Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spectroscopic"" "subject:"pectroscopic""
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Propriedades do modelo simplético e seus submodelos, quando aplicados a núcleos leves. / Properties of the sympletic model and its submodels, when applied to light nuclei.Sidney dos Santos Avancini 19 December 1990 (has links)
Analisamos de maneira qualitativa as propriedades da base de estados do modelo simplético SCM, através de um cálculo em seu submodelo Sp(l,R) que aplicamos à descrição das propriedades espectroscópicas do núcleo 12 ANTPOT C. Através de um cálculo em uma base deformada, mostramos que a necessidade de considerarmos estados de base altamente excitados para descrevermos os observáveis pelo SCM, se devia a uma falta de otimização da base. A base otimizada é dada pela projeção em momento angular de estados de fonons deformados, determinados pelo método da projeção antes da variação. Esses fonons estão relacionados com as ressonâncias gigantes monopolares e quadrupolares. Mostramos que para descrevermos adequadamente as transições eletromagnéticas entre estados pertencentes a representações irredutíveis distintas de Sp(3,R) , era necessário considerar a mistura de representações. Através de um cálculo exploratório, analisamos o efeito dessa mistura nas transições monopolares e quadrupolares entre o estado intruso O IND 2 POT + , que é associado a uma representação prolata de Sp(l,R) e os estados da banda rotacional fundamental, que são associados a uma representação oblata de Sp(l,R). / In this thesis, we present a qualitative analysis of an Sp(l,R) calculation, applied to the description of the spectroscopic properties of 12 ANTPOT C . Based on a calculation in a deformed harmonic oscillator basis, we show that, the need to include highly excited basis states to describe the properties of 12 ANTPOT C, is due to a lack of optimization of the spherical basis. The optimized basis is given by the angular momentum projection of deformed phonon states, determined by the method of variation after projection, where the deformed phonons are associated to giant monopole and quadrupole resonances. We have also shown that, for an adequate description of the electromagnetic transitions between states belonging to different irreducible representations of Sp(3,R), it is necessary to consider mixture of representations. In a preliminary calculation we discuss the effect of this mixture to the monopole and quadrupole transitions between the intruder state 0 IND 2 POT + and the states of the ground rotational band associated, respectively, to a prolate and oblate representations.
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Estudo de mecanismos de reação nuclear no sistema 7Li+120Sn utilizando coincidências -partícula / studies on nuclear reactions mechanisms in the system 7Li+120Sn using gamma-particle coincidencesVinicius Antonio Bocaline Zagatto 02 April 2015 (has links)
Medidas em coincidência gamma-partícula da reação 7Li+120Sn foram realizadas na faixa de energia de 2.6 a 3.9 MeV por nucleon. Além do canal inelástico, foram observados os canais de pick-up de próton e stripping de um e dois nêutrons, sendo que, para o último caso, cálculos teóricos de DWBA e CRC comparados com o canal elástico demonstram que esta transferência ocorre de maneira sequencial (two-step) e não direta. Este trabalho consolida a existência de canais já anteriormente observados (pick-up de próton e stripping de um nêutron) além de observar pela primeira vez a existência do canal de strippinp de dois nêutrons, no entanto, ele tem um caráter pioneiro pois é o primeiro a medir distribuições angulares de todos esses canais. Tanto o pick-up de próton quanto o stripping de dois nêutrons tiveram de levar em conta na análise cálculos de Monte Carlo que simulassem o efeito da quebra dos projéteis 8Be e 5Li, respectivamente. Fatores espectroscópicos para alguns estados desses canais foram obtidos e são condizentes com os valores esperados considerando o modelo de single particle e a indistinguibilidade de partículas nos casos dos núcleos 119In e 122Sn. Por outro lado, são muito pequenos (ordem de 10e-2) para estados do 121Sn, fato esse gerado pela provável falta de acoplamento de mais canais de reação que reduzem o fluxo da transferência de nêutron. Foram observados também núcleos gerados a partir da transferência seguida de emissão de partículas. / $\\gamma$-particle coincidence measurements of the $^7$Li$+^{120}$Sn reaction were made in the $2.6$ to $3.9$ MeV/nucleon energy range. Besides the inelastic channel, the proton {\\it pick-up} and one/two neutron {\\it stripping} were observed, whereas, for the last case, DWBA and CRC calculations were compared to experimental elastic scattering data and demonstrated that this transfer occurs in a sequential ({\\it two-step}) rather than a direct way. This work consolidates the existence of some channels that have already been observed (proton {\\it pick-up} and neutron {\\it stripping}) and also observes for the first time the existence of the two neutron {\\it stripping} channel, however, it still retains its pioneering as it is the first one to measure the angular distributions for all these channels. The proton {\\it pick-up} and the two neutron {\\it stripping} channels had to take into account in their analysis Monte Carlo calculations to simulate the projectile breaking effect ($^8$Be and $^5$Li, respectively). Spectroscopic factors for some states of these channels were found and are consistent with the expected values considering the {\\it single particle} model and the particle indistinguishability for the $^{119}$In and $^{122}$Sn cases, however, these factors are too small (magnitude order of $10^{-2}$) for the $^{121}$Sn case. This was generated most likely by the lack of coupling of some of the reaction channels that would reduce the one neutron transfer flux. Nuclei generated by the transfer followed by particle emission were also observed.
