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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Stigma Resistance: Exploring the Experiences of Young People at Risk for Psychosis Through Photo Elicitation

Volpe, Tiziana 31 August 2011 (has links)
The discovery that it is possible to identify an individual before the onset of first episode psychosis and that treatment may prevent or delay onset have led to a proliferation of early intervention clinics designed to intervene before symptoms of psychosis have fully appeared. Early intervention has generated considerable debate, given the risks associated with intervening and that the majority of those identified will never develop full-blown psychosis. Despite potential stigmatizing effects, little is known about young people’s views regarding the favourable and/or adverse consequences of early intervention. This research examines the experiences and meaning of illness in young people identified as being at ultra high risk for psychosis and participating in a psychological intervention program. Specifically, the study uses photo elicitation to explore how participants construct and interpret their experiences, and the impact an at risk label has on their sense of self, identity, and social relationships. Five young people were invited to photograph their daily experiences at home, at school, and in the community. The participants and I then analyzed the photographs together in a photo elicitation interview. I further analyzed the visual and textual data from an interactionist perspective, exploring the concept of stigma and its relationship to young people’s experiences. Visual and narrative data revealed that young people reject their at risk status and redefine their experiences to fit with more acceptable and familiar notions of health. Participants are conscious of the stigma associated with psychosis and actively undertake strategies of resistance to avoid stigmatization and uphold a normal self conception and social impression. Photo elicitation provided insight and understanding into the experiences of young people at risk for psychosis that were not available through more traditional methods. The results from this study support the call for a reconsideration of the psychosis risk paradigm. There is a need to increase awareness about the power of diagnostic information and the labeling process. Non-specialized settings such as schools and community health centres may offer more appropriate environments for mental health monitoring and intervention.

"Det är en gemenskap helt enkelt" : En socialpsykologisk studie om en mötesplats för personer med funktionsnedsättning

Toftgård, David, Sörensen, Karin January 2014 (has links)
Denna socialpsykologiska studie har som syfte att med en kvalitativ metod nå en ökad förståelse för vilken betydelse samvaron och relationerna på Träffpunkten/Öppen Bas har för besökarnas sociala liv och välmående. Då med uppmärksamheten riktad särskilt mot begrepp som isolering, gemenskap och empowerment. Vi har med en hermeneutisk ansats och genom nio semistrukturerade intervjuer med brukare samt en personal inhämtat vårt empiriska material. För att besvara vår frågeställning har vi analyserat det empiriska materialet med hjälp av J. Asplunds teori om social responsivitet och konkret- och abstrakt socialitet, T. Scheffs sociala band, R. Collins interaktionsritualer samt E. Goffmans teori om stigma. I vår analys diskuterar vi gemenskapens betydelse, vad gemenskapen innehåller, dess positiva konsekvenser, identifikation och stigma samt empowerment och brukarnas plats i dagens samhälle. Resultatet av vår studie visar att Träffpunkten/Öppen Bas i större eller mindre utsträckning fyller en funktion för alla våra respondenter. De individer vi har intervjuat har alla olika bakgrund och social situation, med en funktionsnedsättning som gemensam nämnare. För någon innebär Träffpunkten/öppen Bas ett mål mat, medan andra värdesätter den gemenskap som erbjuds. Träffpunkten/Öppen bas är en samlingsplats som ger brukarna tillfälle att komma hemifrån och delta i en social gemenskap på jämlika villkor, något som hos flera brukare givit positiva utslag även i deras vardag utanför Träffpunkten/Öppen Bas.

"Man kanske inte ser ut som sitt namn" : En studie om fem kvinnors konvertering till islam

