Spelling suggestions: "subject:"êtres"" "subject:"stres""
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Constructive dismissal and resignation due to work stress / Estie SmitSmit, Estie January 2011 (has links)
In terms of section 186(1)(e) of the Labour Relations Act 66 of 1995 constructive
dismissal occurs where an employee terminated a contract of employment with
or without notice because the employer made continued employment intolerable.
Work stress is becoming more and more imminent in the workplace. Some
employees feel that the amount of work stress also makes their continued
employment intolerable, and then they claim constructive dismissal.
This raises the question whether the courts should apply the same tests they
apply in constructive dismissal cases as well as in cases where the employee
resigns because of work stress. But, if the same tests that are used to determine
if there has been a constructive dismissal are used in a case where an
employee resigns because of work stress, a real danger exists because then it
can lead to the misuse of a claim of constructive dismissal by employees who
cannot handle a minimum amount of work stress.
Over the years the courts have indicated that they apply an objective test in
cases of constructive dismissal. This leads to the argument whether subjectivity
should play a role, and whether one should look at the subjective perspective of
both the employer and the employee.
This research looks at numerous court decisions, from both the South African
legal system as well as the United Kingdom legal system, in order to determine
which tests the South African courts need to apply when they are confronted with
a constructive dismissal claim where the employee resigned due to work stress.
Constructive dismissal – resignation – work stress – stress due to an excessive
workload – work stress and employee wellness – stress based claims. / Thesis (LL.M. (Labour Law))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2011
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Uloga bazičnih psiholoških potreba i samoregulacije u prevladavanju percepcije nestabilnosti zaposlenjaKnežević Jasmina 28 July 2015 (has links)
<p>Oblast rada i radnog angažovanja značajno se menja poslednjih decenija; promene se vide u povećanoj nezaposlenosti, promenljivim radnim okolnostima i povećanoj nestabilnosti posla, intenzivnijem stresu kod zaposlenih i novim izvorima stresa na radu (Sverke et al., 2004; De Cuyper, Bernhard-Oettel, Berntson, De Witte, & Alarco, 2008). Burke (1998) ukazuje da je percepcija povećane nestabilnosti zaposlenja funkcija nezaposlenosti i velike zastupljenosti ugovora o radnom angažovanju na određeno vreme u svim granama industrije i mnogim zanimanjima. Neizvesnost i nekontrolišuća priroda samog događaja nestabilnosti zaposlenja potenciraju subjektivni doživljaj pretnje, dok je individualna spremnost da se percipira i odgovori na pretnju (prag pretnje) uslovljena različitim situacionim i individualnim faktorima. S obzirom na potvrđenu ulogu bazičnih psiholoških potreba i struktura selfa u percepciji stresa (pretnje), vrednovanju stresa i odgovoru na stres u različitim životnim domenima (Skiner & Edge, 2002; Hodgins & Knee, 2002; Hodgins, 2008), pred istraživanje je postavljeno sledeće pitanje: kakva je povezanost zadovoljenosti bazičnih psiholoških potreba na radu i stila samoregulacije svakodnevnog ponašanja sa nivoom pretnje u percepciji nestabilnog zaposlenja? Da bi se dao odgovor na ovo pitanje sprovedeno je istraživanje na uzorku od 310 zaposlenih oba pola, iz 24 organizacije različite po veličini, profilu, strukturi i karakteru vlasništva iz Severno-bačkog okruga AP Vojvodine. Konstrukt percepcije nestabilnosti zaposlenja je smešten u okvire teorije samodeterminacije (Self – Determination Theory), koju su razvili Disi i Rajan sa saradnicima (Deci & Ryan, 1985), prema kojoj nestabilnost zaposlenja predstavlja frustraciju osnovnih psiholoških potreba (Vander Elst, Van den Broeck, De Witte & De Cuyper, 2012). Koncept prevladavanja smešten je u okvire kibernetske teorije stresa i prevladavanja koju je