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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Traitement et raisonnement distribués des flux RDF / Distributed RDF stream processing and reasoning

Ren, Xiangnan 19 November 2018 (has links)
Le traitement en temps réel des flux de données émanant des capteurs est devenu une tâche courante dans de nombreux scénarios industriels. Dans le contexte de l'Internet des objets (IoT), les données sont émises par des sources de flux hétérogènes, c'est-à-dire provenant de domaines et de modèles de données différents. Cela impose aux applications de l'IoT de gérer efficacement l'intégration de données à partir de ressources diverses. Le traitement des flux RDF est dès lors devenu un domaine de recherche important. Cette démarche basée sur des technologies du Web Sémantique supporte actuellement de nombreuses applications innovantes où les notions de temps réel et de raisonnement sont prépondérantes. La recherche présentée dans ce manuscrit s'attaque à ce type d'application. En particulier, elle a pour objectif de gérer efficacement les flux de données massifs entrants et à avoir des services avancés d’analyse de données, e.g., la détection d’anomalie. Cependant, un moteur de RDF Stream Processing (RSP) moderne doit prendre en compte les caractéristiques de volume et de vitesse rencontrées à l'ère du Big Data. Dans un projet industriel d'envergure, nous avons découvert qu'un moteur de traitement de flux disponible 24/7 est généralement confronté à un volume de données massives, avec des changements dynamiques de la structure des données et les caractéristiques de la charge du système. Pour résoudre ces problèmes, nous proposons Strider, un moteur de traitement de flux RDF distribué, hybride et adaptatif qui optimise le plan de requête logique selon l’état des flux de données. Strider a été conçu pour garantir d'importantes propriétés industrielles telles que l'évolutivité, la haute disponibilité, la tolérance aux pannes, le haut débit et une latence acceptable. Ces garanties sont obtenues en concevant l'architecture du moteur avec des composants actuellement incontournables du Big Data: Apache Spark et Apache Kafka. De plus, un nombre croissant de traitements exécutés sur des moteurs RSP nécessitent des mécanismes de raisonnement. Ils se traduisent généralement par un compromis entre le débit de données, la latence et le coût computationnel des inférences. Par conséquent, nous avons étendu Strider pour prendre en charge la capacité de raisonnement en temps réel avec un support d'expressivité d'ontologies en RDFS + (i.e., RDFS + owl:sameAs). Nous combinons Strider avec une approche de réécriture de requêtes pour SPARQL qui bénéficie d'un encodage intelligent pour les bases de connaissances. Le système est évalué selon différentes dimensions et sur plusieurs jeux de données, pour mettre en évidence ses performances. Enfin, nous avons exploré le raisonnement du flux RDF dans un contexte d'ontologies exprimés avec un fragment d'ASP (Answer Set Programming). La considération de cette problématique de recherche est principalement motivée par le fait que de plus en plus d'applications de streaming nécessitent des tâches de raisonnement plus expressives et complexes. Le défi principal consiste à gérer les dimensions de débit et de latence avec des méthologies efficaces. Les efforts récents dans ce domaine ne considèrent pas l'aspect de passage à l'échelle du système pour le raisonnement des flux. Ainsi, nous visons à explorer la capacité des systèmes distribuées modernes à traiter des requêtes d'inférence hautement expressive sur des flux de données volumineux. Nous considérons les requêtes exprimées dans un fragment positif de LARS (un cadre logique temporel basé sur Answer Set Programming) et proposons des solutions pour traiter ces requêtes, basées sur les deux principaux modèles d’exécution adoptés par les principaux systèmes distribuées: Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) et Record-at-A-Time (RAT). Nous mettons en œuvre notre solution nommée BigSR et effectuons une série d’évaluations. Nos expériences montrent que BigSR atteint un débit élevé au-delà du million de triplets par seconde en utilisant un petit groupe de machines / Real-time processing of data streams emanating from sensors is becoming a common task in industrial scenarios. In an Internet of Things (IoT) context, data are emitted from heterogeneous stream sources, i.e., coming from different domains and data models. This requires that IoT applications efficiently handle data integration mechanisms. The processing of RDF data streams hence became an important research field. This trend enables a wide range of innovative applications where the real-time and reasoning aspects are pervasive. The key implementation goal of such application consists in efficiently handling massive incoming data streams and supporting advanced data analytics services like anomaly detection. However, a modern RSP engine has to address volume and velocity characteristics encountered in the Big Data era. In an on-going industrial project, we found out that a 24/7 available stream processing engine usually faces massive data volume, dynamically changing data structure and workload characteristics. These facts impact the engine's performance and reliability. To address these issues, we propose Strider, a hybrid adaptive distributed RDF Stream Processing engine that optimizes logical query plan according to the state of data streams. Strider has been designed to guarantee important industrial properties such as scalability, high availability, fault-tolerant, high throughput and acceptable latency. These guarantees are obtained by designing the engine's architecture with state-of-the-art Apache components such as Spark and Kafka. Moreover, an increasing number of processing jobs executed over RSP engines are requiring reasoning mechanisms. It usually comes at the cost of finding a trade-off between data throughput, latency and the computational cost of expressive inferences. Therefore, we extend Strider to support real-time RDFS+ (i.e., RDFS + owl:sameAs) reasoning capability. We combine Strider with a query rewriting approach for SPARQL that benefits from an intelligent encoding of knowledge base. The system is evaluated along different dimensions and over multiple datasets to emphasize its performance. Finally, we have stepped further to exploratory RDF stream reasoning with a fragment of Answer Set Programming. This part of our research work is mainly motivated by the fact that more and more streaming applications require more expressive and complex reasoning tasks. The main challenge is to cope with the large volume and high-velocity dimensions in a scalable and inference-enabled manner. Recent efforts in this area still missing the aspect of system scalability for stream reasoning. Thus, we aim to explore the ability of modern distributed computing frameworks to process highly expressive knowledge inference queries over Big Data streams. To do so, we consider queries expressed as a positive fragment of LARS (a temporal logic framework based on Answer Set Programming) and propose solutions to process such queries, based on the two main execution models adopted by major parallel and distributed execution frameworks: Bulk Synchronous Parallel (BSP) and Record-at-A-Time (RAT). We implement our solution named BigSR and conduct a series of evaluations. Our experiments show that BigSR achieves high throughput beyond million-triples per second using a rather small cluster of machines

