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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Efeitos do pisoteio experimental sobre a vegetação de dunas do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Picinguaba, Ubatuba, SP / Experimental trampling effects on sand dune vegetation at Serra do Mar State Park, Picinguaba, Ubatuba, SP

Daniela Custódio Talora 09 March 2007 (has links)
Foi realizado um trabalho de pisoteio experimental na vegetação de dunas do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, Núcleo Picinguaba, Ubatuba, SP. Dez parcelas permanentes foram instaladas, cinco no verão e cinco no inverno, subdivididas em 6 tratamentos, que receberam pisoteio controlado nas intensidades de 25, 75, 200, 500 e 1000 passadas, além do controle (sem pisoteio). O procedimento foi repetido em dois anos consecutivos. A cobertura e a altura relativa da comunidade e a cobertura das principais espécies da área foram avaliadas periodicamente ao longo de cada ano. As diferenças entre os tratamentos foram analisadas através do Teste de Friedman. A comunidade apresentou redução na cobertura e na altura da vegetação, mas sua recuperação ocorreu rapidamente. Os efeitos do pisoteio variaram com a estação do ano e com o número de ciclo do impacto, sendo mais evidentes no inverno e no segundo ano independente da estação. A altura decaiu mais rapidamente que a cobertura e demorou mais tempo para se recuperar. Não houve diferenças significativas entre o controle e os tratamentos de menor intensidade (25 e 75 passadas) nem entre os de média e grande intensidade (200, 500 e 1000 passadas), indicando que o uso da capacidade de carga recreativa não é um bom parâmetro para a área estudada. Analisando os dados obtidos pode-se afirmar que a comunidade estudada apresenta alta resistência e resiliência aos efeitos do pisoteio. O número de espécies aumentou com os anos do experimento, mas a maioria delas tem características de plantas invasoras. Três meses após o impacto as espécies apresentavam cobertura semelhante à observada antes do pisoteio. Os dados indicam que as espécies apresentam diferentes padrões de resistência e de resiliência. A Poaceae Panicum racemosum foi a espécie mais resistente ao impacto, e foi classificada como indiferente ao pisoteio; Hidrocotyle bonariensis foi a mais sensível, mas se recuperou rápido e superou os valores iniciais, sendo identificada como favorecida pelo pisoteio. Blutaparon portulacoides apresentou resistência e resiliência intermediárias, mas foi, aos poucos, eliminada da área pelas outras espécies, sendo classificada como desfavorecida pelo pisoteio. Considerando os resultados obtidos, uma forma eficiente de manejo da área é a concentração do uso, direcionando a visitação nas áreas de ocorrência da espécie mais resistente, evitando o lado esquerdo da praia cuja vegetação permanece mais estruturada. Recomenda-se o monitoramento periódico da área para evitar alterações drásticas na estrutura e na composição da vegetação. / Experimental trampling was conducted in a coastal sand-dune community located at "Serra do Mar State Park" in Southeastern, Brazil. It was used 10 permanent plots, five trampled in summer and other five in winter. The trampling intensities were 25, 75, 200, 500 and 1000 passes besides a control area (without trampling) in each plot. The procedures were repeated in two years. Response to trampling was assessed by determining species composition, vegetation cover and height evaluation in six evaluations during each year. The differences between trampling intensities were accessed with Friedman Test. Although there was loss of vegetation cover and height the study area was recovered in a few months. There were on trampling effects between season and years of impact. Effects were more noticeable for winter plots and for the second year of trampling. Reductions in height occurred with less impact and it took longer to recover. Neither 200, 500 and 1000 pass interference showed statistical differences between them, nor the control and 25 or 75 pass interference did. This suggests that the Recreation Carrying Capacity is not a good parameter to control visitors' impact in the area. The data analyses showed that the community has good resistance and resilience. The species number increased during the study, but most of the plant species were intruders. After three months, species cover was round the same as before trampling. The species showed different patterns of resistance and resilience, Panicum racemosum was the most resistant species. It was classified as neutral to trampling impacts. Hidrocotyle bonariensis, classified as favored, was the most sensible one, but it was recovered very fast, reaching higher cover values. Blutaparon portulacoides was classified as injured because although it had an intermediate behavior on resistance, it was almost eliminated from the plots as other species showed up, A management option that comes form this work is to concentrate public use on areas where the most resistant specie occur, avoiding the beach left side where vegetation is more preserved. It is important to monitor vegetation periodically to avoid drastic changes on vegetation structure or composition.

