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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Propostas de alterações da AIA no Brasil : uma análise crítica à luz da experiência internacional / Proposals EIA changes in Brazil: a critical analysis based on international experience

Gama, Ana Paula Souza da 22 February 2016 (has links)
A AIA é um instrumento de política ambiental que surgiu há mais de 40 anos nos EUA e disseminou-se em diversos países, tendo se tornado alvo de muitas críticas. Recentemente, estas têm se consolidado em todo mundo, por meio de revisões sistemáticas dos quadros de AIA. No Brasil, algumas propostas vêm sendo discutidas e até implementadas em alguns contextos. Ao mesmo tempo em que esse processo apresenta-se como uma oportunidade de melhoria, na contramão, existe uma ameaça de racionalização (streamlining) da AIA, com o risco de levar a uma simplificação desse instrumento e consequente perda de qualidade. Assim, este estudo se propôs a identificar e analisar algumas das propostas de alteração do processo de Licenciamento Ambiental no Brasil (apresentadas pela CNI e ABEMA), considerando as experiências internacionais. Cada proposta foi analisada a partir de um sistema de pontuação desenvolvido com base em critérios extraídos da literatura internacional, de modo que puderam ser excluídas aquelas que caracterizaram-se como propostas de simplificação ou racionalização (streamlining) da AIA e mantidas as que apresentaram algum aspecto que pudesse contribuir para a melhoria do processo. Tais propostas, apresentaram medidas de aperfeiçoamento das regras existentes, o que se analisou como um caminho mais viável que a criação de novas regras ou o relaxamento das existentes. O discurso predominante é de que a AIA ainda é vista como um fardo que ameaça o progresso econômico, embora haja tentativas de alinhar as agendas de desenvolvimento e ambiente. Há um longo percurso de enfrentamentos a ser cumprido, tanto para manter as boas regras, quanto identificar propostas que consigam melhorar a prática existente. Mas, acima de tudo, para evitar a perda da qualidade ambiental e da contribuição para a política ambiental que a AIA traz / The EIA is an environmental policy instrument that has been established over 40 years in USA and it has since spread to different countries, currently receives a many of criticisms, which is natural after decades of implementation. Recently, they have been established worldwide, through systematic reviews of EIA frameworks, and in Brazil, some proposals have been discussed and even implemented in some contexts. Although, this process can be an opportunity for improvement of the EIA, you can also configure a threat rationalization (streamlining) of the EIA, with the risk of leading to a simplification that weakens the instrument. Thus, this study aimed to identify and analyze the proposed amendments to the Environmental Licensing process in Brazil (presented by the CNI and ABEMA), taking into account international experience. Each proposal was analyzed from a scoring system developed. After analysis they were excluded those characterized as proposals for simplification and rationalization (streamlining) of the EIA and kept those that demonstrated that they can contribute to process improvement. Such proposals showed measures of the existing rules, which was analyzed as a more coherent way than to create new rules or a relaxation of the existing. The EIA, is still seen as a \"burden that threatens economic development\" and although there are attempts to align the development and environment agendas, the first continues to dominate the discourse. We have a long way to confrontations to overcome, trying to maintain good rules, select the proposals they can improve existing practice, but, above all, to prevent the loss of environmental quality and contributing to environmental policy, than the EIA provides

Propostas de alterações da AIA no Brasil : uma análise crítica à luz da experiência internacional / Proposals EIA changes in Brazil: a critical analysis based on international experience

