Spelling suggestions: "subject:"studia"" "subject:"étudia""
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Sociologické charakteristiky a mediální reprezentace národnostních menšin v mediálním diskurzu jako teoretické prověření možností komparativních studií: (vlastní v ýzkum mediální prezentace menšin Č eské republiky a Kyrgystánu v devadesátých letech 20. století) / Sociological characteristics and media representation of ethnic minorities in the media discourse as theoretical examination of comparative studies possibilities: (analytical study of minorities representation in mass media in Czech Republic and Kyrgyzstan in the nineties of the 20th century)Iskanderova, Tatiana January 2011 (has links)
The main issue of the dissertation paper was to provide a comparative analysis of ethnic minorities representation in the Czech and Kyrgzystan media discurses in the 90s of the 20th century. Both of the above mentioned countries have undergone a paradigm change, which in the terminology of the four theories of press changed the so-called soviet paradigm for libertarian one. The aim of the research was to demonstrate that it is possible to use the comparative analysis also in regard to ethnicities (ethnic minorities), cultures and national minority organizations that are geographically distant and typologically different. The research is based on comparison of four researches developed by the following authors: Petra Klvačová, Tomáš Bitrich: Jak se (ne)píše o cizincích, Věra Malkova: Этнические образы в республиканских газетах. Опыт этносоциологического исследования, Stuartem Hall (The spectacle of the "Other"), Bernard Berelson, Patricia J. Salter (Majority and Minority American's: An analysis of magazine fiction). The subject of the study is the collection of texts materials from printed media, supplemented and confronted with a trial research sample of responses provided by representatives of media, politics, science and public etc. (in-depth interviews) on the topic of minorities. By means of...
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Koncept SMART cities v České republice: východiska, dosavadní zkušenosti a aplikace / The SMART cities concept: starting points, past experience and applicationsBÁRTOVÁ, Silvie January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on the Smart Cities concept in the Czech Republic. The aim of the thesis is to get an overview of foreigner and Czech cities that are successful in implementing the Smart Cities concept. The main aim of the thesis is to evaluate the possibility of applying Smart Cities principles in a city České Budějovice. The thesis is based on a study of scientific literature, strategic or conceptual documents and the examples of "best practice". The draft of Smart City concept České Budějovice results from the questionnaire survey and the conducted interviews.
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Nezaměstnanost absolventů vybraných vysokých škol v České republice v letech 2012 – 2016 ve vazbě na žebříčky vysokých škol / The unemployment of selected universities in the Czech Republic across the fields of study during the years 2012 - 2016 in relation to the rankings of universitiesDudová, Jitka January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this work is the description of the unemployment of graduates from selected universities in the Czech Republic between 2012 to 2016 and compare the unemployment of graduates across the fields of study. This work will be split into theoretical and practical parts. The theoretical part will describe the labor market, unemployment, the development of unemployment in the Czech Republic, the legislation on labor market in the Czech Republic, active and passive policy of unemployment and the status of the graduate in the labor market. In the practical part, it will be compared to the unemployment rate of university graduates in custody on the rankings of universities in the Czech Republic. The end of practical part will be based on the survey analysis of work experience and work involvement of students of master's degree at selected universities in the Czech Republic and will be compared with the development of graduate unemployment in the years 2012 to 2016 across the fields of study.
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Být černým Evropanem: případová studie role městského prostoru Prahy a Paříže a současných výzev. / Being a European black person: a case study on the role of the urban space of Prague and Paris and current challenges.Bilembo Adja, Lourdes Peggy Armelle January 2021 (has links)
and Keywords "In the World through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself." - Frantz Fanon In this thesis, one of my first aims, among others, is to discuss and put in perspective the different levels of identification that can coexist and contribute to the creation of a person. I want to understand the impact and the role played by the city in one's identity-building process by studying the self-perception of visibly black people in Prague and Paris. Why did I decide to work on blackness within the European context? I decided to work on blackness for many reasons, one being that blackness as much as whiteness are social constructs. However, when whiteness has a history of multiplicity, and white people are being granted individuality, blackness, on the other hand, is often seen as an encompassing term. Black people are perceived as a monolithic social group in every sense of the word, sharing the same history and past across the globe. It is because of the peculiarity of blackness, which is seen as a factor of global identity that I wanted to study that topic within Europe. Working on blackness in Europe is working on a topic that would look like an oxymoron. Indeed, Europe is associated with whiteness, and blackness is associated with Africa. Therefore, thinking about black Europeans or...
