recent theoretical study shows that the sparsest solution to an underdetermined linear system is unique, provided the solution vector is sufficiently sparse, and the operator matrix has sufficiently incoherent column vectors. In addition, efficient algorithms have been discovered to find such solutions. This intriguing result opens a new door for many potential applications. In this thesis, we study the design of a class of greedy algorithms that are extremely efficient, e.g., Orthogonal Matching Pursuit (OMP). These greedy algorithms suffer from a stability issue that the greedy selection approach always make locally optimal decisions, thereby easily biasing and mistaking the solutions in particular under data noise. We propose a solution approach that in designing greedy algorithms, new constraints can be devised by leveraging application-specific insights and incorporated into the algorithms. Given that sparse recovery problems by definition are underdetermined, introducing additional constraints can significantly improve the stability of greedy algorithms, yet retain their efficiency. / Engineering and Applied Sciences

Linearized inversion frameworks toward high-resolution seismic imaging

Aldawood, Ali 09 1900 (has links)
Seismic exploration utilizes controlled sources, which emit seismic waves that propagate through the earth subsurface and get reflected off subsurface interfaces and scatterers. The reflected and scattered waves are recorded by recording stations installed along the earth surface or down boreholes. Seismic imaging is a powerful tool to map these reflected and scattered energy back to their subsurface scattering or reflection points. Seismic imaging is conventionally based on the single-scattering assumption, where only energy that bounces once off a subsurface scatterer and recorded by a receiver is projected back to its subsurface position. The internally multiply scattered seismic energy is considered as unwanted noise and is usually suppressed or removed from the recorded data. Conventional seismic imaging techniques yield subsurface images that suffer from low spatial resolution, migration artifacts, and acquisition fingerprint due to the limited acquisition aperture, number of sources and receivers, and bandwidth of the source wavelet. Hydrocarbon traps are becoming more challenging and considerable reserves are trapped in stratigraphic and pinch-out traps, which require highly resolved seismic images to delineate them. This thesis focuses on developing and implementing new advanced cost-effective seismic imaging techniques aiming at enhancing the resolution of the migrated images by exploiting the sparseness of the subsurface reflectivity distribution and utilizing the multiples that are usually neglected when imaging seismic data. I first formulate the seismic imaging problem as a Basis pursuit denoise problem, which I solve using an L1-minimization algorithm to obtain the sparsest migrated image corresponding to the recorded data. Imaging multiples may illuminate subsurface zones, which are not easily illuminated by conventional seismic imaging using primary reflections only. I then develop an L2-norm (i.e. least-squares) inversion technique to image internally multiply scattered seismic waves to obtain highly resolved images delineating vertical faults that are otherwise not easily imaged by primaries. Seismic interferometry is conventionally based on the cross-correlation and convolution of seismic traces to transform seismic data from one acquisition geometry to another. The conventional interferometric transformation yields virtual data that suffers from low temporal resolution, wavelet distortion, and correlation/convolution artifacts. I therefore incorporate a least-squares datuming technique to interferometrically transform vertical-seismic-profile surface-related multiples to surface-seismic-profile primaries. This yields redatumed data with high temporal resolution and less artifacts, which are subsequently imaged to obtain highly resolved subsurface images. Tests on synthetic examples demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed techniques, yielding highly resolved migrated sections compared with images obtained by imaging conventionally redatumed data. I further advance the recently developed cost-effective Generalized Interferometric Multiple Imaging procedure, which aims to not only image first but also higher-order multiples as well. I formulate this procedure as a linearized inversion framework and solve it as a least-squares problem. Tests of the least-squares Generalized Interferometric Multiple imaging framework on synthetic datasets and demonstrate that it could provide highly resolved migrated images and delineate vertical fault planes compared with the standard procedure. The results support the assertion that this linearized inversion framework can illuminate subsurface zones that are mainly illuminated by internally scattered energy.