Ana Paula Souza da Gama 22 February 2016 (has links)
A AIA é um instrumento de política ambiental que surgiu há mais de 40 anos nos EUA e disseminou-se em diversos países, tendo se tornado alvo de muitas críticas. Recentemente, estas têm se consolidado em todo mundo, por meio de revisões sistemáticas dos quadros de AIA. No Brasil, algumas propostas vêm sendo discutidas e até implementadas em alguns contextos. Ao mesmo tempo em que esse processo apresenta-se como uma oportunidade de melhoria, na contramão, existe uma ameaça de racionalização (streamlining) da AIA, com o risco de levar a uma simplificação desse instrumento e consequente perda de qualidade. Assim, este estudo se propôs a identificar e analisar algumas das propostas de alteração do processo de Licenciamento Ambiental no Brasil (apresentadas pela CNI e ABEMA), considerando as experiências internacionais. Cada proposta foi analisada a partir de um sistema de pontuação desenvolvido com base em critérios extraídos da literatura internacional, de modo que puderam ser excluídas aquelas que caracterizaram-se como propostas de simplificação ou racionalização (streamlining) da AIA e mantidas as que apresentaram algum aspecto que pudesse contribuir para a melhoria do processo. Tais propostas, apresentaram medidas de aperfeiçoamento das regras existentes, o que se analisou como um caminho mais viável que a criação de novas regras ou o relaxamento das existentes. O discurso predominante é de que a AIA ainda é vista como um fardo que ameaça o progresso econômico, embora haja tentativas de alinhar as agendas de desenvolvimento e ambiente. Há um longo percurso de enfrentamentos a ser cumprido, tanto para manter as boas regras, quanto identificar propostas que consigam melhorar a prática existente. Mas, acima de tudo, para evitar a perda da qualidade ambiental e da contribuição para a política ambiental que a AIA traz / The EIA is an environmental policy instrument that has been established over 40 years in USA and it has since spread to different countries, currently receives a many of criticisms, which is natural after decades of implementation. Recently, they have been established worldwide, through systematic reviews of EIA frameworks, and in Brazil, some proposals have been discussed and even implemented in some contexts. Although, this process can be an opportunity for improvement of the EIA, you can also configure a threat rationalization (streamlining) of the EIA, with the risk of leading to a simplification that weakens the instrument. Thus, this study aimed to identify and analyze the proposed amendments to the Environmental Licensing process in Brazil (presented by the CNI and ABEMA), taking into account international experience. Each proposal was analyzed from a scoring system developed. After analysis they were excluded those characterized as proposals for simplification and rationalization (streamlining) of the EIA and kept those that demonstrated that they can contribute to process improvement. Such proposals showed measures of the existing rules, which was analyzed as a more coherent way than to create new rules or a relaxation of the existing. The EIA, is still seen as a \"burden that threatens economic development\" and although there are attempts to align the development and environment agendas, the first continues to dominate the discourse. We have a long way to confrontations to overcome, trying to maintain good rules, select the proposals they can improve existing practice, but, above all, to prevent the loss of environmental quality and contributing to environmental policy, than the EIA provides

Förslag till åtgärder av miljonprogramsbostäder : Inventering och värdering med beaktande av varsamhet, energieffektivisering, kostnader och miljöbelastning

