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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Static analysis on numeric and structural properties of array contents / Analyse statique des propriétés numériques et structurelles du tableau

Liu, Jiangchao 20 February 2018 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, nous étudions l'analyse statique par interprétation abstraites de programmes manipulant des tableaux, afin d'inférer des propriétés sur les valeurs numériques et les structures de données qui y sont stockées. Les tableaux sont omniprésents dans de nombreux programmes, et les erreurs liées à leur manipulation sont difficile à éviter en pratique. De nombreux travaux de recherche ont été consacrés à la vérification de tels programmes. Les travaux existants s'intéressent plus particulièrement aux propriétés concernant les valeurs numériques stockées dans les tableaux. Toutefois, les programmes bas-niveau (comme les systèmes embarqués ou les systèmes d'exploitation temps réel) utilisent souvent des tableaux afin d'y stocker des structures de données telles que des listes, de manière à éviter d'avoir recours à l'allocation de mémoire dynamique. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons des techniques permettant de vérifier par interprétation abstraite des propriétés concernant à la fois les données numériques ainsi que les structures composites stockées dans des tableaux. Notre première contribution est une abstraction qui permet de décrire des stores à valeurs numériques et avec valeurs optionnelles (i.e., lorsqu'une variable peut soit avoir une valeur numérique, soit ne pas avoir de valeur du tout), ou bien avec valeurs ensemblistes (i.e., lorsqu'une variable est associée à un ensemble de valeurs qui peut être vide ou non). Cette abstraction peut être utilisée pour décrire des stores où certaines variables ont un type option, ou bien un type ensembliste. Elle peut aussi servir à la construction de domaines abstraits pour décrire des propriétés complexes à l'aide de variables symboliques, par exemple, pour résumer le contenu de zones dans des tableaux. Notre seconde contribution est un domaine abstrait pour la description de tableaux, qui utilise des propriétés sémantiques des valeurs contenues afin de partitionner les cellules de tableaux en groupes homogènes. Ainsi, des cellules contenant des valeurs similaires sont décrites par les mêmes prédicats abstraits. De plus, au contraire des analyses de tableaux conventionnelles, les groupes ainsi formés ne sont pas nécessairement contigüs, ce qui contribue à la généralité de l'analyse. Notre analyse peut regrouper des cellules non-congitües, lorsque celles-ci ont des propriétés similaires. Ce domaine abstrait permet de construire des analyses complètement automatiques et capables d'inférer des invariants complexes sur les tableaux. Notre troisième contribution repose sur une combinaison de cette abstraction des tableaux avec différents domaines abstraits issus de l'analyse de forme des structures de données et reposant sur la logique de séparation. Cette combinaison appelée coalescence opère localement, et relie des résumés pour des structures dynamiques à des groupes de cellules du tableau. La coalescence permet de définir de manière locale des algorithmes d'analyse statique dans le domaine combiné. Nous l'utilisons pour relier notre domaine abstrait pour tableaux et une analyse de forme générique, dont la tâche est de décrire des structures chaînées. L'analyse ainsi obtenue peut vérifier à la fois des propriétés de sûreté et des propriétés de correction fonctionnelle. De nombreux programmes bas-niveau stockent des structures dynamiques chaînées dans des tableaux afin de n'utiliser que des zones mémoire allouées statiquement. La vérification de tels programmes est difficile, puisqu'elle nécessite à la fois de raisonner sur les tableaux et sur les structures chaînées. Nous construisons une analyse statique reposant sur ces trois contributions, et permettant d'analyser avec succés de tels programmes. Nous présentons des résultats d'analyse permettant la vérification de composants de systèmes d'exploitation et pilotes de périphériques. / We study the static analysis on both numeric and structural properties of array contents in the framework of abstract interpretation. Since arrays are ubiquitous in most software systems, and software defects related to mis-uses of arrays are hard to avoid in practice, a lot of efforts have been devoted to ensuring the correctness of programs manipulating arrays. Current verification of these programs by static analysis focuses on numeric content properties. However, in some lowlevel programs (like embedded systems or real-time operating systems), arrays often contain structural data (e.g., lists) without using dynamic allocation. In this manuscript, we present a series of techniques to verify both numeric and structural properties of array contents. Our first technique is used to describe properties of numerical stores with optional values (i.e., where some variables may have no value) or sets of values (i.e., where some variables may store a possibly empty set of values). Our approach lifts numerical abstract domains based on common linear inequality into abstract domains describing stores with optional values and sets of values. This abstraction can be used in order to analyze languages with some form of option scalar type. It can also be applied to the construction of abstract domains to describe complex memory properties that introduce symbolic variables, e.g., in order to summarize unbounded memory blocks like in arrays. Our second technique is an abstract domain which utilizes semantic properties to split array cells into groups. Cells with similar properties will be packed into groups and abstracted together. Additionally, groups are not necessarily contiguous. Compared to conventional array partitioning analyses that split arrays into contiguous partitions to infer properties of sets of array cells. Our analysis can group together non-contiguous cells when they have similar properties. Our abstract domain can infer complex array invariants in a fully automatic way. The third technique is used to combine different shape domains. This combination locally ties summaries in both abstract domains and is called a coalesced abstraction. Coalescing allows to define efficient and precise static analysis algorithms in the combined domain. We utilize it to combine our array abstraction (i.e., our second technique) and a shape abstraction which captures linked structures with separation logicbased inductive predicates. The product domain can verify both safety and functional properties of programs manipulating arrays storing dynamically linked structures, such as lists. Storing dynamic structures in arrays is a programming pattern commonly used in low-level systems, so as to avoid relying on dynamic allocation. The verification of such programs is very challenging as it requires reasoning both about the array structure with numeric indexes and about the linked structures stored in the array. Combining the three techniques that we have proposed, we can build an automatic static analysis for the verification of programs manipulating arrays storing linked structures. We report on the successful verification of several operating system kernel components and drivers.

