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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Evaluation de la qualité des images couleur. Application à la recherche & à l'amélioration des images / Color image quality assessment application to retrieval and improve images

Ouni, Sonia 28 November 2012 (has links)
Le domaine de recherche dans l'évaluation objective de la qualité des images couleur a connu un regain d'intérêt ces dernières années. Les travaux sont essentiellement dictés par l'avènement des images numérique et par les nouveaux besoins en codage d'images (compression, transmission, restauration, indexation,…). Jusqu'à présent la meilleure évaluation reste visuelle (donc subjective) soit par des techniques psychophysiques soit par évaluation experte. Donc, il est utile, voire nécessaire, de mettre en place des critères et des mesures objectifs qui produisent automatiquement des notes de qualité se rapprochant le plus possible des notes de qualité données par l'évaluation subjective. Nous proposons, tout d'abort, une nouvelle métrique avec référence d'évaluation de la qualité des images couleur, nommée Delta E globale, se base sur l'aspect couleur et intègre les caractéristiques du système visuel humain (SVH). Les performances ont été mesurées dans deux domaines d'application la compression et la restauration. Les expérimentations réalisées montrent une corrélation importante entre les résultats obtenus et l'appréciation subjective. Ensuite, nous proposons une nouvelle approche d'évaluation sans référence de la qualité des images couleur en se basant sur les réseaux de neurones : compte tenu du caractère multidimensionnel de la qualité d'images, une quantification de la qualité a été proposée en se basant sur un ensemble d'attributs formant le descripteur PN (Précision, Naturalité). La précision traduit la netteté et la clarté. Quant à la naturalité, elle traduit la luminosité et la couleur. Pour modéliser le critère de la couleur, trois métriques sans référence ont été définies afin de détecter la couleur dominante dans l'image, la proportion de cette couleur et sa dispersion spatiale. Cette approche se base sur les réseaux de neurones afin d'imiter la perception du SVH. Deux variantes de cette approche ont été expérimentées (directe et progressive). Les résultats obtenus ont montré la performance de la variante progressive par rapport à la variante directe. L'application de l'approche proposée dans deux domaines : dans le contexte de la restauration, cette approche a servi comme un critère d'arrêt automatique pour les algorithmes de restauration. De plus, nous l'avons utilisé au sein d'un système d'estimation de la qualité d'images afin de détecter automatiquement le type de dégradation contenu dans une image. Dans le contexte de l'indexation et de la recherche d'images, l'approche proposée a servi d'introduire la qualité des images de la base comme index. Les résultats expérimentaux ont montré l'amélioration des performances du système de recherche d'images par le contenu en utilisant l'index qualité ou en réalisant un raffinement des résultats avec le critère de qualité. / The research area in the objective quality assessment of the color images has been a renewed interest in recent years. The work is primarily driven by the advent of digital pictures and additional needs in image coding (compression, transmission, recovery, indexing,...). So far the best evaluation is visual (hence subjective) or by psychophysical techniques or by expert evaluation. Therefore, it is useful, even necessary, to establish criteria and objectives that automatically measures quality scores closest possible quality scores given by the subjective evaluation. We propose, firstly, a new full reference metric to assess the quality of color images, called overall Delta E, based on color appearance and incorporates the features of the human visual system (HVS). Performance was measured in two areas of application compression and restoration. The experiments carried out show a significant correlation between the results and subjective assessment.Then, we propose a new no reference quality assessmenent color images approach based on neural networks: given the multidimensional nature of image quality, a quantification of quality has been proposed, based on a set of attributes forming the descriptor UN (Utility, Naturalness). Accuracy reflects the sharpness and clarity. As for naturality, it reflects the brightness and color. To model the criterion of color, three no reference metrics were defined to detect the dominant color in the image, the proportion of that color and its spatial dispersion. This approach is based on neural networks to mimic the HVS perception. Two variants of this approach have been tried (direct and progressive). The results showed the performance of the progressive variant compared to the direct variant. The application of the proposed approach in two areas: in the context of restoration, this approach has served as a stopping criterion for automatic restoration algorithms. In addition, we have used in a system for estimating the quality of images to automatically detect the type of content in an image degradation. In the context of indexing and image retrieval, the proposed approach was used to introduce the quality of images in the database as an index. The experimental results showed the improvement of system performance image search by content by using the index or by making a quality refinement results with the quality criterion.