Möller Frohm, Elin, Rutqvist, Linnea January 2007 (has links)
Efter andra världskriget var bostadsbristen stor i Sverige och standarden på de befintliga bostäderna var låg. Folkmängden ökade stadigt under efterkrigsåren och trots att byggandet tog fart under 1950-talet var bristen på bostäder mycket stor i början på 1960-talet. Sveriges regering fattade då ett beslut om att en miljon bostäder skulle byggas. Epoken i bostadsbyggandet fick namnet miljonprogrammet. Detta stora bestånd som byggdes under åren 1965 till 1975 kännetecknas av massproduktion och enkelhet i kantiga former. Miljonprogramsbebyggelsen valdes som utgångspunkt i detta examensarbete eftersom det är ett väldigt aktuellt ämne då många av dessa områden måste genomgå förändringar inom de närmsta åren. Ändringar måste göras för att höja kvalitén och få ett mer attraktivt boende. Det är ett realistiskt projekt som binder ihop vår utbildning på alla områden – byggnadsteknik, arkitektur och miljö. Dessutom kommer behovet av åtgärder av miljonprogrammets bostäder att beröra de flesta inom byggbranschen på ett eller annat sätt de kommande åren. Sandvikenhus AB är ett av många bostadsbolag som äger flerfamiljshus som byggdes under miljonprogrammets era. Bostäderna behöver i dagsläget åtgärdas på grund av att många lägenheter i detta bostadsbestånd står tomma och är dessutom svåruthyrda eftersom området anses oattraktivt och nedgånget. Dessa problem resulterade i att Sandvikenhus AB behöver åtgärdsförslag för sin miljonprogramsbebyggelse. Uppgiften till detta examensarbete blev att ta fram och jämföra olika alternativ för åtgärder som beaktar arkitektoniska, ekonomiska, energi- och miljömässiga aspekter och som leder till ett attraktivt boende. Genom en omfattande litteraturstudie och beräkningar har ett antal förslag tagits fram på vad som kan göras i området för att husen skall klara av de krav som lagar, föreskrifter och kanske framförallt hyresgästerna ställer. Åtgärdsförslagen viktades sedan med tanke på miljö, ekonomi och på att behålla den speciella karaktär som området har. Detta resulterade i mindre och större åtgärder som fastighetsägare kan genomföra på byggnader från denna tidsepok. De mest försvarbara alternativen som valdes ut var att tilläggisoleras väggarna med EPSskivor som sedan putsas och att taket får ett ytterligare lager lösull. Även plåten vid taken fräschas upp med ny färg och balkongerna görs trivsammare med inslag av trä och ny front. Entréernas utformning ses över för att skapa ett mer inbjudande intryck. / After the Second World War housing shortage was a big problem in Sweden and the standard of existing buildings was low. New buildings were build but not enough for the rapidly growing population. The Swedish government took the decision that one million houses should be built between the years 1965-75. This episode was called miljonprogrammet. Now, 30 years later, buildings from miljonprogrammet have many technical and social problems. A lot of these buildings are a matter of urgent and most undergo changes in just a few years. This was taken as a starting point in this examination project while it’s a realistic project that includes all the parts in our education - building technique, architecture and environment. Besides this the need of measures of the miljonprogram will matter to the most people in the building trade, in one way our other, in just a few years. Sandvikenhus AB is a company that owns apartment blocks build during this era. They have problems with empty flats that are hard to rent out while they are worn out and unattractive. Sandvikenhus AB needs a measure proposal for its buildings. The purpose of this examination project was to compare different alternative suggestions considering architectural, economical, energy and environmental issues in order to create a more attractive living. By using investigations and calculations a number of measures have been suggested for what can be done to the area. Every measure was given a specific value for environmental loads, costs and rate of presentation. This resulted in suggestions of smaller and bigger measures that can make these houses a better place to live in. Our investigation shows that the best result for this area would be to give the house walls an additional insulation and the roofs a layer of extra insulation. The roof sheet metal should be given new colors and the balcony new segments in wood and new fronts. The entrance design should be looking after to create a more inviting impression.

Finding Course Literature: Exposing Overlooked Alternatives and Streamlining Targeted Information Retrieval

Bengtegård, Sebastian, Lundén, Martin January 2013 (has links)
När en student idag utbildar sig vid ett svenskt lärosäte behöver denne införskaffa sig kurslitteratur som ett komplement till undervisningen. Det finns inget självklart tillvägagångssätt för hur studenten införskaffar sig sin kurslitteratur och information om litteraturen presenteras inkonsekvent över olika källor .Vi utvecklar därför ett stödsystem för sökning av kurslitteratur, med syfte att effektivisera sökprocessen samt att exponera studenten för eventuellt tidigare förbisedda källor till kurslitteratur.Systemet utvärderas i förhållande etablerade sökstrategier hos 22 studenter. Resultaten visar att användandet av detta stödsystem inte bara minskar antalet steg markant utan även minskar antalet tjänster studenten använder för att införskaffa sin kurslitteratur jämfört med studenters egna sökstrategi idag. / When a student is studying at a university or at a college university in Sweden it requires him or her to acquire course literature as a compliment to teaching. This is often taken for granted, but there is currently no equally obvious approach to how the student obtains his or hers course literature and there is a lack of a structure on how the information is presented.Therefore, we develop a prototype, a search tool which will help students locate their course literature. We do this to find a more appropriate method on how to search for course literature. Firstly, we wish to streamline the student's path to acquire their course literature, reducing the number of steps they need to take. Secondly, we wish to expose the student to previously overlooked sources of course literature. We do this as an experiment with the ambition to show how a possible solution could look like, if availability increased and guidelines was introduced on how to present course literature at Swedish universities and college universities.This system is then evaluated in relation to the established search strategies which the student is currently using to find their course literature.

