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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

A garbage thesis : A quantitative study exploring the relationship between government composition and waste management.

Norström, Nils January 2019 (has links)
The escalating negative consequences of increasing waste generation have in recent years and turned into a serious environmental threat. Waste is a major source of pollution that contributes to global warming and knowing the drivers behind waste generation is essential to finding solutions to the problems it creates. This quantitative study specifically aims to investigate whether there is a connection between countries’ government ideology and their waste patterns, and hypothesizes that countries with a history of more left-leaning governments will generate less waste and recycle more than countries with a history of more right-leaning governments. The multivariate regression analyses conducted show no significant results on the connection between government composition and total waste generation but do however indicate that left-leaning governments recycle more than right-leaning governments. It is likely that the ideal of economic growth makes it difficult for governments, regardless of ideological composition, to take necessary actions to prevent waste generation. Waste is a complex and multi-layered issue and more research is needed on what can be done to mitigate its harmful effects on the environment.

"Our house is on fire" : En framinganalys av Greta Thunbergs framställning av klimatfrågan

Simon, Isabel January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

The abortion law reform in Ireland : A process-tracing study on the role of issue networks in gender policy questions

Reje, Anna January 2019 (has links)
This thesis examines the repeal of the eight amendment of Ireland’s constitution in 2018. The thesis builds on the concept of how issue networks can succeed to push for gender policy reforms when there is a favourable opportunity context in State institutions. The fit also depends on the Church-State Relations. This paper examines Htun’s framework on issue networks and how they can fit into State institutions. We observe a few prominent advocacy groups prior and during the general election in 2016. The result shows how issue networks in Ireland had access and leverage to affect policy process. This is explained by the tension in relations between Church and State which made issue networks more successful. The window of opportunity due to the general election and the Citizen’s Assembly gave leverage to issue networks to promote policy change in abortion.

Rektorers uppdrag gällande extra anpassning inom ramen för ordinarie klassrumsundervisning F-åk 9

Lundberg Bergstedt, Karin January 2019 (has links)
All children in Sweden have the right to good education which is adapted to their abilities. In 2014 parts of the law concerning the school changed. The purpose was to help the municipality and the principal on focus to their responsibility to adjust the school for pupils different ability to learn. In accordance with the prepartoratory work for pupils (Prop 2009/2010:165), pupil health will contribute to creating environments that promote pupils development. It also stresses the schools responsibility for removing obstacles that hinder a student’s learning and development. In my role as a principal, I see that all students who need extra customization don’t always gets it. Colleagues, both in my own municipality and in other parts of the country, also find it difficult to insure to what extent there is need for customization. My purpose was investigate the Principals role in leading the work towards health, for example trough additional adjustments for pupils. The issues was: How is the organization structured? How does the principal work regarding additional adjustments? What can the principal do to ensure that the pupils in need gets it? I have limited the study to focus on adjustments within the classroom. The method used for the survey is telephone interviews and the analyses is based on a system theoretical created by Hoy & Miskell (2008) that consists of multiple parts. In order for the results of an organization to be positive, efforts must be made in areas of structure, culture, political systems and the individual. Structure stands for the formal system, culture for values within the organization, political system for the power of instruments and the individual represents experience and motivation. When I analyzed the answers from the interviews, two areas could be clearly seen related to the culture dimension; the way the teacher sees the student, and that the teachers wants someone else to take care of the students in need for extra adjustments. Other important observations where: Structure - The common denominator was that all units had health team. What emerged was that an activity plan with assignments and responsibilities clearly defined was important in the process, both for staff and the principal. The individual - Individuals have their own experience and carry their own history and value base. The difference in the value base of educators sets the frame for the possibility for an effective learning process. Principal´s Role: The Principal has the overall responsibility to emphasize the importance of a good organization and to implement this.

Att leda det professionella lärandet

Fausö, Ulrika January 2019 (has links)
School leaders of today wrestle with vast challenges in an increasingly complex and changing world. Several research projects have been conducted the past years to identify and explain what is essential and important when it comes to develop and improve professional learning in today's schools. But how do school leaders put this into practice and implement it into their daily lives? Furthermore, what help do they get from first teachers? In this essay, I will immerse myself into what research says about professional learning, and the approaches and experiences four (4) school leaders and four (4) first teachers have had when leading the development of professional learning in their schools. It is crucial to have a systematic and investigative approach to how to successfully develop and personalize learning for different contexts and conditions. It is also essential to develop expertise in how to build trust and confidence by understanding each other’s’ perspective and learning processes. As a leader you must understand not only the students learning needs but also the teachers and your own needs. This different perspective seems essential to successfully meet the challenges of tomorrow. Research says that there are no simple, nor general, solutions or models to apply, but rather understand and interpret the context you are in and then link it to scientific methods and/or proven experience. This requires a high level of expertise and understanding of those who are set to lead this activity but also a distributed leadership shared by several, rather than just a few. Today’s complex challenges require an interaction and cooperative approach between different professions and, not the least, that we dare to share our educational leadership with the first teachers and other co-workers.

Är det skillnad på folk och folk? : En kvalitativ studie om bilden av den Andre i läroböcker / Is there a difference between people and people? : A qualitative study on how The other is portayed in teaching aids

Wallgren, Jesper January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Den globala världen i ämnet samhällskunskap : En kvalitativ undersökning om globaliseringsbegreppets införande i Gy11 / The global world in social science. : A qualitative study about the initiation of the concept globalization in Gy11.

Malmström, Elin January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Filmens plats i undervisningen. : En intervjustudie om samhällskunskapslärares attityder och arbetssätt kring filmvisning i undervisningen. / The role of films i teaching.

Almgren, Pär January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Professionalisering  i sikte? : En kvalitativ undersökning av  läraryrkets professionalitet och status / Professionalisation in sight? : A qualitative study of teachers professionalism

Larsson, Simon January 2019 (has links)
No description available.

Samhällets osedda : Om mental ohälsa hos soldater

Öster, Jessica January 2018 (has links)
Till följd av det krigsfyllda 1900-talet har allmänheten blivit mer medveten om hur krig påverkar drabbade människor. Några av de hårdast drabbade är soldater som ofta tjänstgör långa perioder under stor stress i högriskområden. Men vad är det som ligger till grund för uppkomsten av mental ohälsa hos soldater? Denna uppsats undersöker vad som ligger bakom uppkomsten av mentala hälsoproblem särskilt hos manliga soldater i västerländska samhällen. Utgångspunkten är att förklara problemet med hjälp av de socialt konstruerade könsnormer som dominerar den västerländska kulturen, och detta synsätt kontrasteras mot andra forskningsperspektiv som tagit fasta på andra förklaringsmodeller. Är könsnormer den dominerande förklaringsfaktorn till uppkomst av mental ohälsa hos soldater, eller finns det andra faktorer som har större betydelse? Vilka problem kan en soldat möta vid försök att hitta hjälp för mentala hälsoproblem? Är könsnormerna i grunden skadliga för dessa män, eller är det snarare en fråga om hur samhället använder sig av könsnormerna i möten med soldater? Hur bör dessa problem hanteras på ett konstruktivt sätt? I denna uppsats undersöks dessa frågor med socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv, där argumentationen kommer att utgå från den s.k belastningsteorin, utvecklad av psykologen Joseph Pleck.

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