Spelling suggestions: "subject:"spin"" "subject:"pin""
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Microwave photovoltage effects in thin-film magnetic bilayer systemsHyde, Paul 13 January 2015 (has links)
The field of Spintronics, which utilizes the spin polarization of electrons as a means to transport energy and information, is currently undergoing a massive expansion due to the numerous recent discoveries of electron spin-based effects only visible at the micro and nano scale. With all these new material and current based properties being discovered, it has become increasingly difficult to experimentally isolate the effects of each of them individually. In this work one of the main proposals is an experimental method for separating the voltage signals generated by the spin rectification effect and spin pumping in bilayer samples, a topic currently of much interest to the spintronics community. After demonstrating this new method for separating voltage signals, it is utilized to reveal new details about how the layers of ferromagnetic bilayer samples interact with each other and the behaviours of spin currents within these systems.
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Spin-Spin and Spin-Orbit coupling studies of small species and magnetic systemPerumal, Sathya S R R January 2010 (has links)
The spin of an electron often misleadingly interpreted as the classical rotationof a particle. The quantum spin distinguishes itself from classicalrotation by possessing quantized states and can be detected by its magneticmoment. The properties of spin and its collective behavior with otherfundamental properties are fascinating in basic sciences. In many aspectsit offers scope for designing new materials by manipulating the ensemblesof spin. In recent years attention towards high density storage devices hasdriven the attention to the fundamental level were quantum physics rules.To understand better design of molecule based storage materials, studies onspin degrees of freedom and their coupling properties can not be neglected. To account for many body effect of two or more electrons consistent withrelativity, an approximation like the Breit Hamiltonian(BH) is used in modernquantum chemical calculations, which is successful in explaining the splitin the spectra and corresponding properties associated with it. Often differenttactics are involved for a specific level of computations. For example themulti-configurational practice is different from the functional based calculations,and it depends on the size of the system to choose between resourcesand accuracy. As the coupling terms offers extra burden of calculating theintegrals it is literally challenging. One can readily employ approximations as it suits best for the applicationoriented device computations. The possible methods available in the literatureare presented in chapter 2. The theoretical implementations of couplingfor the multi-reference and density functional method are discussed in detail.The multi-reference method precedes the density functional methodin terms of accuracy and generalizations, however it is inefficient in dealingvery large systems involving many transition elements, which is vital formolecule based magnets as they often possess open shell manifolds. On theother hand existing density functional method exercise perturbations techniqueswhich is extremely specialized for a specific system - highly coupledspins. The importance of spin-spin coupling(SSC) in organic radical-Oxyallyl(OXA)was systematically studied with different basis sets and compared with asimilar isoelectronic radical(TMM). The method of spin-spin coupling implementationsare also emphasized. Similar coupling studies were carriedivout for the species HCP and NCN along with spin-orbit coupling(SOC).The splitting of the triplet states are in good agreement with experiments / QC 20110210
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Pompage de spin et absorption de spin dans des hétérostructures magnétiques / Spin pumping and spin absorption in magnetic heterostructuresGhosh, Abhijit 12 November 2012 (has links)
L'interaction entre électrons de conduction itinérants et électrons localisés dans les hétérostructures magnétiques est à l'origine d'effets tels que le transfert de moment de spin, le pompage de spin ou l'effet Hall de spin. Cette thèse est centrée sur le phénomène de pompage de spin : une couche ferromagnétique (FM) en précession injecte un courant de spin pur dans les couches adjacentes. Ce courant de spin peut être partiellement ou totalement absorbé par une couche, dite réservoir de spin, placée directement en contact avec le matériau ferromagnétique ou séparée par une couche d'espacement. L'absorption de la composante transverse du courant de spin induit une augmentation de l'amortissement de la précession ferromagnétique de la couche libre. Cet effet à été mesuré par des expériences de résonance ferromagnétique avec, pour la couche en précession FM, trois matériaux ferromagnétiques différents (NiFe, CoFeB et Co), et pour la couche de réservoir de spin, différents matériaux paramagnétiques (Pt, Pd, Ru), ferromagnétiques et antiferromagnétiques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons