Spelling suggestions: "subject:"stone martens"" "subject:"stone martensita""
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Potravní ekologie kuny skalní (Martes foina) v ČR / Feeding ecology of the stone marten (Martes foina) in the Czech RepublicNováková, Lucie January 2014 (has links)
The food of the stone marten (Martes foina) was studied in synantrophic enviroment in four localities. Localities were choosen with the aim to follow an urbanization gradient from the center of the city, through its periphery to small villages. The composition of a diet was studied by non-invasive method, by analysis of faeces. Macroscopic remains of the food were divided into eleven categories (mammals, birds, bird eggs, fish, unidentified vertebrates, invertebrates, fruits, vegetative plant parts, anthropogenic material, stones and unidentified remains). 104 different animal and plant taxa were identified. There was often found anthropogenic material. Differences in the diet according the type of enviroment as well as seasonal changes were investigated by comparing of frequency of occurrence and procentual weight of remains. There were found differences between marten's food in urban and rural enviroment, especially as concerned the categories mammals, birds and fruits. Consumption of mammals follows the urbanization gradient, in urban enviroment it is the lowest, in rural localities it is higher. On the contrary, bird frequence was higher in urban environment, in rural enviroment it was lower. Weight of fruit remains was higher in rural localities than in urban ones. There were also seasonal...
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Same looks, different ecology : ecological and genetic insights on two syntopic mustelids species, the European Pine marten (Martes martes) and the Stone marten (Martes foina) / Coexistence de deux espèces sympatriques de mustélidés, la martre (Martes martes) et la fouine (Martes foina) : approches écologique et génétiqueLarroque, Jeremy 24 February 2015 (has links)
Un des objectifs majeurs de l'Ecologie est de comprendre les mécanismes qui facilitent la coexistence des espèces. L'hypothèse de la complémentarité des niches prédit qu'afin de coexister, deux espèces sympatriques doivent différer dans les conditions nécessaires à leur survie pour une des trois principales dimensions écologiques, la dimension spatiale, la dimension temporelle et la dimension alimentaire. Les mécanismes qui permettent la syntopie chez les mammifères terrestres sont complexes et variés et, parmi les méso-carnivores, la sélection d'habitat différentielle est un phénomène très répandu permettant la coexistence. La martre Européenne (Martes martes) et la fouine (Martes foina) sont les deux espèces carnivores sympatriques les plus similaires en termes de phylogénie, morphologie, régime alimentaire et rythme d'activité. Dans une région rurale française (la Bresse) où les deux espèces sont présentes en sympatrie, nous avons montré une sélection de l'habitat différentielle qui pourrait expliquer leur coexistence. En utilisant des suivis télémétriques, nous avons montré que les deux espèces diffèrent dans leur patron d'utilisation des gîtes de repos diurnes (nombre de gîtes, surface couverte par les gîtes, principal habitat utilisé pour le gîte). De plus, à partir d'un nombre important d'individus génotypés, nous avons montré que les différences dans l'utilisation de l'habitat n'ont que de faibles conséquences sur les éléments du paysage qui influent sur les flux de gènes. En effet, alors que nous avons montré un impact négatif de la pression de piégeage plus important pour la fouine que pour la martre, la connectivité pour les deux espèces est principalement assurée par le couvert végétal alors que les routes, le bâti humain et le milieu ouvert la réduisent partiellement. Ces résultats, collectivement avec une comparaison morphométrique et une approche en dynamique de population, fournissent des éléments de réponse quant à ce patron de coexistence et ses conséquences sur ces deux espèces sympatriques / One of the major goals of ecology is to understand the mechanisms which promote species coexistence. The niche-complementarity hypothesis predicts that two sympatric species must differ in their requirements for one of the three main ecological dimensions, i.e. habitat use, diet and activity time, to coexist. Mechanisms that allow for synthopy in terrestrial mammals are complex and varied and, among mesocarnivores, differential habitat selection is a widespread evidenced phenomenon facilitating coexistence. Plus, this differential habitat selection must have consequences on the landscape elements influencing gene flow. It is thus important to gather information on species life history traits in terms of habitat use and selection and in terms of demographic and genetic responses to environmental perturbations. The European pine marten (Martes martes) and the stone marten (Martes foina) are the most similar sympatric carnivores in Europe taking into account phylogenetic relationships, morphology, foraging behaviour, and activity pattern. In a French rural region (Bresse, eastern France) where both species are present in sympatry, we evidenced differential habitat use which could theoretically explain their sympatry. Using telemetry data set, we shown that both species differed in their resting site patterns (number of resting sites, area over which they are distributed, main habitat type used for resting). Additionally, using large data set of genotyped individuals, we found that these habitat use differences have slight consequences on the landscape elements influence on gene flow. Indeed, while we shown a differential negative impact of the trapping pressure on the spatial genetic variation, connectivity in both species is mainly provided by vegetation cover while roads human buildings and open area partially impede it. These results, collectively with morphometric comparison and population dynamics approaches, provided better insights on the pattern and the consequences of the coexistence of the two sympatric species