Modelovanje "cross-flow" mikrofiltracije suspenzija kvasca primenom koncepta neuronskih mreža i postupka odzivne površine / Cross-flow microfiltration modelling of yeast suspension by neural networks and response surface methodology

Jokić Aleksandar 09 July 2010 (has links)
<p>Cilj ovog rada je ispitivanje mogućnosti primene koncepta neuronskih mreža i postupka odzivne povr&scaron;ine za modelovanje cross-flow mikrofiltracije suspenzija kvasca. Drugi cilj je bio ispitivanje pobolj&scaron;anja procesa primenom Kenics statičkog me&scaron;ača kao promotora turbulencije. Primena statičkog me&scaron;ača ispitana je i sa energetskog stanovi&scaron;ta, a ne samo sa aspekta povećanja fluksa permeata. Svi eksperimenti izvedeni su u uslovima recirkulacije i koncentrisanja napojne suspenzije.</p><p>Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se pobolj&scaron;anje mikrofiltracije može se ostvariti primenom statičkog me&scaron;ača bez primene dodatne opreme. Tokom eksperimentalnog rada porast fluksa iznosio je između 89,32% i 258,86% u uslovima recirkulacije napojne suspenzije u zavisnosti od odabranih eksperimentalnih uslova, dok je u uslovima koncentrisanja napojne suspenzije porast fluksa imao vrednosti od 100% do 540% u istom eksperimentalnom opsegu.</p><p>Koncept neuronskih mreža daje veoma dobre rezultate fitovanja posmatranih odziva.<br />Pored primene ovog koncepta ispitana je i mogućnost procene uticaja pojedinih<br />eksperimentalnih promenljivih na odzive primenom jednačine Garsona i metode jačine sinapsi koje povezuju neurone. Rezulati ovog ispitivanja u saglasnosti su sa regresionom analizom.</p><p>Za detaljniju analizu uticaja eksperimentalnih promenljivih na posmatrane odzive primenjen je postupak odzivne povr&scaron;ine funkcije. Prvi korak u ovom segmentu istraživanja bio je određivanje uticaja srednjeg prečnika pora membrane na proces mikrofiltracije. Najbolji rezultati dobijeni su za membranu srednjeg prečnika 200 nm, po&scaron;to kod većih prečnika pora dolazi do izraženijeg unutra&scaron;njeg prljanja koje rezultuje manjim vrednostima fluksa permeata tokom proces mikroflitracije.</p><p>Dalja istraživanja usmerena su na ispitivanje uticaja pojedinih eksperimentalnih promenljivih ali i njihovih interakcija za odabranu membranu (srednji prečnik pora 200 nm). Rezultati fitovanja eksperimentalnih podataka dobijeni za jednu membranu bolji su u poređenju sa rezultatima kada su fitovani eksperimentalni rezultati za sve tri kori&scaron;tene membrane. Sa energetske tačke gledi&scaron;ta primećeno je da je najbolje raditi u umerenom opsegu protoka napojne suspenzije. Kao kranji cilj primene postupka odzivne povr&scaron;ine urađena je optimizacija vrednosti eksperimentalnih promenljivih, primenom postupka željene funkcije. Optimalni uslovi rada dobijeni u uslovima recirkulacije napojene suspenzije su transmembranski pritisak 0,2 bara, koncentracija napojne suspenzije 7,54 g/l i protok 108,52 l/h za maksimalne vrednosti specifične redukcije potro&scaron;nje energije. Sa sruge strane u uslovima koncentrisanja napojne suspenzije eksperimentalne promenljive imale su vrednosti transmembranski pritisak 1 bar, koncentracija napojne suspenzije 7,50 g/l i protok 176 l/h za maksimalne vrednosti specifične redukcije potro&scaron;nje energije.