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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


SUGG, EMI 07 July 2006 (has links)
No description available.


Oh, Hyunjin January 2020 (has links)
I examine the impacts of specialization and of scale on property performance and chain performance of the hotel industry. I use a large sample of branded lodging companies in the United States from 2010 to 2014 for the analyses. For property performance, I investigate how a hotel company decides on franchising on properties based on its specialization and study the impacts of the combinations of franchising choice and specialization on profitability of hotel properties. I argue that a hotel company is less likely to franchise business units that are in the specialized market segment of the company since it can manage them better with specialized knowledge than franchisees with general knowledge. Consistent with the expectation, the profitability of company-managed properties is higher than franchised properties when properties are in a company’s specialized market segment. I also find that the probability that a company franchises a business unit is lower when the business unit is in the brand’s area of specialization. While prior research focused on the role of monitoring costs in franchising decisions, this study suggests that specialization is a strong alternative determinant of franchising decisions and the resulting organizational performance. Regarding the analysis of chain performance, I explore productivity changes of the hotel industry and identify the characteristics of leaders, followers, and laggards. Using Data Envelopment Analysis, I find that a few hotel chains led industrial productivity growth through technological progress during the period from 2010 to 2012 and that most other chains followed the improvements in the subsequent period. I find that a larger chain was more like to lead the productivity progress of the industry during the sample period. / Business Administration/Accounting

Weakly Selective Training induces Specialization within Populations of Sensory Neurons

Hillmann, Julia 11 January 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Análise espacial da produção de leite no Brasil / Spatial analysis of milk production in Brazil

Bacchi, Matheus Demambre 28 February 2019 (has links)
A cadeia produtiva do leite possui grande importância para a economia brasileira, gera empregos, renda e, em muitos locais, ainda mantém sua função social, em razão da produção familiar. No entanto, a produção se dá de forma heterogênea no território do país, tanto na diferença entre o volume produzido pelas diversas regiões, como no modo de produção utilizado. Nesse contexto, este estudo tem por objetivo verificar a distribuição espacial e caracterizar a produção de leite bovino nas microrregiões e nos municípios brasileiros. Para isso, inicialmente foi realizada uma análise descritiva do panorama da produção leiteira no país, e no cenário internacional, além da identificação das microrregiões brasileiras especializadas na produção, por meio do Quociente Locacional (QL). Posteriormente, foi utilizado um método proveniente da Análise Exploratória de Dados Espaciais (AEDE), o I de Moran, para medir a autocorrelação espacial das respectivas microrregiões. Por fim, foi utilizada uma Análise de Componentes Principais (ACP), para verificar as relações entre um conjunto de variáveis relevantes para a produção de leite. Entre os resultados encontrados, a partir do QL, foi identificado queda no número de microrregiões especializadas na produção de leite entre 2000 e 2016, sendo que a maioria estava concentrada nos estados de Minas Gerais, Goiás e na região Sul. Nos anos recentes, houve uma tendência de concentração da produção em bacias produtoras, com aumento da participação da região Sul, e também da produtividade em todas as regiões. Por meio do I de Moran Global, verificou-se a presença de coeficientes angulares positivos, indicando autocorrelação espacial positiva em todos os casos. Pelo I de Moran Local, constatou-se a formação dos clusters Alto-Alto nas regiões mais produtivas do país, sendo elas Sul e Sudeste e a formação de clusters Baixo-Baixo nas regiões com as menores produtividades, sobretudo Norte e Nordeste. Por fim, por meio da ACP foram formados dois componentes que juntos explicaram 50,2% da variabilidade dos dados. O primeiro componente agregou variáveis mais relacionadas com a produção de leite em volume, enquanto que o segundo componente se relacionou mais com variáveis inerentes a produtividade. Desse modo, foi possível verificar o crescimento recente da produção e da produtividade de leite no país, bem como sua heterogeneidade. No entanto, há desafios a serem enfrentados, para que seja atingido um melhor nível de produtividade. / The cycle of milk production holds noted relevance for the Brazilian economy, generates jobs, income and, in many places, still ensure it social role, due to family production. However, the production into the country is heterogeneous, both in the difference between the produced volume by the many regions and in the mode of production used. In this context, the aim of this study was to verify and characterizes the production of bovine milk between microregions and municipalities of Brazil and their spatial distribution. In this concerning, firstly it was realized a descriptive analysis of the milk production in the country, in view of national and international scenario, additionaly to the identification of the Brazilian microregions specialized in the production, through the Location Quotient (LQ) analysis. Subsequently, it was used a method from the Exploratory spatial data analysis (ESDA), Moran\'s I, to measure the spatial autocorrelation of the respective microregions. Finally, it was used Principal Component Analysis (PCA). It was identified a decrease in the number of microregions specialized in milk production between 2000 and 2016, among the results found from the LQ analysis, with the majority concentrated in states of Minas Gerais, Goiás and the Southern Brazil. Recently, there has been a tendency to concentrate production in producing basins, with an increase in the participation of the Southern Brazil and also, in productivity in all the Brazilian regions. Also, it was verified the presence of positive angular coefficients using the Moran\'s I Global, indicating positive spatial autocorrelation in all cases. The formation of the High-High clusters in the most productive regions of the country (Southern and Southeast) was verified by Moran\'s I Local analysis, as well as the formation of clusters Low-Low in the regions with the lowest productivities, mainly North and Northeast. Finally, using the PCA, it was formed two components which together explained 50.2% of the variability of the data. The first component added variables related to milk production in volume, while the second component was more related to variables inherent to productivity.