formulisao Edvards (Edwards, 1992) u okviru koje se prevladavanje konceptualizuje kao pokušaj da se smanje i eliminišu negativni efekti stresa na psihološku dobrobit pojedinca. Percepcija nestabilnosti zaposlenja određena je kao dostupnost radne uloge za izvršioce u neko dogledno vreme, a čine je tri kvalitativno različite dimenzije: osećaj nemoći, jačina pretnje i verovatnoća gubitka posla. U istraživanju su korišćeni sledeći instrumenti: Skala percepcije nestabilnosti zaposlenja (Knežević i Majstorović, 2013), Kibernetska skala prevladavanja (Cybernetic coping scale; Edwards & Baglioni, 1993), Upitnik EFQ (The Ego Functioning Questionnaire; Majstorović, Green-Demers & Legault 2008), i Skala zadovoljenosti bazičnih psiholoških potreba na radu (Mladenović, 2009). Rezultati istraživanja su pokazali da bazične psihološke potrebe ostvaruju moderatorski efekat na proces stresa koji je nastao usled nestabilnosti zaposlenja, moderirajući afektivni aspekt ovog doživljaja: sa povećanjem zadovoljenosti bazičnih psiholoških potreba snižava se nivo pretnje unutar percepcije nestabilnosti zaposlenja i smanjuje osećaj nemoći zaposlenog u odnosu na pretnju. U predikciji afektivnog doživljaja pretnje izdvajaju se dve potrebe - potreba za autonomijom i kompetencijom. Zadovoljenost ove dve potrebe utiče i na aktivniji odnos prema stresnom događaju kakav je nestabilnost zaposlenja, odnosno, povećava upotrebu strategije promena situacije. Nivo zadovoljenosti bazičnih psiholoških potreba povezan je sa kvalitetom samoregulatornih procesa - zadovoljenost potreba podstiče razvoj integrisanih self - struktura, dok, nezadovoljenost bazičnih potreba potencira razvoj impersonalnih self - struktura. Naglašena vulnerabilnost u situaciji nestabilnosti zaposlenja utvrđena je samo kod zaposlenih koji imaju prethodno iskustvo gubitka posla, zaposlenih koji su slabijeg materijalnog stanja, zaposlenih koji imaju manju socijalnu podršku i zaposlenih koji su nižeg nivoa obrazovanja. Istraživanje je pokazalo da je kvalitet samo-regulacije povezan sa nivoom pretnje u percepciji nestabilnog zaposlenja: sa povećanjem integrisanosti samoregulacije smanjuje se doživljaj jačine pretnje, dok upotreba impersonalne samoregulacije povećava i doživljaj jačine pretnje i osećaj nemoći pred pretnjom. Takođe, povećana integrisanosti samoregulacije podstiče aktivan odnos prema stresu u situaciji nestabilnosti zaposlenja sa intencijom uspostavljanja kontrole nad situacijom. Rezultati istraživanja pružaju osnovu za kreiranje organizacijskih intervencija usmerenih ka jačanju otpornosti prema stresu izazvanog percepcijom nestabilnosti zaposlenja i povećavaju uvid u specifičnosti radnog konteksta i fenomena nestabilnosti zaposlenja u Srbiji. Realizovano istraživanje je prvo istraživanje o percepciji nestabilnosti zaposlenja u Srbiji i kao takvo ono može imati značajne implikacije na teoriju i praksu istraživanja organizacijskog stresa i blagostanja zaposlenih u Srbiji. Ograničenja se tiču, pre svega, karakteristika transferzalnog istraživačkog nacrta, kao i činjenice da su sve varijable merene iz istog izvora - samoprocene zaposlenih. Buduća istraživanja bi trebalo da uključe nove varijable kako bi se još bolje razumele interindividualne razlike u doživljaju nestabilnosti zaposlenja i mehanizmi koji leže u osnovi ovog fenomena (varijable ličnosti i druge motivacione varijable).</p>
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Gilbertův syndrom / Gilbetr syndromeŠimáková, Eva January 2010 (has links)
The mail focus of this thesis is to assess a genealogical frequency of homo- and heterozygotes for a mutation in a promotor region of UGT 1A1 gene. This mutation is typical for Gilbert's syndrome. It explains a genesis, symptoms, pathology and also a therapy of this syndrome. It discusses a possibly protective effect of this polymorphic mutation that might result in a lower incidence of vascular diseases (myocardial infarction, stroke, atherosclerosis, pulmonary embolism). An important contribution is also an attenuation of stress due to hyperbilirubinaemia. This thesis was worked out in a cooperation with GENVIA Ltd.