Bewegungswissenschaftliche Objektivierbarkeit von funktionaler Passform am Beispiel des Laufschuhs

Kunde, Sabrina 11 October 2010 (has links)
Passform gehört neben Stabilität und Dämpfung zu den wichtigsten Eigenschaften eines Laufschuhs. Seit den 70er Jahren beschäftigen sich Industrie und Forschung mit der Optimierung von Laufschuhen. Dabei wurden vorrangig Stütz- und Dämpfungskonzepte entwickelt und die Pronation als vermeidliche Verletzungsursache analysiert, während der Passform wenig Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt wurde. Erst in den letzten Jahren zeichnet sich ein neuer Trend in der Schuhindustrie und Forschung ab. Durch den Einsatz von Mehrweitensystemen, bei denen in einer Größe unterschiedliche Weiten des Schuhs angeboten werden, wird versucht, die zunehmende Bedeutung von Passform zu berücksichtigen (Walther & Mayer 2008). Trotz dieses neuerlichen Fortschritts bzgl. der Passform als wesentlicher Parameter im Laufschuhbereich gibt es keine (einheitliche) Definition von Passform. Nicht bekannt ist, wie Passform quantifiziert werden kann, und daher ist die Umsetzung unklar, wie z. B. einzelne Passformtypen abgestuft werden müssen. In der Literatur lassen sich kaum Studien finden, in denen sich mit der Thematik Passform beschäftigt wurde. Aktuell weiß man nicht, ob Probanden Modifikationen in der Passform von Schuhen überhaupt wahrnehmen können. Gegenstand der vorliegenden Arbeit war es mithilfe eines komplexen Studiendesigns aus mechanischen, biomechanischen, anthropometrischen und subjektiv-sensorischen Messverfahren mögliche subjektive und objektive Kriterien herauszuarbeiten, um eine konkrete Definition von Passform aufzustellen und erste Ansätze zur Objektivierung von Passform zu liefern. Dabei sollte analysiert werden, ob Passform in bestimmten Bereichen des Schuhs von Probanden wahrgenommen und unterschieden werden kann. In diesem Zusammenhang interessierte, welche Art von Passform bei Laufschuhen präferiert wird und ob die Fußform des Läufers sowie die Sensibilität am Fuß im Zusammenhang mit der Bewertung von Passform stehen. Zudem sollte der Zusammenhang zwischen biomechanischen Laufparametern und der subjektiven Wahrnehmung von Passform untersucht werden. Zunächst wurde in einer Studie analysiert, ob es zu einer Veränderung von Fußdimensionen über den Tag kommt, da dazu uneinheitliche Ergebnisse in der Literatur vorliegen. Hintergrund war das Fußdimensionen veränderbar sind und diese Veränderungen mögliche Auswirkungen auf die Passform von Schuhen haben könnten und somit bei der Betrachtung von Passform berücksichtigt werden müssten. Dabei wurden von 66 Probanden morgens und abends beide Füße mit einem 3D-Fußscanner vermessen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen keine relevanten Veränderungen im Fußvolumen oder anderen Fußdimensionen. Vergleiche in der Literatur weisen z. T. gegenteilige Ergebnisse auf. Dieser Widerspruch kann nicht abschließend gelöst werden. Bezüglich der Sensibilität am Fuß lassen sich nur wenige Informationen in der Literatur finden. Infolgedessen wurde in der Dissertation eine zweite Studie durchgeführt, in der die 2-Punktschwellen an verschiedenen Bereichen des Fußes ermittelt wurden, um mögliche Unterschiede in der räumlichen Wahrnehmung herauszuarbeiten. Mithilfe von Konfidenzintervallen war es möglich, relevante Unterschiede zwischen den verschiedenen anatomischen Bereichen des Fußes aufzuzeigen. Die Ergebnisse belegen, dass die niedrigsten 2-Punktschwellen, d. h. die sensibelsten Stellen, im Bereich der Zehen liegen, und die höchsten 2-Punktschwellen, d. h. die unsensibelsten Stellen, im dorsalen Bereich des Fußes zu finden sind. Folglich wurde die 2-Punktschwellen-bestimmung bei der Studie zur Passformbewertung eingesetzt, um den Zusammenhang zwischen räumlicher Wahrnehmung und subjektiver Bewertung von Passform zu analysieren. Die Ergebnisse müssen allerdings mit Einschränkung betrachtet werden, da die Gütekriterien sehr gering sind. Den Schwerpunkt der Dissertation bildeten zwei Studien zur Passformbewertung, eine mit kommerziellen Laufschuhen und eine mit selbstkonstruierten Laufschuhen, die nach fest definierten Maßen konstruiert wurden. 