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Být černým Evropanem: případová studie role městského prostoru Prahy a Paříže a současných výzev. / Being a European black person: a case study on the role of the urban space of Prague and Paris and current challenges.Bilembo Adja, Lourdes Peggy Armelle January 2021 (has links)
and Keywords "In the World through which I travel, I am endlessly creating myself." - Frantz Fanon In this thesis, one of my first aims, among others, is to discuss and put in perspective the different levels of identification that can coexist and contribute to the creation of a person. I want to understand the impact and the role played by the city in one's identity-building process by studying the self-perception of visibly black people in Prague and Paris. Why did I decide to work on blackness within the European context? I decided to work on blackness for many reasons, one being that blackness as much as whiteness are social constructs. However, when whiteness has a history of multiplicity, and white people are being granted individuality, blackness, on the other hand, is often seen as an encompassing term. Black people are perceived as a monolithic social group in every sense of the word, sharing the same history and past across the globe. It is because of the peculiarity of blackness, which is seen as a factor of global identity that I wanted to study that topic within Europe. Working on blackness in Europe is working on a topic that would look like an oxymoron. Indeed, Europe is associated with whiteness, and blackness is associated with Africa. Therefore, thinking about black Europeans or...
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Dohled a marketing / Surveillance and MarketingLedrová, Šárka January 2018 (has links)
This thesis looks into the key aspects of surveillance and marketing issues. It describes surveillance as a subject of studies, historical development in studies regarding surveillance and default approaches to the surveillance from the Surveillance Studies branch point of view. Main source of information for the thesis comes from the concept of surveillance from Michael Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, Zygmunt Bauman, David Lyon and other experts. Practical part of the thesis aims to present a balanced look on the marketing as a sphere of surveillance, to describe development of surveillance in marketing and to outline eventual risk and consequences of contemporary surveillance in marketing.
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Ašsko "zapomenuté" a jeho místa paměti / "Forgotten" Aš region and his places of memoryŽidov, Petr January 2019 (has links)
The town Aš, its whole region, used to be the place permanently inhabited by people of German origin, as all the historical documents report. After the end of the world war two, people of German origin were forced to leave their homes which were built and handed over throughout the centuries and therefore became the prominent bearers of Aš region tradition. This long lasting continuity of inhabitation by these people was unnaturally intrerrupted and many places and settlements lost their memories. The new residents had to build the relationship to their new homes from the beginning. The aim of this thesis is to describe the places of memory which are, owing to nationalistic and religious character of the region, entirely tied to German history, and by means of their analysis find out how the newcomers' relationship to their new homes developed. The focus will be taken on the time period after 1945 and, especially, time period after 1989 when, on account of easing political situation, the new and old memory places could be viewed more objectively than before.
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Reprezentace úspěchu v českých televizních seriálech po roce 1989 / Representation of the succes in czech television serials after 1989Freislebenová, Andrea January 2020 (has links)
Diploma theses "Medial representations of success in Czech series after 1989" is researching, how is through six Czech television series presented the success. Medial images are an important source of knowledge of our current society. Success itself is a phenomenon we are facing daily in our lives. A large part of this experience is made through the media. The purpose of this work is to identify, which key phenomena of society distinguished values has been viewed in selected series (Konec velkých prázdnin, Život na zámku, Ranč U Zelené sedmi, Reportérka, Semestr and Terapie). Through the observations we are able to describe which images were mostly displayed, which at least and with who it has been connected. Thanks to this, we can review whether these medial representations of success are indulgent with their own evaluation of this concept. The recognizability of these phenomena and its interpretation is considered as a parameter of an individual personalities and their observation is being the typical subject of stereotyping. The conclusion of the thesis shows what is the development of representation of success in the Czech series and which picture of the current society has been created by these interpretations.
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Imagologie současných reklamních sdělení / Imagology of Current AdvertisementsTomková, Gabriela January 2012 (has links)
This thesis deals with advertising images. It contributes to discussion about position of image in present visual field. It also speaks about influence of image on contemporary society. The starting point and theoretical basis are Visual studies. The main ideas are applied to two different constructs of reality, both are tendentious. The first is vision, ideologically and politically constructed during authoritarian socialist regime. The second is current globalized consumer society. In the practical part of the thesis, the analysis focuses on the advertisements of Skoda Auto Company, used in both mentioned visual modes in the Czech Republic in the 20th century. Key words: picture, visual studies, iconology, advertising, globalization, consumer society, propaganda, image.
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Fikční světy ve videohrách / Fictional worlds in video gamesLaštovková, Lucie January 2021 (has links)
The vast majority of videogames is consisting of fiction. One of the ways of approaching fiction is the literary theory of fictional worlds. However, this begs a question if we would be able to use this theory. The purpose of our thesis is to determine how literary theorists define fictional worlds. Furthermore, we will look at the way that this concept is used by ludologists and how they work with it. If our hypothesis, that we can apply this theory to videogames, will be confirmed, then we investigate how those worlds are different from the literary ones. Then, with the help from the acquired knowledge, we will conduct case studies on selected games. Finally, we will demonstrate how researching of fictional worlds can be profitable for game studies and how to utilize the theory more.
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