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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Morphosyntaxe de l'interrogation en conversation spontanée : modélisation et évaluations / Morphosyntax of the interrogative form in spontaneous talk : modeling and evaluations

Lailler, Carole 21 September 2011 (has links)
L'objet de ce travail de thèse est la description linguistique de la modalité interrogative en conversation spontanée et en synchronie. Il s'agit d'abord de relever et d'évaluer tous les indices morphosyntaxiques qui permettent de faire état de l'information transmise. Puis, l'objectif est de mesurer l'implication dialogique du locuteur. On considère, à l'instar de [Damourette, 1911], qu'un énoncé interrogatif n'est complet que lorsqu'une réponse est apportée. Un locuteur formule sa question en fonction d'une image de réponse qu'il a présente à l'esprit et qui véhicule l'informalion-réponse tout autant qu'un contexte interactif et argumentatif. On peut émettre l'hypothèse que l'intentionnalité d'un locuteur se mesure en se fondant sur la réponse qu'il escompte, c'est-à-dire sur celle qu'il considère être non seulement la plus plausible au sein de sa représentation du monde, mais aussi la plus adéquate à la situation énonciative et dialogique. À partir de cette hypothèse, l'analyse a permis, de procéder à une description modélisée de l'interrogation en fonction de trois axes complémentaires. Cette description modélisée de l'interrogation a ensuite fait l'objet d'une confrontation à des données attestées de deux natures. Un premier corpus de Système de Questions/Réponses a permis de tester la modélisation tandis qu'un second corpus de SMS a permis de valider les modifications apportées. Cette ultime version du modèle a autorisé une description de l'interrogation en conversation spontanée dans la totalité des pratiques langagières observées. / The purpose of this thesis is the linguistic description of the interrogative modality in spontaneous conversation and in synchrony. First, the aim vvas to identify and evaluate all morphosyntactic clues that report the information transmitted. Then, the objective is to measure the dialogic involvement of the speaker. We consider, like [Damourette, 1911 ], an interrogative sentence is only complete when a response is made. A speaker formulates his question based on the image of a response in his mind, vvhich carries the information-response as well as an interactive and argumentative context. One can speculate that the intentionality of a speaker is measured based on the response he expects ; that is to say on that he considers not only the most plausible within its representation of the vvorld, but also the most appropriate to the dialogic utterance. According to this assumption, the analysis allowed to proceed to a modeled description, which based on three complementary dimensions. After a modeled descriplion, a confrontation with evidence of two kinds has been proposed. A first corpus derived from a Questions/Answers System vvas used to test the modeling while a second SMS corpus was used to validate the changes. This latest version of the model has allowed a description of the interrogation, in spontaneous conversation and in all observed utterances.

The Pragmatic Features of Spontaneous Conversation / Spontaniško pokalbio pragmatiniai bruožai

Šurpikienė, Nastasija 16 August 2007 (has links)
The paper gives a detailed examination of the pragmatic features of spontaneous (unprepared) conversation in English. The analysis is based on radio and everyday conversations. It covers such pragmatic features as backchannels, overlaps, and repairs. Two types of spontaneous conversations were subjected to analysis – partially prepared radio discussions and spontaneous (unprepared) everyday conversations. The method chosen for the study was conversation analysis. The research demonstrated that the spontaneous everyday conversations were more ‘messy’ in terms of produced backchannels and overlaps since all the speakers were self-selectant and there was no monitor, as in the radio discussions. However, the radio discussions contained more repairs which were due to a high planning effort on the part of the speakers. All the analyzed disfluencies proved to be natural components of face-to-face interactions performing the function of cooperation. The disfluencies for the most part did not add to the main content of the conversations and discussions; however, some modifications in the speakers’ utterances did take place as a reaction to certain backchannels and overlaps. The disfluencies appeared to be useful devices used for the expression and interpretation of the intended meanings of the speakers. / Šitas darbas detaliai nagrinėja spontaniško (neparuošto) pokalbio pragmatinius bruožus anglų kalboje. Tyrinėjimas apima tokius pragmatinius bruožus kaip atsakomosios reakcijos signalai (backchannels), taisymai (repairs) ir overlaps, kai pokalbio dalyviai kalba vienu metu. Spontaniškiems pokalbiams yra būdingos kalbėtojų kaitos procesai, kurie gali pasižymėti įvairiais kalbėjimo nesklandumais (disfluencies). Kalbėjimo nesklandumai yra būdingi visiems pokalbių tipams (žanrams). Šito darbo dėmesio centre yra faktoriai, sąlygojantys spontanišką bendravimą; skirtumai tarp spontaniško ir paruošto pokalbio; šnekos nesklandumų tipai radijo ir kasdieniame spontaniškame bendravime, ir reliatyvus šitų nesklandumų dažnumas abėjų tipų pokalbiuose. Dažniausiai kalbėtojų kaitos procesų ypatybės ir leidžia atskirti pokalbių tipus ( rūšis). Paruoštame pokalbyje perėjimas nuo vieno kalbėtojo pasisakymo prie kito yra sklandus: vienas kalbėtojas pradėda, užbaigia savo pasisakymą, po to kitas kalbėtojas pradėda kalbėti ir užbaigia savo pasisakymą. Toks sklandumas išplaukia iš kalbėtojų išankstinio žinojimo, ką sakyti ir kiek sakyti. Spontaniškame pokalbyje kalbėtojai tokio žinojimo neturi; bendravime nėra aiškiai apibrėžto plano, dėl to jam yra būdingi kalbėjimo nesklandumai. Buvo analizuoti du spontaniškų pokalbių tipai- iš dalies paruoštos radijo diskusijos ir spontaniški (neparuošti) kasdieniai pokalbiai. Tyrimo tikslai buvo: apibrėžti pasitaikusių nesklandumų tipus radijo ir... [toliau žr. visą tekstą]

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