Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ctrain analysis"" "subject:"detrain analysis""
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The linear and non-linear analysis of thin-walled sections in compression and bendingNabavian, M. January 1985 (has links)
No description available.
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Vliv orientace a umístění dentálního implantátu na deformačně-napěťové stavy v dolní čelisti / Effect of location and orientation of dental implant on stress-strain states in mandibular boneThomková, Barbora January 2020 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with issues belonging to the field of dental biomechanics, specifically the mechanical interaction of dental implants with the bone tissue of the mandible. The thesis focuses on the stress-strain analysis of the mandible with the implant inserted in different positions, with a different angle relative to the occlusal plane. The solution is performed by computational modeling using the finite element method. The geometry model of mandible was created based on CT images. The aim of the master’s thesis was also to compare the influence of the choice of the material model of cancellous bone tissue on the resulting stress-strain states of the mandible with the dental implant. Three material models of cancellous bone tissue were created - two homogeneous material model and a heterogeneous material model, which was based on CT image data. The work also investigates the effect of rotation (+5° or -5°) of implants in basic positions on the resulting stress-strain states. The stress-strain analysis showed that position and rotation has a greater effect on the stress and strain of bone tissue and implant than the chosen material model of cancellous bone tissue.
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Phylogenetic and functional characterization of human microbiome intra-species diversity and tracking of early-life transmissionDubois, Leonard 27 July 2023 (has links)
The human gut is colonized by a vast bacterial community that is currently rather well characterized at the species level. Yet, each of these species harbor a tremendous amount of individual genetic variations. Our understanding of the human gut microbiome, its dynamics, composition and impact on host health requires a deeper characterization of its
bacteria. The amount of publicly available shotgun sequencing data as well as development of computational tools allowed to reach strain-level resolution in metagenomic analysis. In this thesis, I present systematic approaches to study the strain-level variation using complementary phylogenetic and pangenomic methods aiming to address fundamental
questions about microbiome transmission in early life as well as impact of functions encoded by microbiome strains on host health. Across two different cohorts, I used a recently-developed strain-tracking method to assess the impact of delivery conditions on the initial seeding of the infant gut microbiome. While mode of delivery (vaginal or C-section) had a great impact on the amount of mother strains transmitted to the infant, place of delivery (home or hospital) and breastfeeding duration also had an impact on the ongoing development, strain replacement or persistence over the first year of life. In comparison, the father appeared as a stable source of strains independent of the delivery mode. This initial mother seeding, despite being reduced in C-section delivery, can be compensated by Fecal Microbiota Transfer, demonstrating the need of fecal microbiota exposure in seeding during vaginal delivery. In addition, strain dynamics was shown partially explained by differences in the carbohydrates degrading capacities, especially the ability to feed on Human Milk Oligosaccharides. These differences in metabolism between strains were also observed by their respective empirical growth rate that was seen associated with transmission and persistence in the infant gut. To further systematically assess the differences of metabolic capacities between strains and the impact on hosts, I developed a new method to identify gene groups (PanPhlAn Genomic Islands, PGIs) co-present across conspecific strains in metagenomic samples. By applying this method on a large collection of over 10,000 samples, I was able to build a set of 5,315 PGIs. Deeper characterization of these PGIs revealed horizontal gene transfer across species, high variation in carbohydrate metabolism capacities and association with the host lifestyle and health status. Together, these analyses demonstrated the complementary aspects of strain variation andstressed out the need to encompass both strain phylogeny and gene content to fully understand the microbiome at the strain-level.
