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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


ADRIANA CESCHIN RIECHE 26 September 2024 (has links)
[pt] O presente estudo insere-se no campo da Tradução especializada, da Terminologia e da Terminografia bilíngue voltada para tradutores, com foco no papel dos verbos como termos no âmbito da linguagem especializada da aviação, uma vez que os recursos terminológicos tradicionais disponíveis neste domínio não contemplam essa classe de palavras. A pesquisa foi realizada com base em corpora comparáveis em inglês e português do subdomínio de Tráfego Aéreo, e adaptou a metodologia proposta por Pimentel (2012) para descrever verbos especializados com base no modelo teórico da Semântica de Frames (FILLMORE 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985; FILLMORE e ATKINS 1992) e atribuir equivalências graças às descrições obtidas. Na Semântica de Frames, frames são um cenário comum de conhecimento com base no qual os significados podem ser interpretados. Partindo de dados dos corpora compilados, foram selecionados e analisados verbos considerados termos neste subdomínio, e frames semânticos foram propostos usando a FrameNet (RUPPENHOFER et al., 2010) como inspiração para abarcar os diferentes significados identificados. Outro recurso empregado para propor frames foi a cena de tráfego aéreo, inspirada nos princípios da Terminologia Baseada em Frames (FABER 2006), e utilizada para estruturar o conhecimento desta área de especialidade. Na presente pesquisa, os verbos especializados evocam frames com referência a uma etapa da cena de tráfego aéreo em que as ações ocorrem, nos quais alguns elementos obrigatórios (elementos de frame nucleares) desempenham papéis específicos (e.g. ENTIDADE, AUTORIDADE, LOCAL NO AR, LOCAL NO SOLO) e outros representam informações adicionais (elementos de frame não nucleares), como circunstâncias, finalidade e tempo ou duração em que cada ação se desenrola. Os frames reúnem termos com significados semelhantes nos dois idiomas, sendo, portanto, candidatos a equivalentes. Do total de 119 termos validados (64 em inglês e 55 em português), reunidos em 32 frames semânticos, 133 pares de equivalentes foram identificados, dos quais 118 foram considerados plenos por compartilhar o mesmo significado e a mesma estrutura de argumentos, pertencer à mesma etapa da cena de tráfego aéreo e evocar o mesmo frame da mesma maneira; e 15 pares foram considerados equivalentes parciais por não atender a pelo menos um desses critérios. Ao lançar luz na busca por equivalentes, este estudo pode ser relevante para o ensino de Tradução e Terminologia, uma vez que, ao procurar descrever o comportamento de verbos como termos especializados, poderá auxiliar tradutores profissionais e em formação a melhor embasar suas decisões tradutórias. / [en] This study pertains to the field of Specialized Translation, Terminology and Bilingual Terminography aimed at translators, focusing on the role of verbs as terms within the specialized language of aviation, considering that verbs are often overlooked in traditional terminological resources available in this domain. The research was carried out based on comparable corpora in English and Portuguese from the Air Traffic subdomain and adapted the methodology proposed by Pimentel (2012) to describe specialized verbs based on the theoretical model of Frame Semantics (FILLMORE 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985; FILLMORE and ATKINS 1992) and assign equivalences thanks to the descriptions obtained. In Frame Semantics, frames are a common knowledge scenario on the basis of which meanings can be interpreted. Based on data from the compiled corpora, verbs considered terms in this subdomain were selected and analyzed, and semantic frames were proposed using FrameNet (RUPPENHOFER et al., 2010) as inspiration to encompass the different meanings identified. Another means for proposing frames was the air traffic scene inspired by the principles of Frame-Based Terminology (FABER 2006) and used to structure knowledge in this subdomain. In the present research, specialized verbs evoke frames with reference to the stage of the air traffic scene in which the actions occur, where some mandatory elements (nuclear frame elements) play specific roles (e.g. ENTITY, AUTHORITY, LOCATION IN THE AIR, LOCATION ON THE GROUND) and others represent additional information (non-core frame elements) such as circumstances, purpose and time or duration in which each action unfolds. Frames bring together terms with similar meanings in both languages, thus rendering them candidate equivalents. From the total of 119 validated terms (64 in English and 55 in Portuguese), gathered in 32 semantic frames, 133 pairs of equivalents were identified, of which 118 were considered full equivalents for sharing the same meaning and the same argument structure, belonging to the same stage of the air traffic scene and evoking the same frame in the same way; and 15 pairs were considered partial equivalents because they did not meet at least one of these criteria. By shedding light on the search for equivalents, this study may be relevant for the teaching of Translation and Terminology, since, by describing the behavior of verbs as specialized terms, it may help translators and translation students to better support their translation decisions.

