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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Impact of Subjective Factors on Performance Evaluation: The Applied Case of Outsourced Call Centres in Egypt Based on Neural Networks Approach

Ahmed, Abdelrahman M. January 2020 (has links)
The operations efficiency, service quality and resources productivity, are the core aspects of the call centres competitive advantage in massive market competition. Thus, subjective evaluation is the leniency, perception and bias in performance evaluation which impact the efficiency of the operations and leads to frustrated customers. The study aims to determine the subjective performance evaluation in call centres to get a more objective measurement. It can be achieved by identifying factors affecting resources performance evaluation through the development of a conceptual model to reduce or eliminate the effect of subjective factors contained in the performance evaluation. The research approach is based on quantitative methodology through cross-sectional self-reports for 224 participants’ work in eight outsource call centres located in Egypt. The research aims to determine the subjective evaluation factors biases the true performance. It is followed by a machine learning practical application using neural networks for auto-detection the subjective context in the recorded calls to be considered through the evaluation process. The key findings of the study are nine subjective factors out of fifteen that have a direct influence on subjective performance evaluation. The actual performance is the performance evaluation after eliminating the subjective performance. Two different methods have concluded the actual performance. The first method excludes the subjective factors from the resulting evaluation to determine the actual performance. The second method is a prediction model defining subjectivity percent as a call centre baseline for future performance evaluation. Furthermore, the study highlights the potential subjective variables and the degree of influence for each variable. The theoretical contribution is determining the subjective factor and proposing the model to measure and predict the subjectivity in the call centre. The study recommended a restatement for the resource-based theory considering the subjective evaluation effect on performance evaluation. The practical application contribution is based on automating the detection and prediction of subjectivity using a machine learning approach through cascaded Convolutional Neural Networks, which achieved 75% accuracy in classifying the subjectivity for two study constructs: agents and customer behaviour.

Data-driven subjective performance evaluation: An attentive deep neural networks model based on a call centre case

Ahmed, Abdelrahman M., Sivarajah, Uthayasankar, Irani, Zahir, Mahroof, Kamran, Vincent, Charles 04 January 2023 (has links)
Yes / Every contact centre engages in some form of Call Quality Monitoring in order to improve agent performance and customer satisfaction. Call centres have traditionally used a manual process to sort, select, and analyse a representative sample of interactions for evaluation purposes. Unfortunately, such a process is characterised by subjectivity, which in turn creates a skewed picture of agent performance. Detecting and eliminating subjectivity is the study challenge that requires empirical research to address. In this paper, we introduce an evidence-based machine learning-driven framework for the automatic detection of subjective calls. We analyse a corpus of seven hours of recorded calls from a real-estate call centre using a Deep Neural Network (DNN) for a multi-classification problem. The study draws the first baseline for subjectivity detection, achieving an accuracy of 75%, which is close to relevant speech studies in emotional recognition and performance classification. Among other findings, we conclude that in order to achieve the best performance evaluation, subjective calls should be removed from the evaluation process, or subjective scores should be deducted from the overall results.

A Simple Subjective Evaluation of Enface OCT Reflectance Images Distinguishes Glaucoma From Healthy Eyes

Cheloni, Riccardo, Dewsbery, S.D., Denniss, Jonathan 04 July 2021 (has links)
Yes / Purpose: We present a subjective approach to detecting glaucomatous defects in enface images and assess its diagnostic performance. We also test the hypothesis that if reflectivity changes precede thickness changes in glaucoma there should be reduced correlation between the modalities in glaucoma compared to controls. Methods: Twenty glaucoma participants and 20 age-matched controls underwent high-resolution OCT scans of one eye. 4 μm-thick enface slabs were constructed through the retina. Enface indices were depths of first gap in visible retinal nerve fiber bundles (RNFBs) and last visible bundle, subjectively evaluated in six sectors of a 3.5 mm circle around the optic disc. Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) along the same circle was extracted at angles corresponding to enface indices. Between-group differences were tested by linear mixed models. Diagnostic performance was measured by partial receiver operating characteristic area (pAUC). Results: First gap and last visible bundle were closer to the inner limiting membrane in glaucoma eyes (both P < 0.0001). Enface indices showed excellent diagnostic perfor mance (pAUCs 0.63–1.00), similar to RNFLT (pAUCs 0.63–0.95). Correlation between enface and RNFLT parameters was strong in healthy (r = 0.81–0.92) and glaucoma eyes (r = 0.73–0.80). Conclusions: This simple subjective method reliably identifies glaucomatous defects in enface images with diagnostic performance at least as good as existing thickness indices. Thickness and reflectivity were similarly related in healthy and glaucoma eyes, providing no strong evidence of reflectivity loss preceding thinning. Objective analyses may realize further potential of enface OCT images in glaucoma. Translational Relevance: Novel enface OCT indices may aid glaucoma diagnosis.