vérifié que le facteur d'amortissement non-local généré est de type amortissement de Gilbert, et qu'il est inversement proportionnel à l'épaisseur de la couche en précession FM. L'analyse de l'augmentation de l'amortissement a été réalisée dans le cadre du modèle de pompage de spin adiabatique proposé par Tserkovnyak et al.. Dans un second temps et suivant ce modèle, nous avons extrait les paramètres de conductance avec mélange de spin à l'interface g↑↓ pour différentes interfaces, ces paramètres déterminent le transport du courant de spin à travers des interfaces ferromagnétique/métal non-magnétique. Un troisième résultat important de cette thèse porte sur la longueur d'absorption du courant de spin dans des matériaux ferromagnétiques et paramagnétiques. Celle-ci varie considérablement d'un matériau à l'autre. Pour les matériaux ferromagnétiques, la longueur d'absorption du courant de spin est linéaire par rapport à l'épaisseur de la couche réservoir de spin, avec pour longueur caractéristique ~ 1 nm. Ce résultat est en cohérence avec les théories antérieures et avec les valeurs de longueur de déphasage de spin pour le transfert de moment de spin dans les matériaux ferromagnétiques. Dans les paramagnétiques tels que Pt, Pd, Ru, la longueur d'absorption est soit linéaire soit exponentielle selon que le réservoir paramagnétique est directement en contact avec la couche en précession ou bien séparé par une couche mince d'espacement en Cu. La longueur caractéristique correspondante est inférieure à la longueur de diffusion de spin. Des mesures complémentaires de dichroïsme circulaire magnétique par rayons X ont révélé une induction de moments magnétiques dans les matériaux paramagnétiques comme Pd, Pt, lorsque couplé directement ou indirectement avec une couche FM. Ce résultat fournit une explication de la dépendance en épaisseur linéaire observée dans les hétérostructures en contact direct. Etant donné que le pompage de spin et le couple de transfert de spin (STT) sont des processus réciproques, les résultats de cette thèse sur la conductance avec mélange de spin, la longueur d'absorption de spin et les moments de spin induits sont également d'un grand intérêt pour les études de transfert de moment de spin, ainsi que d'effet Hall de spin, direct et inverse. L'avantage des études présentées ici réside dans le fait qu‘elles sont effectuées sur des couches minces continues, sans aucune étape de nanofabrication. / In magnetic heterostructures, the interaction between itinerant conduction electrons with localized electrons is at the origin of effects such as the spin momentum transfer, spin pumping or the spin Hall effect. This thesis is centred on the phenomenon of spin pumping, which states that a precessing ferromagnetic (FM) layer injects a pure spin current into its adjacent metallic layers. This spin current can be partially or fully absorbed by a spin sink layer, placed directly in contact with the ferromagnet or separated by a spacer layer. The absorption of the transverse component of the spin current results in an enhancement of the effective damping of the precessing ferromagnet which we have studied using ferromagnetic resonance experiments for three different ferromagnets (NiFe, CoFeB and Co) as the precessing FM layer and various paramagnets (Pt, Pd, Ru), ferromagnets or an antiferromagnet as the spin sink layer. As a first step we have verified that the additional non-local damping is Gilbert type, and that it depends inversely on the thickness of the FM precessing layer. The analysis of the enhanced damping was done in the frame of an adiabatic spin pumping model proposed by Tserkovnyak et al. Within this model we extracted as a second step the interfacial spin mixing conductance parameters g↑↓ for various interfaces, which determine the spin current transport through FM/NM interfaces. A third important result of the thesis concerns the absorption length of spin currents in ferromagnets and paramagnets which we found can be very different. In ferromagnets the spin current absorption is linear with the spin sink layer thickness, with a characteristic length of ~1nm. This is consistent with theory and the spin dephasing length for spin momentum transfer in ferromagnets. In paramagnets such as Pt, Pd, Ru, the spin current absorption is either linear or exponential depending on whether the paramagnetic is directly in contact with the FM or separated by a thin Cu spacer layer. The corresponding characteristic length is less than the spin diffusion length. Complementary X-ray magnetic circular dichroism measurements revealed induced magnetic moments in paramagnets like Pd, Pt when directly or indirectly coupled with a FM layer. This provides an explanation for the linear thickness dependence for the direct contact heterostructures. Since spin pumping and spin transfer torque (STT) are reciprocal processes the results of this thesis on the spin mixing conductances, spin absorption length scales and induced moments will also be of great interest for studies on spin momentum transfer, Spin Hall effect and Inverse Spin Hall effect. The convenience being that these studies can be done on continuous films and no nanofabrication is required.
