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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Využívání technologií pro optimalizaci zkušenosti účastníků eventů / Use of technology in optimization of event attendees' experience

Dokoupilová, Eliška January 2019 (has links)
This thesis connects the influence of experience economy and ICT on event industry in a research of use of technology in optimization of attendee's event experience. By combining primary and secondary literature with qualitative research we come to conclusions that an optimal event experience is complex assemblage of affective, cognitive and conative aspects, we prove the benefits of event technology as one of the means to achieving this copious experience and identify concrete methods how to use technology for this purpose.

Sociální sítě jako sféry dohledu / Social Network as a Sphere of Surveillance

Jasková, Anna January 2017 (has links)
This diploma thesis focuses on social media phenomenon from a surveillance studies perspective. It perceives social media as a sphere, where many kinds of surveillance are realized. From those applied by partners to those driven by commercial interests. The thesis is divided into a theoretical and empirical part. The theoretical part concentrates mainly on explanation of the connection between some important surveillance theories with the current surveillance practices on social media. The empirical part allows readers to understand how selected users of social media reflect surveillance and the loss of privacy associated with it.

Sekuritizace muslimských komunit po útocích na Charlie Hebdo: zrovnání mediálního diskurzu ve Francii a Velké Británii / Securitization of Muslim populations following the Charlie Hebdo attacks: Comparison of media discourses in France and Great Britain

Kňazeová, Petra January 2018 (has links)
The thesis seeks to analyse media discourse of four print media in Great Britain and in France in the time period between January 2014 and November 2015 to determine what changes in media discourse occurred after the terrorist attacks on the Charlie Hebdo offices in Paris and how were the domestic Muslim communities affected. Thesis draws on the theories of securitization, Critical Discourse Analysis, Discourse Historical Analysis and media studies. The two countries are contrasted in terms of their approaches to integration (multiculturalism and assimilation). Corpus consisting of articles drawn from online databases of two French and two British national newspapers is analysed.

Sekuritizace migrace v České republice - role uprchlic v diskurzu o migraci / Securitization of Migration in the Czech Republic - Role of Refugee Women in the Discourse on Migration

Čermáková, Kristýna January 2018 (has links)
Master's Thesis Kristýna Čermáková Abstract This master's thesis explores the topic of the securitization of migration in the Czech Republic and the gender dimension of the discourse on migration. After a theoretical exploration of the migratory process and the specificities of its female face, a discourse analysis of the Czech media will present the main epistemological core of the work. The primary research question attempts to identify the ways in which the Czech media contributes to the shifting perception of migration as belonging to the sphere of politics, even presenting migration as a threat to security. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The first chapter provides a theoretical insight into migration studies, the motives to migrate and the phenomenon of forced migration. Despite the general assumption of mainstream academics that migrants are mainly men, the second chapter shows that women's experiences with migration differ greatly from those of men. Based on the Copenhagen stream of thought, the discourse analysis of the Czech media carried out in the third chapter points to the construction of perceptions about migration within Czech society. The absence of gender in the public discourse on migration is further analyzed in the last chapter. The missing gender dimension proved to be...

Mediální prezentace videohry Kingdom Come: Deliverance ve vybraných médiích / Media presentation of Kingdom Come: Deliverance videogame in selected media

Pražák, Ondřej January 2020 (has links)
This diploma theses focuses on the issue of game studies and examines its connection with the news media. The relationship between these areas is analysed on the case study of the computer game Kingdom Come: Deliverance that reached international success. This study uses content analysis to identify the presence and way of presentation of this game project in the Czech Television news since 2014 to 2019. Regarding the international success of the game, I presume that not only the game itself but also the gaming industry as such might been more captured in the news. In addition to the analysis of media mentions of the game, the work also focuses on their contextual framework and context in which the Czech project was discussed. In addition to quantitative research on Czech Television news, the work is supplemented by a comparison of Czech and foreign reviews, which provides a broader view not only of a different approach to the game in the Czech Republic and the world, but also outlines the importance and relevance of the game itself. Key Words Kingdom Come: Deliverance, Game studies, Czech PC Games, media analysis, quantitative research

Vysokoškolské vzdělávání cizinců v České republice / University education of foreigners in the Czech Republic

Panfilova, Kaselina January 2020 (has links)
1 University education of foreigners in the Czech Republic Abstract The thesis examines evolution, trends and structures of foreigners in tertiary education sector in the Czech Republic and at the same time aims at finding common aspects or differences between students with Czech citizenship and without it. In the theoretical part of examining university education for foreigners the concept of third demographic transition has been applied. The Associated Student Register Information (SIMS) has been used as the main data source. In this thesis, the analysis is based on individual anonymized data of graduates in the period between 2001 and 2017. The analysis focuses on net duration of study with such independent variables as gender, age, study field, form of study, type of university and citizenship. The analytical part also examines the relationship between gender and its possible dependence on citizenship, study field and on the net duration of study. One of the conclusions of this work is that the number of Czech students has been progressively decreasing in the last few years, while the number of foreign students in the Czech Republic is growing. Still, the net duration of study is shorter for Czech graduates than for foreigners, with an exception of Slovak students with a shorter net duration of study...

