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The Role of Lymphotoxin-beta-Receptor Signaling in Dendritic Cell Function and T Cell Priming.Summers deLuca, Leslie 05 September 2012 (has links)
Early during an immune response, dendritic cells (DC) interact closely with CD4+ T cells, and cross-talk between these cells can come in the form of tumour necrosis factor (TNF) superfamily ligand-receptor interactions. These signals are critical for the maturation, function and survival of DC, and thereby dictate the capacity of DC to prime a robust T cell response. Among these cues, helper T cell-expressed CD40L interaction with DC-expressed CD40 is required to fully mature DC for cross-priming of help-dependent CD8+ T cell responses. The lymphotoxin-beta receptor (LTβR) is another TNF family receptor on DC, and it’s ligands LTα1β2 and LIGHT are expressed on activated T cells. Since abrogated LTβR signaling impairs T cell immunity, we have examined whether LTαβ represents another possible helper T cell-derived cue for full DC maturation. However the LT pathway controls lymphoid tissue organization and DC homeostasis, a second possible mechanism explaining the necessity of LTβR signaling for T cell immunity. Here we dissect the role of helper T cell-expressed LTβR ligands and DC-intrinsic LTβR signaling, independent of DC homeostasis or lymphoid organization, in DC function and T cell immunity. Absence of LTα1β2 and not LIGHT on helper T cells results in compromised T cell priming by DC ex vivo, and LTβ-/- CD4+ T cell responses are impaired in vivo. Ag-specific CD4+ T cell-expressed LTα1β2 and DC-intrinsic LTβR signaling are required for an optimal cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) response in vivo. While CD40 induces IL-12 and is required for CTL function, DC-intrinsic LTβR signaling is necessary for CTL activation and expansion, early up-regulation of CD86 and IFNα/β production. Our results reveal non-redundant roles for distinct TNF family receptors in enabling DC to program different features in Ag-specific CD8+ T cells.
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The Role of the Nucleosome Remodeling Factor NURF in Inhibiting T and Natural Killer Cell Mediated Antitumor Immunity by Suppressing Tumor Antigenicity and Natural Cytotoxicity Receptor Co-ligandsMayes, Kimberly 01 January 2017 (has links)
Tumor immunoediting is a dynamic process in which the immune response attacks tumor cells by detecting danger signals and tumor antigens. In order to survive, tumor cells develop mechanisms to avoid detection or destruction by the immune system. To counteract this, several strategies are being developed to enhance the antitumor immune response, including the depletion of immunosuppressive cells, enhancing the activation of antitumor immune cells and increasing tumor cell immunogenicity. These therapies have seen limited success individually, however, and it is likely that combination therapy with novel targets will be necessary to see reproducible beneficial responses. Epigenetic modifications are attractive therapeutic targets because they are reversible and affect gene expression in cancer cells. Within this framework, this study aimed to elucidate the role of the chromatin remodeling complex nucleosome remodeling factor (NURF) in cancer immunoediting by silencing of bromodomain PHD-finger containing transcription factor (BPTF), the largest and essential subunit of NURF. Using two syngeneic mouse models of cancer, BPTF was found to suppress T cell antitumor activity in the tumor microenvironment. In vitro, enhanced cytolytic activity was observed for individual CD8 T cell clones only from mice bearing BPTF-silenced tumors, implicating the involvement of novel antigens. Mechanistic investigations revealed that NURF directly suppresses the expression of genes encoding immunoproteasome subunits Psmb8 and Psmb9 and the antigen transporter genes Tap1 and Tap2. PSMB8 inhibition reversed the effects of BPTF ablation, consistent with a critical role for the immunoproteasome in improving tumor immunogenicity. Thus, NURF normally suppresses tumor cell antigenicity and its depletion improves CD8 T cell antitumor immunity. In a concurrent study using different tumor lines, BPTF was also found to suppress natural killer (NK) cell antitumor immunity in vivo. Enhanced NK cell cytolytic activity toward BPTF-depleted targets in vitro was dependent on the natural cytotoxicity receptors (NCR). Molecular studies revealed that BPTF directly activates heparanase (Hpse) expression, resulting in reduced cell surface abundance of the NCR co-ligands: heparan sulfate proteoglycans. Thus, NURF represses NCR co-ligand abundance and its depletion enhances NK cell cytotoxicity. Therefore, NURF emerges as a candidate therapeutic target to enhance CD8 T or NK cell antitumor immunity.