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Advances in Rock Fabric Quantification and the Reconstruction of Progressive Dike Replacement in the Coastal Batholith of Central ChileWebber, Jeffrey R. 10 July 2012 (has links)
The Coastal Batholith of central Chile preserves structures that record the concentration, migration, transportation, and emplacement of magma during the progressive construction of a sheeted dike complex. This sheeted dike complex is divided into three main structural-geographic domains. The northwestern domain contains an abundance of deformed microgranitoid enclaves that host features that facilitated the concentration of melt during crystallization. The formation of interconnected dilational sites produced an array of lecocratic zones that may have formed larger dike networks that facilitated the transportation of melt-rich magma producing new magmatic units of similar mineralogy. The central domain is characterized by the presence of two tonalitic units that contain enclave swarms distinguished by their general packing arrangement and degree of elongation. Di erences in the fabric architecture of these enclave swarms are displayed by two separate three-dimensional fabric analyses using the Rf/ method, which indicates an abrupt transition from low-distortion oblate fabrics to more distorted prolate geometries. These changes are compared to the statistical alignment of feldspar phenocrysts that indicate general attening in both units with a higher degree of alignment within the XZ fabric plane for the younger tonalite. The third (southeastern) domain is distinguished by meter-scale, compositionally and texturally diverse sheeted dikes intercalated with biotite-rich migmatite screens of the host gneiss along the pluton margin. The need to process large quantities of fabric data from central Chile presented the opportunity to establish a comprehensive method for the quanti cation of three-dimensional rock fabrics following the Rf/ and Fry methods. In order to test the utility of this procedure, a three-dimensional synthetic model of known strain shape, magnitude, and orientation was processed. The results of this assessment indicate that the procedure accurately calculated the expected state of strain within a small margin of error. Finally, a natural example is presented to test the method's ability to quantify the fabrics of deformed rocks. This example is a \lineation much greater than foliation" (L>>S) metagranite augen gneiss from the Coastal Batholith of central Chile. This analysis resulted in calculated fabric ellipsoids from both the Rf/ and Fry methods that clearly display signi cantly prolate geometries at moderate distortions. The development of the three-dimensional rock fabric quanti cation procedure highlighted the need to teach analytical strain techniques in three-dimensions. To allow for this application, an interactive R script (FRY3D) was created speci cally to aid in the instruction and visualization of three-dimensional strain calculation at the advanced undergraduate and graduate levels. This tutorial was presented to a structural geology course of 20 students at the undergraduate level with a two part semi-quantitative concept assessment before and after the presentation. The results of this assessment indicate a positive increase in student's understanding of three-dimensional nite strain. Finally, a simple examination of analytical error associated with the Panozzo projection technique for strain analysis is presented and indicates relationships among population size, strain magnitude, and initial fabric. My results suggest that this method is most robust when applied to sections containing greater than approximately 125 lines. Moreover, the magnitude-dependent error indicates that the method may be better suited for rocks deformed at low to moderate strains. I recommend an adaption to the initial conditional assumptions for this method that lines exhibit an initial radial symmetry when recentered to a common point.
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GaN-Based and High-Speed Metal-Semiconductor-Metal Photodetector: Growth and Device Structures for IntegrationHuang, Sa 02 December 2003 (has links)
The objective of this research was to design semiconductor material structures for a number of different devices, including GaN metal-semiconductor-metal (MSM), InGaAs/InAlAs MSM, and InAs/GaAs quantum dot photodetectors, and to study the growth conditions for epitaxial material using molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) augmented with an rf-plasma nitrogen source.
GaN was grown on a LiGaO2 substrate, which has multiple advantages over the most commonly used substrates for III-nitride growth. LiGaO2 substrates have a small lattice mismatch of approximately 1% with GaN, which leads to high-quality epitaxy film by optimization of the growth condition. The combination of nitridation, buffer, super lattice, and Ga-rich condition is the key to improving the quality of GaN film grown by MBE on LiGaO2. The first GaN MSM grown on LiGaO2 was reported, which has the dark current in the range of 10-12A. The device was then lift off and bonded on SiO2/Si wafer. The performance of the device did not degrade after integration.
However, the orthorhombic crystal structure of LiGaO2 results in the unusual asymmetric strains within GaN, causing changes in the microstructure of GaN and making integration difficult. The strains within GaN grown on LiGaO2 were investigated using high resolution x-ray. It was found that the critical thickness of GaN on LGO was around 10nm, and the strains relieve with film thickness increasing. The dislocation densities were also calculated and confirmed by AFM, which can be as low as 2䥱07/cm2.
Through studying of the strains with the insertion of AlGaN/GaN superlattice buffer, it was found that the strain of the epitaxial layer is dependent on the thickness and critical thickness of both epitaxy and buffer layer. For thin GaN films, Al0.12GaN superlattice buffer would relieve the strain most, and for the thicker layers, the Al0.44GaN superlattice buffer relieves the strain most. The dislocation density measurement shows that an insertion of buffer decreases dislocations significantly. Insertion of superlattice buffers does not decrease dislocation density further.
The material structure of InGaAs/InAlAs was studied. The device quality was improved by optimizing the material structure. Depends on the application as optical interconnects, the optimized material structure should insure the device with high speed but reasonable responsivity. Finally, devices were fabricated that achieve speeds as high as 50-70 GHz, comparable with the commercial ultra-fast MSM.
