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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Les services écologiques et le droit . Une approche juridique des systèmes complexes / Ecological services and law : a legal approach of the complex systems

Fevre, Mélodie 12 September 2016 (has links)
L’intérêt pour le sujet prend comme point de départ la médiatisation internationale du concept de « servicesécosystémiques », par le rapport onusien du Millenium Ecosystems Assessment, paru en 2005. Cette étude postule quel'homme dépend du bon état des écosystèmes, au travers des services qu'il en retire pour la satisfaction de son bien-être etde ses besoins élémentaires. Concomitamment, la directive européenne du 21 avril 2004 sur la responsabilitéenvironnementale intègre les services écologiques au champ des éléments de l’environnement, réparables en cas dedommages accidentels. Sa transposition par la loi du 1er avril 2008 introduit les services écologiques au droit français,alors définis comme les fonctions assurées par les sols, les eaux, et les espèces et les habitats protégés au bénéfice d’uneressource naturelle ou au bénéfice du public. Si le concept est a priori inédit pour le droit interne, on observe pourtantque les services se coulent dans une approche fonctionnelle de la nature, qui elle, ne lui est pas inconnue. Des législationssectorielles, applicables à certains systèmes écologiques exploités ou protégés, se sont déjà dotées de principes et d'outilsvisant à organiser la multifonctionnalité, le multi-usage, voire le multi-services. Mais alors que les services écologiquesse diffusent insidieusement, et sont en voie d'intégrer le rang des principes généraux, ce sont les concepts, lesinstruments, et les valeurs véhiculées par le droit qui se trouvent réinterrogés. A travers le prisme des services, nousassistons aujourd'hui à une mutation, à la fois douce et profonde, vers un droit des systèmes complexes. / The interest for the subject starts with the international media coverage of the "ecosystem services" concept, as stated inthe 2005, United Nations report, Millenium Ecosystems Assessment. This study postulates that human beings depend onhealthy ecosystems, through services they receive to benefit their well-being and basic needs. Concomitantly, on April21, 2004, the European directive on environmental liability, integrated ecological services in the field of repairable itemsof environment, in the case of accidental damages. The implementation, by the April 1st, 2008, law, introducedecological services in the French law, defined as functions performed by protected species and natural habitats, land andwater for the benefit of another natural resource or the public. If the concept is, a priori, unique for domestic law, theservices fit into a functional approach of nature, which conversely, is not unknown to it. Sectoral legislations, applicableto certain exploited or protected ecological systems, are already equipped with principles and tools to organize themultifunctional, the multi-usage or the multi-services. While ecological services are spreading insidiously, and are on theverge of integrating general principles, these concepts, instruments, and values conveyed by the law are being questionedonce again. Through the prism of services, we witness today the soft and profound change towards a law of complexsystems.

Systematic Approach to Identifying Drug Interactions with Oral Antin

Bossaer, John B. 01 March 2016 (has links)
No description available.

Contribution à la conception d'émetteur-récepteur pour microcapteurs autonomes

Terrasson, Guillaume 24 November 2008 (has links)
L’étude des réseaux de microcapteurs sans fil met clairement en évidence la contrainte principale de l’autonomie en énergie. En effet, ces microcomposants autonomes et communicants appelés aussi nœuds du réseau sont dispersés dans des lieux parfois peu ou pas accessibles. L’objectif de notre travail est de proposer une méthode de conception d’un émetteur-récepteur adapté à ce type de réseaux. Partant d’une modélisation au niveau système mettant en relief la part prépondérante du module radiofréquence sur la consommation moyenne d’un nœud, nous avons développé trois nouveaux outils de conception correspondant à différents niveaux de modélisation de la chaine de communication. Leur utilisation conjointe et les résultats de simulations obtenus nous offrent la possibilité de mettre en relation les spécifications et les performances d’un module radiofréquence avec la consommation. L’association de ces outils dans une méthode de conception itérative nous a permis de dimensionner une chaine de communication en fonction d’une contrainte de consommation. Finalement, nous avons conçu, fabriqué et testé, un amplificateur faible bruit (LNA ou Low Noise Amplifier) à 868 MHz qui présente des caractéristiques très intéressantes en termes de consommation. / Survey on wireless microsensor networks highlights the main constraint of energy autonomy. In fact, these autonomous and communicating microcomponents named network nodes are scattered into few or not open environment. The goal of our work is to propose a transceiver design method adapted to microsensor networks. After a demonstration of predominant part of RF into the mean power consumption of a microsensor node, we developed three new simulation tools which correspond to different level of transceiver modelling. Their use and obtained simulation results demonstrate the relation between transceiver specifications and performances with power consumption. The association of these tools was used to propose a new design method under power consumption constraint. Finally, we designed, produced and tested a 868 MHz Low Noise Amplifier which presents interesting power consumption characteristics.