Developing tools for streamlining the map creation process in Minecraft

Johansson, Simon January 2021 (has links)
This thesis gives an understanding of how to develop tools for streamlining the map creation process in Minecraft. The thesis was done in collaboration with House of How. To study how to streamline the map creation process the subject was researched thoroughly. A literature study and 8 interviews with experts in the field were conducted to gather information and find pain points in the current way of creating maps and to get a better understanding of the subject. Prototyping and user tests were then created based on that information. There was 2 lo-fi prototypes with 2 user tests, 1 Hi-Fi prototype with 1 user test. Lastly, a tool was developed for House of How based on these findings. The results from interviews showed that there is an abundance of logistical issues while creating maps, which could potentially be solved by a tool. To make changes in a map, multiple operations has to be done in order for the changes to function correctly. To highlight the issue, here is an example of one pain point, creating a new block requires textures in the correct folder and JSON entries in multiple different JSON-files. This makes it time consuming to implement a single block to a new map. By creating prototypes based on the interview findings and developing them through user tests, we have started to come to grips with a design for a tool to streamline the map creation process. The resulting hi-fi prototype, developed in WPF C\#, is also the initial implementation of the tool for House of How. The conclusion is that functions that should be implemented in a tool used for streamlining the map creation process is: A way to create a new map. Functions for creating/editing and importing entities. Functions for creating/editing and importing blocks. How these should be implemented remains to be discovered, this thesis provides an alternative of how this could be done. / Denna studie innehåller information om utvecklingen av ett verktyg för att effektivisera skapandet av världar i spelet Minecraft. Studien gjordes i samarbete med företaget House of How. För att undersöka hur skapandet av Minecraft-världar kan effektiviseras har ämnet i sin helhet forskats genomförligt. En litteraturstudie och 8 intervjuer med experter inom ämnet utfördes för att samla in information och hitta eventuella problem med skapandet av Minecraft-världar idag, det gjordes även för att få en bättre förståelse för ämnet. Prototyper och användartester skapades baserat på den insamlade informationen. 2 lo-fi prototyper med 2 användartester, 1 hi-fi prototyp med 1 användartest skapades. Till sist, började utvecklingen för verktyget åt House of How baserat på resultatet från forskningen. Resultaten från intervjuerna visar att det finns ett flertal logistiska problem i samband med utvecklingen av Minecraft-världar, vilket möjligtvis kan lösas med ett specialiserat verktyg. För att göra förändringar i en värld behövs ett flertal handlingar utföras för att ändringarna ska fungera på korrekt vis. Här kommer ett exempel för att understryka problemet. Att skapa ett nytt block kräver texturer i rätt mapp och ett flertal JSON referenser till den texturen och hur den ska användas i olika filer. Detta gör det väldigt tidskrävande att implementera ett enda block till en ny värld. Genom att ha skapat prototyper baserat på resultatet från intervjuerna och fortsatt utvecklat dem genom användartester, har vi börjat närma oss en design för det slutgiltiga verktyget som ska effektivisera skapandet av Minecraft-världar. Den resulterande hi-fi prototypen, utvecklad i WPF C\#, är även den första implementationen av vertyget som överlämnas till House of How. Slutsatsen är att funktioner som borde implementeras i ett verktyg som ska effektivisera skapandet av Minecraft-världar är de följande: Ett sätt att skapa nya världar. Funktioner för att skapa, redigera och importera entiteter i världar. Funktioner för att skapa, redigera och importera block i världar. Hur dessa funktioner borde bli implementerade återstår att utforska, denna studie ger ett alternativ till hur detta kan göras.

