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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Avaliação por processamento de imagem assistida por computador das alterações citométricas dos adipócitos do tecido celular subcutâneo da parede anterior do abdome, após hipercapnia local / Analysis of adipocytes changes by computer-assisted imaging process in abdominal wall adipose tissue after local hypercapnia

Célia Sampaio Costa 04 August 2009 (has links)
Recentes estudos vêm demonstrando os efeitos benéficos da infiltração percutânea de dióxido de carbono em diferentes campos da Medicina, inclusive como alternativa para tratamento de depósitos localizados de gordura formados após lipoaspiração da parede abdominal. É possível que os efeitos dessa terapia encontrem-se relacionados à capacidade do método em aumentar a circulação sangüínea local, bem como aos efeitos lipolíticos do CO2 sobre adipócitos do tecido envolvido. Entretanto, até a presente data, poucos estudos avaliaram os efeitos histológicos e citométricos sobre adipócitos, presentes no tecido subcutâneo da parede abdominal. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os efeitos da infusão de gás carbônico sobre a população e morfologia de adipócitos da parede abdominal. Quinze voluntárias, com média de idade de 34 anos, foram submetidas a sessões de infusão de CO2 durante três semanas consecutivas (duas sessões por semana com intervalos de dois a três dias entre cada sessão). O volume de gás carbônico infundido por sessão, em pontos previamente demarcados, foi sempre calculado com base na superfície da área a ser tratada, com volume de gás de 250 mL/100 cm de superfície tratada. Utilizou-se As áreas foram demarcados respeitando-se o limite eqüidistante 2 cm entre elas. Em cada ponto de punção se injetou 10 mL, por sessão, mantendo-se fluxo de gás de 80 mL por minuto. Foram colhidos, por biópsia cirúrgica, fragmentos de tecido celular subcutâneo da região anterior da parede abdominal para estudo histológico antes e após tratamento. Os números e as alterações histomorfológicas nos adipócitos, tais como área, diâmetro médio, perímetro, comprimento, largura e número de adipócitos por campos de observação foram mensurados por processamento de imagem assistida por computador, utilizando-se o programa Image-Pró-plus. Os resultados encontrados antes e após a infusão de gás carbônico foram analisados por meio de teste t pareado, adotando-se nível de significância de 5% (p<0,05). Encontrou-se redução significativa nos valores das variáveis histomorfológicas mensuradas após o uso da hipercapnia tais como redução de sua área (p= 0,00001), diâmetro (p= 0,00001), perímetro (p= 0,00001), comprimento (p= 0,00001), largura (p= 0,00001), maior espaçamento entre as mesmas (p<0,0001) e menor número de adipócitos por campo (p= 0,00001). Conclui-se que existe efeito na morfologia e população dos adipócitos do tecido adiposo subcutâneo após utilização terapêutica de hipercapnia. / Recent researches have demonstrated the beneficial effects of percutaneous infiltration of carbon dioxide in different fields of medicine. Currently, this therapy proves to be an alternative for treatment of localized fat deposits formed after lipectomy of the abdominal wall. The effects appear to be related to the ability of therapy to increase local blood circulation and lipolitic effects of CO2 on tissue involved. However few studies have evaluated histological and cytometric effects on subcutaneous adipocytes tissue subjected to this new therapeutic modality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of infusion of carbon dioxide on the population and morphology of adipocytes in the abdominal wall. Fifteen volunteers were subjected to sessions of CO2 infusion for three consecutive weeks with two sessions per week at intervals of two to three days between each session. The volume of carbon dioxide infused per session, at points previously marked, was always based on the surface of the area to be treated with gas volume of 250 mL/100 cm2 of surface treated. Areas were demarcated with the limit up to 2 cm equidistant between them. At each point of puncture was injected 10mL of CO2, per session, keeping the gas flow of 80 mL/minute. Fragments of subcutaneous tissue of the anterior abdominal wall were collected by surgical biopsy for histological study before and after treatment. The numbers and histomorphological changes in adipocytes, such as area, diameter, perimeter, length, width and number of adipocytes per field of view were measured by image processing computer assisted using the program Image-Pro Plus. The results before and after the infusion of carbon dioxide were analyzed by paired t test. Significance level of 5% (p<0.05) was adopted. A significant difference was found in the values of variables measured after the use of hypercapnia as reduction of its area (p = 0,00001), diameter (p = 0.00001), perimeter (p = 0,00001), length (p = 0,00001), width (p = 0,00001), greater spacing between them and lower number of adipocytes per field (p = 0,00001). It is concluded that there is effect of adipocyte morphology and population of the subcutaneous adipose tissue after therapeutic use of hypercapnia