A viabilização de parques com apoio do turismo: o caso do Parque Estadual de Campos de Jordão / The construction of parks with the support of tourism: the case of Campos do Jordão State Park

Renato Suano Pacheco de Araujo 12 June 2008 (has links)
O objetivo da pesquisa é analisar o turismo e seus serviços em parques. A necessidade de manutenção dos parques, a precariedade na conservação e a falta de recursos para a instalação de infra-estrutura, deixam os parques em estado de abandono. O turismo, como atividade econômica compatível com a idéia de parque, seja talvez uma das poucas atividades rentáveis para a sustentação destas unidades de conservação, no entanto os parques brasileiros são pouco visitados ou acabam não recebendo parte da receita gerada pela sua existência. Pensando nestes problemas, a pesquisa tem como interesse analisar quais os fatores necessários para uma abertura e exploração turística dos parques, tendo como objeto de investigação o Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão (PECJ). O PECJ foi escolhido por ser o mais visitado do Estado de São Paulo fora da mancha urbana da capital. Entretanto, o trabalho detectou que o parque tem deficiências de caráter físico relativo aos equipamentos de infra-estrutura que acabam por comprometer a sua visitação. A pesquisa concluiu que uma abertura turística aliada a uma alta qualidade de infra-estrutura pode resultar em uma saída para a conservação dos parques. / The purpose of the present study was to analyze tourism and tourism services in parks. The need to maintain the parks, poor conservation and lack of resources to implement infrastruture have led parks to a status of abandonment. Tourism, as an economic activity compatible with parks, is probably one of the few profitable activities to support these conservation units. However, Brazilian parks are not highly visited and tend to receive a small share of the income generated by their existence. Considering such issues, this study intended to analyze which factors are necessary to open and explore the tourism portion of parks, focusing the investigation on State Park of Campos do Jordão (Parque Estadual de Campos do Jordão - PECJ). PECJ was chosen because it is the most widely visited park in the State of São Paulo located outside the capital city urban area. However, our study detected that the park has a number of a physical deficits considering infrastructure equipment that may hinder visitation. The study concluded that tourism opening combined with high quality infrastructure may lead to an alternative to park conservation.

Sowing the Seeds of Stewardship in Texas: An Ethnographic Study of Nature and Visitor Experience at Texas State Parks

Saintonge, Kenneth C. 05 1900 (has links)
This study uses a mixed methods approach to investigate how individuals perceive nature and engage with Texas state park (TSP) programs and resources while also identifying major barriers that visitors perceive/encounter when visiting TSPs. This study looks through the anthropological lens by using theoretical frameworks such as habitus, presentation of the social self, space and place, as well as communities of practice (CoP), to better understand the factors that influence the establishment and maintenance of an individual's relationship to nature and participation in related practices. This study illustrates how an individual's relationship to nature is influenced by experiences in early life that involve activities, landscape or bioregion, and social factors. Relationships with nature are strengthened through social support especially when CoPs are involved. By understanding park visitor experiences through motivations and limitations to participating in the outdoors, parks can expand engagement tactics, foster existing and create new CoP related to nature that aid in the introduction and adoption of outdoor learning and experiences creating lifelong stewards. The study offers recommendations on how TSPs can address visitor barriers and increase nature affinity with the use of targeted outreach and engagement methods through agency interpretive resources and programs with the goal of expanding the public's relationship with nature.

Diagnóstico das populações de aves e mamíferos cinegéticos do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, SP, Brasil. / Diagnostic of game birds and mammals populations of Serra do Mar State Park, SP, Brazil.