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Homöostatische Mechanismen der CD4+ T-Zellgenese bei Rheumatoider ArthritisSchatz, Annika Katrin 12 December 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Die Rheumatoide Arthritis ist eine Autoimmunerkrankung, die mit grundlegenden Veränderungen im CD4+ T-Zellpool einhergeht. Viele Studien konnten zeigen, dass die Gruppe der T-Helferzellen bei erkrankten Personen vermehrt Anzeichen von replikativer Seneszenz und das adaptive Immunsystem deutliche Zeichen der Immunoseneszenz aufweisen. Als zum Teil ursächlich hierfür konnte ein reduzierter Thymusoutput festgestellt werden. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, aufbauend auf Erkenntnissen von Six und Kollegen anhand einer Lymphozytenvorläuferzelle, die im peripheren Blut zirkuliert, in vivo in der Lage ist, den Thymus zu besiedeln und sich in reife T-Zellen zu entwickeln, den Thymusinput abzuschätzen, um eine defiziente Thymusbesiedlung als eventuelle Ursache des reduzierten Thymusoutput festzustellen.
Hierzu wurde das Blut von 28 Patienten mit Rheumatoider Arthritis und altersentsprechenden gesunden Kontrollen mittels Durchflusszytometrie auf mehrere relevante reife T-Helferzellpopulationen, naive CD4+ T-Zellen und benannte lymphozytäre Vorläuferzelle untersucht. Es konnten dann direkte Vergleiche des prozentualen Anteils bestimmter T-Helferzellgruppen zwischen Erkrankten und Gesunden gezogen sowie Korrelationen verschiedener Zellgruppen untereinander hergestellt werden.
Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse wurden mit der hierzu vorliegenden Literatur verglichen und diskutiert.
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The Gatekeeper of TCR Signaling: LAT in T cell Homeostasis and AutoimmunityO'Brien, Sarah A January 2015 (has links)
<p>Linker for Activation of T cells, LAT, is a transmembrane adaptor protein that is vital for integrating TCR-mediated signals that modulate T cell development, activation, and proliferation. Upon engagement of the T cell receptor, LAT is phosphorylated and associates with Grb2, Gads, and PLCγ1 through its four distal tyrosine residues. Mutation of tyrosine 136 abolishes LAT binding to PLCγ1. This results in impaired TCR-mediated calcium mobilization and Erk activation. LATY136F knock-in mice have a severe but incomplete block in T cell development. Yet, CD4+ αβ T cells undergo uncontrolled expansion in the periphery, resulting in a severe autoimmune syndrome characterized by Th2 skewing and resultant B cell autoreactivity. Here, we further studied the role of LAT-PLCγ1 signaling in T cell lineage commitment, cytokine production, and autoimmunity.</p><p>First, we investigated the importance of the LAT-PLCγ1 interaction in γδ T cells by crossing LATY136F mice with TCRβ-deficient mice. Our data showed that the LATY136F mutation had no major effect on the homeostasis of epithelial γδ T cells, which could be found in the skin and small intestine. Interestingly, a population of CD4+ γδ T cells in the spleen and lymph nodes underwent continuous expansion and produced elevated amounts of IL4, resulting in an autoimmune syndrome similar to that caused by αβ T cells in LATY136F mice. Development of these hyperproliferative γδ T cells was not dependent on expression of MHC class II or CD4, and their proliferation could be partially suppressed by regulatory T cells. Our data indicated that a unique subset of CD4+ γδ T cells could hyperproliferate in LATY136F mice and suggested that LAT-PLCγ1 signaling may function differently in various subsets of γδ T cells. </p><p>In addition to examining γδ and αβ T cell development, we also were interested in further exploring the role of LAT in cytokine production. While our previous data have demonstrated that T cells in LATY136F mice are Th2 skewed, producing large amounts of IL4, we investigated other cytokines that may be important for autoimmunity and found that these CD4+ αβ T cells could also produce the proinflammatory cytokine IL6. Analysis of whole cell lysates from CD4+ αβ LATY136F T cells demonstrated that NFκB, AKT, and p38 were constitutively phosphorylated, and inhibition of these pathways resulted in reduced IL6 production. By crossing LATY136F mice with IL6 deficient mice, we demonstrated that early T cell survival was diminished in the absence of IL6. We further showed that this reduced CD4+ T cell pool was not due to further blocks in development, or an increase in FoxP3+ regulatory T cells. Finally, we demonstrated that over time, CD4+ T cells do hyperproliferate, yet B cell class switching and autoreactivity remains low. Our data uncovered a novel role for LAT-PLCγ1 signaling in regulating IL6 production by T cells during autoimmunity. </p><p>Finally, we wanted to further examine IL4 production and T helper cell differentiation in LATY136F mice. We examined IL4 