Curso de especialização para enfermeiros do trabalho: avaliação e proposta de reestruturação curricular / Specialization course for occupational health nursing: evaluation and proposal of curricular restructuring

Queiroz, Vilma Machado de 26 February 1987 (has links)
O atual Curr(culo M(nimo do Curso de Especialização para Enfermeiros do Trabalho - CEET, está em vigor desde 1978, sendo seu conteúdo estabelecido pela Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho - FUNDACENTRO. Desde essa época o currículo não foi alterado e se acumulam nos CEETs as insatisfações e preocupações quanto a real adequação da formação às necessidades da prática profissional e da assistência à saúde dos trabalhadores. Diante disso, decidiu-se desenvolver uma pesquisa com a finalidade de avaliar o currículo vigente e de propor alterações curriculares. Esta pesquisa foi realizada entre as categorias diretamente envolvidas no ensino e na assistência de enfermagem do trabalho, a saber: coordenadores, professores e alunos de tris CEETs do Brasil, e enfermeiros do trabalho do Estado de São Paulo no ano de 1984. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: - verificar o ajuizamento e sugestões das categorias supra referidas, sobre o CEET, tomando por base o Currículo Mínimo estabelecido pela FUNDACENTRO para esse Curso, avaliando-o nos aspectos relativos a: filosofia e objetivos, organização curricular, processo ensino-aprendizagem e organização administrativa; - elaborar uma proposta de reestruturação curricular para o CEET, com base na análise crítica dos dados coletados. A coleta de dados se desenvolveu por meio de questionários, onde os participantes expressaram o ajuizamento e sugestões de modificações do currículo em questão. A análise crítica desses dados foi fundamentada em experiências curriculares que estão sendo desenvolvidas em outros países, e na experiência pessoal da autora no desenvolvimento de currículos para diferentes níveis de ensino de enfermagem. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que inexistem no currículo do CEET, a adoção explícita de uma linha filosófica norteadora, e a definição de objetivos para o Curso, sendo tais aspectos considerados necessários por todas as categorias pesquisadas. No que diz respeito a organizaçio curricular, ficou evidenciada a inadequaçio do elenco de disciplinas que compõem o currículo. A carga horária foi considerada insuficiente, e mal distribuída em termos teórico-práticos. O conteúdo curricular foi considerado repetitivo em algumas disciplinas e com falhas em outras; o estágio prático previsto, apresentou-se qualitativa e quantitativamente insuficiente. Foram propostas pelos participantes, diversas alterações nessa organizaçio curricular. Com relação ao processo ensino-aprendizagem, ficou demonstrado que: não existe qualquer definição do modo de condução desse processo nos cursos pesquisados: os métodos de ensino e avaliação adotados nem sempre facilitaram ou avaliaram totalmente a aprendizagem dos alunos; os enfermeiros de campo julgaram que os cursos frequentados supriram parcialmente as necessidades requeridas na prática profissional, sendo que muitos consideraram insuficiente o ensino prático que tiveram em seus cursos. Quanto à organização administrativa dos CEETs, sentiu-se necessidade de se estabelecer requisitos prévios para matrícula dos alunos; a maioria dos pesquisados aponta o profissional enfermeiro do trabalho como aquele que deve assumir a coordenação do CEET, devendo ele ter experiência na área de administração de ensino e prática de campo na área de enfermagem do trabalho. Frente a estes resultados, sentiu-se então necessidade de uma ampla e profunda reestruturação curricular, sendo elaborada uma nova proposta curricular para o CEET. Essa proposta foi sub-dividida em: marco conceitual, onde foram definidas as linhas norteadoras do currículo; marco metodológico, em que se assentaram as diretrizes condutoras do processo ensino-aprendizagem; marco estrutural, onde foram estabelecidas as áreas de ensino, bem como o elenco e o conteúdo das disciplinas e a distribuição horária teórico-prática. Antes da implantação desta proposta curricular, ela deverá ser validada pelas categorias diretamente envolvidas no ensino e na assistência de enfermagem