The research of quantum dots was focused on modification of the size, strains, and structures of quantum dots by annealing the spacer between quantum dot layers using As4 and P2, respectively, at different temperatures. It was found that the annealing under P2 results in surface exchange, and the annealing under As4 mostly changes dots?zes, causing the changes of energy level.
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Deformačně-napěťová analýza aterosklerotické tepny / Stress-strain analysis of artery with atheromaMaša, Marek January 2008 (has links)
The main goal of this diploma thesis was the stress-strain analysis of iliac artery with atheroma.This problem was solved using finite element method (FEM).For the calculation purposes three two-dimensional models were created. The geometry was gained from transversal sections through the iliac artery with ateroma. This geometry is educed from used literature review. The main calculation process was run by ANSYS 11.0 program system.
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Spatial Mapping of Strain Patterns Using GISMiller, Roy H., III 29 September 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Close-Up Stereo Triangulation with Application to Sheet Metal Strain AnalysisMitchell, John 04 1900 (has links)
This thesis describes an investigation into the experimental accuracy of a close-up stereo vision system. Surfaces are measured from any orientation through the synergy of a Coordinate Measurement Machine (CMM) and a custom made stereo vision head. Calibration of the stereo cameras is achieved using bundle adjustment non-linear optimization, commonly used in photogrammetry. Point set registration techniques are used to calibrate the stereo head with respect to the CMM coordinate system. The fully calibrated stereo vision system is used to provide experimental accuracy results under ideal imagining conditions. The system is then applied to the practical problem of sheet metal strain analysis. This problem involves many non-ideal imaging components that affect system accuracy. Experimental results for this non-deal situation are provided in the form of three-dimensional strain distribution plots. / Thesis / Master of Engineering (ME)
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Evolução estrutural brasiliana da Província Borborema na região de Campina Grande, (PB) / Brasilian structural evolution of Borborema Province in the Campina Grande region (PB)Rodrigues, Sergio Wilians de Oliveira 14 May 2008 (has links)
O mapeamento sistemático da folha Campina Grande (1:100.000) apresenta grande importância no entendimento das relações estruturais e geocronológicas dos terrenos que constituem a Zona Transversal da Província Borborema (porção nordeste da Plataforma Sul Americana). Sendo que a área abrangida pelo mapeamento sistemático realizado apresentou-se como um excelente laboratório para aplicação de técnicas clássicas e modernas na área de geologia estrutural. Neste trabalho, buscou-se o desenvolvimento e adequação das técnicas de análise de orientação preferencial de forma (OPF) na caracterização principalmente de tramas minerais em rocha granítica. Também foram utilizadas técnicas e métodos referentes a análise de suscetibilidade magnética (ASM), tramas de eixo de quartzo e a utilização de mapeamento isotópico de Nd. O mapeamento sistemático, juntamente com a análise estrutural e cinemática caracterizou na área de estudo uma série de zonas de cisalhamento verticais de direção NW destrais e de direção NE sinistrais que formam um sistema conjugado situado no segmento oriental do Lineamento Patos (Província Borborema), a qual é aqui denominado \"Sistema de Cisalhamento Campina Grande\". As zonas de cisalhamento que compõem o \"Sistema de Cisalhamento de Campina Grande\" apresentam forte influência na colocação dos plútons graníticos da Zona Transversal. Os estudos de anisotropia de suscetibilidade magnética (ASM) e análise de orientação preferencial de forma em tramas minerais (OPF) ressaltam a influências destas zonas no alojamento dos corpos graníticos regionais, principalmente nos Plútons de Campina Grande e Serra Redonda. O estudo da trama de eixos-c de quartzo nos milonitos do \"Sistema de Cisalhamento de Campina Grande\" nas faixas quartzozas confinadas na foliação milonítica é consistente com diferentes critérios cinemáticos verificados em meso- e macroescala. As tramas podem ser descritas por guirlandas simples ou cruzadas relacionadas a ativações combinada dos sistemas de deslizamento basal e romboédrico sob temperatura baixa a moderada (300 a 600º C). As microestruturas são típicas de deformação dúctil do quartzo associado recristalização dinâmica, enquanto no K-feldspato predomina o microfraturamento. O sistema transcorrente conjugado é resultante de esforços compressivos de direção NNW-SSE, que também são responsáveis pelo cavalgamento