Pomoc versus kontrola sociálních pracovníků v praxi / Practical assistance versus control by social workers in practice

MACKOVIČOVÁ, Jana January 2017 (has links)
Topic of this diploma thesis is the usage of professional methods of assistance and control applied by social workers in practice. Theoretical part consists of a description of history of assistance and control in social work area, assistance and control in the context of a systematic approach and the risk of abusing of power by social workers while realising controls of clients. Furthermore, the diploma thesis mentions the helper syndrome and the occupational burnout syndrome that is common in social professions and, in connection to that, the importance of maintaining a certain psycho-hygiene and the significance of supervision. The aim of this diploma thesis is the monitoring of professional work methods of assistance and control by social workers directly engaged with the clients. In accordance with this goal, there were three research questions established relating the goal of the diploma thesis. Social workers answered questions questioning them how they use the assistance and control in the direct engagement with the clients and how they perceive the distinction between the assistance and control in their practical experience. In order to achieve the goal, there was used a qualitative research that was implemented by using the method of a semi-structured interview. Data analysis was evaluated by using the method of the categorization of data. In conclusion, it can be stated that the goal of the diploma thesis, alongside with the research questions, were achieved. Based on the results, two hypotheses were established. The first one is that social workers are not aware of the professional work methods of control and assistance in practice, the second is that the unfamiliarity with these methods causes less effectivity level of their performance. Outcomes of this diploma thesis may be used as a study material for a theoretical teaching and as a feedback for social workers as this diploma thesis brings the information about which work methods they are using in their practice.

Förbättring genom utveckling, implementering & integrering av systematiskt strategiarbete : Ett förbättringsprojekt inom den innovationsstödjande organisationenUU Innovation / Improvement trough Development, Implementationand Integration of a Systematic Strategic Planning Process and Strategy

Eklund, Alva January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats presenterar ett kandidatexamensarbete i samarbete Uppsala universitets (UU) innovationsstödjande enhet UU Innovation (UUI), där syftet varit att i ett förbättringsprojekt ta fram ett implementeringsförslag för förbättring av deras strategiarbete. Vid implementering ska förbättringsförslaget hjälpa UUI integrera ett processbaserat systematiskt arbetssätt. Främst för att hjälpa teamet tillvarata och realisera en identifierad strategisk möjlighet att expandera innovationsstödet till målgruppen, och stimulera fortsätt ständig utveckling och förbättring. Insamling och analys av data såväl följande analys och diskussion av den empiriska studiens resultat har generellt förankrats i de organisationsteoretiska områdena kvalitetsteknik, företagsekonomi, affärsutveckling och innovationsledning, specifikt ställts mot klassisk och modern strategiteori. Förhållnings- och arbetssättet har varit pragmatiskt men kritiskt i granskningen, urvalet, användningen och kombinationen av evidensbaserad teoretisk kunskap respektive genererad empirisk kunskap, för högre nivå av vetenskaplig nyansering liksom praktisk anpassning. Resultatet är ett integrerat strategiskt ramverk, utgörandes av en systematisk strategiplaneringsprocess och en konkret studentstrategi. Designen och innehållet är anpassat för att främja UUIs syftesdrivna och agila organisation och stärka teamets strategiska och operativa agilitet. En vital funktion i strategiplaneringsprocessen är att faserna följer en cyklisk och iterativ metodik, med inbyggda systematiska principer, moment och verktyg. Effekten är bättre förståelse för hur innovationsstödet ständig kan utvecklas och förbättras, utifrån aspekten att fungera som intern process såväl levereras som värdeerbjudande. Detta baserat på genererade och analyserade insikter om målgruppen, omvärlden, berörda intressenter och den interna organisationen. Sammantaget Detta förutsätter UUIs utveckling till en mer möjlighetsorienterad, anpassningsbar, lärande och dynamisk organisation, genom ständig förbättring av ett systematiskt och långsiktigt strategiarbete. Värdeskapandet förväntas då öka för studenter, UU, samarbetspartners, samhället, övriga intressenter och UUI genom tillfredsställande av verkliga behov, avgörande för UUIs långsiktiga och hållbara framgång. / Following paper presents a bachelor´s thesis in collaboration with Uppsala university’s (UU) support unit for innovation UU Innovation (UUI), in aim to deliver a proposal for improvement of their strategic work. An implementation will help UUI to integrate a process based systematic approach. Mainly to help the team seize and transform the sensed strategic opportunity to expand their innovation support to students as a target group, and stimulate continuous improvement and development. Theories, methods and tools form areas such as quality management, business economic, business development and innovation management have been used and challenged in the process of collecting and analysing data, as well as analysing and discussing the result of the empirical study. To make the scientific research nuanced but the result contextually adapted the approach has been pragmatic but critical.  The result is an integrated strategic framework, consisting of a systematic strategic planning process and a formulated student strategy. The design and content aim´s to strengthen UUI as a purpose driven and agile organisation, and their strategic and operational agility as capabilities. Key functions in the strategic planning process are the continuous and iterative approach, and the systematic principles, elements and tools integrated in the phases. The key effect is better understanding of how to continuously develop and improve the innovation support, in the aspect of functioning as an internal process as well as being delivered as a value proposition. This based on generated and analysed insights about the target group, environment, stakeholders and internal organisation. Altogether, the functions supporting systematic strategy work with constant and iterative improvement as an effect, is a prerequisite for UUIs organisational development in the means of becoming more opportunity seeking, adaptive, learning and dynamic. Increased value creation for students, UU, coworking partners, the society, other stakeholders and UUI is expected, as a result of meeting and satisfying real needs, also critical for UUIs long term and sustainable success.