do trabalho, e ao mesmo tempo, os professores e coordenadores dos CEETs deverão ter acesso a cursos específicos que os capacitem a conduzir o trabalho dentro da nova filosofia curricular. / In 1978 a curriculum for the Specialization Course on Occupational Health for Nurses was established by FUNDACENTRO - Fundaço Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho and has not been changed since then. Throughout the years, it became clear that the present curriculum does not cover adequately all aspects of protection of worker\'s health and, therefore, it was thought advisable to carry out a research aimimg the evaluation of the present curriculuru and its eventual changes. To carry out such research, a questionnaire was answered by all categories of people directly involved with the ministration of such courses: coordinators, teachers and students of three Brazil ian CEET; besides, occupational health nurses of the state of São Paulo also answered a questionnaire. The main objectives of this studw were to verify how the present curriculum was judged by the people involved from the point of view of its: philosophy and objectives; curricular organization; teaching-learning process and administrative organization. The final objective was to propose a curricular restructuration of the courses based on the critical analysis of the points above outlined. Data collection was dane through the use of special questionnaires, different for each group of people, who expressed their opinion on the present curriculum and presented suggestions as to its modification. On the basis of similar courses existing in developed countries, and also on the basis of the author´s experience, an analysis was carried out and it was possible to demonstrated that presently inexists either a philosophic guideline or a definition of objectives, these two points being considerer as essential by all categories of people who participated of this study. Concerning the curricular organization, it became evident the inadequacy of the curricular contents of each discipline which composes the whole curriculum. The number of hours of teaching was considered as insufficient and not well distributed among theoretical and practical teaching. The curricular content was considered repetitive in some disciplines and insufficient in others. In the whole, it was considered that the curriculum is not adequate both in quantity and in quality and several changes were proposed. As to the teaching-learning process, it was evident that there is no definition regarding the way of conducting it. The adopted teaching techniques and methods of evaluation of the students\' learning results, were not considered as satisfactory. The already practicing occupational health nurses informed that the courses attended have only partially supplied the needed knowledge needed for professional practice and many others considered as insufficient the practical learning they had in their courses. Concerning the administrative organization of the courses, it was considered as very important to establish previous requirements for the selection of students. The majority of the people consulted considered that the courses\' coordinators must be occupational health nurses having a good experience in the field of teaching administration and also a very good practice in the occupational health nursing field. Due to these results, it was felt that there is an urgent need of a wide and deep curricular re-structuration and, a new curriculum for the courses is proposed. The proposed curriculum was sub-divided in conceptual framework, in which the curriculum guidelines were defined; methodological framework, in which were founded the directives te conduct the teaching-learning process; structural framework, where were established the areas of teaching, as well as the set and content of disciplines, and the theoretical-practical classes distribution. Before this curricular proposal is implemented, it shall be validated by the categories directly involved with occupational health nursing teaching and assistance, and, at the same time, the teachers and coordinators of the CEET\'s shall have access to specific courses with capacitale them to conduct the work within the new curricular philosophy.

