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Mediální pedagogika jako vysokoškolský obor / Media pedagogy as a field of studyMackenzie, Karolína January 2021 (has links)
The diploma theses focus on Media pedagogy as a field of study. It analyzes the educational frameworks for primary and secondary schools which focuses on topic of media. By this it analyzes the possibilities of education for Czech teachers and feature educators. The result is the intersection between requirements of frameworks and current educational possibilities for teachers. Firstly it describes topics that are covered by czech educational systém described in educational frameworks, then it analyzes topics that suppose to be covered but are not provided by current offer of courses. The topics that are demanded by the frameworks are compared with possibilities introduced by foreign universities. By that it introduces programs and subjects that can be an inspiration for czech educational systém. The intersection provies key subjects and topics that can be helpful as a proposal of new college degree Media pedagogy which could prepare czech media education teachers for their subject. Provided structure reflects current demands introduced by frameworks as well as modern didactics in the field of media education and trends in media studies.
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Kierkegaard a kniha Kazatel: vztah poznání a skepse / Kierkegaard and Ecclesiastes: The Relationship between Knowledge and GriefJanoušková, Anna January 2017 (has links)
The presented philosophical-anthropological interpretation seeks to examine the phenomenon of "the image of humanity" (the becoming of Self) and consequently to study the human condition defined as "man longing for knowledge", all from a Christian perspective. After a thorough overview of the development of the Skeptical tradition in the history of philosophy, the two subjects of study will be interpreted, phenomenologically and exegetically, based on various texts from the Danish existencialist Søren Kierkegaard and the Old Testament book Ecclesiastes. The following comparison will enable us to see the parallel between knowledge and doubt in both of the authors' works. We shall come to a conclusion that there is an exponential relationship between knowledge and doubt: the more knowledge there is, the more doubt arises. During this interpretation, the aim will also be to trace the origin of doubt, while using the story of creation from the book of Genesis as the foundation for our study. Doubt, as we shall notice, entered the world accompanied by sin (in the form of consciousness) after Adam and Eve ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. This moment was crucial, for man committed a qualitative leap from innocence to the state of sin. Therefore, man is situated in between two extremes...
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Griefing v online hrách / Griefing in online gamesPelant, Josef January 2017 (has links)
Identification record PELANT, Josef. Griefing in Online Games. Prague, 2017. 86 p. Thesis (Mgr.). Charles University in Prague, Faculty of Arts, Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship, 2001. Thesis lead Vít Šisler. Abstract The goal of this thesis is to find out the frequency of griefing (harassment or intentional provocation of other players) among the players of the most popular genres of online games, and to determine the typical characteristics of griefers, based on following factors: age, gender, preferency of the game genres, and motivational factors of competition, socialization, and teamplay. The goal has been achieved through questionaire survey with the use of quantitative method. Among the most important findings belong that men are substantially more frequently griefers compared to women, griefers are more focused on competition than other respondents, approximately half of the surveyed players have commited griefing, and almost every player has been a victim of a griefer. It has also been found that griefers are more likely to identify themselves as victims of griefing, compared to the rest of players. Keywords griefing, griefer, game studies, online games, second life, world of warcraft
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Krev, slzy a smích: emoční paradigma ve zpravodajství / Blood, Tears and Laughter: Emotional Aspect of News ContentPudlák, Štěpán January 2012 (has links)
The diploma thesis offers a concept of emotional paradigm of news. Characteristic features of contemporary news are emotional content, afectivity, and themes of violent and sexual nature. The phenomena are interpreted as a result of proliferation of emotional paradigm, i.e. a way of creating news which aims to arouse spectators. Emotional paradigm is manifested in a number of aspects - in the discourse, on a visual and auditive level or in a choice of news topics. An account of relevant psychological and neurobiological theories is also included. The thesis reviews possible implications of functioning of the paradigm. Hence, it offers an alternative interpretational frame from the media studies branch.
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Post-liberální regionální dynamika Jižní Ameriky / Post-Liberal regional dynamic of South America: A Inductive vs. deductive approachesBoháček, Petr January 2015 (has links)
Since the fall of the Berlin Wall, regionalism as an approach for studying International Relations has been gaining a momentum and popularity, yet, it has been mostly dominated by Eurocentric and deductive postulations, unable to successfully answer many regional issues. The focus of this thesis is to examine the validity of the major regionalist theories in the context of South America, a region that offers an ideal environment for a study of post-liberal regionalism. The thesis attempts to answer what are the main shortcomings of the contemporary regionalist debate. The main hypothesis is that while the contemporary debate of regionalism is dominated by the deductive approach, this can only direct us to some general variables and factors, but it is the inductive approach that leads us to correct assumption by expulsing extra-regional influences while building the hypothesis up. The hypothesis is tested on the South American regional dynamics through four thematic clusters based on the major assumptions of the regional theories that test their validity. The analyzed trajectories of the South American regional dynamic prove that the deductive approach is valuable in directing the research the right way in some general patterns, but it fails to make correct postulations about the type of the regional...