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Composition of Jupiter irregular satellites sheds light on their originBhatt, M., Reddy, V., Schindler, K., Cloutis, E., Bhardwaj, A., Corre, L. L., Mann, P. 08 December 2017 (has links)
Context. Irregular satellites of Jupiter with their highly eccentric, inclined and distant orbits suggest that their capture took place after the giant planet migration. Aims. We aim to improve our understanding of the surface composition of irregular satellites of Jupiter to gain insight into a narrow time window when our solar system was forming. Methods. We observed three Jovian irregular satellites, Himalia (JVI), Elara (JVII), and Carme (JXI), using a medium-resolution 0.8-5.5 mu m spectrograph, SpeX on the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility (IRTF). Using a linear spectral unmixing model we have constrained the major mineral phases on the surface of these three bodies. Results. Our results confirm that the surface of Himalia (JVI), Elara (JVII), and Carme (JXI) are dominated by opaque materials such as those seen in carbonaceous chondrite meteorites. Our spectral modeling of NIR spectra of Himalia and Elara confirm that their surface composition is the same and magnetite is the dominant mineral. A comparison of the spectral shape of Himalia with the two large main C-type asteroids, Themis (D similar to 176 km) and Europa (D similar to 352 km), suggests surface composition similar to Europa. The NIR spectrum of Carme exhibits blue slope up to 1.5 mu m and is spectrally distinct from those of Himalia and Elara. Our model suggests that it is compositionally similar to amorphous carbon. Conclusions. Himalia and Elara are compositionally similar but di ff er significantly from Carme. These results support the hypotheses that the Jupiter's irregular satellites are captured bodies that were subject to further breakup events and clustered as families based on their similar physical and surface compositions.
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Couplage ablation laser et imagerie spectrale rapide pour identification et analyses de plastiques : concept, développement et validation / Coupling between laser ablation and fast spectral imaging for the identification and the analysis of plastics : concept, development and validationNegre, Erwan 17 March 2016 (has links)
La spectroscopie de plasma induit par laser, ou LIBS (acronyme anglais de Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy) est une technique d'analyse élémentaire basée sur l'émission d'un plasma issu de l'interaction laser-matière. Elle permet en principe une détection de l'ensemble des éléments du tableau périodique avec une sensibilité typiquement de l'ordre du ppm et ce sur tout type de matériaux : solides, liquides ou gazeux. Sa capacité à exploiter aussi bien le signal élémentaire que moléculaire en fait un candidat crédible à l'identification des matériaux organiques, par exemple dans le domaine du tri des déchets plastiques où les techniques d'analyses usuelles peinent à remplir toutes les contraintes liées à cette question. Cependant, le plasma induit par laser est un phénomène transitoire et correspondant à un milieu inhomogène parfois difficile à maitriser, notamment en comparaison avec un plasma à couplage inductif. En conséquence, la LIBS reste aujourd'hui marginale dans les applications où une information fiable et souvent quantitative est requise. Ce travail doctoral, fruit d'un partenariat entre le CRITT Matériaux Alsace et l'Institut Lumière Matière de Lyon dans le cadre 'un financement CIFRE, se propose d'étudier ces deux problématiques. Un nouvel instrument LIBS est tout d'abord présenté. Articulé autour de nombreux outils de contrôle pilotés par un logiciel dédié, il a permis de limiter considérablement les fluctuations du signal LIBS liées aux divers paramètres impliqués dans le processus d'ablation