production using KN2 reporter mice, where huCD2 marks T cells that have recently produced IL4 protein. We demonstrated that only a small proportion of the LATY136F T cells were actively secreting IL4. This subset of T cells were Tfh cells that expressed BCL6 and localized to B cell-rich germinal centers within the spleen. Most studies to date have examined Tfh cells in infection models, and have demonstrated that Tfh cells have very low expression of GATA3. Our results revealed in a spontaneous T cell-mediated autoimmune model system, that Tfh cells express both high levels of BCL6 and GATA3. Additionally, using an inducible deletion system, where normal development occurs, we showed that Tfh cells differentiation is the result of aberrant LAT signaling, rather than autoreactive TCRs with high affinity for self-peptide-MHC. LATY136F Tfh cells did require B cells for their development. Together, these results displayed a novel role for tonic LAT-PLCγ1 signaling in modulating Tfh cell differentiation and BCL6 expression.</p> / Dissertation
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Role of protein Tyrosine Phosphatase PTPN22 in T cell signalling and autoimmunitySood, Shatakshi January 2015 (has links)
Signals via the T cell receptor (TCR) are critical for the development of T cells in the thymus, maintenance of a self-tolerant peripheral T cell repertoire and the activation of T cells in secondary lymphoid organs. A dynamic balance between tyrosine phosphorylation and dephosphorylation is essential for the maintenance of homeostasis and proper regulation of the immune system. The cytoplasmic phosphatase, PTPN22 (protein tyrosine phosphatase non-receptor type 22) is involved in negative modulation of signal transduction through the TCR and plays a central role in regulating lymphocyte homeostasis. Genome wide association studies reveal that point mutations in PTPN22 confer an increased risk of developing multiple autoimmune diseases in humans. The precise function of PTPN22 and how mutations contribute to autoimmunity is controversial. Loss-of-function mutations in PTPN22 are associated with elevated T effector cell expansion and autoreactive B cells in both humans and mice. A thorough dissection of the molecular involvement of PTPN22 and its allelic variant R619W is important to delineate its role in autoimmunity, to this end we utilised the Ptpn22-/- mice generated in our laboratory. In order to address whether R619W allelic variant is a gain- or loss-of-function mutation, we expressed both PTPN22WT and PTPN22R619W constructs in primary activated Ptpn22-/- T lymphocytes using lentiviral transduction. Surprisingly expression of either wild type or variant phosphatase showed no affect on cytokine production. Preliminary results from bone marrow chimeras generated by retroviral expression of PTPN22WT and PTPN22R619W in Ptpn22 deficient mice showed reduced T cell activation compared to Ptpn22-/- T cells. PTPN22WT appeared to be more suppressive of T cell responses than variant PTPN22R619W. Consistent with studies conducted in comparable knock-in mouse models, our data point to the variant PTPN22R619W as being a partial loss of function allele. To elucidate the mechanism of PTPN22 action in context of an autoimmune disease, we investigated the effect of Ptpn22 deficiency on the phenotype of SKG mice. The SKG mouse harbours a point mutation (W163C) within the carboxyl terminal SH2- domain of ZAP-70, which results in decreased TCR signalling and impaired thymocyte development with defective positive and negative selection. These mice are prone to developing CD4+ T cell mediated autoimmune arthritis that closely resembles rheumatoid arthritis in humans. We found that thymus differentiation was partially restored in SKG Ptpn22-/- thymocytes and Ptpn22 deficiency enhanced TCR mediated signalling in SKG Ptpn22-/- thymocytes relative to SKG thymocytes. Consistent with increased signalling observed in the thymocytes, there was improved in vitro proliferation and IL-2 production of CD4+ T lymphocytes from SKG Ptpn22-/- mice compared to SKG mice. By contrast to SKG mice, SKG Ptpn22-/- mice developed less severe mannan-induced arthritis and showed decreased proportions of Th17 and higher numbers of regulatory T cells. These results show that removal of PTPN22 can compensate, at least partially, for the deficient ZAP-70 activity in the SKG mouse, thus linking PTPN22 and ZAP-70 to the same signalling pathway. This study advances our understanding of how manipulating TCR signals impacts on downstream T cell functions, suggesting PTPN22 may be a valuable target for the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Further studies to determine physiological role of the phosphatase and its disease-associated variants could provide insight into mechanism of immune activation, tolerance and autoimmunity.