30 bzw. 33 männliche Probanden – überwiegend erfahrene Läufer – wurden gebeten mit unterschiedlichen Passformtypen zu laufen und diese hinsichtlich ihrer Passform zu bewerten. Neben der Erfassung der subjektiven Wahrnehmung und Komfortbewertung führten die Probanden mit allen Schuhbe-dingungen eine biomechanische Laufanalyse durch. Des Weiteren wurden die Schuhe mechanisch getestet und die Füße der Probanden mit Hilfe eines 3D-Fußscanners vermessen. In der Studie mit selbstkonstruierten Laufschuhen wurde zudem ein sensorischer Test durchgeführt und die 2-Punktschwellen des Fußes bei den Probanden ermittelt. Zusammenfassend zeigen die Ergebnisse der Studien, dass Probanden eine enge Passform gegenüber einer weiten Passform präferieren. Zudem können Probanden Passformunterschiede in den Schuhbereichen Fersenbreite, Ballenbreite, Zehenhöhe und Schuhlänge richtig wahrnehmen, wenn die Schuhe in mehreren Bereichen diese Veränderung der Passform aufweisen. Sind die Schuhe nur in einem Bereich verändert, nehmen die Probanden nur in dem Schuhbereich Zehenhöhe Veränderungen wahr. Folglich ist ein Zusammenhang zwischen Fußsensorik und der Wahrnehmung von Passform in der Zehenhöhe erkennbar, da die Passform im Zehenbereich, der die geringsten 2-Punktschwellen aufweist und somit am sensibelsten ist, wahrgenommen und Veränderungen bemerkt werden können. Ebenfalls ist zwischen der subjektiven Bewertung der Passform und vor allem dem biomechanischen Laufparameter „tibiale Spitzenbeschleunigung“ ein Zusammenhang erkennbar. Hierbei scheint eine negative Komfortbewertung und Instabilität des Schuhs zu einer Adaptation des Laufstils z. B. ein flacheres Aufsetzen des Fußes zu führen, was in einer Reduzierung des biomechanischen Parameters „tibiale Spitzenbeschleunigung“ resultiert. Diese Schlussfolgerung muss in zukünftigen Studien durch kinematische Analysen bestätigt werden. Abschließend kann festgehalten werden, dass die vorliegende Arbeit erste Ansätze zur Objektivierbarkeit von funktionaler Passform liefern konnte. Bis dahin nicht beachtete Aspekte wie der Zusammenhang zwischen subjektiver Wahrnehmung von Passform und Fußsensorik sowie biomechanischen Laufparametern wurden untersucht. Weitere Ansätze zur Objektivierbarkeit von Passform konnten aufgezeigt werden, die in zukünftigen Studien aufgegriffen und vor allem in Bezug auf die Wahrnehmung von Passform noch näher untersucht werden sollten, um den Weg zu einem funktionalen und komfortablen Schuhwerk zu ebnen.:1 EINLEITUNG 1 2 THEORETISCHER HINTERGRUND UND LITERATURBESPRECHUNG 6 2.1 FUßANATOMIE 6 2.2 STANDARDS DER LAUFSCHUHTESTUNG 10 2.2.1 Biomechanische Laufanalyse 10 2.2.2 Mechanische Prüfung von Laufschuhen 12 2.3 OBJEKTIVE UND SUBJEKTIVE KRITERIEN ZUR BESTIMMUNG VON PASSFORM 15 2.3.1 Studien zur Fußanatomie 16 2.3.2 Komfortstudien 21 2.3.3 Studien zur Passformbewertung und Passformpräferenz 25 2.3.4 Studien zum Zusammenhang von Fußsensibilität und Komfortbewertung 26 2.3.5 Defizite bisheriger Studien und Schlussfolgerungen 27 3 ZIELSTELLUNG DER ARBEIT UND FRAGESTELLUNGEN 29 4 ANSATZ ZUR OBJEKTIVIERBARKEIT VON FUNKTIONALER PASSFORM 32 4.1 FUßANTHROPOMETRISCHE MESSVERFAHREN 32 4.1.1 Methodik 34 4.1.2 Ergebnisse und Diskussion 37 4.1.3 Methodenkritik 40 4.2 SUBJEKTIV-SENSORISCHE MESSVERFAHREN 41 4.2.1 Sensorik – 2-Punktschwellen 43 4.2.2 Methodik zur Bestimmung der Gütekriterien von 2-Punktschwellen 46 4.2.3 Ergebnisse und Diskussion der Reliabilitätsstudie 49 4.2.4 Methodik der 2-Punktschwellen-Studie 53 4.2.5 Ergebnisse und Diskussion der 2-Punktschwellen-Studie 55 4.2.6 Methodenkritik zur Bestimmung von 2-Punktschwellen 58 4.2.7 Erfassung der subjektiven Bewertung 58 4.3 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG BISHERIGER ERKENNTNISSE 61 4.4 ANWENDUNGSBEREICH: LAUFSCHUHE 62 4.4.1 Schuhaufbau 62 4.4.2 Innenschuhmessung 67 4.5 STUDIE ZUR PASSFORMBEWERTUNG MIT KOMMERZIELLEN LAUFSCHUHEN 70 4.5.1 Methodik 70 4.5.2 Ergebnisse und Diskussion 74 4.5.3 Zusammenfassung 95 4.5.4 Methodenkritik und Schlussfolgerungen 96 4.6 STUDIE ZUR PASSFORMBEWERTUNG MIT SELBSTKONSTRUIERTEN LAUFSCHUHEN 97 4.6.1 Methodik 97 4.6.2 Ergebnisse und Diskussion 101 4.6.3 Zusammenfassung 126 4.6.4 Methodenkritik und Schlussfolgerungen 127 5 DISKUSSION IM ZUSAMMENHANG UND NEUE DEFINITION VON FUNKTIONALER PASSFORM 128 6 ZUSAMMENFASSUNG 139 7 LITERATURVERZEICHNIS 142 ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS I TABELLENVERZEICHNIS IV ABKÜRZUNGSVERZEICHNIS V ANHANG VII ERKLÄRUNG XV WISSENSCHAFTLICHER LEBENSLAUF XVI