L’impact de la spécialisation sur la stabilité économique : le cas des pays émergents. / The impact of the specialization on the economic stability : the case of emerging countries

Abbes, Ons 12 April 2017 (has links)
La croissance rapide du commerce mondial au cours des deux dernières décennies a été caractérisée par une évolution économique accrue couplée à de l’instabilité économique des pays émergents. D’après la littérature, la spécialisation technologique est souvent associée à la croissance, la compétitivité et la stabilité économique. Partant de ce double constat, nous analysons dans cette thèse l’impact de la spécialisation des pays émergents sur leur croissance et leur stabilité économique et nous évaluons l’impact de la compétitivité (elle-même liée à la spécialisation) de ces pays sur leurs performances à l’exportation.Dans un premier chapitre, nous délimitons le contour définitionnel des notions de spécialisation selon les différentes théories.Après avoir déterminé le plus objectivement possible une liste de pays émergents en se référant aux critères les plus utilisés dans la littérature et après avoir mesuré le degré de spécialisation de ces pays, nous étudions la carte de leur spécialisation technologique sur la période 1995-2014. D’après cette cartographie, nous remarquons une mauvaise orientation de la spécialisation dans ces pays. Ces derniers se caractérisent essentiellement par une forte spécialisation dans les articles manufacturés à forte intensité de main-d’œuvre et provenant de ressources naturelles et dans les articles à faible technologie qui sont des spécialisations à faible valeur ajoutée. La spécialisation dans la haute technologie est en grande partie tirée par les importations, les produits exportés étant principalement issus d’activités de montage.Dans le duexième chapitre, nous évaluons dans un premier temps l’impact des spécialisations technologiques des pays émergents sur la croissance économique et nous comparons les résultats trouvés à ceux des pays développés et en développement. Nous constatons que les différents types de spécialisation ont un impact positif sur la croissance des pays émergents. Mais cet impact positif, ne peut pas occulter la mauvaise orientation de cette spécialisation (résultat du chapitre 1).Dans un deuxième temps, nous étudions l’impact de la compétitivité (prix et hors-prix) des pays émergents sur l’évolution de leurs exportations. Nous remarquons que l’impact de la compétitivité-prix sur l’évolution des exportations des pays de notre échantillon varie selon l’indicateur utilisé. Il est négatif quand nous utilisons le taux de change et positif quand nous utilisons la productivité.Nous trouvons aussi que l’impact de la compétitivité structurelle, expliquée par les dépenses dans la haute technologie et par la spécialisation dans la haute technologie, est positif. Cela peut être expliqué par la demande mondiale croissante dans les produits de haute technologie.Dans le troisième et dernier chapitre, nous nous intéressons à la relation entre spécialisation et stabilité économique et nous comparerons cette relation avec celle observée dans les pays développés. Nous constatons que les pays dont la spécialisation est basée sur les ressources naturelles sont plus instables et que l’impact de la spécialisation dans la haute technologie dépend du niveau de développement du pays. L’impact est négatif pour les pays développés et positif pour les pays émergents. Cette différence dans l’impact peut être due à la politique d’assemblage utilisée par la plupart des pays émergents, politique qui consiste à importer la majeure partie des produits de haute technologie (HT) sous forme de pièces et composants. / The fast growth of the world trade during the last two decades was characterized by an improved performance as well as an economic instability of emerging countries. According to the literature, the technological specialization is often associated with growth, competitiveness and economic stability. Recognizing this, we analyze the impact of the specialization of emerging countries on their growth and on their economic stability and we estimate the impact of the competitiveness (itself related to specialization) of these countries on their export performance.In a first chapter, we outline the contours of the notion of specialization according to the various theories.Having determined as objectively as possible a list of emerging countries referring to the most criteria used in the literature and having measured the degree of specialization of these countries, we study the map of the technological specialization in emerging countries over the 1995-2014 period. According to this cartography, we notice a bad orientation of their specialization. These countries are essentially characterized by a strong specialization in Labour-intensive and resource-intensive manufactures and low-tech items that are low value-added specialization. The specializing in high technology is largely driven by imports. Exports are mainly drawn by assembly activities.In the second chapter, we first assess the impact of technological specializations of emerging countries on their economic growth and we compare the results with those found in the developed and developing countries. We find that different types of specialization have a positive impact on the growth of emerging countries. But this positive impact cannot hide the misdirection of this specialization (result of Chapter 1).Second, we study the impact of competitiveness (price- and non-price competitiveness) of emerging countries on the development of their exports. We note that the impact of price-competitiveness on the evolution of the exports of the countries in our sample depends on the indicator used. It is negative when we use the exchange rate and positive when we use productivity.We also find that the impact of the structural competitiveness, measured by the expenses in the high technology and by the specialization in the high technology, is positive. It can be explained by the more and more increasing world demand in the high-technology products.In the last chapter, we focus on the relationship between specialization and economic stability and we compare this relationship with that observed in developed countries. We find that countries whose specialization is based on natural resources are more unstable and that the impact of specialization in high technology depends on the country's level of development. The impact is negative for developed countries and positive for emerging countries. This difference in the impact may be due to the assembling policy used by most emerging countries and which leads to import of high-tech products (HT) as parts and components.