</p> / <p>The aim of this work was to investigate<br />possibilities of applying neural network and<br />response surface methodology for modeling crossflow<br />microfiltration of yeast suspensions. Another<br />aim was to investigate the improvement of process<br />using Kenics static mixer as turbulence promoter.<br />Experimental work was performed on 200, 450 and<br />800 nm tubular ceramic membranes. The use of<br />static mixer was also examined from an energetic<br />point of view not only its influence on permeate<br />flux. All experiments were done in recirculation and<br />concentration mode.<br />The results clearly show that the<br />improvement of cross-flow microfiltration of yeast<br />suspensions performances can be done with static<br />mixer without any additional equipment. In<br />experimental work, flux increase had values<br />between 89.32% and 258.86% for recirculation of<br />feed suspension depending on experimental values<br />of selected variables while in concentration mode<br />this improvement was in range between 100% and<br />540% for the same range of experimental variables.<br />Neural networks had excellent predictive<br />capabilities for this kind of process. Besides<br />examination of predictive capabilities of neural<br />networks influence of each variable was examined<br />by applying Garson equation and connection<br />weights method. Results of this analysis were in<br />fairly good agreement with regression analysis.<br />For more detailed analysis of variables influence on<br />the selected responses response surface<br />methodology was implemented. First step was to<br />investigate the influence of membrane pore size on<br />the process of microfiltration. The results suggested<br />that the best way to conduct microfiltration of yeast<br />suspensions is by using the membrane with mean<br />pore size of 200 nm, because bigger mean pore size<br />can lead to more prominent internal fouling that<br />causes smaller flux values.<br />Further investigations of microfiltration<br />process were done in order to investigate influences<br />of variables as well as their interactions and it was<br />done for the membrane with pore size of 200 nm.<br />Results for this membrane considering regression<br />analysis were considerably better compared with<br />results obtained for modeling all three membranes.<br />From the energetic point of view it was concluded<br />that it is optimal to use moderate feed flows to<br />achieve best results with implementation of static<br />mixer.<br />As the final goal of response surface<br />methodology optimization of process variables was<br />done by applying desirability function approach.<br />Optimal values of process variables for<br />recirculation of feed suspension were<br />trasmembrane pressure 0.2 bar, concentration 7.54<br />g/l and feed flow 108.52 l/h for maximal values of<br />specific energy reduction. On the other side for<br />concentration of feed suspension these variables<br />had values of 1 bar, 7.50 g/l and 176 l/h</p>