do embasamento Paleoproterozóico sobre o plúton granítico Brasiliano da Serra Redonda. A progressão e localização da deformação mantiveram a cinemática regional consistente até os estágios tardios da deformação finita registrada em ultramilonitos. O \"Sistema de Cisalhamento de Campina Grande\" apresenta seu período principal de evolução situado no intervalo de 590 a 570 Ma que é associado a intenso magmatismo granítico. E representa o produto da interação dos segmentos crustais da Zona Transversal possivelmente associado a eventos transpressivos. Os segmentos crustais que compõem a Zona Transversal apresentam assinaturas isotópicas distintas de Sm-Nd (relacionada aqui como Grupo I e II). O primeiro padrão reconhecido (Grupo I) é caracterizado em gnaisses de origem supracrustal e ortognaisses graníticos pertencentes ao Terreno Alto Pajeú (TAP) que exibem assinatura isotópica com idades TDM 2,0 a 1.0 Ga e ?Nd(0) com valores no geral menores que - 20,0 e razões Sm147/Nd144 maiores que 0,12. O outro padrão isotópico (Grupo II) apresenta uma assinatura com idades TDM paleoproterozóicas a arqueanas (2,0 a 3,0 Ga), ?Nd(0) com valores entre -20,0 e -35,0 , razões Sm147/Nd144 concentrada no intervalo de 0,08 e 0,12 e é associado as rochas do Terreno Alto Moxotó (supracrustais e ortognaisses diversos). Os valores de ?Nd(950) no TAP apresentam uma variação entre -4,19 a +0,03, o que sugere uma considerável contribuição de materiais/fontes juvenis na formação das rochas deste terreno. Já no TAM os valores de ?Nd(2000) para o TAM variam de -11,28 a +1,73. Os valores positivos de ?Nd(2000) também sugerem a contribuição de materiais/fontes juvenis na formação das rochas deste terreno. Já os valores negativos sugerem retrabalhamento de fontes crustais arqueanas. As assinaturas isotópicas dos dois eventos acrescionais de crostas são observadas nas intrusões graníticas da Zona Transversal, o que indica as contribuições dos Terrenos Alto Moxotó e Alto Pajeú como fonte crustais para o magmatismo regional. Os granitos também apresentam forte relação com fontes associadas à fusão de crosta continental. As idades U/Pb delimitam três principais períodos de magmatismo (cristalização de rocha) nos períodos de 2100 Ma, 950 Ma e 560 Ma na Zona Transversal na área de estudo. Os dois primeiros períodos são associados aos eventos de acresção e geração de crosta no Paleoproterozóico e no Eoneoproterozóico. E o ultimo associado ao magmatismo brasiliano das intrusões graníticas. Estes eventos também são registrados pelos dados isotópicos Rb-Sr, que se alinham às retas de regressão de referência de 2100 Ma, 950 Ma e 560 Ma. Os dados Rb-Sr refletem a homogeneização isotópica nestes períodos, ou por eventos magmáticos ou por metamorfismo. / The systematic mapping of Campina Grande sheet (1:100.000) is very important to understand the structural and geochronological relations between different terranes of the Transversal Zone, Borborema Province (NE Brazil). The mapped area is an excellent natural laboratory to apply classical and modern techniques of structural geology for the study of mechanisms of generation and evolution of ductile shear zones. This work aimed the evaluation, adaptation and validation of techniques for shape preferred orientation analysis to characterize granitic and metamorphic rock fabrics. Additionally, we used a multi-method approach, with the application of anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analysis, quartz c-axis fabrics and Nd isotopic mapping integrated with conventional geologic studies. A network of transcurrent shear zones formed by NW-trending dextral and NE-trending sinistral zones was recognized by systematic mapping, structural and kinematic analysis. These shear zones form a conjugated system located in the oriental segment of the Patos Lineament (Borborema Province), here denominated as the Campina Grande Shear System. The Campina Grande Shear System strongly influenced the emplacement of granitic plutons in the Transversal Zone. This fact is emphasized by anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility analysis and shape preferred orientation fabrics, mainly for the Campina Grande and Serra Redonda plutons. C-axis fabrics in quartz-mylonites of Campina Grande Shear System show single and cross guirdle patterns consistent with kinematic criteria recorded in meso- and regional macroscale. They are related to the activation of mainly basal and rhomboedric slip systems in a low to moderate temperature (300 a 600º C). Microstructures in quartz indicate the deformation mechanisms include crystal plastic and recrystallization processes, but ductilebrittle strains in feldspar. The conjugate shear zone system agrees with a bulk NNW-SSE trending shortening direction. It was also responsible for the thrusting of the Paleoproterozoic basement to over younger rocks of the \"Alto PajeúTerrane\". The