Ehsani, Iman January 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate a group of female converters and their subsequent experiences when transitioning to islam by bearing hijab. The study analyzes how this religious conversion has shaped and influenced the identity of mentioned women, as well as their attitude and relationship to the social environment prior to and after converting. This means that in accordance with the purpose of this study, an attempt to reveal the everyday life of these women will be performed. In order to make this study possible, three different methods will be put to use. A narrative method that touches upon the time leading up to and after the final converting and the impact of the conversion. A qualitative method that manages the interpretation of these women’s stories and lastly a hermeneutic method that allows further understanding of these peoples life world, identity, attitudes and relationships. The study has generated a number of different results; one result being that the religious converting to islam has given implications such as categorization and stigmatization in relation to the social environment. These negative structures are heavily reinforced by the act of wearing a hijab that carries a high visibility value. In relation to the social environment and the majority population and their notion of islam, wearing the hijab makes the bearer an anomaly, a “second grade citizen” with dark and negative attributes. The negative theme surrounding the hijab stems from the social community’s lack of information and misunderstanding of islam. The hijabs stigmatized symbol has a greater value in identification processes that occur in social situations than it does these women’s background and ethnicity. In essence, this has resulted in the fact that these women have now discontinued their majority status and belongs today in the muslim minority group. Consequently, the women have lost their right to majority status and as such been deprived of their identity in spite of several of them still experiencing a strong tie to the swedish identity. These negative structures have also affected the social environment closest to these women, who they today altogether not remain in. For this group of women, the converting to islam has still yielded a positive total change in the self-preservation of their identity that has enabled them deeper understanding in the pursuit of what is good in life and the revulsion of what is bad. This path of finding the silver lining, has made the loss of family and countless of friends much more bearable. This due to the fact that they contribute such losses to the old social environment that allows the outdated thinking that still builds negative structures; a structure that they hopefully have now distanced themselves from. In regards to their parents, the relationships have been open-ended and uncompromising even though the parents have in some cases been the very source to the categorization and stigmatization that these women experienced. / Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka en grupp kvinnliga konvertiters upplevelser av att ha konverterat till islam och tagit på sig hijab. Studien har fokuserat kring hur denna förändring, som konverteringen inneburit, har format och influerat kvinnornas identitet, attityder och relationer till den sociala omgivningen innan och efter konverteringen - samt hur kvinnorna i sin tur upplevt den sociala omgivningens attityder och relation innan och efter konverteringen. Med anledning av studiens syfte kommer olika faktorer ur kvinnornas livsvärld att beröras. För att möjliggöra detta har studien utgått ifrån tre olika metoder: narrativ metod som berört tiden innan och efter konverteringen, kvalitativ metod som berör tolkningen av kvinnornas berättelser och hermeneutisk metod som jag med hjälp av kunnat skapa förståelse för kvinnornas livsvärld, identitet, attityder och relationer. Studien har i sin tur genererat ett antal olika resultat. Ett resultat som framställts genom studien är att kvinnornas konvertering till islam inneburit kategoriserande och stigmatiserandeprocesser som kommer till uttryck i relation till den sociala omgivningen. Dessa negativa strukturer grundar sig i sin tur mycket i hijaben som har ett högt visibilitetsvärde. I relation till den sociala omgivningen och majoritetsbefolkningen, förknippas hijaben med negativa strukturer som i sin tur identifierar bäraren som ”den andre”, på så sätt förvandlas bäraren till en anomali. De negativa signaler som hijaben förmedlar grundar sig i den sociala omgivningens negativa bild och förförståelse av islam. Hijabens stigmasymbol har större värde i identifieringsprocesser som äger rum i sociala situationer, än intervjupersonernas bakgrund och etnicitet. Detta har i sin tur resulterat i att kvinnorna avvecklats sin majoritetsstatus och idag värderas som tillhörande till den muslimska minoritetsgruppen. Därmed har kvinnorna berövats en del av sin identitet. Detta trots att kvinnorna själva på olika sätt upplever en stark svensk identitet. Dessa strukturer har även påverkat kvinnornas närmsta sociala omgivning, som kvinnorna i dag sammantaget inte har någon kontakt med. För kvinnorna har konverteringen i sin tur inneburit en positiv inre totalförändring, som resulterat i en fördjupad förståelse och strävan efter gott, samt ett intensivt avståndstagande ifrån det som uppfattas som ont. Denna strävan efter gott, kompenserar i sin tur förlusten av gamla vänner och familj, detta då kvinnorna ofta sammankopplar den tidigare sociala omgivningen med negativa strukturer som de i samband med konverteringen distanserat sig ifrån. Men i förhållande till föräldrarna, har kvinnornas relationer till dem varit förutsättningslösa och icke kompromissbara, även om föräldrarna i vissa fall varit upprinnelsen till den kategorisering och stigmatisering som kvinnorna upplevt.