Structuration ontologique et étude sémantico-syntaxique de la terminologie des sciences et techniques spatiales (arabe - français - anglais) / Ontological structuration and semantico-syntactic studies of the terminology related to the space science and technology (Arabic - French - English )

Alshtaiwi, Ma'moun 17 June 2016 (has links)
La terminologie des sciences et techniques spatiales (STS) relevée sur corpus est étudiée dans le cadre et avec la structuration ontologique du domaine. La formation morphosyntaxique, le caractère de l’unité terminologique ainsi que le schéma d’arguments (expressions prédicatives et arguments) sont analysés tant en contexte qu’indépendamment du contexte. L’unité terminologique se caractérise par un degré de figement relatif : une des propriétés de l’unité terminologique « longue » est que celle-ci peut souvent être décomposée, elle peut avoir un comportement discursif, notamment la reprise anaphorique et la réduction par suppression de l’un de ses composants. Dans ce dernier cas, il s’agit de certains aspects de la terminologisation tels que la chute d’une information non différentielle et le maintien d’un élément nominal ou caractérisant. Ainsi, plusieurs aspects sont des facteurs constants qui peuvent permettre de mettre en évidence l’évolution diachronique de l’unité terminologique. L’apport de la structuration ontologique est analysé dans le but de décrire non seulement les concepts des STS mais aussi l’emploi du schéma d’arguments (verbal et nominal) dans le corpus en se fondant sur des étiquettes sémantico-syntaxiques. Une analyse du verbe spécialisé a été développée pour fournir des informations utiles à la constitution des bases de données terminologiques multilingues ou encore la rédaction des définitions technoscientifiques. L’étude a permis également de décrire des verbes absents dans les dictionnaires de spécialité, de montrer comment un verbe peut acquérir un nouveau sens spécialisé et d’identifier l’agent typique de ces verbes. Deux classifications du verbe spécialisé selon ses emplois et sa structure morphosyntaxique ont été proposées : unité verbale simple (UVS) et unité verbale complexe (UVC). Un syntagme implique l’une des deux analyses : unité compositionnelle ou unité non-compositionnelle. Selon la situation contextuelle, la définition du verbe en langue de spécialité a permis enfin de distinguer les trois acceptions du verbe : verbe très spécialisé, verbe polysémique et verbe support. / The terminology related to the space science and technology (SST), corpus-based approach, is studied within the framework of the ontological structure pattern. The morpho-syntactical formation of the terminological unit, its characteristics as well as the schemata of arguments (predicative expressions and arguments) are both analyzed within the context and beyond the context. It’s characterized by a level of relative fixed structure: one of the properties of the “long” terminological unit that can often be decomposed. It can have a discursive behavior in particular, discourse anaphora, and the reduction by deletion of one of its components. In the latter case, this refers to certain aspects of the terminologization such as non-differential element falling and a characteristic or nominal element maintaining. Therefore, some aspects are constant factors which allow to highlight the diachronic evolution of the terminological unit. The outcome of the ontological structure is analyzed with the aim of describing not only the concepts of the SST, but also the use of the schemata of arguments i.e. verbal and nominal in the corpus by establishing itself on the semantic-syntactical labels. An analysis of the specialized verb was developed to supply useful information for the constitution of the multilingual terminological database or to give techno-scientific definitions. The study also allowed to describe absent verbs in the specialized dictionaries, to show how a verb can acquire a new specialized meaning, to identify the typical agent of the specialized verbs. There are two classifications of the specialized verb according to their uses and their morpho-syntactical structure were proposed as; simple verbal unit (SVU) and complex verbal unit (CVU). A syntagm involves one of the two analyzes: compositional unit or non-compositional unit. According to the situational context, the definition of the verb in LSP allowed finally to identify three meanings of the verb: very specialized verb, polysemous verb, and support verb.