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How the ground state in a material will be affected by the spin-phonon interactions between nuclei in diatomic molecular structuresRoca Vich, Isabel January 2016 (has links)
Wave-like phonons are often used to describe the heat capacity in materials. In this report the spin-phonon interaction between nuclei in a diatomic molecular structure is introduced by looking at the Hamiltonian in its ground state. The corresponding Green's functions are computed in order to investigate how this interaction affects the phonons. When calculating the spin, pseudo fermions and tensor products are introduced to make the calculation easier because the spin statistics could be a bit tricky to deal with. Three different cases of how the total interaction Hamiltonian behaves are investigated i.e. when the phonon is coupled to the spin. It turns out that in two of these cases an effect on the phonons can be seen but not in the other case.
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NMR relaxation studies of some carbohydrates solutions and gelsFabri, Deborah January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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Optimisation du transfert du spin électronique à la polarisation d’un laser à semi-conducteur à émission par la surface / Optimisation of the spin transport to the polarization of a vertical cavity semiconductor laserJoly, Alexandre 17 December 2018 (has links)
Dans le cadre de cette thèse, nous présentons l’optimisation du transfert du spin électronique à la polarisation d’un laser à semi-conducteur (SC) à émission par la surface en cavité externe (VECSEL). Un spin-laser pourrait constituer une rupture technologique dans le domaine des communications en répondant à l’augmentation du débit de données tout en apportant des fonctionnalités supplémentaires (cryptage de l’information…). Afin de développer un tel composant, deux approches complémentaires ont été explorées. La première a pour objectif d’appréhender les effets d’injection de spin dans un VECSEL, ainsi que comprendre les paramètres du laser, tels que la biréfringence de phase et le dichroïsme de gain linéaires, qui figent la polarisation à un état linéaire. En réduisant le dichroïsme d’un facteur 50 et en compensant la biréfringence résiduelle de la cavité jusqu’à 0,1 mrad (soit une diminution d’un facteur 40), une augmentation de l’ellipticité de 1° à 35° a été rendue possible. L’injection de porteurs polarisés en spin par pompage optique dans le milieu actif du laser compensé a permis d’obtenir un basculement de l’état de polarisation entre deux états elliptiques ( 35 ↔ +35°). La seconde approche concerne l’étude de l’injection de spin par pompage électrique, point clé du développement d’un dispositif compact. Pour cela, un injecteur ferromagnétique répondant aux contraintes du transport du spin électronique de l’électron vers le SC est inséré dans la cavité optique. Malgré l’utilisation d’une structure anti-résonante, qui permet de limiter l’absorption de l’injecteur intra-cavité, nous démontrons des effets d’électroluminescence dont le profil spatial est compatible avec une émission laser. Enfin, nous apportons les éléments permettant d’améliorer le procédé de fabrication du spin-laser dans l’optique d’obtenir un effet laser. / Optimisation of the spin transport to the polarization of a vertical cavity semiconductor laser
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Entwicklung von neuen Sequenzen mit ultrakurzen Echozeiten für die klinische Magnetresonanzbildgebung / Development of New Sequences with Ultrashort Echo Times for Clinical Magnetic Resonance ImagingGrodzki, David Manuel January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Stoffe mit schnell zerfallendem Magnetresonanz (MR)-Signal sind mit herkömmlichen MR- Sequenzen nicht darstellbar. Solche Stoffe haben meist starke Bindungen, wie im menschlichen Körper beispielsweise Sehnen, Bänder, Knochen oder Zähne. In den letzten Dekaden wurden spezielle Sequenzen mit ultrakurzer Echozeit entwickelt, die Signale von diesen Stoffen messen können. Messungen mit ultrakurzen Echozeiten eröffnen der Kernspintomographie neue Anwendungsgebiete. In dieser Doktorarbeit werden die in der Literatur bekannten Methoden zur Messung mit ultrakurzen Echozeiten untersucht und evaluiert. Es werden zwei neue, in dieser Arbeit entwickelte Ansätze vorgestellt, die es zum Ziel haben, bestehende Probleme der vorhandenen Methoden bei robuster Bildqualität zu lösen, ohne auf Hardwareänderungen am Kernspintomographen angewiesen zu sein. Die ’Gradient Optimized Single Point imaging with Echo time Leveraging’ (GOSPEL) Sequenz ist eine Single-Point-Sequenz, die im Vergleich zu den bekannten Single-Point-Sequenzen