Chemické výpočty v kontextu reálného života na základní a střední škole / Chemical calculations in the context of real life at elementary and high school

Režňák, Jakub January 2019 (has links)
Learning exercises containing chemical calculations are necessary for complex understanding of some parts of chemical curriculum. This diploma thesis deals with creation and evaluation of worksheets containing multicomponent learning tasks closely connected to reality for pupils of elementary and high school. The theoretical part consists of the summary of present valid Czech curricular documents, mainly parts focused on chemical calculations and sustainable development. The main part of this thesis is creation of worksheets containing multicomponent learning tasks focused on different topics of chemistry which were chosen according to Framework Education Programmes. Created worksheets were verified and evaluated at high school. Based on evaluations of worksheets action research focused on problems during solving chemical calculations was conducted on elementary school.

Radiographic contrast-enhancement masks in digital radiography

Davidson, Robert Andrew January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Radiographic film/screen (F/S) images have a narrow latitude or dynamic range. The film’s ability to record and view all the anatomy within the x-ray field is limited by this narrow dynamic range. The advent of digital radiographic means of storing and displaying radiographic images has improved the ability to record and visualise all of the anatomy. The problem still exists in digital radiography (DR) when radiographic examinations of certain anatomical regions are undertaken. In this work, the value of anatomically shaped radiographic contrast-enhancement masks (RCMs) in improving image contrast and reducing the dynamic range of images in DR was examined. Radiographic contrast-enhancement masks are digital masks that alter the radiographic contrast in DR images. The shape of these masks can be altered by the user. Anatomically shaped RCMs have been modelled on tissue compensation filters (TCFs) commonly used in F/S radiographic examinations. The prime purpose of a TCF is to reduce the dynamic range of photons reaching the image receptor and hence improve radiographic contrast in the resultant image. RCMs affect the dynamic range of the image rather than the energy source of the image, that of the x-ray photons. The research consisted of three distinct phases. The first phase was to examine physical TCFs and their effects on F/S radiographic images. Physical TCFs are used in radiographic F/S examinations to attenuate the x-ray beam to compensate for varying patient tissue thicknesses and/or densities. The effect of the TCF is to reduce resultant radiographic optical density variations in the image, allowing the viewer to observe a range of densities within the image which would otherwise not be visualised. Physical TCFs are commonly aluminium- or lead-based materials that attenuate the x-ray beam. A TCF has varying physical thickness to differentially attenuate the iii beam and is shaped for specific anatomical situations. During this project, various commonly used physical TCFs were examined. Measurements of size and thickness were made. Characteristics of linear attenuation coefficients and half-value thicknesses were delineated for various TCF materials and at various energies. The second phase of the research was to model the physical TCFs in a digital environment and apply the RCMs to DR images. The digital RCMs were created with similar characteristics to mimic the shapes to the physical TCFs. The RCM characteristics can be adjusted by the viewer of the image to suit the anatomy being imaged. Anatomically shaped RCMs were designed to assist in overcoming a limitation when viewing digital radiographic images, that of the dynamic range of the image. Anatomically shaped RCMs differ from other means of controlling the dynamic range of a digital radiographic image. It has been shown that RCMs can reduce the range of optical densities within images with a large dynamic range, to facilitate visualisation of all anatomy within the image. Physical TCFs are used within a specific range of radiographic F/S examinations. Digital radiographic images from this range of examinations were collected from various clinical radiological centres. Anatomically shaped RCMs were applied to the images to improve radiographic contrast of the images. The third phase of the research was to ascertain the benefits of the use of RCMs. Various other methods are currently in use to reduce the dynamic range of digital radiographic images. It is generally accepted that these methods also introduce noise into the image and hence reduce image quality. Quantitative comparisons of noise within the image were undertaken. The anatomically shaped RCMs introduced less noise than current methods designed to reduce the dynamic range of digital radiographic images. It was shown that RCM methods do not affect image quality. Radiographers make subjective assessment of digital radiographic image quality as part of their professional practice. To assess the subjective quality of images enhanced with anatomically shaped RCMs, a survey of radiographers and other iv qualified people was undertaken to ascertain any improvement in RCM-modified images compared to the original images. Participants were provided with eight pairs of image to compare. Questions were asked in the survey as to which image had the better range of optical densities; in which image the anatomy was easiest to visualise; which image had the simplest contrast and density manipulation for optimal visualisation; and which image had the overall highest image quality. Responses from 123 participants were received and analysed. The statistical analysis showed a higher preference by radiographers for the digital radiographic images in which the RCMs had been applied. Comparisons were made between anatomical regions and between patient-related factors of size, age and whether pathology was present in the image or not. The conclusion was drawn that digital RCMs correctly applied to digital radiographic images decrease the dynamic range of the image, allowing the entire anatomy to be visualised in one image. Radiographic contrast in the image can be maximised whilst maintaining image quality. Using RCMs in some digital radiographic examinations, radiographers will be able to present optimised images to referring clinicians. It is envisaged that correctly applied RCMs in certain radiographic examinations will enhance radiographic image quality and possibly lead to improved diagnosis from these images.