Marques, Renato Matos 20 December 2004 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou não somente a abundância e densidade de mamíferos e aves cinegéticas na área do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM), mas também identificou fatores que influenciaram a ocorrência e distribuição destas espécies. O PESM tem ao todo 3.150 km2 e é o maior remanescente de florestas contínuas de Mata Atlântica no Brasil. Foram percorridos 633,55 km em 15 trilhas distribuídas em três núcleos do setor norte do PESM. Foram obtidas 184 visualizações, tendo sido registradas 11 espécies de mamíferos e 6 espécies de aves cinegéticas durante os censos, num total de 77 encontros com mamíferos e 107 com aves. Dentre as aves cinegéticas com maior abundância destaca-se o jacu Penelope sp. (0,99 visualizações/10 km) e dentre os mamíferos o esquilo Sciurus aestuans (0,48 visualizações/10 km). As espécies apresentaram padrões diferenciados de uso do habitat, padrão de atividades e ocorrência nas áreas avaliadas. Através da análise de correspondência canônica (CCA) dos fatores ambientais foi possível determinar que de maneira geral as espécies de aves apresentamse correlacionadas com uma maior disponibilidade de frutos carnosos, enquanto que as espécies de mamíferos apresentam-se correlacionadas com parâmetros de estrutura física da floresta tais como cobertura de dossel, densidade arbórea e densidade de outras palmeiras que não o palmito, este último principalmente para o queixada (Tayassu pecari). A caça se mostrou um fator que afeta negativamente a maioria das espécies sendo que seu efeito somente não foi observado para S. aestuans e Penelope sp. que, ao que tudo indica, não são espécies intensamente caçadas nas áreas avaliadas. A partir das densidades obtidas foram realizadas estimativas populacionais para as áreas de estudo e extrapolações para todo o PESM. Considerando-se apenas 500 indivíduos como o número mínimo necessário de indivíduos para garantir a viabilidade destas populações foi possível perceber que as áreas estudadas, avaliadas separadamente, não seriam capazes de garantir a manutenção de boa parte das espécies. Quadro este agravado quando considerados valores ainda maiores de população mínima viável necessária. Contudo, para todos os cenários avaliados dados indicam que maiores seriam as chances de manutenção das espécies quando considerado todo o setor norte do parque, área formada pelos três núcleos avaliados, e principalmente o PESM como um todo. Este fat reforça a importância da conectividade entre estas áreas e a manutenção de grandes blocos de matas contínuas. O PESM pode ser considerado uma das mais importantes áreas para a preservação de espécies cinegéticas, sendo a área estratégica no contexto de criação de um corredor ecológico na região, devido principalmente a sua riqueza faunística, qualidade dos remanescentes existentes, presença de espécies raras e ameaçadas de extinção, localização biogeográfica e também por seu gradiente altitudinal. / The aim of this work was to estimate the abundance, diversity and population size of game birds and mammals from the rain forest at Serra do Mar State Park (Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - PESM), and to identify the variables which influence the ocurrence and distribution of those species. The PESM has 3.150 km2 and is the major continuous remaining of Atlantic Forest in Brazil. A total of 633,55 km census using line transect method, distributed on 15 trails on the north-sector of PESM, resulted in 184 observations, which 77 of those were encounters with game mammals and 107 with birds. Eleven species of mammals and six of birds were recorded during the census. Among game birds the most abundant was the guan, Penelope spp. (0,99 encounters/10 km), and among the game mammals was the squirrel, Sciurus aestuans (0,48 encounters/10 km). The species presented different habitat uses, activity and ocurrence patterns, but when analysing the environmental variables with canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) we detected that the birds were correlated with fruit aviability, while mammals were more correlated to the vegetation structure, such as canopy cover, arboreal density and palms (not palmito) density, this last one specially to the whitelipped- peccaries (Tayassu pecari). The hunting pressure affected negatively most of the species, except for S. aestuans and Penelope spp., which seems to not be intensively hunted at the study areas. Using the densities obtained we estimated the remaining population to the study areas and also to the different scenarios proposed. Even considering only 500 as a minimum number of individuals necessary to guarantee the viability of those populations, the study areas, when analyzed separally, could not maintain most of the game species. It does get worst when considering higher numbers of minimum viable population. Moreover, the results indicate better chances of maintaining populations of the species when considering the area of the north-sector and higher chances when considering the entire park. This fact regards the importance of the connectivity between these areas and the necessity of maintaining large continuous block of forests. PESM can be considered one of the most important areas for the conservation of game species and it’s a strategic area in a context of an ecological corridor, due to it’s richness, quality of forest remains, presence of rare and threatened species, biogeographic localization and also by the altitudinal gradient.