Zefektivnění materiálových toků ve společnosti Unipetrol / Streamlining the material flow in Unipetrol

Valenta, Jan January 2010 (has links)
This Master's Thesis deals with logistic processes within Unipetrol group of chemical companies with main focus on material flow of polyolefin plastics. Thesis's key objectives are thorough exploring of material flow, identifying possible ineffective areas and suggesting solutions. All parts of the material chain (production line, packaging,warehousing and expedition) are carefully analyzed. Theoretical part defines general logistics, importance of supply chain management in connection with globalization, chemical industry specifics and methods used in analyses (inventory management models). Practical part describes Unipetrol and its departments and more importantly results of executed analyses. Ten selected products with the greatest impact on department efficiency are examined carefully. Thesis conclusion includes final recommendations and chain's weakest places that should be eliminated.

Centralisering av personalplanering : En fallstudie om effektivisering och processtyrning / Centralization of staff planning : Case study on streamlining and process control

Eriksson, Nina January 2019 (has links)
Keolis conducts public transport on behalf of municipalities around the country. Through locally adapted and sustainable city traffic, Keolis creates value for travelers, society and owners. The company has been wholly owned by the international public transport group Keolis since the autumn of 2010. Keolis is located in Jönköping County, Örebro County, Stockholm County, Västra Götaland, Värmland, Östergötland and Dalarna. The company's working method focuses on putting the traveler's needs in focus, which is to offer the solution that is best for travelers and the environment, regardless of the type of traffic. One step in the company's journey was in 2017 a decision to centralize the personnel planning department to be able to increase steering towards set goals and saving resources. Process and flow activity are two interwoven pillars for successful efficiency improvement work. It is in the process that flow activity arises. In order to streamline flow activity, we need to understand the process The starting point for the project is a preliminary study conducted at the company earlier 2019. The preliminary study analyzed the flow process "preparing the traffic day" within the personnel planning department for the Stockholm area and identified improvement areas ahead of upcoming in-depth analysis that takes place in this work. An action plan for identifying and prioritizing improvement areas at the department is presented. The conclusion states the importance of introducing methodological working methods to enable continuous improvements. Based on the identified areas of improvement, the study is designed to answer the question of what improvement should be prioritize and in what order should the organization implement improvements. The implementation would accrue in working methods and approach to gradually streamline the department after centralization Subsequently, an action plan for identifying and prioritizing improvement areas at the department is presented. The conclusion states the importance of introducing methodological working methods to be able to work with continuous improvements. In the near future, leveling out workflow is necessary for stabilizing the process and providing the opportunity to reach the system limit. There are good chances to further develop the department by changing perspectives on the distribution and introducing new working flows. Improvements to these areas will lead to the gradual fulfillment of the initial goal of centralization in the form of a standard approach and increased productivity and profitability. / Keolis bedriver kollektivtrafik på uppdrag av kommuner runt om i landet. Genom lokalt anpassad och hållbar stadstrafik skapar Keolis värde för resenärerna, samhället och ägarna. Företaget ägs sedan hösten 2010 till 100 procent av den internationella kollektivtrafikskoncernen Keolis. Keolis finns i Jönköpings län, Örebro län, Stockholms län, Västra Götaland, Värmland, Östergötland och Dalarna.  Företagets arbetssätt fokuserar på att sätta resenärens behov i fokus, vilket är att erbjuda den lösning som är bäst för resenärer och miljön, oavsett trafikslag. Ett steg i företagets resa blev under 2017 ett beslut om att centralisera avdelningen personalplanerare för att kunna öka styrningen mot uppsatta mål och uppnå besparing av resurser. Process och flödesaktivitet är två sammanflätade grundpelare för ett lyckat effektiviseringsarbete. Det är i processen som flödesaktivitet uppstår; för att effektivisera flödesaktivitet behöver det finnas förståelse för processen.  Hos Keolis Sverige AB analyseras flödesprocessen ”förbereda trafikdagen” inom avdelningen personalplanering för Stockholmsområdet. Processen ska handla om planering och bemanning av personal för en trafikdag. Målet med denna uppsats har varit att kartlägga dagens flödesschema, analysera problemområden samt ta fram förbättringsförslag. En analys av flödesschema för processen har genomförts, där medarbetare från avdelningen personalplanerare samt trafikområden har varit involverade. Detta för att fånga upp möjliga förbättringar samt skapa en delaktighet inför framtida förändringar. Examensarbetet har avgränsats till att endast analysera Stockholmsområdet. Baserat på de identifierade förbättringsområdena har studien utformats för att besvara frågeställningen om vad organisationen bör prioritera och i vilken ordning organisationen bör genomföra förbättringar i arbetssätt och metoder för att gradvis effektivisera avdelningen efter centralisering. Utgångspunkten för examensarbetet är en förstudie utförd hos företaget tidigare samma år. Förstudien analyserade flödesprocessen ”förbereda trafikdagen” inom avdelningen personalplanering för Stockholmsområdet och identifierade förbättringsområden inför kommande fördjupad analys, vilken har skett i detta arbete.  En handlingsplan för att identifiera och prioritera förbättringsområden hos avdelningen presenteras. Slutsatsen visar vikten av att införa metodiska arbetssätt för att kunna jobba med ständiga förbättringar. I närtid är att jämna ut arbetsflöde nödvändigt för att stabilisera processen och ge möjlighet till att uppnå systemgränsen. Det finns goda chanser till att utveckla avdelningen ytterligare genom att ändra perspektiv på fördelningen och införa nya arbetssätt och fördelningar bland personalplanerare. Förbättringar av dessa områden kommer att leda till gradvis uppfyllelse av det ursprungliga målet för centraliseringen i form av ett enhetligt arbetssätt samt ökad produktivitet och lönsamhet.

