Spelling suggestions: "subject:"curvival 2analysis"" "subject:"curvival 3analysis""
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Time-to-Event Modeling with Bayesian Perspectives and Applications in Reliability of Artificial Intelligence SystemsMin, Jie 02 July 2024 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / With the fast development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology, the reliability of AI needs to be investigated for confidently using AI products in our daily lives. This dissertation includes three projects introducing the statistical models and model estimation methods that can be used in the reliability analysis of AI systems.
The first project analyzes the recurrent events data from autonomous vehicles (AVs). A nonparametric model is proposed to study the reliability of AI systems in AVs, and a statistical framework is introduced to evaluate the adequacy of using traditional parametric models in the analysis. The proposed model and framework are then applied to analyze AV data from four manufacturers that participated in an AV driving testing program overseen by the California Department of Motor Vehicles.
The second project develops a survival model to investigate the failure times of graphics processing units (GPUs) used in supercomputers. The model considers several covariates, the spatial correlation, and the correlation among multiple types of failures. In addition, unique spatial correlation functions and a special distance function are introduced to quantify the spatial correlation inside supercomputers. The model is applied to explore the GPU failure times in the Titan supercomputer.
The third project proposes a new Markov chain Monte Carlo sampler that can be used in the estimation and inference of spatial survival models. The sampler can generate a reasonable amount of samples within a shorter computing time compared with existing popular samplers. Important factors that can influence the performance of the proposed sampler are explored, and the sampler is used to analyze the Titan GPU failures to illustrate its usefulness in solving real-world problems.
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Suicide prediction among older adults using Swedish National Registry Data : A machine learning approach using survival analysisKarlsson, Oliver, Von Hacht, Wilhelm January 2024 (has links)
This thesis investigates the predictive modeling of suicidal behavioramong older adults in Sweden through the application of machine learning and survival analysis to data from Swedish National Registries. Theresearch utilizes longitudinal and static data characteristics, includingprescribed psychopharmaceuticals, medical conditions, and sociodemographic factors. By incorporating various survival analysis models suchas the Cox Proportional Hazards Model (CoxPH), Random SurvivalForest (RSF), and Gradient Boosting Survival Analysis (GBSA) withsequential machine learning techniques such as Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks, the study aims to enhance the predictive accuracy of suicidal tendencies among the elderly. The thesis concludes thatcombining these techniques provides insights into the risk of suicide attempts and completed suicides while also underscoring the challengesassociated with modeling national registry data and demonstrating anovel approach to addressing suicidal behavior.
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Multi-Platform Molecular Data Integration and Disease Outcome AnalysisYoussef, Ibrahim Mohamed 06 December 2016 (has links)
One of the most common measures of clinical outcomes is the survival time. Accurately linking cancer molecular profiling with survival outcome advances clinical management of cancer. However, existing survival analysis relies intensively on statistical evidence from a single level of data, without paying much attention to the integration of interacting multi-level data and the underlying biology. Advances in genomic techniques provide unprecedented power of characterizing the cancer tissue in a more complete manner than before, opening the opportunity of designing biologically informed and integrative approaches for survival analysis. Many cancer tissues have been profiled for gene expression levels and genomic variants (such as copy number alterations, sequence mutations, DNA methylation, and histone modification). However, it is not clear how to integrate the gene expression and genetic variants to achieve a better prediction and understanding of the cancer survival.
To address this challenge, we propose two approaches for data integration in order to both biologically and statistically boost the features selection process for proper detection of the true predictive players of survival. The first approach is data-driven yet biologically informed. Consistent with the biological hierarchy from DNA to RNA, we prioritize each survival-relevant feature with two separate scores, predictive and mechanistic. With mRNA expression levels in concern, predictive features are those mRNAs whose variation in expression levels are associated with the survival outcome, and mechanistic features are those mRNAs whose variation in expression levels are associated with genomic variants (copy number alterations (CNAs) in this study). Further, we propose simultaneously integrating information from both the predictive model and the mechanistic model through our new approach GEMPS (Gene Expression as a Mediator for Predicting Survival). Applied on two cancer types (ovarian and glioblastoma multiforme), our method achieved better prediction power than peer methods. Gene set enrichment analysis confirms that the genes utilized for the final survival analysis are biologically important and relevant.