Radiographic contrast-enhancement masks in digital radiography

Davidson, Robert Andrew January 2006 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Radiographic film/screen (F/S) images have a narrow latitude or dynamic range. The film’s ability to record and view all the anatomy within the x-ray field is limited by this narrow dynamic range. The advent of digital radiographic means of storing and displaying radiographic images has improved the ability to record and visualise all of the anatomy. The problem still exists in digital radiography (DR) when radiographic examinations of certain anatomical regions are undertaken. In this work, the value of anatomically shaped radiographic contrast-enhancement masks (RCMs) in improving image contrast and reducing the dynamic range of images in DR was examined. Radiographic contrast-enhancement masks are digital masks that alter the radiographic contrast in DR images. The shape of these masks can be altered by the user. Anatomically shaped RCMs have been modelled on tissue compensation filters (TCFs) commonly used in F/S radiographic examinations. The prime purpose of a TCF is to reduce the dynamic range of photons reaching the image receptor and hence improve radiographic contrast in the resultant image. RCMs affect the dynamic range of the image rather than the energy source of the image, that of the x-ray photons. The research consisted of three distinct phases. The first phase was to examine physical TCFs and their effects on F/S radiographic images. Physical TCFs are used in radiographic F/S examinations to attenuate the x-ray beam to compensate for varying patient tissue thicknesses and/or densities. The effect of the TCF is to reduce resultant radiographic optical density variations in the image, allowing the viewer to observe a range of densities within the image which would otherwise not be visualised. Physical TCFs are commonly aluminium- or lead-based materials that attenuate the x-ray beam. A TCF has varying physical thickness to differentially attenuate the iii beam and is shaped for specific anatomical situations. During this project, various commonly used physical TCFs were examined. Measurements of size and thickness were made. Characteristics of linear attenuation coefficients and half-value thicknesses were delineated for various TCF materials and at various energies. The second phase of the research was to model the physical TCFs in a digital environment and apply the RCMs to DR images. The digital RCMs were created with similar characteristics to mimic the shapes to the physical TCFs. The RCM characteristics can be adjusted by the viewer of the image to suit the anatomy being imaged. Anatomically shaped RCMs were designed to assist in overcoming a limitation when viewing digital radiographic images, that of the dynamic range of the image. Anatomically shaped RCMs differ from other means of controlling the dynamic range of a digital radiographic image. It has been shown that RCMs can reduce the range of optical densities within images with a large dynamic range, to facilitate visualisation of all anatomy within the image. Physical TCFs are used within a specific range of radiographic F/S examinations. Digital radiographic images from this range of examinations were collected from various clinical radiological centres. Anatomically shaped RCMs were applied to the images to improve radiographic contrast of the images. The third phase of the research was to ascertain the benefits of the use of RCMs. Various other methods are currently in use to reduce the dynamic range of digital radiographic images. It is generally accepted that these methods also introduce noise into the image and hence reduce image quality. Quantitative comparisons of noise within the image were undertaken. The anatomically shaped RCMs introduced less noise than current methods designed to reduce the dynamic range of digital radiographic images. It was shown that RCM methods do not affect image quality. Radiographers make subjective assessment of digital radiographic image quality as part of their professional practice. To assess the subjective quality of images enhanced with anatomically shaped RCMs, a survey of radiographers and other iv qualified people was undertaken to ascertain any improvement in RCM-modified images compared to the original images. Participants were provided with eight pairs of image to compare. Questions were asked in the survey as to which image had the better range of optical densities; in which image the anatomy was easiest to visualise; which image had the simplest contrast and density manipulation for optimal visualisation; and which image had the overall highest image quality. Responses from 123 participants were received and analysed. The statistical analysis showed a higher preference by radiographers for the digital radiographic images in which the RCMs had been applied. Comparisons were made between anatomical regions and between patient-related factors of size, age and whether pathology was present in the image or not. The conclusion was drawn that digital RCMs correctly applied to digital radiographic images decrease the dynamic range of the image, allowing the entire anatomy to be visualised in one image. Radiographic contrast in the image can be maximised whilst maintaining image quality. Using RCMs in some digital radiographic examinations, radiographers will be able to present optimised images to referring clinicians. It is envisaged that correctly applied RCMs in certain radiographic examinations will enhance radiographic image quality and possibly lead to improved diagnosis from these images.

