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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reconstituição paleoclimática do holoceno recente com base em estalagmites da região central do Estado da Bahia / Paleoclimate reconstruction of recent Holocene based in stalagmites of central state of Bahia

Valdir Felipe Novello 12 April 2012 (has links)
A partir de registros de \'delta ANTPOT.18 O\' e \'ANTPOT.13 C\' e das taxas de crescimento de espeleotemas precisamente datados pelo método U-Th foi possível reconstituir a paleopluviosidade dos últimos 3 mil anos da região central do estado da Bahia. Os registros de alta resolução (\'DA ORDEM DE\' 4 anos) propiciaram caracterizar a influência dos padrões atmosféricos e da temperatura da superfície do mar (TSM) observados atualmente nos oceanos Atlântico e Pacífico na paleoprecipitação da região. Através da comparação direta entre os dados de \'delta ANTPOT. 18 O\' da estalagmite TR5 (com resolução amostral de 6 meses) com estações de monitoramento pluviométrico da região, foi possível relacionar as variações do \'delta ANTPOT. 18 O\' do espeleotema com a variação da pluviosidade mostrando que, valores mais negativos no registro isotópico são representativos de maior precipitação e vice-versa. Essa relação está de acordo com o fator \"amount effect\", que atua na variação das razões isotópicas do oxigênio da chuva na região tal como foi identificado em estudos da série histórica de monitoramento das estações IAEA-GNIP e por simulações computacionais que mostram a variação dos valores de \'delta ANTPOT. 18 O\' na atmosfera. O registro paleoclimático mostrou que uma progressiva aridificação vem ocorrendo na região central da Bahia nos últimos 3 mil anos, acompanhando o aumento da insolação de verão. Nesse intervalo de tempo, foram encontradas sequências de eventos úmidos abruptos que ocorrem periodicamente em escala centenial. Entre esses eventos, destaca-se o que ocorreu entre \'DA ORDEM DE\' 822-642 A.C. que é coincidente com intervalo de extremo frio na Europa e com o período de mínimo solar detectado na variação da irradiância. Já, durante a Anomalia Climática Medieval (ACM) e a Pequena Era do Gelo (PEG) o registro mostrou condições secas próximas a detectadas atualmente. Através de análises estatísticas realizadas nas séries temporais obtidas a partir do registro paleoclimático das estalagmites, foi detectado uma periodicidade de \'DA ORDEM DE\' 65 anos correlata com a Oscilação Multidecenal do Atlântico (OMA) em todo o registro da parte central da Bahia. Influências decorrentes da TSM do oceano Pacífico mostraram-se presentes durante eventos abruptos e períodos anômalos úmidos e secos. / We present the first high resolution (\'DA ORDEM DE\' 4 years) precipitation record from central portion of Bahia state, covering the last \'DA ORDEM DE\' 3000 yrs from \'ANTPOT. 230 Th-dated\' stalagmites oxygen isotope records. Our record shows abrupt fluctuations in rainfall tied to variations in the intensity of the South American summer monsoon (SASM), including the periods corresponding to the Little Ice Age (LIA), the Medieval Climate Anomaly (MCA) and a period around 2800 yr B.P. Unlike other monsoon records in southern South America, dry conditions prevailed during the LIA in the Nordeste. Spectral, wavelet and cross-wavelet analyses of our record detected several periodicities from multidecadal to centennial time scales, particularly centered on 65 and 210 years, which have been linked to Atlantic sea surface temperature (SST) variations and solar variability, respectively. Here we show that changes in SASM activity in the region are mainly associated with variations of the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO) and to a lesser degree caused by fluctuations in tropical Pacific SST. Comparisons between TR5 \'delta ANTPOT. 18 O\' stalagmite record (\'DA ORDEM DE\' 6 mouths resolution) with local meteorological station showed that variations in \'delta ANTPOT. 18 O\' speleothem composition are in agreement with variations in the amount of rainfall over central Bahia. The same correlation was also identified in computing simulations based on IAEA-GNIP monitoring stations data. The \'delta ANTPOT. 18 O\' speleothem record shows a clearly trend toward dry conditions in central Bahia since the last 3 thousand years in agreement with solar insolation curve. In addition, the \'delta ANTPOT. 18 O\' record od DV2 sample shows several sequence of wet event at centennial time-scale. Among these events we call attention to the event occurred at \' DA ORDEM DE\' 822-642 D.C., coincident with an abrupt cold event recorded in Europe and with a minimum of solar irradiance. In other hand during the MCA and the LIA the record shows dry conditions, close to current values.

Pleistocene Climates Determined From Stable Isotope and Geochronologic Studies of Speleothem / Isotope and Geochronologic Studies of Speleothem