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The role of tryptophan and the mTOR pathway in T cell fate determinationKarydis, Ioannis January 2014 (has links)
The adaptive immune response forms an essential part of the cancer immuno-editing process, whereby nascent malignant cells are detected and destroyed prior to forming tumours. The process is tightly controlled to minimise collateral damage to healthy tissue. One of the mechanisms evolved for this purpose and frequently co-opted by malignant cells is the creation of a microenvironment scarce in essential amino-acids through the use of catabolic enzymes such as Indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) , responsible for the rate-limiting step in tryptophan catabolism. The evolutionary conserved GCN2 and mTORC1 pathways respond to amino-acid starvation by triggering emergency homeostatic response programmes that aim to conserve nutrients by shutting down biosynthetic pathways, slowing cell cycle progression and facilitating autophagy. This research project focuses on elucidating the interaction between IDO activity and these pathways and its implications for the immune-editing process. The role of the mTOR kinase as a regulator of T cell fate following exposure to cognate antigen has recently become apparent. Experiments described herein confirm that in murine and human models of T cell activation exposure to tryptophan starvation results in significant mTORC1 inhibition and a modified phenotype with reduced Tbet expression, altered cytokine secretion profile, greatly impaired proliferative capability and expanded CD4<sup>+</sup> FoxP3<sup>+</sup> CD25<sup>high</sup> subpopulations. Additional results confirmed that the action of IDO is sufficient to deplete tryptophan from the microenvironment to levels sufficient to depress the mTORC1 axis and trigger GCN2 activity even in tumour cell lines. Lower extracellular tryptophan levels were necessary to perturb these pathways In IDO expressing cell lines, suggesting that compensatory mechanisms allow continued proliferation of malignant cells in the face of conditions that severely impede an anti-cancer immune response. In conclusion, manipulation of the mTORC1 axis via IDO-induced tryptophan depletion is an important tumour immune-escape mechanism that can be a target for cancer immunotherapies.
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Regulation of Alloreactive CD8 T Cell Responses by Costimulation and InflammationJangalwe, Sonal 30 June 2017 (has links)
CD8 T lymphocytes are a crucial component of the adaptive immune system and mediate control of infections and malignancy, but also autoimmunity and allograft rejection. Given their central role in the immune system, CD8 T cell responses are tightly regulated by costimulatory signals and cytokines. Strategies targeting signals that are critical for T cell activation have been employed in a transplantation setting to impede alloreactive T cell responses and prevent graft rejection. The goal of my thesis is to understand how costimulatory signals and inflammation regulate alloreactive CD8 T cell responses and how to target these pathways to develop more effective tools to prevent graft rejection.
Costimulation blockade is an effective approach to prolong allograft survival in murine and non-human primate models of transplantation and is an attractive alternative to immunosuppressants. I describe a novel murine anti-CD40 monoclonal antibody that prolongs skin allograft survival across major histocompatibility barriers and attenuates alloreactive CD8 T cell responses. I find that the pro-apoptotic proteins Fas and Bim function concurrently to regulate peripheral tolerance induction to allografts. Activation of the innate immune system by endogenous moIecules released during surgery or infections in transplant recipients can modulate T cell responses. However, the direct impact of inflammation on alloreactive CD8 T cell responses is not clear. Using a T cell receptor (TCR) transgenic mouse modeI, I demonstrate that inflammatory stimuli bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and the viral dsRNA mimetic poly(I:C) differentially regulate donor-reactive CD8 T cell responses by generating distinct cytokine milieus. Finally I demonstrate the role of pro-inflammatory cytokines stem cell factor (SCF), granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF) and interleukin-3 (IL-3) in improving human B cell development in humanized NOD-scid IL2Rγnull (NSG) mice.