Towards Unifying Stream Processing over Central and Near-the-Edge Data Centers

Peiro Sajjad, Hooman January 2016 (has links)
In this thesis, our goal is to enable and achieve effective and efficient real-time stream processing in a geo-distributed infrastructure, by combining the power of central data centers and micro data centers. Our research focus is to address the challenges of distributing the stream processing applications and placing them closer to data sources and sinks. We enable applications to run in a geo-distributed setting and provide solutions for the network-aware placement of distributed stream processing applications across geo-distributed infrastructures.  First, we evaluate Apache Storm, a widely used open-source distributed stream processing system, in the community network Cloud, as an example of a geo-distributed infrastructure. Our evaluation exposes new requirements for stream processing systems to function in a geo-distributed infrastructure. Second, we propose a solution to facilitate the optimal placement of the stream processing components on geo-distributed infrastructures. We present a novel method for partitioning a geo-distributed infrastructure into a set of computing clusters, each called a micro data center. According to our results, we can increase the minimum available bandwidth in the network and likewise, reduce the average latency to less than 50%. Next, we propose a parallel and distributed graph partitioner, called HoVerCut, for fast partitioning of streaming graphs. Since a lot of data can be presented in the form of graph, graph partitioning can be used to assign the graph elements to different data centers to provide data locality for efficient processing. Last, we provide an approach, called SpanEdge that enables stream processing systems to work on a geo-distributed infrastructure. SpenEdge unifies stream processing over the central and near-the-edge data centers (micro data centers). As a proof of concept, we implement SpanEdge by extending Apache Storm that enables it to run across multiple data centers. / <p>QC 20161005</p>

