Spelling suggestions: "subject:"asubjective approach"" "subject:"4subjective approach""
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Subjective experience gathering techniques for interaction design: subjective psychological exploration techniques based in the constructivism paradigm for informational and inspirational purposesTomico Plasencia, Oscar 26 June 2007 (has links)
El camp d'Experiència d'Usuari consta d'una àmplia gamma d'aspectes diferents sobre la interacció amb productes o serveis. L'experiència d'usuari difereix del paradigma objectiu basat en el rendiment, centrant-se en un punt de vista més ampli on les necessitats d'usuaris, els desitjos i les fantasies tenen un paper important en el procés de presa de decisions dels usuaris. L'enfocament d' hipòtesi i validació utilitzant anàlisi quantitatiu té dificultats per tractar, d'una manera estructurada, altres tipus d'informació que aspectes estrictament relacionats amb l'ús dels productes (per exemple les emocions) on els resultats obtinguts són efímers i complexos.Els aspectes d'experiència d'usuari que impliquen sentiments relacionats amb necessitats inherents, desitjos i fantasies s'anomenen informació subjectiva sobre l'experiència. Per obtenir aquesta classe d'informació, l'experiència d'usuari s'analitza segons la relació psicològica entre usuaris i productes o serveis. Aquesta tesi descriu el canvi de paradigme que proposa la psicologia constructivista i la seva pertinència per a l'aplicació en l'obtenenció d'informació subjective sobre l'experiència d'usuari en les primeres fases del disseny de producte. Primerament, una visió de conjunt general del punt de vista proposat presenta les bases de la psicologia constructivista aplicables al camp de l'experiència d'usuari. Després, differents estudis exploratoris il·lustren, amb exemples, com s'haurien d'utilitzar aquestes tècniques com eines d'obtenció d'informació subjectiva:- La tècnica dels paisatges experiencials utilitza la graella cognitive, una aproximació alternativista al constructivisme, per obtenir informació sobre la resposta dels consumidors a un cert grup de productes i els requeriments d'ús.- El procediments de restricció utilitzen tècniques d'escalament (aproximació discursiva al constructivisme) per aconseguir informació nuclear sobre valors que una persona té. Aplicat a disseny de producte serveix per augmentar el nivell de precisió, obtenint informació que relaciona atributs emocionals, funcionals i físics del producte. - El mètode de generació de metàfores sensorials es pot considerar una aproximació retòrica al constructivisme i utilitza productes, objectes i contextos com vehicles per transmetre coneixement tàcit.- La visualització de necessitats i desitjos latents és una aproximació narrativa al constructivisme. Utilitza presentacions de vídeo per desvelar comportaments d'interaccions futures que compleixen els desitjos i les aspiracions dels usuaris.Les tècniques per a l'obteció d'informació subjectiva sobre l'experiencia d'usuari proposades en aquesta tesi doctoral (SEGIT) emergeixen de l'anàlisi de les avantatges i febleses dels estudis exploratoris anteriors. Es poden considerar com un conjunt de tècniques (exploratives i projectives) per ser utilitzades durant el procés de disseny com a eina inspiradora per guiar el procés creatiu (una tècnica de generació d'idees d'experiència per desenvolupar nous conceptes d'interacció) i un model per a la validació de resposta futura dels consumidors. La informació obtinguda amb el mètode de SEGIT s'analitza per a propòsits inspiradors i informatius:- Des d'un punt de vista inspirador, el conjunt de tècniques proporcionen aspectes clau per al procés d'inspiració. Les tècniques exploratòries permeten obtenir idees detallades i justificades i les tècniques projectives conceptes amb un nivell alt d'abstracció i coherència al mateix temps. - Des d'un punt de vista informatiu, aquest conjunt de tècniques es poden utilitzar per obtenir informació sobre la preferència de compra dels consumidors. Alhora que analitza diferents variables que afecten la fiabilitat dels resultats obtinguts.En conclusió, la