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Efeito da lectina ArtinM sobre as células T CD4+ murinas / Effect of lectin ArtinM on murine CD4+ T cellsSilva, Thiago Aparecido da 05 April 2012 (has links)
A lectina ArtinM, extraída de sementes de Artocarpus heterophyllus e caracterizada como um homotetrâmero constituído de subunidades de 16 kDa, tem alta afinidade de ligação a manotriose Man? 1-3 [Man? 1-6] Man, que constitui o core de N-glicanas. ArtinM é dotada de interessantes propriedades biológicas: (1) ativa neutrófilos a partir do reconhecimento de N-glicanas dos receptores CXCR2 e TLR2; (2) induz a desgranulação de mastócitos por interagir com N-glicanas de Fc?R ou com N-glicanas de IgE ligadas a Fc?R; (3) estimula a produção de IL-12, por reconhecer N-glicanas contidas no ectodomínio de TLR2 da superfície de células apresentadoras de antígeno (APCs); (4) exerce atividade imunomoduladora, que direciona o padrão de resposta para o perfil Th1; (5) confere resistência a infecções por patógenos intracelulares, como Paracoccidioides brasiliensis, Leishmania amazonensis e Leishmania major, Neospora caninum e Candida albicans Células T CD4+ participam de funções essenciais do sistema imune; durante o estabelecimento de uma resposta imune, podem ser desenvolvidas subpopulações de células T CD4+ adequadas para gerar respostas eficientes de combate a patógenos, manutenção da tolerância e regulação da imunidade. A ativação das células T CD4+ depende de um primeiro sinal, desencadeado pelo complexo TCR/CD3, e de um segundo sinal, oriundo de moléculas coestimulatórias como CD28. A ativação e expansão de células T CD4+ são limitadas pela ação de moléculas inibitórias, principalmente por CTLA-4. Lectinas podem ativar as células T, sendo a fitohemaglutinina (PHA) e a Concanavalin A (ConA) os exemplos mais conhecidos. Além disso, está bem caracterizado que o alvo de reconhecimento de ConA localiza-se no complexo TCR/CD3. No presente estudo buscou-se caracterizar os efeitos da lectina ArtinM sobre células T CD4+ murinas e investigar os possíveis mecanismos responsáveis pelos efeitos exercidos. Foram avaliados, inicialmente, os efeitos diretos de ArtinM sobre as células T CD4+, no que se refere à produção de citocinas, expressão de moléculas coestimulatórias e inibitórias e indução de diferenciação celular. Passou-se então à identificação de possíveis receptores de superfície reconhecidos por ArtinM e responsáveis pelo desencadeamento da ativação celular. Finalmente, buscou-se apontar moléculas sinalizadoras envolvidas nos efeitos diretos de ArtinM. A primeira evidência da interação direta de ArtinM com células T CD4+ foi proporcionada por aglutinação celular. Uma curva dose-resposta revelou que 5µg/ml foi a melhor concentração para adquirir significativa produção de citocinas Th1 (IL-2 e IFN-?) e Th17 (IL-6 e IL-17A) pelas células T CD4+. O estímulo com a concentração ótima de ArtinM mostrou que após 12 horas de incubação houve um significativo aumento nos níveis de IL-2, IFN-?, IL-6 e IL-17A no sobrenadante celular; persistindo no curso de 48 horas de observação. A secreção concomitante de IFN-? e IL-17A motivou a avaliação, por citometria de fluxo, da ocorrência de dupla marcação intracelular dessas citocinas. O estímulo, por 24 horas, com ArtinM, levou a importante aumento da frequência de células duplo-positivas para IFN-? e IL-17. Uma vez comprovado pelo padrão de citocinas secretadas que ArtinM promove a ativação das células T CD4+, investigou-se a expressão das moléculas CD25 e CTLA-4. ArtinM aumentou a expressão de ambas as moléculas, de maneira dose-dependente. Curiosamente, a detecção tanto de CD28, como de CTLA-4, foi precoce e persistente, diferindo do padrão temporal de expressão proporcionado por outros ativadores de células T CD4+. Com vistas a determinar o mecanismo através do qual ArtinM atua nas células T CD4+, alvos potenciais de reconhecimento foram ensaiados: CD3?, CD3??, CD28, CD45 e CD4. Esses receptores foram selecionados com base em predição de potenciais sítios Nglicosilados. Dessa forma, anticorpos específicos para essas moléculas foram utilizados para analisar a sua capacidade de inibir a atividade de ArtinM de induzir as células T CD4+ a produzir citocinas, como IL-2, IFN-?, IL-6 e IL-17A. Apenas o anticorpo anti-CD3?? foi capaz de impedir a secreção das citocinas induzidas por ArtinM. Além disso, esse anticorpo inibiu a marcação de células T CD4+ por ArtinM biotinilada. Esses dados indicam que ArtinM exerce sua atividade sobre células T CD4+ através do reconhecimento de glicanas na cadeia ? do receptor CD3, não excluindo-se, entretanto, a ocorrência da interação de ArtinM com outras glicoproteínas na superfície de linfócitos T CD4+. Também foi verificado que ArtinM possui alta especificidade por glicanas na superfície dessas células, pois foram necessárias elevadas concentrações de manotriose para inibir em 50% a ligação de ArtinM à superfície das células T CD4+. Através do uso de inibidores específicos para moléculas sinalizadoras, constatou-se que PI3K, PTK, p42/44MAPK, p38MAPK, JNK e PKC estão implicadas na sinalização para a produção das citocinas de perfis Th1 e Th17, induzida por ArtinM. Esse conjunto de resultados indica que ArtinM é um potente e rápido ativador de células T CD4+. A ativação celular induzida por ArtinM está relacionada com a ligação à cadeia ? do receptor CD3 e se associa à alta expressão de moléculas coestimuladoras e inibitórias. Ademais, demonstrou-se que ArtinM