Elasticité dans le cloud computing / Elasticity in the Cloud

El Rheddane, Ahmed 25 February 2015 (has links)
Les charges réelles d'applications sont souvent dynamiques. Ainsi, le dimensionnement statique de ressources est voué soit au gaspillage, s'il est basé sur une estimation du pire scénario, soit à la dégradation de performance, s'il est basé sur la charge moyenne. Grâce au modèle du cloud computing, les ressources peuvent être allouées à la demande et le dimensionnement adapté à la variation de la charge. Cependant, après avoir exploré les travaux existants, nous avons trouvé que la plupart des outils d'élasticité sont trop génériques et ne parviennent pas à répondre aux besoins spécifiques d'applications particulières. Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous utilisons des boucles autonomiques et diverses techniques d'élasticité afin de rendre élastiques différents types d'applications, à savoir un service de consolidation, un intergiciel de messagerie et une plateforme de traitement de données en temps-réel. Ces solutions élastiques ont été réalisées à partir d'applications libres et leur évaluation montre qu'ils permettent d'économiser les ressources utilisées avec un surcoût minimal. / Real world workloads are often dynamic. This makes the static scaling of resourcesfatally result in either the waste of resources, if it is based on the estimatedworst case scenario, or the degradation of performance if it is based on the averageworkload. Thanks to the cloud computing model, resources can be provisioned ondemand and scaling can be adapted to the variations of the workload thus achievingelasticity. However, after exploring the existing works, we find that most elasticityframeworks are too generic and fail to meet the specific needs of particularapplications. In this work, we use autonomic loops along with various elasticitytechniques in order to render different types of applications elastic, namelya consolidation service, message-oriented middleware and a stream processingplatform. These elastic solutions have been implemented based on open-sourceapplications and their evaluation shows that they enable resources’ economy withminimal overhead.

Elasticité dans le cloud computing / Elasticity in the Cloud

El Rheddane, Ahmed 25 February 2015 (has links)
Les charges réelles d'applications sont souvent dynamiques. Ainsi, le dimensionnement statique de ressources est voué soit au gaspillage, s'il est basé sur une estimation du pire scénario, soit à la dégradation de performance, s'il est basé sur la charge moyenne. Grâce au modèle du cloud computing, les ressources peuvent être allouées à la demande et le dimensionnement adapté à la variation de la charge. Cependant, après avoir exploré les travaux existants, nous avons trouvé que la plupart des outils d'élasticité sont trop génériques et ne parviennent pas à répondre aux besoins spécifiques d'applications particulières. Dans le cadre de ce travail, nous utilisons des boucles autonomiques et diverses techniques d'élasticité afin de rendre élastiques différents types d'applications, à savoir un service de consolidation, un intergiciel de messagerie et une plateforme de traitement de données en temps-réel. Ces solutions élastiques ont été réalisées à partir d'applications libres et leur évaluation montre qu'ils permettent d'économiser les ressources utilisées avec un surcoût minimal. / Real world workloads are often dynamic. This makes the static scaling of resourcesfatally result in either the waste of resources, if it is based on the estimatedworst case scenario, or the degradation of performance if it is based on the averageworkload. Thanks to the cloud computing model, resources can be provisioned ondemand and scaling can be adapted to the variations of the workload thus achievingelasticity. However, after exploring the existing works, we find that most elasticityframeworks are too generic and fail to meet the specific needs of particularapplications. In this work, we use autonomic loops along with various elasticitytechniques in order to render different types of applications elastic, namelya consolidation service, message-oriented middleware and a stream processingplatform. These elastic solutions have been implemented based on open-sourceapplications and their evaluation shows that they enable resources’ economy withminimal overhead.