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Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting v postkoloniálním a genderovém kontextu / Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting in postcolonial and gender contextKrálová Ježková, Olga January 2014 (has links)
This thesis concerns subject of Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), ritual commonly - but inaccurately - named female circumcision. In the thesis I analyze two autobiographical texts written by women who got through the FGM/C - Mutilated written by Senegal author Khady and Desert Flower by Somali author Waris Dirie. Aim of this thesis is to analyze view point of two women who have direct experience with FGM/C, to add more information to research of this ritual and to strengthen effort to understand structural reasons for its existence and continuance. I attach myself to the side of opponents to FGM/C and by this thesis I'd wish to help to banish this ritual. My effort is connected with my feminist conviction but also with human rights discourse. ABSTRAKT Tato diplomová práce zkoumá problematiku Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C), rituálu u nás běžně - avšak nepřesně - nazývaného ženská obřízka. V diplomové práci analyzuji dva autobiografické příběhy žen, které prožily FGM/C. Jedná se o knihy Zmrzačená od senegalské autorky Khady a Květ pouště od somálské autorky Waris Dirie. Cílem tohoto výzkumu je analyzovat pohled dvou žen na rituál FGM/C, připojit další informace ke zkoumané problematice FGM/C, a tak rozšířit nejen znalosti týkající se rituálu samotného, ale zejména podpořit snahu...
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Domov bezdomovců: sociální konstrukce nekonvenčního domova / .Home of Homeless: Social Construction of Non-conventional HomeKotyk, Lukáš January 2016 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on the phenomena of homelessness as a situation in which individuals do not have enough money to secure the conventional accommodation. This leads to them constructing their home in the public space or squatting abandoned buildings. This thesis refuses to interpret homelessness as a pathological phenomenon or as a violation of order (in order to demonstrate this, individual approaches are usually being used). The author of the thesis presents homelessness as a consequence of the economic system which orders out a certain part of population. This part cannot attain the minimum measure of the chance to consume which would sustain a secure life. The concept of hybrid, which is the integral part of the actor-network-theory and it originates in the works of Bruno Latour, allows us to interpret home through the interconnection of material objects and social relationship. This approach leads to disengagement from the atypical form of unconventional homes and to thinking about them as about a normal way of housing. The basis of the ethnographic research is the perspective of the material culture studies. In the framework of this perspective, individual dwellings (inhabited by the class of the poorest) are examined. The research contains an analysis of nine such dwellings in...
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Virtuálny sprievodca ekonomickými predmetmi – pedagogická pomôckaLaško, Tomáš January 2020 (has links)
This thesis deals with design, development and production of a mobile application to support teaching. Android mobile application ”Virtual economic guide” is available through Google Play store. This application is not only for students of PEF MENDELU. Interactive materials presented in this applcation mainly concerns the Microeconomics 1 course. Some parts includes materials used in Microeconomics 2 and Macroeconomics 1 and 2. This application is developed in Java using Firebase cloud platform for authentification, autorisation and database services. Application incorporates gamification for better involvement of target group. Source code is accessible via GitHub platform as an open-source project.
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Reprezentace historie v počítačových hrách / Representation of History in VideogamesVáňa, Martin January 2022 (has links)
In my thesis I focus on analysing the representations and images in historical digital games. I base my thesis upon methods and works from the game studies field. Those texts research games based on principles of mechanics and rules, narrative, aesthetics, and simulation. All those aspects of games come under my analysis of chosen set of digital games. I connect this methodology with theory of history, which focuses on means of historical representation and ways of construction of the historical image, just as it notes role of historians and history in nowadays society. Further I build upon work of Jean Beadrillard on simulation and simulacra, who takes on the topic of production of images in our culture. I confront my analysis with work of Adam Chapman Digital Games as History, which offers me not only a basic terminology but also serves me as an inspiration for comparison of the games' images with the historians' epistemology. My thesis results in comparison and attempted junction of the methods of game studies with those of historiography on the material of digital games. Apart from deeper analysis of selected games I come to more general conclusions, which could in my opinion, add to further analysis of the past and its digital representations, just as they could help to think through the role...