promove a diferenciação das células T CD4+ naive em células Th1 e Th17, utilizando moléculas sinalizadoras que são conhecidas como críticas para a indução de citocinas que caracterizam essas subpopulações celulares. / The lectin ArtinM, extracted from seeds of Artocarpus heterophyllus and characterized as a homotetramer consisted of 16 kDa subunits, has high binding affinity to the manotriose Man? 1-3 [Man? 1-6] Man, which is the core of N-glycans. ArtinM is endowed with interesting biological properties: (1) it activates neutrophils through the recognition of Nglycans attached to CXCR2 and TLR2 receptors; (2) induces degranulation of mast cells by interacting with N-glycans of Fc?R or to N-glycans of IgE bound to Fc?R; (3) stimulates the production of IL-12 through the recognition of N-glycans of the TLR2 ectodomain, expressed on the surface of antigen presenting cells (APCs); (4) exerts immunomodulatory activity, which accounts for Th1 immunity (5) confers resistance to intracellular pathogens, such as P. brasiliensis, Leishmania amazonensis and Leishmania major, Neospora caninum e Candida albicans. CD4+ T cells participate in essential functions of the immune system. During the development of an immune response, CD4+ T cells are activated and give origin to subpopulations of cells that are suitable for establishing effective responses to combat pathogens, for tolerance maintenance, and for adequate immuneregulation. The activation of CD4+ T cells depends on a first signal, triggered by the TCR/CD3 complex, and a second signal, provided by costimulatory molecules. The activation and expansion of CD4+ T cells is limited by the action of inhibitory molecules. Lectins may activate T cells, and Phytohemagglutinin (PHA) and Concanavalin A (ConA) are the best know examples. Furthermore, it is well characterized that the target for ConA recognition is localized in the TCR/CD3 complex. The present study was delineated to characterize the effects of the lectin ArtinM on murine CD4+ T cells and to investigate the possible mechanisms accounting for the observed effects. It was investigated the ArtinM direct effects on CD4+ T cells, concerning its ability to induce the production of cytokines, the expression of costimulatory and inhibitory molecules and cell differentiation. In addition, the possible surface receptors recognized by ArtinM and responsible for triggering cell activation were also assessed. Finally, signaling molecules involved in the direct effects of ArtinM were approached. The first evidence of direct interaction of ArtinM with CD4+ T cells was provided by cell agglutination. A dose-response curve has revealed that 5µg/ml was the best ArtinM concentration to achieve significant production of Th1 (IL-2 and IFN-?) and Th17 (IL-6 and IL-17A) cytokines by TCD4+ cells. Stimulus with the optimum ArtinM concentration has showed that after 12 hours incubation there was a significant augmentation of IL-2, IFN-?, IL- 6 and IL-17A levels in the cell supernatant; which has persisted in the course of 48 hours observation. The concomitant secretion of IFN-? and IL-17A led us to evaluate, by flow cytometry, the intracellular expression of these cytokines. After 24 hours stimulation with ArtinM, there was a significant increase in the frequency of cells IFN-?+IL-17+. Once the cytokines detection indicated that CD4+ T cells have been activated by ArtinM, the expression of CD25 and CTLA-4 molecules was assessed. ArtinM increased the expression of both molecules, in a dose-dependent manner. Interestingly, both cell surface molecules, CD25 and CTLA-4, were early and persistently detected a temporal pattern that is distinct from the provided by other inducers of CD4+ T cell activation. In order to determine the mechanism by which ArtinM acts on CD4+ T cells, potential targets of recognition were assessed: CD3??, CD3?, CD28, CD45 and CD4. These receptors were selected on the basis of prediction of N-glycosylation sites. Specific antibodies for these molecules were assayed regarding their ability to inhibit the ArtinM of inducing TCD4+ cells to produce cytokines, such as IL-2, IFN-?, IL-6 and IL-17A. Only anti-CD3 antibody was able to prevent the cytokines secretion induced by ArtinM. In addition, anti-CD3 antibody has inhibited the T CD4+ cell labeling by biotynil-ArtinM. These data indicate that ArtinM exerts its biological activity on T CD4+ cells through recognition of CD3 receptor ? chain glycans, without excluding the occurrence of ArtinM interactions with other glycoproteins on the surface of T CD4+ lymphocytes. The interaction of ArtinM with glycans at the surface of these cells was found to occur with great specificity, since high concentrations of the manotriose - Man? 1-3 [Man? 1-6] Man - were required to inhibit the binding. By using specific inhibitors of signaling molecules, we have found that PI3K, PTK and p42/44MAPK are relevant cytokine production profiles of Th1 and Th17 cells after stimulation with ArtinM. All toghether, these results indicate that ArtinM is a potent and rapid activator of CD4+ T cells. The activation induced by ArtinM is triggered by its binding to the CD3 receptor ? chain, which induces high expression of costimulator and inhibitory molecules. Moreover, it was demonstrated that ArtinM promotes the differentiation of naive CD4+ T cells into Th1 and Th17 cells by committing signaling molecules that are known as critical for the induction of cytokines that characterize these subpopulations of cells.