Analyse contrastive des verbes dans des corpus médicaux et création d’une ressource verbale de simplification de textes / Automatic analysis of verbs in texts of medical corpora : theoretical and applied issues

Wandji Tchami, Ornella 26 February 2018 (has links)
Grâce à l’évolution de la technologie à travers le Web, la documentation relative à la santé est de plus en plus abondante et accessible à tous, plus particulièrement aux patients, qui ont ainsi accès à une panoplie d’informations sanitaires. Malheureusement, la grande disponibilité de l’information médicale ne garantit pas sa bonne compréhension par le public visé, en l’occurrence les non-experts. Notre projet de thèse a pour objectif la création d’une ressource de simplification de textes médicaux, à partir d’une analyse syntaxico-sémantique des verbes dans quatre corpus médicaux en français qui se distinguent de par le degré d’expertise de leurs auteurs et celui des publics cibles. La ressource conçue contient 230 patrons syntaxicosémantiques des verbes (appelés pss), alignés avec leurs équivalents non spécialisés. La méthode semi-automatique d’analyse des verbes appliquée pour atteindre notre objectif est basée sur quatre tâches fondamentales : l’annotation syntaxique des corpus, réalisée grâce à l’analyseur syntaxique Cordial (Laurent, Dominique et al, 2009) ; l’annotation sémantique des arguments des verbes, à partir des catégories sémantiques de la version française de la terminologie médicale Snomed Internationale (Côté, 1996) ; l’acquisition des patrons syntactico-sémantiqueset l’analyse contrastive du fonctionnement des verbes dans les différents corpus. Les patrons syntaxico-sémantiques des verbes acquis au terme de ce processus subissent une évaluation (par trois équipes d’experts en médecine) qui débouche sur la sélection des candidats constituant la nomenclature de la ressource de simplification. Les pss sont ensuite alignés avec leurs correspondants non spécialisés, cet alignement débouche sur le création de la ressource de simplification, qui représente le résultat principal de notre travail de thèse. Une évaluation du rendement du contenu de la ressource a été effectuée avec deux groupes d’évaluateurs : des linguistes et des non-linguistes. Les résultats montrent que la simplification des pss permet de faciliter la compréhension du sens du verbe en emploi spécialisé, surtout lorsque un certains paramètres sont réunis. / With the evolution of Web technology, healthcare documentation is becoming increasinglyabundant and accessible to all, especially to patients, who have access to a large amount ofhealth information. Unfortunately, the ease of access to medical information does not guaranteeits correct understanding by the intended audience, in this case non-experts. Our PhD work aimsat creating a resource for the simplification of medical texts, based on a syntactico-semanticanalysis of verbs in four French medical corpora, that are distinguished according to the levelof expertise of their authors and that of the target audiences. The resource created in thepresent thesis contains 230 syntactico-semantic patterns of verbs (called pss), aligned withtheir non-specialized equivalents. The semi-automatic method applied, for the analysis of verbs,in order to achieve our goal is based on four fundamental tasks : the syntactic annotation of thecorpora, carried out thanks to the Cordial parser (Laurent et al., 2009) ; the semantic annotationof verb arguments, based on semantic categories of the French version of a medical terminologyknown as Snomed International (Côté, 1996) ; the acquisition of syntactico-semantic patternsof verbs and the contrastive analysis of the verbs behaviors in the different corpora. Thepss, acquired at the end of this process, undergo an evaluation (by three teams of medicalexperts) which leads to the selection of candidates constituting the nomenclature of our textsimplification resource. These pss are then aligned with their non-specialized equivalents, thisalignment leads to the creation of the simplification resource, which is the main result of ourPhD study. The content of the resource was evaluated by two groups of people : linguists andnon-linguists. The results show that the simplification of pss makes it easier for non-expertsto understand the meaning of verbs used in a specialized way, especially when a certain set ofparameters is collected.

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