laser (énergie du laser, position de l'échantillon, position de la détection…). L'efficacité de cet instrument est montrée à travers une étude de quantification d'éléments en trace dans des matrices de verre / Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS) is an analytical technique based on the emission of a plasma arising from the laser-matter interaction. All the elements of the periodic table can be detected with a detection limit close to the ppm, regardless of the nature of sample: solid, liquid or gas. LIBS can perform elemental as well as molecular analysis, which makes it a trustworthy technique for the identification of organic materials, especially with reference to plastic waste sorting where the established techniques experience some difficulties to fulfill all the requirements of this issue. Nevertheless, the laser-induced plasma is a transient and inhomogeneous process regularly hard to master in comparison with an inductively coupled plasma. As a consequence, LIBS technique still remains marginal for the applications demanding a reliable and frequently quantitative information. This doctoral research, which falls within the framework of a partnership between the CRITT Matériaux Alsace and the Institut Lumière Matière in Lyon, proposes to examine the two issues mentioned above. A new LIBS instrument is first given. It is organized around several monitoring tools driven by a dedicated software which allowed us to considerably reduce the fluctuations of the LIBS signal coming from the different factors involved in the process of laser ablation (laser energy, sample and detection positions, etc…). The efficiency of this new LIBS instrument is then illustrated through the example of the quantification of trace elements in glass matrices
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Metallicity determination of M dwarfsLindgren, Sara January 2017 (has links)
M dwarfs constitute around 70% of all stars in the local Galaxy. Their multitude together with their long main-sequence lifetimes make them important for studies of global properties of the Galaxy such as the initial mass function or the structure and kinematics of stellar populations. In addition, the exoplanet community is showing an increasing interest for those small, cold stars. However, very few M dwarfs are well characterized, and in the case of exoplanetary systems the stellar parameters have a direct influence on the derived planet properties. Stellar parameters of M dwarfs are difficult to determine because of their low surface temperatures that result in an optical spectrum dominated by molecular lines. Most previous works have therefore relied on empirical calibrations. High-resolution spectrographs operating in the infrared, a wavelength region less affected by molecular lines, have recently opened up a new window for the investigation of M dwarfs. In the two first papers of this thesis we have shown that we can determine the metallicity, and in some cases the effective temperature, using synthetic spectral fitting with improved accuracy. This method is time consuming and therefore not practical or even feasible for studies of large samples of M dwarfs. When comparing our results from the high-resolution studies with available photometric calibrations we find systematic differences. In the third paper we therefore used our sample to determine a new photometric metallicity calibration. Compared to previous calibrations our new photometric calibration shows improved statistical characteristics, and our calibration gives similar results as spectroscopic calibrations. In a comparison with theoretical calculations we find a good agreement of the shapes and slopes of iso-metallicity lines with our empirical relation. Applying the photometric calibration to a sample of M dwarfs with confirmed exoplanets we find a possible giant planet-metallicity correlation for M dwarfs.