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A Novel in vitro PDE7 Inhibitor Inhibits IL-2 Gene Expression in Activated T Cells and Induces Apoptosis in a B-cell Line and Monocytic Cell LineXu, Chenjia January 2013 (has links)
Thesis advisor: Thomas C. Chiles / Elevating intracellular cAMP levels can result in a wide range of anti-inflammatory effects and growth arrest and apoptosis in cancer cells, marking phosphodiesterases (PDEs) as potential targets for inflammatory diseases and cancer treatment. PDE7A is proposed to be a new therapeutic target for its ubiquitous expression in proinflammatory and immune cells. A Barbituric acid based compound, BC12 was identified as an in vitro PDE7 inhibitor in fission-yeast-based high-throughput screen. Analysis of this compound on the activation of Jurkat T lymphocytes, mouse and human primary T cells reveals inhibition of IL-2 production, though cell viability is not significantly impacted. Real-time RT-PCR and mRNA stability assays indicate that the inhibition of IL-2 production by BC12 is attributable to transcriptional repression without accelerating IL-2 mRNA decay. By contrast, compounds of similar structure with that of BC12 exhibit varying effects on IL-2 production that does not correlate with their in vitro PDE7 inhibitory activity, suggesting that the in vivo target of BC12 responsible for these effects may not be PDE7. Our study further reveals that BC12 inhibits IL-2 transcription through targeting NFAT and NFkB-mediated pathways. Preliminary investigation on other T helper cell cytokine secretion indicates that BC12 has a potential to selectively inhibit Th2 cytokines. Our data suggest that BC12 may present a novel anti-inflammatory drug for its immunosuppressive and potential immunomodulatory effects. Analysis of BC12 on a human B-cell line and a monocytic cell line demonstrate its pro-apoptotic effects in a dose-dependent manner. Titration of BC12 on human diffuse large B-cell lymphoma (DLBCL), LY18 cells, and human primary B cells reveals that BC12 induces cell death more effectively in DLBCL LY18 cells than normal B cells, suggesting the anti-cancer potential of this compound. / Thesis (PhD) — Boston College, 2013. / Submitted to: Boston College. Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. / Discipline: Biology.