Bewegungswissenschaftliche Objektivierbarkeit von funktionaler Passform am Beispiel des Laufschuhs

Kunde, Sabrina 21 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Passform gehört neben Stabilität und Dämpfung zu den wichtigsten Eigenschaften eines Laufschuhs. Seit den 70er Jahren beschäftigen sich Industrie und Forschung mit der Optimierung von Laufschuhen. Dabei wurden vorrangig Stütz- und Dämpfungskonzepte entwickelt und die Pronation als vermeidliche Verletzungsursache analysiert, während der Passform wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wurde. Erst in den letzten Jahren zeichnet sich ein neuer Trend in der Schuhindustrie und Forschung ab. Durch den Einsatz von Mehrweitensystemen, bei denen in einer Größe unterschiedliche Weiten des Schuhs angeboten werden, wird versucht, die zunehmende Bedeutung von Passform zu berücksichtigen (Walther & Mayer 2008). Trotz dieses neuerlichen Fortschritts bzgl. der Passform als wesentlicher Parameter im Laufschuhbereich gibt es keine (einheitliche) Definition von Passform. Nicht bekannt ist, wie Passform quantifiziert werden kann, und daher ist die Umsetzung unklar, wie z. B. einzelne Passformtypen abgestuft werden müssen. In der Literatur lassen sich kaum Studien finden, in denen sich mit der Thematik Passform beschäftigt wurde. Aktuell weiß man nicht, ob Probanden Modifikationen in der Passform von Schuhen überhaupt wahrnehmen können. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit war es mithilfe eines komplexen Studiendesigns aus mechanischen, biomechanischen, anthropometrischen und subjektiv-sensorischen Messverfahren mögliche subjektive und objektive Kriterien herauszuarbeiten, um eine konkrete Definition von Passform aufzustellen und erste Ansätze zur Objektivierung von Passform zu liefern. Dabei sollte analysiert werden, ob Passform in bestimmten Bereichen des Schuhs von Probanden wahrgenommen und unterschieden werden kann. In diesem Zusammenhang interessierte, welche Art von Passform bei Laufschuhen präferiert wird und ob die Fußform des Läufers sowie die Sensibilität am Fuß im Zusammenhang mit der Bewertung von Passform stehen. Zudem sollte der Zusammenhang zwischen biomechanischen Laufparametern und der subjektiven Wahrnehmung von Passform untersucht werden. Zunächst wurde in einer Studie analysiert, ob es zu einer Veränderung von Fußdimensionen über den Tag kommt, da dazu uneinheitliche Ergebnisse in der Literatur vorliegen. Hintergrund war das Fußdimensionen veränderbar sind und diese Veränderungen mögliche Auswirkungen auf die Passform von Schuhen haben könnten und somit bei der Betrachtung von Passform berücksichtigt werden müssten. Dabei wurden von 66 Probanden morgens und abends beide Füße mit einem 3D-Fußscanner vermessen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen keine relevanten Veränderungen im Fußvolumen oder anderen Fußdimensionen. Vergleiche in der Literatur weisen z. T. gegenteilige Ergebnisse auf. Dieser Widerspruch kann nicht abschließend gelöst werden. Bezüglich der Sensibilität am Fuß lassen sich nur wenige Informationen in der Literatur finden. Infolgedessen wurde in der Dissertation eine zweite Studie durchgeführt, in der die 2-Punktschwellen an verschiedenen Bereichen des Fußes ermittelt wurden, um mögliche Unterschiede in der räumlichen Wahrnehmung herauszuarbeiten. Mithilfe von Konfidenzintervallen war es möglich, relevante Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen anatomischen Bereichen des Fußes aufzuzeigen. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass die niedrigsten 2-Punktschwellen, d. h. die sensibelsten Stellen, im Bereich der Zehen liegen, und die höchsten 2-Punktschwellen, d. h. die unsensibelsten Stellen, im dorsalen Bereich des Fußes zu finden sind. Folglich wurde die 2-Punktschwellen-bestimmung bei der Studie zur Passformbewertung eingesetzt, um den Zusammenhang zwischen räumlicher Wahrnehmung und subjektiver Bewertung von Passform zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse müssen allerdings mit Einschränkung betrachtet werden, da die Gütekriterien sehr gering sind. Den Schwerpunkt der Dissertation bildeten zwei Studien zur Passformbewertung, eine mit kommerziellen Laufschuhen und eine mit selbstkonstruierten Laufschuhen, die nach fest definierten Maßen konstruiert wurden. 30 bzw. 33 männliche Probanden – überwiegend erfahrene Läufer – wurden gebeten mit unterschiedlichen Passformtypen zu laufen und diese hinsichtlich ihrer Passform zu bewerten. Neben der Erfassung der subjektiven Wahrnehmung und Komfortbewertung führten die Probanden mit allen Schuhbe-dingungen eine biomechanische Laufanalyse durch. Des Weiteren wurden die Schuhe mechanisch getestet und die Füße der Probanden mit Hilfe eines 3D-Fußscanners vermessen. In der Studie mit selbstkonstruierten Laufschuhen wurde zudem ein sensorischer Test durchgeführt und die 2-Punktschwellen des Fußes bei den Probanden ermittelt. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse der Studien, dass Probanden eine enge Passform gegenüber einer weiten Passform präferieren. Zudem können Probanden Passformunterschiede in den Schuhbereichen Fersenbreite, Ballenbreite, Zehenhöhe und Schuhlänge richtig wahrnehmen, wenn die Schuhe in mehreren Bereichen diese Veränderung der Passform aufweisen. Sind die Schuhe nur in einem Bereich verändert, nehmen die Probanden nur in dem Schuhbereich Zehenhöhe Veränderungen wahr. Folglich ist ein Zusammenhang zwischen Fußsensorik und der Wahrnehmung von Passform in der Zehenhöhe erkennbar, da die Passform im Zehenbereich, der die geringsten 2-Punktschwellen aufweist und somit am sensibelsten ist, wahrgenommen und Veränderungen bemerkt werden können. Ebenfalls ist zwischen der subjektiven Bewertung der Passform und vor allem dem biomechanischen Laufparameter „tibiale Spitzenbeschleunigung“ ein Zusammenhang erkennbar. Hierbei scheint eine negative Komfortbewertung und Instabilität des Schuhs zu einer Adaptation des Laufstils z. B. ein flacheres Aufsetzen des Fußes zu führen, was in einer Reduzierung des biomechanischen Parameters „tibiale Spitzenbeschleunigung“ resultiert. Diese Schlussfolgerung muss in zukünftigen Studien durch kinematische Analysen bestätigt werden. Abschließend kann festgehalten werden, dass die vorliegende Arbeit erste Ansätze zur Objektivierbarkeit von funktionaler Passform liefern konnte. Bis dahin nicht beachtete Aspekte wie der Zusammenhang zwischen subjektiver Wahrnehmung von Passform und Fußsensorik sowie biomechanischen Laufparametern wurden untersucht. Weitere Ansätze zur Objektivierbarkeit von Passform konnten aufgezeigt werden, die in zukünftigen Studien aufgegriffen und vor allem in Bezug auf die Wahrnehmung von Passform noch näher untersucht werden sollten, um den Weg zu einem funktionalen und komfortablen Schuhwerk zu ebnen.

