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Modelo de Ginzburg-Landau a partir da teoria de campos a temperatura finita / Ginzburg-Landau model as a field theory at finite temperatureThiago Cheble Alves Calza 10 February 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Neste trabalho, utilizamos o formalismo de teorias quânticas de campos a temperatura finita, tal como desenvolvidas por Matsubara, aplicado a uma hamiltoniana de N campos escalares com autointeração quártica a N grande. Obtém-se uma expressão, na primeira aproximação quântica, para o coeficiente do termo quadrático da hamiltoniana ("massa quadrada"), renormalizado, como função da temperatura. A partir dela, estudamos o processo de quebra espontânea de simetria. Por outro lado, a mesma hamiltoniana é conhecida como modelo de Ginzburg-Landau na literatura de matéria condensada, e
que permite o estudo de transições de fase em materiais ferromagnéticos. A temperatura é introduzida através do termo quadrático na hamiltoniana, de forma linear: é proporcional
à diferença entre a variável de temperatura e a temperatura crítica. Tal modelo, porém, possui validade apenas na regi~ao de temperaturas próximas à criticalidade. Como resultado de nossos cálculos na teoria de campos a temperatura finita, observamos que, numa faixa de valores em torno da temperatura crítica, a massa quadrática pode ser aproximada por uma relação linear em relação à variável de temperatura. Isso evidencia a compatibilidade da abordagem de Ginzburg-Landau, na vizinhança da criticalidade, com respeito ao formalismo de campos a temperatura finita. Discutimos também os efeitos
causados pela presença de um potencial químico no sistema. / In this work, we use the formalism of quantum field theories at finite temperature, as developed by Matsubara, applied to a Hamiltonian of N scalar fields with quartic self-interaction at N large. We get an expression in the first quantum approximation to
the coeficient of the quadratic term of the Hamiltonian ("square mass"), renormalized as a function of temperature. From it, we study the process of spontaneous symmetry breaking. On the other hand, the same Hamiltonian is known as Ginzburg-Landau model in the literature of condensed matter, and allows the study of phase transitions in ferromagnetic materials. The temperature is introduced through the quadratic term in the Hamiltonian of the linear form: is proportional to the difference between the temperature and the critical temperature. This model, however, is valid only in the region of temperatures close to criticality. As a result of our calculations in the field theory at finite temperature, we observed that in a range of values around the critical temperature, the quadratic mass can be approximated by a linear relation with the temperature. This highlights the compatibility of the Ginzburg-Landau approach, in the vicinity of criticality with respect to the formalism of finite temperature field. We also discuss the effects caused by the presence of a chemical potential in the system.
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Modelo de Ginzburg-Landau a partir da teoria de campos a temperatura finita / Ginzburg-Landau model as a field theory at finite temperatureThiago Cheble Alves Calza 10 February 2015 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Neste trabalho, utilizamos o formalismo de teorias quânticas de campos a temperatura finita, tal como desenvolvidas por Matsubara, aplicado a uma hamiltoniana de N campos escalares com autointeração quártica a N grande. Obtém-se uma expressão, na primeira aproximação quântica, para o coeficiente do termo quadrático da hamiltoniana ("massa quadrada"), renormalizado, como função da temperatura. A partir dela, estudamos o processo de quebra espontânea de simetria. Por outro lado, a mesma hamiltoniana é conhecida como modelo de Ginzburg-Landau na literatura de matéria condensada, e
que permite o estudo de transições de fase em materiais ferromagnéticos. A temperatura é introduzida através do termo quadrático na hamiltoniana, de forma linear: é proporcional
à diferença entre a variável de temperatura e a temperatura crítica. Tal modelo, porém, possui validade apenas na regi~ao de temperaturas próximas à criticalidade. Como resultado de nossos cálculos na teoria de campos a temperatura finita, observamos que, numa faixa de valores em torno da temperatura crítica, a massa quadrática pode ser aproximada por uma relação linear em relação à variável de temperatura. Isso evidencia a compatibilidade da abordagem de Ginzburg-Landau, na vizinhança da criticalidade, com respeito ao formalismo de campos a temperatura finita. Discutimos também os efeitos