Förslag till åtgärder av miljonprogramsbostäder : Inventering och värdering med beaktande av varsamhet, energieffektivisering, kostnader och miljöbelastning

Möller Frohm, Elin, Rutqvist, Linnea January 2008 (has links)
<p>Efter andra världskriget var bostadsbristen stor i Sverige och standarden på de befintliga</p><p>bostäderna var låg. Folkmängden ökade stadigt under efterkrigsåren och trots att byggandet</p><p>tog fart under 1950-talet var bristen på bostäder mycket stor i början på 1960-talet. Sveriges</p><p>regering fattade då ett beslut om att en miljon bostäder skulle byggas. Epoken i</p><p>bostadsbyggandet fick namnet miljonprogrammet. Detta stora bestånd som byggdes under</p><p>åren 1965 till 1975 kännetecknas av massproduktion och enkelhet i kantiga former.</p><p>Miljonprogramsbebyggelsen valdes som utgångspunkt i detta examensarbete eftersom det är</p><p>ett väldigt aktuellt ämne då många av dessa områden måste genomgå förändringar inom de</p><p>närmsta åren. Ändringar måste göras för att höja kvalitén och få ett mer attraktivt boende.</p><p>Det är ett realistiskt projekt som binder ihop vår utbildning på alla områden –</p><p>byggnadsteknik, arkitektur och miljö. Dessutom kommer behovet av åtgärder av</p><p>miljonprogrammets bostäder att beröra de flesta inom byggbranschen på ett eller annat sätt</p><p>de kommande åren.</p><p>Sandvikenhus AB är ett av många bostadsbolag som äger flerfamiljshus som byggdes under</p><p>miljonprogrammets era. Bostäderna behöver i dagsläget åtgärdas på grund av att många</p><p>lägenheter i detta bostadsbestånd står tomma och är dessutom svåruthyrda eftersom området</p><p>anses oattraktivt och nedgånget. Dessa problem resulterade i att Sandvikenhus AB behöver</p><p>åtgärdsförslag för sin miljonprogramsbebyggelse. Uppgiften till detta examensarbete blev att</p><p>ta fram och jämföra olika alternativ för åtgärder som beaktar arkitektoniska, ekonomiska,</p><p>energi- och miljömässiga aspekter och som leder till ett attraktivt boende. Genom en</p><p>omfattande litteraturstudie och beräkningar har ett antal förslag tagits fram på vad som kan</p><p>göras i området för att husen skall klara av de krav som lagar, föreskrifter och kanske</p><p>framförallt hyresgästerna ställer. Åtgärdsförslagen viktades sedan med tanke på miljö,</p><p>ekonomi och på att behålla den speciella karaktär som området har. Detta resulterade i</p><p>mindre och större åtgärder som fastighetsägare kan genomföra på byggnader från denna</p><p>tidsepok.</p><p>De mest försvarbara alternativen som valdes ut var att tilläggisoleras väggarna med EPSskivor</p><p>som sedan putsas och att taket får ett ytterligare lager lösull. Även plåten vid taken</p><p>fräschas upp med ny färg och balkongerna görs trivsammare med inslag av trä och ny front.</p><p>Entréernas utformning ses över för att skapa ett mer inbjudande intryck.</p> / <p>After the Second World War housing shortage was a big problem in Sweden and the</p><p>standard of existing buildings was low. New buildings were build but not enough for the</p><p>rapidly growing population. The Swedish government took the decision that one million</p><p>houses should be built between the years 1965-75. This episode was called</p><p>miljonprogrammet.</p><p>Now, 30 years later, buildings from miljonprogrammet have many technical and social</p><p>problems. A lot of these buildings are a matter of urgent and most undergo changes in just a</p><p>few years. This was taken as a starting point in this examination project while it’s a realistic</p><p>project that includes all the parts in our education - building technique, architecture and</p><p>environment. Besides this the need of measures of the miljonprogram will matter to the most</p><p>people in the building trade, in one way our other, in just a few years.