The development, validation, and characterization of an ex-vivo porcine full thickness skin model for the study of the subcutaneous compartment

Jordanna Michelle Payne (15348601) 27 April 2023 (has links)
<p>This dissertation details the creation, validation, and characterization of a porcine ex-vivo culture model to study subcuteneous tissue. The viability of the model was assessed over seven days of culture by digestion and the proliferation and death of cells was monitored by immunohistochmeical labelling and image analysis. The model was then used in a timecourse proteomics experiment to characterize the effect of culture on subcutaneous proteome. The model was then compared to a commercially available human ex-vivo model with respect to viability and changes to the subcutaneous proteome. </p>

Computational Models and Experimentation for Radiofrequency-based Ablative Techniques

González Suárez, Ana 14 March 2014 (has links)
Las técnicas ablativas basadas en energía por radiofrecuencia (RF) se emplean con el fin de lograr un calentamiento seguro y localizado en el tejido biológico. En los últimos años ha habido un rápido crecimiento en el número de nuevos procedimientos médicos que hacen uso de dichas técnicas, lo cual ha ido acompañado de la aparición de nuevos diseños de electrodos y protocolos de aplicación de energía. Sin embargo, existen todavía muchas incógnitas sobre el verdadero comportamiento electro-térmico de los aplicadores de energía, así como de la interacción energía-tejido en aplicaciones concretas. El principal propósito de esta Tesis Doctoral es adquirir un mejor conocimiento de los fenómenos eléctricos y térmicos involucrados en los procesos de calentamiento de tejidos biológicos mediante corrientes de RF. Esto permitirá, por un lado, mejorar la eficacia y seguridad de las técnicas actualmente empleadas en la clínica en campos tan diferentes como la cirugía cardiaca, oncológica o dermatológica; y por otro, sugerir mejoras tecnológicas para el diseño de nuevos aplicadores. La Tesis Doctoral combina dos metodologías ampliamente utilizadas en el campo de la Ingeniería Biomédica, como son el modelado computacional (matemático) y la experimentación (ex vivo e in vivo). En cuanto al área cardiaca, la investigación se ha centrado, por una parte, en mejorar la ablación intraoperatoria de la fibrilación auricular por aproximación epicárdica, es decir, susceptible de ser realizada de forma mínimamente invasiva. Para ello, se ha estudiado mediante modelos matemáticos un sistema de medida de la impedancia epicárdica como método de valoración de la cantidad de grasa previo a la ablación. Por otra parte, se ha estudiado cómo mejorar la ablación de la pared ventricular por aproximación endocárdica-endocárdica (septo interventricular) y endocárdica-epicárdica (pared libre del ventrículo). Con este objetivo, se han comparado mediante modelado por computador la eficacia de los modos de ablación bipolar y unipolar en términos de la transmuralidad de la lesión en la pared ventricular. En lo que respecta al área de cirugía oncológica, la investigación se ha centrado en la resección hepática asistida por RF. Las técnicas de calentamiento por RF deberían ser capaces de minimizar el sangrado intraoperatorio y sellar vasos y ductos mediante la creación de una necrosis coagulativa por calentamiento. Si este calentamiento se produce en las cercanías de grandes vasos, existe un problema potencial de daño a la pared de dicho vaso. En este sentido, se ha evaluado con modelos matemáticos y experimentación in vivo si el efecto del flujo de sangre dentro de un gran vaso es capaz de proteger térmicamente su pared cuando se realiza una resección asistida por RF en sus cercanías. Además, se ha realizado un estudio computacional y experimental ex vivo e in vivo del comportamiento electro-térmico de aplicadores de RF bipolares internamente refrigerados, puesto que representan una opción más segura frente a los monopolares en la medida en que las corrientes de RF fluyen casi exclusivamente por el tejido biológico situado entre ambos electrodos. Respecto al área dermatológica, la investigación se ha centrado en mejorar el tratamiento de enfermedades o desórdenes del tejido subcutáneo (tales como lipomatosis, lipedema, enfermedad de Madelung y celulitis) mediante el estudio teórico de la dosimetría correcta en cada caso. Para ello, se han evaluado los efectos eléctricos, térmicos y termo-elásticos de dos estructuras diferentes de tejido subcutáneo durante el calentamiento por RF, y se ha cuantificado el daño térmico producido en ambas estructuras tras dicho calentamiento / González Suárez, A. (2014). Computational Models and Experimentation for Radiofrequency-based Ablative Techniques [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/36502