causados pela presença de um potencial químico no sistema. / In this work, we use the formalism of quantum field theories at finite temperature, as developed by Matsubara, applied to a Hamiltonian of N scalar fields with quartic self-interaction at N large. We get an expression in the first quantum approximation to
the coeficient of the quadratic term of the Hamiltonian ("square mass"), renormalized as a function of temperature. From it, we study the process of spontaneous symmetry breaking. On the other hand, the same Hamiltonian is known as Ginzburg-Landau model in the literature of condensed matter, and allows the study of phase transitions in ferromagnetic materials. The temperature is introduced through the quadratic term in the Hamiltonian of the linear form: is proportional to the difference between the temperature and the critical temperature. This model, however, is valid only in the region of temperatures close to criticality. As a result of our calculations in the field theory at finite temperature, we observed that in a range of values around the critical temperature, the quadratic mass can be approximated by a linear relation with the temperature. This highlights the compatibility of the Ginzburg-Landau approach, in the vicinity of criticality with respect to the formalism of finite temperature field. We also discuss the effects caused by the presence of a chemical potential in the system.
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Description des noyaux impairs à l'aide d'une méthode de fonctionnelle énergie de la densité à plusieurs états de référence / Description of odd-mass nuclei by multi-reference energy density functional methodsBally, Benjamin 13 June 2014 (has links)
Dans ce manuscrit de thèse, nous nous intéressons à la description des noyaux atomiques composés d’un nombre impair de nucléons dans la méthode dite de la fonctionnelle énergiede la densité (EDF). Plus précisément, nous présentons et appliquons dans le cas de ces noyaux,des extensions à cette méthode : (i) la projection sur les bons nombres quantiques, (ii) le mélange de configurations à travers la méthode des coordonnées génératrices (GCM), qui permettent deprendre en compte dans nos calculs des corrélations de type « au-delà du champ moyen » entre les nucléons constituant le noyau. De telles extensions n’avaient jusqu’alors été employées, dansleurs versions les plus générales, qu’aux noyaux ayant à la fois un nombre pair de neutrons etde protons, et nous nous proposons donc de démontrer leurs applicabilités également dans le cas des noyaux impairs. Dans la première partie de ce travail, nous présentons le formalisme mathématique de la méthode EDF, en mettant tout particulièrement l’accent sur le traitement des symétries dans cette approche. Dans la seconde partie du manuscrit, nous appliquons notre modèle au cas du noyau de 25Mg et analysons les résultats sous différents angles (ex : précision numérique des résultats, convergence du mélange de configurations, comparaison avec les données expérimentales connues). Les premiers résultats obtenus dans ce travail de thèse sontencourageants et démontrent l’intérêt de notre approche pour les calculs théoriques de structure nucléaire. / In this work, we are interested in the treatment of odd-mass atomic nuclei in energydensity functional (EDF) models. More precisely, the goal of this thesis is to develop and to applyto odd-mass nuclei, the theoretical extensions of the EDF method that are: (i) the projectiontehnique, and (ii) the configuration mixing by the generator coordinate method (GCM). Thesetwo extensions are part of the so-called multi-reference energy density functional (MR-EDF)formalism and allow for taking into account, within an EDF context, the "beyond-mean-field"correlations between the nucleons forming the nucleus. Until now, the MR-EDF formalism hasbeen applied, in its full-fledged version, only to the calculation of even-even nuclei. In this thesis,we want to demonstrate the applicability of such a model also for the description of odd-massnuclei. In the first part of this thesis, we describe the theoretical formalism of the EDF models,giving particular attention to the treatment of symmetries within our approach. In the secondpart of the manuscript, we apply our model to the nucleus 25Mg and investigate different aspectsof the method (e.g. numerical accuracy, convergence of the configuration mixing, comparison toknown experimental data). The results obtained in this work are encouraging and demonstratethe potential of our approach for theoretical nuclear structure calculations.