Three essays on labor markets

Tucker, Lee Chauncey 27 November 2018 (has links)
The recent proliferation of administrative data sources has made it possible to examine numerous longstanding questions related to labor market functions. I make use of these data sources to provide new insights into three such questions; the extent of firms' market power in labor markets, the nature of gains from workers' skill specialization, and the role of job search networks in the locational choices of immigrants. In Chapter 1, I examine labor market monopsony, the extent to which markets deviate from perfect competition. Prior literature suggests two methods to estimate the extent of monopsony: studying the degree to which firms adjust wages in response to desired changes in employment growth, and measuring the degree to which workers' voluntary separations are sensitive to their own wages. Existing studies have found widely varying answers to these two questions in different contexts. I leverage unique features of Brazilian administrative data to demonstrate that these approaches provide very different results even on the same sample of employees, and I rule out a variety of alternative empirical explanations. These results suggest that labor market monopsony is primarily a function of workers' attachment to their current employers. In Chapter 2, I study the wage premium associated with skill specialization. While standard models predict that more technologically-advanced firms will hire more specialized workers, I show that higher-ability individuals may actually sort into less specialized occupations within firms. I test these predictions by constructing occupation-level measures of skill specialization from the U.S. O*NET database, matched to Brazilian administrative data. While I find that specialization among production skills is associated both with higher wages and with employment at higher-wage firms, I find no evidence of specialization premia in cognitive skills. Finally, in Chapter 3 I study the extent to which job search networks influence new immigrants' decisions to locate in ethnic enclaves. Using detailed data from the New Immigrant Survey, I show that immigrants to the U.S. who arrive without job offers are significantly more likely to locate in enclaves, even after accounting for a wide range of pre-migration and time-invariant characteristics.

Lateralidade e curso temporal do processamento de frequências espaciais na codificação de faces / Laterality and processing time-course of spatial frequencies on face encoding

