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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Analysis of Methanol Based Chlorine Dioxide Production : An analysis of sodium chlorate reduction efficiency and investigation of salt cake filter wash on an SVP-LITE® system / Analys av metanolbaserad klordioxidberedning : En analys av natriumklorat reduktionseffektivitet och undersökning av saltkakefiltertvätt på ett SVP-LITE® system

Lundh, Emil January 2023 (has links)
This work aimed to determine how effective an SVP-LITE® chlorine dioxide plant at Vallviks Bruk was running. This was done by determining the chemical consumption per unit of chlorine dioxide produced. The calculations relied upon online instrumentation that was manually validated. The most important parameters were the conversion ratio of sodium chlorate into chlorine dioxide and the specific consumption of sodium chlorate, methanol, and sulphuric acid. The salt cake filter and dissolver were also examined to determine their impact. The total conversion ratio of sodium chlorate during a whole ECF (Elementally Chlorine Free) campaign were 93.12 %, somewhat lower than the target efficiency of 95.64 %. The specific chemical consumption was 1.695 kg sodium chlorate, 0.183 kg methanol, and 1.007 kg sulphuric acid per kg produced chlorine dioxide. The salt cake filter worked as intended to remove excess sulphuric acid, with the precipitate having the same sulphate and acidic content as the wanted form of sodium sesquisulphate Na3H(SO4)2. However, some sodium chlorate can get through, and the mean concentration in the dissolver was 1.3 g/dm3, equal to approximately 4 tons lost during a campaign. The filter may be more efficient in redissolving acidic species than chlorate salts. The reactor could theoretically be run more efficiently, but its production parameters is close to what is expected of such a plant. / Målet med det här arbetet var att undersöka effektiviteten av en SVP-LITE® klordioxidanläggning vid Vallviks Bruk. SVP-LITE® är en klordioxidproduktionslösning från EKA®. Det gjordes genom att undersöka konsumtionen av reagens per enhet producerad klordioxid. Beräkningarna gjordes från online-instrument som validerades manuellt. De viktigaste parametrarna var konverteringsgraden av natriumklorat till klordioxid samt den specifika förbrukningen av natriumklorat, metanol och svavelsyra. Sulfatlösaren undersöktes för att se hur saltkakefiltret fungerade och dess påverkan. Den totala konverteringsgraden av klorat till klordioxid under en hel ECF (Elementally Chlorine Free) kampanj var 93,12 %, något lägre än måleffektiviteten på 95,64 %. ECF är ett paraplybegrepp för att benämna blekning som inte använder klorgas men som kan använda andra kemikalier som innehåller klor, oftast klordioxid. Den specifika konsumtionen av reagens var 1,695 kg natriumklorat, 0,183 kg metanol och 1,007 kg svavelsyra per kg producerad klordioxid. Saltkakefiltret fungerade som tänk att ta bort överflödig svavelsyra och fällningen hade samma syrlighet som natriumseskvisulfat (Na3H(SO4)2. Natriumklorat kommer dock ut genom filtret och har i upplösaren medelkoncentrationen 1,3 g/dm3 vilket motsvarar en förlust på ca 4 ton under en kampanj. Det är möjligt att filtret är bättre att återupplösa syrliga specier än kloratsalter. Även om reaktorn teoretiskt kan köras mer effektivt är de nuvarande produktionsparametrarna nära de som kan förväntas av en sådan anläggning.

Catheter Related Problems in Pediatric Oncology Treatment : A Technical Investigation Performed at Uppsala Akademsika Sjukhus

Fjärstedt, Jenny January 2016 (has links)
In this project, problems related to loss of free flow in central venous catheter and implanted subcutaneous ports have been investigated. The catheters investigated in this project are intended for children with cancer diseases. The initial hypothesis was that the length, radius and curvature of the catheter would affect the flow. Two other things that can have a negative impact on the flow are if the catheter is squashed or kinked. Experiments and simulations have been performed in order to test the hypothesis and investigate how a deformation of the catheter affects the flow. The results from the experiments and simulations show that the length and radius of the catheter have major impact on the pressure drop, and hence the flow. The curvature of the catheter has less impact on the flow as long as the catheter is not kinked. Experiments with squashed catheters show a decrease in outlet pressure with a decrease of the catheter lumen. / Denna projektrapport ämnar undersöka problem relaterade till fritt flöde i centrala venkatetrar och inopererade subkutana portar. Katetrarna som testats i detta projekt är till för barn med cancersjukdomar. Den ursprungliga hypotesen var att längden, radien och krökningen hos katetern påverkar flödet. Ytterligare två saker som skulle kunna ha negativ effekt på flödet är om katetern är klämd eller veckad. För att testa hypotesen om hur deformationer av katetern påverkar flödet har experiment och simuleringar utförts. Resultaten från experiment och simuleringar visar att kateterns längd och radie har störst effekt på tryckfallet och därmed flödet. Krökningen på katetern har mindre betydelse, så länge katetern inte är veckad. Experiment med klämd kateter visar att utloppstrycket minskar med minskad kateterlumen.

