Spelling suggestions: "subject:"success_or_failure"" "subject:"bucklingfailure""
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Interaction Between Multiculturalism and Framing on Creative Task PerformanceYang, Lily 01 January 2018 (has links)
Research has consistently demonstrated the benefits of multicultural experiences for individual creativity (e.g. Çelik, Forthmann, & Storme, 2016; Saad, Damian, Martinez, Moons, & Robins, 2012). The present study will explore the interaction between framing and multiculturalism on creativity. Seven hundred and eighty eight participants who identify as multicultural will be randomly assigned to one of four experimental groups looking at framing (success/failure) and culture priming (present/not present). After being primed with an oral prompt, participants will complete the Alternative Uses Test to measure two aspects of creativity: originality and idea generation. Success framing is expected to be associated with higher creativity scores compared to failure framing. Presence of culture priming will be associated with higher creativity scores compared to no presence of culture. And success framing paired with presence of culture will have the highest creativity scores compared to other groups. Implications for creativity, identity and multicultural experiences are discussed.
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Nejčastější příčiny neúspěchu pěstounské péče v České republice před 15 lety a nyní / The Most Frequent Causes of the Failure of Foster Care in the Czech Republic 15 Years Ago and TodayBláhová, Jana January 2012 (has links)
BLÁHOVÁ, J. The Most Frequent Causes of Failure of Foster Care in the Czech Republic 15 Years ago and Today. Prague: Philosophical Faculty of Charles University in Prague, 2012, 114 pp. Diploma Thesis. The aim of my diploma thesis was to map the main cause which take part in premature end of foster care in our country. I have recorded this problematic since the year 1996 up to now. I have focused on definition and forms of foster care. Further on the process of its arrangement and the starting conditions which have an influence on foster care. I have introduced and compared the results of two big Czech studies which were devoted in this topic and were published in the interval of 15 years. Besides the failure cause of foster care on the foster parents side and children entrusted into a foster care and the system of alternative family care I have also focused on factors which contributes to its success on the other hand. In the practical part I have tried to get more deeply into the cause of foster care failure from the view of social workers from OSPOD. I was interested in what and how influences the foster care failure, how the system components of alternative family care and which changes social workers see as needed in the support of foster care success. It has been shown that the causes of its...
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Human responses, resilience and vulnerability : an interdisciplinary approach to understanding past farm success and failure in Mývatnssveit, northern IcelandBrown, Jennifer January 2010 (has links)
This thesis presents a new perspective on the study of past farm success and failure; it builds on the concepts of resilience and vulnerability to construct a theoretical framework which integrates environmental, historical and ethnographical data. The basic framework establishes that the resilience or vulnerability of a social-ecological system is a function of three factors: i) the exposure of the system to external (environmental) stresses, ii) the sensitivity of the system to these stresses and iii) the ability of the human component of the system to respond to them. The research focused on the component of human capacity of response (the sum of coping and adaptive capacity) within this framework. The temporal scale of the study was the 18th century, although reference is made to earlier periods for comparison. The location of the study area was Mývatnssveit, a livestock-based farming community in northern Iceland, while the spatial scale of the study is that of individual farms in the area. The results showed that successful farms had a higher capacity of response than failed farms, and that this was conferred by a greater availability and quality of resources, including human resources, natural resources and productive resources (those directly involved in agriculture). Human resources were assessed by records of number of servants per farm and by evidence of learning/knowledge transfer obtained via micromorphological analyses of home-field soils. Natural resources considered to be of particular importance were fish and eggs. Indicators of productive resources included tax value, land rent, livestock numbers and phosphorus content in home-fields. The latter revealed that the soil condition pre-settlement was linked to its post-settlement quality. An analysis of present day perceptions of historical farm abandonment in the area corresponds with the conclusions reached through the data integration in placing the human factor above the environmental one in influencing success and failure. The thesis concludes by highlighting the individuality of the study farms and the historical resilience of the livestock-based farming system. Additionally, areas of potential for future research are identified.
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Pojetí úspěchu a neúspěchu při práci s klienty z pohledu pracovníků střediska výchovné péče / The conception of the succes and failure while working with the clients from the point of view of the educational care center's workersKadlecová, Andrea January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with understanding of success and failure of work with clients from the educational care center staff's perspective and their sources of evaluation. This issue is part of the self-evaluation. Author uses a semi-empirical method. The theoretical part of the thesis presents activities, target groups and (teaching) staff's job specification in the educational care center. Then it defines self-evaluation, lists specific principles of professional work with clients and states the factors that are part of success or failure of staff's interventions. The conclusion of the thesis shows particular methods that can help to achieve self-evaluation and presents the self-efficacy studies. The goal of the survey research is to find out what the educational care center's staff considers as success and failure of their work and which indicators help them to evaluate their work. Author uses qualitative research design and semi-structured interview as a data collection method. The data are processed by the components of the grounded theory. The research shows that participants consider any small positive change in behavior or attitude of their clients as success. Especially non-cooperation is considered to be a failure. The sources for self-evaluation of their work are clients' feedback, different...