Pasitenkinimo darbo sąlygomis, saviveiksmingumo ir subjektyviai suvokiamo darbinės veiklos efektyvumo sąsajos / The relationship between satisfaction with job conditions, self-efficacy and subjective evaluation of work effectiveness

Talalaitė, Agnė 11 June 2012 (has links)
Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti pasitenkinimo darbo sąlygomis, saviveiksmingumo ir subjektyviai suvokiamo darbinės veiklos efektyvumo sąsajas bei įvertinti ar pasitenkinimas darbo sąlygomis ir saviveiksmingumas gali prognozuoti subjektyviai suvokiamą darbinės veiklos efektyvumą. Tyrime dalyvavo 204 Kauno ir Vilniaus miestų įmonių įvairių specialybių darbuotojai ( 98 vyrai ir 106 moterys). Tiriamųjų amžiaus vidurkis 29,75 metai. Tiriamieji buvo parinkti patogiosios atrankos būdu. Pasitenkinimui darbo sąlygomis įvertinti buvo sudarytas klausimynas remiantis literatūros apžvalga. Tai vienfaktorinis reiškinys, kuris sudarytas iš 17 klausimų. Saviveiksmingumui nustatyti buvo naudota bendra saviveiksmingumo skalė (The General Self – Efficacy Scale, Jerusalem M. ir Schwarzer R., 1993), kurią sudaro dešimt teiginių. Subjektyviai suvokiamo darbinės veiklos efektyvumas buvo matuojamas dviem aspektais: nedalyvavimo darbinėje veikloje skale (SPS6 scale, Koopman et al., 2002), antrasis aspektas yra neatvykimo į darbą dažnumo indeksas, sudarytas šiam tyrimui doc. Dr. L. Gustainienės ir Talalaitės A. (2012) Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad didėjantis pasitenkinimas darbo sąlygomis siejasi su mažėjančiu nedalyvavimu darbinėje veikloje ir nebuvimu darbe. Taip pat didėjant saviveiksmingumui, mažėja nedalyvavimas darbinėje veikloje. Rezultatai parodė, kad moterų imtyje nedalyvavimą darbinėje veikloje ir nebuvimą darbe prognozuoja pasitenkinimas darbo sąlygomis, o vyrų imtyje saviveiksmingumas. / The aim of the study was to assess relationship between the satisfaction with job conditions, self-efficacy and subjective evaluation of work effectiveness. There were 204 employers (106 – women, 98 – men) who participated in the research. The respondents were from Kaunas and Vilnius organizations. The average age of the participants 29,75 years. For the assessment of satisfaction with job condition was made a questionnaire with reference from literature review. The questionnaire consist of 17 propositions. For the assessment of self-efficacy was used The General Self – Efficacy Scale (Jerusalem, M., Schwarzer, R., 1993). Subjective evaluation of work effectiveness was evaluating by two aspects: The first one is a phenomen as being present at work but unable to be fully engaged with the work environment so for the assessment was used Presenteeism Scale (SPS6, Koopman et al., 2002). The second aspect is absenteeism (frequency index of not being at work) – it was made with reference from literature review. Results of a study showed that increasing satisfaction with job conditions correlates with decreasing presenteeism and absenteeism. Moreover, increasing self-efficacy decreases presenteeism. Furthermore, study showed that presenteeism and absenteeism is prognosticated by satisfaction with job conditions in cluster of women and presenteeism and absenteeism is prognosticated by self-efficacy.