Revisiting Eden : the Olmsted Brothers' ecological plans for Los Angeles, 1914-1931

O'Hara, Christine Edstrom January 2018 (has links)
Ecological planning relies on a keen awareness of relationships between biophysical and social processes, then uses this knowledge for decision making in accommodating for human needs. The value of this planning process allows for design intervention while also ensuring a sustained use of the landscape, with these insights blending skill and artistry into place-making. In the 1960s, environmental concerns galvanized a generation of landscape architects who first codified ecological planning as a rationale for decisions with environmental stewardship. While this is the accepted canon, in the early 20th century during a period of experimentation and exploration, the Olmsted Brothers landscape architecture firm was using ecological principles as foundations for landscape architecture practice. This thesis challenges current discourse and accepted history, presenting evidence that the Olmsted Brothers' work in the 1920s predated many modern ecological theories and applications, and is an important addition to the historiography of ecological planning. This thesis largely focuses on Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. as the central historical figure, offering a more in-depth understanding of the evolution of the firm, and fills the gap of the Olmsted legacy. As the children of Frederick Law Olmsted, Sr., Frederick Law Olmsted, Jr. (1870-1957) along with his brother John Charles Olmsted (1852-1920) co-founded the Olmsted Brothers and created one of the most prolific landscape architecture practices, developing projects in all aspects of landscape design. The Olmsted Brothers' work in California accounts for over 200 projects, and ranks among the highest number of their 5000 designs developed in the United States. In the early 20th century, the city of Los Angeles offered significant ecological, cultural, and technological challenges for the firm, with the city's unbridled urbanization and proliferate use of water and automobility. Rich in solutions, the firm's built and proposed designs over the course of 20 years revealed the discipline of landscape architecture in its richest and most scalar form. From small scale gardens, residential communities, park and parkway systems, to open space and watershed planning, the Olmsted Brothers created public spaces that worked in relationship to the ecology of the region during a critical juncture in the history of regional planning in Southern California. A range of methods were utilized in this thesis. Primary data provided both qualitative and quantitative material for study and was extracted from letters, reports and writing, drawings, photos, plans and maps. Over 20,000 primary documents, written by the firm's principals, provided the basis for analysis, and in a new way, this thesis interprets not only the written documents, but related construction documents developed from 1914 - 1931. As part of its data collection, an original contribution of this study is a comprehensive corpus of Olmsted Brothers source material from their work in Los Angeles. Methodologies sought to modify these documents into a spatial understanding of their work through digital analysis and re-creation of designs. The Olmsted Brothers' design solutions provide insights into today's ongoing concerns about water management, sustainable urban planning, and multifunctional landscapes. Their design proposals solved multiple problems with the design, accounting for not only vast geography, but complex cultural and natural systems within it. The value of their ideas reflects landscape architecture solutions as hybrid, dynamic, and strategic, offering 21st century practitioners paradigms in an ever-changing ecology.

Lietuvos Respublikos valstybinių parkų veikla kompleksinio paveldo apsaugos srityje: idėjos ir praktika / Activity of state parks of the republic of lithuania in the field of integral heritage conservation: ideas and practice