</p><p>Sandvikenhus AB is a company that owns apartment blocks build during this era. They have</p><p>problems with empty flats that are hard to rent out while they are worn out and unattractive.</p><p>Sandvikenhus AB needs a measure proposal for its buildings. The purpose of this</p><p>examination project was to compare different alternative suggestions considering</p><p>architectural, economical, energy and environmental issues in order to create a more</p><p>attractive living.</p><p>By using investigations and calculations a number of measures have been suggested for what</p><p>can be done to the area. Every measure was given a specific value for environmental loads,</p><p>costs and rate of presentation. This resulted in suggestions of smaller and bigger measures</p><p>that can make these houses a better place to live in.</p><p>Our investigation shows that the best result for this area would be to give the house walls an</p><p>additional insulation and the roofs a layer of extra insulation. The roof sheet metal should be</p><p>given new colors and the balcony new segments in wood and new fronts. The entrance</p><p>design should be looking after to create a more inviting impression.</p>

The relations among the organization transformation,employee¡¦s commitment and working morale-a study on¡§the ROC Armed Forces Streamlining Program¡¨of the Ministry of Nationl Defens

Hui, Shi 26 July 2006 (has links)
Whether the execution of ¡§the ROC Armed Forces Streamlining Program¡¨ is smooth or not, heavily depends on member¡¦s cognition on the transformation, organization commitment, and working morale as well. However, there are few papers discuss about the relations among the above elements. The objective of this thesis is to study the relation among the transformation cognition, organization commitment, and morale of the high level command under the process of the organization transformation through questionnaire and analysis. The following conclusions are: 1. Under the prerequisite of employee participation, understanding, and guarantee the rights and interests, the employees will be willing to stay in the service. 2. The higher the degree of recognition and evaluation of employees on the transformation objective, the higher the concern on the organization¡¦s future development, pursue of the objective, the devotion and values on their jobs from the employees. 3. To promote the commitment of the employees to the organization would motivate the employees, and treat their works as the center of their lives, and therefore pursue better achievements. 4. For those senior high-ranking officers who own higher educational backgrounds and employees with long service years tend to have higher degree of recognition on transformation. 5. For those employees who are senior, own high educational backgrounds, and with long service years tend to have higher overall organizational commitment and stronger willing to stay in their positions. 6. For those 25 to 34 years old, with military appointments, married, high educational background, as the directors or deputy directors, higher-ranking officers and longer service years tend to have better recognition of organization, devotion and group spirits. According to the above results, four suggestions are addressed: 1. To respect the participation of employees, and to guarantee the employees¡¦ rights and interests. 2. To encourage the employees to attend courses or training during off-hours in order to build up multiple specialties. 3. To understand the employees¡¦ characteristics and specialties in order to adopt the strategy of differentiate management. 4. To enhance to recognition of the employees on the attainment of transformation benefits and to draft a complete set of measures.