Separacija nesaharoznih jedinjenja iz međufaznih produkata kristalizacije šećera ultrafiltracijom / SEPARATION OF NON-SUCROSECOMPOUNDS FROM THE INERMEDIATEPRODUCTS OF SUGAR CRYSTALLIZATIONUSING ULTRAFILTRATION

Šereš Zita 22 February 2008 (has links)
<p>U radu su ispitane mogucnosti separacaije<br />nesaharoznih jedinjenja ultrafiltracijom iz rastvora<br />B i C &scaron;ecera sadržaja suve materije 60 i 30 <sup>o</sup>Bx.<br />Eksperimentalna ispitivanja su izvedena na<br />keramickim membrana sa otvorom pora od 20 i 5<br />nm, bez i sa primenom statickog me&scaron;aca kao<br />promotora turbulencije. Tokom recirkulacije i<br />koncentrovanja napojne sme&scaron;e pracen je uticaj<br />nezavisno promenljivih (transmembranskog<br />pritiska, protoka, temperature i vremena trajanja<br />procesa) na fluks, boju, mutnocu i kvocijent<br />cistoce permeta. Ispitan je uticaj statickog me&scaron;aca<br />na prljanje membrane, na potro&scaron;nju energije i<br />smanjenja proizvodnih tro&scaron;kova. Eksperimentalni<br />rezultati su jasno pokazali da se najveca razlika u<br />vrednosti fluksa permeata rastvora B &scaron;ecera dobija<br />kada se uporedi nacin rada bez i sa upotrebom<br />me&scaron;aca. Ta razlika iznosi 30% na 80<sup>o</sup>C, odn. 65%<br />kada se temperatura održava na 70<sup>o</sup>C. Pri<br />ultrafiltraciji rastvora C &scaron;ecera, koji sadrži<br />mnogostruko vecu kolicinu nesaharoznih<br />jedinjenja, registruje se brža koncentraciona<br />polarizacija, te se pri istim uslovima postiže za<br />70% manji fluks od fluksa permeata rastvora B<br />&scaron;ecera. Sadržaj saharoze permeata i retentata se ne<br />menja tokom ultrafiltracije, nema merljive<br />retencije saharoze, &scaron;to je presudno za buducu<br />primenu ovog separacionog postupka u industriju<br />&scaron;ecera. Dekoloracija rastvora B &scaron;ecera bez<br />upotrebe me&scaron;aca ?? na nivou 40%, ? postiže se na<br />pritisku nižem od 6 bar i protoku od 250 L/h.<br />Upotrebom me&scaron;aca se efekat dekoloracije<br />pobolj&scaron;ava za oko 60%, i to pri protoku ispod 200<br />L/h. Izdvajanje bojenih materija pri ultrafiltraciji<br />rastvora C &scaron;ecera je prividno manje efikasno, jer<br />ne prelazi vrednost od 25% racunato na napojnu<br />sme&scaron;u, mada se u apsolutnim vrednostima iz<br />rastvora B i C &scaron;ecera izdvoji približno ista kolicina<br />bojenih materija (900 IJ). Ultrafiltracijom se<br />mutnoca napojne sme&scaron;e redukuje za 85%.<br />Ispitivanja prljanja membrane pri ultrafiltraciji su<br />pokazala da koncentraciona polarizacija i<br />formiranje sloja sastavljenog od nesaharoznih<br />jedinjenja na povr&scaron;ini membrane predstavljaju<br />dominantan udeo ukupnog hidraulicnog otpora. U<br />membrani sa otvorom pora 20 nm, tokom<br />ultrafiltracije meduproizvoda f?ze kristalizacije,<br />otpor poraste usled prljanja za 20 &ndash; 50 puta, a u<br />membrani sa otvorom pora 5 nm za 100 &ndash; 300 puta<br />u odnosu na otpor ciste membrane. Kori&scaron;cenje<br />me&scaron;aca je opravdano u intervalu gubitaka<br />hidraulicke snage od 0 &ndash; 7 W, jer se time postiže<br />povecanje fluksa i do 60%. Pri vecim gubicima<br />hidraulicne snage, odn. pri vecim brzinama<br />proticanja, nivo turbulencije u praznoj cevi je<br />znacajan, tako da se i bez upotrebe me&scaron;aca<br />registruju vece vrednosti fluksa. Povecanje stepena<br />koncentrovanja napojne sme&scaron;e sa 1,0 na 1,2 prati<br />smanjenje ukupnih prizvodnih tro&scaron;kova u opsegu<br />od 30 &ndash; 77% kada se proces ultrafiltracije realizuje<br />uz upotrebu me&scaron;aca.