Gascoyne, Melvyn 12 1900 (has links)
<p> Speleothems are calcium carbonate deposits, such as stalagmites, stalactites and flowstones, formed in a cave environment by loss of carbon dioxide from saturated groundwaters. Variations in the 18o/16o ratio of calcite are related to changes in depositional temperature provided that the speleothem formed in isotopic equilibrium with its seepage water (conditions characterised by slow coloss and no evaporation of seepage water). Variations in 18o/16o of the seepage water will also be reproduced in the calcite but allowance for this effect can be made if 18o/16o ratio of the source (ocean water) can be estimated (from deep sea sediment cores) and if the influence of temperature on 18o/16o ratio of precipitation at the site can be determined. Because cave temperatures closely approximate mean annual surface temperature, the axial 18o/16o record of a speleothem is therefore an indication of paleoclimate and of temperature change over the period of its growth. </p> <p> The frequency distribution of age measurements for several speleothems from an area may also be used as a paleoclimatic indicator because cold or glacial conditions above the cave will inhibit speleothem growth by freezing water at the surface and removing vegetation and soil cover, the main source of CO2 for the limestone dissolution-reprecipitation process. </p> <p> Pure, non-porous calcite speleothems from several limestone regions have been dated in this study by the 230Th/234U method, and in cases of uranium-rich speleothems, by the 231Pa/230Th method also. For ten such cases, examined, good agreement of ages determined by both dating methods was found. </p> <p> Relatively few deposits however, have shown deposition under isotopic equilibriwn conditions, due probably to the well-ventilated nature of the caves studied. </p> <p> The age distribution for speleothem from Cascade Cave on Vancouver Island, B.C., indicates growth during the mid-Wisconsin interstadial dated as 65 -30,000 yrs. B.P. Stable isotope profiles for two speleothems which grew over this period both show values of 18o/16o ratios of calcite which are significantly lower than calcite growing in the cave today. This is the first clearly-defined record of such an occurence (in previous work, 18o/16o of fossil speleothem was generally greater than modern). Using estimates of the change in 18o/16o of ocean water from a Pacific deep sea core, and the value determined by Dansgaard (1964) for the temperature dependence of 18o/16o of precipitation for oceanic sites, a realistic paleotemperature record is derived. The results indicate that temperatures at the Cascade Cave site were about 4.0°C , 64,000 yrs. ago· and gradually declined to 0°c by 35,000 yrs. ago. These data are consistent with the findings of Canadian workers from 14c and palynological studies of fossil organic matter in the area, and do not support the proposal by some American workers of a major glaciation occurring between 35 - 40,000 yrs. B.P. </p> <p> The age distribution for 140 analyses of 82 speleothems collected from caves in north-west England show abundant deposition during the periods 130 -90,000 yrs. B.P. and 13,000 yrs. B.P. to present, with limited growth over the periods > 350 -170,000 yrs. B.P. and 70 -35,000 yrs. B.P. No ages were found to lie within the periods 170 -140,000 yrs. B.P. and 35-15,000 yrs. B.P. These intervals are correlated to the Wolstonian and Devensian glaciations respectively. </p> <p> Only four speleothems were found to have grown in isotopic equilibrium with their seepage waters, and one of these showed periods of non-equilibrium deposition. In contrast to the Vancouver Island results, 18o/16o all ratios were found to be greater than or equal to modern, indicating that the apparent oceanic location of this site is not expressed in the on the value for temperature dependence of 18o/16o precipitation. </p> <p> An oxygen isotope profile for a flowstone dated between 126,000 and 109, 000 yrs. B.P. shows 18o/16o ratios commencing at values slightly lower than for modern calcite and shifting to still lower values at about 112, 000 yrs. B.P. This shift may indicate a cooling event perhaps carrelative with the isotope stage 5e-5d transition seen in the deep sea core record. A profile for a flowstone over the period 290 -190,000 yrs. B.P. shows excellent correlation to interglacial stages 9e and 7c seen in the deep sea core record, and a pronounced growth hiatus dated at about 250 210,000 yrs. B.P. correlates with glacial stage 8. These are the first speleothem results to show a climatic record beyond 200,000 yrs. B.P. </p> <p> The differences in 18o/16o behaviour for speleothems from the two locations (N .E. Pacific and ..E. Atlantic) are interpreted in terms of their relative proximity to the ocean, potential for exchange of water vapour and 'rainout' by airmasses moving towards the cave sites, and possibility of change in meteorological conditions (principally storm track) over the periods studied. </p> <p> In a subsidiary study, evidence for major sea level lowering during the Illinoian glaciation is recognised by age determinations on the calcite core of speleothems collected at 45m below present sea level from a 'blue hole' near Andros Island in the Bahamas. </p> <p> The possibility of applying the 234U/238U dating method to speleothem is also investigated in this work, by the analysis of modern calci tes and their seepage waters, using a new method for uranium extraction from groundwater. However the variations in 234U/238U ratios observed over short distances in the same cave demonstrate that estimation of initial fossil 234U/238U in the speleothem cannot simply be made by averaging modern ratios for the cave. </p> <p> Consideration is also given to the temperature dependent distribution of trace elements in calcite, particularly magnesium and strontium. Analyses of modern calcites and waters show that Mg incorporation is strongly temperature dependent whereas Sr is not. The possibility of using Mg variations in fossil speleothem as indication of temperature change is briefly examined but the results for one sample are found to be inconclusive. </p> / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Climate Variability in Southwest France During the Last 2000 Years : Proxy Calibration and Reconstruction of Drought Periods Based on Stable Isotope Records from Speleothems and Tree Rings

Labuhn, Inga 14 May 2014 (has links) (PDF)
The characterization of natural climate variability is important in order to understand the climate response to natural forcings and to identify anthropogenic influences. The aim of this thesis is to reconstruct climate changes in the southwest of France, a region which is characterised by recurrent drought periods, where high resolution proxy records of the last millennia were lacking.The reconstruction is based on multiple proxies from two continental archives: speleothems and tree rings. Their combination can make use of the strengths of each archive while compensating their weaknesses. There are two principal objectives: first, to gain a better understanding of the climatic and non-climatic influences on each proxy; and second, to reconstruct drought periods in the past.The oxygen isotopic composition (δ18O) of speleothem fluid inclusions and tree ring cellulose is controlled to a large extent by the δ18O of precipitation, which can serve as a tracer of the atmospheric circulation. In order to interpret these proxies in terms of climate, it is necessary to understand how the climate signal becomes recorded in the proxy, and which processes modify the original signal during the formation of the archive.Measurements of δ18O in precipitation, cave drip water, and fluid inclusions in modern speleothem samples from Villars Cave demonstrated that the isotopic composition of cave drip water corresponds to the pluri-annual average precipitation. The speleothem fluid inclusions, in turn, preserve the isotopic composition of the drip water. Based on this calibration, it is possible to reconstruct drip water isotope variability using fluid inclusions in a more than 2000 year old stalagmite, which has been dated by laminae counting, as well as U-Th and 14C measurements. Changes in the cave environment, e.g. the vegetation cover, are indicated by other proxies from the same stalagmite (stable isotopes in calcite and trace element concentrations), but these changes do not seem to impact the fluid inclusion δ18O significantly.The isotopic composition of tree ring cellulose from Quercus spp. in the study area is strongly influenced by climate conditions during the summer. However, non-climatic influences on the isotopic composition of cellulose are identified. They are linked to the age of the trees and to site hydrology, and must be accounted for in the sampling and analytical procedures. Crossdated cores from living trees and timber wood in historic buildings near Angoulême are used to build an annually resolved chronology of cellulose δ18O. Significant correlations with meteorological data enable a calibration and a reconstruction of drought periods since 1360 AD.Lastly, this thesis explores a novel approach of integrating oxygen isotope records from speleothem fluid inclusions and tree ring cellulose from closely located sites to reconstruct both high- and low-frequency variability of droughts in the past.

Climate Variability in Southwest France During the Last 2000 Years : Proxy Calibration and Reconstruction of Drought Periods Based on Stable Isotope Records from Speleothems and Tree Rings / Variabilité climatique dans le sud-ouest de la France au cours des derniers 2000 ans : Calibration des proxies et reconstruction de sécheresses basée sur les isotopes stables des spéléothèmes et des cernes d’arbre