The second approach is a generic mathematical framework to biologically regularize the Cox's proportional hazards model that is widely used in survival analysis. We propose a penalty function that both links the mechanistic model to the clinical model and reflects the biological downstream regulatory effect of the genomic variants on the mRNA expression levels of the target genes. Fast and efficient optimization principles like the coordinate descent and majorization-minimization are adopted in the inference process of the coefficients of the Cox model predictors. Through this model, we develop the regulator-target gene relationship to a new one: regulator-target-outcome relationship of a disease. Assessed via a simulation study and analysis of two real cancer data sets, the proposed method showed better performance in terms of selecting the true predictors and achieving better survival prediction. The proposed method gives insightful and meaningful interpretability to the selected model due to the biological linking of the mechanistic model and the clinical model.
Other important forms of clinical outcomes are monitoring angiogenesis (formation of new blood vessels necessary for tumor to nourish itself and sustain its existence) and assessing therapeutic response. This can be done through dynamic imaging, in which a series of images at different time instances are acquired for a specific tumor site after injection of a contrast agent. Dynamic contrast-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging (DCE-MRI) is a noninvasive tool to examine tumor vasculature patterns based on accumulation and washout of the contrast agent. DCE-MRI gives indication about tumor vasculature permeability, which in turn indicates the tumor angiogenic activity. Observing this activity over time can reflect the tumor drug responsiveness and efficacy of the treatment plan. However, due to the limited resolution of the imaging scanners, a partial-volume effect (PVE) problem occurs, which is the result of signals from two or more tissues combining together to produce a single image concentration value within a pixel, with the effect of inaccurate estimation to the values of the pharmacokinetic parameters. A multi-tissue compartmental modeling (CM) technique supported by convex analysis of mixtures is used to mitigate the PVE by clustering pixels and constructing a simplex whose vertices are of a single compartment type. CAM uses the identified pure-volume pixels to estimate the kinetics of the tissues under investigation. We propose an enhanced version of CAM-CM to identify pure-volume pixels more accurately. This includes the consideration of the neighborhood effect on each pixel and the use of a barycentric coordinate system to identify more pure-volume pixels and to test those identified by CAM-CM. Tested on simulated DCE-MRI data, the enhanced CAM-CM achieved better performance in terms of accuracy and reproducibility. / Ph. D. / Disease outcome can refer to an event, state, condition, or behavior for some aspect of a patient’s health status. Event can express survival, while behavior can assess drug efficacy and treatment responsiveness. To gain deeper and, hence, better understanding about diseases, symptoms inspection has been shifted from the physical symptoms appearing externally on the human body to internal symptoms that require invasive and noninvasive techniques to find out and quantify them. These internal symptoms can be further divided into phenotypic and genotypic symptoms. Examples of phenotypes can include shape, structure, and volume of a specific human body organ or tissue. Examples of genotypes can be the dosage of the genetic information and the activity of genes, where genes are responsible for identifying the function of the cells constituting tissues.
Linking disease phenotypes and genotypes to disease outcomes is of great importance to widen the understanding of disease mechanisms and progression. In this dissertation, we propose novel computational techniques to integrate data generated from different platforms, where each data type addresses one aspect of the disease internal symptoms, to provide wider picture and deeper understanding about a disease. We use imaging and genomic data with applications in ovarian, glioblastoma multiforme, and breast cancers to test the proposed techniques. These techniques aim to provide outcomes that are statistically significant, as what current peer methods do, beside biological insights, which current peer methods lack.
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家戶住宅居住時間分析-存活模型之運用 / The Study for Household Duration of Residence-Apply the Survival Analysis黃文祺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究在實證方法上採取存活分析法,並利用華人家庭動態資料庫的橫斷面跨時資料進行研究。實證結果顯示,自有者的存活函數明顯大於租賃者,且自有家戶之居住時間為租賃家戶的3.11倍。另外,家戶遷徙機率具有正時間相依性,反應出家戶隨著居住時間的增加,遷徙機率會增加,然而自有家戶模型的遷徙機率卻呈現負時間相依性。居住時間影響因素實證結果,每人坪數較大,居住時間會較短,而年齡愈大與居住人數愈多者,居住時間會較長。 / Although there are lots of studies exploring migration, few of them focus on analysis household duration of residence. Duration of residence is an important source of information for a variety of private and pubic decisions and for the understanding of various social and economic phenomena. This study makes a residence duration comparison between owners and tenants. Due to cumulative stress and inertia, moving probability will be increased or decreased. We attempt to describe the duration of residence is positive or negative time dependent. This study also provides the evidence that house and household characteristics determine the duration of residence.