Approximate Data Analytics Systems

Le Quoc, Do 22 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Today, most modern online services make use of big data analytics systems to extract useful information from the raw digital data. The data normally arrives as a continuous data stream at a high speed and in huge volumes. The cost of handling this massive data can be significant. Providing interactive latency in processing the data is often impractical due to the fact that the data is growing exponentially and even faster than Moore’s law predictions. To overcome this problem, approximate computing has recently emerged as a promising solution. Approximate computing is based on the observation that many modern applications are amenable to an approximate, rather than the exact output. Unlike traditional computing, approximate computing tolerates lower accuracy to achieve lower latency by computing over a partial subset instead of the entire input data. Unfortunately, the advancements in approximate computing are primarily geared towards batch analytics and cannot provide low-latency guarantees in the context of stream processing, where new data continuously arrives as an unbounded stream. In this thesis, we design and implement approximate computing techniques for processing and interacting with high-speed and large-scale stream data to achieve low latency and efficient utilization of resources. To achieve these goals, we have designed and built the following approximate data analytics systems: • StreamApprox—a data stream analytics system for approximate computing. This system supports approximate computing for low-latency stream analytics in a transparent way and has an ability to adapt to rapid fluctuations of input data streams. In this system, we designed an online adaptive stratified reservoir sampling algorithm to produce approximate output with bounded error. • IncApprox—a data analytics system for incremental approximate computing. This system adopts approximate and incremental computing in stream processing to achieve high-throughput and low-latency with efficient resource utilization. In this system, we designed an online stratified sampling algorithm that uses self-adjusting computation to produce an incrementally updated approximate output with bounded error. • PrivApprox—a data stream analytics system for privacy-preserving and approximate computing. This system supports high utility and low-latency data analytics and preserves user’s privacy at the same time. The system is based on the combination of privacy-preserving data analytics and approximate computing. • ApproxJoin—an approximate distributed joins system. This system improves the performance of joins — critical but expensive operations in big data systems. In this system, we employed a sketching technique (Bloom filter) to avoid shuffling non-joinable data items through the network as well as proposed a novel sampling mechanism that executes during the join to obtain an unbiased representative sample of the join output. Our evaluation based on micro-benchmarks and real world case studies shows that these systems can achieve significant performance speedup compared to state-of-the-art systems by tolerating negligible accuracy loss of the analytics output. In addition, our systems allow users to systematically make a trade-off between accuracy and throughput/latency and require no/minor modifications to the existing applications.

Application d'un langage de programmation de type flot de données à la synthèse haut-niveau de système de vision en temps-réel sur matériel reconfigurable / Application of a dataflow programming language to the high level synthesis of real time vision systems on reconfigurable hardware

Ahmed, Sameer 24 January 2013 (has links)
Les circuits reconfigurables de type FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Arrays) peuvent désormais surpasser les processeurs généralistes pour certaines applications offrant un fort degré de parallélisme intrinsèque. Ces circuits sont traditionnellement programmés en utilisant des langages de type HDL (Hardware Description Languages), comme Verilog et VHDL. L'usage de ces langages permet d'exploiter au mieux les performances offertes par ces circuits mais requiert des programmeurs une très bonne connaissance des techniques de conception numérique. Ce pré-requis limite fortement l'utilisation des FPGA par la communauté des concepteurs de logiciel en général. Afin de pallier cette limitation, un certain nombre d'outils de plus haut niveau ont été développés, tant dans le monde industriel qu'académique. Parmi les approches proposées, celles fondées sur une transformation plus ou moins automatique de langages de type C ou équivalent, largement utilisés dans le domaine logiciel, ont été les plus explorées. Malheureusement, ces approches ne permettent pas, en général, d'obtenir des performances comparables à celles issues d'une formulation directe avec un langage de type HDL, en raison, essentiellement, de l'incapacité de ces langages à exprimer le parallélisme intrinsèque des applications. Une solution possible à ce problème passe par un changement du modèle de programmation même. Dans le contexte qui est le notre, le modèle flot de données apparaît comme un bon candidat. Cette thèse explore donc l'adoption d'un modèle de programmation flot de données pour la programmation de circuits de type FPGA. Plus précisément, nous évaluons l'adéquation de CAPH, un langage orienté domaine (Domain Specific Language) à la description et à l'implantation sur FPGA d'application opérant à la volée des capteurs (stream processing applications). L'expressivité du langage et l'efficacité du code généré sont évaluées expérimentalement en utilisant un large spectre d'applications, allant du traitement d'images bas niveau (filtrage, convolution) à des applications de complexité réaliste telles que la détection de mouvement, l'étiquetage en composantes connexes ou l'encodage JPEG. / Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) are reconfigurable devices which can outperform General Purpose Processors (GPPs) for applications exhibiting parallelism. Traditionally, FPGAs are programmed using Hardware Description Languages (HDLs) such as Verilog and VHDL. Using these languages generally offers the best performances but the programmer must be familiar with digital design. This creates a barrier for the software community to use FPGAs and limits their adoption as a computing solution. To make FPGAs accessible to both software and hardware programmers, a number of tools have been proposed both by academia and industry providing high-level programming environment. A widely used approach is to convert C-like languages to HDLs, making it easier for software programmers to use FPGAs. But these approaches generally do not provide performances on the par with those obtained with HDL languages. The primary reason is the inability of C-like approaches to express parallelism. Our claim is that in order to have a high level programming language for FPGAs as well as not to compromise on performance, a shift in programming paradigm is required. We think that the Dataflowow / actor programming model is a good candidate for this. This thesis explores the adoption of Dataflow / actor programming model for programming FPGAs. More precisely, we assess the suitability of CAPH, a domain-specific language based on this programming model for the description and implementation of stream-processing applications on FPGAs. The expressivity of the language and the efficiency of the generated code are assessed experimentally using a set of test bench applications ranging from very simple applications (basic image filtering) to more complex realistic applications such as motion detection, Connected Component Labeling (CCL) and JPEG encoder.