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[pt] A Epilepsia do Lobo Temporal (ELT) é a forma mais comum de epilepsia em adultos, com uma proporção considerável de pacientes que não respondem a diferentes abordagens terapêuticas e precisam recorrer à intervenção cirúrgica. A ELT está ligada a déficits cognitivos, mas poucos estudos investigaram habilidades metacognitivas nesse grupo. Dois estudos foram conduzidos para avaliar a metacognição e a metamemória em pacientes adultos com lesões temporais direitas ou esquerdas associadas à ELT refratária após neurocirurgia. No Estudo 1, foram utilizadas tarefas experimentais computadorizadas de Manipulação de Sucesso-Fracasso de memória e de tempo de reação e metacognição sendo medida pela discrepância entre estimativas pós- teste e desempenho real. O Estudo 2 explorou metamemória para testes de memória episódica verbal e visual com estimativas globais de desempenho antes e depois dos ensaios. Os resultados do Estudo 1 indicam que os pacientes podem discriminar as condições de sucesso e fracasso, particularmente para tarefas de tempo de reação. O estudo 2 indicou que os pacientes com lesão no hemisfério esquerdo apresentam um padrão de superestimação, tanto para a memória visual quanto verbal, em relação aos pacientes do hemisfério direito. Esses resultados são discutidos em relação à potencial ajuda da metacognição em intervenções terapêuticas, especialmente na criação de estratégias compensatórias que possam ajudar a melhorar a qualidade de vida na ELT. / [en] Temporal Lobe Epilepsy (TLE) is the most common form of epilepsy in adults, with a considerable proportion of patients who do not respond to different therapeutic approaches and have to resort to surgical intervention. TLE is linked to cognitive deficits, but few studies have investigated metacognitive abilities in this group. Two studies were conducted to assess metacognition and metamemory on adult patients with right or left temporal lesions associated with refractory TLE after neurosurgery. In Study 1, computerized experimental Success-Failure Manipulation tasks exploring memory and reaction time were used, with participants doing easy (success) and hard (failure) tasks for each task type and metacognition being measured by discrepancy between post-test estimations and actual performance. Study 2 explored metamemory for verbal and visual episodic memory tests with global estimations of performance before and after trials. Results of Study 1 indicate that patients can discriminate the success and failure conditions, particularly for reaction time tasks. Study 2 indicated that left hemisphere patients show a pattern of overestimation, both for visual and verbal memory, in relation to right hemisphere patients. These results are discussed in relation to the potential aid of metacognition in therapeutic interventions, especially in the creation of compensatory strategies that can help improving quality of life in TLE.
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Quels modèles de gouvernance des Partenariats Public-Privé dans l'UEMOA? Cas du Bénin et de la Côte d'Ivoire / What governance models for Public-Private Partnerships in WAEMU? Case of Benin & Ivory CoastAliha, Géoffroy Théodore 22 November 2017 (has links)
Les pays de l’UEMOA ont recours depuis quelques années aux Partenariats Public-Privé (PPP) pour faire face à une demande en infrastructures publiques loin d’être satisfaite par le seul budget de l’Etat. Au-delà des difficultés financières, il s’avère difficile de construire des modèles de gouvernance durables et socialement acceptables pour conduire ces processus. Ainsi notre problématique concerne l’indentification des modèles adéquats de gouvernance des PPP dans le contexte des pays de l’UEMOA. Le cadre théorique mobilisé à cet effet s’inspire de la théorie des coûts de transaction, de la théorie de l’agence, du nouveau management public et des contributions récentes à l’analyse des modèles de gouvernance de PPP. Ainsi, une grille d’analyse des données empiriques composée de quatre macro-dimensions (exogène, organisationnelle, projet et qualité du service) est déduite. Dans une posture du constructiviste pragmatique, une méthodologie qualitative basée sur deux études de cas a été privilégiée. La collecte des données, effectuée en deux phases séparées d’un an, a permis l’analyse de régularités. 42 entretiens semi-directifs, auprès des acteurs impliqués dans deux processus PPP, ont été réalisés. Il s’agit du Programme de Vérification des Importations- Nouvelle Génération (PVI-NG) au Bénin et du pont Henri Konan Bédié d’Abidjan en Côte D’Ivoire. Le traitement et l’analyse des données sont effectués à l’aide du logiciel N’vivo. Certes, l’analyse des résultats a permis d’identifier trois modèles (coercitif, normatif/mimétique et participatif) de gouvernance de PPP ; mais dans la pratique, c’est à une combinaison, des trois modèles, dosée selon le PPP qu’on assiste. Un système propositionnel de 28 principes relatifs aux trois modèles est déduit pour améliorer le management des processus PPP. / Recently, WAEMU countries have been using PPPs to meet the demand for public infrastructure which is far from being met by the state budget alone. Added to financial difficulties, difficulties in building sustainable and socially acceptable governance models for these public projects are faced. Thus, our problem concerns the identification of adequate models of PPP governance in WAEMU context. The theoretical framework mobilized for this purpose is based on the theory of transaction costs, agency theory, new public management and recent contributions to the analysis of PPP governance models. Thus, an empirical data analysis grid composed of four macro-dimensions (exogenous, organizational, project and quality of service) is deduced. In a pragmatic constructivist posture, a qualitative methodology based on two case studies was favored. The data collection, carried out in two separate phases of one year, allowed the analysis of patterns. 42 semi-directive interviews were conducted with stakeholders involved in two PPP processes. These are the New Generation-Import Verification Program (PVI-NG) in Benin and the Henri Konan Bédié Bridge in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire. Data processing and analysis is carried out using the N'vivo software. The results highlight three PPP governance models: coercive, normative / mimetic and participatory; but in practice, it is a combination of the three models, assayed according to the PPP. A propositional system of 28 principles relating to the three models is deduced to improve the PPP processes management.
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