</p> / <p>This work presents the study of possibility to<br />separate of non-sucrose compounds from B and C<br />sugar solutions, with a dry matter content of 60 and<br />30 oBx by ultrafiltration. Experimental<br />investigations were performed on ceramic tubular<br />20 and 5 nm pore diameters membranes, with and<br />without kenics static mixer as turbulence promoter.<br />The influence of independent parameters<br />(transmembrane pressure, flow rate, temperature<br />and ultrafiltration time duration) on permetate flux,<br />colour, turbidity and purity during feed<br />recirculation and feed concentration were<br />examined. The efficiency of static mixer was<br />investigated on membrane fouling, on energy<br />consumption and on economical calculations. The<br />experimental results showed that, the greatest flux<br />difference of B sugar solution was obtained when<br />the operation mode was with a static mixer in<br />comparation to the operation mode without one,<br />showing 30% difference at temperature 80 oC and<br />65% at 70 oC. While ultrafiltering the C sugar<br />solution, which contains more non-sucrose<br />compounds, a faster concentration polarization was<br />noticed, thus at the same working conditions 70%<br />less flux was reached in comparison with to the B<br />sugar solution permeate flux. The permeate and<br />retentate sugar content did not changed during<br />ultrafiltration, there is no measurable retention of<br />sucrose, which is important for the implementation<br />of this type of separation into sugar industry. The<br />decoloration of B sugar solution without static<br />mixer is 40%, and can be reached at<br />transmembrane pressure bellow 6 bar and flow rate<br />of 250 L/h. By using a static mixer the decoloration<br />effect is improved for 60%, when flow rate is held<br />bellow 200 L/h. The separation of coloured<br />compounds during ultrafiltration of C sugar<br />solution is apparently less efficient since the value<br />did not reach 25% calculated on feed, even though<br />measured in absolute values the same level of<br />coloured compounds was separated from B and C<br />sugar solution (900 IU). The turbidity of B and C<br />solution was reduced by ultrafiltration for 85%.<br />The examinations of membrane fouling during<br />ultrafiltration showed that the concentration<br />polarization and formation of a non-sucrose<br />compound layer on the membrane surface are<br />dominant parts of the total hydraulic resistance.<br />During ultrafiltration of intermediate products of<br />sugar crystallization using 20 nm pore membrane<br />diameter the resistance increased for 20 &ndash; 50 times<br />due to fouling. Using a 5 nm pore diameter<br />membrane the resistance increased for 100 &ndash; 300<br />times comparing to clean membrane. The use of<br />static mixer is justified when 0 &ndash; 7 W loss of<br />hydraulic power was determined, because in that<br />interval a 60% flux increase was detected. At<br />higher levels of hydraulic power loss, and at higher<br />values of flow rates the turbulency in empty tubular<br />membrane is significant, so even without using<br />static mixers higher values of flux are detected.<br />When a static mixer was used with the increase of<br />volume concentration ratio from 1,0 to 1,2 the total<br />production costs decreased in a range of 30 &ndash; 77%.</p>