The Study on the Employees¡¦ Cognition of Organizational Change and Job Satisfaction in Voice of Han

Chang, Li-der 24 July 2007 (has links)
Abstract This study focuses on the employees¡¦ cognition of organizational change and job satisfaction at the Voice of Han (V.O.H), a radio broadcasting system belonging to the National Defense Ministry of R.O.C..The V.O.H is the only radio broadcasting system that can broadcast on air by 4-net (FM, AM, China Net 1 & Net 2) at the same time, among the radio broadcasting systems here in Taiwan. Belonging to the National Defense Ministry, it has experienced ¡§Streamlining Plans¡¨ and ¡§Progressive Plans¡¨, policies that are advocated for streamlining the human resources in the military. Those policies must drastically impact the development of the V.O.H one way or another. On the other hand, the cognitive attitudes and job-satisfaction degree of employees at the V.O.H play vital roles in its future development. This study adopts all the employees of the V.O.H as the population, through case study approach, analyzing the impacts that the V.O.H is facing and the responding strategy through those causes of the National Defense White Paper 2006, and the V.O.H.¡¦s adjustment of the organizational structure, to name a few. Sampling from all the employees, this study adopts several statistic methods to analyze their cognitive attitudes towards organizational change and job satisfaction, exploring the connections between variables of ¡§Cognition on Organizational Change¡¨ and ¡§Job Satisfaction¡¨. The findings of this study suggest as follows: 1. It appears obvious diversity on the ¡§Cognition on Organizational Change¡¨ and ¡§Tendency to Quit¡¨ between military and civilian employees; the former predict more risks and impacts, while the latter more tendency to quit. As for ¡§Job Satisfaction¡¨, there¡¦s little diversity. 2. ¡§Cognition on Organizational Change¡¨ obviously influences ¡§Job Satisfaction¡¨ a lot, with 17.3% out of those correspondents. In the Cognition on Organizational Change, the dimension ¡§role burden¡¨ influences job satisfaction most. 3. ¡§Job Satisfaction¡¨ obviously influences ¡§Tendency to Quit¡¨ a lot, with 37.1% out of those correspondents. In the Job Satisfaction, the dimensions such as ¡§job itself¡¨ and ¡§promotion possibility¡¨ clearly predict the tendency to quit. After the organizational change, the employees¡¦ dissatisfaction with promotion possibility is highly connected with their tendency to quit. 4. ¡§Tendency to quit¡¨ obviously influences ¡§Cognition on Organizational Change¡¨ a lot, with 13.9% out of those correspondents, which means the more the employees are dissatisfied with the organizational change, the more they bear the tendency to quit. This study explores, based on the theory, the interactions among theoretical variables, reinforcing or re-verifying the applicability and value of academic theory. By analyzing those questionnaires responded by the employees, the managerial level not only can realize what the employees, military or civilian, need or think, but also can map out strategies and action plans for the future revolution. Furthermore, through this study, the policy-makers might find out the different reactions between military and civilian employees who encounter such organizational change, which would make the policy-makers realize what they should focus on in facilitating those employees in different attributes. This study does suggest and contribute constructive directions in managing the state-run media.

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