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En ny däggdjursart i Sveriges fauna : Etablering av stenmård (Martes foina) i nordöstra Skåne / A new mammal in the Swedish fauna : The establishment of stone marten (Martes foina) in north-eastern ScaniaSvensson, Elin, Wetterberg, Karin January 2021 (has links)
Skogsmård (Martes martes) har länge varit Sveriges enda mårdart men 2018 gjordes det första fyndet av en annan art, stenmård (Martes foina), i nordöstra Skåne. Efter att detta fynd uppmärksammats fick Invasiva Arter på Svenska Jägareförbundet in uppgifter om ytterligare tre fynd från området. Syftet med studien var således att undersöka om stenmård är en etablerad art i nordöstra Skåne samt att undersöka om det finns släktskap mellan de funna individerna. Utifrån tidigare fyra fynd utfördes en fältstudie för att försöka samla in ytterligare fynd av stenmård i nordöstra Skåne, med hjälp av fällfångst. Fältstudien utfördes 1 november 2020–28 februari 2021 vilket motsvarade jakttiden för mård i Skåne. Inga nya fynd av stenmård gjordes under fältstudien, men sju fynd rapporterades in från allmänheten inom studieområdet. Således har totalt elva bekräftade fynd gjorts i Sverige åren 2014–2021, samtliga i nordöstra Skåne. Genetiska analyser utfördes av Naturhistoriska riksmuseet på fyra av kadavren för att undersöka eventuellt släktskap mellan dem, genom att jämföra individernas mitokondrie-DNA. Resultatet visade att de fyra individerna hade samma haplotyp och således härstammar från en gemensam anmoder. Utifrån åldersbestämning och tidpunkt för fällning kunde även bekräftas att de fyra individerna härstammar från minst två kullar och därmed att föryngring skett i området. Vi bedömer stenmård som en etablerad främmande art i nordöstra Skåne, eftersom den inom historisk tid inte ingått i Sveriges fauna och eftersom föryngring bekräftats. Vidare bedömdes att artens potential att klassas som invasiv bör utredas ytterligare utifrån ekologiska, ekosystemrelaterade och ekonomiska aspekter. / Pine marten (Martes martes) was the only marten species in Sweden until 2018 when the first stone marten (Martes foina) was found in the north-east of Scania. When this finding becamepublic, four more records from the area were reported to the Swedish association for hunting and wildlife management. In this study it was investigated if the stone marten is an established species in the north-east of Scania and if there is a genetic relationship between the found individuals. Based on the localization of previous records, a trapping field study was performed to see if further records of stone marten could be made in the north-east of Scania. The field study was executed between 1 November 2020-28 February 2021, which is within the hunting season of martens in the area. The field study did not result in any new records, but in seven new reports from the public within the area. In summary, a total of eleven stone marten records have been made in Sweden 2014-2021, all in the north-east of Scania. The Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm performed genetic analyses offour of the cadavers to investigate their genetic relationship by comparing mitochondrial DNA. Results showed that the four individuals had the same haplotype and therefore originate from one common ancestral female. Based on age determination and time of death it was also confirmed that the four individuals originate from at least two litters and that reproduction has occurred in the area. Since the stone marten historically is not part of theSwedish fauna and since local reproduction was confirmed, it was concluded that the species is an established alien species. It was also concluded that the species potential to be classified as invasive should be further investigated based on ecological, ecosystem related and economical aspects.
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Lietuvos kiaunių populiacijų kokybė / Quality of Lithuanian Martens populationsŠidlauskas, Giedrius 21 June 2013 (has links)
Atlikus Lietuvoje gyvenančių kiaunių gausos ir sumedžiojimo analizę nustatyta, kad pastarąjį dešimtmetį Lietuvoje kasmet vidutiniškai sumedžiojama apie 500 kiaunių. Tendencija didėjanti. Iki šiol nežinoma kiek kiaunių sumedžiojama pagal atskiras jų rūšis. Naudojant du skirtingus amžiaus nustatymo metodus, abiejų kiaunių rūšių (M. martes ir M. foina) pirmamečių individų nustatyta daugiau nei suaugusių. Pirmamečių miškinės kiaunės patelių buvo nustatyta 12,5 % daugiau nei pirmamečių patinų. Nustatyta, kad abiejų kiaunių rūšių patinai buvo stambesni už pateles, tačiau jų lytinis dimorfizmas nėra stipriai išreikštas. Abiejų kiaunių rūšių patinai statistiškai patikimai skyrėsi tik pagal kūno masės ir krūtinės apimties duomenis (p< 0,1). Ištyrus Lietuvos kiaunių užsikrėtimą trichinelioze, konstatuota, kad 8,3 proc. kiaunių nustatyta Trichinella sp., o 1 g raumenų vidutiniškai rasta 1 šio parazito lerva. / After the assessment of martens abundance and hunting analysis stated that in past ten years in Lithuania the hunted martens are 500. The hunting tendency and numbers are growing. At this moment is unknown number about hunting different species individually (M. martes & M. foina). In this population first year specimens was dominating against adults. First year Pine marten female in population was 12,5 % more than first year males. Both species martens males were larger than females, but the sexual dimorphism wasn’t strong . Both species males had two different statistically positive features – body weight and chest size (p< 0,1). Investigated Lithuanian martens from trichinelosis was determined that 8,3 % martens has Trichinella spp. and in 1g. Muscle in average was found 1 this parasite larvae.
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