This empirical study employs the survival analysis and uses the data from Panel Study of Family Dynamics. The result indicates that the survival function of owners is larger than of tenant. Duration of owner residence is 3.11 times longer than that of tenants. Generally, household moving probability is positive while the owner’s is negative. Research finding further reveals that ping per person is negatively related to residence duration. Age and household size are positively related to residence duration.
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Analysis of the survival patterns of United States naval officersKorkmaz, Ibrahim 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / The goal of this thesis is to identify and quantitatively evaluate the factors, especially commissioning source, that affect the longevity of officers in the U.S. Navy. To reach this goal, a survival analysis is conducted on the survival patterns of officer cohorts who entered the service between the years 1983 and 1990. Using data created from Navy Officer Data Card information and annual promotion board results, three survival analysis procedures, LIFETEST, LIFEREG and PHREG were used to examine the factors that influence the survival of U.S. Naval Officers. The results of the survival analysis indicate that commissioning source has significant strong effect on survival rates with Naval Academy graduates have a better survival rate than other commissioning sources. Also, the analysis show that females and African-Americans have better survival rates than males and whites, respectively, and prior enlisted, older, graduates from non-selective colleges have higher survival rates than their counterparts. Additionally, Surface Warfare, Fleet Support and Supply Corps officers were found to have lower survival rates than officers in other communities. When survival functions for involuntary and voluntary separations were analyzed separately, the results were found different. Commissioning age, being African- American, single with children, commissioned from NROTC Contract Program, commissioned from OTHERSOURCE, being prior enlisted, having high GPAs and designated in AIR community had significant, negative effects on involuntary separations and significant positive effects on voluntary separations. / Captain, Turkish General Command of Gendarmerie
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Prognostički značaj mijelotoksičnosti u toku hemioterapije za preživljavanje bolesnika sa uznapredovalim nemikrocelularnim karcinomom bronha / Prognostic significance of myelotoxicity during chemotherapy on the survival of patients with advanced Non-small Cell Lung cancerTepavac Aleksandar 25 February 2015 (has links)
<p dir="rtl" style="text-align: left;">Karcinom bronha je važna i široko rasprostranjena bolest koja predstavlja veliki problem javnog zdravlja. Kod osoba muškog pola se nalazi na prvom mestu kako po učestalosti obolevanja tako i kao uzrok smrti među svim malignim tumorima, dok se kod osoba ženskog pola nalazi na trećem ili četvrtom mestu po obolevanju, a po umiranju uglavnom na drugom mestu. Kod najvećeg broja bolesnika bolest se otkriva u uznapredovalom ili metatstaskom stadijumu, a hemioterapija predstavlja jedan od vidova lečenja uznapredovale ili metastatske bolesti. Pored toga što produžava preživljavanje i poboljšava kvalitet života obolelih praćena je istovremeno i brojnim neželjenim događajima. Iako hemioterapijski protokoli bazirani na preparatima platine ostvaruju najveću efektivnost kod bolesnika sa uznapredovalim nemikrocelularnim karcinomom bronha toksičnost koja je prati predstavlja najveći problem sa kojim se susrećemo. Ali, uprkos ovoj činjenici veliki broj studija je pokazao da je upravo odsustvo mijelotoksičnosti tokom hemioterapije udruženo sa lošijim ishodom lečenja kod obolelih od karcinoma bronha. Iz tog razloga je i predloženo da se hematološka toksičnost koristi kao mera biološke aktivnosti citotoksičnih lekova, njen prognostički značaj je evaluiran i proučavan u velikom broju studija. Ciljevi ove doktorske disertacije su bili da se utvrditi uticaj leukopenije, anemije i trombocitopenije kao nezavisnih prognostičkih faktora na preživljavanje bolesnika sa nemikrocelularnim karcinomom bronha; da se utvrditi učestalost hematološke toksičnosti lečenih hemioterapijskim protokolima Cisplatin/Vepezid i Gemcitabin/Cisplatin i da se utvrdite razlike u preživljavanju bolesnika lečenih hemioterapijskim protokolima Cisplatin/Vepezid i Gemcitabin/Cisplatin. U uzorku je analizirano 200 bolesnika, 76% muškog i 24% ženskog pola, prosečne starosti 61.4 godine. Najzastupljenji su bili bolesnici u IV stadijumu 50.5%, a najčešći patohistološki tip karcinoma u uzorku je bio adenokarcinom sa 51.5%. Nije utvrđeno postojanje statistički značajne razlike u gradusima leukopenije, anemije i trombocitopenije između posmatranih grupa, (<em>X</em><sup>2</sup>=2.908, <em>X</em><sup>2</sup>=2.264, <em>X</em><sup>2</sup>=3.403, p>0.05). U obe grupe je univarijantnom analizom dokazanao da stadijum bolesti i terapijski odgovor imaju