Ranking of Android Apps based on Security Evidences

Ayush Maharjan (9728690) 07 January 2021 (has links)
<p>With the large number of Android apps available in app stores such as Google Play, it has become increasingly challenging to choose among the apps. The users generally select the apps based on the ratings and reviews of other users, or the recommendations from the app store. But it is very important to take the security into consideration while choosing an app with the increasing security and privacy concerns with mobile apps. This thesis proposes different ranking schemes for Android apps based on security apps evaluated from the static code analysis tools that are available. It proposes the ranking schemes based on the categories of evidences reported by the tools, based on the frequency of each category, and based on the severity of each evidence. The evidences are gathered, and rankings are generated based on the theory of Subjective Logic. In addition to these ranking schemes, the tools are themselves evaluated against the Ghera benchmark. Finally, this work proposes two additional schemes to combine the evidences from difference tools to provide a combined ranking.</p>

Att värma upp med statisk stretch eller inte? : En systematisk litteraturstudie på hur statisk stretch vid uppvärmning påverkar utfallet i höjd vid vertikalhopp / Warm up with static stretch or not? : A systematic literature study on how static stretch combined with warm up affects the outcome in height in vertical jumps

Isaksson, My, Brereton, Joe January 2021 (has links)
Abstrakt  Bakgrund: En allmän uppfattning är att stretching kan påskynda musklernas förmåga till återhämtning, underlätta inlärning av rätt teknik samt minska risken för överbelastningsskador i vissa idrotter (1). Det har presenterats motstridiga resultat om hur statisk stretch påverkar senor samt på de muskulära komponenterna i muscle-tendon unit (MTU). En del studier har visat att statisk stretching (SS) minskar styvheten i MTU och/eller ökar senans slakhet (4,5), vilket i sin tur leder till sämre kraft produktion och en långsammare muskelaktivering (6). Syfte: Syftet med studien var att systematiskt granska vetenskapliga artiklar gällande effekten av hur statisk stretch kombinerat med uppvärmning påverkar höjden i ett vertikalhopp hos friska unga vuxna, mätt i centimeter med hjälp av hoppmatta. Metod: Litteratursökningen genomfördes via databasen PubMed och nio artiklar inkluderades enligt kriterierna för PICO (Population, Intervention, Control &amp; Outcome). Artiklarna granskades sedan via granskningsmallen PEDro-scale i syfte att skatta studiekvaliteten. Därefter betygsattes evidensstyrkan via SBU:s metod GRADE. Resultat: Tre av studierna konkluderar en minskning av vertikalhöjden efter stretching medan resterande sex studier fann ingen signifikant skillnad. Den sammanlagda evidensgraden av vilken effekt statisk stretchs har på vertikalhopp bedöms som begränsad. Konklusion: Efter granskning av de nio inkluderande artiklarna går det ej att säkerställa att statisk stretching påverkar utfallet av ett vertikalhopp. Hur durationen av statisk stretch kombinerat med uppvärmning påverkar höjden i vertikalhopp är ett område där det behöver bedrivas ytterligare forskning. / Abstractz Background: The general perception is that stretching can accelerate the muscles ability to recover, facilitate the learning of correct technique and reduce the risk of overuse injuries in certain sports (1). Conflicting results have been presented on the effects of static stretching on the tendons as well as on the muscular components on the muscle-tendon unit (MTU). Some studies have shown that static stretching (SS) reduces the stiffness of the MTU and/or increases the tendon slackness (4,5), which in turn results in poorer force production and slower muscle activation (6). Purpose: The purpose of this study was to systematically review scientific articles regarding the effect of how static stretching combined with a warm-up effects the height in a vertical jump in healthy young adults, measured in centimeters using a jumping mat.  Method: The literature search was performed on the database PubMed and nine articles were included according to the criteria for PICO (Population, Intervention, Control &amp; Outcome). The articles were reviewed by PEDro-scale in order to assess the study quality. Thereafter the strength of evidence was assessed by SBU's method GRADE. Results: Three of the included studies conclude a reduction in vertical height after static stretching while the remaining six studies found no significant difference in jump height. The total evidence grading on the effect of static stretch on vertical jumps I assessed as a limited basis. Conclusion: After a review of the nine included articles it is not possible to come to a definitive conclusion that static stretching affects the outcome of a vertical jump. How duration of static stretching combined with warm-up affects the height in vertical jumps is an area where further research needs to be conducted.