Neutrale Schweiz? : En analyse av politiske plakater i en kulturell kontekst / Neutral Switzerland? : An analysis of political posters in a cultural context

Etter, Solveig January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

Sälj- och verksamhetsplanering (SVP) inom en växande verksamhet : Implementering av SVP-processen som förbättringsåtgärd

Nordh, Felicia, Robles Vasilj, Maja January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Élucidation structurale des facteurs de transcription végétaux à domaines MADS / Structural elucidation of plant MADS domain transcription factors

Puranik, Sriharsha 30 May 2016 (has links)
Virtuellement tous les habitats terrestres sont dominés par les angiospermes, ou plantes à fleurs. Leur capacité à coloniser de nouveaux habitats et supplanter une autre espèce est due à l'avènement d'une nouvelle structure reproductrice – la fleur. La fleur uni les organes mâles et femelles dans une structure compacte et contient la graine. Les plantes à fleurs ne sont pas seulement le type dominant des plantes terrestres, mais sont également la principale source de nourriture et l'habitat de tous les animaux, y compris les humains. En termes d'évolution, les fleurs sont considérées comme un développement récent. Elles ont fait l'objet de spéculations depuis l'époque de Charles Darwin qui à nommé l’évolution dominante et la diversification des plantes à fleurs comme «un abominable mystère» en raison de l'absence d'une transition en douceur de la non-floraison vers la floraison des plantes dans le registre fossile. Avec le séquençage de plusieurs génomes de gymnospermes (semences de plantes non-florales), d’angiospermes basals et de plantes à fleurs supérieures, certaines familles de gènes jouant un rôle central dans le développement et l'évolution de la fleur ont été identifiées. Notre recherche se concentre sur une de ces familles de régulateurs de niveau supérieur appelée « famille de facteur de transcription MADS » (TF). Cette famille de TF permet d'orchestrer le développement des fleurs. Nous nous sommes intéressés à la compréhension des mécanismes moléculaires de la famille des MADS et à la façon dont ces protéines sont capables de contrôler les fonctions de reproduction complexes.Ce projet intègre différentes techniques biophysiques comme la cristallographie aux rayons X, la diffusion des rayons X aux petits angles (SAXS) et la microscopie à force atomique (AFM) afin d’étudier les interactions protéine-protéine et protéine-ADN des FT MADS. Aucune étude n’a, à ce jour, porté sur les mécanismes moléculaires des FT MADS en utilisant cette approche structurale intégrée.Un obstacle important dans l'étude des FT MADS a été l’expression des protéines recombinantes et leur purification. Dans ce projet, les protocoles de purification de plusieurs recombinants FT MADS entières ont été établis, permettant la caractérisation structurale et biochimique des protéines dans leurs intégralités. La structure aux rayons X du domaine d'oligomérisation de la protéine de la famille MADS, SEPALLATA3 (SEP3) est présenté et utilisé comme modèle pour comprendre les motifs d'oligomérisation de la famille élargie et les bases moléculaires des interactions protéine-protéine. Des solutions de structures9provenant d'études SAXS de AGAMOUS (AG) et de la phase végétative courte (SVP) sont présentées et complétés par la caractérisation biochimique de leur état d'oligomérisation.Afin d'étudier les interactions protéine-ADN, des procédés complémentaires ont été utilisés. Une propriété importante des FT MADS est leur capacité à modifier la structure de l'ADN grâce à la formation de boucles d'ADN. De manière hypothétique, les FT MADS oligomérisent et fixent l'ADN sur deux sites différents, bouclant potentiellement l'ADN. En utilisant l'AFM, la première preuve directe de la formation de boucle d'ADN par SEP3 est obtenue. Les caractéristiques de liaison d'ADN de SVP ont été étudiées par analyse de décalage de mobilité électrophorétique (EMSA), par thermophorèseà échelle microscopique (MST) et par AFM. Contrairement au cas de SEP3, l’EMSA et l’AFM ont montrés que SVP est un dimère et présente différents modes de liaison à l'ADN.Ces données fournissent une base atomique et structurale de la fonction des FT MADS. Sur la base de ce travail, nous commençons à comprendre l’oligomérisation et certaines spécificités déterminantes de liaison à l'ADN. Ces études montrent comment les FT MADS s’oligomérisent. / Virtually all terrestrial habitats are dominated by angiosperms, or flowering plants. Their success in colonizing new habitats and supplanting other species is due to the advent of a complex reproductive structure – the flower. The flower unites the male and female organs into one compact