Discovery of low-dimensional structure in high-dimensional inference problems

Aksoylar, Cem 10 March 2017 (has links)
Many learning and inference problems involve high-dimensional data such as images, video or genomic data, which cannot be processed efficiently using conventional methods due to their dimensionality. However, high-dimensional data often exhibit an inherent low-dimensional structure, for instance they can often be represented sparsely in some basis or domain. The discovery of an underlying low-dimensional structure is important to develop more robust and efficient analysis and processing algorithms. The first part of the dissertation investigates the statistical complexity of sparse recovery problems, including sparse linear and nonlinear regression models, feature selection and graph estimation. We present a framework that unifies sparse recovery problems and construct an analogy to channel coding in classical information theory. We perform an information-theoretic analysis to derive bounds on the number of samples required to reliably recover sparsity patterns independent of any specific recovery algorithm. In particular, we show that sample complexity can be tightly characterized using a mutual information formula similar to channel coding results. Next, we derive major extensions to this framework, including dependent input variables and a lower bound for sequential adaptive recovery schemes, which helps determine whether adaptivity provides performance gains. We compute statistical complexity bounds for various sparse recovery problems, showing our analysis improves upon the existing bounds and leads to intuitive results for new applications. In the second part, we investigate methods for improving the computational complexity of subgraph detection in graph-structured data, where we aim to discover anomalous patterns present in a connected subgraph of a given graph. This problem arises in many applications such as detection of network intrusions, community detection, detection of anomalous events in surveillance videos or disease outbreaks. Since optimization over connected subgraphs is a combinatorial and computationally difficult problem, we propose a convex relaxation that offers a principled approach to incorporating connectivity and conductance constraints on candidate subgraphs. We develop a novel nearly-linear time algorithm to solve the relaxed problem, establish convergence and consistency guarantees and demonstrate its feasibility and performance with experiments on real networks.

Sparse Signal Recovery Based on Compressive Sensing and Exploration Using Multiple Mobile Sensors

Shekaramiz, Mohammad 01 December 2018 (has links)
The work in this dissertation is focused on two areas within the general discipline of statistical signal processing. First, several new algorithms are developed and exhaustively tested for solving the inverse problem of compressive sensing (CS). CS is a recently developed sub-sampling technique for signal acquisition and reconstruction which is more efficient than the traditional Nyquist sampling method. It provides the possibility of compressed data acquisition approaches to directly acquire just the important information of the signal of interest. Many natural signals are sparse or compressible in some domain such as pixel domain of images, time, frequency and so forth. The notion of compressibility or sparsity here means that many coefficients of the signal of interest are either zero or of low amplitude, in some domain, whereas some are dominating coefficients. Therefore, we may not need to take many direct or indirect samples from the signal or phenomenon to be able to capture the important information of the signal. As a simple example, one can think of a system of linear equations with N unknowns. Traditional methods suggest solving N linearly independent equations to solve for the unknowns. However, if many of the variables are known to be zero or of low amplitude, then intuitively speaking, there will be no need to have N equations. Unfortunately, in many real-world problems, the number of non-zero (effective) variables are unknown. In these cases, CS is capable of solving for the unknowns in an efficient way. In other words, it enables us to collect the important information of the sparse signal with low number of measurements. Then, considering the fact that the signal is sparse, extracting the important information of the signal is the challenge that needs to be addressed. Since most of the existing recovery algorithms in this area need some prior knowledge or parameter tuning, their application to real-world problems to achieve a good performance is difficult. In this dissertation, several new CS algorithms are proposed for the recovery of sparse signals. The proposed algorithms mostly do not require any prior knowledge on the signal or its structure. In fact, these algorithms can learn the underlying structure of the signal based on the collected measurements and successfully reconstruct the signal, with high probability. The other merit of the proposed algorithms is that they are generally flexible in incorporating any prior knowledge on the noise, sparisty level, and so on. The second part of this study is devoted to deployment of mobile sensors in circumstances that the number of sensors to sample the entire region is inadequate. Therefore, where to deploy the sensors, to both explore new regions while refining knowledge in aleady visited areas is of high importance. Here, a new framework is proposed to decide on the trajectories of sensors as they collect the measurements. The proposed framework has two main stages. The first stage performs interpolation/extrapolation to estimate the phenomenon of interest at unseen loactions, and the second stage decides on the informative trajectory based on the collected and estimated data. This framework can be applied to various problems such as tuning the constellation of sensor-bearing satellites, robotics, or any type of adaptive sensor placement/configuration problem. Depending on the problem, some modifications on the constraints in the framework may be needed. As an application side of this work, the proposed framework is applied to a surrogate problem related to the constellation adjustment of sensor-bearing satellites.

Non-asymptotic bounds for prediction problems and density estimation.