Volební obvody v Praze: proporcionalita vs. efektivita vládnutí / Electoral districts in Prague: proportionality vs. efficiency of governance

Drašar, Michael January 2021 (has links)
Diploma thesis focuses on one of the most important variables of proportional electoral systems - electoral districts. This problematic is researched in the context of municipal elections to the Prague City Assembly. In the Czech municipal electoral system this variable can be changed very flexibly and in Prague we can find three variations of electoral districts. The aim of thesis is to explore these variants of electoral districts from the point of proportionality and efficiency of governance. The topic is researched in three cases of municipal elections in Prague in 2010, 2014 and 2018. In the introduction of diploma thesis two research questions are defined. The first part is theoretical, and it is focused on the municipal electoral system in the Czech Republic, electoral district in the theory of electoral systems, variants of electoral districts in Prague and academic debate about proportionality and efficiency. Results of three researched elections are analysed as well. The analytical part of thesis is focused on models of seats distribution in accordance with electoral districts. In the conclusion results are evaluated and compared. Research questions are answered in this part as well.

Sociální teorie a pozdně moderní přístupy ke studiu kultury / Approches to the Study of Culture and Social Theory

Lachmann, Filip January 2011 (has links)
Sociology, social science and human sciences in general are interested in the study of culture since its inception. This concern, however, have transformed over the years and the development of individual disciplines, especially in the 20th century, where the phenomenon of culture has become one of the main indicators of social coexistence. The concept of culture itself represents a very wide range of activities, objects and characteristics tied with the human and his behavior. This work focuses on the process, during which social scientists have begun to perceive the culture no longer just a file or a store of values, but as part of power struggle, hegemony, ideology and oppression in their everyday impact on the scientific knowledge and the creation of social discourse. It notes the rise of critical theory, which arose mainly in the context of the so-called "cultural turn", starting in the postwar period. It records the development of social theory as a discipline combining several approaches, grounded in a larger frame of reference, the main aim is to highlight the difference between social science typical for modernity and more or less postmodern authors, which we nowadays consider the leading scientists and philosophers of the 20th century. This report covers the Frankfurt School of T. Adorno,...

Organizace mužského hnutí v ČR (empirický profil a typologie) / Organizations of men's movement in the Czech Republic (empirical profile and typology)

Lada, Stanislav January 2011 (has links)
The central theme of this diploma thesis are male organizations and although some of them are already long decades old their presence is quite unknown phenomenon among majority of people, so much they stand behind their female counterparts. Therefore I decided to introduce male organizations and areas of their interest, the main goal of this diploma thesis is to create a typology of male organizations in the Czech Republic. The work issues from specification of the terms "masculinity" and "male organizations of civil society", carried out on the basis of publicized theoretical knowledge and my own experience. I begin with organizations of the so-called traditional type to pass on those that are considered to be the so-called new ones and their origin is closely associated with woman's emancipation caused by an expansion of feminism in the last decades of the past century. In connection with the existence of these new organizations it was discussed a concept of the so-called new masculinity for the first time. In the part of my work related to the goal's fulfillment I introduce all male organizations in the Czech Republic and the basis of analyze I create their typology. The analyzed material consists of texts of examined organizations and statements of their representatives. Great attention is also...

Studijní (ne)úspěšnost a vymezování problému v české vysokoškolské politice / Success, dropout and problem delimination in the Czech higher education policy

Stiburek, Šimon January 2015 (has links)
This thesis analyses student success and dropout (attrition, wastage, non-completion …) and their reflection in the Czech higher education policy. Strategic documents of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports declared student dropout to be a problem already in 2000 and 2005. However, only limited and vague measures were proposed, and even those have not been fully implemented while the dropout rates have continued to increase every year. The thesis applies the perspective of "problem delimitation" in the public policy process, discovering that many actors determining the policy formulation do not share the belief that dropout is a problem and that it should be dealt with by public policy means. It seems that no actor has been so far able to present the issue as a well-structured, and therefore solvable, problem. Besides, a lack of consensus on relevant underlying values and goals, a deficiency of suitable means aligned with other essential values - in particular the effort to increase the quality in higher education - is observed. When confronting the stakeholders' expectations of mechanisms and causes behind dropout with the academic theories, recent research as well as students' stories, it appears that the insight of policy makers into the topic is often incomplete and unfitting and that...

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