Paulina M Babiak (18888931) 27 June 2024 (has links)
<p dir="ltr">Biopharmaceuticals, such as insulin, monoclonal antibodies, growth hormones, and vaccines, have emerged as a major class of therapeutic molecules. Subcutaneous administration of biotherapeutics is a convenient drug delivery method that is less invasive, requires shorter clinic times, improves patient compliance, and reduces cost to the healthcare system compared to intravenous administration. The mass transport of a therapeutic injected into the subcutaneous tissue is dictated by physiochemical properties of the molecule such as size and electrostatic charge. The bioavailability and efficacy of the therapeutic formulation depend on efficient transport of the molecule from the injection site to lymphatic or blood vessels. The injected biotherapeutic needs to traverse complex structures of the subcutis and the extracellular matrix (ECM) before it arrives at the uptake site. In vitro transport screening platforms provide insights into the effects of tissue and therapeutic properties on macromolecular transport through biological barriers.</p><p dir="ltr">In this work, we develop an in vitro Transwell macromolecular recovery platform, an economical and high-throughput method that can be used to systematically evaluate effects of ECM components on mass transport properties of macromolecules. In Chapters 2-3, we engineer subcutaneous tissue models based on collagen type I ((Col I), the most abundant fibrillar protein in the subcutaneous ECM) and hyaluronic acid ((HA), an anionic and highly viscous polysaccharide). In Chapter 2, we optimize protocols to reproducibly fabricate Col I and combined Col I and HA (ColHA) hydrogels. In Chapter 3, we establish a workflow to characterize collagen material from different sources (animal sources, different vendors, and between batches of identical material) since inherent variabilities can occur.</p><p dir="ltr">Next, we develop and optimize a high throughput Transwell platform, and we screen the transport of macromolecules, which are representative of current therapeutics used in subcutaneous injections. We demonstrate that macromolecular transport within Col type I (Col I), blended collagen I and II (Col I/II), blended Col I and III (Col I/III), and combined Col I and HA hydrogels (ColHA) hydrogels is inversely related to the hydrodynamic radius of the diffusing macromolecules. Blending col I/II and I/III gels results in altered fibril morphologies (smaller fibrils), which decrease mass recovery rates. Increasing HA concentration within the Col I hydrogels decreases macromolecular recovery. This decrease is mainly a consequence of increased viscosity within the matrix. Recovery rates of large molecules such as immunoglobulin G (IgG), a molecule similar in size to therapeutic antibodies, were highly sensitive to HA concentration in col hydrogels. Smaller molecules, such as myoglobin and lysozyme, that are similar in size to insulin experience electrostatic effects as HA concentration increases within col gels. Recovery of macromolecules in an HA solution was a function of both electrostatic and steric interactions. The results from these studies were highly reproducible and highlighted the robustness of the optimized assay.</p><p dir="ltr">Our results thus demonstrate that the Transwell platform can be utilized for systematic evaluation of therapeutic transport as a function of molecular characteristics. The results presented can inform desirable physiochemical properties for efficient biotherapeutic transport within the subcutaneous tissue. </p><p dir="ltr">In the last main portion of the thesis, we work with elastin, another biologically derived material. In this portion, we developed an optimized method for expression and purification of elastin-like polypeptide proteins. We then present a method to chemically alter the material to introduce underwater adhesive properties to the material.</p>