Détection d'évènements complexes dans les flux d'évènements massifs / Complex event detection over large event streams

Braik, William 15 May 2017 (has links)
La détection d’évènements complexes dans les flux d’évènements est un domaine qui a récemment fait surface dans le ecommerce. Notre partenaire industriel Cdiscount, parmi les sites ecommerce les plus importants en France, vise à identifier en temps réel des scénarios de navigation afin d’analyser le comportement des clients. Les objectifs principaux sont la performance et la mise à l’échelle : les scénarios de navigation doivent être détectés en moins de quelques secondes, alorsque des millions de clients visitent le site chaque jour, générant ainsi un flux d’évènements massif.Dans cette thèse, nous présentons Auros, un système permettant l’identification efficace et à grande échelle de scénarios de navigation conçu pour le eCommerce. Ce système s’appuie sur un langage dédié pour l’expression des scénarios à identifier. Les règles de détection définies sont ensuite compilées en automates déterministes, qui sont exécutés au sein d’une plateforme Big Data adaptée au traitement de flux. Notre évaluation montre qu’Auros répond aux exigences formulées par Cdiscount, en étant capable de traiter plus de 10,000 évènements par seconde, avec une latence de détection inférieure à une seconde. / Pattern detection over streams of events is gaining more and more attention, especially in the field of eCommerce. Our industrial partner Cdiscount, which is one of the largest eCommerce companies in France, aims to use pattern detection for real-time customer behavior analysis. The main challenges to consider are efficiency and scalability, as the detection of customer behaviors must be achieved within a few seconds, while millions of unique customers visit the website every day,thus producing a large event stream. In this thesis, we present Auros, a system for large-scale an defficient pattern detection for eCommerce. It relies on a domain-specific language to define behavior patterns. Patterns are then compiled into deterministic finite automata, which are run on a BigData streaming platform. Our evaluation shows that our approach is efficient and scalable, and fits the requirements of Cdiscount.


Tallberg, Sebastian January 2020 (has links)
In recent years there has been an increasing demand for real-time streaming applications that handle large volumes of data with low latency. Examples of such applications include real-time monitoring and analytics, electronic trading, advertising, fraud detection, and more. In a streaming pipeline the first step is ingesting the incoming data events, after which they can be sent off for processing. Choosing the correct tool that satisfies application requirements is an important technical decision that must be made. This thesis focuses entirely on the data ingestion part by evaluating three different platforms: Apache Kafka, Apache Pulsar and Redis Streams. The platforms are compared both on characteristics and performance. Architectural and design differences reveal that Kafka and Pulsar are more suited for use cases involving long-term persistent storage of events, whereas Redis is a potential solution when only short-term persistence is required. They all provide means for scalability and fault tolerance, ensuring high availability and reliable service. Two metrics, throughput and latency, were used in evaluating performance in a single node cluster. Kafka proves to be the most consistent in throughput but performs the worst in latency. Pulsar manages high throughput with low message sizes but struggles with larger message sizes. Pulsar performs the best in overall average latency across all message sizes tested, followed by Redis. The tests also show Redis being the most inconsistent in terms of throughput potential between different message sizes