Tekstilės objektai " stigmos" / Textile objects stigmata

Myniotė, Gita, MYNIOTĖ, GITA 27 February 2014 (has links)
Magistro darbo „Stigmos“ idėja kilo atkreipus dėmesį į fenomeną, kai žmogus pasižymi kokiu nors fiziniu, psichologiniu ar socialiniu nukrypimo požymiu, žyme ir ta žymė ryškiai skiriasi nuo kultūriškai nusistovėjusių normų. Darbo tikslas - atlikus religijotyrinės, menotyrinės, psichologinės ir sociologinės literatūros analizę tiriama tema, išnagrinėjus kūrybinius analogus, atsirinkus darbo temai svarbiausias idėjas bei parengus savitą jų interpretaciją, sukurti tekstilės objektų ciklą „Stigmos“. Teorinėje darbo dalyje aptariamas sąvokos „stigma“ prasmių laukas, atskirai dėmesio skiriant krikščioniškajam bei šiuolaikiniams šio reiškinio kontekstams pristatyti, analizuojamos psichologinio pažeidžiamumo ir asmens tapatumo transformacijos, aptariant tapatumo kaip socialinio identiteto procesą, bei psichologinę stigmos įtaką asmens elgsenai ir savivertei, pristatomos „stigmos“ reiškinio interpretacijos mene. Aprašomas penkių tekstilės objektų sukūrimo procesas. Darbo pabaigoje pateikiamos išvados, rekomendacijos, literatūros sąrašas, priedai. Kūrybinę darbo dalį sudaro penki tekstilės objektai, kiekvienas skirtas atskiros stigmuotų asmenų grupės patirčiai inerpretuoti. Pirmasis ir antrasis objektai perteikia priklausomybę nuo skirtingų svaiginančių medžiagų patiriančių asmenų būsenas – jos tarsi panašios, tačiau kartu ir skirtingos, tas perteikiama užkoduotomis simbolinėmis formomis. Trečiasis nusako skaudžią moteriškos prapulties istoriją. Ketvirtas pateikia užuominą... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / An idea of the Master's Thesis 'Stigmata' has arisen upon turning the attention to a phenomenon, when a person distinguishes by some feature, the mark of physical, psychological or social irregularity and this mark is very different from the norms established culturally. The aim of the research is to create a cycle of textile objects 'Stigmata' upon the analysis of the literature of religious studies, history of art, psychology and sociology on the topic under research, examination of creative analogies, selection of the most important ideas for the topic of research and preparation of their unique interpretation. In the theoretical part of the research, we discuss the field of meanings of the concept ‘stigma’ focusing separately on presentation of Christian and contemporary contexts of the phenomenon, analyse transformations of psychological vulnerability and personal sameness by discussing the sameness as a process of social identity as well as the psychological influence of the stigma on behaviour and self-esteem of a person, and present the interpretations of the 'stigma' phenomenon in art. We have described the process of creation of five textile objects. At the end of the paper, we have presented our conclusions, recommendations, a list of references, and appendices. The creative part of the research consists of five textile objects, each intended to interpretation of the experiences of a separate stigmatized group of people. The first and the second... [to full text]

Re-visioning stigma: a socio-rhetorical reading of Luke 10:25-37 in the context of HIV/AIDS in South Africa.

Pillay, Miranda N. January 2008 (has links)
<p>HIV and AIDS present challenges to the well-being of individuals and to public health proportions unpresedented in modern history, and stigma has been identified as the single most contributor to the spread of the HI-virus. While the challenges presented by the AIDS pandemic are scientific and medical, it also has a psychological, legal,&nbsp / economic, social, ethical and religious impact on those infected and affected. The underlying question in this thesis is not whether the church should respond to this urgent societal challenge, but how it ought to respond. To explore this question, the thesis investigated how a New Testament text (as primary resource), particularly Luke's Gospel, could be a resource for shaping/sharpening the church's response to the pandemic.</p>

Examining the stigma of mental illness across the lifespan /

Lowder, Diane M. January 2007 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.A.)--University of North Carolina Wilmington, 2007. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves: [46]-52)

Overcoming HIV/AIDS-related stigma and discrimination an examination of educational campaign posters /

Johnny, Leanne M. January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.). / Written for the Dept. of Integrated Studies in Education, Culture and Values in Education. Title from title page of PDF (viewed 2008/08/07). Includes bibliographical references.

Stigma and prestige symbols within a stigmatised subculture : a study of practical pistol shooting /

Garby, David John, January 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Carleton University, 2002. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 93-99). Also available in electronic format on the Internet.

Hurricane Katrina and the Third World a cluster analysis of the "Third World" label in the mass media coverage of Hurricane Katrina /

Mabrey, Paul E. January 2009 (has links)
Thesis (M.A.)--Georgia State University, 2009. / Title from file title page. Carol Winkler, committee chair; David Cheshier, Mary Stuckey, committee members. Description based on contents viewed Oct. 27, 2009. Includes bibliographical references (p. 98-112).

Mental health services in the Marine Corps : an exploratory study of stigma and potential benefits of desigmatization training within the operational Operational Stress Control and Readiness (OSCAR) program /

Cooper, Susanna R. January 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Thesis (M.S. in Leadership and Human Resource Development)--Naval Postgraduate School, Dec. 2004. / Thesis Advisor(s): Gail Thomas, Roderick Bacho. Includes bibliographical references (p. 77-80). Also available online.

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