visió sobre el disseny de la interacció presentat en aquesta tesi doctoral i les tècniques proposades mostren un camí optimista per explorar amb el propòsit de millorar l'acceptació de noves tecnologies en la vida quotidiana. / The field of User Experience (UX) consists of a wide range of different aspects about the interaction with products or services. User experience differs from the performance-based objective paradigm, focusing on a wider point of view where users needs, desires and fantasies have a role in the users decision-making process. Quantitative analysis and hypothesis and validation approaches have difficulties to deal, in a structured way, with information other than that, which is strictly related to aspects regarding product usage (i.e. emotions and affect, social interaction) and the results obtained are ephemeral and complex to measure. The aspects of user experience that involve feelings related to inherent needs, desires and fantasies are called subjective experience information. To obtain this kind of information, user experience analyzes the psychological relationship between users and products or services. This thesis describes constructivist psychology and its relevance for user experience research in early stages of product development. First, a general overview of the proposed point of view introduces constructivist psychology to user experience practitioners. Then several exploratory studies illustrate, with examples, how these techniques should be used as subjective user experience information gathering tools:- The experience landscapes technique use the repertory grid as an alternativist approach to constructivism for gathering information about consumers' response to a certain group of products and extract users' experience requirements. - The tightening procedure uses laddering techniques (discursive approach to constructivism) to get core information, the values a person holds. In order to increase the level of accuracy, obtaining design relevant information that relates emotional, functional and physical product attributes.- The sensory metaphor generation method can be considered a rhetorical approach to constructivism and uses products, objects and contexts as carriers of meaning of subjective experiences.- The visualization of inner needs and desires technique is a narrative approach to constructivism. It uses video presentations to unveil future interactions behaviours that fulfil users' desires and aspirations. The Subjective Experience Gathering and Inspiring Techniques proposed in this PhD thesis (SEGIT) emerges from the analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of those exploratory studies. It can be considered a set of techniques (explorative and projective techniques) to be used throughout the design process as an inspirational tool to guide the creative process, a generation technique of experience ideas to develop interaction concepts and a model for consumers' future response validation. The information obtained with the SEGIT method is analyzed for inspirational and informational purposes:- From an inspirational point of view, the set of techniques provide key aspects of the inspiration process in relation to exploratory (detailed and complete ideas) and projective techniques (concepts with high level of abstraction and coherence at the same time). In addition, results show that different aspects like the participants' linguistic abilities and practitioners' guiding skills affect consistency.- From an informational point of view this set of techniques can be used to obtain subjective experience construing profiles about consumers' product preference. At the same time the results show how variables like participants' cognitive complexity of consumers' response and the cognitive structure of the valuation process affect its reliability.In conclusion, the approach to interaction design presented by this research and the proposed techniques for inspirational and informational purposes show an optimistic path to explore with the aim to help designers to bring peoples' sensorial experience and technology closer together.