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Medium Modifications of Mesons: Chiral Symmetry Restoration, in-medium QCD Sum Rules for D and rho Mesons, and Bethe-Salpeter EquationsHilger, Thomas 19 July 2012 (has links)
Das Zusammenspiel von Hadronen und Modifikationen ihrer Eigenschaften auf der einen Seite und spontaner chiraler Symmetriebrechung und Restauration auf der anderen Seite wird untersucht. Es werden die QCD Summenregeln für D und B Mesonen in kalter Materie berechnet. Wir bestimmen die Massenaufspaltung von D - D-bar und B - B-bar Mesonen als Funktion der Kerndichte und untersuchen den Einfluss verschiedener Kondensate in der Näherung linearer Dichteabhängigkeit. Die Analyse beinhaltet ebenfalls D_s und D^*_0 Mesonen. Es werden QCD Summenregeln für chirale Partner mit offenem Charmfreiheitsgrad bei nichtverschwindenden Nettobaryonendichten und Temperaturen vorgestellt. Es wird die Differenz sowohl von pseudoskalaren und skalaren Mesonen, als auch von Axialvektor- und Vektormesonen betrachtet und die entsprechenden Weinberg-Summenregeln hergeleitet. Basierend auf QCD Summenregeln werden die Auswirkungen eines Szenarios auf das rho Meson untersucht, in dem alle chiral ungeraden Kondensate verschwinden wohingegen die chiral symmetrischen Kondensate ihren Vakuumwert behalten. Die komplementären Folgerungen einer Massenverschiebung und Verbreiterung der rho Mesonanregung werden diskutiert. Ein alternativer Zugang basierend auf gekoppelten Dyson-Schwinger- und Bethe-Salpeter-Gleichungen für Quarkbindungszustände wird untersucht. Zu diesem Zwecke wird die analytische Struktur des Quarkpropagators in der komplexen Ebene numerisch untersucht und die Möglichkeit getestet die Anwendbarkeit auf den Sektor der schwer-leicht Quark Systeme im skalaren und pseudoskalaren Kanal, wie dem D Meson, durch Variation des Impulsteilungsparameters zu erweitern. Die Lösungen der Dyson-Schwinger-Gleichung in der Wigner-Weyl-Phase der chiralen Symmetrie bei nichtverschwindenden Stromquarkmassen wird benutzt um den Fall einer expliziten Symmetriebrechung ohne spontane Symmetriebrechung zu untersuchen. / The interplay of hadron properties and their modification in an ambient nuclear medium on the one hand and spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking and its restoration on the other hand is investigated. QCD sum rules for D and B mesons embedded in cold nuclear matter are evaluated. We quantify the mass splitting of D - D-bar and B - B-bar mesons as a function of the nuclear matter density and investigate the impact of various condensates in linear density approximation. The analysis also includes D_s and $D^*_0 mesons. QCD sum rules for chiral partners in the open-charm meson sector are presented at nonzero baryon net density or temperature. We focus on the differences between pseudo-scalar and scalar as well as vector and axial-vector D mesons and derive the corresponding Weinberg type sum rules. Based on QCD sum rules we explore the consequences of a scenario for the rho meson, where the chiral symmetry breaking condensates are set to zero whereas the chirally symmetric condensates remain at their vacuum values. The complementarity of mass shift and broadening is discussed. An alternative approach which utilizes coupled Dyson-Schwinger and Bethe-Salpter equations for quark-antiquark bound states is investigated. For this purpose we analyze the analytic structure of the quark propagators in the complex plane numerically and test the possibility to widen the applicability of the method to the sector of heavy-light mesons in the scalar and pseudo-scalar channels, such as the D mesons, by varying the momentum partitioning parameter. The solutions of the Dyson-Schwinger equation in the Wigner-Weyl phase of chiral symmetry at nonzero bare quark masses are used to investigate a scenario with explicit but without dynamical chiral symmetry breaking.
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