structure and encloses the seed. Flowering plants are not only the dominant type of land plants, but also are the primary source of food and habitat for all animals, including humans. In evolutionary terms, flowers are considered a recent development and have been a subject of speculation from the time of Charles Darwin who termed the dominant rise and diversification of flowering plants as “an abominable mystery”* due to the lack of a smooth transition from non-flowering to flowering plants in the fossil record. With the sequencing of multiple genomes from gymnosperms (non-flowering seed plants), basal angiosperms and higher flowering plants, certain gene families have been identified which play a central role in the development and evolution of the flower. My research focuses on one such family of high-level regulators, the MADS transcription factor (TF) family. This TF family helps to orchestrate flower development among other functions. As such, there is great interest in understanding the molecular mechanisms of the MADS family and how these proteins are able to control complex reproductive pathways.This project integrates different biophysical techniques including x-ray crystallography, small angle x-ray scattering (SAXS) and atomic force microscopy (AFM) to investigate protein-protein and protein-DNA interactions of MADS TFs. No studies to date have investigated the molecular mechanisms of MADS TFs using this integrated structural approach.One important hurdle in the study of the MADS TFs has been recombinant protein expression and purification. In this project, recombinant purification protocols for several full length MADS TFs were established, allowing the structural and biochemical characterisation of the proteins. The crystal structure of the oligomerisation domain of the MADS family protein SEPALLATA3 (SEP3) is presented and used as a template for understanding the oligomerisation patterns of the larger family and the molecular basis for protein-protein interactions. Investigation of solution structures, derived from SAXS studies, of AGAMOUS (AG) and SHORT VEGETATIVE PHASE (SVP) along with biochemical characterisation of their oligomerisation states are also presented.In order to study protein-DNA interactions, complementary methods were used. An important putative property of the MADS TFs is their ability to change the structure of DNA through the formation of DNA loops. MADS TFs are hypothesized to oligomerise and bind DNA at two different sites, potentiating looping of DNA. Using AFM, the first direct evidence of DNA looping by SEP3 is described. The DNA binding characteristics of SVP were studied using electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA), microscale thermophoresis (MST) and AFM. Unlike SEP3, SVP is dimeric and thus exhibits different DNA-binding patterns.The data presented here provide an atomic and structural basis for MADS TF function. Based on this work, we now are beginning to understand some of the oligomerisation and DNA-binding specificity determinants. These studies demonstrate how the MADS TFs oligomerise and the results show that we can disrupt oligomerisation and potentially DNA-binding very specifically through the introduction of point mutations. Future work will investigate the in vivo consequences of altered oligomerisation and how this affects different developmental programs in plant reproduction and floral organ morphogenesis.*Letter from Charles Darwin to Joseph Dalton Hooker, written 22 July 1879 (Source: Cambridge University Library DAR 95: 485 – 488) (Friedman, 2009b).

Přístupy k výuce dětí ze socio-kulturně slabého prostředí Francie a České republiky / Approaches to teaching children from socio-culturally weak backgrounds in France and the Czech Republic

Schusová, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
The presented study is designed as a comparative theoretical work, comparing two concepts of the approach to the education of children from socio-culturally deprivational background, with a focus on pupils with different mother tongues. The countries, whose educational systems are compared, are selected on the basis of my longterm pedagogical experience - France and the Czech Republic. The work detects the development of pro-inclusive measures in the school systems of both countries, the development and comparison of existing legislative measures, and together with a research probe within this education and examples of practice from the French allophone education has the potential to give a comprehensive picture of this educational domain. The presented material aims to support the discussion in the field of education of children - pupils and students with different mother tongues - in the Czech Republic.