Elaboration d'une méthode de test pour l'évaluation subjective de la qualité des sons spatialisés / Method for the subjective evaluation os spatial sound quality

Le Bagousse, Sarah 29 April 2014 (has links)
Aujourd'hui, les technologies de captation et de restitution sonore se développent dans le but de diffuser des scènes avec un rendu spatialisé. Avant leur diffusion, les extraits sonores peuvent être évalués en terme de qualité par des méthodes recommandées par I'Union lnternationale des Télécommunications (évaluation des codecs de compression, procédés de prise ou restitution sonore...). Cependant, ces standards d'évaluation montrent certaines faiblesses notamment en ce qui concerne les attributs de qualité à évaluer. La dimension spatiale n'est pas prise en compte spécifiquement. Dans ce travail, une méthodologie dédiée à l'évaluation de la qualité de I'audio spatialisé est mise en place notamment pour répondre aux biais identifiés. De par l'utilisation d'une catégorisation libre et d'une analyse multidimensionnelle, vingt-huit attributs ont été catégorisés en trois familles d'attributs : le Timbre, l'Espace et les Défauts. Ces trois attributs généraux ont été inclus dans un test d'écoute. Celui-ci se déroule en deux phases : l'évaluation de la qualité globale suivie de l'évaluation des trois attributs simultanément sur une même interface. Les tests sont réalisés sans référence explicite, le fichier original constitue une référence cachée. De plus, trois signaux audio, dit ancrages, spécifiques à chacun des trois attributs ont été définis puis superposés pour définir un ancrage unique triplement dégradé. La méthode a été testée à la fois sur un système de restitution au casque avec des contenus binauraux mais également sur un système multicanal 5.1. L'évaluation de stimuli de qualité intermédiaire est préconisée ainsi que des contenus présentant un effet spatial prononcé. L'évaluation multicritère a montré son intérêt dans certaines conditions et permet ainsi d'identifier les caractéristiques qui sont dégradées. Les attributs Défauts et Timbre ont montré un poids influant sur la qualité globale tandis que le poids de I'attribut Espace est plus discutable. / Nowadays, recording and restitution technologies focus on a spatial rendering of sound. Before their broadcast, the quality evaluation of sound excerpts is often necessary. Methods recommended by the international telecommunication union denote some weaknesses about sound attributes to be evaluated.For example, spatial dimension is barely taken into account. A methodology dedicated to the assessment of spatial audio quality is proposed in order to avoid some biases. With a free categorization and a multidimensional scaling, 28 attributes were clustered in three families '. Timbre, Space and Defecfs. These three categories were included in a listening test split into two sessions : first, the assessment of overall quality and then, the evaluation of the three categories presented simultaneously on a same interface.Tests were conducted without explicit reference, but, the original version was considered as a hidden reference. Moreover, three specific anchors, each one associated to dedicated categories, were defined and then were mixed to define a unique anchor impaired in three ways. The method was tested on a 5.1 system and on binaural contents with headphone restitution. lntermediate quality of contents is recommended as well as contents with relevant spatial effects. The interest of a multicriteria assessment is to identify which properties of sound are impaired. Linear regression shows that Defecfs and Timbre attributes have influential weight on overall quality while the weight of Space attribute is more dubious.

Desarrollo de un equipo electrónico/computacional orientado a extraer información de interés para el diagnóstico de Mildiu en plantaciones de quinua de la costa peruana basado en procesamiento digital de imágenes

Oré Huacles, Gian Carlos, Vásquez García, Alexis 03 February 2021 (has links)
La presente tesis propone un equipo portátil y ergonómico que permita la captura de imágenes de cultivos de quinua y, mediante un método de procesamiento eficaz, detecte los segmentos donde la planta se encuentra afectada por la enfermedad del Mildiu (representada por un amarillamiento particular sobre las hojas) para así obtener un resultado numérico que represente dicho efecto. La realización de este proyecto resuelve el principal problema del análisis cualitativo en los que se basa el cliente para el diagnóstico de la enfermedad ya que ofrecerá una solución cuantitativa para la identificación y medición de daño en los cultivos que proporcione al agrónomo un dato vital para poder suministrar la dosis adecuada de fungicida a las plantaciones y obtener un producto de mejor calidad. Este trabajo se basa en dos procesos de segmentación: primero, se realizó, a partir de la imagen original capturada, la segmentación de vegetación sobre el entorno mediante el modelo de color L*a*b, histograma bidimensional, filtrado y binarización; y, segundo, se realizó, a partir de la imagen resultante del primer proceso, la segmentación de amarillamiento sobre la vegetación mediante de los modelos de histogramas bidimensionales, filtrado, binarización y propiedades de excentricidad. Para la validación se tomó 50 imágenes de un cultivo de quinua del Instituto Nacional de Innovación Agraria (INIA) - Sede Lima, las cuales fueron procesadas a través del equipo desarrollado y verificado por el agrónomo especialista. Finalmente, se utilizó el índice de Kappa de Cohen para comparar los resultados donde se obtuvo un resultado de 0.789. / This thesis proposes a portable and ergonomic equipment that allows the capture of images of quinoa crops and, through an effective processing method, detect the segments where the plant is affected by Mildew disease (represented by a particular yellowing on the leaves) in order to obtain a numerical result that represents that effect. The realization of this project solves the main problem of the qualitative analysis on which the client is based for the diagnosis of the disease since it will offer a quantitative solution for the identification and measurement of crop damage that provides the agronomist with a vital data to be able to Supply the appropriate dose of herbicide to the plantations and obtain a better quality product. This work is based on two segmentation processes: first, from the original image captured, the segmentation of vegetation over the environment was carried out using the L*a*b color model, two-dimensional histogram, filtering and binarization; and, secondly, from the image resulting from the first process, the segmentation of yellowing on the vegetation was carried out using the two-dimensional histogram, filtering, binarization and eccentricity properties models. For validation, 50 images of a quinoa crop from INIA - Lima Headquarters were taken, which were processed through the equipment developed and verified by the specialist agronomist. Finally, Cohen’s Kappa index was used to compare the results where a result of 0.789 was obtained. / Tesis