Moraes Júnior, Rui de 01 February 2016 (has links)
O sinal de entrada na retina é decomposto em termos de frequência espacial (FE), variações periódicas de luminância ao longo do espaço. Existe vasta literatura sobre o processamento de FE no córtex visual primário. No entanto, não se sabe ao certo como esta informação sensorial básica é processada e integrada numa visão de alto nível. Esta tese aborda este tema ao investigar lateralidade cerebral, tempo de processamento e contexto cognitivo em três diferentes seções com objetivos específicos. Estas seções investigaram comportamentalmente visão de alto nível tendo a face humana como estímulo, dado sua relevância biológica e social. Na primeira seção (Theoretical Review), uma revisão apresenta estudos clínicos e neuropsicológicos que mostram áreas cerebrais envolvidas na percepção de faces e como os hemisférios esquerdo e direito realizam um processamento holístico e analítico baseado em informações de FEs. A especialização hemisférica de FE no reconhecimento de faces é então revisada e discutida. Concluiu-se que assimetrias sensoriais podem ser a base para assimetrias cognitivas de alta ordem. Ademais, foi destacado a influência do tempo de processamento. Na segunda seção (Study 1), foi investigado por método psicofísico a lateralidade de baixas e altas FEs no reconhecimento de faces em diferentes tempos de exposição. Faces com filtragem de FE foram apresentadas em campo visual dividido em alta e baixa restrição temporal em duas tarefas: reconhecimento facial (Experimento 1) e reconhecimento do sexo facial (Experimento 2). No Experimento 1, informações faciais de baixas e altas FEs foram mais eficientemente processadas no hemisfério direito e esquerdo, respectivamente, sem efeito do tempo de exposição das faces. Os resultados do Experimento 2 mostraram uma assimetria do hemisfério direito para baixas FEs em baixa restrição temporal. Conclui-se que o processamento de altas e baixas FEs é lateralizado nos hemisférios cerebrais no reconhecimento de faces. No entanto, a contribuição de altas e baixas FEs é dependente da tarefa e do tempo de exposição. Na terceira seção (Study 2) foi investigado qual estratégia temporal, coarse-to-fine (de baixas para altas FEs) ou fine-to-coarse, cada hemisfério cerebral utiliza para integrar informação de FE de faces humanas numa tarefa de categorização facial homem-mulher. Sequências dinâmicas breves coarse-to-fine e fine-to-coarse de faces foram apresentadas no campo visual esquerdo, direito e central. Os resultados do tempo de resposta e do score de eficiência invertida mostraram uma prevalência geral de um processamento coarse-to-fine, independente do campo visual de apresentação. Ainda, os dados da taxa de erro ressaltam o processamento coarse-to-fine realizado pelo hemisfério direito. No geral, esta tese fornece insights sobre assimetria cerebral funcional, integração de alto nível e curso temporal do processamento de FEs, principalmente para aqueles interessados na percepção de faces. Também foi mostrado que operações lateralizadas, tarefa-dependente e coarse-to-fine podem coexistir e interagir no cérebro para processar informação de FE. / Retinal input is decomposed in terms of spatial frequency (SF), i.e., periodic variations of luminance through space. There is extensive literature on the processing of SF in the primary visual cortex. However, it is still unclear how SF information is processed and integrated in high-level vision. This thesis addressed this issue in terms of laterality effects, processing time-course, and the cognitive context in three different sections with specific purposes. These sections behaviorally tackle high-level vision using human faces as stimuli due to their biological and social relevance. In the first section (Theoretical Review) a literature review presented clinical and neurophysiological studies that show brain areas that are involved in face perception and how the right and left hemispheres perform holistic and analytic processing, depending on SF information. The SF hemispheric specialization in face recognition is then reviewed and discussed. Our conclusion is that functional sensorial asymmetries may be the basis for high-level cognitive asymmetries. In addition, we highlighted the role of the processing time. In the second section (Study 1), we psychophysically investigated laterality of low and high SF in face recognition at different exposure times. The SF filtered faces were presented in a divided visual field at high and low temporal constraint in two tasks: face recognition (Experiment 1) and face gender recognition (Experiment 2). In Experiment 1, low and high SF facial information were more efficiently processed in the right and in the left hemisphere, respectively, with no effect of exposure time. In Experiment 2, results showed a right hemisphere asymmetry for low SF faces at low temporal constraint. We concluded that the processing of low and high SF is lateralized in the brain hemispheres for face recognition. However, low and high SF contribution is dependent on the task and the exposure time. In the third section (Study 2), we aimed to investigate which temporal strategy, i.e., coarse-to-fine (from low to high SF) or fine-to-course, each brain hemisphere performs to integrate SF information of human faces in a male-female categorization task. Coarse-to-fine and fine-to-course brief dynamic sequences of faces were presented in the left, right and central visual field. Results of the correct response time and the inverse efficiency score showed an overall advantage of coarse-to-fine processing, irrespective of the visual field of presentation. Data of the error rate also highlights the role of the right hemisphere in the coarse-to-fine processing. All in all, this thesis provided some insights on functional brain asymmetry, high-level integration, and processing time-course of SF information, mainly for those interested in face perception. It was also shown that lateralized, diagnostic-oriented, and coarse-to-fine operations may coexist and interact in the human brain to process SF information.