Výuka angličtiny žáků se speciálními vzdělávacími potřebami na 2. stupni základní školy / Teaching English to Learners with Special Educational Needs at Higher Elementary Schools

Hubáčková, Iva January 2020 (has links)
The thesis focuses on the knowledge, opinions and teaching strategies of Czech higher elementary school teachers in relation to learners who have special educational needs (SEN); more specifically to students with ADHD and specific learning difficulties (SpLD). The data were drawn from interviews with two less experienced and two experienced teachers, and an anonymous online survey. The interviews were coded, emergent themes for each teacher were identified and broad thematic categories were developed; the categories were then further refined. Next, the themes for the two pairs of teachers - experienced and less experienced - were compared and contrasted in order to find shared patterns. Lastly, the four teachers were analysed jointly to find out whether the themes for the younger and the more experienced teachers differed. As for the survey, the data were analysed using qualitative, as well as quantitative methods. The qualitative methods included coding of the responses to the open- ended questions. The quantitative analysis was performed using several statistical tests. The findings show that most teachers seem to possess at least some degree of knowledge about the problems SEN students experience, and the strategies they can use to facilitate the learning process for them. Especially teachers...

Organizacijos kultūros ir visuotinės kokybės vadybos principų dermė klinikinių tyrimų organizacijoje / Coherence of organizational culture and principles of total quality management in clinical research organization

Mendžinskienė, Jurgita 18 June 2014 (has links)
Darbo tikslas: Atskleisti organizacijos kultūros ir visuotinės kokybės vadybos principų dermę klinikinių tyrimų organizacijoje. Darbo uždaviniai: 1. Ištirti klinikinių tyrimų organizacijos kultūrą ir visuotinės kokybės vadybos principų dermę. 2. Vadovaujantis Denison organizacijos kultūros modeliu, išanalizuoti klinikinių tyrimų organizacijos kultūros ypatumus. 3. Pateikti rekomendacijas dėl klinikinių tyrimų organizacijos kultūros tobulinimo. / Aim of the research – to reveal the coherence of organization culture and total quality management principles in clinical research organization. Targets: 1. To investigate clinical research organization culture and the coherence of total quality management. 2. To introduce clinical research organization. 3. According to the model of Denison to analyze organizational culture characteristics of clinical research organization. 4. To provide recommendations for the improvement of clinical research organization culture.

Intaktní žáci v inkluzivní třídě / Intact pupils in the inclusive class

Křesťanová, Kristýna January 2021 (has links)
The work deals with the influence of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) on their intact pupils. Over the last few years, the number of pupils with SEN in regular classes has increased. In some classes, there are even more pupils with SEN, so it is important to monitor the influence of it has on their intact classmates. Pupils with SEN also bring with them support measures (such as assistants) or a greater workload for teachers. All this somehow affects intact pupils and the aim of the work is to describe what the influence is. The work is divided into two parts. In the theoretical part I describe the importance of individual actors of the school class for its proper functioning, safe climate and how they can interact with each other. I also deal with inklusive education, what are the main principles, I describe inklusive education in the Czech Republic, who are pupils with SEN, what support they can receive in a regular class. The research part was conducted through mixed research, specifically a questionnaire survey and an interview, with the respondents being primary school teachers. The research showed that pupils with SEN can have both positive and negative effects. Intact students can teach a lot, such as tolerance and respect. Intact students also get acquainted with the differences...

Didaktické zpracování tématu: Občanská a politická participace / Didactic analysis of the topic of civic and political participation

Matějíček, Lukáš January 2018 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the concept of civic and political participation in elementary and secondary school. Introductory part of the thesis defines terms of civic and political participation, there are also findings about civic attitudes of young Czechs based on international comparative researches. The focus of the thesis is to analyze the representation of the theme of participation at different levels of the Czech education system and to compare the concept of the theme in curriculum documents of selected states. This is followed by an analysis of the approach to the topic of participation by authors of approved Czech textbooks. The analyzes show that the theme of participation is insufficiently embedded in the Czech national curriculum and these deficiencies are reflected in the approach to the topic in school educational programs and textbooks. In the light of these findings, a didactic analysis of the topic of participation is carried out. The diploma thesis sets down the theoretical minimum for a given topic. The last part presents proposals of didactic procedures in teaching focused on topics of civic and political participation. Additionally, the thesis recommends projects of non-profit institutions and other initiatives that focus on selected aspects of the topic of participation.

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