A Proteomics Based Approach to Characterizing Subcutaneous Tissues

Eden Nichole Schipper (13174443) 29 July 2022 (has links)
<p>Biotherapeutic compounds such as monoclonal antibodies help millions of people worldwide.  Currently, one of the most popular ways to deliver these compounds is via subcutaneous (SC)  injection. While it is understood that SC drug delivery does change with respect to injection  location, it is not understood why, as how the composition of SC changes as a function of location  is unknown. In this study, liquid chromatography mass spectrometry was used to understand and  describe how the SC tissue space changes on a molecular level. SC tissue from three different  locations, belly, breast, and behind the ear, of Yucatan minipigs was harvested and analyzed to  understand if and how SC tissue changes when anatomical location changes. It was determined  that there were distinct differences between the proteins identified in the three anatomical  locations. These differences included differences in relative cell populations, indicating that  different anatomical locations of SC tissue have different functions. Additionally, an ex vivo human SC tissue model was used to identify a core human proteome, as well as determine  compositional differences between female and male SC tissues. This model was also compared to  the Yucatan minipig model to determine compositional similarities between all groups. Finally,  proteomics were also used to ascertain whether the mass of SC tissue used affected the proteomic  results of the sample. These results indicated that human SC identifies the same number of proteins  down to samples of 10mg. This information can be used to design a proteomic experiment that  uses core needle biopsies to determine what gauge needle should be used in a wide scale clinical  study characterizing the human SC proteome. </p>

Испитивање биокомпатибилности објеката од полимера произведених адитивном технологијом за примену у области стоматологије / Ispitivanje biokompatibilnosti objekata od polimera proizvedenih aditivnom tehnologijom za primenu u oblasti stomatologije / Testing the biocompatibility of objects from polymers produced by additive manufacturing for use in dentistry