statistički značaj kao „ne - hematološki“ prognostički faktori (p<0.01). U obe grupe su takođe univarijentnom analizom leukopenija, anemija i trombocitopenija identifikovane kao prognostički faktori kod obolelih od NSCLC, dok multivarijantnom analizom ni jedan od analiziranih faktora nije identifikovan kao prognostički. U obe grupe su bolesnici sa leukopenijom, anemijom i trombocitopenijom gradusa 3 i 4 imali statistički značajno duže preživljavanje u odnosu na bolesnike sa gradusom 0. Nije postojala razlika u preživljavanju bolesnika lečenih hemioterapijskim protokolima cisplatin/etopozid I gemcitabin/cisplatin (F=0.069; p>0.05). Nije postojala razlika u preživljavanju bolesnika sa anemijom, leukopenijom i trombocitopenijom između grupa A i B za graduse 0, 3 i 4</p> / <p>Lung cancer is an important and widespread disease which represents a major public health problem. It is the most frequent disease among all malignant diseases at males, among women it is on the third or fourth place among malignant diseases. In most cases the disease is detected at an advanced or metastatic stage and chemotherapy is one of the therapy options of. Despite the fact that chemotherapy prolongs survival and improves quality of life of patients, at the same time chemotherapy causes a number of different adverse events. Although chemotherapy protocols based platinum achieve maximum effectiveness in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer, toxicity that accompanies represents a big problem. But despite this fact, a number of studies have shown that the absence of myelotoxicity during chemotherapy is associated with poorer treatment outcomes in patients with bronchial carcinoma. For this reason, it is proposed that hematological toxicity may be used as a measure of the biological activity of the cytotoxic drug, and its prognostic significance was studied and evaluated in a number of studies. The objectives of this dissertation were to determine the effect of leucopenia, anemia andthrombocytopenia as an independent prognostic factor in the survival of patients with Non Small Cell Lung lung cancer, to determine the incidence of hematological toxicity treated with chemotherapy protocols cisplatin/etoposid and gemcitabine/cisplatin and to determine differences in survival patients treated with chemotherapy protocols cisplatin/etoposid and gemcitabine/ cisplatin. We analyzed 200 patients, 76% male and 24% female, mean age 61.4 years. The most frequent were patients in stage IV 50.5%, and the most common histopathological type was adenocarcinoma with 51.5%. We did not find statistically significant differences in grade of leukopenia, anemia and thrombocytopenia between the groups (<em>X</em><sup>2</sup>=2.908,<em> X</em><sup>2</sup>=2.264, <em>X</em><sup>2</sup>=3.403, p>0.05). In both groups, the univariant analysis has shown that the stage of disease and response rate as a non-hematological prognostic factor had statistical significance (p <0.01). In both groups of patients with NSCLC leucopenia, anemia and trombocitopenia has identified with univariant analysis as a prognostic factors, but multivariant analysis did not show that any of analyzed factors are prognostic. In both groups, patients with grade 3 and 4 of leucopenia, anemia and trombocitopenia had statistically longer survival than patients with grade 0. We did not find statistically significant difference in overall survival of patients treated with cisplatin/etoposid i gemcitabin/cisplatin regimes (F=0.069; p>0.05). We did not find any statistically differences in overall survival between group A and B for leucopenia, anemia and trombocitopenia grade 0, 3 and 4.</p>
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Disease and demography in the Woodchester Park badger populationMcDonald, Jennifer Leslie January 2014 (has links)
The topic of badgers in the UK is often a contentious one, dividing opinions and sparking political debate. On one hand, badgers represent an important part of the British ecosystem but on the other a wildlife reservoir of disease implicated in the transmission of bovine tuberculosis (TB) to livestock in the UK. This has prompted strong interest in their population dynamics and epidemiology. Using data from a long-term study of a naturally infected badger population in Woodchester Park, Gloucestershire, this thesis explores a range of capture-mark-recapture (CMR) models to further understand disease and demographic processes. The first section examines long term population dynamics, simultaneously estimating demographic rates alongside their drivers using integrated population models (IPMs). The findings provide new insight into badger demography, highlighting density-dependent mechanisms, vulnerabilities to changing climate and disease prevalence and subsequently how multi-factorial analyses are required to explain fluctuating badger populations. The following sections use multistate models to answer pertinent questions regarding individual disease dynamics, revealing rates of TB infection, progression and disease-induced mortality. A key finding