Labuhn, Inga 14 May 2014 (has links)
La caractérisation de la variabilité naturelle du climat est importante pour comprendre la réponse de celui-ci aux forçages naturels et pour identifier les influences anthropiques. L'objectif de cette thèse est de reconstituer les changements climatiques dans le sud-ouest de la France, une région qui se caractérise par des périodes de sécheresse récurrentes, où les reconstitutions millénaires basées sur des « proxies » à haute résolution font défaut.La reconstruction est basée sur plusieurs proxies dans deux archives continentales : les spéléothèmes et les cernes d'arbre. Leur combinaison permet de tirer avantage de leurs points forts tout en compensant leurs faiblesses. Il y a deux objectifs principaux : d’une part de mieux comprendre les influences climatiques et non climatiques qui s’exercent sur chaque proxy ; et, d'autre part, de reconstituer les périodes de sécheresse dans le passé.La composition isotopique en oxygène (δ18O) des inclusions fluides des spéléothèmes et de la cellulose des cernes d’arbre est contrôlée dans une large mesure par le δ18O des précipitations, qui peut servir de traceur de la circulation atmosphérique. Pour interpréter ces proxies en termes de climat, il est nécessaire de comprendre comment le signal climatique est enregistré dans le proxy, et quels processus modifient ce signal lors de la formation de l'archive.Les mesures de δ18O dans les précipitations, l'eau d’infiltration, et les inclusions fluides dans des échantillons de spéléothèmes modernes de la Grotte de Villars démontrent que la composition isotopique de l'eau d’infiltration dans la grotte correspond à une moyenne pluriannuelle des précipitations, et que les inclusions fluides des spéléothèmes préservent la composition isotopique de cette eau d’infiltration. Sur la base de cette calibration, il est possible de reconstituer les variations de la composition isotopique de l'eau d’infiltration à partir de celles des inclusions fluides d’une stalagmite vieille de plus de 2000 ans, datée par comptage de lamines, et par des mesures U-Th et 14C. Des changements dans l'environnement de la grotte, par exemple du couvert végétal, sont indiqués par d'autres proxies de la même stalagmite (les isotopes stables dans la calcite et les concentrations d'éléments traces), mais ces changements n'ont pas d'incidence significative sur le δ18O des inclusions fluides.La composition isotopique de la cellulose des cernes d'arbre de Quercus spp. dans la zone d'étude est fortement influencée par les conditions climatiques estivales. Cependant, des influences non-climatiques sur la composition isotopique de la cellulose sont identifiées ; elles sont liées à l'âge de l'arbre et à l'hydrologie du site, et doivent être prises en compte dans l'échantillonnage et dans les procédures analytiques. Grace à l’inter-datation de carottes d’arbres vivants et de poutre de bâtiments historiques des environs d'Angoulême, une chronologie de δ18O dans la cellulose à résolution annuelle a été établie. Des corrélations significatives avec les données météorologiques permettent une calibration des données isotopiques et une reconstruction des périodes de sécheresse depuis 1360 AD.Enfin, cette thèse explore une nouvelle approche intégrant les enregistrements isotopiques de l'oxygène dans les inclusions fluides des spéléothèmes et dans la cellulose des cernes d’arbre de sites proches pour reconstruire la variabilité à la fois haute et basse fréquence des sécheresses dans le passé. / The characterization of natural climate variability is important in order to understand the climate response to natural forcings and to identify anthropogenic influences. The aim of this thesis is to reconstruct climate changes in the southwest of France, a region which is characterised by recurrent drought periods, where high resolution proxy records of the last millennia were lacking.The reconstruction is based on multiple proxies from two continental archives: speleothems and tree rings. Their combination can make use of the strengths of each archive while compensating their weaknesses. There are two principal objectives: first, to gain a better understanding of the climatic and non-climatic influences on each proxy; and second, to reconstruct drought periods in the past.The oxygen isotopic composition (δ18O) of speleothem fluid inclusions and tree ring cellulose is controlled to a large extent by the δ18O of precipitation, which can serve as a tracer of the atmospheric circulation. In order to interpret these proxies in terms of climate, it is necessary to understand how the climate signal becomes recorded in the proxy, and which processes modify the original signal during the formation of the archive.Measurements of δ18O in precipitation, cave drip water, and fluid inclusions in modern speleothem samples from Villars Cave demonstrated that the isotopic composition of cave drip water corresponds to the pluri-annual average precipitation. The speleothem fluid inclusions, in turn, preserve the isotopic composition of the drip water. Based on this calibration, it is possible to reconstruct drip water isotope variability using fluid inclusions in a more than 2000 year old stalagmite, which has been dated by laminae counting, as well as U-Th and 14C measurements. Changes in the cave environment, e.g. the vegetation cover, are indicated by other proxies from the same stalagmite (stable isotopes in calcite and trace element concentrations), but these changes do not seem to impact the fluid inclusion δ18O significantly.The isotopic composition of tree ring cellulose from Quercus spp. in the study area is strongly influenced by climate conditions during the summer. However, non-climatic influences on the isotopic composition of cellulose are identified. They are linked to the age of the trees and to site hydrology, and must be accounted for in the sampling and analytical procedures. Crossdated cores from living trees and timber wood in historic buildings near Angoulême are used to build an annually resolved chronology of cellulose δ18O. Significant correlations with meteorological data enable a calibration and a reconstruction of drought periods since 1360 AD.Lastly, this thesis explores a novel approach of integrating oxygen isotope records from speleothem fluid inclusions and tree ring cellulose from closely located sites to reconstruct both high- and low-frequency variability of droughts in the past.

Characterization of Holocene climate variability in the west of Europe and Mediterranean basin using high-resolution stalagmite records / Caractérisation de la variabilité du climat holocène à l’ouest de l’Europe et du bassin de la Méditerranée à partir de l’étude haute résolution de spéléothèmes