eine stark reduzierte Echozeit ermöglicht. Es wird gezeigt, dass dadurch ein deutlich besseres Signalzu-Rausch-Verhältnis (SNR) von Stoffen mit schnell zerfallendem Signal erreicht wird. Das Problem der sehr langen Messzeit bei Single-Point-Verfahren wird mit der ’Pointwise Encoding Time reduction with Radial Acquisition’ (PETRA) Sequenz gelöst. Bei diesem Ansatz wird der k-Raum-Außenbereich radial und das k-Raum-Zentrum single-point-artig abgetastet. Durch die Kombination beider Akquisitionsstrategien ist eine schnelle und robuste Bildgebung mit ultrakurzer Echozeit und ohne Hardwareänderungen möglich. Wie bei anderen Ansätzen sind bei der PETRA-Sequenz die Bildgebungsgradienten zum Anregungszeitpunkt bereites angeschaltet. Es wird untersucht, welchen Einfluss ungewollte Schichtselektionen auf die Bildgebung haben können und ein Korrekturalgorithmus entwickelt, mit dem sich dadurch entstehende Artefakte im Bild beheben lassen. Die Limitationen des Korrekturalgorithmus sowie mögliche Artefakte der PETRA-Sequenz werden untersucht und diskutiert. Erste Anwendungsbeispiele der PETRA-Sequenz bei verschiedenen Feldstärken und Applikationen werden demonstriert. Wie bei anderen Sequenzen mit ultrakurzen Echozeiten sind die Gradientenaktivitäten bei der PETRA- und GOSPEL-Sequenz gering, wodurch die Messung sehr leise sein kann. Lautstärkemessungen zeigen, dass bei Messungen mit der PETRA-Sequenz der Geräuschpegel um nur ein bis fünf dB(A) im Vergleich zum Hintergrundgeräuschpegel steigt. Es wird demonstriert, dass sich dadurch neue Anwendungsgebiete eröffnen könnten. Vergleichsmessungen zwischen einer T1-gewichteten PETRA- und einer MPRAGE-Messung weisen Bilder auf, die in Kontrast, Auflösung, SNR und Messzeit vergleichbar sind. Mit den in dieser Arbeit entwickelten Methoden konnten Probleme bestehender Ansätze gelöst und offene Fragen beantwortet werden. Die Ergebnisse können helfen, Applikationen von Sequenzen mit ultrakurzen Echozeiten in der klinischen Routine weiter zu etablieren. / Tissues with fast decaying magnetic resonance (MR) signal are not measureable with conventional MR sequences. These tissues mostly have strong covalent bondings, like in the human body tendons, ligaments, bones and teeth. In the last decade, special MR sequences with ultrashort echo times have been developed that are able to depict signal from those tissues. Ultrashort echo time imaging opens new application fields for magnetic resonance imaging. In this thesis, the known methods for imaging with ultrashort echo times are investigated and evaluated. Two new approaches that were developed in this work are presented. They aim to solve the problems of the previous methods and to allow for robust image quality. No hardware changes should be required for the MR scanner. The ’Gradient Optimized Single Point imaging with Echo time Leveraging’ (GOSPEL) sequence is a single-point sequence. Compared to the known single-point sequences, GOSPEL enables a reduced echo time. It is demonstrated that this allows for an enhanced SNR for tissues with fast decaying signal. The problem of very long measurement times with single point sequences is solved with the ’Pointwise Encoding Time reduction with Radial Acquisition’ (PETRA) sequence. In this approach, outer k-space is acquired with radial half-projections while the k-space center is acquired single-pointwise. The combination of these two acquisition strategies allows for fast and robust ultrashort echo time imaging without the need for hardware changes. Comparable to other approaches, the imaging gradients at the PETRA sequence are already switched on during the excitation pulse. The influence of unwanted slice-selectivity of the pulse is investigated. A newly developed correction algorithm is presented that eliminates artefacts due to unwanted slice-selectivity. The limitations of the correction approach are presented and discussed. A number of application examples of the PETRA sequence at different field strengths is demonstrated. The PETRA and GOSPEL sequence, and other ultrashort echo time sequences, have very limited gradient activities. Due to this, the measurements can be kept very silent. Acoustic noise measurements show that the acoustic noise level during PETRA examinations is only raised by one to five dB(A). It is demonstrated, that this might enable new applications. Comparing measurements between T1-weighted PETRA images and MPRAGE images lead to images with comparable contrast, resolution, SNR and measurement times. With the methods developed in this thesis, issues of existing ultrashort echo time approaches can be solved and answers to open questions are given. The outcomes could help to further establish the use of ultrashort echo time sequences in clinical routine applications.