was sex-differences in disease response, with males more susceptible to TB infection. After applying a survival trajectory analysis we suggest sex differences are due to male immune defence deficiencies. A comparative analysis demonstrated similarities between epidemiological processes at Woodchester Park to an unconnected population of badgers from a vaccine study, supporting its continued use as a model population. The final study in this thesis constructs an IPM to estimate disease and population dynamics and in doing so uncovers disease-state recruitment allocation rates, demographic and population estimates of badgers in varying health-states and predicts future dynamics. This model aims to encapsulate the more commonly held notion of populations as dynamic entities with numerous co-occurring processes, opening up avenues for future analyses within both the badger-TB system and possible extensions to other wildlife reservoir populations.
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Família Kumaraswamy-G para analisar dados de sobrevivência de longa duração / Kumaraswamy-G family to analyze long-term survival dataD\'Andrea, Amanda Morales Eudes 25 February 2015 (has links)
Em análise de sobrevivência estuda-se o tempo até a ocorrência de um determinado evento de interesse e na literatura, a abordagem mais usual é a paramétrica, em que os dados seguem uma distribuição de probabilidade. Diversas distribuições conhecidas são utilizadas para acomodar dados de tempos de falha, porém, grande parte destas distribuições não é capaz de acomodar funções de risco não monótonas. Kumaraswamy (1980) propôs uma nova distribuição de probabilidade e, baseada nela, mais recentemente Cordeiro e de Castro (2011) propuseram uma nova família de distribuições generalizadas, a Kumaraswamy generalizada (Kum-G). Esta distribuição além de ser flexível, contém distribuições com funções de risco unimodal e em forma de banheira. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a família de distribuições Kum-Ge seus casos particulares para analisar dados de tempo de vida dos indivíduos em risco, considerando que uma parcela da população nunca apresentará o evento de interesse, além de considerarmos que covariáveis influenciem na função de sobrevivência e na proporção de curados da população. Algumas propriedades destes modelos serão abordadas, bem como métodos adequa- dos de estimação, tanto na abordagem clássica quanto na bayesiana. Por fim, são apresentadas aplicações de tais modelos a conjuntos de dados existentes na literatura. / In survival analysis is studied the time until the occurrence of a particular event of interest and in the literature, the most common approach is parametric, that the data follow a probability distribution. Various known distributions are used to accommodate failure times data, however, most of these distributions is not able to accommodate non monotonous hazard functions. Kumaraswamy (1980) proposed a new probability distribution and, based on it, most recently Cordeiro e de Castro (2011) proposed a new family of generalized distributions, Kumaraswamy generalized (Kum-G). This distribution besides being flexible, has distributions with unimodal and tub form of hazard functions. The objective of this paper is to present the family of Kum-G distributions and their particular cases to analyze lifetime data of individuals at risk, considering that part of the population never present the event of interest, and considering that covariates influencing in the survival function and the cured proportion of the population. Some properties of these models will be discussed as well as appropriate estimation methods, in the classical and Bayesian approaches. Finally, applications of such models are presented to data sets existingin the literature.
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The performance of inverse probability of treatment weighting and propensity score matching for estimating marginal hazard ratiosNåtman, Jonatan January 2019 (has links)
Propensity score methods are increasingly being used to reduce the effect of measured confounders in observational research. In medicine, censored time-to-event data is common. Using Monte Carlo simulations, this thesis evaluates the performance of nearest neighbour matching (NNM) and inverse probability of treatment weighting (IPTW) in combination with Cox proportional hazards models for estimating marginal hazard ratios. Focus is on the performance for different sample sizes and censoring rates, aspects which have not been fully investigated in this context before. The results show that, in the absence of censoring, both methods can reduce bias substantially. IPTW consistently had better performance in terms of bias and MSE compared to NNM. For the smallest examined sample size with 60 subjects, the use of IPTW led to estimates with bias below 15 %. Since the data were generated using a conditional parametrisation, the estimation of univariate models violates the proportional hazards assumption. As a result, censoring the data led to an increase in bias.