Интеллектуальные системы: от теории к технологии : магистерская диссертация / Intelligent systems: from theory to technology

Томюк, М. А., Tomyuk, M. A. January 2016 (has links)
Интеллектуальные системы применяются человеком во всех сферах жизнедеятельности, при этом существенно изменяя жизненные условия людей. В диссертации рассматриваются теоретические и технологические аспекты интеллектуальных систем. Автор понимает интеллектуальную систему как информационно-вычислительную систему с имеющейся базой знаний, алгоритмом действий и решающую задачи без помощи оператора. Для проектирования интеллектуальных систем важен системный подход. В диссертации искусственный интеллект берется в антропологическом измерении и рассматриваются разные подходы к исследованиям искусственного интеллекта. Интеллектуальные системы в диссертации иследованы в технологическом аспекте, в том числе описаны структурные и функциональные компоненты интеллектуальных систем. В ходе проведенного исследования были рассмотрены возможные варианты взаимодействия в системе «человек – техника» и заявлена актуальность проблемы поиска оптимальных взаимоотношений в системе «человек – интеллектуальная система». / Intelligent systems are used in all spheres of life, thus they significantly are changing the conditions of human life. The dissertation is devoted to theoretical and technological aspects of intelligent systems. The author understands the intelligent system as an information processing system with the existing knowledge base, algorithm of actions and solving problems without operator assistance. The systemic approach is important for the design of intelligent systems. The dissertation takes an artificial intelligence in the anthropological dimension and discusses different approaches to investigations of artificial intelligence. Intelligent systems in the dissertation are taken in the technological aspect, including description of the structural and functional components of intelligent systems. In the represent study the possible options for interaction in the system «man - technique» are examined and there is declared the urgency of the problem of finding the optimal relations in the system «man - intelligent system».

Characteristic errors in 120-H tropical cyclone track forecasts in the western North Pacific

Kehoe, Ryan M. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / occurring most frequently. For the 217 large-error cases due to midlatitude influences, the most frequent error mechanisms were E-DCI (midlatitude), excessive response to vertical wind shear, excessive midlatitude cyclogenesis (E-MCG), insufficient midlatitude cyclogenesis (I-MCG), excessive midlatitude cyclolysis (E-MCL) and excessive midlatitude anticyclogenesis (E-MAG), which accounted for 68% of all large errors occurring in both NOGAPS and GFDN. Characteristics and symptoms of the erroneous forecast tracks and model fields are documented and illustrative case studies are presented. Proper identification and removal of the track forecast displaying an error mechanism could form a selective consensus that will be more accurate than a non-selective consensus. / Captain, United States Air Force

Success Factors and Challenges for E-learning Technologies in the Namibian Higher Education System : A case study of the University of Namibia

Mässing, Christoffer January 2017 (has links)
Education is one of the deciding factors for poverty alleviation and economic growth. Governments of developing countries is struggling to meet the demand for qualitative education and the nation of Namibia is no exception. Namibia is struggling with the lack of a skilled workforce and the lack of access to qualitative higher education has been identified as one of the prime causes. ICTs have been identified as a potential enabler for an increased access and quality of education in Namibia. This study employed a qualitative approach to examining the success factors and challenges that applies to e-learning at the University of Namibia (UNAM). The study identified a multitude of critical factors within 5 different areas: i) Access, ii) User motivation, -attitude and -awareness, iii) Systematic approach, iv) Evaluation and analytical challenges, and v) Transforming the education. This rapport will discuss the role of e-learning at UNAM, the factors that are critical for e-learning at the learning institution and how this correlate with previous findings made by the scientific community on similar issues.

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