Ruan, Jiaoyang 16 September 2016 (has links)
Déchiffrer le climat de l’Holocène est la base d’une meilleure compréhension du climat moderne. En effet, à cette époque le climat en Europe est très complexe est montre de fortes variations spatiales et il reste beaucoup à faire pour améliorer la couverture géographique d’enregistrements bien datés et de haute résolution. En tant qu’archives paléoclimatiques, les spéléothèmes ont de larges avantages concernant leur chronologie et leur résolution temporelle et peuvent aider à combler cette lacune. Dans cette thèse, des stalagmites holocènes ont été sélectionnées selon un transect N-S entre les latitudes 35° et 65°N à l’ouest de l’Europe et du bassin méditerranéen (de la Suède à l’Algérie). Elles ont été datées densément par U-Th et échantillonnées à haute résolution pour analyser leur composition isotopique et géochimique. Le climat de l’Holocène a été déduit des analyses isotopiques de la calcite (δ¹³C, δ¹⁸O) et du rapport Mg/Ca. Combinées avec les données existantes et avec les simulations numériques des modèles, ces nouvelles données ont permis d’émettre des hypothèses sur les processus dynamiques contrôlant les changement climatiques régionaux comme les divers modes impliqués dans la circulation océanique et atmosphérique. Sur un site archéologique particulier, le lien climat/activités humaines a aussi pu être étudié. Les principaux résultats de cette thèse sont : 1) les enregistrements en δ¹⁸O, δ¹³C et Mg/Ca d’une stalagmite de la grotte de Villars (sud-ouest de la France), ont révélé une variabilité décennale à multimillénaire du climat au cours des derniers 14200 ans ainsi que les preuves d’une déforestation il y a environ 1000 ans ; 2) deux stalagmites provenant de la grotte de Villars au sud-ouest de la France et de la grotte Korallgrottan au nord-ouest de la Suède ont enregistré de façon remarquable l’événement climatique du 8.2 ka et les différentes étapes qui le composent montrant des différences régionales de température et d’humidité entre les deux sites. Celles-ci sont associées avec une interruption suivie d’une réorganisation de la circulation océanique et atmosphérique ; 3) les enregistrements en δ¹⁸O et en δ¹³C de deux stalagmites de la grotte de Villars suggèrent aussi l’existence d’une période humide multi-centennale il y a ~7200-7600 liée éventuellement à la fonte de la dernière portion de la calotte de la Laurentide ; 4) les isotopes stables (δ¹⁸O, δ¹³C) d’une stalagmite de la grotte du Père-Noël située au sud-est de la Belgique, révèle de larges variations hydro climatiques entre 10500 et 4200 ans. En particulier, une période sèche multi-centennale est mise en évidence il y a ~5600-6000 ans probablement liée à un changement des vents d’ouest ; 5) au nord de l’Algérie, dans la grotte de Gueldaman, plusieurs stalagmites ont montré, par leur δ¹³C et leur δ¹⁸O, l’impact d’une période sèche sur l’occupation humaine et finalement l’abandon du site par les hommes préhistoriques il y a ~4200 ans. / Deciphering Holocene climate is the basis to understand modern climate change. The Holocene climate of Europe is highly complex and shows large spatial differences; much is to be done to improve the spatial coverage of well-dated, high resolution climate records. Stalagmite as paleoclimate archive has large advantages in its chronology and their temporal resolution and thus can help in answering this question. In this thesis, stalagmites were collected, broadly along a meridional transect from 35 to 65°N, in the west of Europe and Mediterranean basin (from Sweden to Algeria). They were densely dated by the U-Th method and their isotopic and geochemical compositions were analyzed at high spatial resolutions. The Holocene climate was inferred from the stalagmite δ¹³C, δ¹⁸ and Mg/Ca time series. Combining with existent data and model simulations the collected new data was used to understand dynamic processes involved in driving regional change, such as varying modes of ocean and atmospheric circulation. Uniquely, the possible links between the changes of past climate conditions and human activities at an archeological site were examined, too. The main results of this thesis are summarized as: (1) The δ¹⁸O, δ¹³C and Mg/Ca records of a stalagmite from Villars Cave, Southwestern France document a series of decadal to multi-millennial climatic variations over the last 14200 years as well as deforestation ~1000 years ago; (2) The precisely-dated, sub-decadal δ¹⁸O, δ¹³C and Mg/Ca records of stalagmites from Villars Cave, SW-France, and Korallgrottan Cave, NW-Sweden, reveal multiple stage climatic variations in relation to the 8200 year event. Reconstructed variations in both temperature and humidity exhibit different patterns at the two sites, respectively, in the south and north of Europe, which can be associated with the interruption and reorganization of ocean-atmospheric circulation; (3) The δ¹⁸O and δ¹³C records of two stalagmites from Villars Cave suggest multi-century wetness ~7200-7600 years ago which possibly linked to the demise of last portion of Laurentide Ice Sheet; (4) The δ¹⁸O and δ¹³C records of a stalagmite from Pere Noël Cave, Southeastern Belgium reveal large decadal to millennial hydroclimate variations between 10500 and 4200 years ago. Particularly, multi-century enhanced aridity occurred ~5600-6000 years ago which probably had attributed to the changes in regional atmospheric circulation and the westerly jet; (5) The δ¹³C and δ¹⁸O records of two Mid-Holocene stalagmites from Gueldaman GLD1 Cave, Northern Algeria provide evidence of a prolonged drought ~4200 years ago in Western Mediterranean basin. The drought coincides with, and therefore may have contributed to, an abandonment of ancient human occupation of the cave.

Enregistrement des variations climatiques par les éléments traces dans les spéléothèmes / Trace element speleothem record of climatic variations from speleothems

Bourdin, Clément 17 September 2012 (has links)
Les spéléothèmes (concrétions carbonatées se formant dans les zones karstiques) sont des archives paleo-climatiques reconnues, dont l’intérêt majeur est de pouvoir être datées précisément par la méthode Uranium-Thorium. En revanche, les traceurs traditionnellement utilisés pour reconstruire les climats passés à partir de ces objets géologiques ne sont pas directement quantifiables en termes de paramètres climatiques comme la température moyenne, ou la quantité de précipitation. Les variations des concentrations en éléments traces contenus dans les spéléothèmes ont pu être relié dans certains sites aux changements climatiques passés, mais des doutes existent sur la robustesse de leur signal au sein d’une même grotte et entre différents sites.Nous nous sommes appliqués à déterminer les variations au cours des 50 000 dernières années de plusieurs catégories d’éléments (alcalino-terreux, uranium, et terres rares) dans des stalagmites de deux grottes situées dans le sud de la France (les grottes de Villars en Dordogne et de Chauvet en Ardèche), par spectrométrie ICP-MS. Les spéléothèmes sélectionnés ont déjà été datés et ont enregistré les variations paleo-environnementales à travers les isotopes stables de la calcite. Trois périodes d’étude caractérisées par des changements particuliers sont étudiées: le stade isotopique 3 de la dernière période glaciaire (~50-30 ka), la dernière déglaciation (~20-10 ka) et la fin de l’Holocène (~2-0 ka).Le signal des variations des alcalino-terreux à Villars pendant le stade isotopique 3 est significatif et robuste. La variabilité du strontium notamment, qui provient de processus hydrologiques intra-karst, suit les événements climatiques rapides enregistrés dans l’hémisphère Nord. D’autre part, le comportement de nombreux éléments traces pendant la déglaciation est similaire entre les grottes de Villars et de Chauvet. Enfin, des changements du couvert végétal sont probablement à l’origine des changements synchrones enregistrés par les éléments traces et les isotopes stables de la calcite au cours des deux derniers millénaires à Villars.Par ailleurs, l’étude des coefficients de partition des alcalino-terreux, de l’uranium et des terres rares dans des conditions variées montre l’importante de la variabilité inter-site de leur partitionnement. / Calcareous deposits forming within caves, also known as speleothems, have become acknowledged paleoclimatic archives. One of their main interests is that they can be absolutely dated by Uranium-Thorium methods. However, traditionally used speleothem climatic proxies cannot be directly translated into environmental variables such as the mean annual temperature or the amount of annual rainfall. In some contexts, the variations of trace element concentrations in speleothem calcite could be linked to past climatic changes, but the robustness of trace element signals between speleothems of the same or nearby caves is still questionable.We determined by ICP-MS the concentrations of several families of chemical elements (alkaline-earth metals, uranium, rare-earth elements) in stalagmites from two caves located in Southern France (Villars cave in Dordogne and Chauvet Cave in Ardèche) spanning the last 50,000 years. The selected speleothems had already been dated and their stable isotope profiles had proven to record paleoenvironmental fluctuations occurring during three separate periods: the Marine Isotopic Stage 3 or MIS 3 (~50-30 ka), the Last Deglaciation (~20-10 ka), and the end of the Holocene (~2-0 ka).Variations of alkaline-earth metals recorded in two stalagmites from Villars Cave during MIS 3 are significant and robust. Notably, Sr concentrations follow the rapid climatic changes recorded in the Northern Hemisphere. Furthermore, several trace elements behave similarly during the Last Deglaciation in the Villars and the Chauvet Cave. Finally, changes of the vegetation cover above the cave are likely to have caused the synchronous fluctuations of the trace element and stable isotope contents that happened during the last two thousand years in Villars speleothems.Lastly, the partition coefficients of alkaline-earth metals, uranium and rare-earth elements were measured in different sites and conditions and proved to be very site-dependent.