Statutinių pareigūnų įsitraukimo į darbą, organizacinio pilietiškumo bei subjektyviai vertinamos darbo atlikimo kokybės ryšys / The relationship between job involvement of statutory officers, organizational cityzenship and subjective evaluation of the job performance quality

Vengrienė, Daina 11 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas: nustatyti statutinių pareigūnų įsitraukimo į darbą, organizacinio pilietiškumo bei subjektyviai vertinamos darbo atlikimo kokybės ryšius bei nustatyti ir palyginti statutinių pareigūnų įsitraukimo į darbą ir organizacinio pilietiškumo prognostinę vertę subjektyviai vertinamai darbo atlikimo kokybei bei atskiriems jos aspektams (darbo užduočių atlikimo kokybei, darbuotojų vaidmens atlikimo kokybei). Tyrime dalyvavo 148 Kauno mieste dirbantys policijos pareigūnai. Buvo apklausti 86 statutiniai pareigūnai vyrai ir 62 statutinės pareigūnės moterys. Statutinių pareigūnų įsitraukimas į darbą buvo matuojamas pritaikyta imčiai ir modifikuota įsitraukimo į darbą skale (Lorance ir Mortimer, 1985). Statutinių pareigūnų organizaciniam pilietiškumui išmatuoti buvo panaudotas faktorizuotas organizacinio pilietiškumo klausimynas (Podsakoff ir MacKenzie, 1989) ir altruizmo, sąžiningumo, kilnumo bei pagarbumo subskalės (faktoriai). Subjektyviai vertinamai darbo atlikimo kokybei išmatuoti buvo naudojamas R. A. Roe, A. Zinovieva, I. L. Dienes ir L. A. Ten Horn (2000) matavimo rinkinys. Šis rinkinys leido išmatuoti statutinių pareigūnų darbo atlikimo kokybę bei atskirus jos aspektus: darbo užduočių atlikimo kokybę, darbuotojų vaidmens atlikimo kokybę. Pagrindiniai tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad didėjant statutinių pareigūnų įsitraukimui į darbą, didėja jų organizacinis pilietiškumas bei tokie jo aspektai kaip altruizmas, sąžiningumas ir pagarbumas bei gerėja subjektyviai vertinama... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The aim of the research was: to identify the relationship between job invovement of statutory officers, organizational cityzenship and subjective evaluation of the job performance quality and identify, if job involvement and organizational cityzenship of statutory officers were able to predict their subjective evaluation of the job performance quality. The partizipants of the present study were 148 statutory officers ( police officers) from Kaunas (62 females and 86 males were questioned). The job involvement of statutory officers was evaluated with the modified Job Involvement Scale (Lorance ir Mortimer, 1985). The organizational citizenship of statutory officers was evaluated with Organizational Cityzenchip Questionaire (Podsakoff ir MacKenzie, 1989). The factors of organizational citizenship allowed to explore altruism, conscientiousness, sprotsmanship and respectful citizenship of statutory officers. The measurement set by R. A. Roe, A. Zinovieva, I. L. Dienes ir L. A. Ten Horn (2000) was used to research the subjective evaluation of job performance quality in general, task performance quality and in – role performance quality. Major outcomes of the research showed that increasing the statutory officers' involvement in job, increase their organizational citizenship (altruism, conscientiousness, respectful citizenship) and improving the subjective evaluation of job performance quality in general, work tasks performance quality and the in-role performance quality. The... [to full text]

Nakvynės namų darbuotojų profesinės rizikos veiksnių sąsajos su subjektyviai vertinama sveikata / Hostel staff occupational risk factors and their links with the subjective evaluation of health