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The generalized exchange local spin density-functional theory /Manoli, Soheil Dimitri. January 1986 (has links)
An orbital dependent local spin density-functional (LSD) scheme with a generated exchange, the LSD GX scheme, has been developed based on the correct normalization conditions of an electron gas. This scheme contains no adjustable parameters; the B$ sb1$, B$ sb2$ and $ alpha sp lim$ are constant for all atoms once the shape of the Fermi hole is chosen. These parameters are rigorously calculated using an unspecified Fermi hole correlation factor and they give an exchange density which reduces exactly to the homogeneous free electron gas one at the high electron density limit. / The LSD GX exchange density is corrected for self-interaction (SI) by splitting the total Fermi hole correlation factor into pure-exchange and self-interaction holes. / These new LSD and SI corrected schemes are compared to each other. They also compare very well theoretically and numerically (total energies and eigenvalues) with other local schemes current in the literature. / New equations for the IP and electronegativities of the atoms in these local schemes are derived which give good results.
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Mécanique statistique des verres de spins : frustration et méthodes numériques.Rammal, Rammal, January 1900 (has links)
Th.--Sci. phys.--Grenoble 1, 1981. N°: 98. / Extr. en partie de Journal of magnetism and magnetic materials, 15-18, 1980, 111-112 ; de Solid state communications, 32, 1979, 7, 487-491 et de Journal de physique. Lettres, 41, 1980, 12,291-294.
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Spin Transport in Magnetic Nano-StructuresChen, Kai, Chen, Kai January 2017 (has links)
Since the discovery of giant magnetoresistance in 1980s, Spintronics became an exciting field which studies numerous phenomena including the spin transport in magnetic heterostructures, magnetization dynamics and the interplay between them. I have investigated different topics during my graduate research. In this dissertation, I summarize all my projects including spin pumping, spin convertance and spin injection into ballistic medium.
First, we develop a linear response formalism for spin pumping effect. Spin pumping refers that a precessing emits a spin current into its adjacent nonmagnetic surroundings, which was originally proposed using scattering theory. The newly developed formalism is demonstrated to be identical the early theory in limiting case. While our formalism is convenient to include the effects of disorders and spin-orbit coupling which can resolve the quantitative controversies between early theory and experiments. Second, the spin pumping experiments indicates a much smaller spin Hall angle compared with the results obtained via the spin transfer torque measurements. We found that such issues can be resolved when taking into consideration the effects of non-local conductivity. And we conclude neither of the two methods measures the real spin Hall angle while the spin pumping methods provides much accurate estimations. Third, we developed the spin transport equations in weak scattering medium in the presence of spin-orbit coupling. Before this, all spin dependent electron transport has been modeled by the conventional spin diffusion equation. While recent spin injection experiments have seen the failure of spin diffusion equation. As the experimental fitting using spin diffusion models led to unrealistic conclusions. At last, we study the spin convertance in anti-ferromagnetic multilayers, where the spin information can be mutually transferred between ferromagnetic/anti-ferromagnetic and conduction electrons. Our theory successfully explained the experiment results that the insertion of thin NiO film between YIG/Pt largely enhances the spin Seebeck currents.
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