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Vliv opioidů na redoxní stav potkaního myokardu / The effect of opioids on the redox state of rat myocardiumJandová, Gabriela January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this work was to study the expression of proteins involved in reactions in which harmful free radicals are degraded in an organism. was observed difference between the expression of selected myocardial proteins in non-influenced animals, animals who were treated with low dosage of morphine (0.1 mg/kg/day or 1 mg/kg/day), and animals administered high dosage of morphine (10 mg/kg/day). Low dosages were administered for 28 days and high dosage for 10 days. In addition, the effect of abstinence lasting one week was assessed after cessation of morphine administration (1 mg/kg/day). Morphine at low dosage (0.1 mg/kg/day) increased levels of glutathion peroxidase-1/2, which may be considered as one of the possible consequences of the ongoing oxidative stress. There were no significant differences in glutathion peroxidase-6 expression. Next aim of this work was to study the expression of antioxidant enzymes. These experiments were carried out on myocardial preparations from the animals treated with a constant dosage of morphine (10 mg/kg/day) for 10 days. Samples from these animals were used for measuring the total antioxidant capacity of the left and right ventricles. These samples were also used for determination of concentration of the oxidative stress marker 8-isoprostane. We also aimed to...
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Regulace metabolismu cytokininů v rostlinách a chloroplastech tabáku / Regulation of cytokinin metabolism in tobacco plants and chloroplastsHavlová, Marie January 2011 (has links)
Cytokinins (CKs) are one of the most important group of phytohormones influencing many processes throughout the whole plant. As many processes are regulated both by the light and phytohormones, the first part of this work has been focused on evaluation of diurnal rhytmicity in levels of cytokinins and other cooperating hormones like auxin (indol-3-acetic acid, IAA), abscisic acid (ABA) and polyamines (PA). The changes in activity of selected enzymes participating in metabolism of the above mentioned phytohormones were followed as well. Diurnal variation of phytohormones was tested in tobacco leaves (Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Wisconsin 38) grown under a 16/8 h (light/dark) period. The main peak of the physiologically active forms of CKs, found after the middle of the light period, coincided well with the maximum of IAA and PA levels and with activity of the corresponding enzymes. The achieved data indicate that metabolism of CKs, IAA and PAs is tightly regulated by the circadian clock. The other part of the study has been focused on changes in the contents of CKs, IAA and ABA in transgenic tobacco plants with altered cytokinin metabolism, achieved via the over-expression of particular enzymes participating in CK metabolism (biosynthesis, degradation and reversible conjugation). As CKs are known to be...
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Stresové faktory působící na děti ve školním prostředí / Stress indicators influencing children at schoolKaštánková, Iva January 2012 (has links)
Diploma thesis follows stress factors impact on a child at primary school, on his health and mental conditions and then the implication of the learning process and integrating the child into a children's collective. The theoretical part contains information dealing with forms of stress in general, potential stressors for the child, the consequences of stress on the human organism. The practical part investigates the experiences with stress factors of pupils that are somehow connected with their school life. As a result of the diploma thesis is to share basic advices for teachers on how to prevent stress at school and their pupils and how to work with the stressed child. key words: stress of children, education, school climate
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Psychologické aspekty zaměstnání na Základní škole / Psychological aspects of the employment at the primary schoolBělíčková, Helena January 2010 (has links)
The aims of the Master's Thesis were: to analyze job satisfaction and to reveal the abidance by rules of mental hygiene among the employees of the primary school. The theoretical part describes basic concepts of job satisfaction, factors of job satisfaction and theories of work motivation. Questions of mental hygiene, factors of mental health and basic principles of good mental health are explained too. The practical part then discovers problematic factors of job satisfaction and critical points of mental hygiene among the employees of the primary school. The research was carried out thanks to these methods: the analysis of webpage, questionnaire surveys and an interview. The results of the research are well-arranged in tables, graphs and diagrams in the practical part. The most important findings and recommendation can be found in final parts and in the conclusion of this Master's Thesis.