principal phase of the Campina Grande Shear System evolution occurred between 590 and 570 Ma, concomitant with intense granitic magmatism, and represents the product of the interaction of the Transversal Zone segments, possibly associated with transpressive events. The Transversal Zone crustal segments display two main distinct patterns of Sm-Nd isotopic signatures (groups I and II). The group I, characteristic of paragneisses and granitic orthogneisses from the Alto Pageú Terrane (APT), exhibits Nd model ages (TDM) between 1,0 and 2,0 Ma, ?Nd(0) values generally lower than -20,0, and Sm147/Nd144 ratio higher than 0,12. The group II, related to supracrustal rocks and orthogneisses from the Alto Moxotó Terrane (AMT), shows Paleoproterozoic to Archean Nd model ages (2,0 a 3,0 Ga), ?Nd(0) values between -20,0 and -35,0, and Sm147/Nd144 ratio from 0,08 to 0,12. The ?Nd(950) values from the APT vary between -4,19 and +0,03, suggesting important contribution of juvenile material and sources in the rock formation in this terrane. The ?Nd(2000) values from the AMT vary from - 11,28 to +1,73, reflecting reworking of Archean crustal sources and contribution of juvenile material in the rock formation. The isotopic signatures of the two crustal accretionary events (ca. 2000 and 950 Ma) are observed in granitic plutons of the Transversal Zone, indicating that the Alto Moxotó and Alto Pageú terranes contributed as crustal sources for the regional magmatism. The granitic plutons also show strong relation with sources associated to melting of the continental crust. U-Pb age data delimit three principal magmatic events in the Transversal Zone in the study area (ca. 2100 Ma, 950 Ma and 560 Ma). The two former events are associated to crustal accretion and generation, and the last event related to Brasiliano granitic magmatism. Rb-Sr isotopic dates also registered these events, reflecting isotopic homogenization during magmatic and/or metamorphic events.
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Caracterização estrutural de um segmento da rampa lateral de capitólio, limite norte da Nappe de Passos - MGSantos, Tiago Eloi de souza Sério dos [UNESP] 05 September 2007 (has links) (PDF)
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santos_tess_me_rcla.pdf: 2702964 bytes, checksum: 9279e9adefca2e18bc08fb0bc96b8d4a (MD5) / O limite norte da Nappe de Passos, sudoeste de Minas Gerais, é marcado por um sistema de rampa lateral denominado de Rampa Lateral de Capitólio. Essa rampa põe em contato os denominados Domínios Interno (DI) e Externo (DE) da Faixa Brasília Meridional. Através do estudo detalhado das estruturas presentes nessa situação, é proposto um modelo para evolução dessa rampa, explicando como a estruturação vertical que marca o DE, transiciona para a estruturação subhorizontal encontrada no DI, ambas com direção NW-SE. O contato entre esses domínios é balizado por um cavalgamento tardio (D3) que oblitera os registros iniciais do desenvolvimento da rampa lateral, caracterizada por um plano íngreme (D2). A parte oculta dessa história envolveu modelos complexos de deformação, em que, através da rotação do eixo de vorticidade transicionamos de uma Zona de Cisalhamento Monoclínica do tipo Y vertical para uma horizontal, respectivamente na posição de rampa e patamar da nappe. Os resultados obtidos através da análise da deformação mostram que a intensidade de deformação relacionada à fase D2 aumenta em direção ao contato DE/DI. A baixa intensidade da deformação D2 no DI, próximo ao contato com DE confirma o caráter tardio (D3) deste empurrão, que posiciona as rochas do DI encobrindo a rampa lateral original da Nappe de Passos. / The northern edge of Passos Nappe, southwest of Minas Gerais state, is marked by a lateral ramp system called Capitólio Lateral Ramp. This ramp is the contact of the Internal (DI) and External (DE) domains of the Southeastern segment of the Brasilia Fold Belt. A detailed study of these structures permits to consider a model for the evolution of this ramp, as the vertical structures, which marks DE, changing to sub-horizontal structures verified in DI, both with direction NW-SE. The contact between these domains is distinguished by a later thrust (D3) which obliterates the initial registers of the development of the lateral ramp, a steep plane (D2). The covered portion of this history involved complex deformation models, where by rotation of the vorticity axis is possible to see a transition of a vertical to horizontal Y-Moniclinic Shear Zone, respectively in the ramp and flat of the nappe. The strain analyses show that the intensity of D2 related strain increase in direction to the contact DE/DI. The low D2 strain of the DI near the DE contact confirms the later character of the D3 thrust, that overprint the original lateral ramp of Passos Nappe.
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