Curso de especialização para enfermeiros do trabalho: avaliação e proposta de reestruturação curricular / Specialization course for occupational health nursing: evaluation and proposal of curricular restructuring

Vilma Machado de Queiroz 26 February 1987 (has links)
O atual Curr(culo M(nimo do Curso de Especialização para Enfermeiros do Trabalho - CEET, está em vigor desde 1978, sendo seu conteúdo estabelecido pela Fundação Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho - FUNDACENTRO. Desde essa época o currículo não foi alterado e se acumulam nos CEETs as insatisfações e preocupações quanto a real adequação da formação às necessidades da prática profissional e da assistência à saúde dos trabalhadores. Diante disso, decidiu-se desenvolver uma pesquisa com a finalidade de avaliar o currículo vigente e de propor alterações curriculares. Esta pesquisa foi realizada entre as categorias diretamente envolvidas no ensino e na assistência de enfermagem do trabalho, a saber: coordenadores, professores e alunos de tris CEETs do Brasil, e enfermeiros do trabalho do Estado de São Paulo no ano de 1984. Os objetivos desta pesquisa foram: - verificar o ajuizamento e sugestões das categorias supra referidas, sobre o CEET, tomando por base o Currículo Mínimo estabelecido pela FUNDACENTRO para esse Curso, avaliando-o nos aspectos relativos a: filosofia e objetivos, organização curricular, processo ensino-aprendizagem e organização administrativa; - elaborar uma proposta de reestruturação curricular para o CEET, com base na análise crítica dos dados coletados. A coleta de dados se desenvolveu por meio de questionários, onde os participantes expressaram o ajuizamento e sugestões de modificações do currículo em questão. A análise crítica desses dados foi fundamentada em experiências curriculares que estão sendo desenvolvidas em outros países, e na experiência pessoal da autora no desenvolvimento de currículos para diferentes níveis de ensino de enfermagem. Os resultados obtidos demonstraram que inexistem no currículo do CEET, a adoção explícita de uma linha filosófica norteadora, e a definição de objetivos para o Curso, sendo tais aspectos considerados necessários por todas as categorias pesquisadas. No que diz respeito a organizaçio curricular, ficou evidenciada a inadequaçio do elenco de disciplinas que compõem o currículo. A carga horária foi considerada insuficiente, e mal distribuída em termos teórico-práticos. O conteúdo curricular foi considerado repetitivo em algumas disciplinas e com falhas em outras; o estágio prático previsto, apresentou-se qualitativa e quantitativamente insuficiente. Foram propostas pelos participantes, diversas alterações nessa organizaçio curricular. Com relação ao processo ensino-aprendizagem, ficou demonstrado que: não existe qualquer definição do modo de condução desse processo nos cursos pesquisados: os métodos de ensino e avaliação adotados nem sempre facilitaram ou avaliaram totalmente a aprendizagem dos alunos; os enfermeiros de campo julgaram que os cursos frequentados supriram parcialmente as necessidades requeridas na prática profissional, sendo que muitos consideraram insuficiente o ensino prático que tiveram em seus cursos. Quanto à organização administrativa dos CEETs, sentiu-se necessidade de se estabelecer requisitos prévios para matrícula dos alunos; a maioria dos pesquisados aponta o profissional enfermeiro do trabalho como aquele que deve assumir a coordenação do CEET, devendo ele ter experiência na área de administração de ensino e prática de campo na área de enfermagem do trabalho. Frente a estes resultados, sentiu-se então necessidade de uma ampla e profunda reestruturação curricular, sendo elaborada uma nova proposta curricular para o CEET. Essa proposta foi sub-dividida em: marco conceitual, onde foram definidas as linhas norteadoras do currículo; marco metodológico, em que se assentaram as diretrizes condutoras do processo ensino-aprendizagem; marco estrutural, onde foram estabelecidas as áreas de ensino, bem como o elenco e o conteúdo das disciplinas e a distribuição horária teórico-prática. Antes da implantação desta proposta curricular, ela deverá ser validada pelas categorias diretamente envolvidas no ensino e na assistência de enfermagem do trabalho, e ao mesmo tempo, os professores e coordenadores dos CEETs deverão ter acesso a cursos específicos que os capacitem a conduzir o trabalho dentro da nova filosofia curricular. / In 1978 a curriculum for the Specialization Course on Occupational Health for Nurses was established by FUNDACENTRO - Fundaço Jorge Duprat Figueiredo de Segurança e Medicina do Trabalho and has not been changed since then. Throughout the years, it became clear that the present curriculum does not cover adequately all aspects of protection of worker\'s health and, therefore, it was thought advisable to carry out a research aimimg the evaluation of the present curriculuru and its eventual changes. To carry out such research, a questionnaire was answered by all categories of people directly