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Papel da sinalização da adenosina na geração de células T regulatórias a partir de células T naive de cordão umbilical e na imunomodulação por células-tronco estromais mesenquimais de medula óssea / Role of adenosine signaling in the generation of regulatory T cells from umbilical cord naive T cells and immunomodulation by mesenchymal bone marrow stromal stem cellsFreitas, Helder Teixeira de 02 May 2018 (has links)
As células T regulatórias (Tregs) são essenciais para a manutenção da tolerância periférica, prevenção de doenças autoimunes e limitantes nas doenças inflamatórias crônicas. Além disso, essas células exercem um papel fundamental no controle da rejeição de transplantes. Diferentes protocolos mostraram que é possível obter Tregs a partir de células T naive CD4+ in vitro. Para tal, é consenso que o TGF-? e a interleucina-2 (IL-2) são capazes de direcionar as células T naive CD4+ a se tornarem regulatórias após um estímulo antigênico (anti-CD3/CD28). Nosso grupo recentemente notou que, durante a imunomodulação de linfócitos T pelas células estromais mesenquimais (CTMs), estas eram capazes de produzir adenosina que, por sua vez, participa do processo de imunorregulação. Outros trabalhos indicam que as CTMs suprimem a proliferação dos linfócitos T pela geração de Tregs e que as CTMs induzem a geração de Tregs através da regulação negativa da via TCR e da via AKTmTOR. Evidências apontam que a adenosina pode atuar regulando negativamente a via mTOR. Portanto, acredita-se que a adenosina possa participar do processo de geração de Tregs através da modulação da via mTOR. Além disso, estudos recentes indicam que a ativação de receptores de adenosina, mais especificamente A2a, com agentes agonistas, leva ao aumento da produção de células Tregs, enquanto que a utilização de agentes antagonistas destes receptores leva à diminuição da diferenciação de Tregs. Porém, estes estudos mostram a geração de Tregs a partir de células T naive de camundongos. Visto a grande importância das Tregs no contexto imunológico, a produção eficiente de Tregs in vitro tem importância fundamental para o desenvolvimento de novos protocolos terapêuticos para o tratamento de doenças autoimunes e no combate à rejeição de transplantes. Assim, o objetivo central deste trabalho foi avaliar a participação de agonistas e antagonistas de receptores de adenosina na indução de células T regulatórias geradas in vitro (iTreg) pela ativação de células T CD4+ naive isoladas de sangue de cordão umbilical (SCU) humano. Para isso, células mononucleares foram isoladas de bolsas de SCU e as células T naive foram isoladas imunomagnéticamente. Essas células foram ativadas com beads ligadas a anticorpos anti-CD2/CD3/CD28 e cultivadas por cinco dias na presença de IL-2 e diferentes concentrações de drogas agonistas e antagonistas de receptores de adenosina. Em seguida, foram avaliados os principais marcadores de células T regulatorias por meio de citometria de fluxo e o meio de cultura foi coletado ao final da geração para quantificação de citocinas. Além disso, o RNA total foi extraído de todas as condições de cultivo para a análise da expressão de genes envolvidos na geração e desenvolvimento das Tregs, por PCR quantitativo. O potencial de supressão de células T efetoras também foi avaliado. / Regulatory T cells (Tregs) are essential for the maintenance of peripheral tolerance, prevention of autoimmune and limiting diseases in chronic inflammatory diseases. In addition, these cells play a key role in the control of transplant rejection. Different protocols have shown that it is possible to obtain Tregs from naive CD4+ T cells in vitro. To this end, there is consensus that TGF-? and interleukin-2 (IL-2) are capable of directing the naive CD4 + T cells to become regulatory following an antigenic stimulus (anti-CD3/CD28).. Our group recently noted that during the immunomodulation of T lymphocytes by mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), they were able to produce adenosine which in turn participates in the immunoregulation process. Other studies indicate that MSCs suppress the proliferation of T lymphocytes by generation of Tregs and that MSCs induce generation of Tregs by downregulation of the TCR pathway and the AKT-mTOR pathway. Evidence indicates that adenosine may act by downregulating the mTOR pathway. Therefore, it is believed that adenosine may participate in the generation of Tregs by modulating the mTOR pathway. In addition, recent studies indicate that activation of adenosine receptors, more specifically A2a, with agonist agents, leads to increased production of Treg cells, whereas the use of antagonistic agents of these receptors leads to a decrease in Treg differentiation.. However, these studies show the generation of Tregs from naive T cells of mice. In view of the great importance of Tregs in the immunological context, the efficient production of Tregs in vitro is of fundamental importance for the development of new therapeutic protocols for the treatment of autoimmune diseases and in the fight against transplant rejection. Thus, the central objective of this study was to evaluate the participation of adenosine receptor agonists and antagonists in induction of regulatory T cells generated in vitro (iTreg) by the activation of naive CD4+ T cells isolated from human umbilical cord blood (SCU). For this, mononuclear cells were isolated from SCU and naive T cells were immunomagnetic isolated. These cells were activated with beads bound to anti-CD2/CD3/CD28 antibodies and cultured for five days in the presence of IL-2 and different concentrations of agonist drugs and antagonists of adenosine receptors. Next, the major regulatory T-cell markers were assessed by flow cytometry and the culture medium was collected at the end of the generation for quantification of cytokines. In addition, total RNA was extracted from all culture conditions for the analysis of the expression of genes involved in the generation and development of Tregs by quantitative PCR. The potential for suppression of effector T cells was also evaluated.
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