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Les dominicains français face au système universitaire des grades à la fin du Moyen Âge / French Dominicans facing the University degree system in the Late Middle AgesKajiwara, Yoichi 26 March 2018 (has links)
Bien que la relation entre les universités et l’ordre dominicain, nettement orienté vers l’étude depuis ses premières années, attire l’attention des historiens du Moyen Âge depuis longtemps, la rencontre des Prêcheurs avec le système universitaire des grades, qui constituait le premier attrait de l’universitas pour ces religieux, n’a pas encore donné lieu à des études systématiques. Focalisée sur l’époque postérieure au milieu du XIVème siècle, où la prolifération rapide des facultés de théologie en Europe a offert aux dominicains davantage d’occasions d’accéder aux grades universitaires, la présente thèse a pour objectif de mesurer l’impact qu’a exercé le magisterium sur les normes, pratiques et idées des fils de saint Dominique de France, dont l’idéologie était étroitement liée aux activités universitaires. Dans les provinces françaises de l’ordre, où le réseau des studia dominicains ont vu un véritable essor, l’élite intellectuelle se procurent l’estime des frères et de nombreux avantages dès le XIIIème siècle. L’aspiration au statut privilégié des frères savants s’accentue au fur et à mesure que le système des grades de théologie, établi tout d’abord au sein de l’université de Paris, est implanté dans bien des communautés universitaires d’Europe. Il en découle que les supérieurs de l’ordre ont voulu contrôler plus rigoureusement la conquête du diplôme par les frères, ce qui a donné lieu à un régime de surveillance des candidats dominicains aux grades universitaires, codifié dès le début du XVème siècle en vertu d’une nouvelle constitution de l’ordre et raffiné grâce à de nombreuses ordonnances du chapitre général. Les règlements étant établis de façon à conditionner l’obtention des grades universitaires, la relation entre les normes et les pratiques s’avère cependant loin d’être univoque, ce que nous montrent les données prosopographiques des dominicains autorisés à poursuivre le magisterium. Parfois, les normes restrictives s’adaptent aux pratiques que vivent nos religieux. Cette élasticité des législations dominicaines augmente l’importance du jugement ad hoc des supérieurs pour examiner et garantir les qualités intellectuelles et morales des religieux admis à l’obtention des grades, dans la mesure où, après le foisonnement des facultés de théologie, le chapitre général, auquel incombe de façon exclusive la décision finale de l’envoi des religieux vers les universités, se trouve étouffé à cause de l’entassement des dossiers de candidature des frères aspirant au doctorat. D’où un enchevêtrement sensible qui caractérise les pratiques d’autorisation de la conquête du magisterium, auxquelles participent de manière active les religieux désirant le diplôme eux-mêmes. En revanche, la famille religieuse ne semblait pas très préoccupée des actes académiques accomplis en pratique au sein de la faculté, car, en s’appuyant sur la faveur pontificale généreusement accordée, elle pouvait conférer le magisterium aux frères qui le méritaient. La prédilection de nos religieux pour le magisterium est d’autant plus inébranlable que cette dignité s’associe étroitement à la conscience de soi des fils de saint Dominique. Le regard des frères vis-à-vis des magistri se révèle cependant à double tranchant, car l’état doctoral ne peut jamais se libérer de la suspicion de la vanité mondaine. Particulièrement intéressés par cette question récurrente de l’arrogance magistrale, les observants se montrent aussi attachés aux grades que les frères qui n’embrassent pas la cause de la réforme. L’ancrage du système universitaire des grades dans l’idéologie des fils de saint Dominique s’avère si profonde que, voué à un idéal analogue à celui des universitaires – participation par voie intellectuelle à la prospérité de l’Église –, l’ordre dominicain apparaît à son tour comme une universitas des docteurs de la science sacrée à la fin de notre époque. / Although the relationship between the Universities and the Dominican Order in the Middle Ages has attracted historians’ attention for a long time, the impact of the University degree system upon the Friars Preachers has not yet given rise to systematic studies. Focusing on the fifteenth century, where a rapid proliferation of faculties of theology in Europe has given Dominicans more opportunities to access university degrees, this dissertation aims to measure an influence that the magisterium had on the norms, practices and ideas of French Dominican friars, whose ideology was closely linked to university activities. In the French provinces, where the network of Dominican Studia was highly developed, the intellectual elite earned the respect of brothers and enjoyed many advantages within the Order. Aspiration to the privileged status of scholarly Dominicans is accentuated as the degree system of faculty of theology, first established within University of Paris, is implanted in many universities of Europe. As a result, the superiors of the Order wanted to control more rigorously friars’ obtaining of the magisterium. Finally, the Order established a system of supervision for Dominican degree candidates, which was codified in the Order’s new constitution enacted in the beginning of the fifteenth century and refined through many ordinances of the General Chapter. In spite of Dominicans’ efforts to condition the obtaining of university degrees, the relationship between norms and practices was fairly complex, as shown by a prosopographical analysis of the friars authorized to pursue the magisterium. Sometimes, restrictive norms adapt to practices. Such an elasticity of Dominican legislation increased the importance of ad hoc judgments by the superiors, who were responsible to examine and guarantee intellectual and moral qualities of the friars admitted to the degree. Hence, authorizing process of Dominican degree candidates became quite complicated, as the friars who were eager for the degree committed themselves actively in such a process. On the other hand, the Order did not seem very interested in the academic acts which Dominicans performed in practice within the faculty, because, relying on pontifical favor generously granted, it could confer the magisterium on the friars who deserved it. The predilection of Dominicans for the degree seems all the more unshakable as the magisterium is closely associated with their self-consciousness. Friars' view of the magistri is, however, double-edged, for the doctor can never be free from suspicion of worldly vanity. The Observant Dominicans were particularly interested in this recurrent question of masters’ arrogance. They were nevertheless as attached to the degree as the non-reformed friars. The University degree system took root so profoundly in the Dominicans’ ideology that they shared an ideal with University men, that of intellectual contribution to a prosperity of the Church, and the Dominican Order appeared as an universitas of doctors of theology.
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