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Objektivitet eller subjektivitet i rekryteringsprocessen?Ahström, Anna, Malmqvist, Ebba January 2024 (has links)
Grundläggande förutsättningar för att företag och organisationer ska kunna bedriva en fungerande verksamhet är att det finns personal med rätt kompetens vilket tillgodoses med en väl genomförd rekrytering. Studien hade följande två frågeställningar: Hur arbetar rekryterare under rekryteringsprocessen för att förhålla sig så objektiva som möjligt? Vilka svårigheter finns det under en rekryteringsprocess sett till förhållningssätt i relation till subjektiva och objektiva bedömningar? 10 semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med deltagare som innehar en tjänst med rekryteringsansvar. Intervjuerna tematiserades där sju centrala teman identifierades: Kravprofilen – grunden till det objektiva, standardiserad intervjumall, digital referenstagning, att frångå den subjektiva upplevelsen, tidspress, oärlighet samt språkutmaning. Resultatet visade bland annat att deltagarna upplever flera svårigheter i rekryteringsprocessen, den subjektiva upplevelsen nämndes som en svårighet hos många av deltagarna. Tidigare forskning visar att kravprofilen är en stor källa till objektivitet. Kravprofilen var även något som deltagarna ansåg vara grunden och ett hjälpmedel till det objektiva förhållningssättet. / Basic prerequisites for companies and organizations to be able to run a functioning business are that there are personnel with the right skills, which is met with a well-executed recruitment. The study had the following two questions: How do recruiters work during the recruitment process to be as objective as possible? What difficulties are there during a recruitment process in terms of approach in relation to subjective and objective assessments? 10 semi-structured interviews were conducted with participants who hold a position with recruitment responsibility. The interviews were thematized where seven central themes were identified: The requirements profile - the basis for the objective, standardized interview template, digital reference taking, moving away from the subjective experience, time pressure, dishonesty and language challenge. The results showed, among other things, that the participants experience several difficulties in the recruitment process, the subjective experience was mentioned as a difficulty by many of the participants. Previous research shows that the requirements profile is a great source of objectivity, the requirements profile was also something that our participants considered to be the basis and an aid to the objective approach.
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Encountering the state : prolegomena to a subjective approach to understanding the relationship between subject and StateBrown, Ruairidh John January 2017 (has links)
Demanding Taxation, disciplining, and even at times requiring the sacrifice of life, the State is undoubtedly one of the most influential and important structures within a subject's existence. Nonetheless, despite these great demands, very few subjects actually choose or construct the State they inhabit. On the contrary subjects rather find themselves born into these great structures which transcend their existence. Consequently understanding how subjects come to learn about, and relate to, these great structures they are thrown into is vital for both an understanding of politics and the human condition generally. In this thesis I will explore an alternative approach to investigating the subject and State relationship: The ‘Subjective approach'. Inspired by the thought of Danish Philosopher Søren Kierkegaard, the aim of this approach will be to explore the encounters that the subject has with the State, what perception of the State is given to subjects in these encounters, and how the relationship between subject and State grows out of such encounters. The aim of this thesis is therefore to provide prolegomena to such an approach. I shall aim to outline why such an approach should be considered for investigating subject and State relations, and explore how one may begin articulating such an approach.
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Deliktuele skadevergoeding vir die verlies van die moontlikheid om 'n stoflike saak te gebruikSmit, Cornelia 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summary in English / Until recently damages were only awarded in South African law for the loss of an object which was utilised for the generation of income. In Kellerman v South African Transport Services' damages were awarded for the first time for the loss of use of an object, which was used for non-business purposes.
In this dissertation the writer aims to indicate that the personal loss that a plaintiff suffers by the loss of the object is so closely related to the physical possession through which it is served, that the Jaw should protect such personal interest. In such circumstances damages should be awarded in principle, irrespective of whether the plaintiff used the object for business purposes or whether he indeed hired a substitute or not. There is room
in the South African law for development in the area of delictual damages for the Joss of the possibility to use a material object. / Private Law / LL.M.
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Deliktuele skadevergoeding vir die verlies van die moontlikheid om 'n stoflike saak te gebruikSmit, Cornelia 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Summary in English / Until recently damages were only awarded in South African law for the loss of an object which was utilised for the generation of income. In Kellerman v South African Transport Services' damages were awarded for the first time for the loss of use of an object, which was used for non-business purposes.
In this dissertation the writer aims to indicate that the personal loss that a plaintiff suffers by the loss of the object is so closely related to the physical possession through which it is served, that the Jaw should protect such personal interest. In such circumstances damages should be awarded in principle, irrespective of whether the plaintiff used the object for business purposes or whether he indeed hired a substitute or not. There is room
in the South African law for development in the area of delictual damages for the Joss of the possibility to use a material object. / Private Law / LL.M.
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