Mačiulienė, Diana 04 June 2013 (has links)
Visuomenės sveikata (Sveikatos ekologija) NAKVYNĖS NAMŲ DARBUOTOJŲ PROFESINĖS RIZIKOS VEIKSNIŲ SĄSAJOS SU SUBJEKTYVIAI VERTINAMA SVEIKATA Diana Mačiulienė Mokslinė vadovė lekt. dr. Jolita Kirvaitienė Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetas, Medicinos akademija, Visuomenės sveikatos fakultetas, Aplinkos ir darbo medicinos katedra. Kaunas; 2013. 56 p. Darbo tikslas. Įvertinti nakvynės namų darbuotojų profesinės rizikos veiksnių sąsajas su subjektyviai vertinama sveikata. Tyrimo metodika. Tyrime dalyvavo 145 Vilniaus, Kauno ir Klaipėdos miestų nakvynės namų darbuotojai. Analizei buvo tinkamos 126 anketos. Darbuotojų apklausai naudota vienmomentinė anketa. Statistinė duomenų analizė buvo atlikta naudojant statistinį programų paketą SPSS 17.0 for Windows ir Microsoft Office programinio paketo skaičiuokle Microsoft Excel. Duomenys, kurių paklaidos tikimybė p>0,05 nebuvo naudoti tyrime, kadangi skirtumas laikomas statistiškai nereikšmingas. Rezultatai. Nakvynės namų darbuotojai daţniausiai susiduria su klientų grasinimais (41,3 proc.), keiksmaţodţiais (64,3 proc.), psichologine įtampa (78 proc.), nesaugumo jausmu (53 proc.). Dauguma darbuotojų (70,6 proc.) per pastaruosius 6 mėnesius pajuto sveikatos sutrikimus. Beveik pusė apklaustųjų (42,9 proc.) savo sveikatos sutrikimus sieja su darbu. Savo sveikatos sutrikimus respondentai sieja su: miego sutrikimais (36,5 proc.), irzlumu (22,2 proc.), nerimu (20,6 proc.), įtampa bei stresu (34,9 proc.), arterinė hipertenzija (19,8 proc.)... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Public health (Health ecology) HOSTEL STAFF OCCUPATIONAL RISK FACTORS AND THEIR LINKS WITH THE SUBJECTIVE EVALUATION OF HEALTH Diana Mačiulienė Scientific tutor lecturer dr. Jolita Kirvaitienė Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, Medical Academy, Faculty of Public Health, Department of Environmental and Occupational Medicine. Kaunas; 2013. 56 p. The aim of a project. To evaluate Hostel Staff Occupational Risk Factors and Their Links with the Subjective Evaluation of Health. Research methodology. 145 workers from Vilnius, Kaunas and Klaipėda hostels staff were involved in the study. 126 questionnaires were suitable for analysis. A cross-sectional questionnaire was used in the survey. The statistical analysis was performed using the statistical software package SPSS 17.0 for Windows and Microsoft Office software package Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. Data with bias probability p>0,05 were not used in the research, because the difference is considered statistically insignificant. Results of the research. Mostly, workers of hostels have to deal with threats of clients (41,3 pct.), vituperation (64,3pct.), psychological stress (78 pct.), insecurity (53 pct). In the last 6 months the majority of employees felt health disorders. Almost half of the respondents (42,9 pct.) relate their health problems with the work. Were mentioned following health disorders: sleep disorders (36,5 pct.), irritability (22,2 pct.), anxiety (20,6 pct), tension and stress (34,9 pct.), arterial... [to full text]

Hodnocení vybraných složek herního výkonu hráčů fotbalu ročníku U11 / Evaluation of selected features of U11 players game performance

Khun, Lukáš January 2021 (has links)
Title: Evaluation of selected features of U11 players game performance Objective: The main aim of this thesis was to determine the impact of technical skills and fitness level on game performance of young football players. I also aim to discover possible differences between the First Team and Future team of SK Slavia Praha (year 2009). Methods: A quantitative research with empirical elements was employed in the practival part of the thesis. The sample consisted of the SK Slavia Praha U11 (10,85±0,24) players (n=29). The level of specific football skills was evaluated with slalom tests and Loughborough Soccer Passing test. The fitness level was measured with linear runs (10 and 20 meters), standing long jump, agility and yo-yo intermittent test. Subjective player rating of their performance was measured using a scale questionnaire for coaches. Results: Performance groups "above-average" and "average" showed a great difference in technical skills in comparison to the performance group "below-average". This was not confirmed in terms of fitness. The results in 10m sprint test, 20m sprint test and agility test were comparable. There was no confirmed difference on the team level in technical skills or fitness between the First Team and the Future team. Conclusion: The questionnaire for coaches...

Estudo para adaptação de um método de classificação de estradas não pavimentadas às condições do Município de São Carlos/SP / not available