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Posouzení učenlivosti koní a adaptace na stresPOKORNÁ, Barbora January 2019 (has links)
Today's use of horses is primarily for sports purposes, thus increasing the demands of their mental and physical readiness. That depends on their character and ability to adapt to sudden stressful circumstances. The object of the thesis is to create an artificially constructed alley with stress barriers and to assess the appreciation of horses of different uses, breeding and sex. Than to draw their adaptation to changing environmental conditions, which may be a stress factor. The ability of horses was tested through four tasks. Passing through the empty alley, crossing the sail, passing the balloons and passing the fringes. The individual tasks had to be completed with a conductor for familiarization with the stressors. Then they were admitted into the alley separately. When the horse passed, next task was added and everything was repeated. At the end of the alley, a positive motivation based on the food reflex was always prepared for the horse. The results demonstrated how horses responded to the addition of stressors to the alley and their difficulty. The speed and success of the aisle passage was evaluated by a point scale of 1 to 4. The statistical method of Anova was used to evaluate the difference between Czech warm-blooded breeds and other breeds. There were 83.33% of representatives of Czech warm-blooded horses able to go through the alley with all the tasks to the end. Only 12.5% of horses from the group of other breeds of horses managed to complete this task. The statistically demonstrable difference was not found in gender groups and groups distinguishing use. Even though the gelding reaction was different from the mares reaction, it was not conclusive on this amount of horses.
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Stress management - Řízení stresu při kritických událostech (CISM) v letových provozních službáchJunková, Lenka January 2007 (has links)
Práce se zabývá aplikací programu CISM při řízení streu v provozních letových službách.
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Psychosocial and Oxidative Stress and Health of AdultsAnnor, Francis 09 May 2015 (has links)
The role of stress (both psychosocial and oxidative) in the pathophysiology of several chronic diseases has been documented and has become a focus for chronic disease prevention and management. Although, psychosocial stress (PS) and oxidative stress (OS) have different mechanisms through which they impact health, they both cause physiological imbalance which might subsequently lead to a disease state. Laboratory and observational studies have linked both stresses to the pathophysiology of diabetes mellitus (DM) and hypertension. However, findings from previous studies have not been entirely consistent and results have varied based on the study population and the stress-measurement tool used. Given the gaps in the literature, three studies were conducted to examine: (1) the relationship between PS and glycemic control; (2) the association between PS and estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR); and (3) the association between OS and hypertension among adults.
In the first two studies, a longitudinal data from Kaiser Permanente Georgia (KPGA) survey on Health and Healthy Behaviors linked to patients’ laboratory and pharmacy records was used. In the third study a cross-sectional data from Study on Race, Stress and Hypertension was used.
The first study examined the association between baseline measure of work-related PS and glycemic control using both cross-sectional and longitudinal designs. None of the four PS sub-scales or the overall PS measure at the work environment was significantly associated with glycemic control at either study baseline or over time. The second study examined the association between general measures of PS and changes in estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) over time in a structural equation model framework. No significant direct association was observed between general PS measure and eGFR decline. However, age, race, mean arterial pressure and insulin use were found to be associated with eGFR decline. The third study examined the association between hypertension and: 1) four markers of OS (F2-Isoprostanes, Fluorescent oxidative products, copy number of mitochondrial DNA and Gamma-tocopherol); and 2) plasma nutrient based oxidative balance score (OBS). The OBS was inversely associated with hypertension, but none of the OS markers was significantly associated with hypertension after adjusting for study covariates.
The current work highlights some of methodological issues in the assessment of PS to examine their relationship with DM control and complications. The study also highlights the need for more future studies to be conducted to confirm the association between OBS and hypertension, preferably longitudinal studies. If future studies confirm this finding, then the mechanisms by which OBS may influence risk of hypertension would need to be explored further.
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