Reconstituição da paleoprecipitação no sul do Nordeste Brasileiro durante os dois últimos ciclos glaciais a partir da aplicação de registros isotópicos de oxigênio de estalagmites da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia. / Paleoprecipitation reconstruction in Southern Northeast Brazil during the two last glaciation cycles based on the application of oxygen isotopic records of stalagmites from Chapada Diamantina, Bahia

Barreto, Eline Alves de Souza 15 March 2016 (has links)
Registros isotópicos de oxigênio obtidos em alta resolução das estalagmites CL2 e MAG das cavernas Calixto e Marota, região da Chapada Diamantina (CD) (12ºS), Estado da Bahia, sul do Nordeste brasileiro (sNEB), permitiram reconstituir as mudanças passadas da precipitação entre 165-128 e 59-39 mil anos A.P. Para a reconstituição paleoclimática considerou-se resultados de um estudo de calibração realizado em duas cavernas da CD o qual demonstrou uma relação entre composição isotópica da água meteórica e de gotejamento e sugeriu um ambiente adequado para a deposição do espeleotema em condições equilíbrio e/ou próximas com a água de gotejamento. A interpretação da paleoprecipitação através dos registros isotópicos \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O das estalagmites também foi baseada na relação entre composição isotópica da água da precipitação e a quantidade de chuva obtidos em estações da IAEA-GNIP no Brasil e de simulações das variações do \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O da chuva através do modelo climático ECHAM-4. Esses dados indicaram o efeito quantidade (amount effect) como fator preponderante de controle isotópico da água da chuva que formam os espeleotemas na CD, significando que a diminuição dos valores de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O está associada ao aumento do volume de chuvas e vice-versa. Os registros de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O dos espeleotemas permitiram reconstituir a variação da paleoprecipitação na escala orbital e milenar durante o penúltimo glacial bem como correlacionar mudanças na paleoprecipitação no sNEB com eventos milenares registrados na Groelândia no último glacial. Os registros da CD indicaram um aumento (diminuição) da paleoprecipitação na Bahia relacionado a diminuição (aumento) da insolação austral de verão a 10ºS durante o penúltimo glacial, similar ao observado no último ciclo precessional. Na escala orbital os registros da CD estiveram em antifase com os paleoindicadores isotópicos do Sudeste brasileiro e em fase com os valores de\'\'delta\' POT.18\'O dos espeleotemas do leste da China. Esse padrão de precipitação é similar ao observado na última glaciação e sugere que a variação na insolação de verão afetou as monções sul-americanas (MSA) promovendo mudanças na precipitação no sNEB no penúltimo glacial. Condições áridas no sNEB durante o aumento da insolação de verão estariam provavelmente associadas ao aprofundamento da subsidência de ar provocado pelo fortalecimento da circulação leste-oeste da MSA devido ao aumento das atividades convectivas na Amazônia o que teria, favorecido um posicionamento mais a sul da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS). O oposto também ocorreria durante as fases de baixa insolação de verão quando a MSA estaria provavelmente mais desintensificada. Durante o penúltimo glacial (Terminação Glacial II) abruptas oscilações nos registros da CD para valores mais baixos de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O indicaram um profundo aumento da precipitação coincidente com o evento Heinrich (H11). Nesse período a paleoprecipitação no sNEB esteve correlacionada negativamente com as mudanças climáticas na China e no oeste amazônico (Peru) e positivamente com o Sudeste brasileiro. Interpretou-se que as anomalias positivas da precipitação no sNEB podem ter estado relacionadas ao deslocamento para sul da Zona de Convergência Intertropical (ZCIT) bem como com a intensificação da MSA e ZCAS nesse período. Finalmente, oscilações isotópicas abruptas para valores mais altos observadas durante o estágio marinho isotópico 3 coincidentes com os eventos quentes registrados na Groelândia, denominados de eventos Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO), foram interpretados como a ocorrência de eventos muito secos no sNEB. Essas variações da precipitação na escala milenar, que estão em fase com os registros no Peru, podem ter estado relacionadas ao deslocamento para norte da ZCIT o que teria promovido uma profunda desintensificação da MSA. / High-resolution oxygen isotopic records of CL2 and MAG stalagmites of Calixto and Marota caves, Chapada Diamantina (CD) region (12ºS), Bahia State, southern Northeast Brazil (sNEB), allowed to reconstruct the past changes in precipitation between approximately 165-128 and 59-39 kyr B.P. The paleoclimatic reconstruction takes into account results from a calibration study performed in two caves in the CD region that showed a relationship between isotope signature in precipitation and cave drip water and suggested adequate environmental conditions for speleothem deposition in isotopic equilibrium with drip water. The interpretation of the speleothem \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O records was also based on the relationship between isotope composition of precipitation and rainfall amount from IAEA-GNIP stations in Brazil and also results from the climate model ECHAM-4. These data indicate the \"amount effect\" as the dominant isotope fractionation factor controlling the \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O variations in meteoric water forming speleothems, meaning that the decrease in the \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O values is associated with an increase in rainfall amount. Speleothem \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O records allow reconstructing the variation of paleoprecipitation on orbital and millennial time-scales during the penultimate glacial as well to correlate paleoprecipitation changes in sNEB with millennial Greenland events during the last glaciation. The CD records indicate an increase (decrease) of paleoprecipitation over Bahia related to the decrease (increase) of austral summer precipitation (ASI) at 10ºS during the penultimate glacial, similar to observed in the last precession cycle. On orbital time-scale, the CD records were in antiphasing with isotopic records from southern Brazil and in phase with \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O speleothem values from eastern China. This pattern of precipitation is similar to observed in the last glaciation and suggest that variation in ASI affected the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) promoting changes in precipitation over sNEB in the penultimate glacial. Arid conditions in sNEB during the higher incoming of ASI are probably linked to increased east-west upper-level subsidence into the region induced by stronger convection in the monsoon core keeping a position of South America Convergence Zone (SACZ) southward. The opposite also may occur during periods of low summer insolation in SH when the SASM was probably weaker. During the penultimate deglacial period (called Termination II) abrupt oscillations of CD records to lower values of \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O indicate a profound increase of precipitation coinciding with \"Heinrich Stadial 11\" (H11). Our interpretations are negatively correlated with precipitation changes observed in China and in western Amazon (Peru) and are positively correlated with southern Brazil. The positive anomalies of precipitation over sNEB would be associated with the displacement southward of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) as well with the intensification of the SASM and SACZ. Finally, abrupt isotopic oscillations to higher values observed during the marine isotope stage 3 that coincided with warm episodes in Greenland, called Dansgaard-Oeschger events (DO), were interpreted as the occurrence of drier conditions in sNEB. These precipitation changes on millennial time-scale, that is in phase with the observed in Peru, could be related to the displacement of ITCZ northward which promoting a profound desintensification of SAMS.