involved with the ministration of such courses: coordinators, teachers and students of three Brazil ian CEET; besides, occupational health nurses of the state of São Paulo also answered a questionnaire. The main objectives of this studw were to verify how the present curriculum was judged by the people involved from the point of view of its: philosophy and objectives; curricular organization; teaching-learning process and administrative organization. The final objective was to propose a curricular restructuration of the courses based on the critical analysis of the points above outlined. Data collection was dane through the use of special questionnaires, different for each group of people, who expressed their opinion on the present curriculum and presented suggestions as to its modification. On the basis of similar courses existing in developed countries, and also on the basis of the author´s experience, an analysis was carried out and it was possible to demonstrated that presently inexists either a philosophic guideline or a definition of objectives, these two points being considerer as essential by all categories of people who participated of this study. Concerning the curricular organization, it became evident the inadequacy of the curricular contents of each discipline which composes the whole curriculum. The number of hours of teaching was considered as insufficient and not well distributed among theoretical and practical teaching. The curricular content was considered repetitive in some disciplines and insufficient in others. In the whole, it was considered that the curriculum is not adequate both in quantity and in quality and several changes were proposed. As to the teaching-learning process, it was evident that there is no definition regarding the way of conducting it. The adopted teaching techniques and methods of evaluation of the students\' learning results, were not considered as satisfactory. The already practicing occupational health nurses informed that the courses attended have only partially supplied the needed knowledge needed for professional practice and many others considered as insufficient the practical learning they had in their courses. Concerning the administrative organization of the courses, it was considered as very important to establish previous requirements for the selection of students. The majority of the people consulted considered that the courses\' coordinators must be occupational health nurses having a good experience in the field of teaching administration and also a very good practice in the occupational health nursing field. Due to these results, it was felt that there is an urgent need of a wide and deep curricular re-structuration and, a new curriculum for the courses is proposed. The proposed curriculum was sub-divided in conceptual framework, in which the curriculum guidelines were defined; methodological framework, in which were founded the directives te conduct the teaching-learning process; structural framework, where were established the areas of teaching, as well as the set and content of disciplines, and the theoretical-practical classes distribution. Before this curricular proposal is implemented, it shall be validated by the categories directly involved with occupational health nursing teaching and assistance, and, at the same time, the teachers and coordinators of the CEET\'s shall have access to specific courses with capacitale them to conduct the work within the new curricular philosophy.

Utah Angler Specialization and Its Relationship to Environmental Attitudes and Angler Motivations

Unger, Joseph W., III 01 December 2012 (has links)
In recent years, fishing has been decreasing in popularity both in Utah and nationwide. Because of this, there has been a reduction in funds and support for fisheries management, causing deterioration of once pristine fisheries. By understanding the motivations and environmental attitudes of the remaining anglers, fisheries managers can better manage areas to retain these anglers and attract new ones. This thesis presents research about the environmental attitudes and motivations of anglers in respect to specialization level. Findings presented in this thesis show anglers in Utah are members of one of three distinct angler specialization groups. The more specialized the anglers, the more aware they were of the environment. Comparison of consumptive and nonconsumptive anglers was also tested, without statistically significant results. Environmental orientations were tested between anglers and the general public as well. Respondents were placed on a continuum ranging from "strong utilitarian" to "strong preservationist." Most anglers, like most members of the public, clustered in the center of this continuum. Finally, motivations of anglers were compared across the three specialization groups, but only two of three motivation measures were found to be significantly different across angler specialization levels.

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