Fontenele, Heliana Barbosa 26 November 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do estudo para adaptação de um método de classificação de estradas não pavimentadas às condições encontradas em campo no município de São Carlos-SP. O trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de avaliações subjetivas e objetivas levadas a efeito por um painel de avaliadores que executou levantamento de campo planejado, com base nas informações contidas nos relatórios técnicos sobre o desenvolvimento de dois métodos de classificação das condições de estradas - método do Pavement Condition Index e método do Unsurfaced Road Condition Index. O painel de avaliadores atribuiu notas a 140 unidades amostrais de 30 metros de comprimento, a cada defeito presente na unidade amostral e aos 14 trechos estudados. Paralelamente, cada unidade amostral e cada trecho receberam uma classificação de acordo com o método do Unsufaced Road Condition Index. Concluiu-se que, para o presente estudo, não há correlação entre os resultados da avaliação subjetiva executada apenas com o emprego de uma escala de notas e da objetiva, calculada segundo o método do Unsurfaced Road Condition Index. Conclui-se também que a avaliação subjetiva global do trecho tem uma boa correlação com a avaliação subjetiva do conjunto das unidades amostrais que compõem o referido trecho, indicando ser coerente a avaliação do painel de avaliadores. / This work deals with a study for adapting an unpaved road rating method to the field condition prevailing in São Carlos County. The research was carried out through subjective and objective evaluations performed by a panel of raters during field inspections. The experiment was planned accordingly to the technical reports information about the development of two roads condition rating methods - the Pavement Condition lndex and the Unsurfaced Road Condition lndex. The panel rated 140 sample unities of 30 m long attributing a value for the unity, for each defect they have and for 14 road sections studied. The ranks were also calculated accordingly to Unsurfaced Road Condition lndex method. It was concluded that, for the present research, there is no correlation between the subjective evaluation executed with a simple scale and the objective rating calculated following the Unsurfaced Road Condition lndex method. It was also concluded that the global subjective rank of the road section has a good correlation with the subjective rank of the set of sample unities that composes this section, indicating the coherence of the rating panel evaluation.

Estudo para adaptação de um método de classificação de estradas não pavimentadas às condições do Município de São Carlos/SP / not available

Heliana Barbosa Fontenele 26 November 2001 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do estudo para adaptação de um método de classificação de estradas não pavimentadas às condições encontradas em campo no município de São Carlos-SP. O trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir de avaliações subjetivas e objetivas levadas a efeito por um painel de avaliadores que executou levantamento de campo planejado, com base nas informações contidas nos relatórios técnicos sobre o desenvolvimento de dois métodos de classificação das condições de estradas - método do Pavement Condition Index e método do Unsurfaced Road Condition Index. O painel de avaliadores atribuiu notas a 140 unidades amostrais de 30 metros de comprimento, a cada defeito presente na unidade amostral e aos 14 trechos estudados. Paralelamente, cada unidade amostral e cada trecho receberam uma classificação de acordo com o método do Unsufaced Road Condition Index. Concluiu-se que, para o presente estudo, não há correlação entre os resultados da avaliação subjetiva executada apenas com o emprego de uma escala de notas e da objetiva, calculada segundo o método do Unsurfaced Road Condition Index. Conclui-se também que a avaliação subjetiva global do trecho tem uma boa correlação com a avaliação subjetiva do conjunto das unidades amostrais que compõem o referido trecho, indicando ser coerente a avaliação do painel de avaliadores. / This work deals with a study for adapting an unpaved road rating method to the field condition prevailing in São Carlos County. The research was carried out through subjective and objective evaluations performed by a panel of raters during field inspections. The experiment was planned accordingly to the technical reports information about the development of two roads condition rating methods - the Pavement Condition lndex and the Unsurfaced Road Condition lndex. The panel rated 140 sample unities of 30 m long attributing a value for the unity, for each defect they have and for 14 road sections studied. The ranks were also calculated accordingly to Unsurfaced Road Condition lndex method. It was concluded that, for the present research, there is no correlation between the subjective evaluation executed with a simple scale and the objective rating calculated following the Unsurfaced Road Condition lndex method. It was also concluded that the global subjective rank of the road section has a good correlation with the subjective rank of the set of sample unities that composes this section, indicating the coherence of the rating panel evaluation.

Hodnotící kritéria veřejné zakázky / The evaluation criteria in public procurement

Černá, Anna January 2018 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to provide a comprehensive analysis of legislation of evaluation criteria with its main focus on quality criteria taking account of decision practice of the Office for the Protection of Competition, case law of administrative courts and foreign and also domestic practice of awarding of the public contract. The diploma thesis is divided in five chapters, with each chapter being split in subchapters. The first chapter presents a brief overview of the public procurement legislation and intends to describe its basic aims and purposes. The second chapter focuses on legislation of quality criteria. The subject of the third chapter is the act of contracting authority prior to the launching of the procurement procedure and with it relating preliminary market consultation and award criteria. The fourth chapter deals with individual evaluation criteria including unnamed criteria and proposes the outline of the foreign practice of evaluation with the Best Value Procurement method. Furthermore, the chapter deals with the subjective award criteria in the light of the case of administrative courts and decision practice of the Office for the Protection of Competition. The last fifth chapter is devoted to the evaluation of tenders, deals with the changes to the award...

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