Paleopluviosidade no norte de Minas Gerais durante o glacial tardio e Holoceno com base em registros de espeleotemas / Paleo-precipitation variations in northern Minas Gerais during the later glacial period and Holocene from speleothem records

Strikis, Nicolas Misailidis 02 June 2011 (has links)
A partir de registros isotópicos (\'delta POT.18\'O e \'delta POT.13\'C), das razões elementos traços/Ca e das taxas de crescimento de espeleotemas precisamente datados pelo método U-Th, foi possível realizar a reconstituição das mudanças de paleopluviosidade e de feições paleoambientais da região do norte do estado de Minas Gerais, com alta resolução para os últimos 28 mil anos. A interpretação do sinal climático embutido nos registros isotópico dos espeleotemas estudados são baseados em estudos prévios da série histórica de monitoramento das estações do IAEA-GNIP, em complemento com simulações das variações do \'delta POT.18\'O da chuva através de modelos climáticos computacionais, os quais indicam o fator amount effect como o principal mecanismo atuante na variação da composição isotópica das chuvas sobre a região. As variações de pluviosidade estão associadas à atividade da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS), as quais foram utilizadas na reconstituição da variabilidade espacial do Sistema de Monções Sulamericano (SMSA) e da atuação das forçantes de insolação, oceânicas e variabilidade solar na modulação das mudanças climáticas na região desde o último período glacial. O registro paleoclimático do norte de Minas indica semelhança com as variações de pluviosidade da região nordeste do Brasil durante o período glacial entre 28 e 19 ka A.P., devido a mudanças na insolação de verão e/ou por influência da expansão do gelo no clima dos trópicos. Nesse período o registro isotópico mineiro indica condições relativamente secas, que contrastam com clima relativamente úmido registrado na região sudeste do país, assim como nas regiões tropicais dos altiplanos andinos. O padrão antifásico entre as regiões localizadas a leste e a oeste da ZCAS sugere uma migração para sudoeste do eixo de maior precipitação, relacionada ao fortalecimento da circulação meridional tipo Hadley e intensificação da alta da Bolívia. No período analisado, a intensificação da circulação zonal estabelecida entre a Alta da Bolívia e o Cavado do Nordeste estaria primariamente relacionada à maior convergência de umidade na Amazônia devido às baixas temperaturas da superfície do mar (TSMs) no Atlântico norte durante fases de maior expansão do gelo, quando a alta subtropical do Atlântico Norte e os ventos alísios de nordeste estariam mais fortalecidos. Eventos milenares de aumento de intensidade das Monções Sul-americanas durante o Glacial tardio, deglacial e Holoceno registrados em Minas Gerais são sincrônicos aos eventos abruptos frios documentados nas zonas de altas latitudes do Hemisfério Norte, a exemplo dos eventos Heinrich (2, 1), Young Dryas, 8.2 ky e eventos Bond (6, 5, 4, 2). Da mesma forma, durante os eventos quentes Dansgaard-Oescheger 2 e Bølling-Allerød foram registradas reduções da paleoprecipitação. Portanto, o bom acoplamento entre a atividade do SMSA no norte de Minas com as variações da temperatura da superfície do mar do Atlântico norte indica que, independente dos mecanismos responsáveis pelo desencadeamento de tais eventos, as mudanças na intensidade das Monções Sul-americanas se dão principalmente por teleconexão estabelecidas com condições climáticas nas zonas de altas latitudes do Hemisfério Norte, mais especificamente por alterações do gradiente de TSM do Oceano Atlântico. Ao longo do Holoceno, foi observado que o tempo de duração dos eventos abruptos de pluviosidade é mais longo durante o Holoceno Inferior e Médio e mais curto durante o Holoceno Superior. Essa relação sugere mudanças das condições de contorno do clima no transcorrer do Holoceno, possivelmente relacionadas à diminuição da cobertura de gelo no Hemisfério Norte a partir de 7 mil anos, que levou desativação da circulação termohalina que caracteriza os eventos Bond no hemisfério norte. / Relative changes in paleo-precipitation and also in paleoenvironment features were reconstructed for northern Minas Gerais State, central-eastern Brazil, during the last 28 ka B.P. The reconstruction is based on high resolution stable isotope (\'delta POT.18\'O e \'delta POT.13\'C), trace element ratios and growth rate records of speleothems precisely dated by U-Th method. The interpretation of climatic changes from the studied oxygen isotope records is taken into account the data from IAEA-GNIP monitoriting stations and from climate model simulations of \'delta POT.18\'O in precipitation, which points out to the amount effect as the dominant isotope fractionation factor controlling the \'delta POT.18\'O variations in meteoric water. The precipitation variations, associated to the activity of South American Convergence Zone (ZCAS), are used to reconstruct the spatial variability of South American Convergence Zone (SMSA) since last glacial period because of a forcing by insolation, ocean conditions e solar variability. The record from Northern Minas Gerais indicate similarities with precipitations variation documented in speleothem records from Northeastern Brazil from 28 to 19 ka B.P., because of changes in summer insolation and/or influence of glacial boundary conditions on tropical precipitation. In this period, higher 18O values of speleothems suggest the dominance of dryer conditions over the region, in contrast with the wetter climate recorded in other regions of South America such as southeastern Brazil and Andes Altiplano that are today located to the west of the ZCAS´s axis of activity. This antiphased pattern within the same continent suggest a migration of ZACS mean position to southwest due to intensification of Bolivian High and Nordeste Low upper level features in response to changes in Hadley and Walker circulation cells. Theses changes were primarily related to colder Sea Surface Temperatures in Atlantic ocean and increased rainfall over western Amazon region. Millennial-scale events of increase in monsoon precipitation during the Glacial, deglacial, and Holocene in northern Minas are synchronous with abrupt cold events recorded in the high latitude areas of North Hemisphere (N.H.), like Heinrich (2, 1), Young Dryas, 8.2 ky and Bond events. In the same way, dry periods in northern Minas were recorded during the Dansgaard-Oescheger 2 and Bølling-Allerød N.H. warm events. The coupling between the rainfall due to South America Monsoon System with sea surface temperature variation in the North Atlantic, points out to a teleconnection mechanism with climate conditions in North Atlantic ocean such the TSM gradient with the South Atlantic basin. Differences in duration of abrupt events of changes in precipitation between early and late Holocene are associated larger amplitude of TSM´s that characterize the Bond events over Atlantic Ocean. These differences were triggered by the stepwise ice melting after 7 thousand years ago.