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Hérnia de parede abdominal no paciente cirrótico: cirurgia ou tratamento conservador? / Abdominal hernia in cirrhotic patients: surgery or conservative treatment?Pinheiro, Rafael Soares Nunes 04 July 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: As hérnias de parede abdominal têm elevada incidência em pacientes cirróticos. Ascite e desnutrição contribuem para que essas hérnias adquiram grandes proporções, causando sintomas álgicos, decréscimo da qualidade de vida e maior risco de complicações locais que exijam tratamento cirúrgico de urgência. Contudo, o tratamento conservador é o mais empregado pela elevada morbimortalidade associada a procedimentos cirúrgicos nesses pacientes. OBJETIVO: O objetivo deste estudo é analisar os resultados do tratamento cirúrgico de hérnias de parede abdominal em pacientes cirróticos. MÉTODOS: Estudo prospectivo, baseado no seguimento de pacientes cirróticos com hérnia de parede abdominal no Ambulatório de Transplante Hepático do Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo, durante o período de 01/01/2009 à 01/11/2014. Foram analisadas as características demográficas, da hepatopatia, do tipo de hérnia, ocorrência de complicações e mortalidade dos pacientes que foram submetidos à cirurgia eletiva ou mantidos em acompanhamento clínico. Desse último grupo, os pacientes que apresentaram complicações com indicação de cirurgia, foram submetidos à cirurgia de urgência. Os pacientes submetidos à cirurgia eletiva foram selecionados de forma randômica. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 246 pacientes nesse período do estudo. A cirurgia eletiva foi realizada em 57 pacientes. Desses, 186 permaneceram em acompanhamento clínico. A incidência de complicações exigindo tratamento cirúrgico de urgência foi de 22,7% (43 pacientes). A sobrevida a longo prazo foi maior entre os pacientes submetidos à cirurgia eletiva em relação aos pacientes em acompanhamento clínico (p=0,012). A cirurgia de urgência apresentou maior incidência de complicações pós-operatórias e maior mortalidade em comparação à cirurgia eletiva (p=0,005). CONCLUSÕES: O paciente cirrótico, com hérnia de parede abdominal, apresenta elevada mortalidade em sua evolução, independente da realização da correção cirúrgica da hérnia. A cirurgia eletiva proporcionou maior sobrevida em comparação aos pacientes mantidos em acompanhamento clínico. A cirurgia de urgência foi um fator de risco para maior morbidade e mortalidade / INTRODUCTION: Cirrhotic patients have higher incidence of abdominal wall hernias. Ascistes and sarcopenia are risk factors to development of huge hernias, leading to pain, poor quality of life and need of urgent surgery due local complications. However, hernia surgery is usually delayed among cirrhotic patients due higher morbidity and mortality. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to analyze the surgical treatment of abdominal wall hernias in cirrhotic patients. METHODS: A prospective, analytical study, based on follow-up of cirrhotic patients with abdominal wall hernia that were followed in Liver Transplant Clinic at the Hospital das Clinicas, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, during the period from January 2009 to November 2014. We analyzed demographics, characteristics of liver disease, type of hernia, complications and mortality of patients who underwent elective hernia surgery or were kept in exclusive clinical follow up. The exclusive clinical group underwent urgent hernia surgery when indicated. Elective surgery was performed in unselected patients. RESULTS: We enrolled 246 patients during the study period. Elective surgery was performed in 57 patients. 186 patients had clinical follow up, incidence of urgent surgery was 22,7% (43 patients). Elective surgery provided better long term survival then clinical follow up (p=0.012). Urgent surgery had higher morbidity and it was an independent risk factor for mortality (p=0.005). CONCLUSIONS: cirrhotic patients with abdominal wall hernia have higher mortality, regardless of performing the surgical correction. Hernia elective repair provided better survival than patients in conservative treatment. Urgent surgery imposes higher morbidity and mortality than elective surgery
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