Mikelevičius, Laimis 23 June 2014 (has links)
Kraštovaizdinė paveldosauga – tai gamtinių ir antropogeninių veiksnių sąveikos dėka teritorijoje susiformavusio gamtos ir kultūros paveldo apsauga. Tokia paveldosauga laikoma perspektyvesne kitų atžvilgiu, nes tai bendra kompleksinė paveldo apsauga, kai saugomas ne atskiras paminklas, bet visa susiformavusi aplinka – kraštovaizdis. Tai veda link geresnio užtikrinimo, kad vertingas kultūros ir gamtos paveldas bus išsaugotas dabarties ir ateities kartoms. Šios temos pasirinkimą įtakojo siekis išnagrinėti ar tokia paveldosauga egzistuoja Lietuvoje ir kaip ji įgyvendinama praktikoje, taip pat kokią vietą moksliniu pagrindu suformuotoje saugomų teritorijų sistemoje užima kraštovaizdžio apsauga. Vienas esminių darbo aspektų – Amerikos (JAV ir Kanados), Australijos, Europos, Japonijos ir tarptautinės kraštovaizdinės paveldosaugos sampratų palyginamoji analizė su Lietuvoje išvystyta ir suformuota samprata. Pastarasis akcentas svarbus, nes Lietuvos bendros gamtos ir kultūros paveldo apsaugos idėjinis lygmuo dar nebuvo nuosekliai nagrinėtas. Taip pat svarbia detale galima įvardinti kraštovaizdinės paveldosaugos lokalizavimą bendrame paveldosaugos kontekste bei nagrinėtą gamtos ir kultūros dėmenų kaitą. Lietuvos kraštovaizdinę paveldosaugą galima vertinti kaip idėjiniu lygmeniu paremtą ir šios sampratos kūrėjų atstovaujamą šaką, kas ją išskiria iš kitų paveldosaugos sričių. Tokią išvadą leidžia kelti P. Kavaliausko ir J. Bučo sampratų analizė ir nuoseklus darbas vystant kraštovaizdžio... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Landscape heritage protection is nature‘s and culture‘s heritage protection which was settled because of interaction of natural and anthropogenic factors in the area. This heritage protection is better than others because it is common integrated, when not a separate monument is protected, but all landscape. This type of heritage protection leads to a better security that valuable culture and nature heritage will be saved for nowadays and future generations. The topic of this paper was chosen to see if this kind of heritage protection exists in Lithuania and how it is performed in practice. In addition to this, to see what place landscape heritage protection takes in system of protected areas formed on scientific bases. One of the aims of this paper is to compare Lithuanian landscape heritage protection concepts with concepts of USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, Europe and international landscape heritage protection concept. This is very important because this concept in Lithuania was not analyzed before. What is more, it is important to name the localization of landscape heritage protection in the context of common heritage protection and vicissitude of nature and culture factors. Lithuanian landscape heritage protection could be rated as a concept based on ideological level and represented by its creators. That is what separates it from other fields of heritage protection. This conclusion can be made because of analyses made by P. Kavaliauskas is J. Bučas and consistent work... [to full text]

Diagnóstico das populações de aves e mamíferos cinegéticos do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar, SP, Brasil. / Diagnostic of game birds and mammals populations of Serra do Mar State Park, SP, Brazil.