Reconstituição da paleoprecipitação no sul do Nordeste Brasileiro durante os dois últimos ciclos glaciais a partir da aplicação de registros isotópicos de oxigênio de estalagmites da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia. / Paleoprecipitation reconstruction in Southern Northeast Brazil during the two last glaciation cycles based on the application of oxygen isotopic records of stalagmites from Chapada Diamantina, Bahia

Eline Alves de Souza Barreto 15 March 2016 (has links)
Registros isotópicos de oxigênio obtidos em alta resolução das estalagmites CL2 e MAG das cavernas Calixto e Marota, região da Chapada Diamantina (CD) (12ºS), Estado da Bahia, sul do Nordeste brasileiro (sNEB), permitiram reconstituir as mudanças passadas da precipitação entre 165-128 e 59-39 mil anos A.P. Para a reconstituição paleoclimática considerou-se resultados de um estudo de calibração realizado em duas cavernas da CD o qual demonstrou uma relação entre composição isotópica da água meteórica e de gotejamento e sugeriu um ambiente adequado para a deposição do espeleotema em condições equilíbrio e/ou próximas com a água de gotejamento. A interpretação da paleoprecipitação através dos registros isotópicos \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O das estalagmites também foi baseada na relação entre composição isotópica da água da precipitação e a quantidade de chuva obtidos em estações da IAEA-GNIP no Brasil e de simulações das variações do \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O da chuva através do modelo climático ECHAM-4. Esses dados indicaram o efeito quantidade (amount effect) como fator preponderante de controle isotópico da água da chuva que formam os espeleotemas na CD, significando que a diminuição dos valores de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O está associada ao aumento do volume de chuvas e vice-versa. Os registros de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O dos espeleotemas permitiram reconstituir a variação da paleoprecipitação na escala orbital e milenar durante o penúltimo glacial bem como correlacionar mudanças na paleoprecipitação no sNEB com eventos milenares registrados na Groelândia no último glacial. Os registros da CD indicaram um aumento (diminuição) da paleoprecipitação na Bahia relacionado a diminuição (aumento) da insolação austral de verão a 10ºS durante o penúltimo glacial, similar ao observado no último ciclo precessional. Na escala orbital os registros da CD estiveram em antifase com os paleoindicadores isotópicos do Sudeste brasileiro e em fase com os valores de\'\'delta\' POT.18\'O dos espeleotemas do leste da China. Esse padrão de precipitação é similar ao observado na última glaciação e sugere que a variação na insolação de verão afetou as monções sul-americanas (MSA) promovendo mudanças na precipitação no sNEB no penúltimo glacial. Condições áridas no sNEB durante o aumento da insolação de verão estariam provavelmente associadas ao aprofundamento da subsidência de ar provocado pelo fortalecimento da circulação leste-oeste da MSA devido ao aumento das atividades convectivas na Amazônia o que teria, favorecido um posicionamento mais a sul da Zona de Convergência do Atlântico Sul (ZCAS). O oposto também ocorreria durante as fases de baixa insolação de verão quando a MSA estaria provavelmente mais desintensificada. Durante o penúltimo glacial (Terminação Glacial II) abruptas oscilações nos registros da CD para valores mais baixos de \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O indicaram um profundo aumento da precipitação coincidente com o evento Heinrich (H11). Nesse período a paleoprecipitação no sNEB esteve correlacionada negativamente com as mudanças climáticas na China e no oeste amazônico (Peru) e positivamente com o Sudeste brasileiro. Interpretou-se que as anomalias positivas da precipitação no sNEB podem ter estado relacionadas ao deslocamento para sul da Zona de Convergência Intertropical (ZCIT) bem como com a intensificação da MSA e ZCAS nesse período. Finalmente, oscilações isotópicas abruptas para valores mais altos observadas durante o estágio marinho isotópico 3 coincidentes com os eventos quentes registrados na Groelândia, denominados de eventos Dansgaard-Oeschger (DO), foram interpretados como a ocorrência de eventos muito secos no sNEB. Essas variações da precipitação na escala milenar, que estão em fase com os registros no Peru, podem ter estado relacionadas ao deslocamento para norte da ZCIT o que teria promovido uma profunda desintensificação da MSA. / High-resolution oxygen isotopic records of CL2 and MAG stalagmites of Calixto and Marota caves, Chapada Diamantina (CD) region (12ºS), Bahia State, southern Northeast Brazil (sNEB), allowed to reconstruct the past changes in precipitation between approximately 165-128 and 59-39 kyr B.P. The paleoclimatic reconstruction takes into account results from a calibration study performed in two caves in the CD region that showed a relationship between isotope signature in precipitation and cave drip water and suggested adequate environmental conditions for speleothem deposition in isotopic equilibrium with drip water. The interpretation of the speleothem \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O records was also based on the relationship between isotope composition of precipitation and rainfall amount from IAEA-GNIP stations in Brazil and also results from the climate model ECHAM-4. These data indicate the \"amount effect\" as the dominant isotope fractionation factor controlling the \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O variations in meteoric water forming speleothems, meaning that the decrease in the \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O values is associated with an increase in rainfall amount. Speleothem \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O records allow reconstructing the variation of paleoprecipitation on orbital and millennial time-scales during the penultimate glacial as well to correlate paleoprecipitation changes in sNEB with millennial Greenland events during the last glaciation. The CD records indicate an increase (decrease) of paleoprecipitation over Bahia related to the decrease (increase) of austral summer precipitation (ASI) at 10ºS during the penultimate glacial, similar to observed in the last precession cycle. On orbital time-scale, the CD records were in antiphasing with isotopic records from southern Brazil and in phase with \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O speleothem values from eastern China. This pattern of precipitation is similar to observed in the last glaciation and suggest that variation in ASI affected the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) promoting changes in precipitation over sNEB in the penultimate glacial. Arid conditions in sNEB during the higher incoming of ASI are probably linked to increased east-west upper-level subsidence into the region induced by stronger convection in the monsoon core keeping a position of South America Convergence Zone (SACZ) southward. The opposite also may occur during periods of low summer insolation in SH when the SASM was probably weaker. During the penultimate deglacial period (called Termination II) abrupt oscillations of CD records to lower values of \'\'delta\' POT.18\'O indicate a profound increase of precipitation coinciding with \"Heinrich Stadial 11\" (H11). Our interpretations are negatively correlated with precipitation changes observed in China and in western Amazon (Peru) and are positively correlated with southern Brazil. The positive anomalies of precipitation over sNEB would be associated with the displacement southward of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) as well with the intensification of the SASM and SACZ. Finally, abrupt isotopic oscillations to higher values observed during the marine isotope stage 3 that coincided with warm episodes in Greenland, called Dansgaard-Oeschger events (DO), were interpreted as the occurrence of drier conditions in sNEB. These precipitation changes on millennial time-scale, that is in phase with the observed in Peru, could be related to the displacement of ITCZ northward which promoting a profound desintensification of SAMS.