Vliv fyzioterapie na rovnováhu u nemocných s roztroušenou sklerózou mozkomíšní / Physiotherapy impact on balance in multiple sclerosis

Bartušová, Tatiana January 2013 (has links)
Title: The effect of physiotherapy on balance in multiple sclerosis Objectives: The aim of this study is to compare efficacy between ambulatory individual physiotherapy and complex inpatient rehabilitation in people with multiple sclerosis on balance and subjective evaluation of general health. In ambulant program to compare effect of different physiotherapeutic methods (Motoric program activating therapy, Manual physiotherapy correction, Reflex Locomotion according to Vojta). Methods: A combined design of study. Ambulant program has randomised assessor blind design, in which subjects were divided into one of the three groups of ambulatory physiotherapy. A clinical study without control arm design is used in case of comparison between complex and ambulatory program. Results were analysed in 45 patients with multiple sclerosis (25 subjects of ambulatory program, 20 subjects of complex program). Subjects of the ambulatory program were divided into one of the three groups of ambulatory physiotherapy (Motoric program activating therapy, Manual physiotherapy correction, Reflex Locomotion according to Vojta), in which they absolved during two months 20 therapies (2-3 times per week, length 60 minutes). Subjects of complex program underwent complex inpatient rehabilitation with duration about 21 days. The...


GUILHERME MACHADO GOEHRINGER 31 March 2008 (has links)
[pt] As técnicas de estimação de movimento utilizadas nos padrões de compressão de vídeo proporcionam a utilização mais eficiente dos recursos de transmissão e armazenamento, através da redução do número de bits necessários para representar um sinal de vídeo e da conservação da qualidade do conteúdo que está sendo processado. O objetivo dessa dissertação de Mestrado é propor um novo algoritmo capaz de reduzir a grande complexidade computacional envolvida nestas técnicas, mantendo a qualidade do sinal reconstruído. Dessa maneira, apresenta-se um algoritmo AUMHS (Adaptive Unsymmetrical-cross Multi-Hexagon-grid Search) o qual traz como principais modificações ao algoritmo UMHS (Unsymmetrical-cross Multi-Hexagon-grid Search) a implementação de uma medida de movimento que classifica as cenas de uma seqüência de vídeo de acordo com o movimento detectado para posterior adequação dos parâmetros de estimação de movimento e de outros parâmetros do codificador. Como resultado apresenta-se um ganho expressivo na velocidade de processamento, e conseqüente redução do custo computacional, conservando-se a qualidade obtida pelos principais algoritmos da literatura. O algoritmo foi implementado no codificador do padrão H.264/AVC onde realizou-se análises comparativas de desempenho com os algoritmos UMHS e FSA através da medição de parâmetros como PSNR (Peak Signal to Noise Ratio), tempo de processamento do codificador, tempo de processamento do módulo de estimação de movimento, taxa de bits utilizada e avaliação subjetiva informal. / [en] The motion estimation techniques used by the video compression standards provide an efficient utilization of the transmission and storage resources, through the reduction of the number of bits required to represent a video signal and the conservation of the content quality that is being processed. The objective of this work is to propose a new algorithm capable of reducing the great computational complexity involved in the motion estimation techniques, keeping the quality of the reconstructed signal. In this way, we present an algorithm called AUMHS (Adaptive Unsymmetrical-cross Multi-Hexagon-grid Search) which brings as main modifications relative to the UMHS (Unsymmetrical-cross Multi-Hexagon-grid Search) the implementation of a movement measure that can classify the scenes of a video sequence according to the motion detected for posterior adequacy of the motion estimation and others coder parameters. As result we present an expressive gain in the processing speed, and consequent computational cost reduction, conserving the same quality of the main algorithms published in the literature. The algorithm was implemented in the H.264/AVC coder in order to proceed with comparative analysis of perfomance together with the UMHS and FSA algorithms, measuring parameters as PSNR (Peak Signal you the Noise Ratio), coding processing time, motion estimation time, bit rate, and informal subjective evaluation.

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