Minsker, Stanislav 05 July 2012 (has links)
This dissertation investigates the learning scenarios where a high-dimensional parameter has to be estimated from a given sample of fixed size, often smaller than the dimension of the problem. The first part answers some open questions for the binary classification problem in the framework of active learning. Given a random couple (X,Y) with unknown distribution P, the goal of binary classification is to predict a label Y based on the observation X. Prediction rule is constructed from a sequence of observations sampled from P. The concept of active learning can be informally characterized as follows: on every iteration, the algorithm is allowed to request a label Y for any instance X which it considers to be the most informative. The contribution of this work consists of two parts: first, we provide the minimax lower bounds for the performance of active learning methods. Second, we propose an active learning algorithm which attains nearly optimal rates over a broad class of underlying distributions and is adaptive with respect to the unknown parameters of the problem. The second part of this thesis is related to sparse recovery in the framework of dictionary learning. Let (X,Y) be a random couple with unknown distribution P. Given a collection of functions H, the goal of dictionary learning is to construct a prediction rule for Y given by a linear combination of the elements of H. The problem is sparse if there exists a good prediction rule that depends on a small number of functions from H. We propose an estimator of the unknown optimal prediction rule based on penalized empirical risk minimization algorithm. We show that the proposed estimator is able to take advantage of the possible sparse structure of the problem by providing probabilistic bounds for its performance.

Mathematical analysis of a dynamical system for sparse recovery

Balavoine, Aurele 22 May 2014 (has links)
This thesis presents the mathematical analysis of a continuous-times system for sparse signal recovery. Sparse recovery arises in Compressed Sensing (CS), where signals of large dimension must be recovered from a small number of linear measurements, and can be accomplished by solving a complex optimization program. While many solvers have been proposed and analyzed to solve such programs in digital, their high complexity currently prevents their use in real-time applications. On the contrary, a continuous-time neural network implemented in analog VLSI could lead to significant gains in both time and power consumption. The contributions of this thesis are threefold. First, convergence results for neural networks that solve a large class of nonsmooth optimization programs are presented. These results extend previous analysis by allowing the interconnection matrix to be singular and the activation function to have many constant regions and grow unbounded. The exponential convergence rate of the networks is demonstrated and an analytic expression for the convergence speed is given. Second, these results are specialized to the L1-minimization problem, which is the most famous approach to solving the sparse recovery problem. The analysis relies on standard techniques in CS and proves that the network takes an efficient path toward the solution for parameters that match results obtained for digital solvers. Third, the convergence rate and accuracy of both the continuous-time system and its discrete-time equivalent are derived in the case where the underlying sparse signal is time-varying and the measurements are streaming. Such a study is of great interest for practical applications that need to operate in real-time, when the data are streaming at high rates or the computational resources are limited. As a conclusion, while existing analysis was concentrated on discrete-time algorithms for the recovery of static signals, this thesis provides convergence rate and accuracy results for the recovery of static signals using a continuous-time solver, and for the recovery of time-varying signals with both a discrete-time and a continuous-time solver.

On MMSE Approximations of Stationary Time Series

Datta Gupta, Syamantak 09 December 2013 (has links)
In a large number of applications arising in various fields of study, time series are approximated using linear MMSE estimates. Such approximations include finite order moving average and autoregressive approximations as well as the causal Wiener filter. In this dissertation, we study two topics related to the estimation of wide sense stationary (WSS) time series using linear MMSE estimates. In the first part of this dissertation, we study the asymptotic behaviour of autoregressive (AR) and moving average (MA) approximations. Our objective is to investigate how faithfully such approximations replicate the original sequence, as the model order as well as the number of samples approach infinity. We consider two aspects: convergence of spectral density of MA and AR approximations when the covariances are known and when they are estimated. Under certain mild conditions on the spectral density and the covariance sequence, it is shown that the spectral densities of both approximations converge in L2 as the order of approximation increases. It is also shown that the spectral density of AR approximations converges at the origin under the same conditions. Under additional regularity assumptions, we show that similar results hold for approximations from empirical covariance estimates. In the second part of this dissertation, we address the problem of detecting interdependence relations within a group of time series. Ideally, in order to infer the complete interdependence structure of a complex system, dynamic behaviour of all the processes involved should be considered simultaneously. However, for large systems, use of such a method may be infeasible and computationally intensive, and pairwise estimation techniques may be used to obtain sub-optimal results. Here, we investigate the problem of determining Granger-causality in an interdependent group of jointly WSS time series by using pairwise causal Wiener filters. Analytical results are presented, along with simulations that compare the performance of a method based on finite impulse response Wiener filters to another using directed information, a tool widely used in literature. The problem is studied in the context of cyclostationary processes as well. Finally, a new technique is proposed that allows the determination of causal connections under certain sparsity conditions.

Establishing Large-Scale MIMO Communication: Coding for Channel Estimation

Shabara, Yahia 04 October 2021 (has links)
No description available.