Reconstituição da pluviosidade da Chapada Diamantina (BA) durante o Quaternário Tardio através de registros isotópicos (O e C) em estalagmites / Precipitation reconstruction in Chapada Diamantina (BA) during the Late Quaternary through isotopic records (O e C) on stalagmites

Eline Alves de Souza Barreto 14 May 2010 (has links)
Registros das razões isotópicas do oxigênio (d18O) e do carbono (d13C), juntamente com as taxas de crescimento de espeleotemas, precisamente datados pelo método U/Th, foram utilizados para reconstituição das variações de pluviosidade dos últimos 93 mil anos A.P. na região da Chapada Diamantina, porção central do Estado da Bahia. A reconstituição paleoclimática foi apoiada por estudo de calibração realizado em duas cavernas da região estudada, através do qual se obteve boa relação entre a assinatura isotópica da chuva e do d18O dos gotejamentos e evidências de condições ambientais propícias para deposição de espeleotemas em equilíbrio isotópico com a água de gotejamento. A interpretação climática dos dados de d18O dos espeleotemas considera também a análise da composição isotópica da água da chuva em face da pluviometria, a partir de dados de estações do IAEA-GNIP no Brasil e de simulações das variações do d18O da chuva através do modelo climático ECHAM-4. Esses dados indicam o fator amount effect, como relação preponderante na discussão de pluviosidade através dos registros de espeleotemas, a qual é caracterizada pela diminuição dos valores de d18O com o aumento do volume de chuvas. A partir dos registros de d18O dos espeleotemas foi possível reconstituir os padrões regionais de pluviosidade segundo o ciclo de insolação, como também identificar eventos de mudança abrupta de pluviosidade em escala milenar ocorridos durante o último período glacial e Holoceno. Em escala orbital, foi observado aumento (diminuição) da paleoprecipitação na Bahia durante fases de baixa (alta) insolação de verão (10ºS). Essa relação é evidente na maior parte do registro baiano com exceção do período entre 40 e 20 ky A.P., quando houve predomínio de clima seco, mesmo em fases de insolação baixa. No entanto, tal é relação inversa a que foi descrita em estudos paleoclimáticos do Sul/Sudeste do Brasil e dos Andes. Além disso, variações de paleopluviosidade da Chapada Diamantina estão em fase com as registradas nos trópicos do Hemisfério Norte, na China e Venezuela. Esses resultados indicam influência direta do sistema de Monções Sul-americana (MSA) sobre o regime de chuvas do Nordeste em longa escala de tempo, a qual é primariamente modulada pela intensidade da insolação de verão. Aumentos abruptos da paleopluviosidade em escala milenar, indicados por baixos valores de d18O e d13C, como pelas altas taxas de crescimento de espeleotemas, ocorreram durante predomínio de condições frias no Atlântico Norte, em períodos de grandes mudanças nas condições oceânicas, e são concomitantes com os eventos Heinrich e Younger Dryas. Já fortes diminuições foram observadas durante alguns eventos Dansgaard-Oeschger e Bølling-Allerød. Ao contrário do que foi observado durante os ciclos orbitais, o impacto no clima da Bahia atribuído a esses eventos é semelhante em todo país e também nos Andes, de acordo com estudo comparativo entre testemunhos marinhos/lacustres e espeleotemas. Esses eventos produz efeito na pluviosidade de regiões (sub)tropicais do Hemisfério Norte, assim como registrados em arquivos paleoclimáticos da China e Venezuela. O mecanismo mais provável para geração desses eventos está relacionado com mudanças na Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). Com a AMOC desintensificada durante eventos Heinrich no Hemisfério Norte, existe predomínio de um gradiente da temperatura da superfície do Atlântico tropical que favorece posicionamento da Zona de Convergência Intertropical mais a sul durante os eventos úmidos na Bahia. / Speleothem records of stable oxygen (d18O) and carbon isotope ratios (d13C) and speleothem growth rates, precisely dated by U/Th method, were used to reconstruct past changes in precipitation in the last 93,000 years B.P. from Chapada Diamantina region, Bahia State. The paleoclimatic reconstruction takes into account results from a calibration study performed in two caves in the Chapada Diamantina region. It was found a robust relationship between isotope signature in precipitation and cave drip water and also evidenced adequate environmental conditions for speleothem deposition in isotopic equilibrium with drip water. The interpretation of the speleothem d18O records is based on the relationship between isotope composition of precipitation and rainfall amount from IAEA-GNIP stations in Brazil and also results from climate experiments coupled with d18O in precipitation using ECHAM-4. These data indicate the amount effect as the dominant isotope fractionation factor controlling the d18O variations in meteoric water forming speleothems, which is characterized by a decrease in the d18O values with an increase in rainfall amount. Speleothem d18O records allow reconstructing the regional paleoprecipitation patterns on both orbital and millennial time-scales during last glacial period and Holocene. These records indicate an increase (decrease) in paleoprecipitation over central Bahia during low (high) summer insolation (10ºS) phases. This relationship is evident is most of this new speleothem record, except in the period between 40 and 20 ka B.P., when dry climate conditions predominate in the region even during the low insolation phases. However, this relationship is exactly the contrary of the one reported from southern/southeastern Brazil and Central Andes paleoclimate studies. Furthermore, the precipitation variations in Chapada Diamantina are in phase with records from Northern Hemisphere on orbital time-scales, particularly from China and Venezuela. These results suggest a direct influence of the South American Monsoon System (SAMS) on long-term changes in precipitation over northeastern Brazil, which is primarily controlled by gradual changes in summer insolation. Abrupt wet events are defined on millennial time-scales in the Chapada Diamantina records by low values of d18O e d13C and high speleothem growth rates. They occurred under prevalence of cold conditions in Northern Hemisphere, triggered by major changes in oceanic circulation in Atlantic Ocean, during Heinrich and Younger Dryas (YD) events. On the other hand, abrupt decreases in regional precipitation are coincident with some of the Dansgaard-Oeschger (D-O) e Bølling-Allerød (B-A), which are typical warm events in Northern Hemisphere. However, differently from the isotope-climate relationship established on orbital times, the impact of these millennial events on the precipitation variations of Bahia is similar to what is documented in speleothem, lake and marine records from Brazil and Central Andes and opposite to changes described in China and Venezuela, among many other records from Northern Hemisphere. The climate mechanism behind the origin of these millennial events is associated with changes in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC). The Heinrich events are linked to periods of weaker AMOC and sea surface temperature gradients that favor a mean southern position of Intertropical Convergence Zone, which results in very wet conditions in Bahia.

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