Vuletić Rakić Jelena 14 October 2016 (has links)
<p>Uobičajeni pristup i testiranju biolo&scaron;kog pona&scaron;anja materijala je da se počne sa jednostavnim in vitro testovima baziranim na ćelijskim kulturama. In vitro testovi citotoksičnosti su danas jedan od osnovnih načina za procenu biolo&scaron;kog odgovora na materijal jer su brži, lak&scaron;i za ponavljanje, ocenjivanje i jeftiniji u odnosu na eksperimente koji se izvode na životinjama i ljudima. Koriste se kao neka vrsta skrining testova za procenu biolo&scaron;ke sigurnosti materijala. Za razliku od ćelijskih kultura, istraživanja koja uključuju eksperimentalne životinje pružaju bolji uvid u biokompatibilnost materijala, zbog mogućnosti praćenja kompleksnog imunolo&scaron;kog odgovora živog organizma. Smatraju se neophodnim za ocenu bilo&scaron;kih odgovora na novi materijal, pre nego &scaron;to se on upotrebi na ljudima. Mnogi aspekti biolo&scaron;kog odgovora ne mogu biti reprodukovani in vitro testovima uključujući krvne interakcije, zarastanje rana, reakcije preosetljivosti, karcinogenezu, hroničnu inflamaciju. Eksperimenti na životinjama pružaju informacije o ovim tipovima efekata bez izlaganja ljudi riziku. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se oceni biokompatibilnost objekata od polimera na bazi epoksi smole Accura&reg; ClearVue&trade; (hemijski sastav: 4,4&rsquo;- izopropilidendicikloheksanol, produkti oligomerne reakcije sa 1-hlor-2,3- epoksipropanom(40-65%), sme&scaron;а triaril-sulfonijum soli (50% propilen-karbonata i 50% triaril-sulfonijum heksafluoroantimonatnih soli) (1-10%) i 3-etil-3hidroksimetil-oksetan(10-20%). U oceni citotoksičnosti materijala Accura&reg; ClearVue&trade; kori&scaron;ćeni su agar diguzioni i MTT test. Oba testa rađena sun a ćelijskim kulturama L929 (mi&scaron;iji fibroblasti) i MRC-5 (humani fibroblasti). Ocena biokompatibilnosti testiranog materijala vr&scaron;ena je na osnovu urađenog testa iritacije oralne mukoze na modelu bukalne kesice hrčka, &scaron;to je definisano standardom ISO 10993-10:2010. Biokompatibilnost materijala ispitana je i implantacijom uzoraka u potkožno tkivo dorzuma pacova soja Wistar.</p> / <p>Uobičajeni pristup i testiranju biolo&scaron;kog pona&scaron;anja materijala je da se počne sa jednostavnim in vitro testovima baziranim na ćelijskim kulturama. In vitro testovi citotoksičnosti su danas jedan od osnovnih načina za procenu biolo&scaron;kog odgovora na materijal jer su brži, lak&scaron;i za ponavljanje, ocenjivanje i jeftiniji u odnosu na eksperimente koji se izvode na životinjama i ljudima. Koriste se kao neka vrsta skrining testova za procenu biolo&scaron;ke sigurnosti materijala. Za razliku od ćelijskih kultura, istraživanja koja uključuju eksperimentalne životinje pružaju bolji uvid u biokompatibilnost materijala, zbog mogućnosti praćenja kompleksnog imunolo&scaron;kog odgovora živog organizma. Smatraju se neophodnim za ocenu bilo&scaron;kih odgovora na novi materijal, pre nego &scaron;to se on upotrebi na ljudima. Mnogi aspekti biolo&scaron;kog odgovora ne mogu biti reprodukovani in vitro testovima uključujući krvne interakcije, zarastanje rana, reakcije preosetljivosti, karcinogenezu, hroničnu inflamaciju. Eksperimenti na životinjama pružaju informacije o ovim tipovima efekata bez izlaganja ljudi riziku. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se oceni biokompatibilnost objekata od polimera na bazi epoksi smole Accura&reg; ClearVue&trade; (hemijski sastav: 4,4&rsquo;- izopropilidendicikloheksanol, produkti oligomerne reakcije sa 1-hlor-2,3- epoksipropanom(40-65%), sme&scaron;a triaril-sulfonijum soli (50% propilen-karbonata i 50% triaril-sulfonijum heksafluoroantimonatnih soli) (1-10%) i 3-etil-3hidroksimetil-oksetan(10-20%). U oceni citotoksičnosti materijala Accura&reg; ClearVue&trade; kori&scaron;ćeni su agar diguzioni i MTT test. Oba testa rađena sun a ćelijskim kulturama L929 (mi&scaron;iji fibroblasti) i MRC-5 (humani fibroblasti). Ocena biokompatibilnosti testiranog materijala vr&scaron;ena je na osnovu urađenog testa iritacije oralne mukoze na modelu bukalne kesice hrčka, &scaron;to je definisano standardom ISO 10993-10:2010. Biokompatibilnost materijala ispitana je i implantacijom uzoraka u potkožno tkivo dorzuma pacova soja Wistar.</p> / <p>The usual approach in testing biological behavior of materials is to start with simple in vitro tests based on cell cultures. In vitro cytotoxicity tests are one of the basic methods of assessing the biological response to material because they are faster, cheaper, easier for repeating and evaluating compared to experiments carried out on animals and humans. They are used as a kind of screening test for evaluating the biosafety of materials. Unlike cell culture, studies involving experimental animals provide better insight into the biocompatibility of materials due to the possibility of monitoring the complex immune response of a living organism. They are considered necessary for assessing the biological response to new material before it is used on humans. Many aspects of a biological response cannot be reproduced with in vitro tests, including blood interaction, wound healing, hypersensitivity reactions, carcinogenesis, chronic inflammation. Animal experiments provide information about these types of effects without exposing humans to risk.&nbsp; The aim of this study was to evaluate the biocompatibility of polymer objects on the basis of epoxy resins Accura&reg; ClearVue &trade; (chemical composition: 4.4&#39; Isopropylidenedicyclohexanol, oligomeric reaction products with 1-chloro-2.3-epoxypropane (40-65%), a mixture of triaryl sulfonium salt (50% propylene carbonate and 50% of a triarylsulfonium hexafluoroantimonate salt) (1- 10%) and 3-ethyl-3-hydroxymethyl-oxetane (10-20%). In the assessment of the cytotoxicity of materials Accura&reg; ClearVue &trade; agar diffusion and MTT tests were used. Both tests were conducted on cell cultures L929 (mouse fibroblasts) and MRC-5 (human fibroblasts). An assessment of the biocompatibility of the tested material was done on the basis of an oral mucosa irritation test on a hamster cheek pouch as defined by ISO 10993-10: 2010. The biocompatibility of the material was also tested with the implantation of a samples into the dorsal subcutaneous tissue of a Wistar rats. The subcutaneous implantation test, as one of the most reliable methods for assessing the biocompatibility of dental materials, is defined by ISO 10993-6: 2010. The study was conducted on 30 rats which were sacrificed in groups</p>

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