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Optimisation des techniques non invasives d'IRM de perfusion cérébrale et d'imagerie spectroscopique par résonance magnétique pour l'exploration des pathologies cérébrales / Optimization of non-invasive MRI techniques of weighted perfusion and spectroscopic imagingLecocq, Angèle 12 December 2014 (has links)
L'IRM de perfusion et de spectroscopie restent encore peu utilisées en raison de leur mise en oeuvre difficile et de leur manque de quantification. L'objectif de ces travaux a été d'optimiser et de valider des techniques IRM totalement non invasives chez l'Homme en vue d'applications cliniques permettant une exploration sur un large volume cérébral et une quantification absolue des paramètres de perfusion et du métabolisme cérébraux. Concernant la perfusion, 3 séquences de type marquage de spins,PASL PICORE, PASL FAIR et pCASL, ont été comparées en termes de sensibilité et de reproductibilité. pCASL a ensuite été intégrée dans un protocole de recherche sur des patients atteints de sclérose en plaques ou SEP. Quant au métabolisme cérébral, un protocole a été mis en place afin d'accéder à une quantification absolue et pseudo absolue des métabolites par la normalisation du signal de l'eau issue de la CSI par la densité de protons acquise en IRM. Cette technique a été validée en CSI 2D puis transposée en 3D avec la séquence EPSI sur deux orientations différentes : CACP et CACP+15°afin de constituer des valeurs normatives fiables des métabolites principaux sur tout le cerveau. L'élaboration de ces techniques en spectroscopie a abouti à une étude sur des patients souffrant de SEP démontrant la faisabilité de l'utilisation de ces techniques en clinique. Ces travaux démontrent que la quantification absolue en IRM de perfusion et en IRM de spectroscopie peut être obtenue sur un large volume cérébral de manière fiable sur un système IRM disponible en environnement clinique dans un temps d'acquisition acceptable à travers les corrections diverses spécifiques à chaque imagerie. / Conventional MRI's lack of specificity in clinical routine limits our ability to perform correct diagnoses or follow-ups of pathological diseases. Two forms of NMR imaging, perfusion weighed and spectroscopic imaging provide information about two closely related characteristics :cerebral perfusion and metabolism. However, these techniques are not widely used due to the complexity of implementation and a lack of quantification.The general aim was to optimize and validate completely non-invasive NMR techniques for further human clinical applications in the context of exploring large cerebral volumes and determining absolute or pseudo-absolute quantification of cerebral perfusion and metabolism. Concerning perfusion, three arterial spin labeling sequences, PASL PICORE, PASL FAIR and pCASL, were compared in terms of sensitivity and reproducibility. The pCASL sequence was then integrated to a protocol applied to patients suffering from multiple sclerosis. In relation to metabolism, a protocol was applied in order to access absolute and pseudo-absolute metabolite quantification by water SI normalization from MRI proton density. This technique was validated on 2D CSI and then on 3D with EPSI sequence with two orientations, AC-PC and AC-PC+15 in order to generate reliable normative values of metabolites for the whole brain. The use of those spectroscopic techniques on patients suffering from multiple sclerosis allowed demonstrating the feasibility in clinic.This work demonstrates that reliable absolute quantification in perfusion weighted and spectroscopic imaging can be obtained with extensive coverage and with an acquisition time compatible with the reality of clinical exams.
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Espectroscopia Raman e quimiometria como ferramentas analíticas para química forense e paleontologia / Raman spectroscopy and chemometrics as analytical tools for forensic chemistry and paleontologyAlmeida, Mariana Ramos de, 1985- 26 August 2018 (has links)
Orientador: Ronei Jesus Poppi / Tese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Química / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-26T16:15:02Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2015 / Resumo: A motivação para o desenvolvimento dessa tese foi a busca por métodos de análise não destrutivos, com nenhum ou mínimo preparo de amostra e que permitam a obtenção do máximo de informação com a realização de uma única análise na área de forense e paleontologia. Em forense, a espectroscopia Raman e o método de classificação supervisionado PLS-DA (Análise Discriminante por Mínimos Quadrados Parciais) foram empregados para construir modelos de classificação. O primeiro modelo foi construído para discriminar cédulas autênticas de cédulas falsas. A análise foi baseada na caracterização das tintas usadas na confecção das cédulas. O segundo modelo de classificação foi construído para diferenciar o óleo essencial extraído de diferentes partes (caule, folhas e galhos) da árvore amazônica Aniba Rosaeodora. A confiabilidade dos modelos foi avaliada pelo cálculo do intervalo de confiança, que foram calculados usando a técnica de reamostragem bootstrap. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que os modelos de classificação podem ser usados como método complementar à inspeção forense clássica e método de triagem. O desempenho dos modelos de classificação foi avaliado pelo cálculo de sensibilidade, especificidade, eficiência e coeficiente de Mathew. A espectroscopia Raman de imagem e o método de análise de componentes independentes (ICA) foram empregados para a identificação de explosivos em superfícies de cédulas. O método ICA foi avaliado como método de resolução de curvas para extrair os perfis espectrais e as imagens Raman dos constituintes presentes nas superfícies analisadas. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o método ICA é adequado para resolução de curvas, uma vez que alcançou desempenho equivalente ao método clássico MCR-ALS (Resolução Multivariada de Curvas com Mínimos Quadrados Alternados). O limite de detecção da metodologia apresentada foi de 50 µg.cm-2 para o explosivo TNT. Por fim, a espectroscopia Raman de imagem foi empregada no estudo da composição química de fósseis de peixes, com o objetivo de obter informações sobre características biológicas. Os resultados mostraram informações sobre a composição química do fóssil estudado / Abstract: The motivation for the development of this thesis was to search for non-destructive testing methods, with none or minimal sample preparation and allowing them to obtain maximum information with the completion of a single analysis for forensic and paleontology. In the forensics, the Raman spectroscopy and the PLS-DA (discriminant analysis by Partial Least Squares) classification method were explored to build classification models. The first model was built to discriminate authentic and counterfeit banknotes. The analysis was based on the characterization of inks used in the confection of the banknotes. The second classification model was built to differentiate the essential oil extracted from different parts (wood, leaves and branches) of the Brazilian tree Aniba rosaeodora. The reliability of the models was evaluated by calculating the confidence interval, which was calculated using the bootstrap resampling technique. The results show that the classification models can be used as a complementary method to classical forensic inspection and a screening method. The performance of classification models was evaluated by calculating sensitivity, specificity, efficiency and Matthew coefficient. In a third application, Raman hyperspectral imaging and the independent component analysis (ICA) method were used for identification of explosives on the surfaces of banknotes. The ICA method was evaluated as curve resolution method to extract the Raman spectral profiles and the images of the constituents present in the analyzed surfaces. The results showed that the ICA method is appropriate for curves resolution, once achieved equivalent performance to the classical MCR-ALS (Multivariate Curve Resolution with Alternating Least Squares) method. The methodology presented limit of detection of 50 µg.cm-2 for the explosive TNT. Finally, the Raman hyperspectral imaging was applied in paleontology to study the chemical composition of fish fossil with the aim of obtaining information on biological characteristics. The results showed information about the chemical composition of fossil studied / Doutorado / Quimica Analitica / Doutora em Ciências
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Studium optických vlastností tenkých vrstev prekurzorů pro přípravu monokrystalů perovskitů MAPbBr3 / Study of optical properties of thin films of perovskite MAPbBr3 precursorsRackovská, Anna Patrícia January 2021 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on preparation of perovskite methylammonium lead bromide thin film layers and also thin film layers of its precursors, namely methylammonium bromide and lead(II) bromide, by spin-coating from the solution; and optical characterisation of the prepared thin film layers by UV-VIS spectroscopy and spectroscopical ellipsometry. Methylammonium bromide does not absorb in visible nor ultraviolet region, the maximum absorption of lead(II) bromide occurred in ultraviolet region, methylammonium lead bromide absorbs in visible region. Optical band gaps were determined by Tauc method to (3,5 ± 0,1) eV for lead(II) bromide and 2,15 eV, respectively 2,25 eV for perovskite. Refractive indices and extinction coefficients were determined by ellipsometry in range of wavelengths from 290 nm to 830 nm and their dependence with layer thickness was discussed. Ellipsometry model used in this thesis consist on Tauc-Lorentz oscillators for methylammonium bromide, methylammonium lead bromide and partially for lead(II) bromide, which another part is formed by New Amorphous oscillator.
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Příprava a optické vlastnosti tenkých vrstev a vrstevnatých struktur pomocí plazmochemické depozice / Deposition and optical properties of thin films and layered structures by PECVDKucharčík, Jan January 2014 (has links)
Thesis in theoretical part is focused on the principle of spectroscopic ellipsometry and formation of thin films by plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD). In the experimental part we describe the deposition system, ellipsometer and mathematical evaluation of ellipsometric data, materials used for film formation and processing of the samples. Single-layer and multilayer structures of polymeric materials were prepared. We revealed that the optical properties of thin films are independent of film thickness. We also described the effect of the effective power and deposition gas mixture on optical properties of thin films.
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Charakterizace polovodičových nanovláken / Characterization of semiconducting nanowiresNovotný, Karel January 2015 (has links)
This diploma thesis is focused on characterization of semiconductive nanowires. Theoretical part of thesis deals with basic physical properties of TiO2 and a search of selected properties of titanium dioxide nanostructures is preseted. The experimental part describes several spectroscopic measurements carried out with complex of TiO2 nanowires. The influence of gold nanoparticles (deposited on the nanowire surface) on sample properties is also tested. The final part of thesis is devoted to methodology for measurement of electrical properties. These experiments are carried out only with one nanowire. Focused electron beam induced deposition (resp. Focused ion beam induced deposition) and electron lithography are utilized.
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