Renato Matos Marques 20 December 2004 (has links)
O presente trabalho avaliou não somente a abundância e densidade de mamíferos e aves cinegéticas na área do Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar (PESM), mas também identificou fatores que influenciaram a ocorrência e distribuição destas espécies. O PESM tem ao todo 3.150 km2 e é o maior remanescente de florestas contínuas de Mata Atlântica no Brasil. Foram percorridos 633,55 km em 15 trilhas distribuídas em três núcleos do setor norte do PESM. Foram obtidas 184 visualizações, tendo sido registradas 11 espécies de mamíferos e 6 espécies de aves cinegéticas durante os censos, num total de 77 encontros com mamíferos e 107 com aves. Dentre as aves cinegéticas com maior abundância destaca-se o jacu Penelope sp. (0,99 visualizações/10 km) e dentre os mamíferos o esquilo Sciurus aestuans (0,48 visualizações/10 km). As espécies apresentaram padrões diferenciados de uso do habitat, padrão de atividades e ocorrência nas áreas avaliadas. Através da análise de correspondência canônica (CCA) dos fatores ambientais foi possível determinar que de maneira geral as espécies de aves apresentamse correlacionadas com uma maior disponibilidade de frutos carnosos, enquanto que as espécies de mamíferos apresentam-se correlacionadas com parâmetros de estrutura física da floresta tais como cobertura de dossel, densidade arbórea e densidade de outras palmeiras que não o palmito, este último principalmente para o queixada (Tayassu pecari). A caça se mostrou um fator que afeta negativamente a maioria das espécies sendo que seu efeito somente não foi observado para S. aestuans e Penelope sp. que, ao que tudo indica, não são espécies intensamente caçadas nas áreas avaliadas. A partir das densidades obtidas foram realizadas estimativas populacionais para as áreas de estudo e extrapolações para todo o PESM. Considerando-se apenas 500 indivíduos como o número mínimo necessário de indivíduos para garantir a viabilidade destas populações foi possível perceber que as áreas estudadas, avaliadas separadamente, não seriam capazes de garantir a manutenção de boa parte das espécies. Quadro este agravado quando considerados valores ainda maiores de população mínima viável necessária. Contudo, para todos os cenários avaliados dados indicam que maiores seriam as chances de manutenção das espécies quando considerado todo o setor norte do parque, área formada pelos três núcleos avaliados, e principalmente o PESM como um todo. Este fat reforça a importância da conectividade entre estas áreas e a manutenção de grandes blocos de matas contínuas. O PESM pode ser considerado uma das mais importantes áreas para a preservação de espécies cinegéticas, sendo a área estratégica no contexto de criação de um corredor ecológico na região, devido principalmente a sua riqueza faunística, qualidade dos remanescentes existentes, presença de espécies raras e ameaçadas de extinção, localização biogeográfica e também por seu gradiente altitudinal. / The aim of this work was to estimate the abundance, diversity and population size of game birds and mammals from the rain forest at Serra do Mar State Park (Parque Estadual da Serra do Mar - PESM), and to identify the variables which influence the ocurrence and distribution of those species. The PESM has 3.150 km2 and is the major continuous remaining of Atlantic Forest in Brazil. A total of 633,55 km census using line transect method, distributed on 15 trails on the north-sector of PESM, resulted in 184 observations, which 77 of those were encounters with game mammals and 107 with birds. Eleven species of mammals and six of birds were recorded during the census. Among game birds the most abundant was the guan, Penelope spp. (0,99 encounters/10 km), and among the game mammals was the squirrel, Sciurus aestuans (0,48 encounters/10 km). The species presented different habitat uses, activity and ocurrence patterns, but when analysing the environmental variables with canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) we detected that the birds were correlated with fruit aviability, while mammals were more correlated to the vegetation structure, such as canopy cover, arboreal density and palms (not palmito) density, this last one specially to the whitelipped- peccaries (Tayassu pecari). The hunting pressure affected negatively most of the species, except for S. aestuans and Penelope spp., which seems to not be intensively hunted at the study areas. Using the densities obtained we estimated the remaining population to the study areas and also to the different scenarios proposed. Even considering only 500 as a minimum number of individuals necessary to guarantee the viability of those populations, the study areas, when analyzed separally, could not maintain most of the game species. It does get worst when considering higher numbers of minimum viable population. Moreover, the results indicate better chances of maintaining populations of the species when considering the area of the north-sector and higher chances when considering the entire park. This fact regards the importance of the connectivity between these areas and the necessity of maintaining large continuous block of forests. PESM can be considered one of the most important areas for the conservation of game species and it’s a strategic area in a context of an ecological corridor, due to it’s richness, quality of forest remains, presence of rare and threatened species, biogeographic localization and also by the altitudinal gradient.

Effects of Prescribed Fire on Upland Plant Biodiversity and Abundance in Northeast Florida

Maholland, Peter D 01 January 2015 (has links)
Terrestrial ecosystems in the southeastern United States have evolved with fire as a common disturbance and as a result many natural communities require the presence of fire to persist over time. Human development precludes natural fires from occurring within these communities; however, prescribed fire is considered to be a critical tool in the effort to restore fire-dependent ecosystems after decades of fire exclusion. Direct effects of fire on individual floral and faunal species as well as benefits to biodiversity at the landscape (gamma diversity) level have largely been supported in previous research. However, information on the effects of natural and prescribed fire on plant diversity at the local level (alpha diversity) is limited, particularly for southeastern forests. The applicability of the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH), which suggests that the highest levels of biodiversity are found at intermediate levels of disturbance, is also untested for North Florida upland plant communities. This study compared the effects of fire on local scale mean plant species diversity by examining burned and unburned portions of three fire-dependent communities to determine if there is an effect of prescribed fire on in alpha biodiversity. Alpha biodiversity was not significantly different (p=0.433) between burned and unburned fire-dependent plant communities in northern Florida, suggesting that prescribed fire does not affect plant species diversity in these communities and/or the IDH for plant communities is not supported at the time scale tested. However, the application of prescribed fire did result in changes in abundance of species, particularly with species such as Dicanthelium acuminatum, Quercus myrtifolia, and Vaccinium myrsinites, that respond positively to fire, which may have implications for associated faunal diversity.

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