Investigating dynamic assessment as a means of addressing the assessment dilemma of additional language learners

Omidire, Margaret Funke 01 May 2010 (has links)
Using static forms of assessment with learners who have an additional language (AL) as the language of learning and assessment (LoLTA), especially those that have been identified and labelled low achievers, could do more harm than good. Many people neglect to take account of the complexity involved in learning a second language and often wonder why learners who have an AL as the LoLTA take so long to acquire it at the level of cognitive academic language proficiency. This study investigated the use of dynamic assessment (DA) as a method of assessing learners who have an AL as the LoLTA in mainstream education, focusing on Lagos, Nigeria, in the empirical research. The study looked at ways in which DA could contribute to a solution for the assessment of AL learners, specifically how DA influenced the assessment and performance of AL learners. The study, in addition, sought to establish how static assessment and DA affect the attitude of AL learners towards assessment and their own performance. Finally, the study explored avenues through which DA could be used without it becoming an undue advantage for AL learners. The research was a qualitative study within the interpretive paradigm that sought to understand the subjective experiences of AL learners with assessment. Within a multiple case study, it resembled action research. Eight participants from two schools in UBE 8 (Grade 8) took part in the study, which involved observation of the participants during continuous assessment (CA) cycles, with debriefing and language-related mediation of assessment skills thereafter, in the subjects Business Studies (BS) and Integrated Science (IS). The data collection covered four phases: three CA cycles and the examination of the first school term. Subsequent to Phase I, mediational assessment papers, a glossary and spelling list were used. The findings suggest that DA had a positive influence on the AL participants’ performance and affect during assessment, although to varying degrees. Individual learning potential and context appeared to play a crucial part. Once the participants’ individual challenges were apparent, mediation could be directed at providing appropriate strategies to bridge the gaps. Due to the severity of the AL challenge, some participants seemed to require focused learning support in the AL, as well as mediated assessment sustained over a longer period. DA seemed to effectively provide guidance and feedback to the participants and improved their attitude towards assessment as well as the emotions experienced during assessment. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2009. / Educational Psychology / unrestricted

Ocelová konstrukce víceúčelové haly / Steel Structure of Multipurpose Hall

Makiš, Daniel January 2019 (has links)
The subject of diploma thesis is design and static assessment of steel structure of multipurpose hall. Construction is located in the city Brno. The floor plan is rectangular with dimensions 60 x 80 m. Headroom of the structure is 12,5 m and total height is 16,5 m. A main frame is created of arch truss supported by column and truss structure on both sides. The main frames are joined by purlins. Final support structure was selected from two preliminary variants. For the selected variant was made static calculation of main bearing elements including joints and anchoring, technical report, drawings and bill of quantities.

Jeřáb nástěnný mobilní / Mobile wall crane

Bábek, Tomáš January 2019 (has links)
This master’s thesis describes the design of wall mobile crane and its railway. At the beginning of the work research of suitable hoists is conducted according to important parameters. Following the calculation of basic loads applied during crane operation. Furthermore the determination of the static load and fatigue strength of selected part which is verified by MKP simulation. The work continues with design of selected parts of crane and its railway. This design is solved with respect to relevant standards. In conclusion the final design of machine is drawn.

Návrh silničního mostu / Design of a road bridge

Barkáč, Erik January 2020 (has links)
The subject of this diploma thesis is the design and analysis of a bridge at the R48 bypass over the Ostravica River. For this purpose, three variants of the supporting structure solution were developed from which a variant of additionally prestressed chamber girder with perpendicular walls was selected. The main task is to assess the construction for phased construction. The static calculation was drawn up according to European

Zimní stadion v Olomouci / Winter Stadium in Olomouc

Tomčíková, Lucie January 2020 (has links)
The content of the bachelor thesis is static verification and the desing of two options of a roofing of the winter stadium in Olomouc. The object has a rectangular plan of dimension 68 x 100 m, the minimum clearance is given by requirements of the operation of winter sports. Steel construction is made of steel strength class S355. The calculations are made according to valid norms ČSN EN.

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