Human motion detection and gesture recognition using computer vision methods

Liu, X. (Xin) 21 February 2019 (has links)
Abstract Gestures are present in most daily human activities and automatic gestures analysis is a significant topic with the goal of enabling the interaction between humans and computers as natural as the communication between humans. From a computer vision perspective, a gesture analysis system is typically composed of two stages, the low-level stage for human motion detection and the high-level stage for understanding human gestures. Therefore, this thesis contributes to the research on gesture analysis from two aspects, 1) Detection: human motion segmentation from video sequences, and 2) Understanding: gesture cues extraction and recognition. In the first part of this thesis, two sparse signal recovery based human motion detection methods are presented. In real videos the foreground (human motions) pixels are often not randomly distributed but have the group properties in both spatial and temporal domains. Based on this observation, a spatio-temporal group sparsity recovery model is proposed, which explicitly consider the foreground pixels' group clustering priors of spatial coherence and temporal contiguity. Moreover, a pixel should be considered as a multi-channel signal. Namely, if a pixel is equal to the adjacent ones that means all the three RGB coefficients should be equal. Motivated by this observation, a multi-channel fused Lasso regularizer is developed to explore the smoothness of multi-channels signals. In the second part of this thesis, two human gesture recognition methods are presented to resolve the issue of temporal dynamics, which is crucial to the interpretation of the observed gestures. In the first study, a gesture skeletal sequence is characterized by a trajectory on a Riemannian manifold. Then, a time-warping invariant metric on the Riemannian manifold is proposed. Furthermore, a sparse coding for skeletal trajectories is presented by explicitly considering the labelling information, with the aim to enforcing the discriminant validity of the dictionary. In the second work, based on the observation that a gesture is a time series with distinctly defined phases, a low-rank matrix decomposition model is proposed to build temporal compositions of gestures. In this way, a more appropriate alignment of hidden states for a hidden Markov model can be achieved. / Tiivistelmä Eleet ovat läsnä useimmissa päivittäisissä ihmisen toiminnoissa. Automaattista eleiden analyysia tarvitaan laitteiden ja ihmisten välisestä vuorovaikutuksesta parantamiseksi ja tavoitteena on yhtä luonnollinen vuorovaikutus kuin ihmisten välinen vuorovaikutus. Konenäön näkökulmasta eleiden analyysijärjestelmä koostuu ihmisen liikkeiden havainnoinnista ja eleiden tunnistamisesta. Tämä väitöskirjatyö edistää eleanalyysin-tutkimusta erityisesti kahdesta näkökulmasta: 1) Havainnointi - ihmisen liikkeiden segmentointi videosekvenssistä. 2) Ymmärtäminen - elemarkkerien erottaminen ja tunnistaminen. Väitöskirjan ensimmäinen osa esittelee kaksi liikkeen havainnointi menetelmää, jotka perustuvat harvan signaalin rekonstruktioon. Videokuvan etualan (ihmisen liikkeet) pikselit eivät yleensä ole satunnaisesti jakautuneita vaan niillä toisistaan riippuvia ominaisuuksia spatiaali- ja aikatasolla tarkasteltuna. Tähän havaintoon perustuen esitellään spatiaalis-ajallinen harva rekonstruktiomalli, joka käsittää etualan pikseleiden klusteroinnin spatiaalisen koherenssin ja ajallisen jatkuvuuden perusteella. Lisäksi tehdään oletus, että pikseli on monikanavainen signaali (RGB-väriarvot). Pikselin ollessa samankaltainen vieruspikseliensä kanssa myös niiden värikanava-arvot ovat samankaltaisia. Havaintoon nojautuen kehitettiin kanavat yhdistävä lasso-regularisointi, joka mahdollistaa monikanavaisen signaalin tasaisuuden tutkimisen. Väitöskirjan toisessa osassa esitellään kaksi menetelmää ihmisen eleiden tunnistamiseksi. Menetelmiä voidaan käyttää eleiden ajallisen dynamiikan ongelmien (eleiden nopeuden vaihtelu) ratkaisemiseksi, mikä on ensiarvoisen tärkeää havainnoitujen eleiden oikein tulkitsemiseksi. Ensimmäisessä menetelmässä ele kuvataan luurankomallin liikeratana Riemannin monistossa (Riemannian manifold), joka hyödyntää aikavääristymille sietoista metriikkaa. Lisäksi esitellään harvakoodaus (sparse coding) luurankomallien liikeradoille. Harvakoodaus perustuu nimiöintitietoon, jonka tavoitteena on varmistua koodisanaston keskinäisestä riippumattomuudesta. Toisen menetelmän lähtökohtana on havainto, että ele on ajallinen sarja selkeästi määriteltäviä vaiheita. Vaiheiden yhdistämiseen ehdotetaan matala-asteista matriisihajotelmamallia, jotta piilotilat voidaan sovittaa paremmin Markovin piilomalliin (Hidden Markov Model).

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