Approximate Data Analytics Systems

Le Quoc, Do 22 January 2018 (has links)
Today, most modern online services make use of big data analytics systems to extract useful information from the raw digital data. The data normally arrives as a continuous data stream at a high speed and in huge volumes. The cost of handling this massive data can be significant. Providing interactive latency in processing the data is often impractical due to the fact that the data is growing exponentially and even faster than Moore’s law predictions. To overcome this problem, approximate computing has recently emerged as a promising solution. Approximate computing is based on the observation that many modern applications are amenable to an approximate, rather than the exact output. Unlike traditional computing, approximate computing tolerates lower accuracy to achieve lower latency by computing over a partial subset instead of the entire input data. Unfortunately, the advancements in approximate computing are primarily geared towards batch analytics and cannot provide low-latency guarantees in the context of stream processing, where new data continuously arrives as an unbounded stream. In this thesis, we design and implement approximate computing techniques for processing and interacting with high-speed and large-scale stream data to achieve low latency and efficient utilization of resources. To achieve these goals, we have designed and built the following approximate data analytics systems: • StreamApprox—a data stream analytics system for approximate computing. This system supports approximate computing for low-latency stream analytics in a transparent way and has an ability to adapt to rapid fluctuations of input data streams. In this system, we designed an online adaptive stratified reservoir sampling algorithm to produce approximate output with bounded error. • IncApprox—a data analytics system for incremental approximate computing. This system adopts approximate and incremental computing in stream processing to achieve high-throughput and low-latency with efficient resource utilization. In this system, we designed an online stratified sampling algorithm that uses self-adjusting computation to produce an incrementally updated approximate output with bounded error. • PrivApprox—a data stream analytics system for privacy-preserving and approximate computing. This system supports high utility and low-latency data analytics and preserves user’s privacy at the same time. The system is based on the combination of privacy-preserving data analytics and approximate computing. • ApproxJoin—an approximate distributed joins system. This system improves the performance of joins — critical but expensive operations in big data systems. In this system, we employed a sketching technique (Bloom filter) to avoid shuffling non-joinable data items through the network as well as proposed a novel sampling mechanism that executes during the join to obtain an unbiased representative sample of the join output. Our evaluation based on micro-benchmarks and real world case studies shows that these systems can achieve significant performance speedup compared to state-of-the-art systems by tolerating negligible accuracy loss of the analytics output. In addition, our systems allow users to systematically make a trade-off between accuracy and throughput/latency and require no/minor modifications to the existing applications.

Quality-of-Service-Aware Data Stream Processing

Schmidt, Sven 13 March 2007 (has links)
Data stream processing in the industrial as well as in the academic field has gained more and more importance during the last years. Consider the monitoring of industrial processes as an example. There, sensors are mounted to gather lots of data within a short time range. Storing and post-processing these data may occasionally be useless or even impossible. On the one hand, only a small part of the monitored data is relevant. To efficiently use the storage capacity, only a preselection of the data should be considered. On the other hand, it may occur that the volume of incoming data is generally too high to be stored in time or–in other words–the technical efforts for storing the data in time would be out of scale. Processing data streams in the context of this thesis means to apply database operations to the stream in an on-the-fly manner (without explicitly storing the data). The challenges for this task lie in the limited amount of resources while data streams are potentially infinite. Furthermore, data stream processing must be fast and the results have to be disseminated as soon as possible. This thesis focuses on the latter issue. The goal is to provide a so-called Quality-of-Service (QoS) for the data stream processing task. Therefore, adequate QoS metrics like maximum output delay or minimum result data rate are defined. Thereafter, a cost model for obtaining the required processing resources from the specified QoS is presented. On that basis, the stream processing operations are scheduled. Depending on the required QoS and on the available resources, the weight can be shifted among the individual resources and QoS metrics, respectively. Calculating and scheduling resources requires a lot of expert knowledge regarding the characteristics of the stream operations and regarding the incoming data streams. Often, this knowledge is based on experience and thus, a revision of the resource calculation and reservation becomes necessary from time to time. This leads to occasional interruptions of the continuous data stream processing, of the delivery of the result, and thus, of the negotiated Quality-of-Service. The proposed robustness concept supports the user and facilitates a decrease in the number of interruptions by providing more resources.

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